Department of State § 121.1

(h) Equipment is a combination of 121.1 The United States Munitions List. parts, components, accessories, attach- 121.2–121.15 [Reserved] ments, firmware, or software that oper- 121.16 Missile Technology Control Regime ate together to perform a function of, Annex. as, or for an end-item or system. AUTHORITY: Secs. 2, 38, and 71, Pub. L. 90– Equipment may be a subset of an end- 629, 90 Stat. 744 (22 U.S.C. 2752, 2778, 2797); 22 item based on the characteristics of U.S.C. 2651a; Pub. L. 105–261, 112 Stat. 1920; Section 1261, Pub. L. 112–239; E.O. 13637, 78 FR the equipment. Equipment that meets 16129. the definition of an end-item is an end- item. Equipment that does not meet SOURCE: 58 FR 39287, July 22, 1993, unless the definition of an end-item is a com- otherwise noted. ponent, accessory, attachment, ENUMERATION OF ARTICLES firmware, or software. [79 FR 61228, Oct. 10, 2014] § 121.1 The United States Munitions List. § 120.46 Classified. (a) U.S. Munitions List. In this part, Classified means classified pursuant articles, services, and related technical to Executive Order 13526, and a secu- data are designated as defense articles rity classification guide developed pur- or defense services pursuant to sections suant thereto or equivalent, or to the 38 and 47(7) of the Arms Export Control corresponding classification rules of Act and constitute the U.S. Munitions another government or international List (USML). Changes in designations organization. are published in the FEDERAL REG- ISTER. Paragraphs (a)(1) through (3) of [81 FR 87429, Dec. 5, 2016] this section describe or explain the ele- § 120.50 Release. ments of a USML category: (1) Composition of U.S. Munitions List (a) Technical data is released categories. USML categories are orga- through: nized by paragraphs and subparagraphs (1) Visual or other inspection by for- identified alphanumerically. They usu- eign persons of a defense article that ally start by enumerating or otherwise reveals technical data to a foreign per- describing end-items, followed by son; or major systems and equipment; parts, (2) Oral or written exchanges with components, accessories, and attach- foreign persons of technical data in the ments; and technical data and defense United States or abroad. services directly related to the defense (b) [Reserved] articles of that USML category. [81 FR 35616, June 3, 2016] (2) Significant Military Equipment. All items described within a USML para- § 120.51 Retransfer. graph or subparagraph that is preceded (a) Retransfer, except as set forth in by an asterisk (*) are designated ‘‘Sig- § 126.16 or § 126.17, means: nificant Military Equipment’’ (see (1) A change in end use or end user, § 120.7 of this subchapter). Note that or a temporary transfer to a third technical data directly related to the party, of a defense article within the manufacture or production of a defense same foreign country; or article designated as Significant Mili- (2) A release of technical data to a tary Equipment (SME) is also des- foreign person who is a citizen or per- ignated as SME. manent resident of the country where (3) Missile Technology Control Regime the release or transfer takes place. (MTCR) designation. Annotation with (b) [Reserved] the parenthetical ‘‘(MT)’’ at the end of [81 FR 62008, Sept. 8, 2016] a USML entry, or inclusion in § 121.16, indicates those defense articles that are on the MTCR Annex. See § 120.29 of PART 121—THE UNITED STATES this subchapter. MUNITIONS LIST (b) Order of review. Articles are con- trolled on the U.S. Munitions List be- ENUMERATION OF ARTICLES cause they are either: Sec. (1) Enumerated in a category; or


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(2) Described in a ‘‘catch-all’’ para- facture or production of any defense articles graph that incorporates ‘‘specially de- described elsewhere in this category that are signed’’ (see § 120.41 of this subchapter) designated as Significant Military Equip- as a control parameter. In order to ment (SME) shall itself be designated SME. (j) The following interpretations explain classify an item on the USML, begin and amplify the terms used in this category with a review of the general character- and throughout this subchapter: istics of the item. This should guide (1) A firearm is a weapon not over .50 cal- you to the appropriate category, iber (12.7 mm) which is designed to expel a whereupon you should attempt to projectile by the action of an explosive or match the particular characteristics which may be readily converted to do so. and functions of the article to a spe- (2) A rifle is a shoulder firearm which can cific entry within that category. If the discharge a bullet through a rifled barrel 16 entry includes the term ‘‘specially de- inches or longer. (3) A carbine is a lightweight shoulder fire- signed,’’ refer to § 120.41 to determine if arm with a barrel under 16 inches in length. the article qualifies for one or more of (4) A pistol is a hand-operated firearm hav- the exclusions articulated in § 120.41(b). ing a chamber integral with or permanently An item described in multiple entries aligned with the bore. should be categorized according to an (5) A revolver is a hand-operated firearm enumerated entry rather than a spe- with a revolving cylinder containing cham- cially designed catch-all paragraph. In bers for individual cartridges. all cases, articles not controlled on the (6) A submachine gun, ‘‘machine pistol’’ or ‘‘machine gun’’ is a firearm originally de- USML may be subject to another U.S. signed to fire, or capable of being fired, fully government regulatory agency (see automatically by a single pull of the trigger. § 120.5 of this subchapter, and Supple- NOTE: This coverage by the U.S. Munitions ment No. 4 to part 774 of the Export List in paragraphs (a) through (i) of this cat- Administration Regulations for guid- egory excludes any non-combat shotgun with ance on classifying an item subject to a barrel length of 18 inches or longer, BB, the EAR). pellet, and muzzle loading (black powder) firearms. This category does not cover CATEGORY I—FIREARMS, CLOSE ASSAULT riflescopes and sighting devices that are not WEAPONS AND COMBAT SHOTGUNS manufactured to military specifications. It also excludes accessories and attachments * (a) Nonautomatic and semi-automatic (e.g., belts, slings, after market rubber grips, firearms to caliber .50 inclusive (12.7 mm). cleaning kits) for firearms that do not en- * (b) Fully automatic firearms to .50 cal- hance the usefulness, effectiveness, or capa- iber inclusive (12.7 mm). bilities of the firearm, components and * (c) Firearms or other weapons (e.g. insur- parts. The Department of Commerce regu- gency-counterinsurgency, close assault lates the export of such items. See the Ex- weapons systems) having a special military port Administration Regulations (15 CFR application regardless of caliber. parts 730–799). In addition, license exemp- * (d) Combat shotguns. This includes any tions for the items in this category are avail- shotgun with a barrel length less than 18 able in various parts of this subchapter (e.g., inches. §§ 123.17, 123.18 and 125.4). * (e) Silencers, mufflers, sound and flash suppressors for the articles in (a) through (d) CATEGORY II—GUNS AND ARMAMENT of this category and their specifically de- signed, modified or adapted components and * (a) Guns over caliber .50 (i.e., 12.7 mm), parts. whether towed, airborne, self-propelled, or (f) Riflescopes manufactured to military fixed, including but not limited to, howit- specifications (See category XII(c) for con- zers, mortars, cannons, recoilless rifles, and trols on night sighting devices.) grenade launchers. * (g) Barrels, cylinders, receivers (frames) (b) Flame throwers specifically designed or or complete breech mechanisms for the arti- modified for military application. cles in paragraphs (a) through (d) of this cat- (c) Apparatus and devices for launching or egory. delivering ordnance, other than those arti- (h) Components, parts, accessories and at- cles controlled in Category IV. tachments for the articles in paragraphs (a) * (d) Kinetic energy weapon systems spe- through (g) of this category. cifically designed or modified for destruction (i) Technical data (as defined in § 120.10 of or rendering mission-abort of a target. this subchapter) and defense services (as de- (e) Signature control materials (e.g., para- fined in § 120.9 of this subchapter) directly re- sitic, structural, coatings, screening) tech- lated to the defense articles described in niques, and equipment specifically designed, paragraphs (a) through (h) of this category. developed, configured, adapted or modified Technical data directly related to the manu- to alter or reduce the signature (e.g., muzzle


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flash suppression, radar, infrared, visual, cally developed, configured, or adapted for laser/electro-optical, acoustic) of defense ar- military application. ticles controlled by this category. * (f) Engines specifically designed or modi- CATEGORY III—AMMUNITION/ORDNANCE fied for the self-propelled guns and howitzers * (a) Ammunition/ordnance for the articles in paragraph (a) of this category. in Categories I and II of this section. (g) Tooling and equipment specifically de- (b) Ammunition/ordnance handling equip- signed or modified for the production of de- ment specifically designed or modified for fense articles controlled by this category. the articles controlled in this category, such (h) Test and evaluation equipment and test as, belting, linking, and de-linking equip- models specifically designed or modified for ment. the articles controlled by this category. This (c) Equipment and tooling specifically de- includes but is not limited to diagnostic in- signed or modified for the production of de- strumentation and physical test models. fense articles controlled by this category. (i) Autoloading systems for electronic pro- (d) Components, parts, accessories, attach- gramming of projectile function for the de- ments and associated equipment specifically fense articles controlled in this Category. designed or modified for the articles in this (j) All other components, parts, acces- category: sories, attachments and associated equip- * (1) Guidance and control components for ment specifically designed or modified for the articles in paragraph (a) of this category; the articles in paragraphs (a) through (i) of * (2) Safing, arming and fuzing components this category. This includes but is not lim- (including target detection and localization ited to mounts and carriages for the articles devices) for the articles in paragraph (a) of controlled in this category. this category; and (k) Technical data (as defined in § 120.10 of (3) All other components, parts, acces- this subchapter) and defense services (as de- sories, attachments and associated equip- fined in § 120.9 of this subchapter) directly re- ment for the articles in paragraphs (a) lated to the defense articles described in through (c) of this category. paragraphs (a) through (j) of this category. (e) Technical data (as defined in § 120.10 of Technical data directly related to the manu- this subchapter) and defense services (as de- facture or production of any defense articles fined in § 120.9 of this subchapter) directly re- described elsewhere in this category that are lated to the defense articles described in designated as Significant Military Equip- paragraphs (a) through (d) of this category. Technical data directly related to the manu- ment (SME) shall itself be designated SME. facture or production of any defense articles (l) The following interpretations explain described elsewhere in this category that are and amplify the terms used in this category designated as Significant Military Equip- and elsewhere in this subchapter: ment (SME) shall itself be designated SME. (1) The kinetic energy weapons systems in (f) The following explains and amplifies the paragraph (d) of this category include but terms used in this category and elsewhere in are not limited to: this subchapter: (i) Launch systems and subsystems capable (1) The components, parts, accessories and of accelerating masses larger than 0.1g to - attachments controlled in this category in- locities in excess of 1.6km/s, in single or clude, but are not limited to cartridge cases, rapid fire modes, using methods such as: powder bags (or other propellant charges), electromagnetic, electrothermal, plasma, bullets, jackets, cores, shells (excluding light gas, or chemical; shotgun shells), projectiles (including can- (ii) Prime power generation, electric ister rounds and submunitions therefor), armor, energy storage, thermal manage- boosters, firing components therefor, prim- ment; conditioning, switching or fuel-han- ers, and other detonating devices for the de- dling equipment; and the electrical inter- fense articles controlled in this category. faces between power supply gun and other (2) This category does not control car- turret electric drive function; tridge and shell casings that, prior to export, (iii) Target acquisition, tracking fire con- have been rendered useless beyond the possi- trol or damage assessment systems; and bility of restoration for use as a cartridge or (iv) Homing seeker, guidance or divert pro- shell casing by means of heating, flame pulsion (lateral acceleration) systems for treatment, mangling, crushing, cutting or projectiles. popping. (2) The articles in this category include (3) Equipment and tooling in paragraph (c) any end item, component, accessory, attach- of this category does not include equipment ment part, firmware, software or system for hand-loading ammunition. that has been designed or manufactured (4) The articles in this category include using technical data and defense services any end item, component, accessory, attach- controlled by this category. ment, part, firmware, software, or system (3) The articles specifically designed or that has been designed or manufactured modified for military application controlled using technical data and defense services in this category include any article specifi- controlled by this category.


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(5) The articles specifically designed or NOTE 4 TO PARAGRAPH (a): ’’Mine’’ means a modified for military application controlled munition placed under, on, or near the in this category include any article specifi- ground or other surface area and designed to cally developed, configured, or adapted for be exploded by the presence, proximity, or military application contact of a person or vehicle. * (b) Launchers for rockets, SLVs, and mis- CATEGORY IV—LAUNCH VEHICLES, GUIDED siles, as follows: MISSILES, BALLISTIC MISSILES, ROCKETS, (1) Fixed launch sites and mobile launcher TORPEDOES, BOMBS, AND MINES mechanisms for any system enumerated in * (a) Rockets, space launch vehicles paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this category (SLVs), missiles, bombs, torpedoes, depth (MT); or charges, mines, and grenades, as follows: (2) Fixed launch sites and mobile launcher (1) Rockets, SLVs, and missiles capable of mechanisms for any system enumerated in delivering at least a 500-kg payload to a paragraphs (a)(3) through (a)(5) of this cat- range of at least 300 km (MT); egory (e.g., launch tables, TOW missile, MANPADS). (2) Rockets, SLVs, and missiles capable of delivering less than a 500-kg payload to a NOTE 1 TO PARAGRAPH (b): For controls on range of at least 300 km (MT); non-SLV launcher mechanisms for use on (3) Man-portable air defense systems aircraft, see USML Category VIII(h). (MANPADS); NOTE 2 TO PARAGRAPH (b): For controls on (4) Anti-tank missiles and rockets; launcher mechanisms that are integrated onto a vessel or ground vehicle, see USML (5) Rockets, SLVs, and missiles not meet- Categories VI and VII, respectively. ing the criteria of paragraphs (a)(1) through NOTE 3 TO PARAGRAPH (b): This paragraph (a)(4) of this category; does not control parts and accessories (e.g., (6) Bombs; igniters, launch stands) specially designed (7) Torpedoes; for consumer use with model and high power (8) Depth charges; rockets (as defined in National Fire Protec- (9) Anti-personnel, anti-vehicle, or anti- tion Association Code 1122) and kits thereof armor land mines (e.g., area denial devices); made of paper, wood, fiberglass, or plastic (10) Anti-helicopter mines; containing no substantial metal parts and (11) Naval mines; or designed to be flown with hobby rocket mo- (12) Fragmentation and high explosive tors that are certified for consumer use. hand grenades. (c) Apparatus and devices specially de- NOTE 1 TO PARAGRAPH (a): ‘‘Range’’ is the signed for the handling, control, activation, maximum distance that the specified rocket monitoring, detection, protection, discharge, system is capable of traveling in the mode of or detonation of the articles enumerated in stable flight as measured by the projection paragraphs (a) and (b) of this category (MT of its trajectory over the surface of the for those systems enumerated in paragraphs Earth. The maximum capability based on the (a)(1), (a)(2), and (b)(1) of this category). design characteristics of the system, when NOTE 1 TO PARAGRAPH (c): This paragraph fully loaded with fuel or propellant, will be includes specialized handling equipment taken into consideration in determining (transporters, cranes, and lifts) specially de- range. The range for rocket systems will be signed to handle articles enumerated in determined independently of any external paragraphs (a) and (b) of this category for factors such as operational restrictions, lim- preparation and launch from fixed and mo- itations imposed by telemetry, data links, or bile sites. The equipment in this paragraph other external constraints. For rocket sys- also includes specially designed robots, robot tems, the range will be determined using the controllers, and robot end-effectors, and liq- trajectory that maximizes range, assuming uid propellant tanks specially designed for International Civil Aviation Organization the storage or handling of the propellants (ICAO) standard atmosphere with zero wind. controlled in USML Category V, CCL ECCNs NOTE 2 TO PARAGRAPH (a): ‘‘Payload’’ is the 1C011, 1C111, and 1C608, or other liquid pro- total mass that can be carried or delivered pellants used in the systems enumerated in by the specified rocket, SLV, or missile that paragraphs (a)(1), (a)(2), or (a)(5) of this cat- is not used to maintain flight. egory. NOTE 3 TO PARAGRAPH (a): This paragraph NOTE 2 TO PARAGRAPH (c): Aircraft Missile does not control model and high power rock- Protection Systems (AMPS) are controlled ets (as defined in National Fire Protection in USML Category XI. Association Code 1122) and kits thereof made * (d) Rocket, SLV, and missile power of paper, wood, fiberglass, or plastic con- plants, as follows: taining no substantial metal parts and de- (1) Except as enumerated in paragraph signed to be flown with hobby rocket motors (d)(2) or (d)(3) of this category, individual that are certified for consumer use. Such rocket stages for the articles enumerated in rockets must not contain active controls paragraph (a)(1), (a)(2), or (a)(5) of this cat- (e.g., RF, GPS). egory (MT for those stages usable in systems


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enumerated in paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) of and nozzle throats usable in systems enu- this category); merated in paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this (2) Solid propellant rocket motors, hybrid category); or gel rocket motors, or liquid propellant (7) Rocket or missile nose tips, nose fair- rocket engines having a total impulse capac- ings, or aerospikes, and specially designed ity equal to or greater than 1.1 × 106 N·s parts and components therefor (MT for those (MT); articles enumerated in paragraphs (a)(1) and (3) Solid propellant rocket motors, hybrid (a)(2) of this category); or gel rocket motors, or liquid propellant (8) Re-entry vehicle or warhead heat rocket engines having a total impulse capac- shields (MT for those re-entry vehicles and ity equal to or greater than 8.41 × 105 N·s, but heat shields usable in systems enumerated in less than 1.1 × 106 N·s (MT); paragraph (a)(1) of this category); (4) Combined cycle, pulsejet, ramjet, or (9) Missile and rocket safing, arming, scramjet engines (MT); fuzing, and firing (SAFF) components (to in- (5) Air-breathing engines that operate clude target detection and proximity sensing above Mach 4 not enumerated in paragraph devices), and specially designed parts there- (d)(4) of this category; for (MT for those SAFF components usable (6) Pressure gain combustion-based propul- in systems enumerated in paragraph (a)(1) of sion systems not enumerated in paragraphs this category); (d)(4) and (d)(5) of this category; or (7) Rocket, SLV, and missile engines and (10) Self-destruct systems specially de- motors, not otherwise enumerated in para- signed for articles enumerated in paragraph graphs (d)(1) through (d)(6) of this category (a) of this category (MT for those articles or USML Category XIX. enumerated in paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this category); NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (d): This paragraph (11) Separation mechanisms, staging mech- does not control model and high power rock- anisms, and interstages useable for articles et motors, containing no more than 5 pounds enumerated in paragraph (a) of this cat- of propellant, that are certified for U.S. con- egory, and specially designed parts and com- sumer use as described in National Fire Pro- ponents therefor (MT for those separation tection Association Code 1125. mechanisms, staging mechanisms, and inter- (e)–(f) [Reserved] stages usable in systems enumerated in para- * (g) Non-nuclear warheads for rockets, graph (a)(1) of this category); bombs, and missiles (e.g., explosive, kinetic, (12) Post-boost vehicles (PBV) (MT); EMP, thermobaric, shape charge, and fuel air (13) Engine or motor mounts specially de- explosive (FAE)). signed for articles enumerated in paragraphs (h) Systems, subsystems, parts, compo- (a) and (b) of this category (MT for those ar- nents, accessories, attachments, or associ- ticles enumerated in paragraphs (a)(1), (a)(2), ated equipment, as follows: and (b)(1) of this category); (1) Flight control and guidance systems (14) Combustion chambers specially de- (including guidance sets) specially designed signed for articles enumerated in paragraphs for articles enumerated in paragraph (a) of (a) and (d) of this category and specially de- this category (MT for those articles enumer- signed parts and components therefor (MT ated in paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this for those articles enumerated in paragraphs category); (a)(1), (a)(2), (b)(1), and (d)(1) through (d)(5) of NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (h)(1): A guidance set this category); integrates the process of measuring and com- (15) Injectors specially designed for articles puting a vehicle’s position and velocity (i.e., controlled in this category (MT for those navigation) with that of computing and injectors specially designed which are usable sending commands to the vehicle’s flight in systems enumerated in paragraph (a)(1) of control systems to correct the trajectory. this category); (2) Seeker systems specially designed for (16) Solid rocket motor or liquid engine ig- articles enumerated in paragraph (a) of this niters; category (e.g., radiofrequency, infrared) (MT (17) Re-entry vehicles and specially de- for articles enumerated in paragraphs (a)(1) signed parts and components therefor not and (a)(2) of this category); elsewhere specified in this category (MT); (3) Kinetic kill vehicles and specially de- NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (h)(17): This paragraph signed parts and components therefor; (4) Missile or rocket thrust vector control does not control spacecraft. For controls on systems (MT for those thrust vector control spacecraft, see USML Category XV and, if systems usable in articles enumerated in not described therein, then CCL ECCN 9A515. paragraph (a)(1) of this category); (18) Specially designed parts and compo- (5) MANPADS grip stocks and specially de- nents for articles controlled in paragraph (g) signed parts and components therefor; not elsewhere specified in this category; (6) Rocket or missile nozzles and nozzle (19) Penetration aids and specially de- throats, and specially designed parts and signed parts and components therefor (e.g., components therefor (MT for those nozzles physical or electronic countermeasure


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suites, re-entry vehicle replicas or decoys, or between the systems specified in paragraph submunitions); (a)(1) or (a)(2) of this category and their pay- (20) Rocket motor cases and specially de- load. signed parts and components therefor (e.g., * (30) Any part, component, accessory, at- flanges, flange seals, end domes) (MT for those rocket motor cases usable in systems tachment, equipment, or system that (MT enumerated in paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) of for those articles designated as such): this category and for specially designed (i) Is classified; parts and components for hybrid rocket mo- (ii) Contains classified software directly tors enumerated in paragraphs (d)(2) and related to defense articles in this subchapter (d)(3) of this category); or 600 series items subject to the EAR; or (21) Solid rocket motor liners and rocket (iii) Is being developed using classified in- motor insulation (MT for those solid rocket formation. motor liners usable in systems enumerated NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (h)(30): ‘‘Classified’’ in paragraph (a)(1) of this category or spe- cially designed for systems enumerated in means classified pursuant to Executive Order paragraph (a)(2) of this category; and rocket 13526, or predecessor order, and a security motor insulation usable in systems enumer- classification guide developed pursuant ated in paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this thereto or equivalent, or to the cor- category); responding classification rules of another (22) Radomes, sensor windows, and antenna government or international organization. windows specially designed for articles enu- (i) Technical data (see § 120.10 of this sub- merated in paragraph (a) of this category chapter) and defense services (see § 120.9 of (MT for those radomes usable in systems this subchapter) directly related to the de- enumerated in paragraph (a)(1) of this cat- fense articles described in paragraphs (a) egory and for any radomes, sensor windows, through (h) of this category and classified or antenna windows manufactured as com- posite structures or laminates specially de- technical data directly related to items con- signed for use in the systems and compo- trolled in ECCNs 0A604, 0B604, 0D604, 9A604, nents enumerated in paragraph (a)(1), (a)(2), 9B604, or 9D604 and defense services using the (d)(1), (h)(8), (h)(9), (h)(17), or (h)(25) of this classified technical data. Defense services in- category); clude the furnishing of assistance (including (23) Rocket or missile payload fairings; training) to a foreign person in the integra- (24) Rocket or missile launch canisters (MT tion of a satellite or spacecraft to a launch for those rocket or missile launch canisters vehicle, including both planning and onsite designed or modified for systems enumerated support, regardless of the jurisdiction, own- in paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this cat- ership, or origin of the satellite or space- egory); craft, or whether technical data is used. It (25) Fuzes specially designed for articles also includes the furnishing of assistance (in- enumerated in paragraph (a) of this category cluding training) to a foreign person in the (e.g., proximity, contact, electronic, dis- launch failure analysis of a launch vehicle, penser proximity, airburst, variable time regardless of the jurisdiction, ownership, or delay, or multi-option) (MT for those fuzes usable in systems enumerated in paragraph origin of the launch vehicle, or whether tech- (a)(1) of this category); nical data is used. (See § 125.4 of this sub- (26) Rocket or missile liquid propellant chapter for exemptions, and § 124.15 of this tanks (MT for those rocket or missile liquid subchapter for special export controls for propellant tanks usable in systems enumer- spacecraft and spacecraft launches.) (MT for ated in paragraph (a)(1) of this category); technical data and defense services related (27) Rocket or missile altimeters specially to articles designated as such.) designed for use in articles enumerated in (j)–(w) [Reserved] paragraph (a)(1) of this category (MT); (x) Commodities, software, and technical (28) Pneumatic, hydraulic, mechanical, data subject to the EAR (see § 120.42 of this electro-optical, or electromechanical flight subchapter) used in or with defense articles. control systems (including fly-by-wire sys- tems) and attitude control equipment spe- NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (x): Use of this para- cially designed for use in the rockets or mis- graph is limited to license applications for siles enumerated in paragraph (a)(1) of this defense articles where the purchase docu- category (MT for these systems which have mentation includes commodities, software, been designed or modified for those enumer- or technical data subject to the EAR (see ated in paragraph (a)(1) of this category); § 123.1(b) of this subchapter). (29) Umbilical and interstage electrical NOTE TO CATEGORY IV: If a Missile Tech- connectors specially designed for use in the nology Control Regime Category I item is in- rockets or missiles enumerated in paragraph cluded in a system, that system will also be (a)(1) or (a)(2) of this category (MT); or considered as a Category I item, except when NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (h)(29): This paragraph the incorporated item cannot be separated, also includes electrical connectors installed removed, or duplicated.


