Figurative use of colour names in a figurative sense in Ibrayim Yusupov’s poetry Qosımbetova Aygul a student of Karakalpak State University Annotation Basically this article deals with colour names which haven not been completely been studied in onomastics of the karakalpak language.The names of colours do not only give real colour meanings,but they have abstract meaning and are widely used. In this articla one can meet colour titles in an extended sense in Ibrayim Yusupov’s compositions-the heroe of , karakalpak national poet .Besides we can see linguistic features in poet’s works and particular qualities in his style. Key words: word composition,lexical units,adjectives,figurative sense. The occurence of karakalpak word compositions as a definite system,its forming and dvelopment,apperance of general national linguistic terms and their appliance depend on the formed lexical units in its language.Certainly such kind of words shape due to any social historical lifestyle,state,physical and spiritual world dveleopment level,socila-economical cultural life.Taking the terms into consideration which appeared according to such developments,we can see colours with single and joining word or accompanying morphological changing or forming new meaningful words and their modern progress too. The names of colours and their usage increasing are widely spread in Turkic language lexics ,namely karakalpak language.They have not been perfectly studied yet.But linguistic scientists consider them to be adjectives and noted them to define description.In fact,there are colours in lexics of all ,some scientific articles by Karakalpak,Uzbek and Turkic scientists deal with their importance in a language.Here functions of colours in lexics of karakalpak language can be adjective,as well as verb and noun,and phraseological units too. So the names of colours in a figurative snese are essential separately too. We can see it in Ibrayim Yusupov’s creative work. For example: Shıq jırlarım jawdıń janın zirletip, Súren salıp haqıyqatshıl til menen, Keleshektiń arzıwların jır etip, Shalģıt kókke bar dawıs , bar ún menen. («Jır uranı») The blue does not mean a colour,but a surrounding meaning.Blue has been known since early literature,national verbal literature.Our people prayed to the God,believed the God to live in the sky,that’s why they called the sky «blue»,the colour of sky is light blue,the title of blue has been used with the word «sky» since early national verbal works: Kókte barar quslar dizbegi, Bir qaptalda mashina júzer. («Seniń qollarıń») Túnde kókten juldızlar tógilip, Tal shaqasına ilinip qalģanday. («Bir gúl úzdim Shırshıq boyınan») Al, shayırdıń «Avariya»qosıģında: Kók ójetlik bermes qayır, Sóytseń júda savxoz bayır. -blue means too stubborn and bad habit, Adamlar bar qarnı toysa kóklegen, Ashıqlıq aldında dize búkpegen. («Epke kelse ashıq bolmay jasańlar...») Sen netken ásirseń? Qılwań bar qanday? Kók jiyegiń qáwip-qáterler dumanı. («Jańa ásirge») Shıģıs aspanınıń kók jiyeginen, Bas kóterdi mustaqıllıq quyashı... («Prezident») «Temir qatın kók koravl aydar» dep, Mingizgenbiz muzday kombaynlarģa. («Kim bar biziń jaqtıń hayallarınday...») Qolı jetken alar sennen keregin, Jetpegenler kókley úzer qámegin. («Ámiwdárya») -in these lines blue means darkening,a part of the sky,horizon.People called cotton picking machine as «blue ship». Picking blue means premature,unripe fruit,but the poet here tells about wasting water of the Amudarya and its further replenishment.Black colour is effectively used in the Karakalpak and Turkic languages and has semantic characteristics both separately and as a word composition. For example: Kekili guzelgen, moynı ırģanaq, Qara bala yadıńda ma ,Kegeyli? («Kegeyli») or Seze aldıma jaslıq kúnlerde, Mıń jıl burın sol qara bala. («Ál- tuwılģan jerdе») In the first example «black boy» infers about the boy’s appearance,in the second one the word black boy shows not a black boy,but a young,little boy. Arasında bazı bir qızģanshaqlar, Ishi qara hám hásetgóy alshaqlar. («Duwa») Qara suwģa semirip , Qayģısız shaģlap júrmeyseń. («Shayır hám júrek») Livadiya baģında óser kashtan, Miywasın qattı kórdim qara tastan . («Livadiya tórtliklerinen») – the word «internal black» signifies spoilt,bad,gealous,the phraseological unit getting fat with balck water indicate simply fattening,without trouble and black stone means hardness.But the poet uses the word black not to repeat the word hardness and intensify the poem’s impact properly. Qara jerden ģaziyne óndirgen Jeńge, seniń qollarıń altın. («Senıń qolarıń») Black ground shows not cultivated ground.In the next line: Qara sózdi ayıra almas qosıqtan, Qanat shıqpay ushaman dep asıqqan... («Sın kerek») Qara terge túsken qara miynettiń, Eskirgen zamanı ótip barmaqta. («Isbilermenlerge») Bazda tayıp qara muzģa, Bazda aģar dárya dizden. («Mámelek oy») –the word «black» does not have poetical meaning and it is unstressed simple word.Black perspiration,getting tired,hard work,black ice mean difficulty. The scientist Ayjariq Bekbergenov proves with examples in his scientific articles «The word black comes from Mongolian, at first it has meant a colour,then began to signify other meanings due to developments of abstract thinking.In the modern Karakalpak language the usage of the adjective black has lexical morphological syntaxic methods in an extended sense».