Renewal Foes Wire Protests to Johnson Party Leaders9 Clash
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W|h today tad tMnorrev I -Lint (JMdfjkt h upper Ms.Outloek I Red Bank Area f *sWtay partly cloudy, little tem- Copyright-The Red Bank Register, Inc., IMC perature ehaagt. MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS DIAL 741-0010 Imud diitr, itwxUr throuih ttiia. SWoot Out Fwup VOL. 88, NO. 200 P.M it AM Bulk urn i* AUIUOMI lulling Wild. FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1966 7c PER COPY PAGE ONI Party Leaders9 Clash Disrupts ConventionA ir of Bipartisanship By WILLIAM HENDERSON the important task of drafting district lines to the Sarcone and Crabiel let go their roundhouse NEW BRUNSWICK - Democratic and Repub- convention rather than leaving the job to the Demo- swings during a short session. lican- delegates to the Constitutional Convention cratic-controlled legislature. The GOP leader struck hard when he stated: yesterday witnessed the beginning of the end of 'UNREALISTIC bipartisanship. Crabiel called that plan "unrealistic and un- PARTY CONTROL The tranquility of the convention burst wide practical." "Both houses of the interim Legislature are open when party leaders clashed over'who would He contended the convention should first, pro- controlled by one party. This affords an opportu- redistrtct the reapportioned legislature,- how the vide a general- guideline for reapportionment.. If nity for partisan gerrymandering which la unac- nine committees would operate, and'the dangers of the plan is approved biS ;the. electorate In Novem- ceptable to this bipartisan convention and the 'gerrymandering. ' ','.'.,,. ber, then the district lines could be' drawn by the ' People." • There were other minor skirmishes lit the Rut- legislature/Crftijiel'said. ' .' . ' •'•••.• Sen. Crabiel had the last word: , . gers University .gymnasium which added to the ' the senator also 'Came up wiih the' idea that a "• "I resent this implication that the Legislature confusion and delay. • . bipartisan, thej convention would be irresponsible." The first round robin featured C., Robert Sar- could draft the Jines.,instead of turning the work The question of whether the whole-convention 1 cone,. Essex,- the Republican floor > leader who is over to the legislature.' " ' or the chairmen of the various committees have Often given ;tO vitrifijlc speeches, >iand his Demo- Trouble rls: foreseen for the voters who rriust the power to call public hearings popped up after • cratic counterparty SwicJr-Edward Crsbjel, of pass judgment on any reapportionment plan if a 12 rules governing the conduct of such hearings , ; Middlesex. ' \ , . clear, precise, proposal doesn't appear on the were distributed to delegates. Sarcone said the Republicans, favor assigning ballot. •:-.-.<• ' '• • . (See CONVENTION, Page 3) Easier About 485 Aboard Luxury Liner Exodus ins in MIAMI, Fla. (AP) - The spokesman said. "We have not Atlantic Fleet Headquarters at 'Fire In the engine room- All 1 By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Viking Princess, a gleaming white been. aMe to determine, whether Norfolk, Va.,- and, three other stations-stand by.' " \ Christians observed the most Caribbean. cruise ship; caught there are any casualties." ' ships were en route. • , About, five. hours, after the sorrowful day In. the church fire today off the. eastern tip of Arthur Crane, vice president of • In Passage first distress call, a Navy .'plane calendar today, with Good Friday Cuba .and its passengers.and most He booking agency for the ship Fire — ,one of- the.; greatest flying over the scene reported services around the world. The of'tte- crew abandoned it,to the in Miami, said the Viking Prin- dangers of men at sea — struck to the Coast Guard that the tire a.' '••'. •• '• • • < cess carried 235 passengers and the 536-foot motor ship as it was appeared to be raging out of con- SPfRIT OF EASTER — Daily Register photographer Don Lordl captures the spirit and beginning of the Easter weekend also brought the annual exodus The Coast Guard said 362 about 250 crewmen. < sailing north through.the .Wind- trol. • . •', ' ' .', the symbolism of Easter in thit unusual montage. Today's religious p'aget contain of holidayers. • of the estimated 455 persons It was under the command of ward Passage,.about Midway be- "The. aircraft said 'there were Easfer church service information and itoriet relating to the holiday theme. ' Thousands of pilgrims streamed aboard the Miami-based luxury Capt. Otto Thorsen, a veteran of tween Cuba and Haiti. four ships In'the vicinity of the Into Rome and the, Holy Land liner were plucked from the At-JO years at sea. ' "The only ship w« have talked Viking Princess as well as six for observances commemorating lantic by a German freighter, " Two U.S. Navy Destroyers, the to is the Cap Nort," Coast Guard lifeboats," said the Coast Guard Christ's death on the cross. The the Cap Nort. , USS Wilkenson and Owens, spokesman said in.Miami. "The spokesman. ' • mournful rites, in the closing days "All are in good