..-ftltletic Award, Fair and Warmer Board Announces 92 !.etlen ADd - Fair. aomewbat warmer Numerals today; tomorrow hsereulllr cloudl- Sel! !!Iiory pare 8 Dellll, warmer ill e"treme ea.t, e aila ,wau showen ill cellini awl w$ y , , I 0 Ul a C i M 0 , III , CI • n i n • N • P P • r. =FJ=YE~C=E=N=T=S======T~===A~===la=~==p=re=u======~===j:====I=O=W=A==C~JT==y=,~IO~W~A~TH~U~R~S~D~A~Y~,~J~U~N~E~~2~,=1~9~38~~~~I~G~HT~;PgA~G~ES~======~~~~~~~~b~~~~~~~==~V~O~LUMEXXXVnNUMBER 299 Fire Sweeps W oolworth ~up~! ~:!:: He;:r/;:n~';:O"1 Demo Candidate Takes His Nomination Rights of U. S. WASHINGT(;m, June 1 (AP) Store- Stock Destroyed - Secretary of Agriculture Wal­ Fight to Eastern Iowa lace said today he "had no state­ . ~. _. Nippon Refuses Return ment to make" in response to Of American Property ques!Jons whether he would sup­ port any particular candidate tor Boy Kidnaped in Florida Estimate Los s Berlin Press Renews Attacks on Czechs Tn War Zone the democratic senatorial noml­ Wearin Coming . After Two Sudeten . GeJ'lnans Injured I.ation in Iowa, his home state. WASHINGTON, June 1 (AP) Senator Guy M. Gillette and Here for Final .~t $1 O~OOO On During Frontier Town Cafe Brawl - Japan is violating American Representative Otha Wearin are rights in China by refusing to dvals in the contest, which is to Stor e A Ion e BERLIN, June 1 (AP)-The evacuate American properUes be decided in a primary June 6. Primary Drive Germa:: press attacked Czechoslo- '!MPO SIBLE' and allow our ci tizens to return Wallace said he had made it vakia anew tonight over a "pro- to them, Secretary of State Hull a practice not to vote in a pri­ Lunch Counter Source vocative" incident at the troubled told the Tokyo government today mary unless he was in the state. ongres man Will Vi it frontier town ot Eger. Temples Seeking Quiet in a strongly worded note. He explained he believed in ab­ Iowa City on Tour , 'Of Intense Fire At Eger, on Czechoslovakia's ex­ The United States demanded sentee voting in principle In a b'cme western tip where the Vacation that Japan turn back to their general eiection but not in a Saturday Midnigbt country juts far into Germany American owners the $1,000,000 primary contest. was the scene of a cafe brawl la st LYWOOD University of Shanghai and other By GEORGE S. MILLS .The entire di splayed stock ot the night in which two Sudeten Ger- HOL , Cal., June properties now occupied by Japa­ DES MOINES June 1 (AP)­ F. W. Woolworth store was de- nlans were wou d when a (AP) - Hollywood thinks th e nese troops. Congressman Olha D. Wearln to­ This government expressed its Senate Splits stroyed, and damage to the bulld­ zechoslovak army ergeant fired George F. Temples and the i I' night prepared to invad the hib revolver. well known daughter Shirley are "increasing concern" at Japan's strongly democratic counties ot i~ totaled $10,000 in an intense refusal to let American business lij'e at 11 p.m. yesterday. Some nazi quarters responded attempting the impossible - a Into 2 Factions eastern Iowa in the 11nal drive Olen and missionaries return to of his campaign for Ihe party', When the firemen arrived, the with a bitter charge of "con tin- quiet vacation. the posts In coastal and inland ued monstrous Czech provoca- 0 M senatorial nomination. inflammable merchandise on near- tlons," and the Berlin press re- The Temples left here during cities they fOL'merly occupied. V e r easure The candid at , with an eye to Secretary Hull regarded as Ii every counter in the store was (erred to the "intolerable sltua- the week end en route east by the traditional d mocratic power flimsy Japan's excuse that "peace I In th Mississippi ri ver counties, burning. Fire Chief James J. Clark hon" of the Sudeten Germans, a motor car. But if the welcome is and order have not been suITi- Roosevelt Requests No too tumulluous in Salt Lake plans to spend all day tomorrow ~aid the blaze started In the lunch 3,500,000 German minority living ciently restored." S" b d II) I In Davenport, Friday in Clinton COllnte!" and spread to the sta­ Czechoslovakia along the Ger­ City, a test stopping p I ace," He questioned it by calling Ja- trll1~S AUac e man border. Mrs. Temple said before leaving, and Saturday in Dubuque and tionery department along the south pan's atte~tion to "the fact that To Bill The Berlin newspaper Nachtaus­ "we'll turn around and come Japanese CIVIlians are freely p r- Iowa CJly. R thus wlll los wall. gabe, ~aking a bel1igerent view ot home." hi s camp Ign without having "The bUl'l1ing of the paper sup­ mitted to go into and reside in WASHINGTON, June 1 (AP) the new Eger inCident, warned Otherwise, they will continue such areas-as, for example, at iJlaced any particular mphasis ply caused gas to spread through­ "London, Paris and Praha to note on to New York and return by - The senate split into daimet­ on the norUl rn and northwe t­ out the store. When the gas burn­ Nanking where some 800 Japa­ that we are keeping a record ot way of th e Dl onnes' home town, rica 11y opposed factions today ern parts ot the stat . The prl­ ed, it igni te!;i the stock on the nese nationals, including a suO­ E\ ry lncident, every murder, ev­ Callander, Ont., Canada. stantial number of women and after President Roosevelt urgent­ mari s are n xi Monday, June O. counters," Chief Clark explained. ery shooting, every provocation, ------­ Th rest of his HIn r8ry is In Firemen were forced to fight the children, are reported to be in ly requested legislators to pass lind every border violation, and residence." the second Iowa congressional fire with four hose lines through Although American business the $3,247,000,000 spending-lend· di strict, llome territory ot the the front doors until the smoke that some day we will present a bill of J'esponsibility to those who, Fate of Treaty men and missionaries have been ing bill without attaching strings late Democratic Senator, Louls cl~ared enough to enable them to enter. Assistant Fil'!' Chief Albert whether in Praha or other capi­ refused permiSSion even to make which would prevent "the selec­ J. Murphy of Dubuque, who wal Dolezal cut hi n hand while he at­ tals, have assumed command of a brief insp cHon of their proper­ tion of those projects which can killed in an auto accident In the Czechs." Up to Canada tes to ch cl< losses and take steps 1936. tempted to ctawl through the rear be got under way most. speedily." entrance. It was at Eger that on May 21 to prevent furthr losses, "many In De. MolnMl two Sudeten Germans wel'e killed Japanee merchants and their Administration supporters said C. M. Tanner, manager of the that the preSident's letter, in S nator GUY M. Gill It , Mur­ Woolworth store, said that an esti­ by Czech border guards when Pittman Says Dominion families are known to be in the phy's succe or and the Incum­ they falled to halt at a frontier localities to which these Ameri­ which he assel'ted the "unem­ l'l'\Ilte of the store's loss could not Will Offer Real ployment situation has grown b nt., brought his batt! lor re­ be made unlil officials from Min­ post. rhe incident resulted in a cans seek to return." worse" and that a quick attack nomination to D s Moines today . neapolis arrived. The stpck is cov­ rush of troops to the. bot'der and . Objection The implication was plain that Meanwhll ,stat headquarters Japan is seeking to drive out on it. was imperative, was an ered by insurance, he said. Uh ovel night European war scare. of the American Federation or . Damage to the building was con­ American business men and mis­ argum nt against the current WASHINGTON, June 1 (AP)- sionaries and replace them by movement on Capitol Hill to Labor relesaed II teleiram re­ tihed to the store. The wood false- France Secures ceived by A. A. Couch, Iowa wall was burned olf the south of Senalor Pittman (D-Nev), chail'- Jllpanese. "earmark" huge slices of the funds for specific projects. They AFL chief, rrOm Frank Morrison \he store interior, and heat of the American Aid In man of the senate foreign rela- of Washington, AFL secr tary­ fire caused e steel girders sup- lions committee, predicted today ~a id the adminlstration wanted a S S k oJamea Bailey Cuh, lr. Ir asurer. The t.elegram in part pcrting the floor to sag. Earl thot the "real objection" to the free hand to sleet projects. Building Planes I tate pea er On the other hand, senate con­ While au ti10rlties at N w Ro- above, 51 ~- year-old son of the ~al d : Kurtz, a Moose official, said the A. d P k I chell, N. Y., doubied theil' I'trorts ow ne r ot a chain of gasoUne fill· orl8nization ,viI! repair the dam- ---- . proposed St. Lawrence waterway i s ic ets n servatives q ~ i c k I y aMoun ed "S~n.ttGUtt "'"Ill pt age immediately. PARIS, June I (AP)- France treaty would come from Canada. to find the kidnapers and sluyers ing stations. Young Cash was tak­ cent record In favor of labor le­ that they interpreted the lettel of 12-year-old Peter Levine, an- en from his home while the par­ Smoke entered the Moose lodge has ~rafted ~erican brains ~nd Secretary Hull made public yes- Western Strike as an endorsement of earmark­ gislation." machinery 10 mcrease her flrst other kidnaping case at Princ ton, ents were away. The father of the I n a press conference h re to­ rooms above the slore, lhe Ford line fighting planes from 1,400 to terday a proposed agreement be- Ing. They said they had a list of Fla., sent G-men to the southern boy announced he had paid Hopltins Drug store and the Welt 2,600 by next April. tween this country and the neigh­ flood control, 1'1 vers and har· day, GjJ]ette reiterated his "In­ HOLLYWOOD. Cal., June 1 city to seek a clew to th abduc- $10,000 ransom 101' his son's re­ t os loyalty" to President Roos- agency but caused little damage. Members of the chamber of dep- boring dominion under which the (AP)-With strike bands on their bors and army housing projects tlon of James Bailey Cash Jr., lease. Chief Clark said only six inches uties air committee disclosed to- Great Lakes area would obtain a chests, Speaker Willi am Mosely which could be started quickly. evelt but added that that does of water coli ct d in the basement, day that the government hopes shipping outlet to the Atlantic Jones of the slate assembly and Behind this conflict was a not necssar[Jy m an he is 100 pel and the sewers will drain that virtually to double French active ocean through the St. Lawrence seven other assemblymen pa­ struggle with major political as­ cent for everythlni proposed by amount without pumping. warplanes LInd has called upon dver. Thc treaty also provides for raded today in the picket lines of pects. During senate debate the Officer Study Cle,v. for Lead the . . Both of lhe lire department's American industry for aid. extensive power development. 