315 315 - 295 1399 ( )

* **

. The Annals by Tacitus . . . . . . :

[email protected] * [email protected] ( ) ** 1399 27/04/ : 1398 29/10/ : Copyright © 2018, IHCS (Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies). This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International, which permits others to download this work, share it with others and Adapt the material for any purpose 1399 296

. 1

Church & Brodribb (1921). The Annals by : Tacitus. Translated by Alfred John Church & William Jackson Brodribb. Classical Wisdom Weekly . . . 1 : 35 . 2 47 . 3 . 4 . ( ) . . .

. 2 1.2 / : . 226 - .. 249 : : : ( 15×22 ) : : 100000 1000 1396 297

. 109 : - Annals Ab excessu divi Augusti : . Church & ) ( Church & Brodribb, 1921 ) . ( Brodribb, 1942 .

2.2 ) ( Publius (or Gaius) Cornelius Tacitus ) 1( ) - (. -117 55/56 2 . ( 1375 ) . () . .( Church & Jackson, 1962: vii ) ( Gnaeus Julius Agricola ) ) ( ) ( Cisalpine Gaul ) ( Hughes-Warrington, 2008: 334 ) ( Provence . Nero Claudius Caesar ) . ( Servius Sulpicius Galba Caesar ) (. -68 )54 ( Augustus Germanicus Aulus ) (. 69 ) ( Marcus Salvius Otho Caesar Augustus ) (. -69 )68 69 - 69 ) ( Titus Flavius Vespasianus ) (. )(69 Vitellius Germanicus Augustus Titus ) (. -81 )(79 Titus Flavius Caesar Vespasianus Augustus ) ( 79 Marcus Cocceius Nerva Caesar ) (. -96 )(81 Flavius Caesar Domitianus Augustus 1399 298

Imperator Caesar Nerva Traianus Divi Nervae filius ) (. -98 )(96 Augustus (. -138 117 )( Publius Aelius Hadrianus Augustus ) (. -117 )(98 Augustus . ( Tac.His 1.1.3 ) ( Historiae ) ( Quaestor ) . (. )81 Mason & Fearenside, ) 89 -89 91 ( Tac. Ann.11.11 ) ( 1891: ix-x .( Tac. Agr.45.5 ) ( De origine et situ Germanorum ) ( Praetor ) . .( Church. & Jackson, 1962: vii-viii ) . 117 117 ( 112 ) Dialogus de ) . 1 : . (3. De vita Iulii Agricolae ) . (2 oratoribu s . . 5 . 4 . 3 . -97 98 5 . 98 4. .( Martin 1981: 39-49 ) .( Keitel 1978: 463ff ) Caesar Divi filius Augustus ) . (. -14 .. )(38 Imperator 299

110 100 69 . . Martin, 1981: 104- ) 96 .( 105 70 .( .( Hughes-Warrington, 2008: 334 ) 67 14 () . . Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus ) 7 . 6 Claudius Caesar Augustus ) (. -41 )(37 Germanicus Caligula (. -54 41 ) ( Germanicus (. -57 57 ) 16 ( 16 13 ) 66 54 .( .( Hughes-Warrington, 2008: 336 ) () 8 9. 10 . ( ) - .( .( Ehrhardt, 1998: 296 ) 1399 300

12 . 11 Tiberius Julius ) (. -37 14 ) ( Caesar Augustus : . 1 : (.. -2 )(37 Phraates IV ) ( -12 ) (8 Vonones I ) 13 . (. -38 36 -35 10 ) ( Artabanus ) 35 . .(2 Tac. Ann. 2.1-4, 56-58, 68 ) (. -35 13 ) ( Artaxias III ) 14 (. 35 ) ( Arsaces I ) (. -58 ) (1 Pharasmanes I ) (. -51 42 -37 35 ) ( Mithridates of Armenia ) ( Orodes ) . ( -42 )37 15 . . 16 (. -36 35 ) ( Tiridates ) .( Tac. Ann. 6. 31-37 ) . . Tac.Ann. 6. 41- ) . 47 . 3 17 .( 44 Gotarzes ) (. -45 41 ) ( Vardanes I ) (. -51 45 ) ( II . 301

18 ( -50 49 ) ( Mithridates ) . . ( ) . . (. -51 45 ) ( Vonones II ) Tac. ) (. -78 51 ) ( Vologases I ) .( Ann. 11. 8-10; 12.10-14 . (. -55 54 -53 51 ) ( ) 19 .( Tac. Ann. 12. 44 ) . 66 - 66 ) Tac. ) (. 88 . . 4 20 .( Ann. 12. 49-51 . . .( .( Dio. 63. 1ff )

3.2 : 1399 302

21 22 (Murphy 1830; Ramsay 1904-1909; Furneaux 1906-7; Peterson, Moore & Jackson 23 1937; Church & Brodribb 1942; Grant 1968; Allen 1890 24 ; Symonds 1906 25 ; Long 1872 ). . 26 . Classical Wisdom Weekly - 27 . .

