Urban Aerial Cable Cars As Mass Transit Systems Case Studies, Technical Specifications, and Business Models
Urban Aerial Public Disclosure Authorized Cable Cars as Mass Transit Systems Case studies, technical specifications, and business models Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Copyright © 2020 by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank, Latin America and Caribbean region 1818H Street, N.W. Washington DC 20433, U.S.A. www.worldbank.org All rights reserved This report is a product of consultant reports commissioned by the World Bank. The findings presented in this document are This work is available under the Creative based on official sources of information, interviews, data, and Commons Attribution 4.0 IGO license previous studies provided by the client and on the expertise of (CC BY 4.0 IGO). the consultant. The information contained here has been compiled from historical records, and any projections based Under the Creative Commons thereon may change as a function of inherent market risks and Attribution license, you are free to copy, uncertainties. The estimates presented in this document may distribute, transmit, and adapt this therefore diverge from actual outcomes as a consequence of work, including for commercial future events that cannot be foreseen or controlled, including, purposes, under the following but not limited to, adverse environmental, economic, political, or conditions: Attribution—Please cite the market impacts. work as follows: World Bank Group. Urban Aerial Cable Cars as Mass Transit The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data Systems. Case studies, technical included in this report and accepts no responsibility whatsoever specifications, and business models. for any consequence of their use or interpretation.
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