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CATEGORY V—EXPLOSIVES AND ENERGETIC (17) HNS (hexanitrostilbene) (CAS 20062–22– MATERIALS, PROPELLANTS, INCENDIARY 0); AGENTS, AND THEIR CONSTITUENTS (18) Imidazoles, as follows: (i) BNNII (Octohydro-2,5-bis(nitroimino) * (a) Explosives, and mixtures thereof, as imidazo [4,5-d]imidazole); follows: (ii) DNI (2,4-dinitroimidazole) (CAS 5213– (1) ADNBF (aminodinitrobenzofuroxan or 49–0); 7-Amino 4,6-dinitrobenzofurazane-1-oxide) (iii) FDIA (1-fluoro-2,4-dinitroimidazole); (CAS 97096–78–1); (iv) NTDNIA (N-(2-nitrotriazolo)-2,4- (2) BNCP (cis-bis(5-nitrotetrazolato) tetra dinitro-imidazole); or amine-cobalt (III) perchlorate) (CAS 117412– (v) PTIA (1-picryl-2,4,5-trinitroimidazole); 28–9); (19) NTNMH (1-(2-nitrotriazolo)-2- (3) CL–14 (diaminodinitrobenzofuroxan or dinitromethylene hydrazine); 5,7-diamino-4,6-dinitrobenzofurazane-1-oxide) (20) NTO (ONTA or 3-nitro-1,2,4-triazol-5- (CAS 117907–74–1); one) (CAS 932–64–9); (4) CL–20 (HNIW or (21) Polynitrocubanes with more than four Hexanitrohexaazaisowurtzitane) (CAS 135285– nitro groups; 90–4); clathrates of CL–20 (MT for CL–20); (22) PYX (2,6-Bis(picrylamino)-3,5- (5) CP (2-(5-cyanotetrazolato) penta dinitropyridine) (CAS 38082–89–2); aminecobalt (III) perchlorate) (CAS 70247–32– (23) RDX and derivatives, as follows: 4); (i) RDX (cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine), (6) DADE (1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethylene, cyclonite, T4, hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5- FOX–7) (CAS 145250–81–3); triazine, 1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triaza- (7) DATB (Diaminotrinitrobenzene) (CAS cyclohexane, hexogen, or hexogene) (CAS 1630–08–6); 121–82–4) (MT); (8) DDFP (1,4-dinitrodifurazanopiperazine); (ii) Keto-RDX (K–6 or 2,4,6-trinitro-2,4,6- (9) DDPO (2,6-diamino-3,5-dinitropyrazine- triazacyclohexanone) (CAS 115029–35–1); or 1-oxide, PZO) (CAS 194486–77–6); (iii) Difluoraminated derivative of RDX; (10) DIPAM (3,3′-Diamino-2,2′,4,4′,6,6′- 1,3-Dinitro-5,5-bis(difluoramino)1,3- hexanitrobiphenyl or dipicramide) (CAS diazahexane (CAS No. 193021–34–0); 17215–44–0); (24) TAGN (Triaminoguanidinenitrate) (11) DNAN (2,4-Dinitroanisole) (CAS 119–27– (CAS 4000–16–2); 7); (25) TATB (Triaminotrinitrobenzene) (CAS (12) DNGU (DINGU or dinitroglycoluril) 3058–38–6); (CAS 55510–04–8); (26) TEDDZ (3,3,7,7-tetrakis(difluoroamine) (13) Furazans, as follows: octahydro-1,5-dinitro-1,5-diazocine; (i) DAAOF (DAAF, DAAFox, or (27) Tetrazines, as follows: diaminoazoxyfurazan); (i) BTAT (Bis(2,2,2-trinitroethyl)-3,6- (ii) DAAzF (diaminoazofurazan) (CAS diaminotetrazine); or 78644–90–3); (ii) LAX–112 (3,6-diamino-1,2,4,5-tetrazine- (iii) ANF (Furazanamine, 4-nitro- or 3- 1,4-dioxide); Amino-4-nitrofurazan; or 4-Nitro-1,2,5- (28) Tetrazoles, as follows: oxadiazol-3-amine; or 4-Nitro-3- (i) NTAT (nitrotriazolaminotetrazole); or furazanamine; CAS 66328–69–6); or (ii) NTNT (1-N-(2-nitrotriazolo)-4- (iv) ANAzF (Aminonitroazofurazan or 1,2,5- nitrotetrazole); Oxadiazol-3-amine, 4-[2-(4-nitro-1,2,5- (29) Tetryl oxadiazol-3-yl) diazenyl]; or 1,2,5-Oxadiazol-3- (trinitrophenylmethylnitramine) (CAS 479– amine, 4-[(4-nitro-1,2,5-oxadiazol-3-yl)azo]- 45–8); (9CI); or Furazanamine, 4- (30) TEX (4,10-Dinitro-2,6,8,12-tetraoxa-4,10- [(nitrofurananyl)azo]-; or 4-[(4-Nitro-1,2,5- diazaisowurtzitane); oxadiazol-3-yl)azo]-1,2,5-oxadiazol-3-amine) (31) TNAD (1,4,5,8-tetranitro-1,4,5,8- (CAS 155438–11–2); tetraazadecalin) (CAS 135877–16–6); (14) GUDN (Guanylurea dinitramide) FOX– (32) TNAZ (1,3,3-trinitroazetidine) (CAS 12 (CAS 217464–38–5); 97645–24–4); (15) HMX and derivatives, as follows: (33) TNGU (SORGUYL or (i) HMX tetranitroglycoluril) (CAS 55510–03–7); (Cyclotetramethylenetetranitramine; (34) TNP (1,4,5,8-tetranitro-pyridazino [4,5- octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazine; d] pyridazine) (CAS 229176–04–9); 1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetraza-cyclooctane; (35) Triazines, as follows: octogen, octogene) (CAS 2691–41–0) (MT); (i) DNAM (2-oxy-4,6-dinitroamino-s-tri- (ii) Difluoroaminated analogs of HMX; or azine) (CAS 19899–80–0); or (iii) K–55 (2,4,6,8-tetranitro-2,4,6,8- (ii) NNHT (2-nitroimino-5-nitro-hexahydro- tetraazabicyclo [3,3,0]-octanone-3, 1,3,5 triazine) (CAS 130400–13–4); tetranitrosemiglycouril, or keto-bicyclic (36) Triazoles, as follows: HMX) (CAS 130256–72–3); (i) 5-azido-2-nitrotriazole; (16) HNAD (hexanitroadamantane) (CAS (ii) ADHTDN (4-amino-3,5-dihydrazino- 143850–71–9); 1,2,4-triazole dinitramide) (CAS 1614–08–0);


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(iii) ADNT (1-amino-3,5-dinitro-1,2,4-tri- engines certified for use in civil aviation are azole); not included. (iv) BDNTA (Bis(dinitrotriazole)amine); (4) Metal fuels, and fuel or pyrotechnic (v) DBT (3,3′-dinitro-5,5-bi-1,2,4-triazole) mixtures in particle form whether spherical, (CAS 30003–46–4); atomized, spheroidal, flaked, or ground, (vi) DNBT (dinitrobistriazole) (CAS 70890– manufactured from material consisting of 46–9); 99% or more of any of the following: (vii) NTDNT (1–N-(2-nitrotriazolo) 3,5- (i) Metals, and mixtures thereof, as fol- dinitro-triazole); lows: (viii) PDNT (1-picryl-3,5-dinitrotriazole); or (A) Beryllium (CAS 7440–41–7) in particle (ix) TACOT sizes of less than 60 micrometers (MT); or (tetranitrobenzotriazolobenzotriazole) (CAS (B) Iron powder (CAS 7439–89–6) with par- 25243–36–1); ticle size of 3 micrometers or less produced (37) Energetic ionic materials melting be- by reduction of iron oxide with ; tween 343 K (70 °C) and 373 K (100 °C) and with (ii) Fuel mixtures or pyrotechnic mixtures, detonation velocity exceeding 6800 m/s or which contain any of the following: detonation pressure exceeding 18 GPa (180 (A) Boron (CAS 7440–42–8) or boron carbide kbar); or (CAS 12069–32–8) fuels of 85% purity or higher (38) Explosives, not otherwise enumerated and particle sizes of less than 60 microm- in this paragraph or on the CCL in ECCN eters; or 1C608, with a detonation velocity exceeding (B) Zirconium (CAS 7440–67–7), magnesium 8700 m/s at maximum density or a detonation (CAS 7439–95–4), or alloys of these in particle pressure exceeding 34 Gpa (340 kbar). sizes of less than 60 micrometers; * (b) Propellants, as follows (MT for com- (iii) Explosives and fuels containing the posite and composite modified double-base metals or alloys listed in paragraphs (c)(4)(i) propellants): and (c)(4)(ii) of this category whether or not (1) Any solid propellant with a theoretical the metals or alloys are encapsulated in alu- specific impulse (see paragraph (k)(4) of this minum, magnesium, zirconium, or beryl- category) greater than: lium; (i) 240 seconds for non-metallized, non-hal- (5) Fuel, pyrotechnic, or energetic mix- ogenated propellant; tures having any nanosized aluminum, beryl- (ii) 250 seconds for non-metallized, halo- lium, boron, zirconium, magnesium, or tita- genated propellant; or nium, as follows: (iii) 260 seconds for metallized propellant; (i) Having particle size less than 200 nm in (2) Propellants having a force constant of any direction; and more than 1,200 kJ/Kg; (ii) Having 60% or higher purity; (6) Pyrotechnic and pyrophoric materials, (3) Propellants that can sustain a steady- as follows: state burning rate more than 38 mm/s under (i) Pyrotechnic or pyrophoric materials standard conditions (as measured in the form specifically formulated to enhance or control of an inhibited single strand) of 6.89 Mpa (68.9 the production of radiated energy in any bar) pressure and 294K (21 °C); part of the IR spectrum; or (4) Elastomer-modified cast double-based (ii) Mixtures of magnesium, polytetra- propellants with extensibility at maximum fluoroethylene and the copolymer vinylidene stress greater than 5% at 233 K (¥40 °C); or difluoride and hexafluoropropylene (MT); (5) Other composite and composite modi- (7) Titanium subhydride (TiHn) of stoichi- fied double-base propellants. ometry equivalent to n = 0.65–1.68; or (c) Pyrotechnics, fuels and related sub- (8) Hydrocarbon fuels specially formulated stances, and mixtures thereof, as follows: for use in flame throwers or incendiary mu- (1) Alane (aluminum hydride) (CAS 7784–21– nitions containing metal stearates (e.g., 6); octal) or palmitates, and M1, M2, and M3 (2) Carboranes; decaborane (CAS 17702–41– thickeners. 9); pentaborane and derivatives thereof (MT); (d) Oxidizers, as follows: (3) Liquid high energy density fuels, as fol- (1) ADN (ammonium dinitramide or SR–12) lows (MT): (CAS 140456–78–6) (MT); (i) Mixed fuels that incorporate both solid (2) AP (ammonium perchlorate) (CAS 7790– and liquid fuels, such as boron slurry, having 98–9) (MT); a mass-based energy density of 40 MJ/kg or (3) BDNPN (bis(2,2-dinitropropyl)nitrate) greater; or (CAS 28464–24–6); (ii) Other high energy density fuels and (4) DNAD (1,3-dinitro-1,3-diazetidine) (CAS fuel additives (e.g., cubane, ionic solutions, 78246–06–7); JP–7, JP–10) having a volume-based energy (5) HAN (Hydroxylammonium nitrate) density of 37.5 GJ per cubic meter or greater, (CAS 13465–08–2); measured at 20 °C and one atmosphere (6) HAP (hydroxylammonium perchlorate) (101.325 kPa) pressure; (CAS 15588–62–2); NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (c)(3)(ii): JP–4, JP–8, (7) HNF (Hydrazinium nitroformate) (CAS fossil refined fuels or biofuels, or fuels for 20773–28–8) (MT);


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(8) Hydrazine nitrate (CAS 37836–27–4) poly(epichlorohydrin); (MT); poly(epichlorohydrindiol); and triol; or (9) Hydrazine perchlorate (CAS 27978–54–7) (19) Dinitropropyl based plasticizers, as fol- (MT); lows (MT): (10) Inhibited red fuming nitric acid (i) BDNPA (bis (2,2-dinitropropyl) acetal) (IRFNA) (CAS 8007–58–7) and liquid oxidizers (CAS 5108–69–0); or comprised of or containing IRFNA or (ii) BDNPF (bis (2,2-dinitropropyl) formal) difluoride (MT for liquid oxidizers comprised (CAS 5917–61–3). of IRFNA); or (f) Additives, as follows: (11) Perchlorates, chlorates, and chromates (1) Basic copper salicylate (CAS 62320–94–9); composited with powdered metal or other (2) BHEGA (Bis-(2-hydroxy- high energy fuel components controlled ethyl)glycolamide) (CAS 17409–41–5); under this category (MT). (3) BNO (Butadienenitrile oxide); * (e) Binders, and mixtures thereof, as fol- (4) Ferrocene derivatives, as follows (MT): lows: (i) Butacene (CAS 125856–62–4); (1) AMMO (azidomethylmethyloxetane and its polymers) (CAS 90683–29–7); (ii) Catocene (2,2-Bis- (2) BAMO-3-3 (bis(azidomethyl)oxetane and ethylferrocenylpropane) (CAS 37206–42–1); its polymers) (CAS 17607–20–4); (iii) Ferrocene carboxylic acids and fer- (3) BTTN (butanetriol trinitrate) (CAS rocene carboxylic acid esters; 6659–60–5) (MT); (iv) n-butylferrocene (CAS 31904–29–7); (4) FAMAO (3-difluoroaminomethyl-3- (v) Ethylferrocene (CAS 1273–89–8); azidomethyloxetane) and its polymers; (vi) Propylferrocene; (5) FEFO (bis(2-fluoro-2,2- (vii) Pentylferrocene (CAS 1274–00–6); dinitroethyl)formal) (CAS 17003–79–1); (viii) Dicyclopentylferrocene; (6) GAP (glycidyl azide polymer) (CAS (ix) Dicyclohexylferrocene; 143178–24–9) and its derivatives (MT for GAP); (x) Diethylferrocene (CAS 173–97–8); (7) HTPB (hydroxyl-terminated (xi) Dipropylferrocene; polybutadiene) with a hydroxyl functionality (xii) Dibutylferrocene (CAS 1274–08–4); equal to or greater than 2.2 and less than or (xiii) Dihexylferrocene (CAS 93894–59–8); equal to 2.4, a hydroxyl value of less than (xiv) Acetylferrocene (CAS 1271–55–2)/1,1′- 0.77 meq/g, and a viscosity at 30 °C of less diacetyl ferrocene (CAS 1273–94–5); or than 47 poise (CAS 69102–90–5) (MT); (xv) Other ferrocene derivatives that do (8) 4,5 diazidomethyl-2-methyl-1,2,3-triazole not contain a six aromatic functional (iso-DAMTR) (MT); group attached to the ferrocene molecule (9) NENAS (nitratoethylnitramine com- (MT if usable as rocket propellant burning pounds), as follows: rate modifier); (i) N-Methyl 2-nitratoethylnitramine (5) Lead beta-resorcylate (CAS 20936–32–7); (Methyl-NENA) (CAS 17096–47–8) (MT); (6) Lead citrate (CAS 14450–60–3); (ii) N-Ethyl 2-nitratoethylnitramine (7) Lead-copper chelates of beta- (Ethyl-NENA) (CAS 85068–73–1) (MT); resorcylate or salicylates (CAS 68411–07–4); (iii) N-Propyl 2-nitratoethylnitramine (8) Lead maleate (CAS 19136–34–6); (CAS 82486–83–7); (9) Lead salicylate (CAS 15748–73–9); (iv) N-Butyl-2-nitratoethylnitramine (BuNENA) (CAS 82486–82–6); or (10) Lead stannate (CAS 12036–31–6); (v) N-Pentyl 2-nitratoethylnitramine (CAS (11) MAPO (tris-1-(2-methyl) 85954–06–9); aziridinylphosphine oxide) (CAS 57–39–6); (10) Poly-NIMMO (poly BOBBA–8 (bis(2-methyl aziridinyl)-2-(2- nitratomethylmethyoxetane, poly-NMMO, hydroxypropanoxy) propylamino (poly[3-nitratomethyl-3-methyl oxetane]) oxide); and other MAPO derivatives (MT for (CAS 84051–81–0); MAPO); (11) PNO (Poly(3-nitratooxetane)); (12) Methyl BAPO (Bis(2-methyl (12) TVOPA 1,2,3-Tris [1,2- aziridinyl)methylaminophosphine oxide) bis(difluoroamino)ethoxy]propane; tris (CAS 85068–72–0); vinoxy propane adduct (CAS 53159–39–0); (13) 3-Nitraza-1,5-pentane diisocyanate (13) Polynitrorthocarbonates; (CAS 7406–61–9); (14) FPF–1 (poly-2,2,3,3,4,4-hexafluoro pen- (14) Organo-metallic coupling agents, as tane-1,5-diolformal) (CAS 376–90–9); follows: (15) FPF–3 (poly-2,4,4,5,5,6,6-heptafluoro-2- (i) Neopentyl[diallyl]oxy, tri [dioctyl] trifluoromethyl-3-oxaheptane-1,7- phosphatotitanate (CAS 103850–22–2); also diolformal); known as titanium IV, 2,2[bis 2-propenolato- (16) PGN (Polyglycidyl nitrate or methyl, butanolato, tris (dioctyl) phosphato] poly(nitratomethyloxirane); poly-GLYN); (CAS 110438–25–0), or LICA 12 (CAS 103850–22– (CAS 27814–48–8); 2); (17) N-methyl-p-nitroaniline (MT); (ii) Titanium IV, [(2-propenolato-1) methyl, (18) Low (less than 10,000) molecular n-propanolatomethyl] butanolato-1, weight, alcohol-functionalized, tris(dioctyl)pyrophosphate, or KR3538; or


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(iii) Titanium IV, [(2-propenolato- responding classification rules of another 1)methyl, propanolatomethyl] butanolato-1, government or international organization. tris(dioctyl) phosphate; (i) Developmental explosives, propellants, (15) PCDE pyrotechnics, fuels, oxidizers, binders, addi- (Polycyanodifluoroaminoethylene oxide); tives, or precursors therefor funded by the (16) Certain bonding agents, as follows Department of Defense via contract or other (MT): funding authorization. (i) 1,1R,1S-trimesoyl-tris(2-ethylaziridine) OTE 1 TO PARAGRAPH (i): This paragraph (HX–868, BITA) (CAS 7722–73–8); or N does not control explosives, propellants, py- (ii) Polyfunctional aziridine amides with rotechnics, fuels, oxidizers, binders, addi- isophthalic, trimesic, isocyanuric, or tives, or precursors therefor (a) in produc- trimethyladipic backbone also having a 2- tion, (b) determined to be subject to the EAR methyl or 2-ethyl aziridine group; via a commodity jurisdiction determination NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (f)(16)(ii): Included are (see § 120.4 of this subchapter), or (c) identi- (1) 1,1H-Isophthaloyl-bis(2-methylaziridine) fied in the relevant Department of De- (HX–752) (CAS 7652–64–4); (2) 2,4,6-tris(2-ethyl- fense contract or other funding author- 1-aziridinyl)-1,3,5-triazine (HX–874) (CAS ization as being developed for both civil 18924–91–9); and (3) 1,1′-trimethyladipoylbis(2- and military applications. ethylaziridine) (HX–877) (CAS 71463–62–2). NOTE 2 TO PARAGRAPH (i): Note 1 does not (17) Superfine iron oxide (Fe2O3, hematite) apply to defense articles enumerated on the with a specific surface area more than 250 U.S. Munitions List, whether in production m2/g and an average particle size of 0.003 mi- or development. crometers or less (CAS 1309–37–1); NOTE 3 TO PARAGRAPH (i): This paragraph is (18) TEPAN (HX–879) applicable only to those contracts and fund- (tetraethylenepentaamineacrylonitrile) ing authorizations that are dated January 5, (CAS 68412–45–3); cyanoethylated polyamines 2015, or later. and their salts (MT for TEPAN (HX–879)); (j) Technical data (as defined in § 120.10 of (19) TEPANOL (HX–878) (tetraethy- this subchapter) and defense services (as de- lenepentaamineacrylonitrileglycidol) (CAS fined in § 120.9 of this subchapter) directly re- 68412–46–4); cyanoethylated polyamines lated to the defense articles described in adducted with glycidol and their salts (MT paragraphs (a) through (i) of this category for TEPANOL (HX–878)); (see also § 123.20 of this subchapter) (MT for (20) TPB (triphenyl bismuth) (CAS 603–33–8) articles designated as such). (MT); or (k) The following interpretations explain (21) Tris (ethoxyphenyl) bismuth (TEPB) and amplify the terms used in this category (CAS 90591–48–3). and elsewhere in this subchapter: (g) Precursors, as follows: (1) USML Category V contains explosives, (1) BCMO (3,3-bis(chloromethyl)oxetane) energetic materials, propellants, and pyro- (CAS 78–71–7); technics and specially formulated fuels for (2) DADN (1,5-diacetyl-3,7-dinitro-1, 3, 5, 7- aircraft, missile, and naval applications. Ex- tetraazacyclooctane); plosives are solid, liquid, or gaseous sub- (3) Dinitroazetidine-t-butyl salt (CAS stances or mixtures of substances, which, in 125735–38–8); their primary, booster, or main charges in (4) CL–20 precursors (any molecule con- warheads, demolition, or other military ap- taining hexaazaisowurtzitane) (e.g., HBIW plications, are required to detonate. (hexabenzylhexaazaisowurtzitane), TAIW (2) The resulting product of the combina- (tetraacetyldibenzylhexa-azaisowurtzitane)); tion or conversion of any substance con- (5) TAT (1, 3, 5, 7-tetraacetyl-1, 3, 5, 7- trolled by this category into an item not tetraazacyclooctane) (CAS 41378–98–7); controlled will no longer be controlled by (6) Tetraazadecalin (CAS 5409–42–7); this category provided the controlled item (7) 1,3,5-trichlorobenzene (CAS 108–70–3); or cannot easily be recovered through dissolu- (8) 1,2,4-trihydroxybutane (1,2,4- tion, melting, sieving, etc. As an example, butanetriol) (CAS 3068–00–6). beryllium converted to a near net shape * (h) Any explosive, propellant, pyro- using hot isostatic processes will result in an technic, fuel, oxidizer, binder, additive, or uncontrolled part. A cured thermoset con- precursor that (MT for articles designated as taining beryllium powder is not controlled such): unless meeting an explosive or propellant (1) Is classified; or control. The mixture of beryllium powder in (2) Is being developed using classified infor- a cured thermoset shape is not controlled by mation (see § 120.10(a)(2) of this subchapter). this category. The mixture of controlled be- NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (h): ‘‘Classified’’ ryllium powder mixed with a typical propel- means classified pursuant to Executive Order lant binder will remain controlled by this 13526, or predecessor order, and a security category. The addition of dry silica powder classification guide developed pursuant to dry beryllium powder will remain con- thereto or equivalent, or to the cor- trolled.