23 striking employes of the HoI..! last few days, critics of the ad­ Blindly Partisan pumpers were us d in the fire, The program involves an esti- The refus- lywood Citizen -' News affiliated ministration charged political use Cash "In 1934 and 1936 I several and the ort-shlft was called to aid mated expenditure of 3,500,000,000 ed by 13 votes in 1934 to ratify with the American newspaper of relief funds. The accusation In Kidnaping of Jimmy times said that nnyone who de­ till! platoon which answered the francs ($94,500,000) of which 900,- a waterway treaty negotiated by guild. WIlS heard that money in the clared himself 100 per cent alarm. Six volunteers assisted 000,000 francs ($24,300,000,000) the two governments. Many sena­ Assemblyman Charles Hunt led spending-lending bill would be All Hop Is Abandoned against the new denl either was tb~ firem n in 'fighting the blaze would go to buy American ma- tors who opposed the treaty said the procession, carrying a placard used to beat foes of the admlnls­ , blindly partisan or lacked infor­ alii! in clearing debris from the chinery for French aviation fnc- Il would WOI'I< economic hardship reading "California assemblymen u·atlon. Senator Wheeler D­ :For Return Of mation," the senator ass rted, slqre. It _ories. Ion the states they represented. support Citizen-news shike." Mont) said relief money appar­ afe'Ready "Similarly, I said t. hat anyon(' • • • • • • • • • • • ently was to be employed to de­ Boy Alive who d clared himself 100 per feat senators "because some one ilver D pository To cent for the new d al also was Where There's SUloke-There's a Crowd doesn't like the color of their PRINCETON, Fla., June 1 (APl lIold 70,000 Ton plindly partisan or needed infor­ hair." - A sheet of brown paper, sand­ mation." Proponents ot earmorking said wich wrappings and a stained Congressman E. C. Eicher (D- these charges showed that con­ stick were studied tonight lOr a WEST POINT, N. Y., June Iowa )issued the following state- gress should keep strict control lead in tile kidnaping of tow­ (AP)-Engilleers said today the ment in response to a r quest for over appropriations. In addition, headed Jimmy Cash as federal nation's new silver depository, a a comment on the report that the they expressed belief that their officers questioned an unem­ huge steel box within the U. S. president had sueessted the is­ earmarking movement w 0 u 1 d ployed carpenter about the ase. Military a cad e m y reservation, suance ot n jOint statement by Meanwhile, with hope for re­ succeed because it would allot would be ready about June 10 to Wellrin and Gillette on Roose­ money to projects in the home turn of the boy a1ive virtually abandoned, authorities broadcast receive carloads of the while metal. veil's neutrality. districts of many members ot The "sate" will hold 70,000 tons "I was so surprised," Eicher congress. serial numbers of the 1,500-odd bank notes which made up the or silver which will come (rom said, "over the claim that the Administration men, denying vnults in D nver, San Francisco president. had given any such in­ political motives, argued that to $10,000 ransom the five-year-old child's father vainly deUvered at. and Philadelphia. cicaUon of neutrality in this con- tie the hands of the president Such shipments as the $70,000,- test that I called him early this would be to prevent the mobili· a rural rendezvous yesterday. The brown paper discovered to­ 000 worth of bars which were morning, and in a 10-mlnute zation of relief dollars Quickly taken lhrough busy downtown telephone conversation was as­ in the areas where they were day by one of 26 posses gl'imly combing the palmetto thickets New York yesterday olf the liner sured by him that he had re­ most needed because of acute NOrmandle may be lodl/ed there. Quested no such stalement of unmployment. and cib'us groves of this thinly populated area near the tip of the That recol'd shipment, contained either Weartn or

IOWAN going back to her native land. THE DAILY She chose death ' instead. 'VOICE OF THE DEEP' OFFICIAL DAILY B~LETIN PubliS/led every morning ex­ We think the story of Miss I~JIIJ ID the UNIVERSITY CALENDAR are cept Mo,",day by Student Publica­ Wolf's suicide in~eresting for the IIChedaJed In ... .rllce of the Presl.cnl, Old tions Incorporated, at 126-130 lig/lt it casts on conditions today Iowa avenue, Iowa City, Iowa. C.pliol. lae- for the GENBaAL NOTICES in Germany. Miss Wolf looked ve deposited witb tbe eampUi editor or The Dally Board of Trustees: Frank L, from 'her hotel window to the Iowan, or ma, be placed ln Ibe box provided for Mott, Odis K. Patton, Ewen M. concrete pavement Live stories tbelr dellOiIt In the offices of The Dally Jowan. MacEwen, Karl E. Leib, Amos below and thought it Jooked GENERAL NOTJ(:ES must be al Tbe Dally Iowan more promising than her own by 4:30 P.m. the uy precedJD, flnl pUblication: Pearsall, Robert Dalbey, Ben ~. country, ballees wUl NOT be accepted by telephone, and Stephens, David B. Evans, Orval Maybe, just by chance, we MUlII be Tn'ED or LEGmLY WRITTEN aud By GEORGE TUCKER Q, Matteson. American citizens aren't such SIGNED by a reapoulble perulL NEW YORK-There was an as-I . Fred M , Pownall, Publisher unlucky people after all, maybe. VOL. XI. No. 315 Thursday, Junc 2. 1938 tunishing moment in a Brookl7n • Donald J. Anderson, court the other /I (tet'noon, packed Business Manager You're getting mid~le-aged if you can remember when folks you University Calendar. with drama and realism. A r.;a-l Entered as second class mail liked were always referred to as lay seaman was to testily befO~ matter at the postoffice at Iowa "keen." And those you didn't were a magistrate and tell what City, Iowa, under the act of con­ lucky not to "get the bird." Thursday, 3une 2 8:15 P.m.- Commencement Play: knew of a n attempt to smugg 10:00 a.m.·12:00 m.; 2:00 p.m.- fiess 9f March 2, 1879. "Call It A Day," Dramatic Arts II Chinese into the United SUIteS. 5:00 p.m.-Concert program, Iowa Building. Yawn Yawnson says America But when you testify 1/1 co~ Subscription rates-By mail, $5 I Union Music Room. Sunday, June 5 is certainly becoming baseball­ 7:00 p.m. -Campus Concert, in this country you first take the per year; by carrier, 15 cents minded, We're even having our 2:30 p.m. - Campus Concert. oath. i'ou swear to tell the truth" weekly, $5 per year. University of Iowa Band, Mac­ depressions in double-headers. bride Hall Campus. university of Iowa Band, Mac­ the whole truth, and nothing but 9:00 p.m.-Commencement Par­ bride Hell Campus. the truth, so help you God. - The Associated Press is exclu­ And tnat's where the color a , ,iyely entitled to use for republi­ The reckless Sunday driver who ty, Iowa Union. 4:00 p.m.-Annual Recital, De­ Friday, June 3 partment of Music, North Re­ tI~e melodrama of the mystic Or cation of all news dispatches crashes poulevard stops plays a icnt comes in. FOr Malays creditlKi til it or not otherwise 10:00 a..m.·12:00 m.; 3:00 P.m.- hearsal Hall. queer game. If he wills he'll try Mohammedans and their cone~ 6:00 p.m.-Concert program, Iowa 8:00 p.m.-Baccalaureate Serv­ credited in this paper and also it all over agaill nel't Sunday. If lion of the deity differs from 0411 Union Music Room. ire, Field House. the local news published herein. he loses he's just a Monday morn- And so an oath to our God eli ing news item. • 7:00 p.m. - Campus Concert, EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT University of Iowa Band, Mac­ Monday, Junc 6 in no bense be binding to John Mooney ...... Editor bride Hall Campus. 9:00 a.m. - Commcnccmcnt, uf the Mohammedan faith. James Fox ...... Managing Editor 8:15 p.m. - Commencement Field House. EmergenCies John Lain ...... News Editor Sciertce Comes, , Play: "Call It A Day," Dramatic Tenth Annual State Scholarshi p But New York is prepared f Merle Miller ...... City Editor Tq the Rescuf! Arts Building. Contest. emergencies of this sort. 