Huaxi (West ) Medical University

Doctors of the College of Stomatology HuaxI Medical University attend patients.

President Cao Zeyi (right) of the unhrersity with graduat students.


The 76-year-old Huaxi Medical Univer• sity is situated in the southern suburbs of Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan Province. The university has six departments, three hospitals and 16 scientific research and testing centres includ• ing a laboratory for nuclear medicine. VOL. 29, NO. 34 AUGUST 25,1986 CONTENTS HIGHLIGHTS OF THE WEEK

NOTES FROM THE EDITORS 4 Improving the Party's Style of Work More on Improving the Party's Stvle of Work • A good start has been made in rectifying the Party's style of work, but much remains to be done in the next two years or so, in order to achieve the fundamental improvement necessary for EVENTS/TRENDS 5-8 the successful implementation of the policies of opening up to Bishop Tutu's Stay in China the outside world and revitalizing the domestic economy (p. 4). Adult Education Comes Into Fashion Desert Threat Recedes Minister for Public Security Spealts INTERNATIONAL 9-11 OPEC: Interim Accord Raises Hope • Ruan Chongwu tackles the questions of law and order, crime, South Africa: New Provocations prostitution, and the death penalty in China while meeting Censured foreign journalists (p. 12). Thailand: New Coalition Cabinet Formed US-Australia: Allied Relations China's Space Technology Takes Off Weakened • The first of two articles on space technology oullmes the great strides made in China over the last 30 years which have seen 18 Minister on Social Order in 12 successful satellite launches and orders from abroad. The China second introduces a space specialist and China's rocket and satellite factories (p. 21).

A Look at Modern Chinese 14 Sculpture Tutu in Beiji g • Archbishop Desmond Tutu, a Nobel peace laureate, who Ufting Off With Flying 17 made a one-week visit to China from August 8 to 15 observed Colours that China was not the rigid regimented society people imagined, but a society of diversity (p. 5).

Brains Behind China's 21 Space Industry Behind OPEC's Accord On Oil Production

• The eight-month ""oil price war" has ended with OPEC's Chronicle of China's Space 22 recent agreement on oil production quotas. There are lessons to Technology be learnt (p. 9).

Pictorial Centrefold

COVER: A Chinese telecommunications satellite being mounted on a carrier rocket. Zou Y!

ruDMHWo «very rronooy oy ... A.£ 99 no USA US$Z2JN BEIJING REVIEW AtMtw^n 24 fkiiwanxhuang Road, Bei|lng P.O. Box 399, Ming. Chine Hmw ZMkHid... NZ.$».I» The People's Repubfic of China NOTES FROM THE EDITORS More on Improving the Party's Style of Work

by An Zhiguo

he style of work of a party in investigations to see how seriously The CPC State Organ Party Tpower is not only a matter of they have been implicated in a Committee transmitted this letter life and death to the party alone. It crime. For instance, a serious case to Party organizations in the also concerns the future of the of smuggling by the Guangyu ministries, calling on them to country. It is only natural that Company under the Ministry of adopt effective measures to friends who are concerned with Astronautics Industry discovered overcome bureaucratism. Now, Chinese affairs should closely last February involved a minister, the office of the Stale Planning follow the development of the a vice-minister, five bureau Commission has markedly raised work style of the Communist officials and four officials at or its work efficiency; improvement Party of China (CPC). below the section level. Four of of varying degrees has also been those who violated the Criminal made by other state organizations. In January this year, we Law have been arrested with published a'n article in this column approval from the slate pro- • Initial results have been entitled Rectifying the Party's curatorial organization and dealt made in correcting malpractices in Style of Work." It discussed the with according to law. Former various industrial fields. These CPC"s efforts to restore and carry Minister Zhang Jun and Vice- refer to the abuse of power by forward the fine style of work Minister Cheng Lianchang. who officials in allocating materials in which was seriously distorted by committed serious bureaucratic short supply to satisfy personal the "cultural revolution." It also errors, were held responsible for interests. For example, some relayed the Central Committee's dereliction of duly and given a officials in the building trade lined call to central organizations and .serious warning by the Party. All their pockets by exaggerating the the Beijing municipal organiz• this demonstrates the principle costs of construction projects and ations to set an example in this that "no matter at which level they subcontracting work. Certain respect. are working, officials who have officials in the power industry, committed wrongs or crimes will taking advantage of energy Now, what has been achieved be dealt with severely and shortages, often cut power to put seven months later' On the whole, resolutely." Asa result, misgivings pressure on users and lo blackmail the campaign has been developing have decreased, and the saying them into paying more. In the well and some progress has been that "only files but not tigers will transport industry, some misused j made. Party committees from the be hit at" has been proved their power by dispatching motor centre down to the local levels unwarranted. vehicles to extort money and have placed the question high on materials from their clients. the agenda and are tackling it in a • Bureaucratism has been criticized and the work style of down-to-earth manner. Since the beginning of this year, offices has improved. Central Today, a situation in which the the post, telecommunications, government departments have whole Party is involved in railways and construction depart• sent thousands of senior and rectifying its style has begun to ments controlled by the central middle-level cadres on fact• take shape. The main results are as government have achieved initial finding tours at grass-roots, and to follows: results in discovering and solving help local units solve whatever serious problems and working out problems they may have. • A number of major viol• appropriate rules and regulations. ations of law and discipline have In May, Rcnniin /?/^«(; (People's Despite their efforts, much been investigated and dealt with. Daily) published a letter of remains to be done there Ofllcials, including a few senior criticism by six Communist Party are still many complaints about and middle-level Party cadres inembers, exposing the dilatory unhealthy developments. : in\olved in these cases have been style of work and low efficiency of duly punished according to Party the office of the Stale Planning • The "six evil trends" existing and government discipline. Some Commission, and offered their in Party and government organiz• ha\ been under judicial suggestions for improvements. ations have almost been brought

lill.ilNC. RtA If.W. NO, .4 EVENTS

Bishop Tutu's Stay in Ctiina

ishop Desmond Tutu of South black people by South Africa can B Africa, a Nobel peace laure• onl\e stronger resistance ate, made a one-week visit to among the people and more severe China between August 8 and 15. denunciation by the international touring the cities of , community." he added. Xian and Beijing. Zhao expressed his conviction Tutu and iiis wife came to China that the struggle of the South as iiucsN of the Three-self African people will achieve final Patriotic Movement Committee victory so long as people from of the Protestant Churches of various walks of life close ranks, under control. These trends refer China, the Christian Council of unite all possible forces at home to Party and government cadres China and the Chinese People's and abroad and adopt a variety of engaging in business or running .Association for Peace and forms and means in the struggle. enterprises; competing for im• Disarmament. He said, "by their perverse acts, ported limousines; indiscrimi• At his meeting with Premier the South African authorities are, nately sending people abroad; 7hao Ziyang on August 14, which as a Chinese saying goes, 'lifting a travelling on pLiblic funds; using he called the highpoinl of his visit rock only lo drop it on their own public money lo give dinners and lo China, Bishop Tutu was feel.'" gifts or making illegal gains. assured that the Chinese govern• The check put on these ment and people always sympa• Bishop lutu said that he was unhealthy trends has strengthened thize with and support the South very grateful to the Chinese the Chinese people's confidence in African people in their struggle people, who support the South the Communist Party. against apartheid and for racial African people in their struggle equality. against oppression and injustice, In short, while a good beginning The Chinese Premier strongly lie added that the people of South has been made to rectifying the condemned the South African Africa could learn much from the Parly's style of work, the goal of a authorities for stubbornly cont• Chinese people, who had thrown fundamental improvement has inuing their policy of apartheid. off the yoke of colonialism long not yet been achieved. According "The brutal suppression of the ago. to authoritative sources, the work in this regard will continue for at least two more years. At present, Tutu and wife on the Great Wall. efforts will be concentrated on investigating and tackling viol• ations of law and discipline, rectifying malpractices in different industries and improving the conduct of office staff Two years from now, while the existing unhealthy trends have been overcome, new ones may emerge and will need to be rectified. Looking to the future, we can see that this campaign must continue throughout the country's reform. Only by so doing can the policies of opening up to the outside world and revitalizing the domestic economy be implemen• ted successfullv. • EVEWTSARENDS

