459 Part 121—The United States Munitions List
Department of State § 121.1 (h) Equipment is a combination of 121.1 The United States Munitions List. parts, components, accessories, attach- 121.2–121.15 [Reserved] ments, firmware, or software that oper- 121.16 Missile Technology Control Regime ate together to perform a function of, Annex. as, or for an end-item or system. AUTHORITY: Secs. 2, 38, and 71, Pub. L. 90– Equipment may be a subset of an end- 629, 90 Stat. 744 (22 U.S.C. 2752, 2778, 2797); 22 item based on the characteristics of U.S.C. 2651a; Pub. L. 105–261, 112 Stat. 1920; Section 1261, Pub. L. 112–239; E.O. 13637, 78 FR the equipment. Equipment that meets 16129. the definition of an end-item is an end- item. Equipment that does not meet SOURCE: 58 FR 39287, July 22, 1993, unless the definition of an end-item is a com- otherwise noted. ponent, accessory, attachment, ENUMERATION OF ARTICLES firmware, or software. [79 FR 61228, Oct. 10, 2014] § 121.1 The United States Munitions List. § 120.46 Classified. (a) U.S. Munitions List. In this part, Classified means classified pursuant articles, services, and related technical to Executive Order 13526, and a secu- data are designated as defense articles rity classification guide developed pur- or defense services pursuant to sections suant thereto or equivalent, or to the 38 and 47(7) of the Arms Export Control corresponding classification rules of Act and constitute the U.S. Munitions another government or international List (USML). Changes in designations organization. are published in the FEDERAL REG- ISTER.
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