
EAST DISTRICT COUNCIL THE GRANGE, NUTHOLT LANE, ELY, CAMBRIDGESHIRE CB7 4EE Telephone: Ely (01353) 665555 DX41001 ELY Fax: (01353) 665240 www.eastcambs.gov.uk NHS This matter is being dealt with by: NHS England - Midlands And East Anne James Swift House Hedgerows Business Park Telephone: 01353616241 Colchester Road E-mail: [email protected] Chelmsford My Ref: 20/00424/OUM CM2 5PF Your ref

30th March 2020

Dear Sir/Madam

Proposal: Outline application comprising access and landscaping to provide up to 115 dwellings comprising 35 CLT houses and 80 market houses (including 5no. self-build plots), commercial units - (Use Class B1(Business) and/or D1 (Non-residential Institutions - day nursery) - in the alternative), substation, multi-functional community building and football pitch, together with landscaping (including public open space) and associated infrastructure (with all other matters reserved) Location: Land At Camp's Field South Of Road Ely Cambridgeshire Reference: 20/00424/OUM

An application has been received by this Authority for the development described above.

You can view the application and supporting information on our Public Access page (http://pa.eastcambs.gov.uk/online- applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=summary&keyVal=Q7I0UHGGIYU00). Your comments should be submitted by 22nd April 2020. Any observations you may make will, under the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985, be available to the general public.

Please address any written correspondence direct to the case officer Anne James, alternatively you can email to [email protected]. Can you also ensure that you quote the reference for this application in your correspondence.

If you wish to discuss this proposal further, the case officer can be contacted on 01353616241.

Yours faithfully

Anne James Planning Consultant