Zhao told Tutu: "You com• South African pcvj ic, who have College, and visited tli well- mand the respect of the South been carrying out a non-violent known Xujiahui Cathedral. He African people as well as the struggle against apartheid, are also preached to more than l,;H)0 people of Africa and the world as a now facing escalating violence catholics at the Community whole because you are in the van from the South African govern• i Chi: • h of Shanghai, appealling of the struggle against apartheid ment. Some 2,000 black people i'or Uie safeguarding of human together with the black people have been killed since the equality and dignity. there. We in China appreciate government promulgated the new Tutu also visited a factory, a your just cause and noble spirit. constitution. children's palace and peasants' The same day, Tutu delivered a Tutu told the Chinese audience homes. He also toured the Great speech at the Great Hall of the that although he is a Nobel peace Wall, where he told reporters that People in Beijing, reiterating the laureate and has been elected he jogs two or three miles a day. opposition of the South African Archbishop of Capetown, he has At the end of his visit. Tutu said people to the unjust society in no right to vote, while an 18-year- his China visit left an indelible South Africa. old white person can vote. impression on him. China is not the rigid regimented society He told the 600 people from Bishop Ding Guangxun (K.H. people imagined, but a society of different walks of life in the Ting) of China who accompanied diversity. People holding different Chinese capital that the South Tutu on the visit said at the views could exchange them and African government must lift the meeting that Chinese Christians live peacefully. state of emergency, release I are greatly concerned about their political prisoners, and negotiate black brothers and sisters in South And he said he was pleased to with the real representatives of the Africa who are suffering under see that people in China enjoy the people to work out a new apartheid day and night. freedom of religious belief. In constitution. Shanghai alone, there are 23 Tutu called on the international During his stay in China, Tutu churches. "I saw many people community to intervene and take said, he felt quite at home and he going to church on Sunday," he sanctions against South Africa. and his wife were blessed with love . said. The bishop told reporters He also urged the South African by their Chinese brothers and I when he left China for Jamaica, he government to act before it is loo sisters. carried away very happy mem• late. In Shanghai, Tutu called on ories and the obvious concern of On the situation in South Bishop Louis Zhang Jiashu, dean the Chinese people about the Africa, Bishop Tutu said that the of the Chinese Catholic Bishops situation in South Africa. •

Returned Taiwan Pilot Flies Mainland Route

Wang Xijue, a former cargo pilot for Taiwan's China Airlines and now a deputy director and deputy chief pilot for the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) made his first flight since coming to the mainland on August 10. Wang flew the Beijing-Shanghai route as captain of a CAAC Boeing 747.

liF:i.(ING Rnvi|-\V..\(). 34 Society does not forgive our Adult Education ignorance." With this approach, the "de• Comes into Fastiion layed generation" has returned to formal education with a determin• News in Brief A new edition of 68 articles ation to do better than others. '^written by the late hang Baifa, 51, is a labour hero Naturally they face many dif• Chairman Mao Zedang of national calibre and, as ficulties. Their children need them, Z between J921 and 1%5 will deputy mayor of Beijing, unques• their spouses need them, their he published in September tionably a prime mover behind the aging parents need them, but the on ihti 10th anniversary of city's burgeoning construction. time they can share with their his death. Some of the But for a number of years he loved ones is limited, and they feel articles have never been almost dropped from public view sorry about that. Zhang the published before. In ad• until late last month, when he hit deputy mayor, for example, went dition, other new books the headline as one of the first home once a week during his relating to Mao Selected leading municipal officials to be school years though he loved to I'AH-ms of Miio Jicf/tmg, awarded a university diploma. It stay with his family. "I had a poor RtuUing: Mao Zt-dtrng's was not easy, however, for this grounding in mathematics, and I tlohhy. and an English former construction worker with had to study late into the night in edition of Mao- !g^t^(mg: only a primary school education order to catch up with others," he Biography-Assessment-R^»- and a failing memory to said. Another young man, Wang inisccnce—arc lo be accomplish this. "Several times I Wcnxuan. has a father who is published next month. wanted to call it quits," he says hemiplegic, but he is too busy to laughing. "But at last I pulled look after him, and has to leave • • • this task to his wife, who also lakes through and graduated." onstruction of China's care of all the household chores. Zhang is just one of tens of largest heavy ion re• "Whenever I see other couples go C thousands of "night school" search laboratory is now in to cinemas or stroll in parks, I feel students in Beijing. According to full swing in Lanzhou, ill at ease. But love doesn't need to the Beijing Municipal Adult capital of Cjansu Province. U Education Bureau, more than say sorry. I will repay my dear wife with an excellent school report." is expccletl the work will be 20,000 people graduate from completed in l«)88. Built by evening universities, worker's For many other adult students, scientists of the Lanzhou colleges, the TV university and the problem is not so much In>iiiule of Modern Physics correspondence schools in Beijing emotional as financial. They have with a total investment of each year, nearly twice that of to pay for their tuition; some have 100 million vuan (about regular universities and colleges. had their bonuses docked because US$27 million), it will In these times of reform and their leaders don't support them in become China's centre for modernization. all people — their studies. Still, they press on experimental ion physics on old and young, rural and urban, with a purpose and steadfastness completion. ; workers and artists — need to typical of China's "delayed learn. Since China is still not in a generation." • « • position to build as many Wang Daji, 38, is a suburban Archaeologists in China universities as developed coun• Beijing middle school teacher who Miiave discovered part of a tries, and because the government is often seen riding a long-distance painting dating back 5.000 spends 200 to 500 yuan per student bus from his school to the Beijing years in Qinan County. in adult education each year as Normal College where he studies. Gansu Province. It is drawn against at least 1,000 yuan on Since classes finish after the last on the ground of one of the a regular university student, adult bus is gone, he has to spend three ruins ai Dadiwan in carbon education is seen as a practical nights a week on the'benches in the black. The painting shows a way to foster talented persons who waiting room of the Beijing man-like figure with long were denied the opportunity to Railway Station. hair, crossed legs and hands learn at an earlier age. There are Liu Xiaoling found herself more than 90 such schools in holding stick-like objects, a pregnant shortly after she started figure resembling a walking Beijing now. Most of the students her first year of study. She was so are over 25. One of them said. "We woman on his right and two sick that she could not get to animals underneath. are a delayed generation. But time classes for sometime. Unwilling to does not stand still just because we lose the hard-won learning lost important years of our lives opportunity, she asked her during the 'cultural revolution.' husband to attend the classes for


her and tape-record the lectures. "Historical records of the last Then she had twins, a son and a 200 years show that Beijing, a city daughter, who brought her double with a total area of 16,800 square China & the World happiness, but also double kilometres and an average annual Hu Yaobang Meets Kem- trouble. She couldn't sleep well rainfall of 645mm, is not a semi- ichi Koyama. Hu 'v'aobang. with the postnatal vocal duet of dry area, but a semi-moist area," General Secretary of the two crying babies. Sleep soon continued Chen, a 1964 graduate Chinese Communist Party, became a luxury for her. of the Lanzhou University on August 15. met Kemichi Examples like Wang and Liu Geology Department. Koyama, Japan's represen• are many, but are these people just Relying on data collected tative on the 21 St Century after a diploma? during the investigation, which Conimiltee Ibr China-Japan A poll indicates that 80.4 also included the three areas of Friendship, and told him | percent of students go to night Tangshan, Chengde and Zhang- thai it is for Prime | schools to "learn knowledge jiakou, Chen said sandy wasteland Minister Yasuhiro Naka- | systematically," 7.6 percent want occupied only three to five percent sone to decide against | to "work better," 6 percent are of, the total area of Beijing. paying homage Yasukuni | learning so that they can give their Because of continued afforest• Jinja Shrine. He said the children "a good upbringing," ation, the environment of Beijing decision shows respect for and 6 percent are seeking a was taking a turn for the better. the sentiments of the Asian diploma. Large-scale planting of trees people and history, it is Facts prove that the quality of and grass has been carried out in conducive to maintaining | such schools is good and many China since 1978. Thanks to the Japan's image as a defender students have become indispe• creation of three tree belts in of peace internationally, nsable members at their work• northeast, north and northwest conforms to the funda• places. Indeed, adult higher China, 10 percent of the country's mental interests of the education has now become part desert land is under control and Japanese people and will and parcel of higher education in conditions in another 12 percent stand the test of time. China. • are much better. Hu said, "We always held by Chen Dongjing However, scientists warn that thai the Japanese people are sandstorms still pose a serious also victims of Japanese threat to the Chinese capital and militarism. It is understan• the trend of desert growth in north dable for the Japanese to Beijing Desert China shoud not be overlooked. cheri-sh the memory of their According to these scientists, •relatives who died in the war Threat Recedes random felling of trees in some and pray for peace in various areas must come to an end and forms. They have our deep espite the threat of sand• greater efforts should be made to sympathy." D storms, Beijing is unlikely to plant trees and grass. become a desert — thanks to At the same time, they suggest Beijing Hosts Intern- I afforestation efforts over the past that more grass such as sweet ational Aviation Sym- | few years. clover should be planted on the posium. The Civil Aviation | This conclusion was reached by hills surrounding Beijing, instead Administration of China | 14 scientists of the Lanzhou of trees, and more winter wheat (CAAC) and the Mcdonnell I Desert Research Institute of the should be planted on the plain, Douglas Corporation of the I Chinese Academy of Sciences, instead of peanuts, sweet potatoes United States co-sponsored | who spent six months recently and potatoes, to prevent further a three-day international i investigating conditions in Beij• soil erosion. • aviation symposium beginn• ing, Tianjin and three rural areas ing on August 11 in Beijing. in north China. The more than 30 participat• "The issue of Beijing's sand• ing senior planning and storms has aroused universal management executives re• concern and caused a great deal of presented 12 foreign airlines argument over the past few years. and aviation manufacturers But the actual situation is not as from the United Slates, bad as some people imagine," Britain, Canada, West Ger• declared Chen Guangting, an many, the Philippines and expert of the institute and member . | of the group.