'r fll'St thing they did was send (0 • Wayne Fisher ...... Sports Editor Saturday, June 4 Tuesday, June 7 AFTER evefY holiday, tre na­ Dr. Tassi!o Adam and his sacI' : Loren Hickerson ....Campus Editor tional report shows a startling in­ Alumni Day Tenth Annual State Scholarship Eulalia Klingbeil .... Society Editor Contest. his. This kl'is is a 14-lneh da« ' ('rease ;n the highway death rate. 9:00-11:00 a.m.; 3:00-6:00 p.m.­ ge r, or small sword, and it waa' Concert program, Iowa Union Salurda , June 11 BUS[NESS DEPARTMENT Many causes ~ave b!!e~ ilam~~, presented to him iong ago by t I Music Room. 8:00 a..m. - Summer Session Tom E. Ryan, Circulation Mgr. hut, with the exception ')f intoxi­ Sultan of Java. Dr. Adam alwa)'l 6:00 p.m.-Meeting of Directors registration begins. ~ines W. Schmidt, OUice Mgr. ('ation, ihe chief causes ot a<;ci­ I'esponds when some bewitdered .. Arthur R. Lorch dents' are eye strain and ' fatigue. of Alumni ASSOCiation, Triangle Ma lay arrives on these shores, il­ Clubrooms. (For IDlormaUon regardlnc Laws have !:leen made anq are legally 01' otherwise, for he knows ~ssistant Advertising Manager 7:00 p.m.- Campus Con c e r t, dates beyond this 'Ilhedule, lee !lY L. J. Kramer Jr. being ,~nforced to limit drunken Malay dnd a dozen other strange The driving to the minimum, but until Univcrsity of Iowa ,Band, Mac­ reservatiON In the prealdent'. 01- Advertising Solicitor bride Hall Campus. rice, Old Capitol) eastern tongues, including Atiek, will be Margaret Gordon 1 ecently little had been done to F,attak, Bugi, Dyak, Lampol1l. urdllY, ~la68ifi!ld Advertising Manager 1 emove the physical handicaps of Makassar, Nicobar, and even Re.. annual driving. General Nolice8 jang. Dr. Adam lives in Brook. wiIl . TELEPHO~S Now, medical sciente pas step­ lyn now, but for 30 years he W81 I ilnce EIlU!!"'t1 Orn~e ...... 41$2 ped forward with an experim~nt AppUcants for Summer Vacation Employment chief ethnologist to the Dutch band'S Sl!Clety E~Uor ...... h~3 which may merit attention lor the Teaching Posltlonl Men and women, students or bovernment in the East Indies. ' Bus'ne~ Of!lce ...... 4191 highway safety campaign. Any student registered with the non-stUdents, itJterestcd in carn­ It all started several wceks ago This device, which ~onsists of lng thl'ce meals daily board dur­ THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1938 Committee on Recommendation of when a Bdtish freighter arrived Ii capsule contaij1i'1g caroten~-jn­ Teachers should be sure to leave tng any part of the summer in America with, a group ot Chi. ('ii, has been test!!d ap~ . peen his summer address with the com­ months, please register at the uni­ IJese on board. The captain waa found to relieve eye straill, im­ mittee before leaving the campus. Versity employment bureau, old Immediately indictqp and wilh Pick~"g I~e Man prove vision in the dark and les­ COMMITTEE dental building, immediately. Most Lurn Hassan Bin Ahmed, who is Not the Party ~en fatigue. of these jobs, wi thin u ni versi ty now chJe! government witness. According to the Ohio Medical Clendening Tells How Internal units, cafeterias, dormitol'ies and But to make it legal and bind· WITtl qnly a few days remain- Journal, workers who were 'given Safest City hospitals, occur at the meal hours mg and to impress properly upon Commencement [nvitatlons and are easily adaptable to class ;ng bpforl) we must go to the polis three carotene-ill-oil tablets qajly 1he imagination of the man Just Commencement invitations are or employment schedules. to cast our ballots in the primary improved their vision to such an Qr-gf;lps Get Functional Tests Memphis' Da'\l'is Had how serious was the situation, extent ' that the effiCiencY of col- now ready for distribution in the LEE H. KANN Bin Ahmed had to be thrice (llcctions, the old political warning Good Reasons alumni officc, northwest room of Manager "worn 'no twice in the Mohamlne-­ of voting the man, not the party or-matching inspectors ip a jller- By LOGA~ CLENDENING, M. D. Old Capitol. All students are chandising plant was increased In assessing physical fitness, system can bc testcd by their aan way and once in the orthodox . seems necessary. more than 75 per cent. By IIARRY :P. SNYDER asked to present their receipts Today In the Music Room when calling for their orders. hmerican manner. This was why Hints and accusatl'ons of ad- Wh . ts' l'k thO h we want to know whether the performance. If thcy arc not MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) -The Today's morning program fmm Dr. Adam was called in. The sight en ~xpenmen I e IS ave great 'triumvirate of organs-the functioning properly there will INVITATIONS COMMITTEE ministration backing, of WP been perfected, fIluch of the worry, heart, kidney and liver _ are be some fOI'm o[ indigestion. man chiefly responsible for mak­ 10 a.m. until noon in the Iowa of a sacred kris is enough to bri~ · I .. ptrain also the duty of the maximum that could be done Macbridt' hall and the library phony orchestra under the direc­ . practicably in that city." annex will be open from 8:30 tion of Leopold Stokowski. Other By CHARLES P . STEWABT every voter to make his selections A New York museum has ob- I That ffiJd-western woman who, Davis, a young attorney whel1 em the basis of the candidate's a.m. until noon, and from 1 to 5 selections on the program will be Central Press Columnist • tained a bird touch- II after 50 of married life. now his father was injuerd, has Dvorak's "Quartet in G Major," record ,'athe):' than blindly follow­ wh~ch, whe~ y~ars I ['.m. until June 11. WASHlNGTON, June I-W.hen !{lg par'ty standing. ed, becomes so frightened It drops seeks a divorce probably has to be. en hammering at traffic safety President Roosevelt leaves the dead .. Odly enough, the bird is not listen to th~ relative,S ~ho said si nce In 1923, at the age of 25, , Spe~ial h?urs for departmental ~~~ ~!~e:;~, ~~t~r~ti~a~~~~ ~~ White House, in 1941 or 1945 or a native of Scotland. they knew It wouldn t last. he was elected city (police libraries WJIl be posted on thc dante sostenuto j1lovements as whenever he docs, he can pelint (Ioors:. .. played by the Prague string quar- 1n a recent treason tria lin court) judge. He recognized but backward to one accomplish merit one fine for convicted speeders­ .. All libranes Will be closed un- tet, and "Rondo Capriccioso in E" that not even his bitterest critic Russia six were found guilty and Daily Cross Word Puzzle til 1 p,m. June 6 for the Com- by Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, with ~qstead of being executed were $50, the maximum u n d e r the e"n find fault with. law. menccment exercises. Mischa Levitzki at the piano. Re- giv,cl/. pl'!son ~elltences. This lends GREY OWL His administration is sollqltylng color to the rumors tliat Russia, Davis went from city jud~e GRACE VAN WORMER quest numbers will be included. the Americas, North SOui.b arld IT IS HARD to determine what Acting Pi rector UNION STAFF fearing a wl!r, is conserving am- qrey O'ylll's real name was. Flis to the office of policc and fire C£ntra!, in admirable faShion.''' muni~ion. . father called him Archibald Mc­ commissiOller, later changed to ::-======::::====::.::::; Uncle Sam was not overlY !X!p' C ular from the Rio Grande to pipe Neill, his Apache mother must pU!li won have called him something else, y~~.e tYa~~m~:SiO~~~. New Qipp, er R.eady for Flight Horn a~ the time ot "F. D:'s" Haile Selassie continues to refer not< only traffic saiety award r irs t inauguration. fresid~pt to himself as the "Lion of Judah" and his Ojibway tribesmen-by­ adoption called him Wa-sha-quon­ but also the United States Cham- '" '" '" "" '" til ' Hoover did, indeed, try hard fO but, shucks, that's nothing- the bel' of Commerce award for ,fIre Be~g improve Pan American re}hUOl1S Detroit baseball club is in the sec­ asin. It was probably harde for Des,crib,ed as Size of a fjve-room him to determine wbether be was saiety. ~t tied Los Angeles for but he had railier too colO: a ~r. ond division but they still call (he first-place award of 'the Na- Bunga~ow; We~ghs 82,500 Pounds themselves the Tigers. a white man or a red man. As :,. onality to appea1 to our southetn a red man be hunted and trapped I toinal Fire Prevention associa- reighbors. They wmld nt WIlBon was one 91- YI' Answer to prevlou8 punle Vlorst spa nkerB 011 record. In· . And in RUSllia ,the Pl;oP Ie are ~en who co,nq"ler.e~ ,~he co~tiriel'\t ' vessel 31-An easy galt {ended; grade crossings eliminat- weI!, weighed less than at tenth wh1ch, In 1933 was the specdicst He vaded Mcxico. at Vera Cruz , 100 hu.ngry to dO much ta \king ~n~e owned by the Iroquois, ~he 18-Cheel'l re.embllng ed, traffic signals renovated and of what the Boeing "Clipper" transport on American ail' Janes. Qd about "har,d times." They're not Ojlbways, ,~he ~apache al,'li !he IB-Inde1\nlte .. canter a\1 equipment improved. weighs. The first !oUl·.englned Jan~ UC['oss the border. }Ie kellf'tJ. _Ung too regularly ~ese ,QaY5. other tribes. He may I;\av,e been ,arUcle 32-Styll&h Davis is convinced education But the engineers who turned machine of the same design as S. marines in Nlcarau~us ~ II1-PQueues 83-Concoct, as "l'here's a IOQd shortaae ,threat­ too civilized for our c(v\li~ation, offers the chief solution to the it out figure it must have point- the old Monoma!! was produced Haiti. He inter!er~ In "C\1tlfn I 2o-Hl&'hest !IOte mIschief politics. ' ~ng, a,nd it .I;Ias the RUliSiang tl19\1gh 1t \Vas in a )\l0lierh hds­ • , of Quldo'. traffic problem. ed the way toward today's wide- In \935 for the army. ;rhis was "That's why we spend so much winged. powerful ' and the "tlying rated as He did some other things ,\I¥It frlghttmt:<\. pital in Pri,nce Albert, ~a~ka~c~e- I DOWN S'p~y fortre~s," And .in Germany. Well, Ger­ w~, wlwre lUI the re~9.urGes of lime with school children," he transports and one t'ype of ~ea- one of the most dcad!y bombers J think he ought not to "~ye ~o~e . l-Drted tMllt lS-8ward man censorship ma~es It Impos- ~Qqer~ slj\ence were' at ' hfilld ' ~o I Said. "They will form safety vily armed bomber in the service lri ' the ' world. A "supcr-flylng I lived In Sol\th Am~rlc. ,~n illve If ,they CQul(i, thl't he cOIIes used 6-Buy llnd know how w were hated. , r6ible to ~i"d out muoh about ,lu~ .to malte 7-Reglol18 habits and evntually pass them of the army air corps. fortress," of much grcatcr weight wha.t's happening there; b~t we c1o~ ',ws eyes, 11l8t . ;r.hur.