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V O L . V I . M a S O N , M I C H I G a N , T H U R S D a Y

V O L . V I . M a S O N , M I C H I G a N , T H U R S D a Y



188». LOCAI. AW» GEIVKHAI. WEWS. Yonr I'olks ami Onr Folks. Mr, . S. Casterlin rcliirued Tuesday IttUltaitt Cjounig ^emotrat after nn nbsenae of a year and n half in Settle up for tho now year. All ac• New York, New .Tersey nnd Pennsylvania, counts and notes niiiat ho paid before .Tan- Wheat @ ltil.2S. Mr.s. Mary Biillor is visiting friends in whore ho has been introducing his patent uury first nr thoy will be left for collection Publishuil ovury Tliuraday Ohio. by Buckwheat timber is a scarce coinmodilv. churn und perfection oroamery. He says as we must have tho money. Mrs. F. T. Albright is visiting (rionds in D. P. WIIITHIORE, ho took the first premium on his churn at WRBH & Ml-;Al),"tho Clothiers. Read .T, h. Piiller'a now locals this weeli. Detroil. tho state and seven ei-iliiity fairs In N. Y. MASON, mCJUQAN, Wnntaill Geo. Swart-/, of Laingsburg, was in tho If you owe C. P. Brown, look for hi.s Tho office and material of the CroswoU The first of .Tanuary, 1SS2, a man by cily Monday. notico. Democrat wns entirely destroyed by fire, the year to take charge of a farm. None Chas. Owen of Dansville, is clerking for Sniiday, Nov. 27th, bnt with commendable bnt n cninpetentone need apply. The best Mason dealers scoin to appreniato lady One Year, $1.50 ; Six monlht, 75 cenli ; Three Reynolds Bros, fc Co. zeal, the publisher, H. Pratt, formerly of of i-otereiiees required. Lihornl wages. montlis, 40 cents. clerics. this city, issued a paper ono eitshtli the Inquire of Mr. Look, opposite court hnnse, Dan. Norton of Lakeside, N. Y., is in usual size, on the '2d inst., nnd don't pro• Mason. PERRY STEVENS. Last Monday was ''pension daj''—Sun• town visiting old friends. pose to miss an issue on account of the day bolnt; tho -Uh. Hoots uiul Sliiius. Claud \V. Reals of Marshall, is clerking fire. Our uilvortiHiiignilort Iiro SlOO por column pornn- i?2,000 worth just bought at -18 cents on nnni. IhislnuHs notlcoH l\vo coutH ])or linu for unch Howard & Son havo an iidvortiscnionl in in Ford's lie and lOu bazaar. IiiHortioii. iCililorial uolloi-s 10 conts. Tho first annual meeting of tho Michi• tho dollar. Can't I givo bargains ? Yes, anolhei' oohinin. Road it. llurtliuiHS CIU-IIH SI.00 iiisr Ihiii per yoar. Jfi-s. jr. V. Moiitgomoi-y of Lansing, is gan short hoi-n cattle brcodei-a' aslsociaiion and I will, A. W. PAIUCHUISST. Marriugo and ijoiitli nDticnsInHortnd froft, Obituary visitinc: Jifrs. H. P. ircndei-snn. will be held at Lansing, Dec. 21, 1881. comiuonlH, roHolu lions, nanlH nf thankH,otc,, willboro- Belle, daughter of A. ,1. McNeal of This is a new association, having been or• Cnsliinnro nml Wontuil Di-uss Gmtils aftur be cliiirKi-d for at tliu rato of fivncnntrf per lino. OUoinos, died last Friday morning. Mrs. George . Ismon is visiting (rionds CorniHpoudoncn contfiinluj; local nowH, in aollcitod ganized the past Soploiiibor, but by filliiiu At cost and below cost. No use talking, nnd relatives is Chicago for a few weeks. from all imrt« of tlio counly. a vacnucy that lias long been apparoiif, we I can heat them all, when I buy goods al AnoiiynioiiH coninuuilcaliona nut Infiortcd undor Quarterly inecllnx at the M. E, church any clrcuinstancu. ne.Kl Salurday and Sunday. Mrs. Gorton and Jliss Bond ol N. Y., trust the first meotilig will bo a success. one-half price and less. are viaitiiit; the family of S. .1. P. Smead, A. F. Wood roads a paper nn ''Line Breed• •19w2 . A. W. PARKIiUltS'l'. A. W. Pai-kliiii-sl has a few interesting ing and the Vnlueof Pedigrees," and topics JOB PRINTING! Capt. Geo. A. Miliar rotni-ned homo this ]t0Htt»3-rtip words to purclinsci-s, in another column. of cvei-yday iutcrestwill bo frciily discussed. Onrmaterial is neu' and of tho latest styles and wo morning from a successful season on the Fifty cents, and other Grnoories below any guarantee satial'acllon, holli in prices and Ford, tho irrepressible five and ton cent lakes. ^ ono. A. W. PARKIIUUST. hiivii tlMiir Goo. F. Day is handling currency at the i-angeinonts lo liavu lliem btnught to this priiitinu (loiio lit this olliuu. notice. First National bank during the abseneo of oily to answer to the clial-KO against them I.nilliist cashier Henderson. here. They givo their names as Patrick The wheels nf ju.slice in the circnil If yon wish to buy a Sowing Maehinc, OlUcial ])iiectorv. Shcarn and Richard White, and are said conrt now convened in this oily are still Charles G. Parkhursl of Rnckford, pass• call al Huntley's Fiirniluro >Store and ho to be very disropntuble men. will tell yon how to save money in buyin£. COUNTV OFFICERS moving. ed the Sabbath with his parents, Mr. and While you are there look al his Furniture Shoriir... H.O.CAI.I. JIi-s. A. \V. Pnrlilini-st of ihis city. Treasurer I. P. He.Nn You are advised in onr advortisini; col- Frank O'Dnniiol nf Ann Arbor, bound and that Novelty Carpet Sweeper. Clerk C. 0. W.u.KKu nmns to go to the city hukery for fresh I. B. Wondliniiso is np in T'ienzio county, ovor lo tho circuit court for larceny, com• KeKisler 11. 