OPEC do so, the banks would find themselves on the verge of Interim Accord Raises Hope bankruptcy. OPEC has recently reached an agreement on oil Yet what has happened shows production quotas, thus showing the willingness of its that a sense of inter-dependence members to stabilize the world oil market and the world and co-existence finally prevails economy as well. over selfishness, which is precisely where the future hope of mankind lies. Thirteen years ago, in order to get a fair price for oil, OPEC n August 5, the 78th including Saudi Arabia, which has shocked the world by collectively O ministerial conference of the plenty of oil reserves and huge and sharply raising the price of oil. Organization of Petroleum Ex• capital, insisted on setting the This time in the same disadvan• porting Countries (OPEC), after OPEC production ceiling at 17.5 tageous situation, after many ups nine days of hard bargaining, million barrels per day, while the and downs, an accord was finally declared that 12 of its 13 member "minority," including Iran, at 15 reached, based on a compromise countries (Iraq excepted) had or 16 million barrels per day. proposed by Iran, the enemy of agreed to pare their oil output Consequently OPEC as well as the Iraq, which was allowed not to from the current level of 20 million non-OPEC countries suffered join the agreement. Mutual barrels per day to 16 million profoundly from this sharp price understanding and compromise barrels per day. This is an drop. The industrialized oil can help solve many complicated important step towards stabilizing producing and processing coun• problems. That is probably the oil prices and the world economy, tries themselves had to swallow second lesson one can draw from despite the fact that the cut is valid the bitter pill they intended for this event. for only two months — from others. Moreover, some big September to October. commercial banks in these Today the world is confronted countries have provided huge by many serious problems: peace Perhaps the first thing which loans to some of the developing and disarmament, social progress comes to mind is the realization countries. These include Mexico, and economic development, ter• of how closely humanity is bound Nigeria, Indonesia, Algeria and ritorial disputes, enviromental together in today's world. Modern Venezuela, all of whose foreign pollution, etc. If the spirit of transport and means of commun• earnings were mainly sincere and friendly consultation ication have made our earth from oil exports. The continual is honoured everywhere, the pace smaller, enveloping the whole decline in the oil price has made it of human progress towards world world in a unified network of very difficult for these countries to peace will surely become faster.• inter-dependence and co• pay off their debts. If they failed to by She Duanzhi existence. Mutual reliance and mutual development have become irresistable trends. The "oil price war" was sparked SOUTH AFRICA by a challenge from some ' non-OPEC countries, with Britain New Provocations Censured and Norway taking the lead. Dissatisfied with their share of the The fresh provocations of the South African authorities % world oil market, they decided to have angered the African people and aroused the concern increase their output unilaterally, of the international community. worsening an already unstable situation. As a result, OPEC began its "tooth for a tooth" retaliation by intentionally in• creasing its oil production on a aced with the international South African Foreign Minister large scale. This produced a huge F outcry against apartheid, the Pik Botha announced on August 5 oil glut and the price of a barrel of Pretoria regime has shown its that his government would oil plummeted to below eight horns. It is trying to bully some consider introducing import lic• dollars. In addition to the friction frontline countries of southern ences and a levy on goods from between OPEC and the non- Africa which are actively appeal• Zambia and Zimbabwe, and OPEC countries, OPEC itself split ing for mandatory sanctions threatened that tighter security into two factions. The "majority," against South Africa. measures would be imposed along


the South Africa-Zimbabwe bor• southern African countries' deter• bankruptcies as against 4,312 in der. As a result of this, Zambian mination to defend themselves in 1984. imports are piling up at the port of this economic war and in the face The dramatic slump in fixed Durban and Jan Smuts airport in of South African invasion. investment has exacerbated the J*>hannesburg, waiting for pay• The Tanzanian government has unemployment problem. Accord• ment of deposits. The cash offered to put its ports at the ing to a report issued by Cape deposits, 25 percent of the normal disposal of the landlocked front• Town University, the unemploy• customs duty or 25 percent of the line countries. The Angolan ment rate in South Africa reached value of the goods for duty free people are ready to launch an 23.6 percent in 1985 and will hit goods up to a maximum of offensive against the South 24.1 percent this year. Even white US$4,000, are only refunded when African invaders. Third world unemployment has become a South African customs authorities countries and the international serious problem, with 40,000 receive written proof that the community have given powerful whites losing their jobs between goods have arrived in Zambia. support to their struggle against March 1985 and March 1986. It is The deposit on one shipment apartheid. estimated that there are over already being held up amounts to 250,000 new job-hunters in the US$75,000. A spokesman for More and more white people in country each year. With no Renfreigat, a major South African South Africa have also opposed prospects of growth, the country freight carrier, said demands for the Pretoria regime. Many oppose cannot create jobs for either such large cash payments from its outrages. An increasing section blacks or whites. With sanctions, Zambia, a country critically short of South African businessmen the unemployment situation can of foreign currency, would lead to have lost their confidence in the only get worse. "chaos." country. The index of South The deterioratmg ccononuc African business confidence is situation will sharpen the contra• Zambian exports arriving at the now only three-quarters what it dictions between the minority South Africa-Zimbabwe border was in 1980. Gross fixed capital government and the South are now being meticulously investment fell by 40 percent last African people, intensify political checked at border posts. The year, and continues to decline. conflicts and destabilize state amount of goods subjected to South African papers report that power. The fascist moves of the normal spot-checks has increased nearly 200 corporations are in South African authorities will from 10 percent to around 50 various stages of disengagement. surely bring their own demise. • percent. Meanwhile, South Africa Last year there were 6,278 has announced that a licensing by Chang Qing system would be imposed on all exports from Zimbabwe and Zambia. By taking these retaliatory fHAILAND measures, Pretoria hopes to bring pressure to bear on its neighbour• New Coalition Cabinet Formed ing states. It also wants to demonstrate that it can reply with counter-sanctions and hit hard at A new Thai government formed hy Prem Tinsulanonda the frontline states. It hopes to was formally approved hy King Bhumipol Aduiyadej. indicate to the West that This is the third time Mr. Prem has led a Thai coalition international economic sanctions government since 1980. will harm neighbouring states even more than South Africa. At the same time the South African authorities have sent their ollowing the general election The Thai constitution stipulates agents to spy on the Tanzania F on July 27, the Democratic, that a general election must be Zambia railway, the Tanzania- Chart Thai, Social Action and held every four years. This 14th Zambia oil pipeline and road and United Democratic parties have election was scheduled to take rail bridges on the routes to become the four political parties place in April 1987. But on May 1, Tanzania. To the west. South with the most seats in the Thai 1986, following the government's African troops attacked the parliament. The Democratrc Party defeat in parliament on its land positions of the Angolan armed has taken 100 out of the 347 seats. transportation bill. Prime Mini• forces and civilians in Cuando- Chart Thai 63. Social Action 51 ster Prem Tinsulanonda announ• Cubango Province. However, and the United Democratic Party ced that he would dissolve the Pretoria has underestimated the 38, parliament and call on a general

1(1 BI-I.IINCJ RI viiW. NO M election. After the announcement, depression of recent years. The US largely on exports of agricultural the major parties entered into a trade protectionist policy has and mineral products. fierce contest for more seats. A brought serious trouble to the • total of 3.813 candidates from 16 Thai economy which depends by Ma Baolin political parties took part in the campaign, compared with 1,100 candidates in the 1983 election. Among them was a remarkable number of women candidates and candidates who had received a higher education. Prime Minister US-AIJSIRAI.IA Prem Tinsulanonda called on the electorate to exercise to the full Allied Relations Weakened their right to vote. Ignoring the interests of Australia, an allied country for almost 35 years, the US government has sold 4 million During the campaign, the tons of wheat to the Soviet Union at a knock-down price. leaders of the various parties were This action has cast a shadow over the future of US- allowed for the first time to speak Australian relations. for 30 minutes on TV and radio and also have a 20-minute electoral advertisement on TV. No party got an overall majority of everal hundred angry Aus• government against harming their seats in the 347-seat House of Stralian farmers, representing long-term strategic interests. Representatives, and the leaders wheat producers of the country, Hawke had proposed to of the major parties all wished to staged a demonstration in front of Canadian Prime Minister Brian take up the post of prime minister. the US Embassy in Canberra to Mulroney and Argentine Presi• However, since none of them protest against President Reagan's dent Raul Aifonsin to establish an could form a one-party govern• decision to sell off 4 million tons of alliance of non-subsidized wheat ment, the prime minister had to be subsidized wheat at a bargain exporting countries. Hawke's aim a non-partisan acceptable to all price. This action met strong is to put international pressure on parties. As the prime minister of opposition from its ally Australia, Washington and force it to give up the previous two governments and also one of the largest wheat- its sale plan. Some sources in a non-partisan, Prem Tinsulan• exporting countries, sending Australia have even suggested the onda was the obvious choice. At Australia's ever-growing resent• closing of US military bases as a first, some Democrats opposed ment towards the United States to bargaining chip. a new high. the nomination of Prem as head of In order to show the unity of the next government. But the Food exports play an important opinion across the political Chart Thai, Social Action and part in Australia's national spectrum, the Australian govern• Rassadorn parties supported economy. The wheat sale by the ment sent a parliamentary deleg• Prem and threatened to form a United States to the Soviet Union, ation of all parties, led by Federal new government without the which is Australia's largest wheat Primary Industry Minister John Democrats. Under pressure, the purchaser, means Australia might Kerin, to the United States. But Democrats finally gave in. possibly lose its biggest customer. Reagan has taken no notice and is This will worsen the already sticking to the sale plan. The new cabinet is composed of difficult Australian economy, and five deputy prime ministers and y) People may remember that threaten many farmers with when Hawke visited Washington ministers and deputy ministers bankruptcy, bringing with it more from the Democratic, Chart Thai, earlier this year, Reagan said the unemployment and social United States would never edge Social Action and Rassadorn upheaval. parties together with non• Australia out of the wheat market. partisans. Leaders of the four Soon after the news of the US Five months later came the US sale of subsidized wheat to main parties hold the top posts in wheat sale reached Australia, Australia's main wheat importer. the new governent. Prime Minister Bob Hawke sent a strong protest to President No wonder The new coalition will take Reagan, asking him to think again Hawke complained recently that measures to improve the Thai about his decision. Hawke later US politicians are "0 bunch of economy, which has been affected telephoned US Secretary of State hypocrites." • by the worldwide economic George Shultz, warning the US by Luo Yiqing