4.2 88 . 37 -31 -31 37 51 68 58 56 -1 4 14 -10 -10 14 69 -8 10 38 -41 44 65 -34 41 -6 9 58 -49 51 44 35 -24 31 -1 18 74 -23 26 . 23 . . 303

44 . 49 44 . 28 . ( Ehrhardt, 1998: 296 ) -45 48 . . 6 12 49 44 16 23 15 18 13 41 34 . 23 : 23 As to Barea Soranus, the Roman knight, Ostorius Sabinus, had already claimed him for his own, in a case arising from Soranus' proconsulate of Asia; during which he increased the emperor's malignity by his fairness and his energy, by the care he had spent upon clearing the harbour of Ephesus, and by his failure to punish the city of Pergamum for employing force to prevent the loot of its statues and paintings by the Caesarian freedman, Acratus. But the charges preferred were friendship with Plautus and popularity-hunting in his province with a view of the winning it for the cause of revolution. The time chosen for the condemnation was the moment when Tiridates was on the point of arriving to be invested with the crown of Armenia ; the object being that, with public curiosity diverted to foreign affairs, domestic crime might be thrown into 1399 304 shadow, or, possibly, that the imperial greatness might be advertised by the royal feat of slaughtering illustrious men. ... - 23 . 48 - 48 . 29 45 30 . : 31 :( ) : 44 . . . . . - – . . . . 305

. . . [] : 45 . . ( Gorneae ) ( Centurion Casperius ) ( Caelius Pollio ) . . . ( ) ( Ummidius Quadratus ) . « » : 46 . () . " : () . ( father-in ‑law of Radamistus ) () . () . " ! () 1399 306

. . . . . . : 47 () . . . - ) . . ( . () . . . . . . ) . . ( . . 307

: 48 . . » . . . . . .« . ( procurator ) ( ) : 49 . ( Julius Paelignus ) . . . . ( Helvidius Priscus ) . . .

1399 308

. 3

. . . - » : .« .«

(Church. & Jackson 1962: viii ) .1 615( 610 603 : 1371 ) . 2. . 3. (Gaius) Vipstanus Aper Secundus , Curiatius Maternus Mason & Fearenside 1891: ) ( -60 . )10 Messalla Gallus . (. ix-x ( Tac. Dial. 5–13 ) Tac. Dial. ) (. Tac. Dial. 14–27 ) . ( 28–42 . Hughes-Warrington, 2008: 334 (. ) 309

. .4 ( Tac. Agr. 1-3 ) . ( Tac. Agr.4-9) .( Tac. Agr.30-34 ) .( Tac. Agr.44-46 ) . -12 14 Hughes-Warrington, ) .( .( 2008: 332-333 .5 (. Tac. Ger. 1-27 ) Tac. ) (. Tac. Ger. 18-19 ) (Ger. 20-28 (. (. Tac. Ger. 29-46 ) . 70 26 6. 7 Piso Licianus .( Tac. His. 1. 5-49 ) . .( .( Tac. His. 1. 50-90-3) . .( .( Tac. His. 2. 11-50 )

. 1399 310

. 70 Claudius Civilis . . .8 .9 Tac. ) (. Ger. 37 : .10 Tac. )« ... ...» (. His. 1. 2 (. Tac. His. 2. 6 ) Tac. His. 2. ) Dillius Aponianus .( 82 .( Tac. His. 3. 24 ) . (. Tac. His. 5. 8 ) ( ) ... () ( ) Publius Ventidius .( Tac. His. 5. 8 ) ...

( ) (. Tac. His. 5. 9 )


Wolski, 1993: . (. (. 173) 66. 2 .11 12. . . .13 Wolski 1962, 1993: 58-66; 1996; Assar, 2001, 2004, 2005, . . .1388 : 2006a, b, 2008, 2009, 2011 (.. -34 )54 Artavasdes II 14. . (.. 30 - 83 ) Marcus Antonius (.. -20 )33 Artaxias II . (.. -10 )20 III Artavasdes . . (. -4 .. )2 Ariobarzanes II . (. -12 )6 Erato ( )12 ( Tac.Ann. 2. 3-4) )38 -64( -64( )38 Polemon II of Pontus Zeno (. -35 )13 Artaxias III .( .( Tac.Ann. 2. 56-4) ( 37 ) .15 37 - 37 ) 37 .( 42 .( .( Chaumont 1979: 89-90) . ( -51 42 ) (. -211 247 ) .16

30. . . 1399 312

() 17. . . von Gutschmi1888: 127 .18 19. . . .20 (. Coyajee, 1936: 199-204 ) . . . .21 . 22. 23. . . 24. . 25. https://classicalwisdom.com/latin_books/the-annals-by-tacitus-i/ . 26 27. (1379 ) . (Grant, 1968 ) . 17 1379 « » . . 28 . . . 49 44 .29 30. . . . 1937 31. 313

. . .(1371 ) . : . : . . .(1375 ) . « » .( 1388 ) 24. 24. – .29 46 . ." « » " .( 1379 ) 40 .59 -56. -56. .59 40 . . : . . (1396 ) ______

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