[1:55] One can meet white, yellow, red, green colours in an extended meaning in other poets’works. For example: Insandı «aq» , «qızıl», «ariy»ģa bólip, Tájiriybeler qoyma xalıq táģdirine. («Jańa ásirge») «Qızıl aydarhanıń» túsip dástine, Miy shayılıp júrek suwlaģan shelli, Samolyottan záhár shashtı ústine... («Kim bar biziń jaqtıń hayallarınday...») -in these examples white and red give the meanining of Bolshevic and Menshevic grouping,i.e. the whites and reds.Really reds meant the russian in most historical literatures. For instance: we can meet the words «red flag», «reds» among people. White colour is used in a figurative sense as well as black colour,in most cases it signifies goodness and cleanliness. For example: Aq kewlińnen aralasıp jasasań, Alalamas, qanatlıģa qaqtırmas. («Tórtlikler») -the poet explains that if you are unspoiled,ashamed,honest, nobody will do you any harm. Baģ-baqshalar sırģıp ırģalģan jerler, «Aq altın», «sarı altın» nurlaģan jerler. («Ámiwdárya») Aq júzinde az-kem ájim sızıģı, Aqjarqın, iybeli kózler súzigi.. («Jaqsı hayallarģa jas mingen sayın...») «Ustazım» dep, jaslar arqa súyegen, Aldıńızda aq basımdı iyemen. («Men muģallim degen xalıqtı súyemen») In the primary example white gold is cotton,yellow gold is rice.The poet describes his country’s richness comparing it with gold,radiated ground to avoid definition of simple rice,cotton.And white face –the girl’s beauty.In the line «Aldıńızda aq basımdı iyemen» is given respect,readiness for everything. Yellow colour is employed as dampness,waiting,looking foeward to or for people- young,little. For example : yellow bird,chicken.And Ibrayim Yusupov Ayralıqtıń dártin jazdım, Íshqıńda sarģaydım –azdım. («Jánan kirer túslerine») Sarı awız, temir qanat palapan, Eplep uslar onı epsiz alaqan. («Onıń qosıqlarınan») -getting yellow means suffering,yellow bird,still little child.The poet gives the second version the phraseological uinit sarı awız palapan with awzınan sarısı ketpegen palapan. Mostly green colour means getting young,renewing,developing. Jasıl reń jasarıw, jańalanıw, rawajlanıw mánilerinde kóp qollanıladı.The poet Ibrayım Yusupov uses : Jasıl tóbelerdiń mindik basına, Jasıl qala jatqan etekte. –the green top signifies a mountain, the green city –beauty and nature of Kavkaz in the strings of «Kavkaz». Thus,the poet describescolours in an extended sense,colours themselves,compares their literal features with abstract notions in life and a person’s life philosophically while learning word components in the poet’s works.For instance: Sarı boyaw–kewlimdegi qayģı–muń, Qara boyaw taģdirimniń guwası, Jasıl boyaw ármanları jaslıqtıń, Qızıl boyaw júregimniń jarası. («Gilemshi hayal haqqında haqıyqatlıq») Al, shayır «Tórtlikler»-indegi: Qızģanısh úsh túrli reńge iye: Qara reńi-dushpanıńnıń peylinde. Qızģıshı-doslardıń kúnshilliginde, Aq reńi- basqalardıń bárinde.

–the black colour reveals badness of the enemy,the red colour –envy,jealousy, and the white colour –good features. As well as, Qaralıq tileymen hámme qazanģa, Qaralıq tileymen qara kózlerge, Jasıllıq-japıraqqa, qızıllıq qanģa, Adam kewli, aqlıq tileymen sizge! («Tórtlikler») -in these lines wishing blackness means light,boiling for the kettle,fullness,darkness for eyes,greenness for leaves,redness for blood means a long life. The mentioned colours and comparisons ,figurative words of the poet’s poems are common in the literal surroundind and daily life too.As a result,special meaningful linguistic units get wider in national historical development and form term system in the word content. And,the expansion of word content in karakalpak poetry,intensifying image forming,characteristics of defining a subject’s feature indicate the poet’s creativity mastership. The list of used literature Bekbergenov.A. «About the meanings of the word Black»- : Uz Messenger 1969.- №4. Kudiyarova Sh.T. «Lexical and semantic characteristics of the karaklapak and kazakh words.» PhD abstract .2006 I.Yusupov «Collection of essays».Three-volume I, II, III volumes. «Knowledge» publisher, 2018 p 352.