0. ivsiiliiT with '"Billy" Francis, formorly of this city, mitted in Lansiiiir, was being conducted to lloarclurs Waitfc-il. .ludsoof Prolmto 0. V. OII.I.AM oysters. Pros. Attoriiev R. 0. OnruASnr.a making an abstract of that county. the county .jnil yesterday by oonstablo G-. Gentlemen can aooure good board—cither , „ „ , f .1. 0. SquilMlH S. W. Wright of Ani-olius, has sold hia B. Sutton and jnat al'icr leaving the train by the day or week—by calling on .Mrs. S. ra. Culver, fnr the past two years wilh CirciiitCoiirl Ooin'rsl „ j„|,xaos I'lirm to Jfr. Oscar Doolittle, of the salno made a lively rim for liberty. Sutton soon Wm. Woodhouse, east Oak slreet. Surveyor A. P. DIIAKK Webb & Jfoad nf this city, will go lo Ann township. tired of (bllnwing him and secured the ser• f .TACOH SWITZOAIII.K A.rbor aboiil .Tan. Isl, where ho will pursue Collars. Coroners, I I.,I,TUTTI.E vices of Sheriff Call, whn aoon (bund the tho sludy of medicine. Goo. M. Hnyl is paying ilp the claims al• young man hidden under a pile of stalks in Paper and Linen Collars at Ford's S and 10 cent bazaar. Cirv OFFICERS. lowed agaiii.41 the 'A. Siveot estate, at H. L. neiulcrsoii left Tue.sday evening R. F. Gri/lin's conifiold. Mo was conduct• Mayor M'»i. 11. Cl.AiiK ;!9 cents on tho dolliir. for the Stale of New York, on roceipl of a ed to a spare room in tho county jail. WO.OOO. To Loan. «fl,000. Oiork W.\i. il. VANYIIANKI'.N tolesl-ani announcing the death of his Oily .Marslial laA iCni.l.v Al seven per cent straight. JVO bonna. The St. Louis papers arc informing their Local conlinncd on JiJ'lh vai/c. Treasurer and Collocler 1AMI;S A. Siir.iiivoon father. I'en-y lleudorson brother of the In sums of 8200. and upwards on farm i-cmlei-s how much each other owe. Il will Scliool iiispeclor 11. S. i''ui.l.i:K deceased accnmiianiod him. property only. Two weeks notice required. street Uomiiilssionor G. L. ilAii.s-Anv probably keep thcin bu.sy. lliiMincNN l.ocalN. ...ioli.v W. DAV Apply Immediately at iibslrael ofllcc. The ladies nf the M. H. church will give M. ItVAN An unexpected rush of work will pre• -Mason, Oct. 13, ISSl. SEYMOUII FOS'I'KU. .lusticesoftllePeace s. "\V, HAMMOND a social ne.xl Wcdnosday ev'oning, I'Jec. 1-1, N^oticew follow iiif; I )i is head will ho ciiarged for at vent our attending the district press ii.sso- tivocenis Del' line each i iisiirlion. I. W. ItilYHl'ON al the residence of Mrs. Stephen Edwards. Fiii-mcr's, tVo Want WAI.IIOMAY elation at St .rohiis to.morrow. Aldormon at LarfO A. W. Mi'.llAN Rofreshments will be served. Come and Wheat, Oats, Corn, Potatoes, .licnns, Drietl Nmv Ilollilii.v Gonils WM. 11. liAVNr.K have a good lime. * Aldornieii, 1st ^Val•d Onr correspolulonls have assisted ns con- Apples, etc. Uigliest cash prices paid. Ii. Rr.r.ii Every week at Ford's 5 and 10 cent 0. V. Bnow.v sidel-ably this week. Yon will notice new To.Ml'KlNR it CllAPMAN'. ,Iiin. .1. Poti.yes of l3unhorliill township, bazaar. Aldormon, 2d Ward . .. S. Wll.l.IAMS ones from Ijcslle and Slockbridge. live miles oast of ir.den, has .sold his farm Supervisor, 1st ward lollN C. OA.V.VO.S- iriu-iiitin-ii and will soon l-oniove to Nebraska. In • Slippers, Sllppors, lslipporst Sniiervisor.'Jd ward ASA 1. ll,\iiiir.u 'l.'liero will'1)0 a inooting of the fiirmer'.i Cheaper than tiver at Iluiilley'a. ; cnnscfiuencG lie will sell his fann stock— New, neat, and nobby, at .1. L. FULLER'S, SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICERS. oUib, Saturday, Doc. 17tli, in the cdtninoti including -100 sheep—ilnd .some other slock Alhfoii Flour. President I. 0. OANNO.V coniicil room. A full alleiidaiioo desired. ViiHus anil Tollut .Sets Director M. itVA.v at piililic auotinn, .Monday, Dec. lOlh. The Albion I'atont Process Flour for Assessor tlr.o.W. IlniSTOi, At Ford's ii and 10 cent ba-/,aai-. Tho editor of the Ncwn is much given tn sale by TO.MPKIXS it CIIAP.MAN. f \Vx. 11. ItAV.Nr.lt Hon. Austin Blair l.alks larifT before 'i'nisteofa.! TiiKiioN VA.VOSIIIA.'IH suggoating improvemnnts that have already CiitlurH mill C.