Life Science Journal 2014;11(6)

Historical periodization of

Maira Abibullakyzy Zhunissova

Department of Theory language and kazakh literature, Seyfullina512, , Kazakh State Women’s Teacher Training University, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan 090000 [email protected]

Abstract: The development of the Turkic languages should again consider the following extralinguistical factors, it means every historical period in (instruction of individual languages) and out. Periodization history: firstly, should careful to creation Kazakh nation and process organize nation for explain the history Kazakh language (people language, organizing national language). Kazakh people like other tribes had little ethic group. It has organized from dad to ru, from ru to union ru, from union ru to tribe, from tribe to union tribe, from union tribe to ulus, from ulus to nation. Scientists connecting History Kazakh language with history Turkic language (N. Baskakov, A. Kaidar, etc) had noticed 6 ages: altay age, gun age, ancient Turkic age, middle Turkic age, new age, modern age. We can’t say whole age altay, cause it hadn’t whole experienced just know: there were Turkic-mongol, tungus-manchzhur, korea-japon languages. Some experience informed history Turkic language had shumer age besides altay age. There historical writing memorial, writing badge Kazakh language connecting Kazakh history are very important organizing as a nation, people. Therefore, the periodization Turkic languages could be optimized by the application of the developed simulation model. [Maira Abibullakyzy Zhunissova. Historical periodization of Turkic languages. Life Sci J 2014;11(6):438-444]. (ISSN:1097-8135). 62

Keyword: Turkic languages, periodization, globalization epoch of Turkic languages, relationship of Turkic language’s.

1. Introduction ‘The pressure system’, cut like ‘the social I offer what returning looks, character historical pressure’ the impossibility development technician the living on global linguistics or world linguistics outcome komporatuistic (компоративистика) XIX languages of Turkic in history development each the century and head XX century phonetic legality, the languages of Turkic.1 present phonology of diachronic on history the world The development of the Turkic languages should linguistics questions and diachronic of morphology again consider the following extralinguistical factors, separately will cut talk aspect bypass, before the it means every historical period in (instruction of investigation stage not was. individual languages) and out. For that reason To the language of processes, though you develops, is formed history each turkic language peeps, identically be to the future standard of word on desire there same basic, language turkic basis a change of people, that socially to put pressure, a jack bruises brings question language one basis near people along, well-known, that people, that a word got lost, language development about 100 mln (in 1992 year) and self will get lost, is unreserved. It was in history summarizes that through earth conscience man renews repeatedly in recur row of process knowable. The again is, to him an obstacle social one meaning first development tongues very the present world level economy, a border, individual politics, it feature of from of action pressure potentiality about 200 scolds countries. Language is the social phenomenon. potency for pressure impression is destroyed, what General to the metatheory development included large social middle creates languagecoolness is no is of linguistics was abundant, XIX especially question leaves frizz of hair globalization epoch of Turkic language by consideration of XIX alongside in languages return one basis created, return modernized linguistics in a century by history of people linguistics. is necessity known. Many linguists, that increased, not refutes the History tongue discriminate linguistics soil on impression scientists to the language to development calculation personal science, the divergence of history of society, conformities to law however to the separately linguistics world arena of change execute language to the structure motion owner external the historic linguistics resulting need again examininate, impression of forces not sends possibilities, that bear. the aim of our scientific affair on the present social middle change this divergence of Turkic languages 1 Zhunissova Maira Abibullakyzy RK, Almaty.e-mail: how compare realize from necessity conceived. [email protected] The social substratum "sotciolema" tongue, language collective, that is language middle, one