~~al. on to others. When it becomes "The first important step in the but of the same mold , was de­ All thaL hostility has puse "Clipper" ~h!p IR 1h('l fir~t Wn~hlMt n lind f!'OlTI ~ tlll -~ury\v­ country as a tourist. Miss Woll the eatt;.n b,ear ,no WilUc". " 'tila'l . ~' .\l " . 14-S~lIte8 ru- ed III preventing pedestrlRn ac- the Boeing Aircraft company, of six coming off the assemb ly mg c(1nt" ts n tho SOllthl'rn rp- was faced with the prospect ot - -'file New 'Tor'll '11me. t-A .prlte 'tened to teet· L.,;;;..L.;:;;l,;,;::;J,;:;..L.:;..J" cidents." has said, "was the deslnllUlg iKO , line. 1ublics. '" , ~, ~i\ THURSDAY; . ;JUl'\E, 2, 193B THE DAILY IOWAN, IOWA CITY PAGE · FIV1J. P-rof. Harshbarger to D'escrihe Annual Supper Begins COlnm,encel11ent Week 1,200 Hear University BaQ4 Today - Baecaldutieate,' Commencement In First of Campus Concert ~ With .i T:~ Give W"d Pictures House Named Musicians Wear New Macbride campus at 7 o'clock u.{iI SundaY..,I 'a.\londay WSUI Hats for F.... rs. evening, with Professor Ri.htt Phi Beta Kappa conducting. Ovett WSUI Time President Here Featured on the program 10- Pr~t . H. Clay' L Ha.l:shbarg I' of Return The University of Iowa band, night will be a cornet solo ~ Cecil Wilkins, whom listeners I the .,s pe'e~h . dePl\r~m~\'I.t will pre­ under the direction of Prot Char­ Howard Rieke, A3 of B1a1ratoWll. Prof. Ralph E. House of the ro­ will remember trom his work lent word pi\!t,urps ,01 the 76tl1 mance languages department was les B. Righter, presented the first Mr. Rieke will play TltompsoO:I '.nhual baccalaureate and com­ at WSUI last year, will make hls named president 6f the local chap­ ot a series of five campus con­ "Come Sing To Me," accompa­ men~ement exercises Over WSUI ter of Phi. Beta Kappa fo llowing return to the air this morning Sunday and MOlilday, as , a port al 11 :15. He will present a 15- certs last night, before an audi­ nied by the band. the recent initiation of 38 new ence of about 1,200 on the cam­ .of a six-day bI;.o<\c\~ast sch dule members to the society, minute program of poe tic Tonlght·s campus concert wiU which will permlh Iowa City and thoughts against a background pus eut of Macbride hall. The include: " . Prof. John W. Ashton of the band was enthusiastically received much of the slate to hear the English department was named of music. March, "El Capitan" ...... SouN outstanding' 'e v 'n t s oC Com­ in its opening performance. vice-president of the group; Prof. Overture, "Egmont" ... .Beethoven mencement wee'Jt. at· the univer­ CODlJDllneemeDt . Their scarlet uniforms making Lonzo Jones, assistant dean of I a bri Iliant spot ot color on the sity. men, secrewl'Y, and Prof. H. J. Three dances {rom "Henry VII,l" Graduation act i v i tie s take wei greenness of the campus, the ...... GerIntD , ~gillJling .wlth, j thc two open­ Thornton of the history depart­ their place in the broadcast bandsmen presented a widely in, events of thJs yenr's activi­ men t, tl'easUI'er of the organization. I Morris dance Illst night ...:-. Ule Commence­ ~chedule today. The campu~ varying concert, opening and clos­ Shepherds' dance ties New of'ficers, nominated by a concert at 7 o'clock and '.he ing with march selections, and ment supper ' ~li b~t:im and the committee and elected by unani­ Torch dance tirst concert by -. the. U ni versity Commencement par t y at 9 presentin, numbers ranging In mous vote of the society, will serve o'clock tonight will both bt: dynamics from calmly quiet to "Come Sweet Death" ...... BIdI of Iowa band ~. !.he highUgbts of 1'01' one year. broadcast. the most crashing ot forte stralns. "Gavotte" ...... Salabert the P1".ogI'3m will Comme'ncefl):~nt ------Prof. Chal'les B. Righter of the The band's concert appearance "Come Sing To Me" .... ThomPfOh all be broadcast by WSUI. Mr. Rieke Nine hundred seniors, faculty pledged them to uphold the high I - Daily Iowan Pilato, Engrat~fln music department will direct the last night was the first In which 'Both of today's ' Commence­ "Valse Lente" from "Sylvia" ment events wiU be broadcast. Professors On members and University ot Iowa educational standards which the sented the senior men, and university band in the concert the organization's new hats, pur­ program. E a 1'1 Harrington and chased thi~ spring, have been ballet ...... bell~. The music of th ' l\l!Cond campus alumni attended the traditional university has set and w'ged that warned alumni against a reeling . . '. . . oC inferiority concerning their his Avalon band will supply the worn. March, "Skyliner" ...... Alford ~oncert by th~ ,uni'lersity band Committee For Commencement supper in the sa lanes of uOlvel'slty ofClclals alma mater. Charles E. Leffing- music for dancers at the Com- An illuminated number, on an Intermtsslon wiJl be aired from the campus flower-bedecked main lounge of should not be lowered. "Only a well, P4 of Oxford Junction, me-ncement party, wit h Bill easel on the east steps of Mac­ March, "Noble Men" ...... Jl'illmore ~8St ot Macbr\qe. hillJ at 7 p.m. Iowa Union last night, which offi­ fE-IV pallry dollars," he said, )"are chairman of the senior memorial Sener and Jane Fifer on hand to bride hall, changed after each Descriptive Fantasle, "Childhood At 9 o'clock tllE!. · dance strains Marking Sites give a "mike" picture of th... selection, notiDed late ar'rlvals of Days" ...... , ...... :86,. ot. Earl .Harri'1.8t.'oh's. Avalon 01'­ cially launched Commencement at stake for the state, and only committee, presented the s nior week activities, President Eugene a few fractional cents for the gift to the university- ::t $1,500 Iowa Union lounge and to an- the number whk:h was being "FaraDdole," from "L'ArIeei ~ c he~tra will be ~'l>roaflcast from I Prof. Benj. F. Shambaugh. A. Gilmore, seated behind the people of the state in the inter- set of lights for the Iowa Union nounce the musical numbers. played, ellne" suit ...... BiHt I\le Commenc~mel!t p.arty in the superintendent of the State His­ speaker in the above picture, pre­ ests of high educa tJonal standards Ioot bridge. The gift was aceepl­ Pilgrim chorus, trom "Tannhau... • main 19unge o~Jo""a Union. ser" ...... Waper Tomorrow's concert by the tOI'ical society, and Prof. John E. sided at the dinner. Clyde B, at Iowa." Jane Bollard, A4 of d by President Gilmore. Prof. TODAY'S PROGRAM Band WiU Appear Briggs of the political science Waterloo, spoke for the senior Karl E. Leib of the college of "Juba Dance" ...... 0Itt university band will be carried Charlton, (standing above) presi­ 8:30 a.m.-The Dally Iowan of department, were named yester­ dent of the Alumni association, women, tracing the life of a col- commerce spoke on behal1 of the the Air. In Second Concert March, "Anchors Awei,h" ...... ~ .. Po y WS,UI at , 7. p~\t:l. • day to the committee for mark· spoke for the alumni of the uni­ lege student through four years university, pledging the seniors to The band's second campus ...... Zimmerlllln The alumm luncheon program 8:40 a.m.- Morning melodtes. ing historical sites throughout versity. He warned alumni ot campus activity. Herman be always inlelligent, courteous 8:50 a.m.-Service reports. ccncert will be presented on the "Old Gold" will be broadcast at 1 p.m. Sat­ against a "sophomoric attitude," Schmidt, A4 or Davenport, repre- and just in their dealings. urday, wifh d'escl:iptlons of the the state, The Iowa Centennial 9 a.m. - Illustrated mUsical committee made the appoint­ chats. annual event ~ hie h this year ments. 9:50 a.m. - Program calendar will honor l'ettl~nlng classes Will Display Pilot Wheel Mrs. R a I p h Henderson of and weather report. wince 1878. 'DhEt .rourth. of the Symbol of a Past Era Sioux City is chairman. The Name Winners 10 a.m.-Homemaker's chat. • •• ••• band's campus", concerts will be committee will select points 01 broadcast .at 7 tun. Sat\lrday. 10:15 a.m. - Yesterday's mu- Memento of Twain Days Will Be Shown i~ scenic and historic interest Which sical favorites. The f j n a I campuSI c~n qe rt by Of Fellowships Union River Room .. should be marked with uniform 10:30 a.m.- Book shelt. the band at .2:30 Jl.tn. Sunday bronze or stone markers, so they 11 a.m.-Madrigal singers. wil~ be broadcast :IDom ·the Muc­ will not be lost and forgotten, the He1en McIntosh, MiUer 11 :15 a.m.-Poetic interlude, A pilot wheel from a Mississippi ors to the unillerslty durin, .Com­ bride hall campus. The pacc(I­ centennial committeee explained. 11 :30 a.m.