Minister on Social Order in Cliina

n June 20, China's Minister of before the courts have dropped areas. Population flows in some O PubUc Security Ruan dramatically and the number of cities have increased many times Chongwu was invited to a criminals reduced. Today between over. Along with the increase in luncheon given by the Chinese 400,000 and 500,000 criminals are the number of petty traders and Journalists' Association, at which discovered and arrested annually, purchasers, the circulation of he met foreign journalists workinu representing a crime rate of about money and materials has gone up in Beijing and answered their 0.53 per thousand people, the correspondingly. We are consider• questions. lowest in the world. ing adopting measures to tighten control over temporary urban Lowest Crime Rate Correspondent: Has crime in• dwellers and to strengthen order in creased this year? If so, why is this? public places. Ruan: The crime rate in the first Correspondent: Would you half of this year was some what Correspondent: Can public secur• please say something about the higher than that of last year. ity departments carry out random crackdown on crime? What is the Between 70 and 80 percent of searches of Chinese citizens? crime rate in China? criminal cases involved larceny. Ruan: China's Constitution stipu• Ruan: Since serious action was This has something to do with the lates that the freedom of the taken to deal with criminal big increase in the movement of person of citizens of the People's activities in 1983, cases brought people and property in the urban Republic of China is inviolable.

BFIJING RHVinW. NO. M and that "unlawful deprivation or solving criminal cases? Do police among the people, such as a street restriction of citizens" freedom of arrest people indiscriminately in quarrel or the theft of things, their person by detention or other order to meet such targets? first thought is to call the police at means is prohibited; and unlawful Ruan: No targets are set for the local station. While office search of the person of citizens is clearing up cases in China. Our workers have their hours, we work prohibited." As an organization rate of solving crime is generally round the clock. Because we give enforcing the country's laws, a about 70 to 80 percent. In some devoted service to the people and public security institution is not regions the rate is 90 percent or they need us, we therefore have a allowed to conduct unlawful even 100 percent. There have good image among them. If one of searches. If. however, there is the never been cases in which people us does something detrimental to need to investigate a criminal case, have been arrested indiscrimi• the image of the police, he or she then search of the persons nately in order to meet targets. will be severely punished once involved, conducted according to Correspondent: Will China cont• their wrong doings have been law, is quite another matter. inue the practice of open trial? investigated and confirmed. Those Correspondent: Why do security Ruan: It depends. Some cases need who violate the Criminal Law will personnel lap foreigners" tele• to be tried in public, others not. be subject to the punishment of the phones and shadow them? Generally speaking, a consider• law. Ruan: I don't know that such able number of representatives of Correspondent: During the "cul• things happen. If you discover the people are present at each trial. tural revolution" and the reign of that you are being shadowed by the gang of four, the Ministry of someone, please tell me. Correspondent: Will China cont• inue the practice of parading Public Security was manipulated criminals who have been senten• by Kang Sheng, Xie Fuzhi and Death Penalty Cannot ced to death through the streets to others, and they persecuted and expose them? murdered a large number of good Be Abolished Ruan: No, we won't. We have in people, thus tarnishing the image fact stopped doing it. of the Ministry of Public Security. Correspondent: Many foreigners Correspondent: When did you Do the Chinese people have find China's slogan "execute one stop doing it? confidence in the present Ministry as a warning to a hundred" Ruan: Sometime ago. of Public Security? incomprehensible, feeling that it Ruan: During the "cultural goes against the principle that "all revolution," the Public Security citizens are equal before the law." The Policeman's Image Ministry, the Procuratorate and What do you have to say about the Law Courts were disbanded. that^ Correspondent: How many Public Security Ministry person• Ruan: Those who have committed policemen are there in China? nel were dismissed. The ministry very serious crimes that warrant Ruan: China has 1.2 million was, therefore, itself a victim. the death penalty must be put to security personnel, of whom After the "cultural revolution," death: of course, nobody proved 600,000 are-armed policemen. we tried our best to perfect the innocent should be executed. The Correspondent: Six months ago, legal system. Public security Chinese saying "execute one as a you said you had criticized certain organizations have done a great warning to a hundred" means security personnel for abusing deal to enforce the law, maintain• killing one in order to educate the their power to beat up innocent ing public order and protecting man>. people. Does this still go on? What people's basic rights. The people Correspondent: This slogan easily is the image of the police among are thus satisfied with and have produces misunderstanding. the people? confidence in us. Could you drop it'.' Ruan: There have been cases of Correspondent: Arherican police Ruan: We will look into it. security personnel violating disci• are notorious for their corruption. Perhaps doing as you suggest can pline and law, but there are That police generally are engaged avoid misunderstandings. exceptions. China has more than 1 in criminal activities has perhaps Correspondent: Will China con• million policemen. I can't guaran• become a worldwide problem. Is sider abolishing capital tee that no one of this number will this a serious problem in China? punishment? not break the law. On the whole, Ruan: It is only an exceptional Ruan: Capital punishment cannot however, our security people are a case that a pliceman engages in be abolished at present. Being very good contingent. China's economic crimes. I cannot say that benevolent to criminals means policemen are decent and honest. no one has done so because a being cruel to honest and decent So far. there has been no case of policeman is also a human being. people. our police using tear gas or water But whenever such a case arises, Correspondent: Do public secur• cannon against the populace. ity departments set targets for Whenever something happens f Continued on p.

1.^ A Look at Modern Chinese Sculpture

by Xin Yong

oday the living standards ot the the Red Army held an historic lurther work, has merely made TChinese people are rising year meeting at Zunyi. Ciui/hou good use of the original shape and by year. They nt) longer liave to Province, which marked a turning texture of an unusual stone to worr\h about food and point lo victory, and thai is why indicate the general's face and his clothing, and are beginning lo pay the monument is situated there. intlexiblc will. His thick fur hat moreattenlion to beautitVing their In the 17lh century, the Chinese evokes memory of the difficult en\ironment. More and more national hert> Zheng Cheng- struggle of the northeast Anti- street gardens and green \erges are giMig fought all his life to drive .lapancse United Army in the appearing in cities: and ponds, the Dutch out of Taiwan, and lo immense forests and snowfields 40 fountains and Hower beds are recover the island. Now a statue of vearsagt). A Tibetan Woman, also springing up at factories and in the national hero of the Ming and produces the same effect. villages. At the same time Qing dynasties lowers aloft on a In recent years, some sculptors scupltures are seen everywhere. hill in , a coastal city in have created abstract works, such Some depict people's daily lives southeast China. It measures I?.7 as the sculpture Life by Wu with a touch of realism or in an metres in height and faces Taiwan Mingwan, a teacher in Sichuan abstract way. others are for across the ocean. When a ship sails Academy of Fine Arts. He says: decoratixe or commemorali\ into Xiamen Harbour, the statue "The sculpture Life looks like a purposes. .Some are fresh and is the first thing passengers sec; its sturdy seedling, a growing embryo \ei>. others solemn and right arm behind its back, or a healthy woman. In a word. 1 dignilled. standing tail and firm and with hope to make use of the method of resolute eyes. abstraction to_ show the growing up of a new life and its increasing Innumerable revolutionary I'ishcrwoindn. /.huhai. is based strength."" martyrs have given their lives for on a fairy tale. In the blue sea. a their motherland in battles against typical oriental fishing woman Although environmental sculp• mvaders and reactionary rulers, raises her arms high holding out ture is a new art form in China, wc and they will always be remem• pearls beside high rocks. Nine can find its ancient '"roots"" in our bered by the people. metres high and looking beautiful counlry. When wc look at the and full of vigour, the sculpture sculptures we arc reminded of the Fifty-two years ago. to fighl the compares favourably with the Oin Dynasty terracotla warriors Japanese invaders, the Cliinese Duiii^hter of the Sea of Hans and horses in Fmperor Qin Shi Workers" and Peasants" Red Christian Andersen. Huangs tomb of more than 2.000 Army started the famous 12.?()()- years ago; the Yungang Grottoes Yunnan is a multi-national kilometre Long March despite carved 1.400 years before and of province where 24 nationaliiies pursuit and attack by the the stone horses and figures including the Hans. Yis. Dais. Kuomintang. The Monument Ui standing on both sides of the Ming Yaos and Was. live in harmonv the Ri'il Army Martyrs was Tombs, which date from I.16X- while retaining llieir own national erected to cherish the memory of 1644. The difference is that the cultures and customs, and this is those revolutionary martyrs who modern works refiect the features expressed well in .1 Celebration of died on it. The ring sculpture of our own age and so convey Mational I'niiv erected in Kunm• relives episodes of the Long more lo us. ing, the capital of Yunnan March — forced crossing of the Of course, there "are also Province. Wujiang River, welcoming the examples of unsuccessful sculp• Red Army, great victory in Harmony between the subjecl tures ill-fit lo Ihe environment, Loushan i'ass and crossing the matter and ihe shape and colour of and some are done in a rough and Chishui River on four occasions. a stone used often works arlislic slipshod way. As lime goes by. the It expresses lofty sentiments using wonders in sculpture. Look at A good works will remain and the both Western and (liinese Bust of Yan'^ ./ln<^vii (19(),s-4()). poor ones will fall by the wayside. techniques. On the Lona. March. Here the sculptor, vviihout anv


A bust of Yang Jingyu, an Japanese hero, in Beijing. Monument to the Red Army Martyrs, Zunyi, Guizhou Province.