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tongue speech tongue interference, through that of two Struggle of member in languages; 2. Use language as tongue that the representative two dialect one a means to combat; 3. Formulate various forces of association creates, mutual explain, the person the membership in struggle for tongue and with tongue road development especially science line is opened. struggle. The sense "sоtcium" word collective will be, The base means of people communication are all sotciolema is a speech collective. of social, connecting social origin with public. They Direction of connection in social glorified are always depended on communication of people. representatives (А.А.Budilovish, A.A.Shakhmetov, The creative and maintenance of creative are E.D. Polivanov and so on) of linguistics labours talked developing with help of communicative and talking. by history of people language. For example, I believe this Turkish symphothium will The tongue on technician, the tongue the organize a good creation. developing normal social case (structure) part bearing, XX century philosophy of language Germanic its tongue continuer, the adjuster will be find. scientist V. Diltey in his book “Rukhani gilimdarga Sotciolema - the society and intersecting of kirispe” (1883) anticipated that the people owner development language unit. phenomenon of to the humanities foundation Through sotciolema to development of language and to understanding people we must firstly know his done "the social the pressure". To him resisted, only mind, opinion, ideas it means internal wild. A big internal conformities of language legality. problem in Turkic national languages to know, to Mutual social treatment - mutual information to understand, so I think at this moment organize the new interchange. Without language connection not comes centre of communication and scientist’s minded from true social relation. It starts from firstly economic, their closely terms in a few time. To my mind young agriculture, product-economic, social diplomatic and types of linguistics including internal problems are cultural communication just after will be public developing in one way. communication. 2. Materials and methods: The influence between languages is developed Oral – Altay languages – the types of linguistic consider the influence of speaking. The basis of which are experiment origin of languages are oral structure looks from every part of system languages: (phin, ugor, samodi) and altay (Turkic, Mongolic, for example, from lexical, grammatical and tungys-manchjur, Japon, Korean). F.Stralenberg has phonological levels (circle, floor). presented origin of Oral-Altay languages on one way, The acts of speaking is developing inner sotcium, and called in linguistic – “ the theory of Oral-Altay’. than organize a big education of social collective. A XVIII century scientists (V.Shott, F.Videman, M.A. mobile quality is belong to sotcium. In a few time it Kastren, O.Betlingk, G.Vinkler, V.Tomsen, M. will be together and can be quickly alone. The volume Ryasyanen, D.Fokosh-Fukus, Dj.Kiekbaev, B. of sotcium (the number of people in collective) is Bazylkhan, etc.) consented by theory and to knowing develop doing and connecting by position. In a way of about Oral-Altay languages some phonetic, grammatic, our symphosium, if it will between two or some nation lexical similarity, are divided into southern, northern, or government organize one language, it is western, eastern groups. The opposite scientists makrosotsotcium, as for megasotcium – the union of (V.Kotvich, Dzh.Klouson, A.M. Sherbak, etc.) to economical, political or serving in a cultural – historic Oral-Altay languages theory are thought that some or international places (OOH, NATO, The people of similraty of stem words,some grammatical similarity general economic communication). I think if the cause of the longest historic connecting languages. people of Turkic will speak in one language and The scientist B.Bazylkhan, consented by relationship understanding each other will be megasotcium. of Oral-Altay languages, to his mind, firstly created The family of Turkic in a world typology are general element to these languages, since evolution very unusually. For example Turkic languages are developing are created individual elements (sounds, divided into two groups west and east and also words, morphologic, syntactical other parts). Oral- differentiate other groups. Altay languages saw “era of hint tongue”, “era of We know that struggle of member and short words”, “era of compound words” in evolution membership ideology some levels lives in language developing and have to get democratic words. “The and reserve impression for yourself in world linguistic. era of hint tongue” is the main introduction of For example, the famous linguist Pol Lafarg speaking on people’s communication of one or two inventered changed norm of literature and speech of division words, it means no basis set of words. About French language and also creation of group of 140 scientist said to understand, to help of moving bourgeouis and its created of membership ideology, in body such a consented it, or like a opposite with time of struggle orally and history of French in form sounded. These two ways of sound Oral-Altay of literature are divided into three groups, they are: 1. languages saved to nowadays, their called “the basis