->ri-lii(;ireel.orv. Tiie.sdiij- oi-eiiiiig previous in lhc seiiato We aro printing lots of handsome calling ever saw in this county, whether you buy I have taken the agoiiey for tho Bufi'alo cards for holiday presents. We sell you clmmber. All interested ones are cordially ATTCRNEVS. ur not. Respectfully, Scales and will furnish any size Scales al the cards and make you a present ofa invited. •18w2 L. FuAxic CLARK. manufactures prices. Farnior.s' Platlbrm 11. P. IlHNncnso.v. OKO.E. UAV. boantil'ul case. Our cori-espeiiilonL.I'ro'm Bnnkerhill writes Scales always on hand. C. ii. EATOV. ENDEllSON A DA V, A Itortiieys and Counselors Sdinulliliij; Nu\v at Law. Olhco ovor Eirst National Hank, Ma• Tho Ingham county leiichoi-s' .•^ssnoiation us that the postofUco ul Buiikerhill Center H Y'ou will find at Fuller's. Fine lino of Soymnui- Foster has arranged for a few son. Midi, '-yi will meet at tlio Masnn high school room and also tho store and . dwelling, wilh con• tents, of A. W. Atherton wero entirely •Tananeso and Bamboo goods. thousand dollars to loan al loan at 7 per ll. IIAVKKS, Alforiiey 111 Law and Solicllor in on Saturday, .December lith. Wo expect consumed hy /ii-e lust .Monday night. The cent. No bonns. Apply earl v. , Uiiancery. Oolleclons a specialty. Olllce over to publish progniinmo next wook. On tho loth o( December, Whitoley will I'oAlars'Slioe Store, on Asii street. loss liills heavily upnn .^^r. Atherton, who open a 99c deparlinoiit for Holiday Pres- Oo to AVooil's Tuomoy Bro.'s have a fine holiday dis• can ill a fiord it. O. SQUIEUS Atlorney at Law. Makes iispec- enta. For School Books and,Slationerv. , ialty of Tnsiimnce and CoHocliens. OlUce play in their store, maUine it a very at- J The city marshal has been instrncled corner Main and Slnple streets, over City Ballery. ii-aclivo and desirable place to visit. Read Jfotlco. Read G. W. Glynn's advertisement. by the council to see that all cattle and their new advertisement this week. .1. C. Kiinmel announces to the public horses .running at large, within the city The Cllinipost PHYSICIANS. that ho will close out his entire stock of Manager Rayner rocoivod a dispatch this limits, be put in the pound. The pound Place ill town to buy School Books is l'. MAV, M. U., Physician and Surgeon. Ollico clothing at cost, for cash. Also to biiyera morning, aniumnoing the impossibility for has been repaired so there is no chancu , in Ouok lilock, oiipeailo Post Olllce. Kielit calls at ' WOOD'S for stock to' jump or break out. Save on time ho will give thcin bargains for Lanswered lit olllce. the A. .1. Knight combination to fill their money and trouble by taking care of • your approved notes. Money to I.oiiii engagement in this city this evening. OCTOU A. B. OAISIPBELL, Pllysiciail, Sargeon. own stock. On farm property at low rate, of interest D Ollice over wniiam'sili-iiKSlore, Mason, Mich Holiday presents from 1 cent to $50.00 •Tohn Gordineor, who stole a C|uantity of Inquire of C.C. PITCH, II. v. Tallinaii.and David Miller and at ' WIIITELEY'S. A. SNELL, M..D. 'Olllce wilii \V. 11. Morse, in silver from Fi-azel & Mohan's bakery last at Abstract Ollice. J, Ellsworlh hlock. ilcsldoiicecor.Mapk. and Dsls his son George of Alaiedon.'got into an Paper iiiiil Envuliipos, August, was tried Monday and sentenced aUerealioa yesterday afternoon, and Tall- "Aino" and HU -XVilo t.o Ihi-oc years al tho state prison at .Tackson. The best place to buy Paper and Envel• JUSTICES. man waa roughly handlod, whereupon he opes at Ford's Ci and 10 cent bazaar. Are both deft with tho razor and shears, Tuoinoy Bro.'s and Reynolds Bro.'s it came to this city and npoii his complaint and their shop is pronounced "by odds," W.DAY, .fiistico of tlie;l'eiice ami^OonTeyailcer. Loiik Uorot J. i;olloctlons promptly alteudotl to. Ollico ovor Co., made a little run on horse blankets, .Tustice Hammond issued a wan-ant I'or the the best in the city. Up stairs, first door H. M. Williams' ilrlU' slore.Musoil. AUch. Moiulay morning, and the result wjis neat', .arrest of the Millers, charging them with All persons indebted to me are vequcsted north of postoflice. Switches, waves, ii-izes, ly every person owning a horse or expect• assault and battery. to call and settle immediately .is I must made to order. Human hair bongllt and DENTISTS. ing to, carried away a new horse blanket. positively have tho money.' sold. ' In thn cirenit court at Charlottej last C. F. Biiow.v. P. VANDUSEN, DIJNTIST. Ollico in Darrow weelc, Mrs. Barnard on trial for killing Settle up. A hiock. Mason, Mich. A piece ol" zinc placed upon live coals Itauds uiiil Mitttina. Mrs. Curtis ol Lapeer, was acquitted. The Come ono, come all, both great and small in a hot stove, it is said, will cleaii out a Hand Knit Hoods and Mittens at Ford's good Baptist ehristmns ;bf Greenville, on nnd settle up at once ibr I must have the FINANCIAL. stove pipe, the vapor produbed;'carfying otT fi and 10 cent bazaar. hearing tlie news, nt once called a covenant tho soot by chomioal decomposition. If money. 