China's Landscaping Sculptures

With the development of the country's economic construction and the building of socialist culture and ethics, China has created a number of sculptures in cities across the land to beautify the environment and gradually meet its people's cultural needs. Here is a sampling of some of the sculptures that have been recently erected for this purpose.

Monument to Revolutionary Martyrs in Nanjing, Jiongsu


(Continued from p. 13 ) Ruan: That is not true. Those who Chunqiao? Can Zhang get out of we deal with it. We make high want to spread rumours are many. bed and take a walk? demands of the police. Don't give credence to them; stress Ruan: They both are quite healthy Correspondent: Are there any should be placed on facts. It is although they are advanced in requirements in regard to the dangerous to believe every years. I haven't heard that Zhang cultural level of your security rumour. cannot get out of bed and go for a personnel? Correspondent: More than one walk. He will be treated if he falls Ruan: We want all police officers person has told me this. sick. to have a university or college Ruan: You should not think that Correspondent: Has he con• education, but we have not because many people say the same tracted any illness? reached this level yet. At present thing, it becomes a fact. A rumour Ruan: Since he is at an advanced about one-fifth of police officers does not become a fact even it is age, he suffers a little from the have reached university or college repeated a thousand times. diseases of old age. level. We are working towards Correspondent: Will you go there Correspondent: What is Jiang more specialized schools and and see for yourself? Qing's attitude? Does she show vocational education to improve Ruan: I have been to many places any signs of repentance? training. to look into things at the grass• Ruan: Jiang Qing's attitude is roots in order to solve practical irrelevant now. People like her are The Biggest Challenge problems. I do not listen to reports unlikely to have any intention of Correspondent: As a newly only; instead, I often go and mending their ways. appointed minister, what is the conduct investigation to see biggest challenge you face in your whether what someone says is Correspondent: ll is said that work? true. 1 iiever believe rumours. Jiang Qing is compelled to make Ruan: The biggest challenge at the cloth dolls in prison. Is that true? moment is the need to solve the Ruan: (Shaking his head) Did you problem of crime. Efforts should How the Gang of Four learn that from an Italian be made to reduce the crime rate correspondent's report? How and to make people feel secure. I Are Getting Along could he know Jiang Qing is hope I will get support from the Correspondent: How are the gang making cloth dolls? Maybe he saw various sections of society. Public of four getting along? Are they it through the crack in a door. security is a social problem, the allowed to read books and solution of which cannot be newspapers? achieved by relying on the police No Political Prisoners Ruan: The gang of four are serving alone. We must also make use of terms of imprisonment. They are Correspondent: According to an social forces, including education allowed to read books and estimate of Amnesty Intern• and economic growth. newspapers and to watch TV in ational, China has hundreds of Correspondent: Thousands of prison. We are taking good care of thousands of political prisoners. Is visitors from other parts of the them. We treat them much better this estimate correct? How many country who come to appeal to the than they treated us. political prisoners are there in authorities in Beijing gather at Correspondent: How much China? Yongdingmen every day. Are you money do you give them each aware of this? Ruan: None. We only have month? criminals, no political prisoners. Ruan: The number of visitors is Ruan: Criminals are given no Correspondent: When the Sep• not so great. There are people who money. They have good food and tember 18 incident and the come to Beijing every day, to seek good living conditions. December 9 movement were solutions of their problem, or to Correspondent: Are our corre• marked last year, were any lodge a complaint against some• spondents allowed to cover them? students arrested or expelled? body, but the number of people is Ruan: 1 don't think there is much Ruan: No. not as great as you suggest. hope of foreigners being able to Correspondent: Recently two Correspondent: Some of those visit them. Beijing university students were visitors have told me that they Correspondent: How about the arrested. Can they be counted as have been beaten up by the police. health of Jiang Qing and Zhang political prisoners? Did you know that? Public security is a social problem, which cannot be solved by relying on the police alone. It is also necessary to use social forces, including education and economic growth.


"Reform ttirough labour" and "education through labour" are two different concepts. The former involves punishment according to the Criminal Law. The latter, dealt with through admini• strative measures, is essentially a matter of education.

Ruan: The two students are What punishment is meted out to Ruan: Where there are foreigners, absolutely not political prisoners; those who abet prostitution? there are likely to be problems they are economic criminals. One Ruan: Because the problem of concerning foreigners. of them tried to swindle others out prostitution is handled by the Correspondent: With regard to of money in petty trade. When this relevant local government depart• "education through labour," we failed he tried to run away. Having ments, I cannot give an accurate have heard that a public security violated the law, he, of course, figure. It is necessary to educate department can hand down a could not go unpunished. The women prostitutes and punish sentence of "education through other student is also an economic those who live off immoral labour." Do they pass sentence criminal. They have not really earnings according to the without a trial by the judicial been active politically. Criminal Law. What punishment departments? should be meted out depends on the seriousness of the case. Ruan: Reform through labour and Correspondent: Is it necessary to "education through labour" are mete out severe punishment? Are two different concepts. The latter you in favour of this? is dealt with through administra• Prostitution and Other Ruan: I suggest you read China's tive measures and is essentially a Problems Criminal Law. Abettors should be matter of education. The former severely punished according to the involves punishment according to provisions of the law. I think they the Criminal Law, and cases Correspondent: Does prosti• should be severely punished, but should be handled by the judicial tution exist in China today? How we must handle their cases departments. "Education through are prostitutes punished? according to the law, and not as we labour" committees are set up in Ruan: Prostitution has resurfaced might wish. Chinese government at all levels. in recent years. Although it had Correspondent: The Standing Public security departments take long been a thing of the past, it has Committee of the National part in the work of these reappeared because, following the People's Congress recently pro• committees and the representative implementation of the open policy mulgated a decision on prosti• of a public security department is in China, negative influences from tution, calling for severe punish• only a member of the committee various areas have increased as the ment for those who abet concerned. mobility of people increased. prostitution. Does this show that Correspondent: What is the Nevertheless, prostitution is prostitution has become a serious longest time limit for "education exception. We do not arrest girls problem? And to what degree? through labour"? who are prostitutes, but take them Ruan: It would be a serious Ruan: Three years. "Education in and educate them. problem even if there is only one through labour" is an administra• Correspondent: Does prosti• person engaging in prostitution. It tive penalty. The period is tution come about as a result of is absolutely impermissible. Gen• equivalent to three years' study in the open policy? Does it occur in erally speaking, the number of a senior middle school. such open cities as Shanghai and prostitutes is very small and they ? are not a national problem. Correspondent: What are the Ruan: The open policy has indeed Correspondent: Are there any differences and relations between invited some negative influences. foreigners who take part in the Ministry of Public Security Therefore the wider the door of a prostitution? How would foreign and the Ministry of State Security? city is opened, the more attention prostitutes be dealt with? Ruan: The Ministry of Public should be paid to the emergence of Ruan: There are both Chinese and Security is in charge of law and such problems. foreigners engaging in prosti• order, traffic safety and fire Correspondent: How do things tution. They should all be control. The Ministry of State stand in Beijing? punished according to Chinese Security is in charge of anti- Ruan: Things are much better in law. espionage work to protect na- Beijing. Correspondent: In which cities do donal security. The two ministries Correspondent: How many foreigners take part in do not have much connection with women engage in prostitution? prostitution? each other in their work. a

16 BHIJING RFVIFW. NO. 34 SPACE INDUSTRY Lifting Off With Flying Coiours After 30 years of independent hard work, China can now develop and launch its own satellites. Since 1970, it has successfully sent 18 satellites into space and is beginning to launch satellites for other countries.