-Waltz favorites. river steamboat, a memento of the menc ment week ma)' view the laureate sel'Vi~ell will bc cal'­ To Attend Grinnell The committee may recom­ 11 :50 a.m.-Farm flashes. days when Mark Twaln roamed pilot wh el, In its spot of ampol'­ ~ied by ,the sta4i?R,lIeginning at mend to the next legislature In titule 12 noon-Rhythm rambles. the banks of the Father of Waters ary Installation In Iowa Union, ~ 7:55 p.m. Professor Harsbarger 5:30 p,m.- Musical moods. and dreamed dreams that w re one of th sidelights of their Yl.U will act as commentatm·. lIlat a permanent and uniform fystem of marking the sites of Helen McIntosh, A3 of Des 5:50 p.m.-The Dally Iowan 01 !:Ster to become the adventures of to the university. The final and ~Tost spectacu­ important Iowa historical events Moines, and Merle Miller, A3 of the Air. Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry lar events of the. year, the Mon­ Marshalilown, yesterday we r e 6 p.m.-Dinner hour program. Finn, will be on display in the day .morning .Col))ll'\erjCement ex­ be adopted. One proposal is that 2 101fJa Citian$' this be done in cooperation with named ,winners of fellowships to 7 p.m.-Campus concert, Uni- River room of Iowa Union during ercises ,will be c.artieli by WSUI the fifth annual I nstitute of Inter- versity of I 0 w a band, P rot. Commencement week. beglnning at ,8: 15 a.m. the sta te highway commission. Receive Other members of the commit- national Rel:ltions to be held in Ch:Jrles B. Righter, conductor. The whAel," and other relics of Deg,e~s Grinnell June 10 to 26. b the golden age o· MI'sslsslppl tee are: 8 p.m. - Men ehind the clas- L The fellowships. awarded on the steamboatlng, will eventually be Zoe H. Wright and ROwena Mrs. G. A. Chilgren, Burling- basis of leadership, were awarded ~ irs . housed at the universlty. Funds Prof. D-o.'-,_ ny .Not ton; , Cedar Rap- 8:15 p.m. - Musical program, Wellman, Iowa City st~4enta \ tt for the third consecutive year by for that purpose were provided by Columbia unlverslty in ~y.t YDr , ids; John S. Cutter, Shenandoah; ' tile low'!- City Peace council . James Waery. D I J th e gra d uating class ot 1935, In N. Y., were amol1g 52 IOWIIll 0 Mrs. L. S. Dorchester, Clear To Teacll Here Ml'SS l\'clnto" sh 11as been actl' ve 8:45 p.m.-The a Iy owan of commemoration of the 100th an- receive degrees at the annual . co~­ I'll Lake; Mrs. J. O. Elder, Washing- in religious activities on the cam- Ihe Air. niversary of the btrth of Mark mencement exercises there ye)tet- , • , ton; Mrs. James E. FitzGerald, pus, acting as representative from 9 p.m.-Commencemenl party, Twain, which occurred that year. day. . ." Prof. Francoi-se Dony, instructor Sioux City; Mrs. Eugene Henely, Pi Beta Phi sorority to the (ire- Earl Harrington's Avalon orches- The pilot wheel was secured for Miss Wright received the l>lcHe­ In the Unlverslty' .()f '-Bl'ussels in Grinnell; side meetings of tile past year. She Ira. the University of Iowa by former lor of science degree th llbrll&7 Belgium, sch'eduJlld to teach in the M. M. Hoffman. Dubuque; was discu ssion group leader of ------Sen. Joe R. Frailley and J . A. service, and Miss Wellman will English and Romance languages Mrs. John A. Hull, Boone; Har­ the Y.W.C.A. cabinet. annual awarding of the Instltute Okell of Ft. Madison. At the same awarded a Ph.D. degree. departments Of the UnIversity of vey Ingham, Des Moines; Mrs. Miller is the city editor of The fellowships. time, a wood buoy and a signal President Nicholas Murray But­ towa thls,,~Iln1mlr "" w(l1 be unallle R. T. Johnson, Knoxville; Hani­ Daily Iowan. Jle was active in Prof. Andrew H. Woods, direc- lantern used during the same his- ler of Columbia university deliv­ to fu.\NI ~E!l'ieaQ~ling positions ~e- . dt Lake, Independence; Mrs. freshman conference and freshman tor of the psychopathic hospital, toric period were obtained. ered the commencement address. cause of IlJnes~ t ~gness R\lhWed- '/ Harry E. Narey, S p i r i t Lake; speech activities, winning first Is president of the Iowa City coun- Permanent housing for the der of the scltool of letters an- Mrs. Clair H. Parker, Waterloo; place in the annu:ll freshman I cil, Dean Wiley B. Rutledge of the growing collection of Mississippi The "Bermuda Islands w~re dia­ nounced yesterd~Y . A. E. Rapp, Council Bluffs; Mary speech contes.1. He has also con- college of law is vice-president, river relics will be provided in the covered by Juan Bermudtz, a Prqfessor Do ' . ~s sche\iu!ed to Rathke, Glenwood; Mrs. E. G. ductcd lhe dally broadcasts of The and Tom FarreU treasurer. future. But alumni and other visJt- 5panial'd, in 1515. ,conduct a COUrse-l.(\ the ,,{udles ?f Senty ,Davenport; F. R. White, Daily Iowan of the Air over WSUI, ======' ======::======contempo~' ary European drama 111 Aml,!s; and Dr C. N. Evanson, and recently returned from a four- t,he E~ghsh department, and a Decorah. months stay in Europe, where he course m the study of French style The centennial committee said studied broadcasti ng in the studios ~ the Romance languages depart- today more than 50 local and re- of the British Broadcasting cor­ ent. . gional celebrations of Iowa's poration. The scheduled courses wIll . be territorial centennial are sched­ The work of the Iowa City Peace .dropped fr0'?1 the summer sessIon uled, with the Iowa Centennial council includes the promotion of l:,urrlCulum, It was announced. state Fair in Des Moines, Aug. the acquoi ntance of foreign stu­ 26 to Sept. 2, as the 0 f f i cia 1 dents here, the extension of library • ' Comedy scenes of spaghetti eat­ state-wide celebration. materials to local and county li­ ;ng in .he movies are censored in Among cities planning region­ braries, meetings of quorums dur­ ing the winter months, and the I .1la,ly. al celebrations are Dub u que, Council Bluffs, and Burlington. - DfLily [otl!on Photo, EIt.qravi7lg DVERTISEMENT The first large scale centen- It'~ the real thing! This pilot POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT >3 nial pageant was held last week wheel, temporarily installed in permanent display by the uni­ at Fort Madison. Others wi!! be the !liver room annex at· Iowa versity. The cl ass of 1935 do­ Gifts that will last, gifts ~ nated funds Ior that purpose in f Annual Iowa City held almost ~ontinuously fro m Union for Commencement week I.OW until mid-September, Man­ commemol'lllion of the 100th an­ to thrill a girl's heart, -1'\ visitors to see, came from a aging Director J. C. Hammond niversary of Marl< Twain's birth gifts that she'll enjoy' au . , ~ . Democratic said. steamboat which plied the waves which occurred in 1935. Includ­ of the Mississippi river ill Mark ed in the present collection ~re a Twain's day. H's a part of a signa 1 lantern and a wooden summer and after. Ital Party Farm Turned to Hole growing collection of rei i c s of Luoy, both momentos of the age MUTUAL, Okla. (AP) - Mis­ the historic Mississippi, which of steamboat commerce up and Thursday Afternoon ern\;lle farmers in the dust bowl will someday be housed in a down the Mississippi river. and Evening had plenty of company, but ------_.------_.------C cil Matthews has to endure year. Ct'ystal his troubles alone. A hole start­ President and Mrs. Eugene A. Per{wme JUNE 2, 1938 ed lo develop on his farm and Alums, Seniors Gilmore will be among the hosts now he has a "crater" 75 feet and hostesses for the dance. Others Bottles, ha,1l(1 No Admission Charred across, filled with waleI'. It's Danee Tonight are Dean and Mrs. Ewen M. Mac­ getting bigger aU the time.' No Ewen, Dean and Mrs. Alvin W. Cut, $1 and ttp Commlt~e one dares venture close because The ann u a I Commencement Bryan, Dean :md Mrs. Wiley B. the sids continually are caving . t f. . . Rutledge, Dean and Mrs. Francis in. par y 01 UI1l Versltv of Iowa alum- M. Dawson, Dean and Mrs. Chester 111, faculty me~bers, and '?1embe~'s A. Phillips Dean and Mrs. Rudolph of the graduntmg class Will begm I A Kuever' at 9 p.m. tonigh~ in the main 'Dean a;d Mrs. Paul C. Packer, Two strand Pearl Neck­ lounge of I.~~va Un;on. Dean and Mrs. George D. Stod- Earl .Hellington s Avalon or~h- dard, Dean and Mrs. Georgc F. lace in neat $149 estra WIll play for the party: whl.ch Kay, Prof. and Mrs. F. G. Higbee lin box ...... • IS c0'?1plementary to uOlverslty and Prof. and Mrs. Bruce E. For alumm. Mahan. Elizabeth Arden Travel­ Iowa Union will be decorated ======with spring flowers, and salin POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT ing Case containIng $5 drapes, illumin(lted with colored County beaut, needs ...... lights w ill form the background ,for the orchestra. The Commence­ Elizabeth Arden Eau de ment party is the last party of the VOTE FOR Attorney ColoJlle Set, containing 8lu~ GriSS, GardenIa and POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT l:nllish $3 50 J. M. KADLEC tr."ancea ...... , • JOHN OLSON CALAMUS. IOWA Democratic Candid.te for State Arthur - Commerce o. I Commls- for Ride CRANDIC, the Easiest .Ioner RepublleaD and Most Comfortab1e Way Primaries. June 6 Justice of Leff ~~~:lcc~~:~~ ..~ .. ~~~~.~ .. :...... '2.75 to Go to Cedar Rapids Past member 01 stat. 10fl.­ lature. • • 'e­ to long Iow a Democrat ::r~~~~ ::::b.'.~.. ~~ ..~ ...... '1 '5.50 Ride safely Ill1d ('con0f.!ically right fl'om :your door to your larDler a the Peace destination In Cedar ltnpids. Use CRANDIC'S fast and banker .• rUI­ Recipe lor a public olli­ dependable "all-n nd-taxl service. You say goodbye to hot, tor-a man 01 ~~:T8~~~~~::~~5 ":.~~~.. ~_~ ...... '1.00 Up unquellUnn:. bl. ;::'~. Itresome driving in congested traffic, and enjoy a comfort­ Int' ~ lll, IOWA CITY cial: "Faithfulnell8 to : ..... : able relaxing tl·lp. Eleven complete round trips daily tor Stands lor It" • l .. p : "'\ , I{overnment reRulaUun and _ min .. your convenience. Phone 3263. Imum "I supervision. Favo .. en· the oath 0/ ollice, abUitv Bilk Holierfl, 79c .v.; <~ eour.I'eme.nt of bu. lnell and IItr play toward public Inlerul•. &I Well Third Term to carry it out." .. IOWR rd railroad.. utllltlU\ and Glove., pair, .1.00 ~P .. ::,:. ~ Irueke.. .Iohn OI,on hOi • way. CEDAR RAPIDS AND betn It R plHthltcln . 3·Piece Toilet Btt't ttH/"": ...... ,,- . \' ~ ~ ... " ro~te JOHN OLSON PJUMARIES JUNE 6th PRIMARIES, JUNE 6th IOWA CITY RAILWAY state Cnmmerr8 CommllJltnn., ~ ',- .. '., ..... Republlcln THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1938 l'AGB SIX 'rHE DAILY row AN, lOW A CITY Motion 'for Mistrial in Coal City" High Class Celebrates Senior Day Field Squabble Denied by Judge,'