0. G. HUNTINGTON. Jt. Dlt].;sSl';n, 3nsr..-anco, Loan and Collection meeting und struck Airs. Bariiin-d'Si name this is correct, zinc would doubtless also Remember the 15th of December ia (he J, Agont. .-Vil husiness proiiiptiv attended to. Of• from the bnnlts. We fear the Lord had Money to I.o»ii tlco ovor Lowe, Suiead Cii.'s Bank, Manoil. clo.-.n cut the ehimnej'. time youcnn buy good holiday presents at but liilie l' '10 with thut act. By the real estatft agent, JOHN DUNSIIAOK. Whiteley's fi'Dc store. Howard & Son have purchased of Rey• INSURANCE. John F. .a, proprietof of the e.xch.tnge Too limit nurnoU Uiitl No Insurance 1 nolds Bros. & Co., the stuck of groceries What Dooa It Mean'; hotel, oil tJolumbia street, lately known us r^.AlWIEltS MUTUAL I'lltE .INSOltANOE OOM- formerly owned by C. H. Darrow. and ad• L H. Vnndercook, agent, for tho Water- Avoid this misfortune by insuring your patiy of IiiBlianl county . Safest, cheapest,' liost. the "Bennett House," was given nn "open• ded the same to tlieir already large stock, town Insurance Company, took in the property AT ONOE with J. C. SQUIEIIS. For inforinatlon writo to O. F. 31illor, secretary, ing" last evening. Fifty-seven of his L'don. Samuel Skadan nresidenc Dansville. Messrs. Reynolds Bros. & Co. designing to month of November, .ll applications, friends took supper with him, linviilg been Ststy-Aore Farm for Sale liandle dry goods exclusively. amounting to $G73.'23. He invites (ithcr invited by some of his neighbors who had One and one-half miles cost of Mason. UNOERTAKINQ. insurnnoe agents to boat thnt. A reception .was given at the residence conceived this plan of showing their appre• Inquire at the shoe store of J, L. FULLEII. I'. STROUD, Uiidortitkor. Iii Grout Iniildins, of h. .S. Bates, oast Vevay, on Fiidiiy ciation. All oyster supper was served, and Snvo Bis Soeka, « one door oast of City Bakery, Mason, Mich. To the Tax Payers at Alnlctlon. s evening histi to Mr. nnd Mrs. Sullivan when we say thitt Mrs.' Flora superintended By geltitig him a pair of Slippoi''a at After tho first Monday in December I Brush. Abont 40 persons wore present, it, we believe it ia a sulTiciont guarantee J. L. POLLER'S. will be nt my office, every Thursdavj nt. HARDWARE. an oyster supper served and thii evening that It was evei-yttiing it should be. VVe Bnttons. town hall Fridays, and nt 0. W. Hnlstend's • ANNON .1 DUBOIS, Gnnornl Hardware Dealers, spent in n very eiijoj'nblo manner. have no doubts Mr. and Mt-a. Flora will C Blrcot, Mason, Mich. ; . , make the exchange a very pleasant place Large vnriety of dross nnd clonk Buttons drug store, Mason, Satnrdn'/s, to receive The lodge of Royal Templars of Tom- to stop. only 15 cents a dozen at Ford's 5 nnd 10 taxes. JOHN HIMELBERGER, MEETIN08. perance, lately organizetl in this city, in• cent bnznnr. -iSwap Treasurer. The Britlon-Witislow case of Leslie, wns vites (ill interested to call nt tho dental 18(18. To the TaxPayore ot Vevny. ANSVILLE LODGE, 102 I.O. O.W"., meets on terminated last Friday evening, alter hav• Friday ovenijijiiof each weolt. Transient broth. rooms o( A. P. VanDtisen, Avhero they I will be at tho clothing, house of Goo. D ing occupied the court since Tuesday, Settle UP for the new year. All nc* oi-H are invited to meet wHh us. onn scenro circulars and obtain informn- M. Hoyt, Mason, on each .Saturday here- ' N. S. AiiAMB, N. O. ,W. G. llAwonoiT, n. S. morning, by tho jury bringing in n verdict counts and notes duo must he nnid before tion regurding tho organization. after, until tho first dnv.of .Tanuary, 1882, of "no caua'e of aetiou." Ira Winslow, a January first or thoy will be lolt for col- for the purpose of receiving tuxes for tho man 7i yctvrs ot ago, Avns charged with lection nl:.we must have the money. Several; of the '.'gallery gods" made enterlug the room of Mrs. .Tohn Britton, a : • WEBR it MEAD, tho Clothiers. township of Vevay. themselves very conspieuous during < the To 1 TravelM Wlc! woman 37 years of age, during tho tumpo- PRANIC WHITE, Tioasurcr. entertainment last Friday evening, to the Sliolf Pniier, i rat'y.abeeneo of her husband, und making utter disgust of the people who hud sense 12 sheet for S cents nt Ford's 5 and 10 cent City.THsP»]-oi>N..'. nil iissault with intent to ravish. Mr. VV: The MailKoutefi'om , , enough: to kcepstill if thoy were not i able bazaar. The city collector, will bo nthis office in ^ admitted he was there, but upon the in• to appreciate tho pevformttnce. thePirat National bank on cuch Saturday DANSVILLE TO MASONi vitation of Mrs. Britton. though tbe.crook- iWhitoloy is goin;; to sell vnses, nibnina, Having been.