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morpheme’, it may be “the basis general element’ of relation. Such A.Kononov, N. Baskakov, G.Sanjeev, E. Oral-Altay languages. The first set of word is created Ubryatova soviet scientists are foundation of theory of connecting one, two division words at time of “The relation altay languages –R. Ramsted. He had thought era of short words”. Like a words without prefix- altay languages not only ugor-phin languages, and suffixes are using such short sentences. “Era also indoeuropean languages are connected historical. Compound words “- Oral-Altay languages, all of This opinion touched Vinklud, Andersen, Munkachi, divided into a democratic tongues, and was a one of Pedersen, Kollender, Itkonen, which are minded “the era of far each other”. The relationship of Oral- Indoeuropean languages has one origin with phin-ugor. Altay languages has needed experiment yet. Linguistic Oral –Altay languages are thinking such minded. This has opposite opinion to Oral-Altay languages. problem are thinking on course subject “introduction Nowadays we think that the history of Turkic linguistic Oral- Altay languages” at Bashkurt languages has started a very long ago. But a very little Government University such it. information about life of generation in earlier, at that 3. Khun era contained from before our days III moment. For example, before for our days VII-IV- century, till V century our days. There empire Khun century, sak had lived from Centre Asia till now are situated from Centre Asia to East Europe, and Kazakhstan. But we don’t many know about those sak governed together memberships Turkic, Mongolic, languages. Tungus and Manchzhur. I century our days Khun are It has considered just know through “name of divided into two groups and one of them came to till membership and name of earth which are stayed by region Syr of border eastern Khun government. Both historic chinese, greek” and so they lived in region group had some government. As so they were spoken north Kazakhstan that their Turkic and southern in Turkic. Kazakhstan are languages. “Southern type” are It doesn’t experiment during altay languages in lived between Karatau and Aral rivers, and more time Turkic languages development, its one big problems lived on down Yaksart (Syrdariya) river. among scientists. Turkic- Mongolic has such Uisin and Kanly – a big one of membership after relationship and phonetic system, lexical and sak. The membership of Uisin had lived from grammatical structure has such relation, and some Balkhash to Ystykkol from Talas to Shu, and Turkish scientists talked hypothesis that before it has, nowadays Zhetisu, as for kanly membership was as divided family Turkic languages: 1) Turkic- region of Karatau and the middle of Syrdariya. They ; 2) tungus- manchzhur languages; are spoken in Turkic language. 3) Japon- Korean languages. Such scientists as H. The general developing Turkic languages N.A. Vinkler, S.M.Shirokogorov, B. Kollinder, M. Baskakov divided into six era in own reading book Ryasyanen, D.Shinor, A.Dilachar are experimented (1862; republished in 1970) for universities : 1) Altay before group Altay tongues and offered Oral –Altay era; 2) Khun era (befor our century V); 3) ancient era language theory. Among this project: some days ago, Turkic languages (V-X c.); 4) middle era Turkic oral – altay had geneologic relation during unknown languages (X-XVc.); 5) new era Turkic languages chronologic time. (XV-XX c.); 6) last era Turkic languages. Can saying All of consenter the theory Altay language the next for these eras. doesn’t have one mind. If some group of altaist (B.Y. Altay era hasn’t many information in scientific. Vladimimircev, E.D.Polivanov, N.N.Poppe, G.I. Unknown in what time began and ended. If it has Ramstedt, etc.) had considered altay languages as a looked some prognosis, called Oral-Altay languages at relationship, other group altaist (V.L.Kotvich, L. that time would had divided into oral (phin-ugor, Ligeti, Dj. Klouson, etc.) would had considered samodii languages) and Altay languages. Some similarity of Altay as a typological similarity. One of scientists for example N.A.Baskakov known altay soviet journalists which has various consider and languages divided into Turkic – Mongolic and Tungus added own role to the theory altay languages, soviet – Manchzhur languages. scientists are: N.A. Baskakov, G.D. Sanjeev, Dj. The foundation Oral-Altay theory F.Stralenberg Kiekbaev, Sh.Sh. Sarybaev, V.I.Cinisus, O.P.Sunik, which is lived in XVIII century. Continuer his ways K.A. Novikova,I.V.Kormushin, D.M.Nasilov etc. scientists XIX century – V. Shott, M.Kastren, O. Besides N.A.Baskaov, Dj.Kiekbaev’s transactions as Betling, V.Tomsen, I.Gombots, G.Vinkleg, O.Donner, published other 4 special book for it during SSSR. V. Prelo. It has scientists which are not consented with The relationship altay language’s mind can be relation Altay languages and opposite to the theory divide into two groups. Some scientist consenter by Stralenberg. They are Dj.Klouson, A.M. Sherbak etc. G.I. Ramsted’s mind, and realize geneologic If Hungarian scientist U.Nemet thought that ugor and relationship altay languages (Turkic-Mongolic, Turkic languages are relation, as L. Ligeti said that we Tungus-Manchzhur, Japon-Korean) family. They (V. should look all altay languages and proofed their Vladimirev, E.D.Polivanov, N.N.Poppe, N.A.