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(3) Paragraph (c)(4)(ii)(A) of this category otherwise destroy or incapacitate targets does not apply to boron and boron carbide (e.g., firing lasers, launching torpedoes, enriched with boron-10 (20% or more of total rockets, or missiles, or firing munitions boron-10 content). greater than .50 caliber); or (4) Theoretical specific impulse (Isp) is cal- (4) Vessels incorporating any mission sys- culated using standard conditions (1000 psi tems controlled under this subchapter. chamber pressure expanded to 14.7 psi) and NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (b)(4): ‘‘Mission sys- measured in units of pound-force-seconds per tems’’ are defined as ‘‘systems’’ (see pound-mass (lbf-s/lbm) or simplified to sec- § 120.45(g) of this subchapter) that are defense onds (s). Calculations will be based on shift- articles that perform specific military func- ing equilibrium. tions such as by providing military commu- (5) Particle size is the mean particle di- nication, electronic warfare, target designa- ameter on a weight basis. Best industrial tion, surveillance, target detection, or sensor practices will be used in determining par- capabilities. ticle size and the controls may not be under- NOTE TO PARAGRAPHS (a) AND (b): Vessels mined by addition of larger or smaller sized specially designed for military use that are material to shift the mean diameter. not identified in paragraph (a) or (b) of this (l)–(w) [Reserved] category are subject to the EAR under ECCN (x) Commodities, software, and technical 8A609, including any demilitarized vessels, data subject to the EAR (see § 120.42 of this regardless of origin or designation, manufac- subchapter) used in or with defense articles. tured prior to 1950 and unmodified since 1949. NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (x): Use of this para- Vessels with modifications made to incor- graph is limited to license applications for porate safety features required by law, are defense articles where the purchase docu- cosmetic (e.g., different paint), or that add mentation includes commodities, software, parts or components otherwise available or technical data subject to the EAR (see prior to 1950 are considered ‘‘unmodified’’ for § 123.1(b) of this subchapter). the purposes of this paragraph. NOTE 1 TO USML CATEGORY V: To assist the (c) Developmental vessels, and specially exporter, an item has been categorized by designed parts, components, accessories, and the most common use. Also, where appro- attachments therefor, funded by the Depart- priate, references have been provided to the ment of Defense via contract or other fund- related controlled precursors. ing authorization. NOTE 2 TO USML CATEGORY V: Chemical NOTE 1 TO PARAGRAPH (c): This paragraph Abstract Service (CAS) registry numbers do does not control vessels, and specially de- not cover all the substances and mixtures signed parts, components, accessories, and controlled by this category. The numbers are attachments therefor, (a) in production, (b) provided as examples to assist government determined to be subject to the EAR via a agencies in the license review process and commodity jurisdiction determination (see exporters when completing their license ap- § 120.4 of this subchapter), or (c) identified in plication and export documentation. the relevant Department of Defense contract CATEGORY VI—SURFACE VESSELS OF WAR AND or other funding authorization as being de- SPECIAL NAVAL EQUIPMENT veloped for both civil and military applica- tions. * (a) Warships and other combatant vessels NOTE 2 TO PARAGRAPH (c): Note 1 does not (i.e., battleships, aircraft carriers, destroy- apply to defense articles enumerated on the ers, frigates, cruisers, corvettes, littoral U.S. Munitions List, whether in production combat ships, mine sweepers, mine hunters, or development. mine countermeasure ships, dock landing NOTE 3 TO PARAGRAPH (c): This provision is ships, amphibious assault ships), Coast applicable to those contracts and funding au- Guard Cutters (with or equivalent to those thorizations that are dated July 8, 2014, or with U.S. designations WHEC, WMEC, later. WMSL, or WPB for the purpose of this sub- chapter), or foreign-origin vessels specially (d) [Reserved] designed to provide functions equivalent to * (e) Naval nuclear propulsion plants and those of the vessels listed above; prototypes, and special facilities for con- (b) Other vessels not controlled in para- struction, support, and maintenance therefor graph (a) of this category, as follows: (see § 123.20 of this subchapter). (1) High-speed air cushion vessels for trans- (f) Vessel and naval equipment, parts, com- porting cargo and personnel, ship-to-shore ponents, accessories, attachments, associ- and across a beach, with a payload over 25 ated equipment, and systems, as follows: tons; (1) Hulls or superstructures, including sup- (2) Surface vessels integrated with nuclear port structures therefor, that: propulsion plants or specially designed to (i) Are specially designed for any vessels support naval nuclear propulsion plants; controlled in paragraph (a) of this category; (3) Vessels armed or specially designed to (ii) Have armor, active protection systems, be used as a platform to deliver munitions or or developmental armor systems; or


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(iii) Are specially designed to survive 12.5% equipment deployed by aircraft), and spe- or greater damage across the length as meas- cially designed parts and components there- ured between perpendiculars; for; or (2) Systems that manage, store, create, dis- * (9) Any part, component, accessory, at- tribute, conserve, and transfer energy, and tachment, equipment, or system that: specially designed parts and components (i) Is classified; therefor, that have: (ii) Contains classified software directly (i) Storage exceeding 30MJ; related to defense articles in this subchapter (ii) A discharge rate less than 3 seconds; or 600 series items subject to the EAR; or and (iii) Is being developed using classified in- (iii) A cycle time under 45 seconds; formation. ‘‘Classified’’ means classified pur- (3) Shipborne auxiliary systems for chem- suant to Executive Order 13526, or prede- ical, biological, radiological, and nuclear cessor order, and a security classification (CBRN) compartmentalization, over-pressur- guide developed pursuant thereto or equiva- ization and filtration systems, and specially lent, or to the corresponding classification designed parts and components therefor; rules of another government or international * (4) Control and monitoring systems for organization. autonomous unmanned vessels capable of on- NOTE 1 TO PARAGRAPH (f): Parts, compo- board, autonomous perception and decision- nents, accessories, attachments, associated making necessary for the vessel to navigate equipment, and systems specially designed while avoiding fixed and moving hazards, and for vessels described in this category but not obeying rules-of-the road without human listed in paragraph (f) are subject to the EAR intervention; under ECCN 8A609. * (5) Any machinery, device, component, or NOTE 2 TO PARAGRAPH (f): For controls re- equipment, including production, testing and lated to ship signature management, see inspection equipment, and tooling, specially USML Category XIII. designed for plants or facilities controlled in (g) Technical data (see § 120.10 of this sub- paragraph (e) of this section (see § 123.20 of chapter) and defense services (see § 120.9 of this subchapter); this subchapter) directly related to the de- (6) Parts, components, accessories, attach- fense articles described in paragraphs (a) ments, and equipment specially designed for through (f) of this category and classified integration of articles controlled by USML technical data directly related to items con- Categories II, IV, or XVIII or catapults for trolled in ECCNs 8A609, 8B609, 8C609, and launching aircraft or arresting gear for re- 8D609 and defense services using the classi- covering aircraft (MT for launcher mecha- fied technical data. (MT for technical data nisms specially designed for rockets, space and defense services related to articles des- launch vehicles, or missiles capable of ignated as such.) achieving a range greater than or equal to (See § 125.4 of this subchapter for exemp- 300 km); tions.) NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (f)(6): ‘‘Range’’ is the (h)–(w) [Reserved] maximum distance that the specified rocket (x) Commodities, software, and technical system is capable of traveling in the mode of data subject to the EAR (see § 120.42 of this stable flight as measured by the projection subchapter) used in or with defense articles. of its trajectory over the surface of the NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (x): Use of this para- Earth. The maximum capability based on the graph is limited to license applications for design characteristics of the system, when defense articles where the purchase docu- fully loaded with fuel or propellant, will be mentation includes commodities, software, taken into consideration in determining or technical data subject to the EAR (see range. The range for rocket systems will be § 123.1(b) of this subchapter). determined independently of any external factors such as operational restrictions, lim- CATEGORY VII—GROUND VEHICLES itations imposed by telemetry, data links, or * (a) Armored combat ground vehicles as other external constraints. For rocket sys- follows: tems, the range will be determined using the (1) Tanks; or trajectory that maximizes range, assuming (2) Infantry fighting vehicles. International Civil Aviation Organization * (b) Ground vehicles (not enumerated in (ICAO) standard atmosphere with zero wind. paragraph (a) of this category) and trailers (7) Shipborne active protection systems that are armed or are specially designed to (i.e., defensive systems that actively detect be used as a firing or launch platform to de- and track incoming threats and launch a bal- liver munitions or otherwise destroy or inca- listic, explosive, energy, or electromagnetic pacitate targets (e.g., firing lasers, launching countermeasure(s) to neutralize the threat rockets, firing missiles, firing mortars, fir- prior to contact with a vessel) and specially ing artillery rounds, or firing other ammuni- designed parts and components therefor; tion greater than .50 caliber) (MT if specially (8) Minesweeping and mine hunting equip- designed for rockets, space launch vehicles, ment (including mine countermeasures missiles, drones, or unmanned aerial vehicles


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capable of delivering a payload of at least 500 (7) Built in test equipment (BITE) to evalu- kg to a range of at least 300 km). ate the condition of weapons or other mis- (c) Ground vehicles and trailers equipped sion systems for vehicles identified in this with any mission systems controlled under category, excluding equipment that provides this subchapter (MT if specially designed for diagnostics solely for a subsystem or compo- rockets, space launch vehicles, missiles, nent involved in the basic operation of the drones, or unmanned aerial vehicles capable vehicle; of delivering a payload of at least 500 kg to (8) Gun mount, stabilization, turret drive, a range of at least 300 km). and automatic elevating systems, and spe- NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (c): ‘‘Mission systems’’ cially designed parts and components there- are defined as ‘‘systems’’ (see § 120.45(g) of for; this subchapter) that are defense articles (9) Self-launching bridge components rated that perform specific military functions, class 60 or above for deployment by vehicles such as by providing military communica- in this category; tion, target designation, surveillance, target (10) Suspension components as follows: detection, or sensor capabilities. (i) Rotary shock absorbers specially de- NOTE TO PARAGRAPHS (b) AND (c): ‘‘Pay- signed for the vehicles weighing more than load’’ is the total mass that can be carried or 30 tons in this category; or delivered by the specified rocket, space (ii) Torsion bars specially designed for the launch vehicle, missile, drone, or unmanned vehicles weighing more than 50 tons in this aerial vehicle that is not used to maintain category; flight. For definition of ‘‘range’’ as it per- (11) Kits specially designed to convert a ve- tains to aircraft systems, see note to para- hicle in this category into either an un- graph (a) USML Category VIII. For defini- manned or a driver-optional vehicle. For a tion of ‘‘range’’ as it pertains to rocket sys- kit to be controlled by this paragraph, it tems, see note to paragraph (f)(6) of USML must, at a minimum, include equipment for: Category VI. (i) Remote or autonomous steering; (ii) Acceleration and braking; and (d) [Reserved] (iii) A control system; * (e) Armored support vehicles capable of (12) Fire control computers, mission com- off-road or amphibious use specially designed puters, vehicle management computers, inte- to transport or deploy personnel or materiel, grated core processers, stores management or to move with other vehicles over land in systems, armaments control processors, ve- close support of combat vehicles or troops hicle-weapon interface units and computers; (e.g., personnel carriers, resupply vehicles, (13) Test or calibration equipment for the combat engineer vehicles, recovery vehicles, mission systems of the vehicles in this cat- reconnaissance vehicles, bridge launching egory, except those enumerated elsewhere; vehicles, ambulances, and command and con- or trol vehicles). * (14) Any part, component, accessory, at- (f) [Reserved] (g) Ground vehicle parts, components, ac- tachment, equipment, or system that (MT cessories, attachments, associated equip- for those articles designated as such): ment, and systems as follows: (i) Is classified; (1) Armored hulls, armored turrets, and (ii) Contains classified software directly turret rings; related to defense articles in this subchapter (2) Active protection systems (i.e., defen- or 600 series items subject to the EAR; or sive systems that actively detect and track (iii) Is being developed using classified in- incoming threats and launch a ballistic, ex- formation. plosive, energy, or electromagnetic counter- ‘‘Classified’’ means classified pursuant to measure(s) to neutralize the threat prior to Executive Order 13526, or predecessor order, contact with a vehicle) and specially de- and a security classification guide developed signed parts and components therefor; pursuant thereto or equivalent, or to the (3) Composite armor parts and components corresponding classification rules of another specially designed for the vehicles in this government or international organization. category; NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (g): Parts, compo- (4) Spaced armor components and parts, in- nents, accessories, attachments, associated cluding slat armor parts and components equipment, and systems specially designed specially designed for the vehicles in this for vehicles in this category but not listed in category; paragraph (g) are subject to the EAR under (5) Reactive armor parts and components; ECCN 0A606. (6) Electromagnetic armor parts and com- (h) Technical data (see § 120.10 of this sub- ponents, including pulsed power specially de- chapter) and defense services (see § 120.9 of signed parts and components therefor; this subchapter) directly related to the de- NOTE TO PARAGRAPHS (g)(3)–(6): See USML fense articles described in paragraphs (a) Category XIII(m)(1)–(4) for interpretations through (g) of this category and classified which explain and amplify terms used in technical data directly related to items con- these paragraphs. trolled in ECCNs 0A606, 0B606, 0C606, and


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0D606 and defense services using the classi- * (4) Attack helicopters; fied technical data. (See § 125.4 of this sub- * (5) Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) spe- chapter for exemptions.) (MT for technical cially designed to incorporate a defense arti- data and defense services related to articles cle; designated as such.) * (6) [Reserved] (i)–(w) [Reserved] * (7) Aircraft specially designed to incor- (x) Commodities, software, and technical porate a defense article for the purpose of data subject to the EAR (see § 120.42 of this performing an intelligence, surveillance, and subchapter) used in or with defense articles. reconnaissance function; * (8) Aircraft specially designed to incor- NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (x): Use of this para- graph is limited to license applications for porate a defense article for the purpose of defense articles where the purchase docu- performing an electronic warfare function; mentation includes commodities, software, airborne warning and control aircraft; or air- or technical data subject to the EAR (see craft specially designed to incorporate a de- § 123.1(b) of this subchapter). fense article for the purpose of performing a command, control, and communications NOTE 1 TO CATEGORY VII: Ground vehicles function; specially designed for military applications (9) Aircraft specially designed to incor- that are not identified in this category are porate a defense article for the purpose of subject to the EAR under ECCN 0A606, in- performing an air refueling function; cluding any unarmed ground vehicles, re- (10) Target drones; gardless of origin or designation, manufac- (11) [Reserved] tured prior to 1956 and unmodified since 1955. (12) Aircraft capable of being refueled in- Ground vehicles with modifications made to flight including hover-in-flight refueling incorporate safety features required by law, (HIFR); are cosmetic (e.g., different paint, repo- (13) [Reserved] sitioning of bolt holes), or that add parts or (14) Aircraft with a roll-on/roll-off ramp, components otherwise available prior to 1956 capable of airlifting payloads over 35,000 lbs. are considered ‘‘unmodified’’ for the purposes to ranges over 2,000 nm without being refu- of this paragraph. ECCN 0A606 also includes eled in-flight, and landing onto short or un- unarmed vehicles derived from otherwise improved airfields, other than L–100 and LM– EAR99 civilian vehicles that have been modi- 100J aircraft; fied or otherwise fitted with materials to * (15) Aircraft not enumerated in para- provide ballistic protection, including pro- graphs (a)(1) through (a)(14) as follows: tection to level III (National Institute of (i) U.S.-origin aircraft that bear an origi- Justice Standard 0108.01, September 1985) or nal military designation of A, B, E, F, K, M, better and that do not have reactive or elec- P, R, or S; or tromagnetic armor. (ii) Foreign-origin aircraft specially de- NOTE 2 TO CATEGORY VII: Armored ground signed to provide functions equivalent to vehicles are (i) ground vehicles that have in- those of the aircraft listed in paragraph tegrated, fully armored hulls or cabs, or (ii) (a)(15)(i) of this category; or ground vehicles on which add-on armor has (16) Aircraft that are armed or are spe- been installed to provide ballistic protection cially designed to be used as a platform to to level III (National Institute of Justice deliver munitions or otherwise destroy tar- Standard 0108.01, September 1985) or better. gets (e.g., firing lasers, launching rockets, Armored support vehicles do not include firing missiles, dropping bombs, or strafing); those that are merely capable of being NOTE 1 TO PARAGRAPH (a): Aircraft spe- equipped with add-on armor. cially designed for military applications that NOTE 3 TO CATEGORY VII: Ground vehicles are not identified in paragraph (a) of this include any vehicle meeting the definitions section are subject to the EAR and classified or control parameters regardless of the sur- as ECCN 9A610, including any model of un- face (e.g., highway, off-road, rail) upon which armed military aircraft manufactured prior the vehicle is designed to operate. to 1956, regardless of origin or designation, and unmodified since manufacture. Aircraft CATEGORY VIII—AIRCRAFT AND RELATED with modifications made to incorporate safe- ARTICLES ty of flight features or other FAA or NTSB (a) Aircraft, whether manned, unmanned, modifications such as transponders and air remotely piloted, or optionally piloted, as data recorders are considered ‘‘unmodified’’ follows (MT if the aircraft, excluding for the purposes of this paragraph. manned aircraft, has a range equal to or NOTE 2 TO PARAGRAPH (a): ‘‘Range’’ is the greater than 300 km): maximum distance that the specified air- * (1) Bombers; craft system is capable of traveling in the * (2) Fighters, fighter bombers, and fixed- mode of stable flight as measured by the pro- wing attack aircraft; jection of its trajectory over the surface of * (3) Turbofan- or turbojet-powered trainers the Earth. The maximum capability based on used to train pilots for fighter, attack, or the design characteristics of the system, bomber aircraft; when fully loaded with fuel or propellant,


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will be taken into consideration in deter- NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (h)(1): This paragraph mining range. The range for aircraft systems does not control parts, components, acces- will be determined independently of any ex- sories, and attachments that are common to ternal factors such as operational restric- aircraft described in paragraph (a) of this tions, limitations imposed by telemetry, category but not identified in paragraph data links, or other external constraints. For (h)(1), and those identified in paragraph aircraft systems, the range will be deter- (h)(1). For example, when applying mined for a one-way distance using the most § 120.41(b)(3), a part common to only the F–16 fuel-efficient flight profile (e.g., cruise speed and F–35 is not specially designed for pur- and altitude), assuming International Civil poses of this paragraph. A part common to Aviation Organization (ICAO) standard at- mosphere with zero wind, but with no fuel only the F–22 and F–35—two aircraft models reserve. identified in paragraph (h)(1)—is specially designed for purposes of this paragraph, un- (b)–(c) [Reserved] less one of the other paragraphs is applicable (d) Launching and recovery equipment spe- cially designed to allow an aircraft described under § 120.41(b) of this subchapter. in paragraph (a) of this category to take off (2) Rotorcraft gearboxes with internal or land on a vessel described in Category VI pitch line velocities exceeding 20,000 feet per paragraphs (a) through (c) (MT if the launch- minute and able to operate 30 minutes with ing and recovery equipment is for an air- loss of lubrication without an emergency or craft, excluding manned aircraft, that has a auxiliary lubrication system, and specially range equal to or greater than 300 km). designed parts and components therefor; NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (d): For the definition of ‘‘range,’’ see note to paragraph (a) of this NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (h)(2): Loss of lubrica- category. tion means a situation where oil/lubrication (e) [Reserved] is mostly or completely lost from a trans- (f) Developmental aircraft funded by the mission/gearbox such that only a residual Department of Defense via contract or other coating remains due to the lubrication sys- funding authorization, and specially de- tem failure. signed parts, components, accessories, and (3) Tail boom folding systems, stabilator attachments therefor. folding systems or automatic rotor blade NOTE 1 TO PARAGRAPH (f): This paragraph folding systems, and specially designed parts does not control aircraft and specially de- and components therefor; signed parts, components, accessories, and (4) Wing folding systems, and specially de- attachments therefor (a) in production; (b) signed parts and components therefor, for: determined to be subject to the EAR via a (i) Aircraft powered by power plants con- commodity jurisdiction determination (see trolled under USML Category IV(d); or § 120.4 of this subchapter), or (c) identified in (ii) Aircraft with any of the following char- the relevant Department of Defense contract or other funding authorization as being de- acteristics and powered by gas turbine en- veloped for both civil and military applica- gines: tions. (A) The portion of the wing outboard of the NOTE 2 TO PARAGRAPH (f): Note 1 does not wing fold is required for sustained flight; apply to defense articles enumerated on the (B) Fuel can be stored outboard of the wing U.S. Munitions List, whether in production fold; or development. (C) Control surfaces are outboard of the NOTE 3 TO PARAGRAPH (f): This paragraph is wing fold; applicable only to those contracts, other (D) Hard points are outboard of the wing funding authorizations, or modifications ini- fold; tiating development of a new defense article (E) Hard points inboard of the wing fold that are dated April 16, 2014, or later. allow for in-flight ejection; or (g) [Reserved] (F) The aircraft is designed to withstand (h) Parts, components, accessories, attach- maximum vertical maneuvering accelera- ments, associated equipment and systems, as tions greater than +3.5g/¥1.5g. follows: (5) On-aircraft arresting gear (e.g., tail (1) Parts, components, accessories, and at- tachments specially designed for the fol- hooks and drag chutes) and specially de- lowing U.S.-origin aircraft: The B–1B, B–2, signed parts and components therefor; B–21, F–15SE, F/A–18 E/F, EA–18G, F–22, F–35, (6) Bomb racks, missile or rocket launch- and future variants thereof; or the F–117 or ers, missile rails, weapon pylons, pylon-to- U.S. Government technology demonstrators. launcher adapters, unmanned aerial vehicle Parts, components, accessories, and attach- (UAV) airborne launching systems, external ments of the F–15SE and F/A–18 E/F that are stores support systems for ordnance or weap- common to earlier models of these aircraft, ons, and specially designed parts and compo- unless listed in paragraph (h) of this cat- nents therefor (MT if the bomb rack, missile egory, are subject to the EAR; launcher, missile rail, weapon pylon, pylon-


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to-launcher adapter, UAV airborne launch- designed to function after impact of a ing system, or external stores support sys- 7.62mm or larger projectile; tem is for an aircraft, excluding manned air- (19) Thrust reversers specially designed to craft, or missile that has a ‘‘range’’ equal to be deployed in flight for aircraft controlled or greater than 300 km); in this category; (7) Damage or failure-adaptive flight con- * (20) Any part, component, accessory, at- trol systems, that do not consist solely of re- tachment, equipment, or system that: dundant internal circuitry, specially de- (i) Is classified; signed for aircraft controlled in this cat- (ii) Contains classified software directly egory; related to defense articles in this subchapter (8) Threat-adaptive autonomous flight con- or 600 series items subject to the EAR; or trol systems, where a ‘‘threat-adaptive au- (iii) Is being developed using classified in- tonomous flight control system’’ is a flight formation. control system that, without input from the operator or pilot, adjusts the aircraft control NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (h)(20): Classified or flight path to minimize risk caused by means classified pursuant to Executive Order hostile threats; 13526, or predecessor order, and a security (9) Non-surface-based flight control sys- classification guide developed pursuant tems and effectors (e.g., thrust vectoring thereto or equivalent, or to the cor- from gas ports other than main engine responding classification rules of another thrust vector); government or international organization; (10) Radar altimeters with output power (21)–(26) [Reserved] management LPI (low probability of inter- (27) Variable speed gearboxes, where a cept) or signal modulation (i.e., frequency ‘‘variable speed gearbox’’ has the ability to hopping, chirping, direct sequence-spectrum vary the gearbox output speed by mechanical spreading) LPI capabilities (MT if for an air- means within the gearbox while the gearbox craft, excluding manned aircraft, or missile input speed from the engine or other source that has a ‘‘range’’ equal to or greater than is constant, and is capable of varying output 300 km); speed by 20% or greater and providing power (11) Air-to-air refueling systems and hover- to rotors, proprotors, propellers, propfans, or in-flight refueling (HIFR) systems, and spe- liftfans; and specially designed parts and cially designed parts and components there- components therefor; for; (28) Electrical power or thermal manage- (12) Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) flight ment systems specially designed for an en- control systems and vehicle management gine controlled in Category XIX and having systems with swarming capability (i.e., any of the following: UAVs interact with each other to avoid colli- (i) Electrical power generators that pro- sions and stay together, or, if weaponized, vide greater than 300kW of electrical power coordinate targeting) (MT if for an aircraft, (per generator) with gravimetric power den- excluding manned aircraft, or missile that sities exceeding 2kW/pound (excluding the has a ‘‘range’’ equal to or greater than 300 mass of the controller for the purpose of cal- km); culating the gravimetric power density); (13) [Reserved] (14) Lift fans, clutches, and roll posts for (ii) Heat exchangers that exchange 60 kW/ 3 short take-off, vertical landing (STOVL) air- K-m or 1 kW/K of heat or greater into the craft and specially designed parts and com- gas turbine engine flow path; or ponents for such lift fans and roll posts; (iii) Direct-cooling thermal electronic (15) Integrated helmets incorporating opti- package heat exchangers that transfer 20kW 2 cal sights or slewing devices, which include of heat or greater at 100W/cm or greater. the ability to aim, launch, track, or manage (29) Any of the following equipment if spe- munitions (e.g., Helmet Mounted Cueing cially designed for a defense article described Systems, Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing Sys- in paragraph (h)(1): tems (JHMCS), Helmet Mounted Displays, (i) Scale test models; Display and Sight Helmets (DASH)), and spe- (ii) Full scale iron bird ground rigs used to cially designed parts, components, acces- test major aircraft systems; or sories, and attachments therefor; (iii) Jigs, locating fixtures, templates, (16) Fire control computers, stores man- gauges, molds, dies, or caul plates. agement systems, armaments control proc- (i) Technical data (see § 120.10 of this sub- essors, and aircraft-weapon interface units chapter) and defense services (see § 120.9 of and computers (e.g., AGM–88 HARM Aircraft this subchapter) directly related to the de- Launcher Interface Computer (ALIC)); fense articles described in paragraphs (a) (17) Mission computers, vehicle manage- through (h) of this category and classified ment computers, and integrated core technical data directly related to items con- processers specially designed for aircraft trolled in ECCNs 9A610, 9B610, 9C610, and controlled in this category; 9D610 and defense services using classified (18) Drive systems, flight control systems, technical data. (See § 125.4 of this subchapter and parts and components therefor, specially for exemptions.) (MT for technical data and


