School of Business
School of Business LAU, Alex K L ( ), BA(Hons)(Law) City of London Polytech, PCLL HKU, LLM London, LLM S Methodist, Dean/Chair Professor ProfDip Peking, PhD Aberdeen, MBA W Ontario, ACIArb, (To be confirmed) Solicitor (HK; England & Wales), Barrister & Solicitor Associate Deans (ACT), Legal Practitioner (North Territory of Australia), CHAN, Allan K K ( ), BBA CUHK, MBA UBC, PhD Practitioner (Tasmania), Barrister (Aust), Advocate & Strathclyde, AIMgt, DipM, FAMC, FCIM, FHKIM Solicitor (S’pore), Practising Cert-Solicitor, Putonghua LAU, Peter T Y ( ), BComm St Mary’s, MBA Trainers Cert Beijing Normal & HKBU SCE Dalhousie, PhD CUHK, CA(BC), CA(Canada), LAU, Peter T Y ( ), BComm St Mary’s, MBA CMA(Canada), ATIHK, FCPA Dalhousie, PhD CUHK, CA(BC), CA(Canada), Honorary Professors CMA(Canada), ATIHK, FCPA ARCULLI, Ronald ( ), GBM, CVO, GBS, OBE, JP— (Also serves as Associate Dean of Business) Former Chairman, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing SONG, Byron Y ( ), BEcon, MEcon Nankai, PhD PolyU Limited Assistant Professors CHENG, Siwei ( )—Former Vice Chairman, Standing GUAN, Yanling ( ), BM Peking, MAcc NTU, PhD Committee of the National People’s Congress of the London People’s Republic of China LIU, Ming ( ), BA Zhejiang, MA Shanghai Soc Sci, PhD CHOW, Paul M Y ( ), GBS, SBS, JP—Former Chief HKBU, CPA(Aust) Executive, Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited SO, Stella H H ( ), BS Sacramento State, MCom FAN HSU, Rita L T ( ), GBM, GBS, JP—Member, UNSW, PhD UniSA, ACMA, FCPA Standing Committee of the 11th National People’s ZHANG, Fang
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