by Sun Jiadong

hina began developing its satellite China launched in up a satellite of the same weight Castronautics industry in 1956 October 1984, After it was and tracking the satellite is more and launched its first man-made successfully positioned above the difficult. The United States and satellite in 1970. Since then it has equator at 103 degrees east other Western countries share a sent 18 satellites into space, with longitude, it began trial trans• continuous tracking network only one failure in 1974. mission for telecommunications, around the equator, and the China is the fifth country in the radio and television. The results Soviet Union uses a fieet to track world to develop and launch man- were better than expected. The its satellites round the globe. made satellites independently, the satellite started formal operation China's tracking system is based third to be able to retrieve on July 8. on its own territory alone. Thus, satellites, the fourth to launch when the satellite is on the other multiple satellites with a single Compared with other countries, side of the earth, China's scientists rocket, and the fifth to launch China encountered more dif• have to rely on counting to know geostationary satellites with its ficulties in launching its tele• when it will reappear in their own carrier rockets (see box on pp. communications satellites. The sphere. The accurate positioning 22-23). inclination of China's launching of the satellite attests to the The East Is Red II telecom• site is 28 degrees. 2 degrees more sophistication and reliability of munications satellite launched than that of its counterparts in China's launching,;ind controlling on February 1 in Sichuan France and the United States. The systems. Province's Xichang area embodies larger launching angle means that The telecommunications sat• China's latest achievements in a stronger thrust is needed to send ellite was launched by the China- space technology. Its successful launch indicates that the satellite's Sun Jiadong observing tlie satellite in orbit. structure, the means of delivery and the ground control and launching systems were all up to their designed standards. The strong beam antenna used by the satellite is able to cover all of China's territory with its signals. The launching power of the satellite is the same as that of the International IV and Inter• national V. the most advanced telecommunications satellites in the world, but with transmission of clearer television pictures. Its communication capacity is five to six times higher than the experimental telecommunications

The iiulhor is an expert in space technology, chief satellite designer and vice-minister of the Astronautics Industry.

Xt'GtiST 2.S. 19S6 17 developed Long March III (CZ-3) experts from China in the early better" development principle three-stage liquid-propellent car• 1960s. This situation compelled conforms with its actual con• rier rocket. With a diameter of China to take the road of self- ditions. The development and 3.35 metres and 43 metres long, reliance to develop its then launching tests of large rockets the rocket is a large multi-purpose embryonic space industry. In the and space crafts are enormously low-temperature carrier rocket. past two decades and more, in expensive. Without a material With a lift-off mass of 202 tons, it order to catch up with the foundation as solid as that of the has restarting and manoeuvring advanced world level of space United States, the Soviet Union functions. It also able to launch technology, large numbers of and other developed countries, 1.430-kg telecommunications sat• scientists and technicians have China has not been able to ellites and send up planetary worked long and hard under harsh conduct frequent launching tests probes of one ton to space with the conditions and achieved rapid and has had to make the most second cosmic velocity. The progress. detailed studies possible from and engine of the rocket is fueled by most extensive preparations for its liquid hydrogen and liquid Second, the socialist system has limited launching tests. Chinese oxygen, a method mastered only enabled China to concentrate its scientists have tried their best to by the United States, France and technological superiority and control the quality of each link in China. limited material resources on the work in order to make every developing the most advanced launching a success. They have branches of science and tech• also tried to limit their research to Self-Reliance nology badly needed by the state. the varieties most practical and The system also makes nationwide needed in China. Many foreign scientists and co-operation possible. Take the China watchers have been amazed launching of the long-distance From the very beginning, China at China's ability to master space carrier rocket on May 10, 1980, has attached importance to the technology — a synthesis of all for example. This was a scientific work involved prior to testing and branches of science — with a test of an unprecedented scale in to data collecton. The scientists comparatively low industrial level China and involved more than 30 began studying the key technology in such a short period of time. economic, scientific and military and ground control facilities of China's success can be attributed departments from 27 provincial- man-made satellites in 1958. The to the following three reasons: level administrative regions. More possession of a large amount of First, the Chinese people's than 1,000 enterprises and scien• technological data has laid a solid determination and talent has tific research institutes also foundation for the development of made it possible for the nation to directly participated in the project. all kinds of space crafts. It has also rely on its own forces to develop its Before the test, scientists provided shortened the time involved in space technology. In spring 1956, accurate geodesic parameters and developing each model of these under the guidance of Premier went on four expeditions on the crafts. Thanks to these efforts, Zhou Enlai, a 12-year scientific open ^sea. The State Maritime China's scientists took only a bit and technological development Bureau, the Ministry of Commun• more than four years to develop plan was drawn up that in• ications and the navy organized a the first satellite and seven years corporated rocket and jet tech• large fleet responsible for escort• for the first retrievable satellite. nology into the state key projects. ing, guarding, measuring, rescuing Deducting the 10 years of the In October the same year, led by data carrier telecommunications, "cultural revolution" (1966-76), it Vice-Premier Nie Rongzhen, hydrologic survey and meteor• took China only 10 years to send China's first rocket research ological observation for the test. up its more complicated tele• institute was . founded and pre• The Ministry of Posts and communications satellite. Telecommunicaliqns and the paratory work began on building In developing its space industry, Headquarters of the General Staff a rocket manufacturing base and China proceeded from its actual of the People's Liberation Army launching site. In May 1958, conditions and the needs of put to use 5,000 telecommunica• Chairman Mao Zedong proposed socialist construction. Given its tion stations and employed tens of that China develop and launch its vast territory and complex thousands of telecommunica-tion own satellites and that this too, be geological conditions, China workers on the telecommunic• incorporated into the state plan. badly needs to use advanced ation network, ensuring that the scientific means and technology to In the 1950s, Western countries command system would work upgrade its methods of conducting imposed an economic and tech• unimpeded and all the inform• natural resources investigation, nological embargo on China. That ation would be transmitted geological surveys and meteo• problem was compounded by the accurately. Soviets when they scrapped their rological observations, and to contracts and withdrew their Third, China's "fewer but improve its telecommunication


and broadcasting services. China's rising space industry has made tremendous contributions to the nation's modernization. The remote-sensing reconnaissance survey satellite has provided large amounts of accurate, useful pictures of the country's territory, environment and mineral re• sources, as well as reliable data for urban construction, the construc• tion of large projects, grassland and livestock breeding planning, the estimation of large areas of agricultural production and the forecasting of natural disasters. It has also provided information on changes in the ecological environ• ment, geological disasters and environmental pollution.

Opening to the World

China's open policy has broad• ened the vistas of its space industry. In 1980, at the 31st conference of the International Astronautical Federation, the China Astronautical Society was accepted as a member of the federation with voting rights. In 1983, four Chinese space scientists were elected officers of the International Astronautical Federation. One of them, Yang Jiachi, was elected executive vice- president of the federation. At the federation's 36th conference last October, 12 Chinese space scien• tists were elected full members of the International Academy of Space Science. The 36th confer• ence of the International Astro• nautical Federation also decided then to hold the 40th conference in Beijing in 1989. About 1,000 space experts from round the world are expected to attend the meeting. A symposium on the development and application of space science and technology in the Pacific region, sponsored by the China Astronautical Society, the Amer• ica Astronautical Society and the Japanese Rocket Society, will also be held in Beijing next June. To date, China's space circle has Industry, said the China-made gradually open to the world for increased its contacts and ex• Long March II and Long March academic exchanges and tech• changes with its counterparts III carrier rockets would enter the nological co-operation. abroad, and has signed govern• world market and China would Limited by China's underdevel• mental and non-governmental co• launch satellites for other coun• oped economy, its space industry operation agreements with many tries. Soon afterwards, the Great is not likely to develop on a large other countries for space projects, Wall Industrial Co., which is in scale in the near future. The and it has established bilateral or charge of the ministry's foreign priority of the nation will be given multilateral relations with these economic relations and trade, to developing and launching countries. At the end of May this received interested responses from practical satellites needed by the year, the Ministry of Astronautics more than a dozen countries, state, particularly satellites for Industry signed a memorandum including Sweden, Indonesia, territory surveys, meteorological with the European Space Agency Australia, Italy and Argentina. observation, telecommunications to the effect that the two sides will The Great Wall Industrial Co.has and broadcasting services, re• co-operate in future space pro• already agreed to launch a postal sources investigation and scien• grammes involving satellites, satellite for Sweden. The company tific experiments. Efforts will also space laboratories and manned is currently holding talks with be made to improve carrier space shuttles. Prior to this, China other countries and is expected to rockets and develop rockets with had signed bilateral governmental reach agreement with two Amer• larger thrust and new space crafts or ministerial-level co-operation ican companies. and means of delivery, including agreements with the To expand exchanges with manned space shuttles. At the organization's member states, other countries, China's rocket same time efforts will be pooled to including Italy, France, Britain production plants, satellite manu• turn out more space industrial and and Federal Germany. facturing factories, satellite civilian products to meet the needs In October last year, Li Xue. launching sites and scientific of both domestic and interna• minister of the Astronautics research institutes will also tional markets. •

The assembly shop for the carrier rocl

BRIJINCi RFiVinW. NO. 34 SPACE INDUSTRY Brains Behind China's Space industry by Our Correspondent Han Baocheng and Guest Correspondent Zhou Ziyuan

In the past China's satellite research and construction was secret. This has gradually been declassified as the country has opened its doors to the world. The following is a report on a recent visit to satellite scientists, research institutes and factories.

