
Small Cover Crops for Corn and

By Jeremy Singer, USDA-ARS National Soil Tilth Laboratory Tom Kaspar,USDA-ARS National Soil Tilth Laboratory Palle Pedersen, Department of , Iowa State University

PM 1998 May 2005 Cover crops protect the soil and may be used to reduce soil erosion, limit nitrogen leaching, suppress weeds, Rye are available as either spring or winter and increase soil organic matter. Small grain cover types. Winter rye is the most winter-hardy of the small crops increase surface cover, anchor corn and soybean and usually has excellent winter survival in residues, increase water infi ltration, and reduce both rill Iowa. If planted as a fall cover crop, rye will overwinter, and interrill erosion. regrow vigorously in the spring, and need to be killed A three-year study in Iowa reported that rye cover crops with tillage, cutting, rolling, or herbicides. Spring rye over-seeded into no-tillage soybean reduced interrill cultivars used as cover crops are managed the same as erosion by 54 percent and rill erosion by 90 percent . Winter rye is available in many locations in compared with no-tillage without cover crops. Oat Iowa, but usually the is unnamed or unknown. cover crops reduced interrill and rill erosion by 26 Spring rye seed, on the other hand, is not readily percent and 65 percent, respectively. available in Iowa. Nitrogen remaining in the soil after harvest is a signifi cant source of nitrate contamination for For grain production, spring wheat is adapted to the groundwater, wells, streams, and lakes. During the late northern third of Iowa and to the southern fall and early spring, small grain cover crops accumulate third of Iowa. Spring wheat is the hard red type and nitrate that would otherwise leach out and potentially winter wheat is hard or soft red. The presence of snow contaminate water supplies. Nitrate accumulated by cover dramatically improves winter wheat survival in cover crops is recycled into the soil in residues. Iowa. Generally, hard red are more winter-hardy In Iowa, fi eld studies conducted over three years have than soft red wheats. Even adapted cultivars of hard red shown that rye cover crops reduced nitrate losses by winter wheat will have severely reduced stands because 96 percent while oat cover crops reduced losses by of winter damage in one out of fi ve years. Winter wheat 75 percent. Small grain cover crops can also reduce the cultivars used as cover crops are managed the same number of early season weeds and provide a mulch for as winter rye and spring wheat cultivars are managed continued weed suppression. the same as oat. Named cultivars of winter wheat are available in Iowa. Selection Winter-hardy cultivars of rye, wheat, and triticale Triticale planted in the fall offer the best erosion protection Triticale cultivars are crosses between wheat and rye and because they provide fall and winter cover and regrow have both spring and winter types. The winter-hardiness in the spring. Oat and spring cultivars of wheat, rye, of winter triticale is less than that of rye or hard red and triticale can be planted in early fall, but will winter winter wheat and about the same as soft red winter kill. A three-year study in Iowa reported fall average oat wheat. Named cultivars of winter triticale are available dry matter production of 410 lb/acre compared to 365 in Iowa. lb/acre for rye. In spring, rye dry matter prior to corn Establishment production was 1666 lb/acre. Information for oat, wheat, Planting small grain cover crops using a no-tillage and triticale cultivar selection can be obtained from Iowa grain drill or shallow tillage and regular grain drill is State Extension at the following Web site: recommended. Generally, small grains that overwinter www.extension.iastate.edu/pubs/cr.htm. Contact your local should be planted as soon as possible after harvest seed dealer to fi nd out which cultivars of winter and but before Oct. 15 (adjust periods 1 week earlier for spring rye are available in your area. northern Iowa and 1 week later for southern Iowa). Oat Small grains that do not overwinter are best planted are the primary small grain planted in Iowa. When before mid-September (mid-Iowa) and will still produce planted as a grain crop, they reasonable growth in many are planted in early spring. years. At this time, we have They will not overwinter in no information on the effect Iowa. If planted in the fall of Hessian fl y on small as a cover crop, they winter grains grown as cover crops. kill, and will not regrow Normally, winter small in spring. If planted in early grain planting is delayed spring as a cover crop, until after the Hessian fl y they need to be killed with free date (Sept. 14 at the tillage, cutting, rolling, northern border and Sept. or herbicides. In Iowa, 28 at the southern border) of adapted oat cultivars for grain production. are widely available and the Because winter cover is least expensive of all one of the primary goals of small grains. cover crops, we recommend planting as early as possible in the fall. In general, seeding rates