Division of Continuing and Professional Education
Department of Marketing Secretariat Head/Professor Head PRENDERGAST, Gerard P ( ), BCom(Hons) Otago, (Vacant) PhD Massey Professors Teaching Division CHAN, Allan K K ( ), BBA CUHK, MBA UBC, PhD Strathclyde, DipM, FCIM, FHKIM Director/Associate Professor (Also serves as Associate Dean of Business, Co-Director ZHANG, Hong Qi ( ), MSc, PhD UNSW of the Chinese Businesses Case Research Centre, and Associate Director/Associate Professor Associate Dean of the Graduate School) YUE, Kevin K M ( ), BSc(Hons), PhD Liverpool, BCM SHI, Yizheng ( ), MBA China-EC Mgt, PhD UNSW HKBU (Also serves as Co-Director of the Chinese Businesses Professors Case Research Centre) HSIAO, Wendy W L ( ), BSc Nat’l Taiwan, MS SIU, Wai Sum ( ), BBA CUHK, MBA Louisiana at Michigan, MPhil, PhD Columbia Monroe, PhD Durham, DipM, MCIM, FCIM, FRSA ZHAO, Zhongzhen ( ), BSc Beijing TCM, MSc China Associate Professors TCM, PhD Tokyo Pharm & Life Sci FOCK, Henry ( ), MSc Stirling, BA(Hons) HKBC, (Also serves as Associate Dean of Chinese Medicine) PhD CUHK Associate Professors SIU, Noel Y M ( ), HonsDip HKBC, MBA Sheffield, CHEN, Hubiao ( ), BPhil Hunan Normal, PhD Peking PhD Nottingham Trent, MIMgt, MHKIM KO, Joshua K S ( ), BSc(Hons) Toronto, PhD HKU, TSANG, Alex S L ( ), BA(Hons), PhD CityU CBiol, MIBiol 343 WU, Wei Ping ( ), BEcon, MEcon Int’l Bus & Econ, LI, Min ( ), BSc Henan TCM, MMed Guangzhou TCM, PhD Ulster PhD Tokai Assistant Professors YU, Zhiling ( ), BSc Henan TCM, PhD HKUST Staff List CHENG, Shirley Y Y ( ), BBA, MPhil CUHK, MA, ZHANG, Ge ( ), MD
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