shape," a were reported on' the 6cene by only- message , we received was (See SHIP FIRE, Page'3) Renewal Foes Wire of Holy Week, and the long 9 austerity of Lent, were a pre- lude to the joyous celebrations of ' in Raritan Township the Resurrection on Easter Sun- day.' Protests to Johnson , Pope Paul. .VI was to thousands of Roman. Catholics in ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - A telegram-. the Planning Board in their flagrant violation- A Good ,FHday Maw at the i -tending campaign has been launched by mem- or the citizens' rights to attend a'public hear- Basil/rat of St. Mary Major. bers of local Voters Against Urban' Renewal ing on adoption of the master plan. ing the service the Pontiff, his By FRANK W. HARBOUR mittee, with red faces, announced gram recently appraised flje meeting, "This will teacbus a and >the:. Anti-Master Plan-Urban 'Renewal ''Our- small borough hall was filled to shoes' removed, .lies prostrate be- RiKRlTAN. TOWNSHIP. - A quickly after a committee ses- property — "1.13. acres on Dart- lesson. We should Hwe - studied Committee; capacity prior to the time set for the hearing fore a slowly unveiled crucifix. mystery- as Jta :how much 4.47 sion that they will rescind an mouth Dr. and 3.34 on Annapolis -• -purpose.of the telegram crusade is to by their relatives andfriends and people who , 'Worshipers in' tot • Jordanian m, ; ; :. ,: .. , acref of', Fjeetwood Park land IctiQii'taken minutes, earlier — Dr. — and added, "We just got vOeclwed;,'Mr.' Olin#, "I will ptttiit «ie ttiyOr's aid Planning Board's stand to gain from urban'renewal, while sector of Jenisatein thronged to shoald cost deepened last night to'purchase the land for $18,900, the figures' tonight from . thesay" here and; now.. I will, jpt ; handling of Wednesday night's revised master ' people who stand to lose their homes and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, to the point that Mayor Marvin providing state Green Acres townshipiattorney." go for the $18,900. We.will go to plan hearing and the federal government's businesses'were Kept from the meeting by the traditionally field ias die site of Olinsky promised an immediate 1 funds (half the cost) could be He checked the. papers and court first." ='• • •, failure to provide legal means for a public placing of policemen both inside and out. the Savior's crucifixion, burial investigation. • . obtained. verified that the appraisal figure referendum .on the question' of urban renewal. "The adoption of the master plan in At- and resurrection. • Members of the Township Com- ' The >' decision to backtrack came. toM«0. ••' •' -."s'r?:::^ Of historical note, thi " '/• Mrt. tlvlo Pollj, Ocean Blvd., reported lantic.Highlands will lead directly to urban re- came after this reporter remind- '. Asked . why this amount of of the property his gone from fliaCjbe.licked off the.campaign yesterday newal, which, will wipe out our small business- ed the officials that the land money, the mayor replied, "It $1 to $18,909. .. ::•••: -y ; 'mdrjlog with telegrams to President Johnson men and the larger portion of our Negro cora- previously had been offered, by just doesn't make sense. There It started in 1958 when tne /end .U. $., Attorney General .Nicholu. D.. vmunity .'..••• • „ ' . '-. Cantor and Goldman, builders of is a mistake here, something Is builders,' .according to Mayor * KaUenbach, and that other aid-urban renew- . "1 protest Die action of the federal govern- Fleetwood Park, for a-fraction very wrong." ', .'•,'.' •••• ••••: Olirisky, offered the land for II, ; tUtes fojlowad suit last night. • ment by its refusal io allow people their Of the amount, and that the He called commltteemen back actually as a gift;, ajid distribut- •*, .''We'll continue toe barrage of telegrams democratic right to a referendum on anything governing.body had vowed to goand got fast agreement that the ed sales brochnre$ to Jwnse Jbuy. as important as destruction of their' homes .' until somebody does something to get us a to court over the issue or con-resolution, okaying .the • $18,900 ers "showing both tracts a»; re- .'," referendum,"; »he declared. and their way of life ... - ': demn the land if necessary. figure, willvbe. rescinded, at' theserved, for recreational me. - ;.' V''.' Mrs, Poll's telegram reads: "I think," the telegram goes on, "this Halt Sanctions "You are right," declared the nest' meeting,, Tuesday night. ; , But, according to Township At- ; "I vehemently protest the action of the country has reached the absolute in asinlnlty mayor. ' The VoW on the resolution fiad torney Philip J. B.landa,: Jr., th* mayor of Atlantic Highland* and members of . (See RENEWAL, Page 3) RED.BANK - The Board of ers' alleged plight, and took the Recently Appraised been unanimous, anil without dis- commitment was .never redupacl Education and the Teachers' As-form of radio and newspaper He explained that appraisers cussion. Commentedl Committee- to writing.- •• -:• ,--.: •..•.- •;; sociation had not agreed on a advertisements. That phase of for the state Green Acres pro- man Joseph A.