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defense services related to articles des- (ii) Contains classified software directly ignated as such.) related to defense articles in this subchapter (j)–(w) [Reserved] or 600 series items subject to the EAR; or (x) Commodities, software, and technology (iii) Is being developed using classified in- subject to the EAR (see § 120.42 of this sub- formation. chapter) used in or with defense articles con- NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (a)(11): ‘‘Classified’’ trolled in this category. means classified pursuant to Executive Order NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (x): Use of this para- 13526, or predecessor order, and a security graph is limited to license applications for classification guide developed pursuant defense articles controlled in this category thereto or equivalent, or to the cor- where the purchase documentation includes responding classification rules of another commodities, software, or technology sub- government or international organization.’’ ject to the EAR (see § 123.1(b) of this sub- NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (a): Training equip- chapter). ment does not include combat games with- NOTE: Parts, components, accessories, and out item signatures or tactics, techniques, attachments in paragraphs (h)(3)–(5), (7), (14), and procedures covered by this subchapter. (17), or (19) are licensed by the Department of (b) Simulators, as follows: Commerce when incorporated in an aircraft (1) System specific simulators that rep- subject to the EAR and classified under licate the operation of an individual crew ECCN 9A610. Replacement systems, parts, station, a mission system, or a weapon of an components, accessories and attachments end-item that is controlled in this sub- are subject to the controls of the ITAR. chapter; (2)–(3) [Reserved] CATEGORY IX—MILITARY TRAINING (4) Software and associated databases not EQUIPMENT AND TRAINING elsewhere enumerated in this subchapter (a) Training equipment, as follows: that can be used to model or simulate the (1) Ground, surface, submersible, space, or following: towed airborne targets that: (i) Trainers enumerated in paragraph (a) of (i) Have an infrared, radar, acoustic, mag- this category; netic, or thermal signature that mimic a (ii) Battle management; specific defense article, specific other item, (iii) Military test scenarios/models; or or specific person; or (iv) Effects of weapons enumerated in this (ii) Are instrumented to provide hit/miss subchapter; or performance information for defense articles * (5) Simulators that: controlled in this subchapter; (i) Are classified; (ii) Contain classified software directly re- NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (a)(1): Target drones lated to defense articles in this subchapter are controlled in USML Category VIII(a). or 600 series items subject to the EAR; or (2) Devices that are mockups of articles (iii) Are being developed using classified enumerated in this subchapter used for information. maintenance training or disposal training NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (b)(5): ‘‘Classified’’ for ordnance enumerated in this subchapter, means classified pursuant to Executive Order that reveal technical data or contain parts, 13526, or predecessor order, and a security components, accessories, or attachments classification guide developed pursuant controlled in this subchapter; thereto or equivalent, or to the cor- (3) Air combat maneuvering instrumenta- responding classification rules of another tion and ground stations therefor; government or international organization. (4) Physiological flight trainers for fighter aircraft or attack helicopters; (c)–(d) [Reserved] (5) Radar trainers specially designed for (e) Technical data (see § 120.10 of this sub- training on radar controlled by USML Cat- chapter) and defense services (see § 120.9 of egory XI; this subchapter): (6) Training devices specially designed to (1) Directly related to the defense articles be attached to a crew station, mission sys- enumerated in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this tem, or weapon of an article controlled in category; this subchapter; (2) Directly related to the software and as- sociated databases enumerated in paragraph NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (a)(6): This paragraph (b)(4) of this category even if no defense arti- includes stimulators that are built-in or add- cles are used or transferred; or on devices that cause the actual equipment (3) Military training (see, § 120.9(a)(3) of this to act as a trainer. subchapter) not directly related to defense (7) Anti-submarine warfare trainers; articles or technical data enumerated in this (8) Missile launch trainers; subchapter. (9) Radar target generators; (f)–(w) [Reserved] (10) Infrared scene generators; or (x) Commodities, software, and technical * (11) Any training device that: data subject to the EAR (see § 120.42 of this (i) Is classified; subchapter) used in or with defense articles.


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NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (x): Use of this para- (8) Developmental personal protective graph is limited to license applications for equipment and specially designed parts, defense articles where the purchase docu- components, accessories, and attachments mentation includes commodities, software, therefor, developed for the U.S. Department or technical data subject to the EAR (see of Defense via contract or other funding au- § 123.1(b) of this subchapter). thorization. NOTE TO USML CATEGORY IX: Parts, com- NOTE 1 TO PARAGRAPH (a)(8): This para- ponents, accessories, or attachments of a graph does not control personal protective simulator in this category that are common equipment and specially designed parts, to the simulated system or simulated end- components, accessories, and attachments item are controlled under the same USML (a) in production, (b) determined to be sub- category or CCL ECCN as the parts, compo- ject to the EAR via a commodity jurisdic- nents, accessories, and attachments of the tion determination (see § 120.4 of this sub- simulated system or simulated end-item. chapter), or (c) identified in the relevant De- partment of Defense contract or other fund- CATEGORY X—PERSONAL PROTECTIVE ing authorization as being developed for both EQUIPMENT civil and military applications. (a) Personal protective equipment, as fol- NOTE 2 TO PARAGRAPH (a)(8): Note 1 does lows: not apply to defense articles enumerated on (1) Body armor providing a protection level the USML, whether in production or develop- equal to or greater than NIJ Type IV; ment. NOTE 1 TO PARAGRAPH (a)(1): For body NOTE 3 TO PARAGRAPH (a)(8): This para- armor providing a level of protection of Type graph is applicable only to those contracts I, Type II, Type IIA, Type IIIA, or Type III, and funding authorizations that are dated see ECCNs 1A005 and 1A613. January 5, 2015, or later. NOTE 2 TO PARAGRAPH (a)(1): See USML Cat- (b)–(c) [Reserved] egory XIII(e) for controls on related mate- (d) Parts, components, assemblies, acces- rials. sories, attachments, and associated equip- (2) Personal protective clothing, equip- ment for the personal protective equipment ment, or face paints specially designed to controlled in this category, as follows: protect against or reduce detection by radar, (1) Ceramic or composite plates that pro- IR, or other sensors at wavelengths greater vide protection equal to or greater than NIJ than 900 nanometers; Type IV; (2) Lenses, substrates, or filters ‘‘specially NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (a)(2): See USML Cat- designed’’ for the articles covered in para- egory XIII(j) for controls on related mate- graph (a)(7) of this category; rials. (3) Materials and coatings specially de- (3)–(4) [Reserved] signed for the articles covered in paragraph (5) Integrated helmets, not specified in (a)(7) of this category with optical density USML Category VIII(h)(15) or USML Cat- greater than 3, as follows: egory XII, incorporating optical sights or (i) Narrowband absorbing dyes; slewing devices, which include the ability to (ii) Broadband optical switches or limiters aim, launch, track, or manage munitions; (i.e., nonlinear material, tunable or switch- (6) Helmets and helmet shells providing a able agile filters, optical power limiters, protection level equal to or greater than NIJ near infrared interference based filters); or Type IV; (iii) Narrowband interference based notch (7) Goggles, spectacles, visors, vision filters (i.e., multi-layer dielectric coatings, blocks, canopies, or filters for optical sights rugate, holograms or hybrid (i.e., inter- or viewers, employing other than common ference with dye)) protecting against mul- broadband absorptive dyes or UV inhibitors tiple laser wavelength and having high visi- as a means of protection (e.g., narrow band ble band transparency; or filters/dyes or broadband limiters/coatings * (4) Any component, part, accessory, at- with high visible transparency), having an tachment, equipment, or system that: optical density greater than 3, and that pro- (i) Is classified; tect against: (ii) Contains classified software directly (i) Multiple visible (in-band) laser wave- related to defense articles in this subchapter lengths; or 600 series items subject to the EAR; or (ii) Thermal flashes associated with nu- (iii) Is being developed using classified in- clear detonations; or formation. (iii) Near infrared or ultraviolet (out-of- NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (d)(4): ‘‘Classified’’ band) laser wavelengths; or means classified pursuant to Executive Order NOTE 1 TO PARAGRAPH (a)(7): See paragraphs 13526, or predecessor order, and a security (d)(2) and (3) of this category for controls on classification guide developed pursuant related parts, components, and materials. thereto or equivalent, or to the cor- NOTE 2 TO PARAGRAPH (a)(7): See USML Cat- responding classification rules of another egory XII for sensor protection equipment. government or international government.


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NOTE TO PARAGRAPHS (a) AND (d): See Na- (vi) Autonomous systems and equipment tional Institute of Justice Classification, NIJ that enable cooperative sensing and engage- Standard-0101.06, or national equivalents, for ment by fixed (bottom mounted/seabed) or a description of level of protection for mobile Autonomous Underwater Vehicles armor. (AUVs); (e) Technical data (see § 120.10 of this sub- *(2) Underwater acoustic countermeasures chapter) and defense services (see § 120.9 of or counter-countermeasures systems or this subchapter) directly related to the de- equipment; fense articles described in paragraphs (a) *(3) Radar systems and equipment, as fol- through (d) of this category. lows: (f)–(w) [Reserved] (i) Airborne radar that maintains posi- (x) Commodities, software, and technical tional state of an object or objects of inter- data subject to the EAR (see § 120.42 of this est, other than weather phenomena, in a re- subchapter) used in or with defense articles. ceived radar signal through time; NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (x): Use of this para- (ii) Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) incor- graph is limited to license applications for porating image resolution less than (better defense articles where the purchase docu- than) 0.3 m, or incorporating Coherent mentation includes commodities, software, Change Detection (CCD) with geo-registra- or technical data subject to the EAR (see tion accuracy less than (better than) 0.3 m, § 123.1(b) of this subchapter). not including concealed object detection equipment operating in the frequency range CATEGORY XI—MILITARY ELECTRONICS from 30 GHz to 3,000 GHz and having a spatial (a) Electronic equipment and systems not resolution of 0.1 milliradians up to and in- included in Category XII of the U.S. Muni- cluding 1 milliradians at a standoff distance tions List, as follows: of 100 m; *(1) Underwater hardware, equipment, or (iii) Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar systems, as follows: (ISAR); (i) Active or passive acoustic array sensing (iv) Radar that geodetically-locates (i.e., systems or acoustic array equipment capable geodetic latitude, geodetic longitude, and of real-time processing that survey or detect, geodetic height) with a target location error and also track, localize (i.e., determine range 50 (TLE50) less than or equal to 10 m at and bearing), classify, or identify, surface ranges greater than 1 km; vessels, submarines, other undersea vehicles, (v) Any Ocean Surveillance Radar with an torpedoes, or mines, having any of the fol- average-power-aperture product of greater lowing: than 50 Wm2; (A) Multi-static capability; (vi) Any ocean surveillance radar that (B) Operating frequency less than 20 kHz; transmits a waveform with an instantaneous or bandwidth greater than 100 MHz and has an (C) Operating bandwidth greater than 10 antenna rotation rate greater than 60 revolu- kHz; tions per minute (RPM); (ii) Underwater single acoustic sensor sys- (vii) Air surveillance radar with free space tem that distinguishes non-biologic tonals detection of 1 square meter RCS target at 85 and locates the origin of the sound; nmi or greater range, scaled to RCS values Note to paragraph(a)(1)(ii): The term tonals as RCS to the 1⁄4 power; implies discrete frequencies in the broadband and narrowband spectra, emanating from (viii) Air surveillance radar with free space man-made objects. detection of 1 square meter RCS target at an (iii) Non-acoustic systems that survey or altitude of 65,000 feet and an elevation angle detect, and also track, localize (i.e., deter- greater than 20 degrees (i.e., counter-bat- mine range and bearing), classify, or iden- tery); tify, surface vessels, submarines, other un- (ix) Air surveillance radar with multiple dersea vehicles, torpedoes, or mines; elevation beams, phase or amplitude (iv) Acoustic modems, networks, and com- monopulse estimation, or 3D height-finding; munications equipment with real-time (x) Air surveillance radar with a beam adaptive compensation or employing Low solid angle less than or equal to 16 degrees2 Probability of Intercept (LPI); that performs free space tracking of 1 square Note to paragraph (a)(1)(iv): Adaptive com- meter RCS target at a range greater or equal pensation is the capability of an underwater to 25 nmi with revisit rate greater or equal modem to assess the water conditions to se- to 1⁄3 Hz; lect the best algorithm to receive and trans- (xi) Instrumentation radar for anechoic mit data. test facility or outdoor range that maintains (v) Low Frequency/Very Low Frequency positional state of an object of interest in a (LF/VLF) electronic modems, routers, inter- received radar signal through time or pro- faces, and communications equipment, spe- vides measurement of RCS of a static target cially designed for submarine communica- less than or equal to minus 10dBsm, or RCS tions; or of a dynamic target;


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(xii) Radar incorporating pulsed operation continuous wave (FMCW) with linear ramp with electronics steering of transmit beam modulation; in elevation and azimuth; (xxv) Radar that sends and receives com- NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (a)(3)(xii): This para- munications; graph does not control radars not otherwise (xxvi) Radar that tracks or discriminates controlled in this subchapter, operating with ballistic missile warhead from debris or a peak transmit power less than or equal to countermeasures; 250 watts, and employing a design deter- (xxvii) Bi-static/multi-static radar that ex- mined to be subject to the EAR via a com- ploits greater than 125 kHz bandwidth and is modity jurisdiction determination (see § 120.4 lower than 2 GHz center frequency to pas- of this subchapter). sively detect or track using radio frequency (RF) transmissions (e.g., commercial radio, (xiii) Radar with mode(s) for ballistic television stations); tracking or ballistic extrapolation to source (xxviii) Radar target generators, projec- of launch or impact point of articles con- tors, or simulators, specially designed for ra- trolled in USML Categories III, IV, or XV; dars controlled by this category; or (xiv) Active protection radar and missile (xxix) Radar and laser radar systems spe- warning radar with mode(s) implemented for cially designed for defense articles in para- detection of incoming munitions; graph (a)(1) of USML Category IV or para- (xv) Over the horizon high frequency sky- graphs (a)(5), (a)(6), or (a)(13) of USML Cat- wave (ionosphere) radar; egory VIII (MT if specially designed for rock- (xvi) Radar that detects a moving object ets, space launch vehicles, missiles, drones, through a physical obstruction at distance or unmanned aerial vehicles capable of deliv- greater than 0.2 m from the obstruction; ering a payload of at least 500 kg to a range (xvii) Radar having moving target indi- of at least 300 km); cator (MTI) or pulse-Doppler processing NOTE 1 TO PARAGRAPH (a)(3)(xxix): Laser where any single Doppler filter provides a radar systems embody specialized trans- normalized clutter attenuation of greater mission, scanning, receiving, and signal than 60dB; processing techniques for utilization of la- Note to paragraph (a)(3)(xvii): Normalized sers for echo ranging, direction finding, and clutter attenuation is defined as the reduc- discrimination of targets by location, radial tion in the power level of received distrib- speed, and body reflection characteristics. uted clutter when normalized to the thermal NOTE 2 TO PARAGRAPH (a)(3)(xxix): For defi- noise level. nition of ‘‘range’’ as it pertains to rocket (xviii) Radar having electronic protection systems, see note 1 to paragraph (a) of USML or electronic counter-countermeasures Category IV. ‘‘Payload’’ is the total mass (ECCM) other than manual gain control, that can be carried or delivered by the speci- automatic gain control, radio frequency se- fied rocket, SLV, or missile that is not used lection, constant false alarm rate, and pulse to maintain flight. repetition interval jitter; NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (a)(3): This paragraph (xix) Radar employing electronic attack does not control: (a) Systems or equipment (EA) mode(s) using the radar transmitter that require aircraft transponders in order to and antenna; meet control parameters; (b) precision ap- (xx) Radar employing electronic support proach radar (PAR) equipment conforming (ES) mode(s) (i.e., the ability to use a radar to ICAO standards and employing electroni- system for ES purposes in one or more of the cally steerable linear (1- dimensional) arrays following: as a high-gain receiver, as a wide- or mechanically positioned passive antennas; bandwidth receiver, as a multi-beam re- and (c) radio altimeter equipment con- ceiver, or as part of a multi-point system); forming to FAA TSO C87. (xxi) Radar employing non-cooperative tar- *(4) Electronic Combat (i.e., Electronic get recognition (NCTR) (i.e., the ability to Warfare) systems and equipment, as follows: recognize a specific platform type without (i) ES systems and equipment that search cooperative action of the target platform); for, intercept and identify, or locate sources NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (a)(3)(xxi): The defini- of intentional or unintentional electro- tion of ‘‘type’’ in this paragraph is that pro- magnetic energy specially designed to pro- vided in 14 CFR § 1.1. vide immediate threat detection, recogni- (xxii) Radar employing automatic target tion, targeting, planning, or conduct of fu- recognition (ATR) (i.e., recognition of target ture operations; using structural features (e.g., tank versus NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (a)(4)(i): ES provides car) of the target with system resolution tactical situational awareness, automatic better than (less than) 0.3 m); cueing, targeting, electronic order of battle (xxiii) Radar that sends interceptor guid- planning, electronic intelligence (ELINT), ance commands or provides illumination communication intelligence (COMINT), or keyed to an interceptor seeker; signals intelligence (SIGINT). (xxiv) Radar employing waveform genera- (ii) Systems and equipment that detect and tion for LPI other than frequency modulated automatically discriminate acoustic energy


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emanating from weapons fire (e.g., gunfire, NOTE 3 TO PARAGRAPH (a)(7): This para- artillery, rocket propelled grenades, or other graph is applicable only to those contracts projectiles), determining location or direc- and funding authorizations that are dated tion of weapons fire in less than two seconds July 1, 2015, or later. from receipt of event signal, and able to op- (8) Unattended ground sensor (UGS) sys- erate on-the-move (e.g., operating on per- tems or equipment having all of the fol- sonnel, land vehicles, sea vessels, or aircraft lowing: while in motion); or (i) Automatic target detection; (iii) Systems and equipment specially de- (ii) Automatic target tracking, classifica- signed to introduce extraneous or erroneous tion, recognition, or identification; signals into radar, infrared based seekers, (iii) Self-forming or self-healing networks; electro-optic based seekers, radio commu- and nication receivers, navigation receivers, or that otherwise hinder the reception, oper- (iv) Self-localization for geo-locating tar- ation, or effectiveness of adversary elec- gets; tronics (e.g., active or passive electronic at- (9) Electronic sensor systems or equipment tack, electronic countermeasure, electronic for non-acoustic antisubmarine warfare counter-countermeasure equipment, jam- (ASW) or mine warfare (e.g., magnetic anom- ming, and counter jamming equipment); aly detectors (MAD), electric-field, electro- *(5) Command, control, and communica- magnetic induction); tions (C3); command, control, communica- (10) Electronic sensor systems or equip- tions, and computers (C4); command, con- ment for detection of concealed weapons, trol, communications, computers, intel- having a standoff detection range of greater ligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance than 45 m for personnel or detection of vehi- (C4ISR); and identification systems or equip- cle-carried weapons, not including concealed ment, that: object detection equipment operating in the frequency range from 30 GHz to 3,000 GHz and (i) Are specially designed to integrate, in- having a spatial resolution of 0.1 corporate, network, or employ defense arti- milliradians up to and including 1 cles that are controlled in paragraphs or sub- milliradians at a standoff distance of 100 m; paragraphs of the categories of § 121.1 of this part that do not use the term specially de- (11) Test sets specially designed for testing signed; defense articles controlled in paragraphs (a)(3), (a)(4), (a)(5), or (b); or (ii) Incorporate U.S. government identi- fication friend or foe (IFF) Modes 4 or 5; (12) Direction finding equipment for deter- mining bearings to specific electromagnetic (iii) Implement active or passive ECCM sources or terrain characteristics specially used to counter acts of communication dis- designed for defense articles in paragraph ruption (e.g., radios that incorporate HAVE (a)(1) of USML Category IV or paragraphs QUICK I/II, SINCGARS, SATURN); (a)(5), (a)(6), or (a)(13) of USML Category (iv) Specially designed, rated, certified, or VIII (MT if specially designed for rockets, otherwise specified or described to be in SLVs, missiles, drones, or UAVs capable of compliance with U.S. government delivering a payload of at least 500 kg to a NSTISSAM TEMPEST 1–92 standards or range of at least 300 km. See note 2 to para- CNSSAM TEMPEST 01–02, to implement graph (a)(3)(xxix) of this category). techniques to suppress compromising ema- nations of information bearing signals; or NOTE 1 TO PARAGRAPH (a): The term Low (v) Transmit voice or data signals specially Probability of Intercept used in this para- designed to elude electromagnetic detection; graph and elsewhere in this category is de- (6) [Reserved] fined as a class of measures that disguise, (7) Developmental electronic equipment or delay, or prevent the interception of acoustic systems funded by the Department of De- or electromagnetic signals. LPI techniques fense via contract or other funding author- can involve permutations of power manage- ization; ment, energy management, frequency varia- bility, out-of-receiver-frequency band, low- NOTE 1 TO PARAGRAPH (a)(7): This para- side lobe antenna, complex waveforms, and graph does not control electronic systems or complex scanning. LPI is also referred to as equipment (a) in production, (b) determined Low Probability of Intercept, Low Prob- to be subject to the EAR via a commodity ability of Detection, and Low Probability of jurisdiction determination (see § 120.4 of this Identification. subchapter), or (c) identified in the relevant NOTE 2 TO PARAGRAPH (a): Paragraphs Department of Defense contract or other (a)(3)(xxix) and (a)(12) include terrain con- funding authorization as being developed for tour mapping equipment, scene mapping and both civil and military applications. correlation (both digital and analogue) NOTE 2 TO PARAGRAPH (a)(7): Note 1 does equipment, Doppler navigation radar equip- not apply to defense articles enumerated on ment, passive interferometer equipment, and the USML, whether in production or develop- imaging sensor equipment (both active and ment. passive).


