..-ftltletic Award, Fair and Warmer Board Announces 92 !.etlen ADd IOWA - Fair. aomewbat warmer Numerals today; tomorrow hsereulllr cloudl- Sel! !!Iiory pare 8 Dellll, warmer ill e"treme ea.t, e aila ,wau showen ill cellini awl w$ y , , I 0 Ul a C i M 0 , III , CI • n i n • N • P P • r. =FJ=YE~C=E=N=T=S======================T~===A~===la=~==p=re=u==========~===j:====I=O=W=A==C~JT==y=,~IO~W~A~TH~U~R~S~D~A~Y~,~J~U~N~E~~2~,=1~9~38~~~~I~G~HT~;PgA~G~ES~======~~~~~~~~b~~~~~~~==~V~O~LUMEXXXVnNUMBER 299 Fire Sweeps W oolworth ~up~! ~:!:: He;:r/;:n~';:O"1 Demo Candidate Takes His Nomination Rights of U. S. WASHINGT(;m, June 1 (AP) Store- Stock Destroyed - Secretary of Agriculture Wal­ Fight to Eastern Iowa lace said today he "had no state­ . ~. _. Nippon Refuses Return ment to make" in response to Of American Property ques!Jons whether he would sup­ port any particular candidate tor Boy Kidnaped in Florida Estimate Los s Berlin Press Renews Attacks on Czechs Tn War Zone the democratic senatorial noml­ Wearin Coming . After Two Sudeten . GeJ'lnans Injured I.ation in Iowa, his home state. WASHINGTON, June 1 (AP) Senator Guy M. Gillette and Here for Final .~t $1 O~OOO On During Frontier Town Cafe Brawl - Japan is violating American Representative Otha Wearin are rights in China by refusing to dvals in the contest, which is to Stor e A Ion e BERLIN, June 1 (AP)-The evacuate American properUes be decided in a primary June 6. Primary Drive Germa:: press attacked Czechoslo- '!MPO SIBLE' and allow our ci tizens to return Wallace said he had made it vakia anew tonight over a "pro- to them, Secretary of State Hull a practice not to vote in a pri­ Lunch Counter Source vocative" incident at the troubled told the Tokyo government today mary unless he was in the state. ongres man Will Vi it frontier town ot Eger. Temples Seeking Quiet in a strongly worded note. He explained he believed in ab­ Iowa City on Tour , 'Of Intense Fire At Eger, on Czechoslovakia's ex­ The United States demanded sentee voting in principle In a b'cme western tip where the Vacation that Japan turn back to their general eiection but not in a Saturday Midnigbt country juts far into Germany American owners the $1,000,000 primary contest. was the scene of a cafe brawl la st LYWOOD University of Shanghai and other By GEORGE S. MILLS .The entire di splayed stock ot the night in which two Sudeten Ger- HOL , Cal., June properties now occupied by Japa­ DES MOINES June 1 (AP)­ F. W. Woolworth store was de- nlans were wou d when a (AP) - Hollywood thinks th e nese troops. Congressman Olha D. Wearln to­ This government expressed its Senate Splits stroyed, and damage to the bulld­ zechoslovak army ergeant fired George F. Temples and the i I' night prepared to invad the hib revolver. well known daughter Shirley are "increasing concern" at Japan's strongly democratic counties ot i~ totaled $10,000 in an intense refusal to let American business lij'e at 11 p.m. yesterday. Some nazi quarters responded attempting the impossible - a Into 2 Factions eastern Iowa in the 11nal drive Olen and missionaries return to of his campaign for Ihe party', When the firemen arrived, the with a bitter charge of "con tin- quiet vacation. the posts In coastal and inland ued monstrous Czech provoca- 0 M senatorial nomination. inflammable merchandise on near- tlons," and the Berlin press re- The Temples left here during cities they fOL'merly occupied. V e r easure The candid at , with an eye to Secretary Hull regarded as Ii every counter in the store was (erred to the "intolerable sltua- the week end en route east by the traditional d mocratic power flimsy Japan's excuse that "peace I In th Mississippi ri ver counties, burning. Fire Chief James J. Clark hon" of the Sudeten Germans, a motor car. But if the welcome is and order have not been suITi- Roosevelt Requests No too tumulluous in Salt Lake plans to spend all day tomorrow ~aid the blaze started In the lunch 3,500,000 German minority living ciently restored." S" b d II) I In Davenport, Friday in Clinton COllnte!" and spread to the sta­ Czechoslovakia along the Ger­ City, a test stopping p I ace," He questioned it by calling Ja- trll1~S AUac e man border. Mrs. Temple said before leaving, and Saturday in Dubuque and tionery department along the south pan's atte~tion to "the fact that To Bill The Berlin newspaper Nachtaus­ "we'll turn around and come Japanese CIVIlians are freely p r- Iowa