Witness Tlestifies Use Of Company Doctor LocaL Democrats Back Guy Gillette A~AB~',l'S. ~~~ f~~ Refused FOR RENT JUNE 1ST: DOWN ~ t For Nomination stairs tront lapartmeht. Three "",flN By KEN WHITE rooms. Bath, hbt wlfter, refrJg­ LONDON, Ky" June 1 (AP)­ erator, garage, Dl'a1 ' 5888. A group of Iowa City democrats o ! ,. ,til' A defense motion [or a misttilll in yesterday attacked the neW' deal in STDRRDE the Harlan labor conspiracy case, FOR RENT: TWO PURNISHED Protect Winter Clothes NOW! " to-tho-point statement· backllll • attract1~e 'apartments. NewlY now in its third week, was over­ Sen. Guy M. Gillette for the dem­ Delay May Prove Costly. ruled late today by Federal District decorated. ~laI51l~."·" I" Moths-Heal-bust- DanlPness- all oCl!atio " nomination Monday and of these are natural enemies of your Judge H. Church Ford. disapproving Otha Wearin of Has­ The motion by former Federal FOR RENT- JUNE 1. MODERN winter clothes! tings, administration favorite. rooms. Fur­ Judge Charles I. Dawson. chief of I apartm~t. 2~3 ~ 4 Students who are returning in the "We feel- it is unfair to Gillette nished 01' Unfurnished. Children the defense legal corps was made fall, Those with small home storage welcome. 7~1 Bowery. space, Take advantage of our Sto?­ on the basis of testimony by a to raise the issue of linti-adminis­ tration or pro-admlnistrstion," age Service! miner, Boyd 150m, concerning the APART- ALL GARMENTS ARE INSURED! death of his baby boy. Attorney O. A. Byihgton, former Defense Object5 district judge and old-lirie demo- DIAL 1153 Over a defense objection, Isom tnt; declared. " was permitted to testify that "The apparent attempt of the administration' to interfere and Le Vora"s Varsity Cleaners Harry Bennet, vice-president and FOR RENT - 3-ROOM UNFUR­ " general manager of the Harlan take ' pal'. in the election 'is re­ nished tl'llpartment. ,v crose! . in. 23 E. Washlfllrton Central Coal company, for which sented by ils and, we 'feeI, by Dia t 39?~. I" "., , .' democrats all oV'er. Demi:lcrats he had worked, told him he "could MaNE y '1'0 LOAN have had the attention of a com­ should be perlnitted to select their WANTED TO RENT AT ONCE: EMPLOYMENT WANTED pany doctor if he hadn't joined the own candidates for publ1c oWce Downstairs apartment or small I WANTED-JOB ON F~EX- houSe. Dial' 9778. . . union." without outside interlerence." penence and dependable man. 60% Loans on City RNI Eslate Approximately 15 prominent for oui Iding or refinancing, Dawson. in questioning Isom. FOR RENT: 3-ROOM APT. Write C. J . Cirkl. Central Hotel. Guaranteed 4% to 5% rates. brought out the child had died af­ county democrats are active in the Downstairs. Furnished. Very de­ Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Small monthly payments, ter the Isom family moved from lIew organization. Besides Attor­ The Big Apple and Truckin' sembly a nd tben adjourned to -Daily Iowan Photo, E'ngravi1tg sirable. Dial 6188. ' .. From Lutheran Mutual Life the Harlan Gentral camp. ney Oathout, chairman, officials predominated yesterday at the the park for the remainder of arc Esther Rahlf, Donaid Cejka, . ' FOR RENT: APARTMENT: 15 E. DIAL 2323 insurance Co. Judge FQrd overruled a series of melude. Vern ljall and ~rot. W. annual senior day picnic in the tbe day's festivities. Tbe three Helen Pokorny, Frances Tomp­ Blooming~on. for FREE DELIVERY of Sam Wllitll1g Jr. objections when Assistant Attor­ }'. Loehwing. ' City park for 154 members of couples in Iront in the picture kins Rogers J enkinson, Margaret • Sandwiches ney General Brien McMahon, in Patrick and Warren Burger. The Meanwhile F. W. Myers. head the Iowa City high school senior Rre. left to right, Frankie Sample, HOUSES FOR RENT • Ice Cream DRESSMAKING charge of the prosecution, began 01 the local Roosevelt Non-Patti­ class. The class presnted its his­ Edward Sybil, Marilyn Leighton, seniors danccd Ir'om 2 to 5 p.m. • Lunches questioning Isom about the pur­ san league, announced that plans tory. will and predictions for the David Kerr. Eileen Cochenour to thc music of Dusty Keaton's FOR RENT-FURNISHED RESI­ DYSART'S D-R-E-'S-S-M-AKING DONE REASON­ ported conversation with Bennett. appear~ future 'at the annual senior as- and Alan Sentinelia. To the rear orchestra. go forward for' Wearin's dence for young married couple. 21() East Washingtol ably. Particular attention to Dawson asked Isom: ance at the courthouse at 8 p.m. Ideally located. Dial 2'l'50. alteration. Dial 6104. "Refused Services" SaturdaY'. " is a profound love [01' this town, "Did you ever know of anyone PIANO TUNING ROOMS FOR RENT TRAILERS Senator . Gillette made a brief this university, these people. , . County Survey , being refused the services of a appearance here Monday after------company doctor, whether tQey EXPERT PIANO TUNING, RE­ FOR RENT: ROOM. COOL. v,ERY FOR SALE - TWO WHEELED 1I00n. utility trailer. 9x5 it. box. Dial lived in the camp or not?" • Whose writings rarely include pairing. Sandnes. 14 N. John­ desirable. Reasonable. Dial 6645. "I know they refused me," Isom any opinion but lhe writcr's own, Nearing Finish son. Dial 6403. 5429. rep-lied, ... Who has never, publicly that PLUMBING FOR RENT: FURNISltED DOWN­ Isom, the father of five other Local Resident is, admitted the possibiUty of error, Tuberculosis Work Now stairs apartment. Adults. 819 children, remained in the witness , on his part. , . WANTED - PLUMBING AND River street. Dial 6455. Long distance and chair during a series of patleys ~ hea ting. Larew T Co! •t 127" E. BY Concentrated On g e 11 era I Hauling, among attorneys. It was during t M~rey Of whom mosL complainants de­ WUhJngton. Phone 3876. .. ' FOR RENT: ROOM FOR MAN Dies a Contact Cases .. ( • or married couple. 310 N. Gil- one of these bench discussions that MERLE MILLER clare, "It's not so bad if he'd say Furniture Moving, the mistrial motion. announced Bert James Martin. 61. 928 N. what he tbinks-we just wish he'd ~IMEOGRApmNG bert. PubUc Health Nurse Edith Crating and Storage. when court recessed. was made. Dodge str~t. died at Mercy bos­ think whal he says." MIMEOGRAPHING. :M A R Y V , -,O- O- M-S-FO-R-R-E-N-T-:-TO - W-N- --ANn I MaY' last night announced she Defense attorneys called report­ pital at 5 p.m. yesterday. Mr, A Native's Return Burns, 8' Paul-Helen Bldg, lJia ~ Gown Residence hotel. Per- \ ers Into conlerence after court ad­ Martin spent his youth at Corll­ They were asking, yesterday, has nearly completed the John­ Who will no& soon forget the son county survey of undiscover­ 265$. ! , manently or by day or week. journed for thc day to di scuss the Jhg, later moving to Cromwell. He around the town. "Which came Breakfast optional. Dial 6!J03. MAIlER Englishman who. tUfning toward ed tubercular cascs. arrest of two former deputies, de­ moved to Iowa City lour years lirst-Miller or Oid Capito!?" .. . him on the Berlin-Paris train, ~AINTING fendants in this trial, and another The report is, the former, by a Miss May said work is being BROS. ago. asked, "I wonder I( they still FOR RENT: SINGLE AND concentrated on persons who TRANSFER & STORAGE man on a federal charge of con­ He is a member of the Chris­ year or so. . . They tell me )' II be teU jokes in Germany?" . . . PAINTING AND DECORATING. double rooms for men only. Rea· spiring to "suborn perjury," appearing, for awhile at least. have had contact with tubercu­ GUaranteed. 'Dial 2~49. 'onable. Close. Dial '396. DIAL 9696 tian church in corning. " Who didn't answer, couldn't, .• ! I Deputles Arrested losis. as shown by state records. Survivot"s include his widow. May I come in again? Lee Hubbard and Merle Middle­ Examinations w l I I be made MAbE H~LP WANTED FOR RENT: ' LAItGE FRONT l\r.artha Martin; one daughter', Mrs, ) I I " i ton. the former deputies, were ar­ :Ivai labie to all these persons. room downstairs. Closo in. Dial William S. Jennings of Iowa City; Now that I'm back, I'm feel­ Federal control of sani tary YOUNG MAN 18-23 YEARS TO rested in London this morning. Tuberculin ski n tests will be 6188. SERVICE STATION ilu'ee sons, Ralph W, of Iowa City. Ing betier and happier than ever measures fOI" slaughtering of ani­ I~ave town today with mgr. and The other man. identified only as mals and packing of meats has pcr[ormed at ,t he individual Glea F. of Davenport and Donald before In my Ilfe, more at peace learn llpecial work. Expenses ad­ FOR RENT: 2 ROOM FUR. APT, Sammy Thomas. Ages, Ky., was been urged by the newiy formed doctors' of 'ice, Miss May ex­ H. of Dallas, Tex.; one brother, with the world, and, they say, vanced, Transportation furnished. arrested in Harlan county last pIHinC'd . The Johnson County P. B. Airconclitioned. 