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*(b) Electronic systems, equipment or soft- (8) Digital radio frequency memory ware, not elsewhere enumerated in this sub- (DRFM) with RF instantaneous input band- chapter, specially designed for intelligence width greater than 400 MHz, and 4 bit or purposes that collect, survey, monitor, or ex- higher resolution whose output signal is a ploit, or analyze and produce information translation of the input signal (e.g., changes from, the electromagnetic spectrum (regard- in magnitude, time, frequency) and specially less of transmission medium), or for counter- designed parts and components therefor; acting such activities. (9) Vacuum electronic devices, as follows: (c) Parts, components, accessories, attach- (i) Multiple electron beam or sheet elec- ments, and associated equipment, as follows: tron beam devices rated for operation at fre- (1) Application Specific Integrated Circuits quencies of 16 GHz or above, and with a satu- (ASICs) and Programmable Logic Devices rated power output greater than 10,000 W (70 (PLD) programmed for defense articles in dBm) or a maximum average power output this subchapter; greater than 3,000 W (65 dBm); or NOTE 1 TO PARAGRAPH (c)(1):\ An ASIC is an (ii) Cross-field amplifiers with a gain of 15 integrated circuit developed and produced dB to 17 dB or a duty factor greater than 5%; for a specific application or function regard- (10) Antenna, and specially designed parts less of number of customers. and components therefor, that: NOTE 2 TO PARAGRAPH (c)(1): ASICs and (i) Employ four or more elements, elec- PLDs programmed for 600 series items are tronically steer angular beams, independ- controlled in ECCN 3A611.f. ently steer angular nulls, create angular NOTE 3 TO PARAGRAPH (c)(1): nulls with a null depth greater than 20 dB, Unprogrammed PLDs are not controlled by and achieve a beam switching speed faster this paragraph. than 50 milliseconds; (ii) Form adaptive null attenuation greater (2) Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) and pop- than 35 dB with convergence time less than ulated circuit card assemblies for which the one second; layout is specially designed for defense arti- (iii) Detect signals across multiple RF cles in this subchapter; bands with matched left hand and right hand NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (c)(2): PCBs and popu- spiral antenna elements for determination of lated circuit card assemblies for which the signal polarization; or layout is specially designed for 600 series (iv) Determine signal angle of arrival less items are controlled in ECCN 3A611.g. than two degrees (e.g., interferometer an- (3) Multichip modules for which the pat- tenna); tern or layout is specially designed for de- NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (c)(10): This category fense articles in this subchapter; does not control Traffic Collision Avoidance NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (c)(3): Multichip mod- Systems (TCAS) equipment conforming to ules for which the pattern or layout is spe- FAA TSO C–119c. cially designed for 600 series items are con- (11) Radomes or electromagnetic antenna trolled in ECCN 3A611.h. windows that: (4) Transmit/receive modules or transmit (i) Incorporate radio frequency selective modules that have any two perpendicular surfaces; sides, with either length d (in cm) equal to or (ii) Operate in multiple non-adjacent fre- less than 15 divided by the lowest operating quency bands for radar applications; frequency in GHz [d≤15cm*GHz/fGHz], with (iii) Incorporate a structure that is spe- an electronically variable phase shifter or cially designed to provide ballistic protec- phasers that are a Monolithic Microwave In- tion from bullets, shrapnel, or blast; tegrated Circuit (MMIC), or incorporate a (iv) Have a melting point greater than 1,300 MMIC or discrete RF power transistor; °C and maintain a dielectric constant less (5) High-energy storage capacitors with a than 6 at temperatures greater than 500 °C; repetition rate of 6 discharges or more per (v) Are manufactured from ceramic mate- minute and full energy life greater than or rials with a dielectric constant less than 6 at equal to 10,000 discharges, at greater than 0.2 any frequency from 100 MHz to 100 GHz (MT Amps per Joule peak current, that have any if usable in rockets, SLVs, or missiles capa- of the following: ble of achieving a range greater than or (i) Volumetric energy density greater than equal to 300 km; or if usable in drones or or equal to 1.5 J/cc; or UAVs capable of delivering a payload of at (ii) Mass energy density greater than or least 500 kg to a range of at least 300 km. See equal to 1.3 kJ/kg; note 2 to paragraph (a)(3)(xxix) of this cat- (6) Radio frequency circulators of any di- egory); mension equal to or less than one quarter (vi) Maintain structural integrity at stag- (1⁄4) wavelength of the highest operating fre- nation pressures greater than 6,000 pounds quency and isolation greater than 30 dB; per square foot; or (7) Polarimeter that detects and measures (vii) Withstand combined thermal shock polarization of radio frequency signals with- greater than 4.184 × 106 J/m2 accompanied by in a single pulse; a peak overpressure of greater than 50 kPa


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(MT if usable in rockets, SLVs, missiles, egory, and parts and components therefor drones, or UAVs capable of delivering a pay- containing materials controlled in USML load of at least 500 kg to a range of at least Category V; 300 km and usable in protecting against nu- (18) Parts, components, or accessories spe- clear effects (e.g., Electromagnetic Pulse cially designed for an information assurance/ (EMP), X-rays, combined blast and thermal information security system or radio con- effects). See note 2 to paragraph (a)(3)(xxix) trolled in this subchapter that modify its of this category); published properties (e.g., frequency range, (12) Underwater sensors (acoustic vector algorithms, waveforms, CODECs, or modula- sensors, hydrophones, or transducers) or pro- tion/demodulation schemes); or jectors, specially designed for systems con- * (19) Any part, component, accessory, at- trolled by paragraphs (a)(1) and (a)(2) of this tachment, equipment, or system that (MT category, having any of the following: for those articles designated as such): (i) A transmitting frequency below 10 kHz (i) Is classified; for sonar systems; (ii) Contains classified software directly (ii) Sound pressure level exceeding 224 dB related to defense articles in this subchapter (reference 1 mPa at 1 m) for equipment with or 600 series items subject to the EAR; or an operating frequency in the band from 10 (iii) Is being developed using classified in- kHz to 24 kHz inclusive; formation (see § 120.10(a)(2) of this sub- (iii) Sound pressure level exceeding 235 dB chapter). (reference 1 mPa at 1 m) for equipment with NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (c)(19): ‘‘Classified’’ an operating frequency in the band between means classified pursuant to Executive Order 24 kHz and 30 kHz; 13526, or predecessor order, and a security (iv) Forming beams of less than 1° on any classification guide developed pursuant axis and having an operating frequency of thereto or equivalent, or to the cor- less than 100 kHz; responding classification rules of another (v) Designed to operate with an unambig- government or international organization. uous display range exceeding 5,120 m; or NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (c)(19)(ii): Parts and (vi) Designed to withstand pressure during components controlled by this paragraph are normal operation at depths exceeding 1,000 m limited to those that store, process, or trans- and having transducers with any of the fol- mit classified software (see § 121.8(f) of this lowing: subchapter). (A) Dynamic compensation for pressure; or (B) Incorporating other than lead zirconate (d) Technical data (see § 120.10 of this sub- titanate as the transduction element; chapter) and defense services (see § 120.9 of (13) Parts or components containing piezo- this subchapter) directly related to the de- electric materials which are specially de- fense articles described in paragraphs (a) signed for underwater hardware, equipment, through (c) of this category and classified or systems controlled by paragraph (c)(12) of technical data directly related to items con- this category; trolled in CCL ECCNs 3A611, 3B611, 3C611, and (14) Tuners specially designed for systems 3D611 and defense services using the classi- and equipment in paragraphs (a)(4) and (b) of fied technical data. (See § 125.4 of this sub- this category; chapter for exemptions.) (MT for technical (15) Electronic assemblies and components, data and defense services related to articles capable of operation at temperatures in ex- designated as such.) cess of 125 °C and specially designed for (e)–(w) [Reserved]; UAVs or drones controlled by USML Cat- (x) Commodities, software, and technology egory VIII, rockets, space launch vehicles subject to the EAR (see § 120.42 of this sub- (SLV), or missiles controlled by USML Cat- chapter) used in or with defense articles. egory IV capable of achieving a range great- NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (x): Use of this para- er than or equal to 300 km (MT) (see Note 2 graph is limited to license applications for to paragraph (a)(3)(xxix) of this category); defense articles where the purchase docu- (16) Hybrid (combined analogue/digital) mentation includes commodities, software, computers specially designed for modeling, or technology subject to the EAR (see simulation, or design integration of systems § 123.1(b) of this subchapter). enumerated in paragraphs (a)(1), (d)(1), (d)(2), (h)(1), (h)(2), (h)(4), (h)(8), and (h)(9) of USML CATEGORY XII—FIRE CONTROL, LASER, Category IV or paragraphs (a)(5), (a)(6), or IMAGING, AND GUIDANCE EQUIPMENT (a)(13) of USML Category VIII (MT if for (a) Fire control, aiming, detection, guid- rockets, SLVs, missiles, drones, or UAVs ca- ance, and tracking systems, as follows: pable of delivering a payload of at least 500 * (1) Fire control systems; kg to a range of at least 300 km or their sub- * (2) Electronic or optical weapon posi- systems. See note 2 to paragraph (a)(3)(xxix) tioning, laying, or spotting systems; of this category); * (3) Laser spot trackers or laser spot de- (17) Chaff and flare rounds specially de- tection, location, or imaging systems, with signed for the systems and equipment de- an operational wavelength shorter than 400 scribed in paragraph (a)(4)(iii) of this cat- nm or longer than 710 nm and that are for


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laser target designators or coded target (5) Systems specially designed to use laser markers controlled in paragraph (b)(1); energy with an output wavelength exceeding NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (a)(3): For controls on 710 nm for exploiting differential target- LIDAR, see paragraph (b)(6) of this category. background retroreflectance in order to de- tect optical/electro-optical equipment (e.g., * (4) Bomb sights or bombing computers; optical augmentation systems); * (5) Electro-optical systems that auto- (6) Light detection and ranging (LIDAR), matically detect and locate ordnance launch, laser detection and ranging (LADAR), or blast, or fire; range-gated systems, specially designed for a * (6) Electro-optical ordnance guidance sys- military end user tems; (MT if designed or modified for rockets, * (7) Missile or ordnance electro-optical missiles, SLVs, drones, or unmanned aerial tracking systems; vehicle systems capable of delivering at least * (8) Remote wind-sensing systems spe- a 500 kg payload to a range of at least 300 cially designed for ballistic-corrected aim- km); or ing; or (7) Developmental lasers or laser systems (9) Helmet mounted display (HMD) systems funded by the Department of Defense via or end items (e.g., Combat Vehicle Crew contract or other funding authorization. HMD, Mounted Warrior HMD, Integrated NOTE 1 TO PARAGRAPH (b)(7): This para- Helmet Assembly Subsystem, Drivers Head graph does not control lasers or laser sys- Tracked Vision System), other than such tems: (a) In production, (b) determined to be items controlled in Category VIII, that: subject to the EAR via a Commodity Juris- (i) Incorporate or interface (either via diction determination (see § 120.4 of this sub- wired or wireless connection) with optical chapter), or (c) identified in the relevant De- sights or slewing devices that aim, launch, partment of Defense contract or other fund- track, or manage munitions; or ing authorization as being developed for both (ii) Control infrared imaging systems or civil and military applications. end items described in paragraphs (a) NOTE 2 TO PARAGRAPH (b)(7): Note 1 does through (d) of this category. not apply to defense articles enumerated on * (b) Laser systems and end items, as fol- the U.S. Munitions List, whether in produc- lows: tion or development. (1) Laser target designators or coded target NOTE 3 TO PARAGRAPH (b)(7): This provision markers, that mediate the delivery of ord- is applicable to those contracts or other nance to a target; funding authorizations that are dated Octo- (2) Target illumination systems having a ber 12, 2017 or later. variable beam divergence and a laser output * (c) Imaging systems or end items, as fol- wavelength exceeding 710 nm, to artificially lows: light an area to search, locate, or track a (1) Binoculars, bioculars, monoculars, gog- target; gles, or head or helmet-mounted imaging (3) Laser rangefinders having any of the systems (including video-based articles hav- following: ing a separate near-to-eye display), as fol- (i) Output wavelength of 1064 nm and any lows: Q-switched pulse output; or (i) Employing an autogated third genera- (ii) Output wavelength exceeding 1064 nm tion image intensifier tube or a higher gen- and any of the following: eration image intensifier tube; (A) Single or multiple shot(s) within one (ii) Fusing output of an image intensifier second ranging capability of 3 km or greater tube and an infrared focal plane array having against a standard 2.3 m x 2.3 m NATO target a peak response wavelength greater than having 10% reflectivity and 23 km atmos- 1,000 nm; or pheric visibility; or (iii) Having an infrared focal plane array or (B) Multiple shot ranging capability at 3 infrared imaging camera, and specially de- Hz or greater of 1 km or greater against a signed for a military end user; standard 2.3 m x 2.3 m NATO target having (2) Weapon sights (i.e., with a reticle) or 10% reflectivity and 23 km atmospheric visi- aiming or imaging systems (e.g., clip-on), bility; specially designed to mount to a weapon or (4) Targeting systems and target location to withstand weapon shock or recoil, with or systems, incorporating or specially designed without an integrated viewer or display, and to incorporate both of the following: also incorporating or specially designed to (i) A laser rangefinder; and incorporate any of the following: (ii) A defense article controlled in para- (i) An infrared focal plane array having a graph (d) of this category (MT if designed or peak response wavelength exceeding 1,000 modified for rockets, missiles, space launch nm; vehicles (SLVs), drones, or unmanned aerial (ii) Second generation with luminous sen- vehicle systems capable of delivering at least sitivity greater than 350 μA/lm, third genera- a 500 kg payload to a range of at least 300 tion, or higher generation, image intensifier km); tubes;


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(iii) Ballistic computing electronics for ad- (A) Having a stabilization better (less) justing the aim point display; or than 30 microradians RMS and a turret with (iv) Infrared laser having a wavelength ex- a ball diameter of 15 inches or greater; or ceeding 710 nm; (B) Specially designed for articles in this (3) Electro-optical reconnaissance, surveil- subchapter or specially designed for a mili- lance, target detection, or target acquisition tary end user; systems, specially designed for articles in (7) Terahertz imaging systems as follows: this subchapter or specially designed for a (i) Concealed object detection systems op- military end user (MT if for determining erating in the frequency range from 30 GHz bearings to specific electromagnetic sources to 3000 GHz, and having a resolution less (direction finding equipment) or terrain (better) than 0.1 milliradians at a standoff characteristics and designed or modified for range of 100 m; or rockets, missiles, SLVs, drones, or un- (ii) Specially designed for a military end manned aerial vehicle systems capable of de- user; livering at least a 500 kg payload to a range (8) Systems or equipment, incorporating an of at least 300 km); ultraviolet or infrared (IR) beacon or emit- (4) Infrared search and track (IRST) sys- ter, specially designed for Combat Identifica- tems having one of the following: tion; (i) Airborne or naval systems, that: (9) Systems that project radiometrically (A) Have range performance of 3 km or calibrated scenes at a frame rate greater greater; than 30 Hz directly into the entrance aper- (B) Incorporate or are specially designed to ture of an electro-optical or infrared (EO/IR) incorporate an infrared focal plane array or sensor controlled in this subchapter within imaging camera, having a peak response either the spectral band exceeding 10 nm but wavelength exceeding 3 microns or greater; not exceeding 400 nm, or the spectral band and exceeding 900 nm but not exceeding 30,000 (C) Maintain positional or angular state of nm; a target through time; or (10) Developmental electro-optical, infra- (ii) Specially designed for a military end red, or terahertz systems funded by the De- user; partment of Defense. (5) Distributed aperture systems having a peak response wavelength exceeding 710 nm NOTE 1 TO PARAGRAPH (c)(10): This para- specially designed for articles in this sub- graph does not control electro-optical, infra- chapter or specially designed for a military red, or terahertz imaging systems: (a) In pro- end user; duction, (b) determined to be subject to the (6) Infrared imaging systems, as follows: EAR via a Commodity Jurisdiction deter- (i) Mobile reconnaissance, scout, or sur- mination (see § 120.4 of this subchapter), or veillance systems providing real-time target (c) identified in the relevant Department of recognition at ranges greater than 3 km Defense contract or other funding authoriza- (e.g., LRAS, CIV, HTI, SeeSpot, MMS); tion as being developed for both civil and military applications. NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (c)(6)(i): Target is de- fined as a NATO standard tank target having NOTE 2 TO PARAGRAPH (c)(10): Note 1 does a frontal cross-section of 2.3 x 2.3 meters, and not apply to defense articles enumerated on a side cross-section of 2.3 x 6.4 meters. the U.S. Munitions List, whether in produc- tion or development. (ii) Airborne stabilized systems specially NOTE 3 TO PARAGRAPH (c)(10): This provi- designed for military reconnaissance (e.g., sion is applicable to those contracts or other DB–110, C–B4); funding authorizations that are dated Octo- (iii) Multispectral imaging systems that ber 12, 2017 or later. provide automated classification or identi- fication of military or intelligence targets or (d) Guidance and navigation systems or characteristics; end items, as follows: (iv) Automated missile detection or warn- (1) Guidance or navigation systems (e.g., ing systems; inertial navigation systems, inertial ref- (v) Systems hardened to withstand electro- erence units, attitude and heading reference magnetic pulse (EMP), directed energy, systems) having any of the following: chemical, biological, or radiological threats; (i) A circular error probability at fifty per- (vi) Systems incorporating mechanism(s) cent (CEP50) of position error rate less (bet- to reduce the optical chain signature for op- ter) than 0.28 nautical miles per hour, with- tical augmentation; out the use of positional aiding references; (vii) Persistent surveillance systems with a (ii) A heading error or true north deter- ground sample distance (GSD) of 0.5 m or mination of less (better) than 0.28 mrad se- better (smaller) at 10,000 ft or higher above cant (latitude) (0.016043 degrees secant (lati- ground level and a simultaneous coverage tude)), without the use of positional aiding area of 3 km2 or greater; references; (viii) Gimbaled infrared systems, as fol- (iii) A CEP50 of position error rate less lows: than 0.2 nautical miles in an 8 hour period,


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without the use of positional aiding ref- of 50 m or less (MT if designed or modified erences; or for airborne or marine use); (iv) Meeting or exceeding specified per- NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (d)(5): ‘‘Eotvos’’ is a formance at linear acceleration levels ex- unit of acceleration divided by distance that ceeding 25g (MT if designed or modified for was used in conjunction with the older centi- rockets, missiles, SLVs, drones, or un- meter-gram-second system of units. The manned aerial vehicle systems capable of a Eotvos is defined as 1⁄1,000,000,000 Galileo (Gal) range greater than or equal to 300 km or in- per centimeter. corporating accelerometers specified in para- graph (e)(11) or gyroscopes or angular rate (6) Developmental guidance or navigation sensors specified in paragraph (e)(12) of this systems funded by the Department of De- category that are designated MT); fense (MT if designed or modified for rock- ets, missiles, SLVs, drones, or unmanned NOTE 1 TO PARAGRAPH (d)(1): For rocket, aerial vehicle systems capable of a range SLV, or missile flight control and guidance equal to or greater than 300 km). systems (including guidance sets), see Cat- egory IV(h). NOTE 1 TO PARAGRAPH (d)(6): This para- NOTE 2 TO PARAGRAPH (d)(1): Inertial meas- graph does not control guidance or naviga- urement units are described in paragraph (e) tion systems: (a) in production, (b) deter- of this category. mined to be subject to the EAR via a Com- modity Jurisdiction determination (see (2) Global Navigation Satellite System § 120.4 of this subchapter), or (c) identified in (GNSS) receiving equipment, as follows: the relevant Department of Defense contract (i) GNSS receiving equipment specially de- or other funding authorization as being de- signed for military applications (MT if de- signed or modified for airborne applications veloped for both civil and military applica- and capable of providing navigation informa- tions. tion at speeds in excess of 600 m/s); NOTE 2 TO PARAGRAPH (d)(6): Note 1 does (ii) Global Positioning System (GPS) re- not apply to defense articles enumerated on ceiving equipment specially designed for the U.S. Munitions List, whether in produc- encryption or decryption (e.g., Y-Code, M- tion or development. Code) of GPS precise positioning service NOTE 3 TO PARAGRAPH (d)(6): This provision (PPS) signals (MT if designed or modified for is applicable to those contracts or other airborne applications); funding authorizations that are dated Octo- (iii) GNSS receiving equipment specially ber 12, 2017 or later. designed for use with an antenna described NOTE 4 TO PARAGRAPH (d)(6): For definition in Category XI(c)(10) (MT if designed or of ‘‘range’’ as it pertains to rocket systems, modified for airborne applications); or see Note 1 to paragraph (a) of USML Cat- (iv) GNSS receiving equipment specially egory IV. For definition of ‘‘range’’ as it per- designed for use with rockets, missiles, tains to aircraft systems, see Note 2 to para- SLVs, drones, or unmanned air vehicle sys- graph (a) of USML Category VIII. tems capable of delivering at least a 500 kg (e) Parts, components, accessories, or at- payload to a range of at least 300 km (MT); tachments, as follows: NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (d)(2)(iv): ‘‘Payload’’ is (1) Parts and components specially de- the total mass that can be carried or deliv- signed for articles described in paragraph ered by the specified rocket, missile, SLV, (a)(1) or (a)(5) of this category; drone, or unmanned aerial vehicle that is not (2) Lasers specially designed for articles in used to maintain flight. For definition of this subchapter; ‘‘range’’ as it pertains to rocket systems, see (3) Laser stacked arrays specially designed Note 1 to paragraph (a) of USML Category for articles in this subchapter; IV. For definition of ‘‘range’’ as it pertains (4) Night vision or infrared cameras (e.g., to aircraft systems, see Note 2 to paragraph camera core) specially designed for articles (a) of USML Category VIII. in this subchapter; (3) GNSS anti-jam systems specially de- NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (e)(4): The articles signed for use with an antenna described in controlled by this paragraph have sufficient Category XI(c)(10); electronics to enable at a minimum the out- (4) Mobile relative gravimeters having put of an analog or digital signal once power automatic motion compensation with an in- is applied. service accuracy of less (better) than 0.4 (5) Infrared focal plane arrays specially de- mGal (MT if designed or modified for air- signed for articles in this subchapter; borne or marine use and having a time to (6) Charge multiplication focal plane ar- steady-state registration of two minutes or rays exceeding 50 mA/W for any wavelength less); exceeding 760 nm and specially designed for (5) Mobile gravity gradiometers having an articles described in this subchapter; accuracy of less (better) than 10 Eotvos (7) Second generation and greater image squared per radian per second for any compo- intensifier tubes specially designed for arti- nent of the gravity gradient tensor, and hav- cles in this subchapter, and specially de- ing a spatial gravity wavelength resolution signed parts and components therefor;


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NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (e)(7): Second and ‘‘Stability’’ is a measure of the ability of a third generation image intensifier tubes are specific mechanism or performance coeffi- defined as having a peak response within the cient to remain invariant when continuously 0.4 to 1.05 micron wavelength range and in- exposed to a fixed operating condition. (This corporating a microchannel plate for elec- definition does not refer to dynamic or servo tron image amplification having a hole pitch stability.) (center-to-center spacing) of less than 25 mi- (13) Optical sensors having a spectral filter crons and having either: (a) an S–20, S–25, or specially designed for systems or equipment multialkali photo cathode; or (b) a GaAs, controlled in USML Category XI(a)(4), or op- GaInAs, or other III–V compound semicon- tical sensor assemblies that provide threat ductor photocathode. warning or tracking for systems or equip- (8) Parts and components specially de- ment controlled in Category XI(a)(4); signed for articles described in paragraph (14) Infrared focal plane array read-out in- (c)(3), (c)(4), (c)(5) or (c)(6)(vi)-(vii) of this tegrated circuits (ROICs) specially designed category; for articles in this subchapter; (9) Inertial measurement units specially (15) Integrated dewar cooler assemblies designed for articles in this subchapter (MT specially designed for articles in this sub- for systems incorporating accelerometers chapter, with or without an infrared focal specified in paragraph (e)(11) or gyroscopes plane array, and specially designed parts and or angular rate sensors specified in para- components therefor;; graph (e)(12) that are designated MT); (16) Gimbals specially designed for articles (10) GNSS security devices (e.g., Selective in this category; Availability Anti-Spoofing Modules (17) Infrared focal plane array Joule-Thom- (SAASM), Security Modules (SM), and Auxil- son (JT) self-regulating cryostats specially iary Output Chips (AOC)); designed for articles controlled in this sub- (11) Accelerometers having a bias repeat- chapter; ability of less (better) than 10 μg and a scale (18) Infrared lenses, mirrors, beam splitters factor repeatability of less (better) than 10 or combiners, filters, and treatments and parts per million, or capable of measuring coatings, specially designed for articles con- greater than 100,000 g (MT); trolled in this category; NOTE 1 TO PARAGRAPH (e)(11): For weapon fuze accelerometers, see Category III(d) or NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (e)(18): For the pur- IV(h). poses of this paragraph, treatments and coatings may be analyzed as a part, compo- NOTE 2 TO PARAGRAPH (e)(11): MT designa- tion does not include accelerometers that nent, accessory, or attachment under para- are designed to measure vibration or shock. graph (b) of § 120.41 to determine if they are specially designed. (12) Gyroscopes or angular rate sensors as follows: (19) Drive, control, signal, or image proc- (i) Having an angle random walk of less essing electronics, specially designed for ar- (better) than 0.001 degrees per square root ticles controlled in this category; hour; or (20) Near-to-eye displays (e.g., micro-dis- (ii) Mechanical gyroscopes or rate sensors plays) specially designed for articles con- having a bias repeatability less (better) than trolled in this category; 0.0015 degrees per hour (MT if having a rated (21) Resonators, receivers, transmitters, drift stability of less than 0.5 degrees (1 modulators, gain media, drive electronics, sigma or rms) per hour in a 1 g environment and frequency converters, specially designed or specified to function at acceleration levels for laser systems controlled in this category; greater than 100 g); (22) Two-dimensional infrared scene pro- jector emitter arrays (i.e., resistive arrays) NOTE TO PARAGRAPHS (e)(11) AND (e)(12): specially designed for infrared scene genera- ‘‘Repeatability’’ is the closeness of agree- tors controlled in USML Category IX(a)(10); ment among repeated measurements of the same variable under the same operating con- * (23) Any part, component, accessory, at- ditions when changes in conditions or non- tachment, or associated equipment, that: operating periods occur between measure- (i) Is classified; ments. (ii) Contains classified software; ‘‘Bias’’ is the accelerometer output when (iii) Is manufactured using classified pro- no acceleration is applied. duction data; or ‘‘Scale factor’’ is the ratio of change in (iv) Is being developed using classified in- output to a change in the input. formation. The measurements of ‘‘bias’’ and ‘‘scale NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (e)(23): ‘‘Classified’’ factor’’ refer to one sigma standard devi- means classified pursuant to Executive Order ation with respect to a fixed calibration over 13526, or predecessor order, and a security a period of one year. classification guide developed pursuant ‘‘Drift Rate’’ is the component of gyro out- thereto or equivalent, or to the cor- put that is functionally independent of input responding classification rules of another rotation and is expressed as an angular rate. government.