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Baskakov, O.P.Sunik, I.Kenesbaev, Sh.Sh.Sarybaev Scientists had divided into 3 times using of etc.) altay languages are divided on one origin, so Turkic language: consenter general mind and can give chance, as other a) ages of using Turkic tongue (V-VIII); scientists consenter V.A.Kotvich’s mind and said that b) ages of using ancient uigyr tongue (VIII-IV) ; they hadn’t geneologic relation but among their lived c) ages of using ancient Kirgiz tongue (IX-X). by neighbor and among it became relationship. So During this times was written Orkhon Enisei they (L.Ligeti, G.D.Sanzheev, T.A.Bertagaev etc.) are monument,created instance of old uigir write, and had interpreted similarity of Altay languages developed done mix literature ogyz kipchak. There were lived among enter materials, not among geneologic. Era dead tongues (ogyz, kipchak, ancient uigyr etc.). Khun connecting with Altay language and longed 2.The middle of Turkic languages (X-XV) - the before our days III century till V century our days. We age which some of them are living and independent. have many information about tribe of altay era. For till nowadays. By speech A.N.Smailovich, then, in example, before our days and our days empire Khun Centre Asia all of islam Turkic has lived one general had joined together tribes Turkic, mongol, and tungus- literature. The tongue literature suffered three times: manchzhur, which are lived in centre of Asia and Sibir A) Turkic literary tongue which were influenced region. by Karakhanid dynasty (centre – Kashkar city, IX- Before our days II century in book “historical XII); monument” by Cam Tsyan was founded firstly and B) Literary tongue which used by Ogyz kipchak some whole information about Khuns.2 tribes languages (centre – down of river Syrdariya and E.R.Tenishev Altay languages. There were region Horezm, XII-XIV); destroyed G.I.Ramsted ancient altay tongue before our C) Turkic literary tongue which lived in days II century. The destroy was before our days Shagatay ulus (centre Kulzha city, XV-XVI). beginning I century by argument of V.Kotvich. To L. If which inhabited in the centre Ligety’s mind, it has become by altay tongue before of dynasty Karakhanid developed by tongues of uigyr- our days II-III century, as V.M.Yillich-Svitich’s karluk tribes, than would a few influenced by ogyz- opinion, altay union has destroyed before other five kypchak. Ogyz- kypchak tribes are spoken on ogyz – group including by family nostratic, makrofamily. kypchak language. Territory – from Syrdariya through Nowadays experiment has inference destroying Altyn Orda to Little Asia and Egypt. was before our days X century (O.P.Sunik) and before There were speech about literary work had our days VIII century (S.A.Starostin). written by Altyn orda and Egypt mamluk’s tongue, 1.Ancient Turkic age (V-X). between Turkic but there wouldn’t speech about work little Asia. XIV tribes had become feudal terms since VI century our century, many literary works were published on days. Their big union like early feudal government – Turkic literary tongue in the little Asia. For Turkic kaganat was created in the middle of VI example: ”Manttyk atty aiyr” (work of Attar translated century. It has contained all of nowadays Altay and by Gulshekhri), Akhmedi poems (8 thousand ways), Mongolic region. VI century ending was created West “Iskandernama” (historic epic poem), ”Zham shid-u Turkic kaganat, and governed Zhetisu region and it Khurshid” (lyric piece), “Asrarnama“ (lyric piece has included uisin, kangly, karluk, turgesh, chigil transfer like titled Attar piece)etc. All of