CJly. R thus wlll los wall. gabe, ~aking a bel1igerent view ot home." hi s camp Ign without having "The bUl'l1ing of the paper sup­ mitted to go into and reside in WASHINGTON, June 1 (AP) the new Eger inCident, warned Otherwise, they will continue such areas-as, for example, at iJlaced any particular mphasis ply caused gas to spread through­ "London, Paris and Praha to note on to New York and return by - The senate split into daimet­ on the norUl rn and northwe t­ out the store. When the gas burn­ Nanking where some 800 Japa­ that we are keeping a record ot way of th e Dl onnes' home town, rica 11y opposed factions today ern parts ot the stat . The prl­ ed, it igni te!;i the stock on the nese nationals, including a suO­ E\ ry lncident, every murder, ev­ Callander, Ont., Canada. stantial number of women and after President Roosevelt urgent­ mari s are n xi Monday, June O. counters," Chief Clark explained. ery shooting, every provocation, -------------­ Th rest of his HIn r8ry is In Firemen were forced to fight the children, are reported to be in ly requested legislators to pass lind every border violation, and residence." the second Iowa congressional fire with four hose lines through Although American business the $3,247,000,000 spending-lend· di strict, llome territory ot the the front doors until the smoke that some day we will present a bill of J'esponsibility to those who, Fate of Treaty men and missionaries have been ing bill without attaching strings late Democratic Senator, Louls cl~ared enough to enable them to enter. Assistant Fil'!' Chief Albert whether in Praha or other capi­ refused permiSSion even to make which would prevent "the selec­ J. Murphy of Dubuque, who wal Dolezal cut hi n hand while he at­ tals, have assumed command of a brief insp cHon of their proper­ tion of those projects which can killed in an auto accident In the Czechs." Up to Canada tes to ch cl< losses and take steps 1936. tempted to ctawl through the rear be got under way most. speedily." entrance. It was at Eger that on May 21 to prevent furthr losses, "many In De. MolnMl two Sudeten Germans wel'e killed Japanee merchants and their Administration supporters said C. M. Tanner, manager of the that the preSident's letter, in S nator GUY M. Gill It , Mur­ Woolworth store, said that an esti­ by Czech border guards when Pittman Says Dominion families are known to be in the phy's succe or and the Incum­ they falled to halt at a frontier localities to which these Ameri­ which he assel'ted the "unem­ l'l'\Ilte of the store's loss could not Will Offer Real ployment situation has grown b nt., brought his batt! lor re­ be made unlil officials from Min­ post. rhe incident resulted in a cans seek to return." worse" and that a quick attack nomination to D s Moines today . neapolis arrived. The stpck is cov­ rush of troops to the. bot'der and . Objection The implication was plain that Meanwhll ,stat headquarters Japan is seeking to drive out on it. was imperative, was an ered by insurance, he said. Uh ovel night European war scare. of the American Federation or . Damage to the building was con­ American business men and mis­ argum nt against the current WASHINGTON, June 1 (AP)- sionaries and replace them by movement on Capitol Hill to Labor relesaed II teleiram re­ tihed to the store. The wood false- France Secures ceived by A. A. Couch, Iowa wall was burned olf the south of Senalor Pittman (D-Nev), chail'- Jllpanese. "earmark" huge slices of the funds for specific projects. They AFL chief, rrOm Frank Morrison \he store interior, and heat of the American Aid In man of the senate foreign rela- of Washington, AFL secr tary­ fire caused e steel girders sup- lions committee, predicted today ~a id the adminlstration wanted a S S k oJamea Bailey Cuh, lr. Ir asurer. The t.elegram in part pcrting the floor to sag. Earl thot the "real objection" to the free hand to sleet projects. Building Planes I tate pea er On the other hand, senate con­ While au ti10rlties at N w Ro- above, 51 ~- year-old son of the ~al d : Kurtz, a Moose official, said the A. d P k I chell, N. Y., doubied theil' I'trorts ow ne r ot a chain of gasoUne fill· orl8nization ,viI! repair the dam- ---- . proposed St. Lawrence waterway i s ic ets n servatives q ~ i c k I y aMoun ed "S~n.ttGUtt "'"Ill pt age immediately. PARIS, June I (AP)- France treaty would come from Canada.
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