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(24) Developmental image intensifier tubes, opment must establish such knowledge. For focal plane arrays, read-out-integrated cir- the purpose of a Commodity Jurisdiction de- cuits, accelerometers, gyroscopes, angular termination, the government may base a de- rate sensors, and inertial measurement units termination on post-development informa- funded by the Department of Defense (MT if tion that evidences such knowledge or is oth- designed or modified for rockets, missiles, erwise consistent with § 120.4 of this sub- SLVs, drones, or unmanned aerial vehicle chapter. systems capable of a range equal to or great- er than 300 km). CATEGORY XIII— MATERIALS AND ISCELLANEOUS RTICLES NOTE 1 TO PARAGRAPH (e)(24): This para- M A graph does not control items: (a) In produc- (a) [Reserved] tion, (b) determined to be subject to the EAR (b) Information security or information as- via a Commodity Jurisdiction determination surance systems and equipment, cryp- (see § 120.4 of this subchapter), or (c) identi- tographic devices, software, and components, fied in the relevant Department of Defense as follows: contract or other funding authorization as (1) Military or intelligence cryptographic being developed for both civil and military (including key management) systems, equip- applications. ment, assemblies, modules, integrated cir- NOTE 2 TO PARAGRAPH (e)(24): Note 1 does cuits, components, and software (including not apply to defense articles enumerated on their cryptographic interfaces) capable of the U.S. Munitions List, whether in produc- maintaining secrecy or confidentiality of in- tion or development. formation or information systems, including NOTE 3 TO PARAGRAPH (e)(24): This provi- equipment or software for tracking, telem- sion is applicable to those contracts or other etry, and control (TT&C) encryption and funding authorizations that are dated Octo- decryption; ber 12, 2017 or later. (2) Military or intelligence cryptographic (f) Technical data (see § 120.10) and defense (including key management) systems, equip- services (see § 120.9) directly related to the ment, assemblies, modules, integrated cir- defense articles described in paragraphs (a) cuits, components, and software (including through (e) of this category and classified their cryptographic interfaces) capable of technical data directly related to items con- generating spreading or hopping codes for trolled in ECCNs 7A611, 7B611, and 7D611. spread spectrum systems or equipment; (See § 125.4 for exemptions.) (MT for tech- (3) Military or intelligence cryptanalytic nical data and defense services related to ar- systems, equipment, assemblies, modules, in- ticles designated as such.) tegrated circuits, components and software; (g)–(w) [Reserved] (4) Military or intelligence systems, equip- (x) Commodities, software, and technology ment, assemblies, modules, integrated cir- subject to the EAR (see § 120.42 of this sub- cuits, components, or software (including all chapter) used in or with defense articles con- previous or derived versions) authorized to trolled in this category. control access to or transfer data between NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (x): Use of this para- different security domains as listed on the graph is limited to license applications for Unified Cross Domain Management Office defense articles controlled in this category (UCDMO) Control List (UCL); or where the purchase documentation includes (5) Ancillary equipment specially designed commodities, software, or technology sub- for the articles in paragraphs (b)(1)–(b)(4) of ject to the EAR (see § 123.1(b) of this sub- this category. chapter). (c) [Reserved] NOTE TO CATEGORY XII: For purposes of (d) Materials, as follows: paragraphs (b)(6), (c)(1)(iii), (c)(3), (c)(4)(ii), * (1) Ablative materials fabricated or semi- (c)(5), (c)(6)(viii)(b), and (c)(7)(ii) of this cat- fabricated from advanced composites (e.g., egory, a ‘‘military end user’’ means the na- silica, graphite, carbon, carbon/carbon, and tional armed services (army, navy, marine, boron filaments) specially designed for the air force, or coast guard), national guard, na- articles in USML Category IV or XV (MT if tional police, government intelligence or re- usable for nozzles, re-entry vehicles, nose connaissance organizations, or any person or tips, or nozzle flaps usable in rockets, space entity whose actions or functions are in- launch vehicles (SLVs), or missiles capable tended to support military end uses. A sys- of achieving a range greater than or equal to tem or end item is not specially designed for 300 km); or a military end user if the item was developed (2) Carbon/carbon billets and preforms that with knowledge that it is or would be for use are reinforced with continuous by both military end users and non-military unidirectional fibers, tows, tapes, or woven end users, or if the item was or is being de- cloths in three or more dimensional planes veloped with no knowledge of use by a par- (MT if designed for rocket, SLV, or missile ticular end user. For the purpose of con- systems and usable in rockets, SLVs, or mis- ducting a self-determination of jurisdiction, siles capable of achieving a range greater documents contemporaneous with the devel- than or equal to 300 km).


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NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (d): ‘‘Range’’ is the * (f) Any article enumerated in this cat- maximum distance that the specified rocket egory that (MT for those articles designated system is capable of traveling in the mode of as such): stable flight as measured by the projection (i) Is classified; of its trajectory over the surface of the (ii) Contains classified software directly Earth. The maximum capability based on the related to defense articles in this subchapter design characteristics of the system, when or 600 series items subject to the EAR; or fully loaded with fuel or propellant, will be (iii) Is being developed using classified in- taken into consideration in determining formation. range. The range for rocket systems will be ‘‘Classified’’ means classified pursuant to determined independently of any external Executive Order 13526, or predecessor order, factors such as operational restrictions, lim- and a security classification guide developed itations imposed by telemetry, data links, or pursuant thereto or equivalent, or to the other external constraints. For rocket sys- corresponding classification rules of another tems, the range will be determined using the government or international organization. trajectory that maximizes range, assuming * (g) Concealment and deception equip- International Civil Aviation Organization ment, as follows (MT for applications usable (ICAO) standard atmosphere with zero wind. for rockets, SLVs, missiles, drones, or un- NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (d)(2): This paragraph manned aerial vehicles (UAVs) capable of does not control carbon/carbon billets and achieving a range greater than or equal to preforms where reinforcement in the third 300 km and their subsystems. See note to dimension is limited to interlocking of adja- paragraph (d) of this category): cent layers only. (1) Polymers loaded with carbonyl iron (e) Armor (e.g., organic, ceramic, metallic) powder, ferrites, iron whiskers, fibers, flakes, and armor materials, as follows: or other magnetic additives having a surface (1) Spaced armor with Em greater than 1.4 resistivity of less than 5000 ohms/square and and meeting NIJ Level III or better; greater than 10 ohms/square with electrical (2) Transparent armor having Em greater isotropy of less than 5%; than or equal to 1.3 or having Em less than 1.3 (2) Multi-layer camouflage systems spe- and meeting and exceeding NIJ Level III cially designed to reduce detection of plat- standards with areal density less than or forms or equipment in the infrared or ultra- equal to 40 pounds per square foot; violet frequency spectrums; (3) Transparent ceramic plate greater than (3) High temperature (greater than 300 °F 1 × ⁄4 inch-thick and larger than 8 inches 8 operation) ceramic or magnetic radar ab- inches, excluding glass, for transparent sorbing material (RAM) specially designed armor; for use on defense articles or military items (4) Non-transparent ceramic plate or subject to the EAR; or 1 blanks, greater than ⁄4 inches thick and (4) Broadband (greater than 30% band- × larger than 8 inches 8 inches for trans- width) lightweight (less than 2 lbs/sq ft) mag- parent armor. This includes spinel and alu- netic radar absorbing material (RAM) spe- minum oxynitride (ALON); cially designed for use on defense articles or (5) Composite armor with Em greater than military items subject to the EAR. 1.4 and meeting or exceeding NIJ Level III; (h) Energy conversion devices not other- (6) Metal laminate armor with E greater m wise enumerated in this subchapter, as fol- than 1.4 and meeting or exceeding NIJ Level lows: III; or (1) Fuel cells specially designed for plat- (7) Developmental armor funded by the De- forms or soldier systems specified in this partment of Defense via contract or other subchapter; funding authorization. (2) Thermal engines specially designed for NOTE 1 TO PARAGRAPH (e)(7): This para- platforms or soldier systems specified in this graph does not control armor (a) in produc- subchapter; tion, (b) determined to be subject to the EAR (3) Thermal batteries (MT if designed or via a commodity jurisdiction determination modified for rockets, SLVs, missiles, drones, (see § 120.4 of this subchapter), or (c) identi- or UAVs capable of achieving a range equal fied in the relevant Department of De- to or greater than 300 km. See note to para- fense contract or other funding author- graph (d) of this category); or ization as being developed for both civil and military applications. NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (h)(3): Thermal bat- NOTE 2 TO PARAGRAPH (e)(7): Note 1 does teries are single use batteries that contain a not apply to defense articles enumerated on solid non-conducting inorganic salt as the the USML, whether in production or develop- electrolyte. These batteries incorporate a ment. pyrolitic material that, when ignited, melts NOTE 3 TO PARAGRAPH (e)(7): This provision the electrolyte and activates the battery. is applicable to those contracts and funding (4) Thermionic generators specially de- authorizations that are dated July 8, 2014, or signed for platforms or soldier systems enu- later. merated in this subchapter.


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* (i) Signature reduction software, and wavelengths greater than 900 nanometers technical data as follows (MT for software (see USML Category X(a)(2)); or specially designed for reduced observables, * (2) Equipment, materials, coatings, and for applications usable for rockets, SLVs, treatments that are specially designed to missiles, drones, or UAVs capable of achiev- modify the electro-optical, radiofrequency, ing a range (see note to paragraph (d) of this infrared, electric, laser, magnetic, electro- category) greater than or equal to 300 km, magnetic, acoustic, electro-static, or wake and their subsystems, including software signatures of defense articles or 600 series specially designed for analysis of signature items subject to the EAR through control of reduction; MT for technical data for the de- absorption, reflection, or emission to reduce velopment, production, or use of equipment, detectability or observability (MT for appli- materials, or software designated as such, in- cations usable for rockets, SLVs, missiles, cluding databases specially designed for drones, or UAVs capable of achieving a range analysis of signature reduction): greater than or equal to 300 km, and their (1) Software associated with the measure- subsystems. See note to paragraph (d) of this ment or modification of system signatures category). for defense articles to reduce detectability or * (k) Tooling and equipment, as follows: observability; (1) Tooling and equipment specially de- (2) Software for design of low-observable signed for production of low observable (LO) platforms; components; or (3) Software for design, analysis, pre- (2) Portable platform signature field repair diction, or optimization of signature man- validation equipment (e.g., portable optical agement solutions for defense articles; interrogator that validates integrity of a re- pair to a signature reduction structure). (4) Infrared signature measurement or pre- (l) Technical data (see § 120.10 of this sub- diction software for defense articles or radar chapter) directly related to the defense arti- cross section measurement or prediction cles described in paragraphs (a) through (h), software; (j), and (k) of this category and defense serv- (5) Signature management technical data, ices (see § 120.9 of this subchapter) directly including codes and algorithms for defense related to the defense articles described in articles to reduce detectability or observ- this category. (See also § 123.20 of this sub- ability; chapter.) (MT for technical data and defense (6) Signature control design methodology services related to articles designated as (see § 125.4(c)(4) of this subchapter) for de- such.) fense articles to reduce detectability or ob- (m) The following interpretations explain servability; and amplify terms used in this category and (7) Technical data for use of micro-encap- elsewhere in this subchapter: sulation or micro-spheres to reduce infrared, (1) Composite armor is defined as having radar, or visual detection of platforms or more than one layer of different materials or equipment; a matrix. (8) Multi-layer camouflage system tech- (2) Spaced armors are metallic or non-me- nical data for reducing detection of plat- tallic armors that incorporate an air space forms or equipment; or obliquity or discontinuous material path (9) Multi-spectral surface treatment tech- effects as part of the defeat mechanism. nical data for modifying infrared, visual or (3) Reactive armor employs explosives, radio frequency signatures of platforms or propellants, or other materials between equipment; plates for the purpose of enhancing plate mo- (10) Technical data for modifying visual, tion during a ballistic event or otherwise de- electro-optical, radiofrequency, electric, feating the penetrator. magnetic, electromagnetic, or wake signa- (4) Electromagnetic armor (EMA) employs tures (e.g., low probability of intercept (LPI) electricity to defeat threats such as shaped techniques, methods or applications) of de- charges. fense platforms or equipment through shap- (5) Materials used in composite armor ing, active, or passive techniques; or could include layers of metals, plastics, (11) Technical data for modifying acoustic elastomers, fibers, glass, ceramics, ceramic- signatures of defense platforms or equipment glass reinforced plastic laminates, encap- through shaping, active, or passive tech- sulated ceramics in a metallic or non-metal- niques. lic matrix, functionally gradient ceramic- (j) Equipment, materials, coatings, and metal materials, or ceramic balls in a cast treatments not elsewhere specified, as fol- metal matrix. lows: (6) For this category, a material is consid- (1) Specially treated or formulated dyes, ered transparent if it allows 75% or greater coatings, and fabrics used in the design, transmission of light, corrected for index of manufacture, or production of personnel pro- refraction, in the visible spectrum through a tective clothing, equipment, or face paints 1 mm thick nominal sample. designed to protect against or reduce detec- (7) The material controlled in paragraph tion by radar, infrared, or other sensors at (e)(4) of this category has not been treated to


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reach the 75% transmission level referenced (9) Em is the line-of-sight target mass effec- in (m)(6) of this category. tiveness ratio and provides a measure of the (8) Metal laminate armors are two or more tested armor’s performance to that of rolled layers of metallic materials which are me- homogenous armor, where Em is defined as chanically or adhesively bonded together to follows: form an armor system.

Where: (iii) O-Alkyl (H or equal to or less than C10, 3 including cycloalkyl) S–2-dialkyl (Methyl, rRHA = density of RHA, (7.85 g/cm ) Po = Baseline Penetration of RHA, (mm) Ethyl, n-Propyl or Isopropyl) aminoethyl alkyl (Methyl, Ethyl, n-Propyl or Isopropyl) Pr = Residual Line of Sight Penetration, ei- phosphonothiolates and corresponding ther positive or negative (mm RHA alkylated and protonated salts, such as VX: equivalent) O-Ethyl S–2-diisopropylaminoethyl methyl ADTARGET = Line-of-Sight Areal Density of phosphonothiolate (CAS 50782–69–9) (CWC 2 Target (kg/m ) Schedule 1A); If witness plate is penetrated, Pr is the dis- (2) Amiton: O,O-Diethyl S- tance from the projectile to the front edge of [2(diethylamino)ethyl] phosphorothiolate the witness plate. If not penetrated, Pr is and corresponding alkylated or protonated negative and is the distance from the back salts (CAS 78–53–5) (CWC Schedule 2A); edge of the target to the projectile. (3) Vesicant agents, as follows: (10) NIJ is the National Institute of Justice (i) Sulfur mustards, such as: 2- and Level III refers to the requirements spec- Chloroethylchloromethylsulfide (CAS 2625– ified in NIJ standard 0108.01 Ballistic Resist- 76–5) (CWC Schedule 1A); Bis(2- ant Protective Materials. chloroethyl)sulfide (HD) (CAS 505–60–2) (CWC (n)–(w) [Reserved] Schedule 1A); Bis(2-chloroethylthio)methane (x) Commodities, software, and technical (CAS 63839–13–6) (CWC Schedule 1A); 1,2-bis data subject to the EAR (see § 120.42 of this (2-chloroethylthio)ethane (CAS 3563–36–8) subchapter) used in or with defense articles. (CWC Schedule 1A); 1,3-bis (2- chloroethylthio)-n-propane (CAS 63905–10–2) NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (x): Use of this para- (CWC Schedule 1A); 1,4-bis (2- graph is limited to license applications for chloroethylthio)-n-butane (CWC Schedule defense articles where the purchase docu- 1A); 1,5-bis (2-chloroethylthio)-n-pentane mentation includes commodities, software, (CWC Schedule 1A); Bis (2- or technical data subject to the EAR (see chloroethylthiomethyl)ether (CWC Schedule § 123.1(b) of this subchapter). 1A); Bis (2-chloroethylthioethyl)ether (CAS 63918–89–8) (CWC Schedule 1A); CATEGORY XIV—TOXICOLOGICAL AGENTS, IN- (ii) Lewisites, such as: 2- CLUDING CHEMICAL AGENTS, BIOLOGICAL chlorovinyldichloroarsine (CAS 541–25–3) AGENTS, AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT (CWC Schedule 1A); Tris (2-chlorovinyl) ar- *(a) Chemical agents, as follows: sine (CAS 40334–70–1) (CWC Schedule 1A); Bis (1) Nerve agents, as follows: (2-chlorovinyl) chloroarsine (CAS 40334–69–8)

(i) O-Alkyl (equal to or less than C10, in- (CWC Schedule 1A); cluding cycloalkyl) alkyl (Methyl, Ethyl, n- (iii) Nitrogen mustards, or their Propyl or Isopropyl) phosphonofluoridates, protonated salts, as follows: such as: (GB): O-Isopropyl (A) HN1: Bis (2-chloroethyl) ethylamine methylphosphonofluoridate (CAS 107–44–8) (CAS 538–07–8) (CWC Schedule 1A); (CWC Schedule 1A); and (GD): O- (B) HN2: Bis (2-chloroethyl) methylamine Pinacolyl methylphosphonofluoridate (CAS (CAS 51–75–2) (CWC Schedule 1A); 96–64–0) (CWC Schedule 1A); (C) HN3: Tris (2-chloroethyl) amine (CAS 555–77–1) (CWC Schedule 1A); or (ii) O-Alkyl (equal to or less than C10, in- cluding cycloalkyl) N,N-dialkyl (Methyl, (D) Other nitrogen mustards, or their salts, Ethyl, n-Propyl or Isopropyl) having a propyl, isopropyl, butyl, isobutyl, phosphoramidocyanidates, such as: or tertiary butyl group on the bis(2- (GA): O-Ethyl N, N- chloroethyl) amine base; dimethylphosphoramidocyanidate (CAS 77– NOTE 1 TO PARAGRAPH (a)(3)(iii): Pharma- 81–6) (CWC Schedule 1A); or ceutical formulations containing nitrogen


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mustards or certain reference standards for (i) Having non-naturally occurring genetic these formulations are not considered to be modifications that are known to or are rea- chemical agents and are subject to the EAR sonably expected to result in an increase in when: (1) The pharmaceutical is in the form any of the following: of a final medical product; or (2) the ref- (A) Persistence in a field environment (i.e., erence standard contains salts of HN2 [bis(2- resistance to oxygen, UV damage, tempera- chloroethyl) methylamine], the quantity to ture extremes, arid conditions, or decon- be shipped is 150 milligrams or less, and indi- tamination processes); or vidual shipments do not exceed twelve per (B) The ability to defeat or overcome calendar year per end user. standard detection methods, personnel pro- NOTE 2 TO PARAGRAPH (a)(3)(iii): A ‘‘final tection, natural or acquired host immunity, medical product,’’ as used in this paragraph, host immune response, or response to stand- is a pharmaceutical formulation that is (1) ard medical countermeasures; and designed for testing and administration in (ii) Being any micro-organisms/toxins or the treatment of human medical conditions, their non-naturally occurring genetic ele- (2) prepackaged for distribution as a clinical ments as listed below: or medical product, and (3) approved for mar- (A) Bacillus anthracis; keting by the Food and Drug Administration (B) Botulinum producing spe- or has a valid investigational new drug appli- cies of Clostridium; cation (IND) in effect, in accordance with 21 (C) Burkholderia mallei; CFR part 312. (D) Burkholderia pseudomallei; (E) Ebola virus; (iv) (ED) (CAS 598–14– (F) Foot-and-mouth disease virus; 1); or (G) Francisella tularensis; (v) (MD) (CAS 593–89– (H) Marburg virus; 5); (I) Variola major virus (Smallpox virus); (4) Incapacitating agents, such as: (J) Variola minor virus (Alastrim); (i) 3-Quinuclindinyl benzilate (BZ) (CAS (K) Yersinia pestis; or 6581–06–2) (CWC Schedule 2A); (L) Rinderpest virus. (ii) Diphenylchloroarsine (DA) (CAS 712–48– (2) Biological agent or biologically derived 1); or substances controlled in ECCNs 1C351, 1C353, (iii) (DC) (CAS 23525– or 1C354: 22–6); (i) Physically modified, formulated, or pro- (5) agents not enumer- duced as any of the following: ated above adapted for use in war to produce (A) 1–10 micron particle size; casualties in humans or animals, degrade (B) Particle-absorbed or combined with equipment, or damage crops or the environ- nano-particles; ment. (See the CCL at ECCNs 1C350, 1C355, (C) Having coatings/surfactants, or and 1C395 for control of certain chemicals (D) By microencapsulation; and not adapted for use in war.) (ii) Meeting the criteria of paragraph NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (a)(5): ‘‘Adapted for (b)(2)(i) of this category in a manner that is use in war’’ means any modification or selec- known to or is reasonably expected to result tion (such as altering purity, shelf life, dis- in an increase in any of the following: semination characteristics, or resistance to (A) Persistence in a field environment (i.e., ultraviolet radiation) designed to increase resistant to oxygen, UV damage, tempera- the effectiveness in producing casualties in ture extremes, arid conditions, or decon- humans or animals, degrading equipment, or tamination processes); damaging crops or the environment. (B) Dispersal characteristics (e.g., reduced NOTE 1 TO PARAGRAPH (a): Paragraph (a) of susceptibility to shear forces, optimized this category does not include the following: electrostatic charges); or chloride, Hydrocyanic acid, Chlo- (C) The ability to defeat or overcome: rine, Carbonyl chloride (), Ethyl standard detection methods, personnel pro- bromoacetate, , Benzyl bro- tection, natural or acquired host immunity, mide, , Chloro acetone, or response to standard medical counter- (trichloronitromethane), Fluo- measures. rine, and Liquid pepper. NOTE 1 TO PARAGRAPH (b): Non-naturally NOTE 2 TO PARAGRAPH (a): Regarding U.S. occurring means that the modification has obligations under the Chemical Weapons not already been observed in nature, was not Convention (CWC), refer to Chemical Weap- discovered from samples obtained from na- ons Convention Regulations (CWCR) (15 CFR ture, and was developed with human inter- parts 710 through 721). As appropriate, the vention. CWC schedule is provided to assist the ex- NOTE 2 TO PARAGRAPH (b): This paragraph porter. does not control biological agents or bio- *(b) Biological agents and biologically de- logically derived substances when these rived substances and genetic elements there- agents or substances have been dem- of as follows: onstrated to be attenuated relative to nat- (1) Genetically modified biological agents: ural pathogenic isolates and are incapable of