403 E. Frank of Ottumwa; two ' sisters, chubbier. .• Mexican national Lood commission. Apply 1O~12 a,ln. Mr. Thompson, night. All three waived hearing Medical society and the Johnson Jefferson. Nellie C. Martin 01 Corning and Hotel Jefferson. Bon Voyage before U. S. Commissioner Murray County Tuberculosis and Health FOR RENT-2 DOUBLE ROOMS Elizabeth Marlin of Wichita, Kan" And whd' am 11 . . . A lazy sort Brown and were released in $3,000 nssocialion are cooperating with for boys, Above Stemen's CaLe . bait pending the November ses­ and six grandchildren. of dreamer who believes that a SUI Slayer of Girl the state department or. health sion of the federal grand jury. Funeral arrangements at"e in­ day, containing as it does 24 hours, IIrish's Business FOR RENT - SIN G L E AND and the IOwH.TubercuiOSls asso- " 'r ' College from Forney Johnston of defense tomplete. The' I body is at the is long enough for most of Ii fe's double rooms for girls. Diai 6311. counsel asked newspaper men: Oathout funeral horrle. experience - including friendly Becomes Ward ciation in conducting of the pro- Summer Session Gasses "Wbat is this the publicity de­ gram. ...L ' cQats with campusites and the All those visited by th e health . pegin FURNITURE partment of the United States gov­ downtowners. browsing a few Home Oil Co. nurse arc u l' g e d to see their In ShorthanH and TYpe- FOR SALE: PRACTICALLY NEW ernment is giving out about these Carson Fip,es Two books. lounging over a coffee cup Accused Youth Will Face 1. Change to fl'Cllh oil men being arrested?" and working. leisurely, when es- , physicians at once since the ex­ writing furniture. Dial 7235 between 7 Examination Of aminations arc available only to and 9 p.m. 2. Greasing by experls Told the information was a mat­ Men for Loi~ering cape is Impossible... June ' 20. 1938 3. BrakeR and lights ter of record in the commissioner's Mentality , thosc for whom they are re­ and marshal's office, Johnston said ucsted by the physicians. 20fi~ 1!1. Wallhinit-on St. TREE SERVICE 4. Speedway Gasolines On a charge of loitering on Who thinks life can be a lot the defense had planned a state-­ the streets· at 11 p.m: without· a , Morrison ' Bldg. WORK WANTED: FRUIT TREES, A. Phillips 66 ment with the u.nderstanding gov­ of lun. if you don't take It too \. reasonable excuse, Charles· Bas­ seriously. , . ' Phone 93'53' grapes, shrubs pruned. Prices B. Benzol ernment attorneys had made one, ten and Robert Legge were each Hermitage Planned t , reasonable. Dia I 3925 evenings. but did nQt "desire to try this case ,. C. Agl'ol fined ~1 and costs yesterday by Fo,' Buddhist Priests in the newspapers." Police Judge Burke N. Canon. Whose likes Include shop wln- TaAN~NH~TtHON TRANSFER-STORAGE Dial 3365 Doc Milea Everett Scott paid a $3 fine dow! at night, prize-fighters and COLOMBO (AP) -An Amer­ McCABE BAGGAGE AND We Deliver for St\eeding, and Bernard Woods bar tenders. symphony concerts, WANTED: PASSENGER TO I ican hermitage will be estabmh­ ' share expenses to ' Los Angeles transfer. Di!!l 3687. ' Plan to Att~nd was fined ~3 and costs on II peopl~ with haircuts, tulips grow­ cd for Buddhists at Almota, on ., . charge of intoxication. ' Ing In soft green bowls, Fred As- or points on ·toute. Dial 2153. talre and Paul Robeson, Beatrice the slopes ot the Himalayas. , Freutel. Distr.ict R a II y LlUe, &ny book by Somerset Dr. W. Y. Evans-Wentz, Cal­ ifornia Odental scholar and tra­ WANTED - PASSENGER EAST, [owa Given Funds Ma.ugham, any poem by Dorothy LADIES ATTENTION! veler, has sought the cooperation , le'dJing FriC!JIy. Dial 2165 :Hier Several Iowa Citians are plan­ Parker. . ". Military ba.nds and sit­ 7:00. 'For Year Campaign' ting 1n an easy chair thinking of of the Rev. P. Vajiranana of the ning to attend a district rally spon­ Colombo Oriental college i n Special Summer School sored by the Young Democratic , On Social Disease absolutely nuthllll'.•. WANTED-PASSENGERS. DRIV­ . , ". ~ founding it. club of Linn county at the Roose­ ", ing N. W. coast. Dial 4658 . Classified Rate velt hotel in Cedar Rapids next WASHINGTON, June 1 (AP) WANTED TO BUY Tuesday at 8 p.m: - The office of Senator Gill~tte Y ou,th Admits Slaying of Girl Young democratic o.fficers from (D-Iowa) announced today the aUY MEN'S CLOTHING, SHOES. , Day. For Tbe Price 01 6 all Iowa will speak. and candidates public health service had agreetl ==-'"'! Pay the higheat ' 'prices. Repair will be introduced. Mrs. Doris to allot $43,000 to Iowa for th ' shOes. biaI 9609. Effectivc Tomorrow Lenkau and Frank McCarthy are first Yl!ar .of the proposed feder­ in. charge. al-state 'campaign against social WANTED TO BUY: MEN'S HAVE YOU A ROO~I TO RENT? disease. . '.' ',. clothing, Highest prices paid. 517 S. Madison. Dial 4975. Let The Daily Iowan's Band May Appear Originally, the announcement WASHINGTON. June 1 (AP) explained; 1he agency. had fixed Clas ified Adverti ing Scrvic - Senators Gillette and Herring. Jowa's 'Mliare< at ,291,11'00/ and state Do It For You- Iowa democrats, have introduced offici all; astced an iine\:-e!!se. DANCJNG S e H 0 0 L. BALL 6787 'have come to small IntelIi&entsla party wHh ash-golden sUll6et of May 19. 1938 Ufto 10 I'~ r' I ' .2_ 'I .'11 1 .38 1 .30 I .42 I .811 I .5 l I .46 I .59 1 .111 1 .68 I .Ie sllnilar decisio)ls. ' whom tbey have collaborated for - as University hospital tower on 1hd, I i I . •2'8 I .511 I .55 I .110 .66 I .60 I .77 I .70 .88~ 1 .99 I .eo Denmark's 50.000,000 kroner nine years. the night of the same date, . . I i~ to 20 I '4 .aa .11 , .77 1 .70 .90 , .82 , 1.03 , .94 1 1.17 T 1.06 1.80 1 1.18 will go "for storing of wartiirl'i~ Together- they-. reduced th~ army 21 to 25 I 5 ,60 .411 .99 .90 1,14 1.04 1.80 1.18 1.45 l.II2 1.61 1.48 i I I I I I I I I I I I I necessities and accell\l'ation of and navy to a state Of 'impotence, Who wept when a New York '21 'to.O 'I .ll .l1li 1,21 1.10 1.39 , 1.26 1 1.r.O 1 1.4£ 1,74 U8 1.91 1.14 such military l>reparatiollS"'as al- Important in this t~end was ElUslllander, before bls eyes, sertt • n tUG 1 'T ~~2 ,811 1.48 1.:10. 1.63 1 1.48 1.83 , 1.88 2,02 1.84 2.12 U! ready have been authdrized by "the old pacililt," Dr, P. Munch, a cr l n&in~ 24 -year-old Jew he h&d gat" 40 , • • .81 .,. 1.65 1.50 1.87 1 1.70 2,on 1 1.911 2,31 UO 1.118 2.141 parliament. ' Denmark's tdeaUst fomlD' rilln~ fcIlOWD baek t6 the Naslland he'd 41 ·.. 45 .M .a. 1.87 . 1.7' 2.11 I U. 2.35 I U4 2.60 Ufl 3.84 1.58 But this is only a start. There ister. elC&ped two weeki before••• Who A 16-year-old shabbily dressed followed the child victim into the , , I is defillite talk o.f ' the ~ibi1ity Several times r~c~n tly there lalacbed ..t the lItlene In K ..tbar lae newsboy. Lindbergh Heist Trent, woods where police found her mti~ ~8:t lllO lO I.Qa . .- , 2.09 1." 2.85 U4 ua 2.38 2.88 I !.611 8.16 ue ill'., , ot a Scandinavian defense al- hvve been reports nr. Munch Hepbum'. "Holiday" In wldch tilt was being held without bail for the tilated body. The confession. an­ ,5 1'''';81 1"1,11· f •• I 2.81 I %.10 2,80 I %.88 I 2.88 I 1.62 I 8.17 I !.§II , 3.48 3.t4 1Iance. . Denmark and Sweden wbuld resign. But now the first boliDe. anil-antl declare&, ''W~'tI mutilation murder of Shirley Ann nounced by Prosecutor Dudl~ 5,to.", H I' , t,'J 1.1. I us I 1.80 I a ~ .. I 1.58 I 8,15 I 2,88 1 8.49 I 8.14 ' .78 I 1.4, tOfether may fortify both sklet $11,000,000 has been voted for W .. n rl,ht if we had the rt~II' Woodburn. 6. of Cincil')lati, Pollce Miiler' Outcalt, was disputed by, , , " , I I . ~ of ·the Oeresumt; the fttralt that arms, with his con~en t. and he kind of ,overnmen&." ... AtI4 Ute say he confessed the "!:!'imc. The Trent. When questioned by report­ Mln llll\llll ....r.. 110. llpeclr.l lonr term rat.1 fu r­ number !lnd l.tter lit r. blind ad are to be lIOunt.oI II sepnmtes them, There nre rc. has not quit. Some believe he is reply. "Like whlrh counl.ry, f4M' 1.'­ youth wns nppr('h('nded nftel' ers, he soid. "I don't rememl:\er." 011 .. "'OI'~ , II' ..... ' .. ~ l laach' wore! In Ih. lli.\'o rtlaemeat Clanltled dleplar. ao o per In ch, .ulln••• carell per ports or far-reuching plnns for staying, however, to" acf OS {\ !!tU\cl"r' '. . . pllotoo (> ( him WQ1'C lrlentl Cied by Pho1n shows Trent In jail awnit~ mull b6 oounte4. Tb. Pletbe. "I'ur 8 ..... " "Fo. Rent," column Inch. 1&,0u per month. sowing the Oeresund with min.. btak gil ~ ~t haste in pil­ a playmate of the child victim as Ing arraignment on a first degree ''LoII,'' bol eiml1ar on •• at the be.lnnlnr of ad. are to Clll$ sl fl ~(! 1.4vertlelna In by 8 p, m. will b. pubU.he(! tbe toUowm. _nl.... b case of war. ' ing up the mellns Of war. Amona whose deepest feelinfs tho~e of the youth whQ ll,U"etl Q> mw·d.el· eruu:ge. - .,.~~ total ~bIr of ".oN. II' t .. a... The • THURSDA Y, JUNE 2, 1938. THE DAILY AN, lOW A CITY PAGE SEVEN row 'c:

111R~n Five Millions UNTIEM£. 'WElL,SlOW Pays Daily. ME DOWN! • •• ••• 'IOU RAS(~l! "iER 6000! Nippon Rations SeJI Sternly to Pay for War TH~5 FINE , Agninst the Chinese OLIVE!