such menyagma. If some nomadic tribes was settled transactions should experiment among ogyz languages, Tarbagatay mountains, other tribes would settled and for the sake Kazakh languages, other kypchak Syrdariya. The centre of East Turkic kaganat languages, should more spare attention to firstly – mongol region, exactly shore Orkhon river. In written on ancient kypchak language and published on the middle of VII century was influenced by empire Turkic language of Centre Asia. May be it cause we . East side of West Turkic kaganat had haven’t transaction on Kazakh language. influenced by China after some times,as for west Turkish which are shored Shagatay ulus, A.N. influenced by Arabian. Smailovich called “language shagatay”, famous on Region of Turkic tribes had become enlarge and such language the transactions of writers started by A. number of them was more: from East Turkistan to Nauayi. Nowadays some scientists of problem of region Karakum, came from Mongol, Zhetisu to Balkh history ozbek language and ozbek literature are using and India. Uigyr and Kirgiz struggled for government, instead of “shagatay languages“ called “ancient ozbek ogyz and kipchak had become firstly in history. language”. Of course, we should agree with A.N. Samoilovich. (look at part of “shagatay language”). 2 T.N.Ermekova, MA.Zhunissova Historical X-XV century was created such languages tribes: periodization of Turkic languages. Textbook for 1) kypshak language; 2) ogyz language; 3) karluk university. –Almaty. -2013. P. II. -p.103. language; 4) Kyrgyz-kypshak language; 5) hakas, yakut, tuve, altay etc.

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1. Modern Turkic languages organized as 2. Middle Turkic language national languages during developing of Turkic West Turkic language – 1) “codex cumanikus” languages. They are: tatar, bashkurt, Kazakh, nogay, language; 2) kypshak language: a) mamliuk kypshak karakalpak, karaiym, kumyk, karachay, balkar, kyrym language; b) armian kypshak language. tatarian languages, turkmeny, gagauyz, Balkan East Turkic language – 1) karakhanid Turkic Turkish language, azerbaizhan, Turkic, ozbek, uigyr, language (epigraphic memorial language founded on , karagas, yakut, hakas, shor, kamasin, kiuerik, region Zhetisu.); 2) Horezm Turkish language; 3) sary uigyr, altay etc. shagatay language All of languages was organized as national 1. New Turkic language. Southern Turkish literary language after rising Kazan. They are language – 1) old Osman language; 2) new Osman developed rapidly among social national languages. language and modern Turkish language; 3) dialect of Turkic languages monument belonged to ancient are Osman language: a) anatoly and rum dialects; b) divided into two big groups: gagauyz dialect; b) kyrym Osman dialect; 4) 1) Written on Ancient Turkic or azerbaizhan language; 5) turkmeny language. languages. West Turkic languages – 1) kaspi groups: a) new 2) Written on Middle Turkic or old Turkic kuman languages; b) kyrym tatar languages; c) kumyk languages. Ancient Turkic languages are orkhon – language; 2) oral groups: a) kazan tatar and tatar enisey monuments. language of region West Sibir; b) Kirgiz language. divided into four Middle Turkic languages – aral - kaspi group: a) groups: Kazakh language; b) ; c) nogay 1. Monuments were written on Karakhanid language; d) kypshak dialect of ozbek language; e) Turkic language . 2. Monument written on Centre Asia Turkic East Turkic languages - 1) ozbek language; 2) language; new uigyr language; 3) sary uigyr and . 