«discantlniiqd.v tho ealisorihor will after the first Moudny during th« month of ed testimony of Mr. and Mrs. Britton - .wns toilet sets, pictures, books,'snioking. sets, liereafter.riin avoliiclo over the road daily (Stindaya 0. W. Hnlstead reoeivcd last week from December, to receive ta.xca without any and Fourth of .Tiily o.xce'pteilV'for the ..conveyance of properly what saved the old gt-ntleniun nnd lota,of Holiday prnsonts tor < 99 cents ,n friend in Culilorpih, a live tiu-nntuln, ii spe• olmrgo for collection. ;Qn nil- tn.\es re- •'Vti»songo'rs;,''6xpfo«ii;''fniid':froighta,':ftt'!'roasonahln' Iroin sulTm'ing the ppiinlly. It.was a dis- Irom the 15th of December until after rates, iouviiiK Dansville ut oight o'clock a. nt. and cies of spider, tho bitn of .whioh is said to maining unpaid on iho^first • dayiof .Tanu- : arriving at Mason utor. heforo 10 a. ni., and rotiirn- bo deadly poison.. It is.an intoresting pet graceful affair nndwa havo no douht tho the holidays. . Ing at such tinies each ilay as siiiill host promote tlie ury, a collection fee of five,per cent will be und occupies n glass jar on one ol: the good people of Leslie are heartily glad it ChrlHtinuii Froxciita, convenionooof thepnhlio, GKO. >V. GLVSN. charged. .IAMIS A. SWERWDOD, ' show casus in Mi'.'U&lstettd^s drug storu.M is iinlshLtl. Uans>ille.Mli.h. Jul] Ut.lST'l. Lots of Christmas Presents at FULLEU'S. Mason, Deoi 1,1S8L -: OityCollector, (within the civilized world) only to A Month AKents Wanted-00 best - A FAIRY AFLOAT. aoliInK nrtlolua In tho mirldil auraple/rea INGHAM COUNTY DEWOCRAT.^''P°«°f*'^«!!i"^'*'y^°^ tliat of Loudon.—2y.r.Po.9t. $225 ,, • • «• AdrtrosB .Iny llrnnann. fhitroie, .MIoh. The annual report of the secretary oC The following description of the fliiiy If yiiu would- luarii tulo* war is chiefly devoted to the consideni- Cuban Autonomy. vessel ropre.sentcd on this page is from tho iinipliy In foiir months and n. .p wai'l'MOllH, Pnbllataar. buKiirooF n Hituuilon at tion oC important recommendations Cincinnati Commercial: The linll is of tho Hood waKCH. AdilroHi VAUCNTINK IIUOH., contained in the annual report ot army People in tho United States cannot lincsl, selected white o.ak, hraccd, bolted .IiinuHVlltti, Win. MASOX, - - - MIOIilfJAN chiefs. Generid Shorinlm's recoinineii- help symi)atliizing with the new polit• lmd riveted in llio nio.st Hkillliil and work- niiinliko nmiiner, and is tit feet in lenjj;th, 'OLIVET COLLEGE. dliUoii that tho .army be increased to ical inoveinent in Cuba eldled the Au• 11 feet ht-eiicl111 ot' hoaiii, '.3.1 Icel;. de)itli" ol' A llrnt-cIdHB colloffo for uvnrybndy. Mxponno Oswego Htivbor. 30,000 nlell receives Secretary Lincoln's tonomist piivty. The long and tragical low, Wlnfor tormniKuiN.Iiui. fi, IHH2. t^ondfuront- liold, nnd dniw.s l\vi.'iit,y inclie.s of water. struggle tor l;ho independence of the HIOKUO to t^'u Soor".''try» QHvot, Mich. earnest endorsement.' The littentioii of .She earricH atiilililnr liuil cr.aiul Iwnbeaiili- Al'tei'lillowilig tilegi-elilol' iilirtuC Uio congress is clilled to tho need of legis• island iippoars to bo wholly ended, and I'ltl liule oiij^ine.s, iiiatlii cxjiri'.ssly I'or IliM', selisoli to pass liwiiy, t.lle busiliess iiieli lation to prevent intrusion upon Indian the progressive elements of tho popula• li.vtlio 0)nci .\r!u:hiiio Co., Miili'llrporl, (). of 0.su'eg(.> lilivo l)Oon lirolised l.'finii nml »n ff* lUK of lur' Inionlf. ol HPI'HCII ri:nn'ii)iHiily lands, especially I'rom .Kansas into the tion iire now united in an effort to pro• The iliiiini;-riiiiai Is wilimlcil hcuvecn Ihc ciirwi. liViVrlrciilm- .iMi! i" llnidMlHlv (i-oni limidroii their letlial-gy by tileliclion oC soinu lil- cure from Spaintlin privileges of limit- litiiU^r and olivine rn.jm.s. iinil is :irlislic;i!l.\' wIiiMM hiivj- i-uiiMl, iKlflro.M -•inminoritik' liisUlutii Indian territory. Seilrotliry Lincoln in• Loudon -11 fIluis. sniunce floliiplmies wllich rufiised to iti. vites es|iucial atileiition to tliat part of oil self-government. Their first ad- '.•lraiiied, willi I'vi.sroi-d cfiliiij.'. U. i.s l'ur- iilslii'd ill lllu fjiieiii j\!iiie wylr. and llu'. siii'e clii'jf..i(-,s eonsiglied to tlilit port. A tho report of Gen. A\''right, chief of vlmces have boon repelled by tlic Aliid- liU'cr, (.hiiiaiiiiil tiilili'. liiK'li iiri' ol'iln.' liiiisl 'HE.LADES OF THfc; nieoLiilgol' UiG .liolml ol: Xrlule wiis engineers, which refers to our sea rid Cabinet, blit their eliuse is so jilst .•liariu;li!r. Tiio jiiUil-luui.H., ciiViiii. main clillijd lo coiisitler tlie sitiilition, but if and relisouable that persoverlince must coi'tst defenses, and- on this subject KIIIII iiiKi C.ipl.