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causing disease or intoxication of ordinarily Defense contract or other funding authoriza- affected and relevant species (e.g., humans, tion. livestock, crop plants) due to the attenu- (2) Any equipment, containing reagents, al- ation of virulence or pathogenic factors. This gorithms, coefficients, software, libraries, paragraph also does not control genetic ele- spectral databases, or alarm set point levels ments, nucleic acids, or nucleic acid se- developed under a Department of Defense quences (whether recombinant or synthetic) contract or other funding authorization, for that are unable to produce or direct the bio- the detection, identification, warning, or synthesis of infectious or functional forms of monitoring of: the biological agents or biologically derived (i) Articles controlled in paragraphs (a) or substances that are capable of causing dis- (b) of this category; or ease or intoxication of ordinarily affected (ii) Chemical agents or biological agents and relevant species. specified in the Department of Defense con- NOTE 3 TO PARAGRAPH (b): Biological agents tract or other funding authorization. or biologically derived substances that meet NOTE 1 TO PARAGRAPH (f)(2): This paragraph both paragraphs (b)(1) and (b)(2) of this cat- does not control articles that are (a) deter- egory are controlled in paragraph (b)(1). mined to be subject to the EAR via a com- *(c) Chemical agent binary precursors and modity jurisdiction determination (see § 120.4 key precursors, as follows: of this subchapter), or (b) identified in the (1) Alkyl (Methyl, Ethyl, n-Propyl or Iso- relevant Department of Defense contract or propyl) phosphonyl difluorides, such as: DF: other funding authorization as being devel- Methyl Phosphonyldifluoride (CAS 676–99–3) oped for both civil and military applications. (CWC Schedule 1B); NOTE 2 TO PARAGRAPH (f)(2): Note 1 does not Methylphosphinyldifluoride (CAS 753–59–3) apply to defense articles enumerated on the (CWC Schedule 2B); USML. (2) O-Alkyl (H or equal to or less than C10, (3) [Reserved] including cycloalkyl) O–2-dialkyl (methyl, (4) For individual protection or collective ethyl, n-Propyl or isopropyl) aminoethyl protection against the articles controlled in alkyl (methyl, ethyl, N-propyl or isopropyl) paragraphs (a) and (b) of this category, as phosphonite and corresponding alkylated follows: and protonated salts, such as QL: O-Ethyl-2- (i) M53 Chemical Biological Protective di-isopropylaminoethyl methylphosphonite Mask or M50 Joint Service General Purpose (CAS 57856–11–8) (CWC Schedule 1B); Mask (JSGPM); (3) Chlorosarin: O-Isopropyl (ii) Filter cartridges containing sorbents methylphosphonochloridate (CAS 1445–76–7) controlled in paragraph (f)(4)(iii) or (n) of (CWC Schedule 1B); this category; (4) : O-Pinacolyl (iii) Carbon meeting MIL–DTL–32101 speci- methylphosphonochloridate (CAS 7040–57–5) fications (e.g., ASZM–TEDA carbon); or (CWC Schedule 1B); or (iv) Ensembles, garments, suits, jackets, (5) Methylphosphonyl dichloride (CAS 676– pants, boots, or socks for individual protec- 97–1) (CWC Schedule 2B); tion, and liners for collective protection that Methylphosphinyldichloride (CAS 676–83–5) allow no more than 1% breakthrough of GD (CWC Schedule 2B). or no more than 2% breakthrough of any (d) [Reserved] other chemical controlled in paragraph (a) of (e) Defoliants, as follows: this category, when evaluated by executing (1) 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid (CAS the applicable standard method(s) of testing 93–76–5) mixed with 2,4- described in the current version of Test Op- dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (CAS 94–75–7) erating Protocols (TOPs) 08–2–201 or 08–2–501 (Agent Orange (CAS 39277–47–9)); or and using the defined Department of De- (2) Butyl 2-chloro-4-fluorophenoxyacetate fense-specific requirements; (LNF). (5)–(6) [Reserved] *(f) Parts, components, accessories, attach- (7) Chemical Agent Resistant Coatings ments, associated equipment, materials, and that have been qualified to military speci- systems, as follows: fications (MIL–PRF–32348, MIL–DTL–64159, (1) Any equipment for the dissemination, MIL–C–46168, or MIL–DTL–53039); or dispersion, or testing of articles controlled (8) Any part, component, accessory, at- in paragraphs (a), (b), (c), or (e) of this cat- tachment, equipment, or system that: egory, as follows: (i) Is classified; (i) Any equipment ‘‘specially designed’’ for (ii) Is manufactured using classified pro- the dissemination and dispersion of articles duction data; or controlled in paragraphs (a), (b), (c), or (e) of (iii) Is being developed using classified in- this category; or formation. (ii) Any equipment ‘‘specially designed’’ NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (f)(8): ‘‘Classified’’ for testing the articles controlled in para- means classified pursuant to Executive Order graphs (a), (b), (c), (e), or (f)(4) of this cat- 13526, or predecessor order, and a security egory and developed under a Department of classification guide developed pursuant


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thereto or equivalent, or to the cor- (xiii) PCR–OP–1FB–B–K Orthopox Target 1 responding classification rules of another FastBlock Master Mix Biotinylated; government. (xiv) PCR–OP–1FB–K Orthopox Target 1 (g) Antibodies, recombinant protective FastBlock Master Mix; antigens, polynucleotides, biopolymers, or (xv) PCR–OP–1R–K Orthopox Target 1 biocatalysts (including their expression vec- LightCycler/RAPID Master Mix; tors, viruses, plasmids, or cultures of specific (xvi) PCR–OP–2FB–B–K Orthopox Target 2 cells modified to produce them) as follows: FastBlock Master Mix Biotinylated; (1) When exclusively funded by a Depart- (xvii) PCR–OP–3R–K Orthopox Target 3 ment of Defense contract for detection of the LightCycler/RAPID Master Mix; biological agents at paragraph (b)(1)(ii) of (xviii) PCR–RAZOR–BT–X PCR–RAZOR– this category even if naturally occurring; BT–X RAZOR CRP BioThreat-X Screening (2) Joint Biological Agent Identification Pouch; and Diagnostic System (JBAIDS) Freeze (xix) PCR–RIC–1FB–K Target 1 Dried reagents listed by JRPD–ASY–No and FastBlock Master Mix; (xx) PCR–RIC–1R–K Ricin Target 1 Description respectively as follows: LightCycler/RAPID Master Mix; (i) JRPD–ASY–0016 Q-Fever IVD Kit; (xxi) PCR–RIC–2R–K Ricin Target 2 (ii) JRPD–ASY–0100 Vaccinia (Orthopox); LightCycler/RAPID Master Mix; or (iii) JRPD–ASY–0106 Brucella melitensis (xxii) PCR–VEE–1R–K Venezuelan equine (Brucellosis); encephalitis Target 1 LightCycler/RAPID (iv) JRPD–ASY–0108 Rickettsia prowazekii Master Mix; or (Rickettsia); (4) Critical Reagent Program Antibodies (v) JRPD–ASY–0109 Burkholderia ssp. with Catalog ID and Product respectively as (Burkholderia); follows: (vi) JRPD–ASY–0112 Eastern equine en- (i) AB–AG–RIC Aff. Goat anti-Ricin; cephalitis (EEE); (ii) AB–ALVG–MAB Anti-Alphavirus Ge- (vii) JRPD–ASY–0113 Western equine en- neric Mab; cephalitis (WEE); (iii) AB–AR–SEB Aff. Rabbit anti-SEB; (viii) JRPD–ASY–0114 Venezuelan equine (iv) AB–BRU–M–MAB1 Anti-Brucella encephalitis (VEE); melitensis Mab 1; (ix) JRPD–ASY–0122 Coxiella burnetii (v) AB–BRU–M–MAB2 Anti-Brucella (Coxiella); melitensis Mab 2; (x) JRPD–ASY–0136 Influenza A/H5 IVD De- (vi) AB–BRU–M–MAB3 Anti-Brucella tection Kit; melitensis Mab 3; (xi) JRPD–ASY–0137 Influenza A/B IVD De- (vii) AB–BRU–M–MAB4 Anti-Brucella tection Kit; or melitensis Mab 4; (xii) JRPD–ASY–0138 Influenza A Subtype (viii) AB–CHOL–0139–MAB Anti-V.cholerae IVD Detection Kit; 0139 Mab; (3) Critical Reagent Polymerase (CRP) (ix) AB–CHOL–01–MAB Anti-V. cholerae 01 Chain Reactions (PCR) assay kits with Cata- Mab; log-ID and Catalog-ID Product respectively (x) AB–COX–MAB Anti-Coxiella Mab; as follows: (xi) AB–EEE–MAB Anti-EEE Mab; (i) PCR–BRU–1FB–B–K Brucella Target 1 (xii) AB–G–BRU–A Goat anti-Brucella FastBlock Master Mix Biotinylated; abortus; (ii) PCR–BRU–1FB–K Brucella Target 1 (xiii) AB–G–BRU–M Goat anti-Brucella FastBlock Master Mix; melitensis; (iii) PCR–BRU–1R–K Brucella Target 1 (xiv) AB–G–BRU–S Goat anti-Brucella suis; LightCycler/RAPID Master Mix; (xv) AB–G–CHOL–01 Goat anti-V.cholerae (iv) PCR–BURK–2FB–B–K Burkholderia 0:1; Target 2 FastBlock Master Mix Biotinylated; (xvi) AB–G–COL–139 Goat anti-V.cholerae (v) PCR–BURK–2FB–K Burkholderia Tar- 0:139; get 2 FastBlock Master Mix; (xvii) AB–G–DENG Goat anti-Dengue; (vi) PCR–BURK–2R–K Burkholderia Target (xviii) AB–G–RIC Goat anti-Ricin; 2 LightCycler/RAPID Master Mix; (xix) AB–G–SAL–T Goat anti-S. typhi; (vii) PCR–BURK–3FB–B–K Burkholderia (xx) AB–G–SEA Goat anti-SEA; Target 3 FastBlock Master Mix Biotinylated; (xxi) AB–G–SEB Goat anti-SEB; (viii) PCR–BURK–3FB–K Burkholderia Tar- (xxii) AB–G–SEC Goat anti-SEC; get 3 FastBlock Master Mix; (xxiii) AB–G–SED Goat anti-SED; (ix) PCR–BURK–3R–K Burkholderia Target (xxiv) AB–G–SEE Goat anti-SEE; 3 LightCycler/RAPID Master Mix; (xxv) AB–G–SHIG–D Goat anti-Shigella (x) PCR–COX–1FB–B–K Coxiella burnetii dysenteriae; Target 1 FastBlock Master Mix Biotinylated; (xxvi) AB–R–BA–PA Rabbit anti-Protective (xi) PCR–COX–1R–K Coxiella burnetii Tar- Antigen; get 1 LightCycler/RAPID Master Mix; (xxvii) AB–R–COX Rabbit anti-C. burnetii; (xii) PCR–COX–2R–K Coxiella burnetii Tar- (xxviii) AB–RIC–MAB1 Anti-Ricin Mab 1; get 2 LightCycler/RAPID Master Mix; (xxix) AB–RIC–MAB2 Anti-Ricin Mab 2;


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(xxx) AB–RIC–MAB3 Anti-Ricin Mab3; relevant Department of Defense contract or (xxxi) AB–R–SEB Rabbit anti-SEB; other funding authorization as being devel- (xxxii) AB–R–VACC Rabbit anti-Vaccinia; oped for both civil and military applications. (xxxiii) AB–SEB–MAB Anti-SEB Mab; NOTE 2 TO PARAGRAPH (n): Note 1 does not (xxxiv) AB–SLT2–MAB Anti-Shigella-like t apply to defense articles enumerated on the x2 Mab; USML, whether in production or develop- (xxxv) AB–T2T–MAB1 Anti-T2 Mab 1; ment. (xxxvi) AB–T2T–MAB2 Anti-T2 Toxin 2; NOTE 3 TO PARAGRAPH (n): This paragraph (xxxvii) AB–VACC–MAB1 Anti-Vaccinia is applicable only to those contracts and Mab 1; funding authorizations that are dated July (xxxviii) AB–VACC–MAB2 Anti-Vaccinia 28, 2017, or later. Mab 2; (o)–(w) [Reserved] (xxxix) AB–VACC–MAB3 Anti-Vaccinia (x) Commodities, software, and technology Mab 3; subject to the EAR (see § 120.42 of this sub- (xl) AB–VACC–MAB4 Anti-Vaccinia Mab 4; chapter) used in or with defense articles con- (xli) AB–VACC–MAB5 Anti-Vaccinia Mab 5; trolled in this category. (xlii) AB–VACC–MAB6 Anti-Vaccinia Mab NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (x): Use of this para- 6; graph is limited to license applications for (xliii) AB–VEE–MAB1 Anti-VEE Mab 1; defense articles controlled in this category (xliv) AB–VEE–MAB2 Anti-VEE Mab 2; where the purchase documentation includes (xlv) AB–VEE–MAB3 Anti-VEE Mab 3; (xlvi) AB–VEE–MAB4 Anti-VEE Mab 4; commodities, software, or technology sub- (xlvii) AB–VEE–MAB5 Anti-VEE Mab 5; ject to the EAR (see § 123.1(b) of this sub- (xlviii) AB–VEE–MAB6 Anti-VEE Mab 6; or chapter). (xlix) AB–WEE–MAB Anti-WEE Complex CATEGORY XV— SPACECRAFT AND RELATED Mab. ARTICLES (h) Vaccines exclusively funded by a De- partment of Defense contract, as follows: (a) Spacecraft, including satellites and (1) Recombinant Botulinum ToxinA/B Vac- space vehicles, whether designated develop- cine; mental, experimental, research, or scientific, (2) Recombinant Plague Vaccine; or having a commercial, civil, or military (3) Trivalent Filovirus Vaccine; or end-use, that: (4) Vaccines specially designed for the sole * (1) Are specially designed to mitigate ef- purpose of protecting against biological fects (e.g., scintillation) of or for detection agents and biologically derived substances of a nuclear detonation; identified in paragraph (b) of this category. * (2) Autonomously detect and track mov- ing ground, airborne, missile, or space ob- NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (h): See ECCN 1A607.k for military medical countermeasures such jects other than celestial bodies, in real-time as autoinjectors, combopens, and creams. using imaging, infrared, radar, or laser sys- tems; (i) Modeling or simulation tools, including * (3) Conduct signals intelligence (SIGINT) software controlled in paragraph (m) of this or measurement and signatures intelligence category, for chemical or biological weapons (MASINT); design, development, or employment devel- * (4) Are specially designed to be used in a oped or produced under a Department of De- constellation or formation that when oper- fense contract or other funding authoriza- ated together, in essence or effect, form a tion (e.g., the Department of Defense’s virtual satellite (e.g., functioning as if one HPAC, SCIPUFF, and the Joint Effects satellite) with the characteristics or func- Model (JEM)). tions of other items in paragraph (a); (j)–(l) [Reserved] * (5) Are anti-satellite or anti-spacecraft (m) Technical data (as defined in § 120.10 of (e.g., kinetic, RF, laser, charged particle); this subchapter) and defense services (as de- * (6) Have space-to-ground weapons systems fined in § 120.9 of this subchapter) directly re- (e.g., kinetic or directed energy); lated to the defense articles enumerated in * (7) Have any of the following electro-opti- paragraphs (a) through (l) and (n) of this cat- cal remote sensing capabilities or character- egory. (See § 125.4 of this subchapter for ex- istics: emptions.) (i) Electro-optical visible and near infrared (n) Developmental countermeasures or (VNIR) (i.e., 400nm to 1,000nm) or infrared sorbents funded by the Department of De- (i.e., greater than 1,000nm to 30,000nm) with fense via contract or other funding author- less than 40 spectral bands and having a ization; clear aperture greater than 0.50m; NOTE 1 TO PARAGRAPH (n): This paragraph (ii) Electro-optical hyperspectral with 40 does not control countermeasures or spectral bands or more in the VNIR, short- sorbents that are (a) in production, (b) deter- wavelength infrared (SWIR) (i.e., greater mined to be subject to the EAR via a com- than 1,000nm to 2,500nm) or any combination modity jurisdiction determination (see § 120.4 of the aforementioned and having a Ground of this subchapter), or (c) identified in the Sample Distance (GSD) less than 30 meters;


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(iii) Electro-optical hyperspectral with 40 having classified requirements, specifica- spectral bands or more in the mid-wave- tions, functions, or operational characteris- length infrared (MWIR) (i.e., greater than tics or include classified cryptographic items 2,500nm to 5,500nm) having a narrow spectral controlled under USML Category XIII of this bandwidth of Dλ less than or equal to 20nm subchapter). ‘‘Classified’’ means classified full width at half maximum (FWHM) or hav- pursuant to Executive Order 13526, or prede- ing a wide spectral bandwidth with Dλ great- cessor order, and a security classification er than 20nm FWHM and a GSD less than 200 guide developed pursuant thereto or equiva- meters; or lent, or to the corresponding classification (iv) Electro-optical hyperspectral with 40 rules of another government or international spectral bands or more in the long-wave- organization. length infrared (LWIR) (i.e., greater than NOTE 1 TO PARAGRAPH (a): Spacecraft not 5,500nm to 30,000nm) having a narrow spec- identified in this paragraph are subject to tral bandwidth of λ less than or equal to D the EAR (see ECCNs 9A004 and 9A515). Space- 50nm FWHM or having a wide spectral band- craft described in ECCNs 9A004 and 9A515 re- width with λ greater than 50nm FWHM and D main subject to the EAR even if defense arti- a GSD less than 500 meters; cles described on the USML are incorporated NOTE 1 TO PARAGRAPH (a)(7): Ground Sam- therein, except when such incorporation re- ple Distance (GSD) is measured from a sults in a spacecraft described in this para- spacecraft’s nadir (i.e., local vertical) posi- graph. tion. NOTE 2 TO PARAGRAPH (a): This paragraph NOTE 2 TO PARAGRAPH (a)(7): Optical remote does not control (a) the International Space sensing spacecraft or satellite spectral band- Station (ISS) and its specially designed (as width is the smallest difference in wave- defined in the EAR) parts and components, λ length (i.e., D ) that can be distinguished at which are subject to the EAR, or (b) those full width at half maximum (FWHM) of articles for the ISS that are determined to λ wavelength . be subject to the EAR via a commodity juris- NOTE 3 TO PARAGRAPH (a)(7): An optical sat- diction determination (see § 120.4 of this sub- ellite or spacecraft is not Significant Mili- chapter). Use of a defense article on the ISS tary Equipment (see § 120.7 of this sub- that was not specially designed (as defined in chapter) if non-earth pointing. the EAR) for the ISS does not cause the item * (8) Have radar remote sensing capabilities to become subject to the EAR. or characteristics (e.g., active electronically NOTE 3 TO PARAGRAPH (a): This paragraph scanned array (AESA), synthetic aperture does not control the James Webb Space Tele- radar (SAR), inverse synthetic aperture scope, which is subject to the EAR. radar (ISAR), ultra-wideband SAR), except (b) Ground control systems or training those having a center frequency equal to or simulators, specially designed for telemetry, greater than 1 GHz but less than or equal to tracking, and control (TT&C) of spacecraft 10 GHz and having a bandwidth less than 300 in paragraph (a) of this category. MHz; (9) Provide Positioning, Navigation, and NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (b): Parts, compo- Timing (PNT) signals; nents, accessories, attachments, equipment, or systems that are common to ground con- NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (a)(9): This paragraph does not control a satellite or spacecraft trol systems or training simulators con- that provides only a differential correction trolled in this paragraph and those that are broadcast for the purposes of positioning, used for spacecraft not controlled in para- navigation, or timing. graph (a) of this category are subject to the EAR. (10) Autonomously perform collision avoid- ance; (c)–(d) [Reserved] (11) Are sub-orbital, incorporate propulsion (e) Spacecraft parts, components, acces- systems described in paragraph (e) of this sories, attachments, equipment, or systems, category or Category IV(d)(1)–(6) of this sec- as follows: tion, and are specially designed for atmos- (1) Antenna systems specially designed for pheric entry or re-entry; spacecraft that: (12) Are specially designed to provide in- (i) Have a dimension greater than 25 me- spection or surveillance of another space- ters in diameter or length of the major axis; craft, or service another spacecraft via grap- (ii) Employ active electronic scanning; pling or docking; or (iii) Are adaptive beam forming; or NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (A)(12): This paragraph (iv) Are for interferometric radar; does not control spacecraft that dock exclu- (2) Space-qualified optics (i.e., lens, mirror sively via the NASA Docking System (NDS), or membrane) having one of the following: which are controlled by ECCN 9A515.a.4. (i) Active properties (e.g., adaptive, de- * (13) Are classified, contain classified soft- formable) with a largest lateral clear aper- ware or hardware, are manufactured using ture dimension greater than 0.35m; or classified production data, or are being de- (ii) A largest lateral clear aperture dimen- veloped using classified information (e.g., sion greater than 0.50m;


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(3) Space-qualified focal plane arrays tors or engines having a total impulse capac- (FPA) having a peak response in the wave- ity equal to or greater than 8.41 × 10∧5 new- length range exceeding 900nm and readout ton seconds); integrated circuit (ROIC), whether separate (13) Control moment gyroscope (CMG) spe- or integrated, specially designed therefor; cially designed for spacecraft; (4) Space-qualified mechanical (i.e., active) (14) Space-qualified monolithic microwave cryocooler or active cold finger systems, and integrated circuits (MMIC) that combine associated control electronics specially de- transmit and receive (T/R) functions on a signed therefor; single die as follows: (5) Space-qualified active vibration sup- (i) Having a power amplifier with max- pression systems, including active isolation imum saturated peak output power (in and active dampening systems, and associ- watts), Psat, greater than 200 divided by the ated control electronics specially designed maximum operating frequency (in GHz) therefor; squared [Psat >200 W*GHz2/fGHz2]; or (6) Optical bench assemblies specially de- (ii) Having a common path (e.g., phase signed to enable spacecraft to meet or exceed shifter-digital attenuator) circuit with the parameters described in paragraph (a) of greater than 3 bits phase shifting at oper- this category; ating frequencies 10 GHz or below, or greater (7) Space-qualified kinetic or directed-en- than 4 bits phase shifting at operating fre- ergy systems (e.g., RF, laser, charged par- quencies above 10 GHz; ticle) specially designed for spacecraft in (15) Space-qualified oscillator for radar in paragraph (a)(5) or (a)(6) of this category, paragraph (a) of this category with phase and specially designed parts and components noise less than ¥120 dBc/Hz + (20 log10(RF) therefor (e.g., power conditioning and beam- (in GHz)) measured at 2 KHz*RF (in GHz) handling/switching, propagation, tracking, from carrier; and pointing equipment); (16) Space-qualified star tracker or star (8) [Reserved] sensor with angular accuracy less than or (9) Space-qualified cesium, rubidium, hy- equal to 1 arcsec (1-Sigma) per star coordi- drogen maser, or quantum (e.g., based upon nate, and a tracking rate equal to or greater Al, Hg, Yb, Sr, Be Ions) atomic clocks, and than 3.0 deg/sec, and specially designed parts specially designed parts and components and components therefor (MT); therefor; * (17) Primary, secondary, or hosted pay- (10) Attitude determination and control load that performs any of the functions de- systems, and specially designed parts and scribed in paragraph (a) of this category; components therefor, that provide a space- NOTE 1 TO PARAGRAPH (e)(17): Primary pay- craft’s geolocation accuracy, without using load is that complement of equipment de- Ground Location Points, better than or signed from the outset to accomplish the equal to: prime mission function of the spacecraft (i) 5 meters (CE90) from low earth orbit payload mission set. The primary payload (LEO); may operate independently from the sec- (ii) 30 meters (CE90) from medium earth ondary payload(s). Secondary payload is that orbit (MEO); complement of equipment designed from the (iii) 150 meters (CE90) from geosynchronous outset to be fully integrated into the space- orbit (GEO); or craft payload mission set. The secondary (iv) 225 meters (CE90) from high earth orbit payload may operate separately from the (HEO); primary payload. Hosted payload is a com- (11) Space-based systems, and specially de- plement of equipment or sensors that uses signed parts and components therefor, as fol- the available or excess capacity (mass, vol- lows: ume, power, etc.) of a spacecraft to accom- (i) Nuclear reactors and associated power modate an additional, independent mission. conversion systems (e.g., liquid metal or gas- The hosted payload may share the spacecraft cooled fast reactors); bus support infrastructure. The hosted pay- (ii) Radioisotope-based power systems load performs an additional, independent (e.g., radioisotope thermoelectric genera- mission which does not dictate control or op- tors); eration of the spacecraft. A hosted payload is (iii) Nuclear thermal propulsion systems not capable of operating as an independent (e.g., solid core, liquid core, gas core fission); spacecraft. Spacecraft bus (distinct from the or spacecraft payload), provides the support in- (iv) Electric (Plasma/Ion) propulsion sys- frastructure of the spacecraft (e.g., command tems that provide a thrust greater than 300 and data handling, communications and an- milli-Newtons and a specific impulse greater tenna(s), electrical power, propulsion, ther- than 1,500 sec; or that operate at an input mal control, attitude and orbit control, guid- power of more than 15kW; ance, navigation and control, structure and (12) Thrusters (e.g., spacecraft or rocket truss, life support (for crewed mission)) and engines) using bi-propellants or mono-pro- location (e.g., attachment, interface) for the pellant that provide greater than 150 lbf (i.e., spacecraft payload. Spacecraft payload is that 667.23 N) vacuum thrust (MT for rocket mo- complement of equipment attached to the