3. Monument written on ancient Turkic False Turkic language – 1) altay language; 2) language; Abakan, chulum,shor languages: a)abakan language; 4. Monument written on Shagatay language. b)chulum ; c); 3) soyon Language monument of the Middle Turkic age and karagas language; 4) (include dividing such four groups depend on region of dolgon language). monuments, environment, languages and role of them Bulgar language – 1) gun languages, Dunay in social. We can say about it in short at the foot of bulgar language, Edil bulgar language; 2) Chuvash page. language. About, V-XV century inhabitance of Turkic Should preventive – it has differentiation tribes X-XV century were organized individual nation between classification and type of Turkic language. language. For example, “middle Turkic language” called XV-XVII century new Turkic language “memorial middle ages”, “west Turkic language” increased own nation language, created literary called “memorial written on ancient kypshak language, and XVIII- XIX century were whole language”, horezm Turkish language” say “ memorial developed and increased. XIX-XX century - many written on centre Asia Turkish language”. It has own Turkic language had worked as best quality literary causes. There are some explaining about it. 3 language age. Like a history of Modern Kazakh, F.S. Hakimzanov Bulgar language. Bulgar ozbek, Kyrgyz, tatar, bashkurt etc. languages. language history divided into three: initial likeness It has many materials written about many Turkic main Turkic V -VII century with organizing bulgar language and new Turkic language historic connecting union, it has continued till destroyed Bulgar. The each other and relationship. One of them should living of dunay, kuban, edil, (Volga) bulgaric in VII- distinguished table of dividing Turkic languages done IX century; languages influenced by other languages. by M.Kashkari, N.Ilminski, A. Remuza, A.Muller, N. IX-XIV century was Edil bulgar in history; Aristov, N.Katanov, F.Korsh, A. Samoilovich, P. compound languages outstanding, more functional Ivanov, A.E.Kremyski, V.A. Bogoroditski, I.Bencing, stype using connecting with form.4 I. Batmanov, S.Malov, N. Baskakov, M.Ryasenen, F. Zeinalov, K.Sartbaev etc. It has to get easy and so I haven’t stayed especially. The book “the basis Turkic 3 Languages of wold. Turkic languages. Bishkek. 1997. philological” has done including all of experience E.R.Tenishev Altay languages. Turkic language. It was last classification Turkic 4 Languages of wold. Turkic languages. Bishkek. 1997. language and decided offering for students: F.S.Hakimzanov Bulgar language. 1. Old Turkic language (Orkhon-Enisey language

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E.R. Tenishev gun’s language. Title of greek I.V.Kormushin Orkhon-Enisey written tongue. (Ptolomei, II century) in latin Gunny/hunny; on VII-VIII-X-XI century Orkhon-Enisey hadn’t changed Russian: Hunnu, Gunny etc.5 in own developing (ficsation) Orkhon-Enisey writing Between mongol and Black sea (before our days tongue and developed to three: ancient ages till VIII I-V). century, II-VIII century middle ages, last ages middle L.U.Tugusheva old Turkic language. Old uigur of IX century.9 literary language had been created by old Turkic V.G.Guzeev old anatoly Turkic tongue. Historic government shored on orkhon river in VI century periodization (G.Derpher): the middle VIII century – (mongol region). was organized Ogyz government on border Aral river; Uigur kaganat organizing connected star the Oguz languages are developed by one group of Turkic second ages with developing (VII) old uigur language. languages. X century – Seljuk had took on Islam faith, It has informed that were uigur runic written form and organized