-rlu'ii (i;'iii:i! iiri' ini i lie Sidniiii WHITE flOUSE.." their iKltiolis lire to bo jtulgwl by the says: in the end bring success. Cuba luis al• deck and are lii.\urii)ils in tlu-ir I'liniijliiiig press reports, the tiinu occupied in iho "The chiof of engineers shows that ways been treated by Spain as li milcli- HOME OV TK'Ji PiHESIDE3Sr':rS. discussion was only so niiieli lost, lii- eow, to bo drliined for her own benefit. A ilifilory or ovory Atliuii.lftT-fttlon irom WAfluiNnro:- defense by fortilications iind torpeilcos lu Nio prosDii; time, JiiclmUifi nuich Peraomvl lui-l slelid ol' tlicilig the illllieiilty nilinl'iilly, The revenue drawn from the island I'clvcvto lilfiinrynovrr acmio iiiililltiUod. ARont.i wiin.'- is tile only one which is lit lill practica• nd. .V'or I'tiU lio^crliiilmi, nil.l'vjia Cho iml)) slujrfJ. and eliileavorilig to suggest the only wlis in former times .ibout six millions ble for a coast as extended lis ours, com• Hr.ATlMiYA^t. IHl .Vi:;,Mi .Oll]';h.-^t..PhllftdolpliHt. J-ii. felisiblii remedy, tile meeting was one prising so many rich maritime cities, of dolllirs a year aftor pliying liU the devotetl lo lm iittlick on the plipei-s thlit extensive navy yards .and, depots, sup• expenses of the army and lleot used to had shown up their shorteoniiilgs, to an ply that any attempt lit any other mode hold it, fast. Of hito years the exiionse attlielf on those cliptliiiis who are-eli- of defense would be enormously expen• ot putting diiwn insurrections has •ibliiig the town to retiiln lis much ol' grelilly diminished the vlduo nf this sive both for lirst cost and cost of Anronta, Mitlo ivnd ironuilo, ciin nuiko from 3 to ft its forliior business lis it does, lmd then mliiiiteiiance, and it is the only mode "brightest jewolin theSplniisli crown," and decorations. Tlio salrinii proper is dnllnrs iiiinyhMiiint,'onr Prlzo r.U'd;ii Niwdki I'm-ltntTyii to sell'.coiigrlitiiliitioii all round. New.s- I'JFt NctJdlt's In ;i p;ickii)[i', cumi'Irdd.v ")i.s.si)rtiiil: prlca adopted by marlitime nations. Experi• but it still yieldsa considorablesurpliis !'ru.si;oed and j,'i!dt'i! in Kiisllake slylo,and In nitoiii-s iiftr liiinilmu; sdls for '25 ct.s. tJaniplo piijier melt were called chroiiio griiln- imchUKO i5 <'Ls In m:in!p.s. (ioulfi wm-niiitod nnd HBII ence shows thlit modern wars come on over the outlay for governing it. The llie no(iriii;;is coveivd willi 'riirUi.sli carptt riiHt. Sntiil f.ir ch-fiMlar. lJUrriSH >:i':l!:iUJ;; ASiJO blors hy those who forgot that thoy 01A.TlUi* Now oimnili Sfftiijt. Ni'.ii'l.f J'liriiishiil. The tlilitolieu lm Oswego vessel hiaves thlit are sometimes the hest prBventives of General alul his lieiiteiilints. The pro- boat liuloiiss t(i and iv.is linill uiulir thi.> port ill tho spring she tllkos good cllre itctual war. 'Wo know that iieue.'isliry pie neither control the tlix'es nor the iliiTclioiis'ciC .Mr^-'irs .\. \'(>;..;el..r .*k Co., not to return until prepared to lay up Ilultimoiv, ^Id., I'or their mvii i-.-icMiisive ii.se now works or proper modirlcaCions of expenses nor the making of tho iliws for tho winter. It is useless to com• upon the Ohio, I\iississi|iiii mid nlluM'"\\'i-.-l.- our old works will require many yolirs imd although their civilizlition ia the pare the Amel'iclm with tho Olililidiail erii river.s, nnd is nln.li.v a lilekeil eivw ol' for their completion, and it seems oldest of .lOurojioan origin on the Amer• olliuere and IIKMI ill tlioir employ. The shijipiug thlit trade there, for twenty ican continent, tlieir oiliciids are for the simply a matter of common ])rudeiic(i object of this Iil 111! sleniiier i.s to carry of the latter enter Oswego for ono of most part sti-linger.s sent out i'rom Sj)ain, hlit M'o commence without delay, lnul iieilher freight nor pii.s.sen^'ur.s. She was the former, as d glance lit tho dliily ve- under liberlil appropriations plit our who come with no other purpose than built for the linn iiliove niinied, to be used jiorts would s'liow. Many of the 13liy of coasts in an elliciont condition for de• to got rinli at their expense. An op• oxcliisivoly by thein I'or distributing their Quinto trlid';rs have mlule lis inlmy lis fense." pressive system of export duties is en• printed matter in the river towns tor .ST. forty or fifty trips during the season, forced which is a heavy burden on iig- .TACOBS OfL, the Great Gorman Jfeinody and it is only owing to the skill of their liefci-riiig to tho subject of the stand- ricnltilre lmd coinmerce, and the im• for rhcuniatishi and other painful nihncnts. inlisters they are now alloat. The state• iird of acquirements necessary for port duties