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spacecraft bus that performs a particular thereto or equivalent, or to the cor- mission in space (e.g., communications, ob- responding classification rules of another servation, science). government or international organization. NOTE 2 TO PARAGRAPH e)(17): An ECCN NOTE 1 TO PARAGRAPH (e): Parts, compo- 9A004 or ECCN 9A515.a spacecraft remains a nents, accessories, attachments, equipment, spacecraft subject to the EAR even when in- or systems specially designed for spacecraft corporating a hosted payload performing a or other articles enumerated in this category function described in paragraph (a) of this but not listed in paragraph (e) are subject to category. All spacecraft that incorporate pri- the EAR. mary or secondary payloads that perform a NOTE 2 TO PARAGRAPH (e): The articles de- function described in paragraph (a) of this scribed in this paragraph are subject to the category are controlled by that paragraph. EAR when, prior to export, reexport, re- This paragraph does not control primary or transfer, or temporary import, they are inte- secondary payloads of the James Webb Space grated into and included as an integral part Telescope, which are subject to the EAR. of an item subject to the EAR (see note 2 to * (18) Secondary or hosted payload, and spe- paragraph (e)(17) of this category). Articles cially designed parts and components there- do not become subject to the EAR until inte- for, developed with Department of Defense- grated into the item subject to the EAR. Ex- funding; port, reexport, retransfer, or temporary im- port of, and technical data and defense serv- NOTE 1 TO PARAGRAPH (e)(18): This para- graph does not control payloads that are (a) ices directly related to defense articles in- determined to be subject to the EAR via a tended to be integrated remain subject to commodity jurisdiction determination (see the ITAR. § 120.4 of this subchapter), or (b) identified in NOTE 3 TO PARAGRAPH (e): For the purposes the relevant Department of Defense contract of this paragraph, an article is space-quali- or other funding authorization or agreement fied if it is designed, manufactured, or quali- as being developed for both military and ei- fied through successful testing, for operation ther civil or commercial applications. at altitudes greater than 100 km above the surface of the Earth. The use of an altitude NOTE 2 TO PARAGRAPH (e)(18): This para- graph is applicable only to those contracts of 100 km above the surface of the Earth in or funding authorizations or agreements this paragraph does not represent a legal de- that are dated May 13, 2015, or later. marcation between national air space and outer space under United States or inter- (19) Spacecraft heat shields or heat sinks national law. specially designed for atmospheric entry or NOTE 4 TO PARAGRAPH (e): (1) A determina- re-entry, and specially designed parts and tion that a specific article (or commodity) components therefor (MT if usable in rock- (e.g., by product serial number) is space- ets, SLVs, missiles, drones, or UAVs capable qualified by virtue of testing alone does not of delivering a payload of at least 500 kg to mean that other articles in the same produc- a range of at least 300 km); tion run or model series are space-qualified NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (e)(19): ‘‘Payload’’ is if not individually tested. (2) ‘‘Article’’ is the total mass that can be carried or deliv- synonymous with ‘‘commodity,’’ as defined ered by the specified rocket, SLV, missile, in EAR § 772.1. (3) A specific article not de- drone, or UAV that is not used to maintain signed or manufactured for use at altitudes flight. For definition of ‘‘range’’ as it per- greater than 100 km above the surface of the tains to aircraft systems, see note to para- Earth is not space-qualified before it is suc- graph (a) of USML Category VIII. For defini- cessfully tested. (4) The terms ‘‘designed’’ tion of ‘‘range’’ as it pertains to rocket sys- and ‘‘manufactured’’ in this definition are tems, see note 1 to paragraph (a) of USML synonymous with ‘‘specially designed.’’ Category IV. (f) Technical data (see § 120.10 of this sub- (20) Equipment modules, stages, or com- chapter) and defense services (see § 120.9 of partments that incorporate propulsion sys- this subchapter) directly related to the de- tems described in paragraph (e) of this cat- fense articles described in paragraphs (a) egory or Category IV(d)(1)–(6) of this section, through (e) of this category and classified and can be separated or jettisoned from an- technical data directly related to items con- other spacecraft; or trolled in ECCNs 9A515, 9B515, or 9D515 and * (21) Any part, component, accessory, at- defense services using the classified tech- tachment, equipment, or system that: nical data. Defense services include the fur- (i) Is classified; nishing of assistance (including training) in (ii) Contains classified software; or the integration of a satellite or spacecraft to (iii) Is being developed using classified in- a launch vehicle, including both planning formation. and onsite support, regardless of the jurisdic- NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (e)(21): ‘‘Classified’’ tion, ownership, or origin of the satellite or means classified pursuant to Executive Order spacecraft, or whether technical data is used. 13526, or predecessor order, and a security It also includes the furnishing of assistance classification guide developed pursuant (including training) in the launch failure


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analysis of a satellite or spacecraft, regard- ticipant equipment used for purposes other less of the jurisdiction, ownership, or origin than operating the spacecraft; or (h) don- of the satellite of spacecraft, or whether ning, wearing, or utilizing the passenger’s or technical data is used. (See § 125.4 of this sub- participant’s flight suit, pressure suit, or chapter for exemptions, and § 124.15 of this spacesuit, and personal equipment. subchapter for special export controls for NOTE 3 TO PARAGRAPH (F): Paragraph (f) satellites and satellite launches.) (MT for and ECCNs 9E001, 9E002 and 9E515 do not con- technical data and defense services related trol the data transmitted to or from a sat- to articles designated as such.) ellite or spacecraft, whether real or simu- lated, when limited to information about the NOTE 1 TO PARAGRAPH (f): The technical health, operational status, or measurements data control of this paragraph does not apply or function of, or raw sensor output from, to certain technical data directly related to the spacecraft, spacecraft payload(s), or its articles described in paragraphs (c) or (e) of associated subsystems or components. Such this category when such articles are inte- information is not within the scope of infor- grated into and included as an integral part mation captured within the definition of of a satellite subject to the EAR. For con- technology in the EAR for purposes of Cat- trols in these circumstances, see ECCN 9E515. egory 9 Product Group E. Examples of such This only applies to that level of technical information, which are commonly referred data (including marketing data) necessary to as ‘‘housekeeping data,’’ include (i) sys- and reasonable for a purchaser to have assur- tem, hardware, component configuration, ance that a U.S. built item intended to oper- and operation status information pertaining ate in space has been designed, manufac- to temperatures, pressures, power, currents, tured, and tested in conformance with speci- voltages, and battery charges; (ii) spacecraft fied contract requirements (e.g., operational or payload orientation or position informa- performance, reliability, lifetime, product tion, such as state vector or ephemeris infor- quality, or delivery expectations) as well as mation; (iii) payload raw mission or science data necessary for normal orbit satellite op- output, such as images, spectra, particle erations, to evaluate in-orbit anomalies, and measurements, or field measurements; (iv) to operate and maintain associated ground command responses; (v) accurate timing in- station equipment (except encryption hard- formation; and (vi) link budget data. The act ware). of processing such telemetry data—i.e., con- NOTE 2 TO PARAGRAPH (f): Activities and verting raw data into engineering units or technology/technical data directly related to readable products—or encrypting it does not, or required for the spaceflight (e.g., sub-or- in and of itself, cause the telemetry data to bital, orbital, lunar, interplanetary, or oth- become subject to the ITAR or to ECCN erwise beyond Earth orbit) passenger or par- 9E515 for purposes of 9A515, or to ECCNs ticipant experience, regardless of whether 9E001 or 9E002 for purposes of 9A004. All clas- the passenger or participant experience is for sified technical data directly related to space tourism, scientific or commercial re- items controlled in USML Category XV or search, commercial manufacturing/produc- ECCNs 9A515, and defense services using the tion activities, educational, media, or com- classified technical data, remains subject to mercial transportation purposes, are not the ITAR. This note does not affect controls subject to the ITAR or the EAR. Such activi- in USML XV(f), ECCN 9D515, or ECCN 9E515 ties and technology/technical data include on software source code or commands that those directly related to or required for: (a) control a spacecraft, payload, or associated Spacecraft access, ingress, and egress, in- subsystems for purposes of 9A515. This note cluding the operation of all spacecraft doors, also does not affect controls in ECCNs 9D001, hatches, and airlocks; (b) physiological 9D002, 9E001, or 9E002 on software source training (e.g., human-rated centrifuge train- code or commands that control a spacecraft, ing or parabolic flights, pressure suit or payload, or associated subsystems for pur- spacesuit training/operation); (c) medical poses of 9A004. evaluation or assessment of the spaceflight passenger or participant; (d) training for and (g)–(w) [Reserved] operation by the passenger or participant of (x) Commodities, software, and technology health and safety related hardware (e.g., subject to the EAR (see § 120.42 of this sub- seating, environmental control and life sup- chapter) used in or with defense articles. port, hygiene facilities, food preparation, ex- NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (x): Use of this para- ercise equipment, fire suppression, commu- graph is limited to license applications for nications equipment, safety-related clothing defense articles where the purchase docu- or headgear) or emergency procedures; (e) mentation also includes commodities, soft- viewing of the interior and exterior of the ware, or technology subject to the EAR (see spacecraft or terrestrial mock-ups; (f) ob- § 123.21(b) of this subchapter). serving spacecraft operations (e.g., pre-flight CATEGORY XVI—NUCLEAR WEAPONS RELATED checks, landing, in-flight status); (g) train- ARTICLES ing in spacecraft or terrestrial mock-ups for connecting to or operating passenger or par- (a) [Reserved]


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* (b) Modeling or simulation tools that (e) Components, parts, accessories, attach- model or simulate the environments gen- ments, systems or associated equipment spe- erated by nuclear detonations or the effects cially designed for any of the articles in of these environments on systems, sub- paragraphs (a) or (b) of this category. systems, components, structures, or humans. (f) Developmental directed energy weapons (c) [Reserved] funded by the Department of Defense via (d) Parts, components, accessories, attach- contract or other funding authorization, and ments, associated equipment, and produc- specially designed parts and components tion, testing, and inspection equipment and therefor; tooling, specially designed for the articles in NOTE 1 TO PARAGRAPH (f): This paragraph paragraph (b) of this category. does not control directed energy weapons (a) (e) Technical data (see § 120.10 of this sub- in production, (b) determined to be subject chapter) and defense services (see § 120.9 of this subchapter) directly related to the de- to the EAR via a commodity jurisdiction de- fense articles described in paragraph (b) of termination (see § 120.4 of this subchapter), this category. (See § 123.20 of this subchapter or (c) identified in the relevant Department for nuclear related controls.) of Defense contract or other funding author- (f)–(w) [Reserved] ization as being developed for both civil and (x) Commodities, software, and technical military applications. data subject to the EAR (see § 120.42 of this NOTE 2 TO PARAGRAPH (f): Note 1 does not subchapter) used in or with defense articles. apply to defense articles enumerated on the USML, whether in production or develop- NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (x): Use of this para- ment. graph is limited to license applications for defense articles where the purchase docu- NOTE 3 TO PARAGRAPH (f): This paragraph is mentation includes commodities, software, applicable only to those contracts and fund- or technical data subject to the EAR (see ing authorizations that are dated July 28, § 123.1(b) of this subchapter). 2017, or later. (g) Technical data (see § 120.10 of this sub- CATEGORY XVII—CLASSIFIED ARTICLES, TECH- chapter) and defense services (as defined in NICAL DATA, AND DEFENSE SERVICES NOT § 120.9 of this subchapter) directly related to OTHERWISE ENUMERATED the defense articles enumerated in para- * (a) All articles, and technical data (see graphs (a) through (e) of this category; § 120.10 of this subchapter) and defense serv- (x) Commodities, software, and technology ices (see § 120.9 of this subchapter) relating subject to the EAR (see § 120.42 of this sub- thereto, that are classified in the interests of chapter) used in or with defense articles con- national security and that are not otherwise trolled in this category. enumerated on the U.S. Munitions List. NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (x): Use of this para- graph is limited to license applications for CATEGORY XVIII—DIRECTED ENERGY defense articles controlled in this category WEAPONS where the purchase documentation includes * (a) Directed energy weapons as follows: commodities, software, or technology sub- (1) Systems or equipment that, other than ject to the EAR (see § 123.1(b) of this sub- as a result of incidental, accidental, or col- chapter). lateral effect: (i) Degrade, destroy or cause mission-abort CATEGORY XIX—GAS TURBINE ENGINES AND of a target; ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT (ii) Disturb, disable, or damage electronic * (a) Turbofan and Turbojet engines (in- circuitry, sensors or explosive devices re- cluding those that are technology dem- motely; onstrators, developmental engines, or vari- (iii) Deny area access; able cycle engines) capable of 15,000 lbf (66.7 (iv) Cause lethal effects; or kN) of thrust or greater that have any of the (v) Cause ocular disruption or blindness; following: and (1) With or specially designed for thrust (2) Use any non-acoustic technique such as lasers (including continuous wave or pulsed augmentation (afterburner); lasers), particle beams, particle accelerators (2) Thrust or exhaust nozzle vectoring; that project a charged or neutral particle (3) Parts or components controlled in para- beam, high power radio-frequency (RF), or graph (f)(6) of this category; high pulsed power or high average power (4) Specially designed for sustained 30 sec- radio frequency beam transmitters. ond inverted flight or negative g maneuver; *(b) Systems or equipment specially de- or signed to detect, identify, or provide defense (5) Specially designed for high power ex- against articles specified in paragraph (a) of traction (greater than 50 percent of engine this category. thrust at altitude) at altitudes greater than (c)–(d) [Reserved] 50,000 feet.


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* (b) Turboshaft and Turboprop engines (in- gine models identified in paragraph (f)(1)—is cluding those that are technology dem- specially designed for purposes of this para- onstrators or developmental engines) that graph, unless one of the other paragraphs is have any of the following: applicable under § 120.41(b). (1) Capable of 2000 mechanical shp (1491 * (2) Hot section components (i.e., combus- kW) or greater and specially designed with tion chambers and liners; high pressure tur- oil sump sealing when the engine is in the bine blades, vanes, disks and related cooled vertical position; or structure; cooled intermediate pressure tur- (2) Capable of a specific power of 225 shp/ bine blades, vanes, disks and related cooled (lbm/sec) or greater and specially designed structures; cooled low pressure turbine for armament gas ingestion and non-civil blades, vanes, disks and related cooled struc- transient maneuvers, where specific power is tures; cooled shaft-driving power turbine defined as maximum takeoff shaft horse- blades, vanes, disks and related cooled struc- power (shp) divided by compressor inlet flow tures; cooled augmenters; and cooled nozzles) (lbm/sec). specially designed for gas turbine engines * (c) Gas turbine engines (including tech- controlled in this category; nology demonstrators, developmental en- (3) Uncooled turbine blades, vanes, disks, gines, and variable cycle engines) specially and tip shrouds specially designed for gas designed for unmanned aerial vehicle sys- turbine engines controlled in this category; tems controlled in this subchapter, cruise (4) Combustor cowls, diffusers, domes, and missiles, or target drones (MT if for an en- shells specially designed for gas turbine en- gine used in an aircraft, excluding manned gines controlled in this category; aircraft, or missile that has a ‘‘range’’ equal to or greater than 300 km). (5) Engine monitoring systems (i.e., * (d) GE38, AGT1500, CTS800, MT7, T55, prognostics, diagnostics, and health) spe- HPW3000, GE3000, T408, and T700 engines. cially designed for gas turbine engines and components controlled in this category; NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (d): Engines subject to * (6) Any part, component, accessory, at- the control of this paragraph are licensed by tachment, equipment, or system that: the Department of Commerce when incor- porated in an aircraft subject to the EAR (i) Is classified; and controlled under ECCN 9A610. Such en- (ii) Contains classified software directly gines are subject to the controls of the ITAR related to defense articles in this subchapter in all other circumstances. or 600 series items subject to the EAR; or (iii) Is being developed using classified in- * (e) Digital engine control systems (e.g., Full Authority Digital Engine Controls formation. (FADEC) and Digital Electronic Engine Con- NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (f)(6): ‘‘Classified’’ trols (DEEC)) specially designed for gas tur- means classified pursuant to Executive Order bine engines controlled in this category (MT 13526, or predecessor order, and a security if the digital engine control system is for an classification guide developed pursuant aircraft, excluding manned aircraft, or mis- thereto or equivalent, or to the cor- sile that has a range equal to or greater than responding classification rules of another 300 km). government or international organization; NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (e): Digital electronic (7) Investment casting cores, core dies, or control systems autonomously control the wax pattern dies for parts or components engine throughout its whole operating range enumerated in paragraphs (f)(1), (f)(2), or from demanded engine start until demanded (f)(3) of this category; engine shut-down, in both normal and fault (8) Pressure gain combustors specially de- conditions. signed for engines controlled in this cat- (f) Parts, components, accessories, attach- egory, and specially designed parts and com- ments, associated equipment, and systems as ponents therefor; follows: (9) Three-stream fan systems, specially de- (1) Parts, components, accessories, and at- signed for gas turbine engines controlled in tachments specially designed for the fol- this Category, that allow the movement of lowing U.S.-origin engines (and military airflow between the streams to control fan variants thereof): F101, F107, F112, F118, F119, pressure ratio or bypass ratio (by means F120, F135, F136, F414, F415, and J402; other than use of fan corrected speed or the NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (f)(1): This paragraph primary nozzle area to change the fan pres- does not control parts, components, acces- sure ratio or bypass ratio), and specially de- sories, and attachments that are common to signed parts, components, accessories, and engines enumerated in paragraph (a) through attachments therefor; (d) of this category but not identified in (10) High pressure compressors, specially paragraph (f)(1), and those identified in para- designed for gas turbine engines controlled graph (f)(1). For example, a part common to in this Category, with core-driven bypass only the F110 and F136 is not specially de- streams that have a pressure ratio greater signed for purposes of this paragraph. A part than one, occurring across any section of the common to only the F119 and F135—two en- bypass duct, and specially designed parts,


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components, accessories, and attachments that perform specific military functions such therefor; as by providing military communication, (11) Intermediate compressors of a three- electronic warfare, target designation, sur- spool compression system, specially designed veillance, target detection, or sensor capa- for gas turbine engines controlled in this bilities. Category, with an intermediate spool-driven (8) Developmental vessels funded by the bypass stream that has a pressure ratio Department of Defense via contract or other greater than one, occurring across any sec- funding authorization. tion of the bypass duct, and specially de- signed parts, components, accessories, and NOTE 1 TO PARAGRAPH (a)(8): This para- attachments therefor; or graph does not control vessels, and specially (12) Any of the following equipment if spe- designed parts, components, accessories, at- cially designed for a defense article described tachments, and associated equipment there- in paragraph (f)(1): Jigs, locating fixtures, for, (a) in production, (b) determined to be templates, gauges, molds, dies, caul plates, subject to the EAR via a commodity juris- or bellmouths. diction determination (see § 120.4 of this sub- (g) Technical data (see § 120.10 of this sub- chapter) or (c) identified in the relevant De- chapter) and defense services (see § 120.9 of partment of Defense contract or other fund- this subchapter) directly related to the de- ing authorization as being developed for both fense articles described in paragraphs (a) civil and military applications. through (f) of this category and classified NOTE 2 TO PARAGRAPH (a)(8): Note 1 does technical data directly related to items con- not apply to defense articles enumerated on trolled in ECCNs 9A619, 9B619, 9C619, and the U.S. Munitions List, whether in produc- 9D619 and defense services using the classi- tion or development. fied technical data. (See § 125.4 of this sub- NOTE 3 TO PARAGRAPH (a)(8): This provision chapter for exemptions.) (MT for technical is applicable to those contracts and funding data and defense services related to articles authorizations that are dated July 8, 2014, or designated as such.) later. (h)–(w) [Reserved] * (b) Engines, electric motors, and propul- (x) Commodities, software, and technology sion plants as follows: subject to the EAR (see § 120.42 of this sub- (1) Naval nuclear propulsion plants and chapter) used in or with defense articles con- prototypes, and special facilities for con- trolled in this category. struction, support, and maintenance therefor NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (x): Use of this para- (see § 123.20 of this subchapter); graph is limited to license applications for (2) Electric motors specially designed for defense articles controlled in this category submarines that have the following: where the purchase documentation includes (i) Power output of more than 0.75 MW commodities, software, or technology sub- (1,000 hp); ject to the EAR (see § 123.1(b) of this sub- (ii) Quick reversing; chapter). (iii) Liquid cooled; and (iv) Totally enclosed. CATEGORY XX—SUBMERSIBLE VESSELS AND (c) Parts, components, accessories, attach- RELATED ARTICLES ments, and associated equipment, including (a) Submersible and semi-submersible ves- production, testing, and inspection equip- sels that are: ment and tooling, specially designed for any * (1) Submarines specially designed for of the articles in paragraphs (a) and (b) of military use; this category (MT for launcher mechanisms (2) Mine countermeasure vehicles; specially designed for rockets, space launch (3) Anti-submarine warfare vehicles; vehicles, or missiles capable of achieving a (4) Armed or are specially designed to be range greater than or equal to 300 km). used as a platform to deliver munitions or NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (c): ‘‘Range’’ is the otherwise destroy or incapacitate targets maximum distance that the specified rocket (e.g., firing torpedoes, launching rockets, fir- system is capable of traveling in the mode of ing missiles, deploying mines, deploying stable flight as measured by the projection countermeasures) or deploy military pay- of its trajectory over the surface of the loads; Earth. The maximum capability based on the (5) Swimmer delivery vehicles specially de- design characteristics of the system, when signed for the deployment, recovery, or sup- fully loaded with fuel or propellant, will be port of swimmers or divers from submarines; taken into consideration in determining (6) Integrated with nuclear propulsion sys- range. The range for rocket systems will be tems; determined independently of any external (7) Equipped with any mission systems factors such as operational restrictions, lim- controlled under this subchapter; or itations imposed by telemetry, data links, or NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (a)(7): ‘‘Mission sys- other external constraints. For rocket sys- tem’’ is defined as a ‘‘system’’ (see § 120.45(g) tems, the range will be determined using the of this subchapter) that are defense articles trajectory that maximizes range, assuming


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International Civil Aviation Organization CATEGORY XI—MILITARY ELECTRONICS (ICAO) standard atmosphere with zero wind. (d) Technical data (see § 120.10 of this sub- * * * * * chapter) and defense services (see § 120.9 of (b) Electronic systems or equipment, not this subchapter) directly related to the de- elsewhere enumerated in this subchapter, fense articles described in paragraphs (a) specially designed for intelligence purposes through (c) of this category. (MT for tech- that collect, survey, monitor, or exploit the nical data and defense services related to ar- electromagnetic spectrum (regardless of ticles designated as such.) (See § 125.4 of this transmission medium), or for counteracting subchapter for exemptions.) such activities. (e)–(w) [Reserved] (x) Commodities, software, and technical * * * * * data subject to the EAR (see § 120.42 of this subchapter) used in or with defense articles. §§ 121.2–121.15 [Reserved] NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (x): Use of this para- graph is limited to license applications for § 121.16 Missile Technology Control defense articles where the purchase docu- Regime Annex. mentation includes commodities, software, Some of the items on the Missile or technical data subject to the EAR (see Technology Control Regime Annex are § 123.1(b) of this subchapter). controlled by both the Department of CATEGORY XXI—ARTICLES, TECHNICAL DATA, Commerce on the Commodity Control AND DEFENSE SERVICES NOT OTHERWISE List and by the Department of State on ENUMERATED the United States Munitions List. To the extent an article is on the United * (a) Any article not enumerated on the States Munitions List, a reference ap- U.S. Munitions List may be included in this category until such time as the appropriate pears in parentheses listing the U.S. U.S. Munitions List category is amended. Munitions List category in which it ap- The decision on whether any article may be pears. The following items constitute included in this category, and the designa- all items on the Missile Technology tion of the defense article as not Significant Control Regime Annex which are cov- Military Equipment (see § 120.7 of this sub- ered by the U.S. Munitions List: chapter), shall be made by the Director, Of- fice of Defense Trade Controls Policy. ITEM 1—CATEGORY I (b) Technical data (see § 120.10 of this sub- Complete rocket systems (including bal- chapter) and defense services (see § 120.9 of listic missile systems, space launch vehicles, this subchapter) directly related to the de- and sounding rockets (see § 121.1, Cat. IV(a) fense articles covered in paragraph (a) of this and (b))) and unmanned air vehicle systems category. (including cruise missile systems, see § 121.1, Cat. VIII (a), target drones and reconnais- [58 FR 39287, July 22, 1993] sance drones (see § 121.1, Cat. VIII (a))) capa- EDITORIAL NOTES: 1. For FEDERAL REGISTER ble of delivering at least a 500 kg payload to citations affecting § 121.1, see the List of CFR a range of at least 300 km. Sections Affected, which appears in the ITEM 2—CATEGORY I Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at Complete subsystems usable in the sys- tems in Item 1 as follows: 2. At 79 FR 61228, Oct. 10, 2014, § 121.1 was (a) Individual rocket stages (see § 121.1, amended by removing the word ‘‘enumer- Cat. IV(h)); ated’’ and adding in its place the word ‘‘de- (b) Reentry vehicles (see § 121.1, Cat. IV(g)), scribed’’ in one place in Note 1 to paragraph and equipment designed or modified there- (i) of Category VI; however, the amendment for, as follows, except as provided in Note (1) could not be incorporated because of inac- below for those designed for non-weapon pay- curate amendatory instruction. loads; (1) Heat shields and components thereof EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: At 82 FR 41173, Aug. 30, 2017, § 121.1 was amended under Category fabricated of ceramic or ablative materials XI by revising paragraph (b), effective Aug. (see § 121.1, Cat. IV(f)); (2) Heat sinks and components thereof fab- 30, 2018. For the convenience of the user, the ricated of light-weight, high heat capacity revised text is set forth as follows: materials; § 121.1 The United States Munitions List. (3) Electronic equipment specially designed for reentry vehicles (see § 121.1, Cat. XI(a)(7)); (c) Solid or liquid propellant rocket en- * * * * * gines, having a total impulse capacity of 1.1


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