government in down of Syrdariya river; Shinesu and Sudzhi (mongol), VIII-IX century uigur starting Seljuk tribes (their generation: hora-san had been literary tongue till this age. Turkish; ; Turkish) after oguz (their Memorial was founded on Orkhon river generation-turkmeny). XI century – Seljuk had stayed compared with east group old Turkic languages are in Horasan and in conclusion they have saved similar. In the middle of IX century some group uigur differentiation for other till now. The win Mansikert tribes before migrated to east Turkistan and Kocho (1071) – beginning of conquer Anatoly and prince government generated, old uigur tongue was independence of west Seljuk from east Seljuk the last third age. It had been till XIII century (horasan Turkish). destroying Kocho government. 6 I part XIII century – beginning old Osman G.A. Abdurakhmanov Karakhanid-uigur literary (old Anat. Turkish literary).10 language. Karakhanid-uigur language is considered E.N.Nadzhip, G.F.Blagova Turkic language. old Turkic language; its ages had been with Turkic Turkic language dividing for three language ages: old Turkic language – V-X century., groups after shagatay tongue: ancient Turkic language – XI –XIII century., old Central Asia Turkic; ozbek, old Kazakh, old uigur, old Kirgiz, old Turkic Turkic of Edil shore ; and old karakalapak languages – XIV- XIX century, Norh Kavkaz Turkic language. modern ozbek (etc. languages Central Asia) – start II 1. Influenced developing Altyn orda Turkic. part of XIX century. 7 Turkic languages should had been periodization with E.N.Nadzhip, G.F.Blagova Mamluk-kipshak shagatay tongue, cause lived at the ending of XVII- language. Since II part of XIII century (came XVIII century. Western oguz by Abul Gazy material government Maluk- kipshak, and ended with come (shezhire and Turky); it has information aibiud dynasty). opposite to shagatay tongue. Kipshak written tongue organized on Egypt, by 2. Ending XVIII century- beginning XX century grammatical information one of his type saved on are organized ne literary centre. Dialect differentaion Tardzhuman –glossary etc. XIV century poetry of had influenced developing Turkic literary genre of mamluk-kipshak tongue was Sarayi Gulstan and prose Central Asia. government public materials had published on interference pirsh. Mamluk –kipshak developed on Turkic language. The basis of deleoping speech tongue arab- kipshak dictionary (XIV) in Ad- of Edil Turkish – Altyn Orda Turkish, they called dura al- mudia phil lugat at turkey, XV century are Turkic after destroying Altyn Orda. basis of terms. Shagatay tongue included element of Shagatay tongue are very influenced to every mamluk –kipshak tongues. The tongue of ages were ages of Turkic Edil shore. published on interpret Almankhalas – saphi about The periodization of Edil Turkic has two ages: Arabic troops and Munizhat- ul dugat.8 1) XVII- I part XIX century 2) II part XIX and beginning XX century were organized new tatar literary tongue and had done 5 Languages of wold. Turkic languages. Bishkek. 1997. reform of arabian writing. 11 E.R.Tenishev gun’s language. North kaukaz Turkish hadn’t periodization. 6 Languages of wold. Turkic languages. Bishkek. 1997. L.U.Tugusheva old Turkic language. 7 Languages of wold. Turkic languages. Bishkek. 1997. 9 Languages of wold. Turkic languages. Bishkek. 1997. G.A.Abdurakhmanov Karakhanid-uigur language. I.V.Kormushin Orkhon-Enisey written tongue. 8 Languages of wold. Turkic languages. Bishkek. 1997. 10 Languages of wold. Turkic languages. Bishkek. E.N.Nadzhip, G.F.Blagova Mamluk-kipshak language. 1997. V.G.Guzeev old anatoly Turkic tongue.