iiro devised to ompol the ment made by several, that only young admission to the military academy lit island to dejiend upon Spanish nuinu- iJRS. LYDIA E. mwm. OF LYNN. m%., itud iiie.xporieiiced cliptliins met with "West I\)int, the secretliry says: facttires, luid even iSpanish ilour, in• disaster, proved that tliey had made no "1 concur in the views of my prede• stead of buying in the near markets of imiliiries into the merits of the case, cessor tlilit it would not be well to the l.rniteil States. but lilid only met for the purpose of raise the standiird ot admi.ssion. The wliitewlishing the whole liftliir. Tho Self-governmeiit to tiio same extent result of the last examiiiiition, in which report of the engineer in charge admit• as is enjoyed by all tlio Hritisli colonies 49 olit ot 118 candidates wei-e rejected, ted that three vessels wero seriously would be of great advautlige to the in• THE GREAT shows that tho standiird is so higli as to damaged, lmd I'or the licnclit of those dustries and commerce of Gulia, to sliy limiLIKGTON no VTE. prevent the admission of many wlio who made tho statement, it mliy bo nothing of its effect in elevating tlio KE'~.Vn other lino rnns Throe Throiii-'li I'-ni would uiidoiibtedly, if thoy bad been so Benifer Trnins Dully bel.wenii Clileiittn, ih; sltid their coinmlmders are among the popullir.ioii.' freedom of politiciil ac• situiited as to' receive ])ropor prelimi- .Mciiiios, Council llliilTs, Oiiiiilia, Liiionlii, S oldest oli tlio lakes. Clipt. Mclvce, of tion would stimiillite education and de• .losoph, Atohlsriii, Toiiekn niiil Kaiisns (Jilj nlil-y trailiilig, prove valulible odleers. Direct eoniiootioiis for nil pciliit.s In l\;iii?iu the iliclial-dson, has sailed for upwards velop lm iiide))endence of thought and Tt has recently been recommended to Nobriisku, Colorado. Wyoiiiliis. Moiiiniio, Xi of twenty yairs; Capt. 13rluvlid, of tho a seU'-rclilmco now sluUy lacking. Per- vnilii, Now Mc.vioii, Arizona, lihilio.OroKini an me by the acadeinic bolmi to permit California. Erie Qlleen, for upwards of twenty- hlips independonco .would one dliy fol• tho discontinuance oi' cerlain prescribed The Slioriost, Siioodlo.'^t. niid Mtisl Ci.iiirurti live years; lmd Clipt. Clark, of tho Ag. low, but the hold of Sjiliin upon the i.s- studies in the course for the purpose of llio Itniite \'iu llaiiiiihni to l'"i»rl .'^eeii. lle/uHei n03 llopu, Wiis loiirliiilg the business liind would certainly be more lasting Diillas, lloiiiitnn, .•\ustin. flau .Anteiilii, vliilvu giving time for otliers of importance, ton ami ull poiius In 'fe.vns. before many of them were at schoo under ii system of self-rule than it is which was aiiparent. A consideration 'Pile Ulionuilloil ilKllleoninntrt elVorod by tin Major J\Ici.''itrliiiid, referring to tho Kric under the present policy of repression. Line to 'Pravolors und 'l.'eiiri-'^lf. ure its follow: of the subject suggested by this recora- 'Phi! (ieloliriiled Piillniiin (lll-whei.di I'alut Queen dislistei', says;—"'.I'liere wero Engliind retains her vast colonial pos• mendiitioii leads me to believe that it SIcepiiijir Curs, run iml.v nn llii*.'. l.iiii'. C. 11, heavy gliles of wind on both occlinions, sessions .scattered lUl over the world by t>. I'uhice nriiwinK-ltoiiin llars, '.vill'. ILeli.n would bo best to extend tho course so UceliniiiK" L'hnirs. .Vn e.xrru ehnire I'n- S^.i'ti yet 11 umbers of other vessels came in keeping tlio jiU'eetioiiate iittaehnients of as to cover live years. It is believed In IteolliiliiK- IJhairs. 'i'he i'liincnis Ij, ll. .Sr 1. sliColy during the same iiiglits and with• their inhabitant's iiiul permitting them Piilaeo liininir (Jiirfi. fidr^r.-uiis Snu-kiiij;- Uni that by so doing not only would the lllleil with Uleiraiit Iliuli-Hiieked llinian 11- out dilliciilty." Surely he forgets Oct. to manage tlioir own iil'fairs ; Spiiin has benents of the aciideniy bo more widely volviiiir Cliiiirs for the o.vdu.^ivo iiiio ul' llr-.^' 2i')tli, when that unfortunlito vessel lost neiirly !ill hor colonies by pursuing LYDIA E. PINKHAMi'S elnss passoti^^ors. extended, but tluit graduates would be Bank.tho.leiinio U'liito lost her jibbooni the opposite policy. At tho beginning Sleel 'Prju.'k iiiul Siitioider I'liiiilpiiii.'iii, eun prejilired to render better service to the VEBETAELE COMPOUND. hinod with their Great 'Plireiii-di I'm' Ariaii;,'! bowsprit, and all lier head gear, tho ot tills century she owned Mexico, Flor• ment, iniikos this, above IIIIOIIKM'S, the faverii country." Ia aPoflltivft Curo ' Aiinandiilo hor starbolird main rigging, ida, Central America, ard all of South lloiito to the South, South-Wost, and ihe Fa West. for all thoMsPfttnl^l Cnmpliilnta nnd WcnTtneHB* and had libout a dozen ot stanchions The actuiil expenditures under the .