ocated in Zhongguancun in the movement, so they went to work L northwest of the capital, the at night. After a long period of Academy of Space Technology's studies, Zou, based on the Beijing Institute of Control principle of gyroscopic and ele• Engineering, which is affiliated ctronic inertia, advanced a new with the Ministry of the Astronau• circuit theory for scanning the tics Industry, is the birthplace of earth-chord centre. He also China's satellite control system. devised an earth signal centre Zou Guangrui, 52, satellite installation, which ensured that a control system chief designer and satellite's aerial was not affected head of the Beijing Institute of by changes of the satellite in orbit Control Engineering, said the and was always directed at earth. institute consists of eight research An important reason for the offices and a processing factory, failures of foreign rocket launch- and it has a staff of 800, of whom ings was interference from the sun. 400 are engineers and assistant The satellite in orbit receives 300 engineers, including 30 senior ones times the amount of sunshine that most of whom have graduated it does on earth. In order to from universities since the found- examine the quality of the infra• iniz of the People's Republic in red horizon sensor and determine 1949. whether it could withstand the Zou Guangrui Zou was born into a poor family interference of sunshine, Zou and in Liaoning Province. He has static experiments on the atomic his team had to perform a series of taken quite a fancy to mathema• bomb. Since then he has been in tests on the ground first. Though tics since he was a child and always charge of many important and information on such tests is kept excelled in his studies. He finished successful research projects and secret by other countries, after one middle school courses in only four experiments. In 1970, he began to year's experiments, they had years, two years earlier than research satellite control systems collected all the needed data. normal. He then entered the and became a leader of the control Harbin Industrial University, systems group of 32 members. where he majored in automatic At that time, Zou said, much of Rocket Factory controls and again did exceedingly the developed world imposed a well in his studies. After blockade on technological inform• In 1956, China built its first graduation in 1960, Zou turned ation and exercise on China, the rocket research department and down an opportunity for advan• embargo compelled Zou and his the carrier rocket assembly factory ced studies at the Automatic colleagues to look up all reference under the Ministry of Astronau• Control Research Institute of the materials available at home for tics Industry in Beijing. Chinese Academy of Sciences in research into the sun sensor and The factory's spacious, high- favour of a job working for infrared horizon sensor, the most ceilinged workshop is installed China's space technology. He important surveying instruments with advanced equipment and is took the job, he said, because he for control, which determine the now the site of construction for the thought he could learn more from precision of satellite operation. Long March-II carrier rocket work than from additional During the "cultural revolution" (CZ-II). studies. (1966-76) Zou and his 32 Zheng 54, head of the workshop In 1962. Zou displayed his colleagues then could not work in and an engineer, said the two- talent in manufacturing the piego- the day for being preoccupied by stage liquid rocket was 3.35 metres eleclric crystal accelerator for participation in the political in diameter and 191 tons in lift-off

AtJGtJST 25. 1986 21 mass. It is used to launch Though their bonuses are fewer When the factory built the Long retrievable satellites. Many suc• because the workshop has . op• March-IH rocket, it also encoun• cessful launchings have demon• erated under capacity, the factory tered some unforeseen diffculties. strated the reliability and stability workers remain conscientious and The second-stage ignition of the of the Long March-II rocket. proud of their work. Wei Wenju, liquid hydrogen-oxygen motor on Li. an engineer at the factory, leader of a production group, said: the third-stage rocket was conduc• said a successful launching of the "I was very nervous before the ted in zerogravity, a technique Long March rocket is ensured by satellite launching, because I was mastered by only a few countries. the many ground experiments and afraid we might have made some The assembly workshop set up a quality control tests it undergoes. mistakes in our work. After the six-person team to explore the All instruments, whether a successful launching of the situation. After much painstaking major piece of equipment or a satellite, I felt very happy; We sent work, the group created a new spare part, and whether on the the satellites into space with our method to detect leaks, which met satellite or rocket, are first tested own hands and won honour for the technological requirements. on the ground. Various adverse our country." circumstances can possibly arise Whenever a new assembly task Satellite Plant after a simulated launching in the is begun- the designers, engineers course of testing, but this will and leaders of the factory come to In recent years, many foreign enable factory engineers to the shop to explain the main astronautics delegations have promptly find out the problems in points so that every worker knows visited the Satellite Assembly the design and manufacturing his or her duty. According to the Plant in Beijing, which 18 years technology and improve the factory leaders, production is one ago, was only a small factory quality of products. Although the of the most critical stages of with several hundred workers ground tests are very expensive, getting a satellite from the drawing producing precision instrument. they are cheaper than a launch board to the launching pad. and In 1967. it began to assemble and failure. therefore must have the particip• test saiellites, and the next year it The factory also established a ation of worker representatives. began using its present name. quality control centre to examine The plant has since been spare parts, equipment and The rocket shell is made extended and developed into a production procedures. The quali• of a copper-aluminum alloy. large, modern facility. It has sent ty control examinations in the The process at first was quite into orbit 52 earth resource, assembly workshop is very strict. difficult and left many weld cracks experimental, communications The workers must often be taught on the surface of the shell. The and broadcasting satellites (in• how to operate the equipment factory's designers and engineers cluding the satellites for ground safely and new workers must pass invited workers and some veteran tests). an examination before beginning engineers and technicians from In the assembly workshop, built work. other factories to research on a in 198.^. one can see the The two production lines in the new method of operation. After successfully launched and re• workshop can assemble four Long several days' co-operation, they covered East Is Red-I satellite March-II rockets or Long March- finally solved the difficult model and the models of an earth III rockets simultaneously. problem. resource and communications

Chronic le of China's indigenously developed sounding and completes the entire test. rocket. In November the same July 1965: On the basis of Space Technology year it succeeds again in launching painstaking feasibility studies, the its first mock ballisfic missile. Chinese Academy of Sciences 1956: The Ministry of National 1963: The Chinese Academy of draws up plans for developing Defence establishes a department Sciences establishes the space satellites. in charge of the development of committee, which immediately January 30,1970: A China-made missiles, marking China's first begins investigadng possibilities long-distance missile is success• step in developing its means of for China's first man-made fully launched. delivery for space industry. satellite. April 24,1970: China successfully February 19, 1960: China June 29,1964: China successfully launches its first satellite. Weigh• succeeds in launching its first launches its first ballistic missile ing 173 kg, the satellite is heavier


BAI LIANGUO China's domestic sateiiite communication network began operations on July 8. Technicians at the Beijing Central Earth Satellite Control Centre monitor a TV relay. salcllitcs and the return module of satellite shell should be light, spare part required very precise an earth resource satellite that has strong, resistant to high and low grinding for which the factory had been severeK burnt. The satellite temperature and tested in a no equipment. Xue and other models show the sLiccessful \et simulated space environment. He workers solved the problem by difficult process of the develop• said none of the satellites grinding it themselves — by hand. ment of China's space indiislrx. assembled by his crew have Song said according to the Song said the workshop is in broken down. country's overall plan, the factory charge of the assembly, testing, will eventually be involved in simulated launching and tlights of In manufacturing satellites, the developing space shuttles and satellites. factory has • to make its own other advanced astronautics Technicians and workers there precision instruments because equipment. Song said the factory were assembling a complicated they are unavailable on the mar• is ready to co-operate with foreign territory surveying satellite. Song ket. One of the machines — a high astronautical circles in developing said it had more than 10 branch performance running balance and exploiting the latest achieve• systems. man_\g cables, machine for inspecting satellite ments in space technology. He conduits and circuits. Wu Dian- quality was made by a group said some such projects are now lian. workshop head, said the headed by engineer Xue. .Another under negotiation. •

than the combined weight of the scientific experimental satellite is launched from land to the first satellites launched by the successfully launched. It works as southern Pacific, laying a found• Soviet Union, the United States, planned in space for eight years ation for sending up telecommun• France and Japan. The satellite's and continuously sends back ications satellites. tracking, signal transmission and scientific test data. April 8, 1984: China launches its temperature-control systems all November 26, 1975: China first geostationary experimental top the level of the first satellite successfully launches a retrievable telecommunications satellite, launched by other countries. This remote-control satellite. Since which functions normally for the success narrows the gap between then China has sent up seven such following two years. China and the developed countries satellites, which have all been February 1, 1986: A practical in space technology by 10 years. retrieved in the northwest. telecommunications satellite is March 3, 1971: Practice /, a May 10, 1980: A carrier rocket is successfully positioned in its orbit.