for small grain cover crops are Spring Management roughly the same as seeding rates for grain production. Management of winter-hardy small grain cover crops Adapted cultivars of winter rye, winter wheat, and in the spring is a compromise between maximizing the winter triticale should be planted at 1 to 1.5 million benefi ts of the cover crop and minimizing the yield risk seeds/acre with 1.3 million seeds/acre (30 seeds/ft2 or to the following crop. The benefi ts of the cover crop are 17.5 seeds/ft of 7 in rows) being ideal. Seed size and maximized by allowing it to grow as long as possible weight of rye, wheat, and triticale vary considerably before planting the main crop. from year-to-year and lot-to-lot. The best way to The risks of decreasing the yield of the following crop determine seeding rates on a lb/acre basis is to divide 1.3 are minimized by using a cover crop that does not million seeds/acre by seeds/lb. If this information is not overwinter (such as oat) or by killing the cover crop available, rough averages to obtain 1.3 million seeds/acre soon after it begins growth in the spring. To minimize are 90 lb/acre for wheat or triticale (1.5 bu) and rye (1.6 the risk of reducing corn or soybean yield following bu). Seeding rates for winter-hardy small grains should winter cover crops, it should be killed at least two weeks also be increased for later planting dates to obtain prior to planting the main crop. adequate soil cover for winter erosion protection. Cover crops can be killed chemically or mechanically, Planting rates for oats, , and other non-winter- although mechanical methods vary in their effectiveness. hardy small grains should be increased to 1.5 million If using mechanical control (mowing and chopping), seeds/acre. Seed size varies considerably, but this would delay control measures until the cover crop has passed be roughly 120 lb/acre of oat seed (3.75 bu) and 100 the fl owering growth stage for best results. lb/acre of barley seed (2.1 bu). Row widths should be 6 to 12 inches with narrower row widths providing The cover crop should be killed when it starts regrowing better erosion protection. Planting depth should be in the spring. If the spring is exceptionally dry, the soil 0.5 to 1.0 inches. You can, however, plant as deep as profi le has not been recharged with water since harvest, 1.5 inches for drier soil conditions but it is generally or long-range forecasts are predicting dry conditions. not recommended. Although fertilization of small Small grain cover crops can reduce growth and yield of grain cover crops would increase their growth, we following crops in the same ways that continuous corn do not recommend fertilization in the fall except for reduces corn growth and yield relative to a corn-soybean maintenance applications of P and K for the main rotation. Plant chemicals (allelochemicals) released into season crops. the soil by their roots or by decomposing residues can Shallow incorporation of surface broadcast seed inhibit growth of corn and some weed species. Soybean (shallow disking, fi eld cultivation, or cultipacker) is yield decrease following cover crops is associated with another approach to establishing a cover crop in the fall. soil water use in growing seasons with below normal Generally, shallow tillage is performed fi rst, the seed is rainfall or in years when the soil profi le does not broadcast on the tilled surface, and then very shallow recharge. tillage is used to incorporate the seed. Because seeding Our experience indicates that it may be benefi cial to depth is variable and plant establishment is not as good increase seeding rates for no-tillage corn by 10 percent as drilling, it is recommended that seeding rates increase when preceded by a small grain cover crop. Inclusion to 1.5 million seeds/acre for winter-hardy small grains of a cover crop in a no-tillage system increases the and to 1.7 million seeds/acre for non-winter-hardy amount of surface residue, which can interfere with small grains. planter operation and seed placement. Additionally, the Aerial or overseeding of small grain cover crops into rotation or allelopathic effect of small grain cover crops soybean canopies in mid to late August can be very can increase seedling mortality and reduce emergence in successful. We have less some instances. experience using these techniques to seed small For corn, use a starter grain cover crops into either (with nitrogen) fertilizer grain or silage corn. In and increase total nitrogen general, because of the more fertilizer rates by 10 open canopy in corn, these percent if less than 150 lb techniques do not work as nitrogen/acre. Addition well as they do in soybean. of undecomposed organic Consequently, we do not matter or crop residues to recommend overseeding or soil usually results in the aerial seeding of small grain tie-up or immobilization cover crops after corn silage of nitrogen by the soil or into grain corn. microorganisms that are decomposing the organic matter or residues. Eventually, this nitrogen is released back into the soil.