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G.F. Blagova Shagatay language. The 4. Discussion periodization of Shagatay language: till classic ages: Modern world science has other acts beside ending XIV century and XV century (sakkaki, lutfi, information gun or sak, altay origin of Turkic.13 For atom, hodzhandi, Said Akhmad, Haidar Horezmi, example, hypothesis about similar with shumer, Amiri, Yakyni, Godoi, Akhmadi). The age had been However, the history of Turkic language had more till the similar dialect a very big region, saving connected with history of social Turkic since during archaism, fresh language arabizm of grammatical and turkish kaganat, and in future will experience social lexical in communicate linguistic. Classic age: last linguistic on that times. In history of people should third XV century – XVI century (Alisher Nauayi, explain some ages connecting with history Turkic Husein Bkara, Hamidi, Shaibani, Ubaidi, language and follow it. Mukhammed Salikh, Mazhilisi etc.) Y.Ekman has Correspondence to: connecting a big poem Alisher Nauayi with the Maira Abibullakyzy Zhunissova beginning of age 1464 year. It was informed by many Department of Theory language and kazakh literature, arbaizm.12 st. M. Makataev 168/20, Kazakhstan. 3. Result Analysis. Telephone: 2-79—60-48 Periodization Kazakh language history: firstly, Emails: [email protected] should careful to creation Kazakh nation and process organize nation for explain the history Kazakh References: language (people language, organizing national 1. Zhunissova Maira Abibullakyzy RK, Almaty.e-mail: language). Kazakh people like other tribes had little [email protected] ethic group. It has organized from dad to ru, from ru 2. T.N. Ermekova, MA. Zhunissova Historical to union ru, from union ru to tribe, from tribe to union periodization of Turkic languages. Textbook for tribe, from union tribe to ulus, from ulus to nation. university. –Almaty. -2013. P. II. -p.103. 3. Languages of wold. Turkic languages. Bishkek. 1997. Secondly, origin of Kazakh language and E.R. Tenishev Altay languages. developing of Turkic are connecting with developing 4. Languages of wold. Turkic languages. Bishkek. 1997. general Turkic language. Scientists connecting History F.S. Hakimzanov Bulgar language. Kazakh language with history Turkic language (N. 5. Languages of wold. Turkic languages. Bishkek. 1997. Baskakov, A. Kaidar, etc) had noticed 6 ages: altay E.R. Tenishev gun’s language. age, gun age, ancient Turkic age, middle Turkic age, 6. Languages of wold. Turkic languages. Bishkek. 1997. new age, modern age. We can’t say whole age altay, L.U. Tugusheva old Turkic language. cause it hadn’t whole experienced just know: there 7. Languages of wold. Turkic languages. Bishkek. 1997. were Turkic-mongol, tungus-manchzhur, korea-japon G.A. Abdurakhmanov Karakhanid-uigur language. 8. Languages of wold. Turkic languages. Bishkek. 1997. languages. Some experience informed history Turkic E.N. Nadzhip, G.F. Blagova Mamluk-kipshak language had shumer age besides altay age. There language. historical writing memorial, writing badge Kazakh 9. Languages of wold. Turkic languages. Bishkek. 1997. language connecting Kazakh history are very I.V. Kormushin Orkhon-Enisey written tongue. important organizing as a nation, people. 10. Languages of wold. Turkic languages. Bishkek. 1997. The third, Kazakh tribe joining as nation, V.G. Guzeev old anatoly Turkic tongue. organizing Kazakh language was connecting with 11. Languages of wold. Turkic languages. Bishkek. 1997. organize first Kazakh handyk and XV-XVI century E.N. Nadzhip, G.F. Blagova Turkic language. 12. Languages of wold. Turkic languages. Bishkek. 1997. Kazakh tribes independent from kipshak union, nogay G.F. Blagova Shagatay language. union, after rising mongol on Kazakh region increase 13. Kosymova G. Theoretical Foundations of feudal-patriarh. Kazak people create as nation and periodization language. - Almaty. 2011. language as a nationa had started since II part XIX century and with Kazakh language organize nation literary language. Kazakh people – one of old people. 5/10/2014 Ancient history has much information about early history Kazakh people. Greek history has like information.

11 Languages of wold. Turkic languages. Bishkek. 1997. E.N.Nadzhip, G.F.Blagova Turkic language. 12 Languages of wold. Turkic languages. Bishkek. 13 Kosymova G. Theoretical Foundations of 1997. G.F.Blagova Shagatay language. periodization language. - Almaty. 2011.