CENTRAL PHILHARMONIC Thirty Years of Development

A week of concerts Was held in and many soloists, has given 8,100 He Luting, Li Huanzhi, Wu '^July to mark the 30th concerts to nearly 10 million Zuqiang. Luo Zhongrong, Chen anniversary of the founding of the people. The society has played Peixun and Shi Wanchun. and the Central Philharmonic Society at with 30 world-renowned conduc• younger composers Huang Aniun, the Beijing Concert Hall and tors and 58 musicians and singers Su Cong. Tan Dun, Qu Xiaosong elsewhere in the city. Programmes from abroad, including Herbert and Ye Xiaogang. included Chinese and foreign von Karajan and Seizi Ozawa. symphonies, choral music, and Composers performed range from The society has put on 371 piano, violin and vocal solos. the classical composers to Igor Sunday concerts and others to Since it was established in 1956, Stravinsky, Gustav Mahler and help popularize symphonic music, the 500-member Central Phil• well known contemporary com• lis members also go to factories harmonic Society, which includes posers, as well as Chinese and universities to perform and a 100-member symphony composers of the older generation enhance workers' and students" orchestra, a 120-member choir such as , Ma Sicong, appreciatior' o! music. g

China's First this lime. Four years later, on degree and ""one of the most graduation, he was sent by the promising young conductors." as Pli. D. Conductor Ministry of Culture anti the Seizi Ozawa put it. Vlinistry of Education to the In 1985 Chen was invited to be t the end of June, the 37ist college of music at the l^nivcrsity associate professor and guest A Sunday concert given by the of .Michigan to study under prof. conductor at the college of art. Central Philharmonic Society Gustav Meier. University of Kansas. He was aliracled the particular attention Chen got his master's degree the elected an "outstanding educator" of the audience as it was following yea!' and three years the same year and adinilted as a conducted by Chen Zuohuang, later his d.vtor's degree, in the art member of the American Music China's first Ph.D. conductor. of conducting, the first of its kind Educators" Association. The concert included ever awarded by the L'niversily of Chen Zuohuang is now a Beethoven's Egmoni Overture, Michigan. He became the first conductor of the Central Phil• Barber's Rewnt^e Dance From Chinese conductor with a Ph. D. harmonic Societv. - "Medea" -dwd Berlioz's Syniplionle Fantastique in its programme. Chen Zuohuang conducting the Central Philharmonic Society in a performance of Berlioz's "Symphonie Fantastique" at the Beijing Concert hall on June 29. After repeated encores. Chen ZHANG FENGCi conducted the overture to the American musical comedy West- Side Story by Leonard Bernstein. After he left the secondary school attached to the Central Conservatory of Music in 1965, Chen first became a conductor of the song and dance ensemble of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, and then conductor of the orchestra of the Beijing Film Studio. In 1977, he entered the Central Conservatory of Music to study composition and conduct• ing under famous Chinese conduc• tors Zheng Xiaoying, Han Zhon- ^ie. Huang Feili and Li Delun. He was also helped by Seizi Ozawa at

24 BCLIINC, Rl \. NO .>4 Banowetz's Eighth Visit to China

o mark the 100th anniversary T of the death of the great Hungarian pianist and composer Franz Liszt (1811-86), American pianist Joseph Banowetz and the symphony orchestra of the Central Opera Theatre put on a concert in Beijing on July 21. which included Liszt's Spanish Rhapsody and three piano pieces — Les Jean Deau a la Villa cl'Esle, the Huni^arian Rhapsody Banowetz at the piano. No.3 and the Paganini Study No.2. giving the Chinese audience the chance to hear "the best contemporary interpretation of Liszt's works." Geologists Discover ' /angbo River. Their findings negated an earlier theory that the The second half of the concert Secrets of Tibet zone was the seam of the Indian included Banowetz's playing of I and Eurasian plates. the G minor piano concerto by the f the Tibetan Plateau were a large The theory, which attracted young Chinese composer Huang I building. Chinese geologists attention of both Chinese and Aniun especially for him. say it would have 13-storeys. That foreign geologists, was based on Banowetz described the piece as is to say, the plateau consists of 13 the hypothesis that the Indian beautiful and full of emotion. strata of rock and earth. plate drifted northward from the Huang began to learn music at (ieologists at the Tibetan i Tethys (Ancient Mediterranean) five from his parents. He then Buretiu (icologv and 250 million years ago and joined went to the primary and secondary Minerals said ivceinl> that though the Eurasian land mass 40 million schools attached to the Central the piatcau's earlicsi stratum has years ago. It was raised by Chinese Conservatory of Music. He not been discovered \et, the oldest geologists in the mid-1970s after composed his first piano piece at so lar dates back 660-640 million they found a fracture zone the age of 7. Later he became a years to the Sinian Period. The 12 comprised of ophiolite (rocks with composer for the Central Opera geological systems above this snake-like veins) and marine Theatre. include eight strtila formed of sediments. marine sediment before the Huang went to Canada to study The recent survey shows, Cretaceous Period, 180 million music at the University of Toronto however, that fossils found on one years ago, and two strata formed in 1980, and continued his studies side of the fracture zone of the of both marine and continental at the college of music at Yale Bangong Lake-Nujiang River are sediments 70 million years ago. University in the United States in of cold-water organisms, typical 1984. He got his master's degree in The team also found that the of the Indian subcontinent, and on May this year. newest systems, namely the late the other of warm-water organ- Huang's works include opera, tertiary and quaternary s\, j isms, representative of the Eu• ballet, symphony, chamber and are compleie conli nentarasial n sediland • mass. vocal music, and music for the ments. This indicates that "FossilTibes art e the most accurate cinema. His works have received was an above sea leVel land mass way to verify geological stratific• awards many times in.China. as far back as 40 million years ago. ation." a local expert said. Although this is his eighth visit During their survey over the last Therefore the seam between the to China. Banowetz is the first i tirea of 100.000 square kilometers Indian plate and the Eurasian American invited by the Ministry to be investigated, Tibetan plate should be about 200 km. of Culture to play a piano geologists collected fossils of north of the former fracture zone, concerto composed by a Chinese similar organisms from both sides according to the regional bureau composer. of the fracture zone of Yarluns?. of seolosiv and minerals. • w (ji ST lysf. BUSINESSARADE Huangdao Island Development Zone

uring the Seventh Five-Year for the municipal government to technology-intensive enterprises DPlan period (1986-90), the decide on the remaining two concerned with electronic instru• Chinese government will spend 2.1 storeys since there are so many ments, textiles, food processing, billion yuan on the infrastructure applicants. Five joint ventures are refined chemicals, and marine of Qingdao City's development expected to start operation by the chemicals. He said the need to zone on Huangdao Island. Major end of this year. Another dozen balance income and expenditure items include the second stage joint ventures are under negofi- of foreign currency has restricted (now under construction) of the ation. Contracts have been signed the • choice of joint ventures. Huangdao oil terminal, which will for a Sino-US holography project, However, the municipal govern• increase the terminal's capacity by for the manufacture of a lace ment has already approved 60 17 million tons; the goods docks at embroidering machine, Sino- joint operations and foreign Qianwan to be constructed next Japanese fast-food outlets, and for businesses are welcome to make year, the railway line between the production of high-resistance enquiries. Jiaoxian County and Huangdao electric meters. Island, and a 200,000 kw power Wang Zhengting, an official Qingdao, on China's eastern station. from the development office of the seaboard, is known for its light Huangdao Island, covering 15 municipal government, told Beij• and textile industries, foreign square kilometres, is 2.26 nautical ing Review that the emphasis of trade, marine research and miles east of Qingdao. Much development will be placed on beautiful scenery. preparatory work has been done by the municipal government since 1984, including a 130- kilometre highway around the island, a 250,000 kw power plant, For example the first stage of and an oil terminal which handles Tsingtao Beer fermentation takes 7 to 9 days and 10 million tons of oil annuallly. Sold in the US the second stage no less than 50 Construction has centred on a days. Some foreign breweries two-square-kilometre piece of combine the two stages and allow land, which is now supplied with ne million crates of China's only one day for fermentafion. running water, electricity and gas, OTsingtao Beer will beexported The Tsingtao Brewery is roads, telecommunications, heat• to the United States in 1986. Last China's oldest, largest and most ing and sewers. Two six-storey year the figure was 850,000 crates, up to date. It started to export in standardized factory buildings placing China ninth among the 1950s. At present, Tsingtao with 34,000 square metres of floor countries exporting beer to the Beer is sold to more than 20 space and a 15,000-square-metre, US. countries other than America, five-storey ware house have been A 355-ml bottle of Tsingtao including France, Britain, Italy, completed. The Hualin Mansion, Beer costs USS2.55 in the United the Federal Republic of Germany, a 22-storey office building with a States, making it one of the more Australia, Singapore, Japan, floor space of 21,000 square expensive beers. Tsingtao Beer Thailand, the Philippines, In• metres, will be finished by the end appeared on the US market in donesia, Hong Kong and Macao. of the month. The 22-storey 1978 and won first prize at the The factory exported 305.34 Zhushan Hotel is also under 1981 and 1985 world beer fairs in million tons of beer in the first half construction. Other buildings Washington. Sales have increased of 1986 and earned US$14.16 include housing estates and 2,000 40 times over in the last seven million. square metres of light factory years. In recent years, the Brewery has buildings. The Tsingtao Brewery has trial imported equipment to expand The development zone is produced a low-sugar and low- production. Three of the five negotiating joint-venture projects alcohol beer.which will soon go bottling lines are imported from with more than 900 businessmen into commercial production. Japan and West Germany. from 24 countries mcluding Tsingtao Beer uses soft spring Branches are to be set up in Japan, the US, Federal Germany, water from Mount Laoshan, top- Qingdao's Huangdao Island Singapore, Italy and Hong Kong. quality hops from Xinjiang and economic and technological devel• Ten of the 12 storeys of the two barley from Australia and opment zone and in the Shenzhen factory buildings have already Canada. Quality control is strictly special economic zone in co• been let. It has been very difficult observed throughout the process. operation with foreign firms.

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