By Rebna.n Morin I but with a fair sized cask of Tokyo - (Correspondence o[ I water. lhe Associated P"ess) - Japan is Lives Ofr Stores rationing herself with tel'rible stet' nn ~ss to pay {or th war wi th The nation ca tches II little Chln ~ ' : ra inwater in the form of gold Presumably the poorest of tht: production and some export re­ w6rld's "have-nots," the natior, venue. But mainly it is Jiving ha's been blowing an estimated $5,000,000 daily through bel' gunb off its stores and will not sight and rifles ~ince the "incident" land until the China war ends. be~an .luly 7, 1937. Japan grew fat while others E* perts place the total expen­ grew lean in the years [rom 1931 dilitre thus far in the neighbol'­ to 1934 which brought depression ho~ of $2,000,000,000. to the rest of the world. With Taxes Jligh cheap labor and c h e a p goOd's The people arc paying h i g h ~ he flooded world markets. Thl taxes. They are using their fiSV­ reserves accumulated in those inf.; to buy government bonds. days are financing her war to­ They are working longer hours, day. wearing synthetic clothing mao The empire's gold production, terialS and foregoi ng eve n the operating under full s tea m, is pitifully few lUxuries they nor­ about $75,000,000. From New mati~ enjoy. Year's day to April 21 this year ~ steady stream of sentiment­ ~ he shipped abroad $33,500,000 sti mUlation comes from the gov­ J n gold for cash purchases - ;j ernment to increase their natural drop in the bucket. A whole willlngness to do this. year's go ld output would carry The 'need for American dollars her only to weeks in the wat 15 a powerful factor in Japan's costing $5,000,000 a day. precarious financial structure. Many New Taxes Purchases Restricted The total average increase in In th~ United States, w her e taxes is almost 10 pel' cent. Or­ she b~rs most of her necessities, dinarily Japanese taxpayers put her purchases on credit have $500,000,000 annualy into the been ~eatJy restricted. She is treasury, and on May 16 the fi­ paying cash for most of the air­ nance ministry announced t hat planes, munitions, oil, cotton the "natural increase" in reve­ and machinery she gets and to nue had reached $43,500,000. do this she must buy dollars There arc scores of new special wi/h her yen. taxes and income taxes have in­ At the same time she is meet­ creased more than 10 per cent on ing the interst on $316,000,000 an average. ~btained (rom American invest­ Rigid import control started ors ' before the war beg 11 n by last October, when the ministry bonds sold on the Amel'ican of commerce and Industry listed market. They represent nation­ l1early 700 articles which could al , municipal, government-guar­ be imported only by special per­ anteed and privately guaranteed mission. corporate issues. Importers say such permission Adding 11 (jnal touch to whal is almost impossible to obtain. appears to be a dark pieturc, Money Co'Otmlied Japan's exports IHlve shrunk by Inside Japan, money is con­ solne 20 p!'r ('ent and commodity trolled down to the last "pn. It prices have risen. passes around in a small circle, No Assistance from government to industry Germany and Italy, Japan'~ (particularly munitions) to la­ "anti-communist" allies, are in borer and back again to ,govern­ no position to help her with cre­ ment in the form of personal and dits because they need cash just corporation taxes and national as badly as she does. Nor is bond issues. the rest of the world anxious to The whole problem is to kee]J give her raw materials Ot· man­ the money from leaving tht ufactured goods on a pay-a[ter­ co untry, except for absolute ne­ the-war basis. cessities that J a pan lacks. There are four sides to the Foreign goods, such as movie Japanese financi al pi clure to­ films, can't come into Japan ex­ day: Heavy inroads on resources, cept on a tiny quota basis. • greally inct'eased taxation, re­ Export control likewise applies striction of imporls to the barest to money. Foreign firms have necessities, and rigid control o[ large sums "frozen" in .Japan­ COt domestic finance. ese banks - money earned jn Economically, Japan is a ship­ Japan but whose remission to wrecked sailor in an open boal.-- home offices is forbidden. SALLY'S SALLIES


ROOM BY ~\:~ ~ - AND GENE . (, .JUST GOT '~t;;~L ____ ---!.__ BO_A_R_D______- A_H_E_R_N___ --!.... (-: ~~" ;) "(OUR pURTY NEW WA,ER PAIL- ,o.,~, F-IPPS ...... I CAN SeE. ,(OU NOW;-HlY""" $",,( ! ~'(oJo POOf\' MORTAL...... BENDING CNE? YOUR !H' \JARM/NT! BE:TTE:~ 'BE: THINK1NG LE:DGERS AT TI-IE POPE: COMPt'>.NY .IN T~E. ABOUT MOVING Even a good wife may make a mistake-and the good husband HEt'>.T 01= $UMMEP. ~ ...... ,o.,ND I,...... I-I,o.,w­ has to eat it. • '(OUR RA~T OFf· ""E: JUST A80UT T\-\A.T TIME,ILL BE SAILING LOT.!----...... \ HEAR OVER TI-IE.$MOOTI-I-ROLLING SWE.LLS OF­ TALK OF A I-IOU~E S(:OTT'S SCRAPBOOK R. J. Scott T~E. SOUTI-I SeA ON TI4E. ~IfI,ST LE.u OF GOING TO BE MY WORLD CRUIS~!""""""fALL WILL COME BUILT ON TI-IAT AND YcULL STILL BE MULLINC, O\IER '(OUR ~I.LAR.ct£s{ '$!EO PROPERTy! ...... IH 1M!. WORU> I~ bRY DEBITS AND Cf\E.OITS -A.ND I'LL -fMt. SEED of1'tlL 'BE IN CEYLON ~"""'-TI-IEN ORE:AR'( ""INTER -::0.:0 D~ ME.ft. P.... l.M AND '(OUR BA-LANCE. SHEETS;'---Uul-l-- wlh~tI OFl"EI4 Wf.IGt\$ ~ ~ . ----LETS S~E. ,-A'BOUT TI-IEN, I LL MOA.E.1f("" ...... - ~IfIIIeII~~.~tl 32. PoUHDS #' 'BE: ON ThE NILE.,-UM-M- J!Ac.tI - WOlVE.S ,.",e.1IIEOH1.Y T\-IIN"" -1\41.~ '-"IMM.'>, \PS !...... ~c:======;: IS AA1'I'(E. of-fA,u£' 01' 1"ME. Ii \.AtlDS C~NI~~C: Of' I ..DIM -1'(PE. - "­ -rt\E. WOI.P't/OIlIJ) oc.tAt4 ....~ SooN V-1' "'~ l!ROifItA. M AAV1"tllM4 El..~L A'~1. alAI<. oF11IE """-LI !lUI" alll.D I~ l..oN4 WII\\.,E. -fIIA-(o' -1111. ~

ffiT'LL 'NO~\'i\NG . ON' ~\?f>S ''FOR -rn.bo.T $ 6.0 \0 'P.E.PA-I ~ T~E: "BOAT = THURSDA Y, JUNE 2, ·19a8 PAGE EIGHT --- THE DAILY IOWAN, IOWA CITY City High School Next Thursday I: 154 Will. Graduate From ~ , r • • • • It • ...... • • • • • • • • • . ' .' C' • • • • • , . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • ...... , I > Harper to Talk To Seniors At Commencement

Cla88 Will Be . tar~e8t Group in Hi8tory . Of School I , ... The largest graduating class in ~e history of Iowa City high ~chool, 154, will be awarded di­ plornas at 8 p.m. next Thursday ~ Pa: lit' the annual high school com­ m~ncement exercises in Mac~ride lI'Udltorlum. Au Dr. Earl E. Harper, president· of Simpson college, . who will be ~he fie.w director of the fine arts Re School here, will give the com­ mencement address. "What Is A8to Worth " ' hile in Life and Edu- .. ~ation " will be his topic.' , : , :' Senior day was held 'yeste.rday II~ the high school: Mter the 'Hass, presented the senior assem­ . , oly, 'ihe 154 members adjourned W~ to the City park for the annual witb (,lass picnic and dance. ' i moder , ,I.. Baccalaureate ~l~nll ~ The Rev. A. C. Proehl, pastor Unitec {f· the Zion Lutheran-church, will , speak at the baccalaureate ser­ ·tution vIces fot the 1938 class at 8 p./D. Chlha Sunday in the Ml!thodist cqurch. bwune Marvin Chapman and DorQthy Soucek, valedictorian and saluta­ Ih~ j torian respectively of the ,C;Ifiss, Japi ",ill speak at the commencement few, h' program. I ,&trong The high school orchestra, win­ ~ter. ner of a highly superior rllting in ; Her the national regional music coil­ telegr l test last month, will play the pro­ Gener; ('essionB I and recessional, and the Shang iirls' se;( tet will sing. to the • 'W. E. Beck, principal of Iowa ieaD I CilY high school, will present the dents (.la~si and John M, Kadlec, presi~ passes dent of the board of ' education, pur'pm w:ilI give the diplomas to the grad­ uates. 'The , The invocation lind benediction tO~8tio Will be given by Rev. Ilion T. hlah Jones. SouthE " I Senior Commlt&ees Chape The committee ~ appointed by The! ltay 'Tiffany, senior cla$s preSident, back ·! fDr senior day were: l)1enu, De­ author Lores Pechman, chairman, Doro­ til)'" Fowler" Dorot)1y l1endrix, treasUl tatives Gladys Parizek, ' Vlasta Fru~ and Eetty Utterback; ,' service, Frankie fives c Sample and Oavid ' Armbruster, WDSul col chairmen, Esther Ralilf,. Elna sen/atl Gi,tlgeric\l. .eii~ rll I' Bea Davis, Kathleen Cone, Ro­ -" l'he bert G. Jones, Earl Crain, James iene 'I • Guthrie, Bill Buckley, Warren nneS\! Burger and Shirley McRoberts; hosUUI ItPorts, Kenneth Sleichter and Jo­ h~i. I repl}ine McElhinney, co-chairmen, ,;_ f' narbara McCann, Bertha Mason, by the First Panel, top row, first cqlumn- PhyUi s Arlene nuth Plnss, Eldon Parizek. J , Ir,ving O'Harra and Scott Swish­ '~'mrine, Russe ll Amrine, David Ar mbruster Jr " The ,r; clean up, Bob Lee and, RU$S4iIl ~ r o ld Ash, Kathleen Bannon, Charles Beckmlln telef1'S ;.merine, co-chairmen, Kathleen llrld , C; h~ster G. Bennett; second column, Myra .R. _ at :ro}! B al n 11 0 n, Margaret HlljchllJle" 'Schrock, Geneva Searl, AJan G. Sentlnella, WllJia')'1 terday by PI·iMipaI W. lD. B ~ Ic os eligj.,i ., "ivllll 4me of th.e welt\)OlJrtd ·R!lY Simpson, Kenneth Gordon Sleichter, Evelyn ble for grad uation, ure not uI'ailable. ']' ;\J,uted Air lines' p~mi Will an­ .-liiinith and Hazel M. Smith; second column, Helen' Dlzz, ~ounced yesterday by thl! I.tra~- ' f·t;\ ~ M ; Smith, Dorothy M. Soucek, Jim SIt'onks, Jean . ~ort compllny. The . lIdleduh!, 'l'he 20 NI'IIiol'H whos(\ pi l'tll" '>H lire miss-,,:, Wil \ ~b;ub, Mildred M, Sweeting, Scott Swisher and' ..,hieh formerly ,~tt the muriicl­ in !!, are Bdwurd An n!;, 'rh l'l l1l l1 Bjork, "/:. ( 'p.,! airport at 9:'47 p,m., < wU~ ' , Thelma J , Sybil; third column, Raymond E. Tiffany, tI;ea~e at ·9:32 p. . m. '., ",';, " ~~ances M, Tompkins, RJch a r~ E. Tompkins, Betb'. Andl'ew Dmos, A lI ~t in Tl ll rpl'r, D () r oth'Y. ~' · ,;Tbe eastbouD4 fU,M .J4ulVing , Ahne Utterback, Robert Vogt, Richard ' Dewayri'e" Keyser, Martin 1 imll1 el, .10('ob Kobes, ~,~ CHIC .'Watts and John Webster. ' Chicag, .IoW& City at 5:~O R.m, "'~ not ,t.' D I'IlIl }jlllllz, l\tllxiIH' .Ml'Bl'i Ie, Pltu! M (l ~.:!~ ~h~ed by the new ~heckiles, club', Cl1u r, George .Mil oy, StepllPll Parrott, ;";' .. ci ,'l'I\e new westbol.\nd , 1C~~ule ' 1 ' ~lIl ven'h Panel, seco~d row, fil'st column- Nordll, ~ 'Ifill ,enable Iowa CitiallJ ~ ~e, Edw ll rd PlltlCl'Son , Willi am P 'C' k, Leon: ,~' lor 183 ~ W~Mler, Helen Margaret White and Thelma Lpu j .,,~ betweel the United fi!alnlinBI; ,I~~r ~I~; second column, Marje Wilkinson and Ellz!!.; Sruith, Th eodore ulJivlln , Edward Sybll,'tl'" " irvice to Boulder Dam rt!cre­ 1M onl • beth' J . Williamsi third column, Ula Wise, Doria Raymond Wertz au d 'harles Wilson. :_,lonal area in addition t9 In the ' \h. AVyjaek and Robert A, Yetter Jr, ' ...,ular overnl,llt aervi~. to L'oe ,'~ 112 vo ~l" U1d San Prancileo. ChiC·1I w - . •... .,. ... ",nUll