•Vmerica except Brazil. Xow she pos• •ocamiiiuii toouPbi'Mt fcninlo potiuliitlirit. Try It, and yon will find travolliifc' a lii.vur in.steail ef ii discomfort. carried away, and the JjiiUock some of Wiir department for the fiscal yelir sesses nothing on this .side uf tho At• Itwillnnro entirely tho worst form of Feninlo Com• plaints, nil oTarlnntrt^iiMoH.Inllaminatlni) antl Ulcein.. 'I'hroiish Tickets via this Celobrated Lin hor work I'orwlird, while two other ended .liine 30, 1881, were lJ42,122,201; lantic besides Cuba and Porto Bico. It for salo at all olllces In the IJiiitod .States au t}r,n, rnlllnf; and DlnpInRcnicntH, and tlio conHcqtiitnC t^aniula. schooners, to avoid colliding with tho the appropriations for 1882 wero .'j!44,- is strange that her statesmen have not Spinal WttalinoM, ana la particularly adaptnil to tlia All Informution alioiit llatos of Fiiro. Picoi pier .fouled, but were not seriously in• 889,725, luul tho estimates clill for learned in the school of experieiico that Cliant;n of Liro. Inff Car Accnnimodiilions, 'Xiinu 'i'hiilnfl, &c jured. Still lie appears willing to tako .'i!l4,541,27G; estiimites presented tlie sooner or later lirbitrary government It will fHs,-nn,MMi. Fli(»(L 81xbottliiMfor|.'>. Sent by mail bor, and the erection of the now west• allotted by congress, will be, iu his in:::^;^;';;^ ^:<*>r »2)toliitb« form of 1oscnE!cK, on. to be taken into the select fold. On receipt of price, %\ por hoi for either. Mra. rinkhitm ern breakwater formed an iirtifioiiil one judgment, a reasonable allowiince for Generations the following day. however, Mrs. ILid- froelyannwerialllflttflniof Infiuiry. Send for pamph• quite sufficient to the requirements of tills class of expenses for next year. dington's feelings were dretidfully lac- let, AddreM aj aU>ve. Umti(m thi% iVitcr. the trade. The erection Of the eastern enited by Miss DeBoon, who annouuced No family uliould be without LYDIA K HNKIIAM'S The good and stannch old breakwiiter w.'is quite unnecessary to that she was unable to And tho new UTEK riU.8. They eure eofiitlpatlon, blllDuan««, stand-by, MEXICAN MUS• furnish shelter for it, and consequent• uA torpidity of the liver, S6 centi |ier hoi. boarder's family name in the fashion• TANG LINIMENT, has done ly it is of no use. In speaking of the The Census of New Ttork City. Sold by all Vruiiiilata. -«« able directory, which is tie only stand• inore to assuiigo pain, rcllero entrance to the harbor being wider rarrand wuiiamfifero.,A«entfi Hn'ro MiftiKrao^ ard work of reference that is allowed suiferin.!;, and save tho Uvea of than most others along the lakes, he Official returns of the census ot..t. in the Iliiddington parlor. It became may be unaware that iis those he men. New York city as regards population men and beasts than all other more apparent every day that Mr. tions are piers only, there is a vast dif• • dwellings have been received. liiiiineiits put together. >Vhy t lileoker was an objectionable person, ference. With piers only, the heavy The population (1,200,577) was known Because tlio Mustang pene• but it Wiis not until yesterday that he it a vesssel becomes ulmoat helpless, before. The most instructin;; item, trates through skin and flesh next to this.is the number of persons to developed a new phase. When Miss seas roll up ou the betich, and loose to the very bone, drlTlng out DeBoon sat down to breakfast sho was their force, while in striking the break• a dwelling (10 37), whlcti is not so horrified to see that individuRil,who sat ail pain and soreness and water the waves run along the wall, largo as might have been supposed wlien we consider the multipliciition opposite, devouring delicate croquet of morbid secretions, and restor• and create a heavy back-wash or under of tenement houses and of large ap.art- pulverized yadtm »»o/vA«a (coilfish) ing the afllicted nart to Bonnd tow, which renders vessels almost un• ment buildings that has taken pilice with the assistance of his knife. George and supple hoaltn. manageable, a position the dangers of .CHSAlf' GUILTS fcr TExii-ri^U^LE.S during the last decade. The average K. Matson, Miss DeBoou's afllnlty, also which none but mariners know. As number of persons to a family (4 9fl) perceived Bleeker's barberous behavior, Oswego now stands, a south-westerly lati remained about stationary, being iuid in a spirit of kindly satire related blow strikes tho western breakwater a trills greater than thia in 1870 and a several anecdotes about the sword swal- and creates just such a swell. Once in trifle less in 1875. The increase in the lowers of Afghanistan. Strange to say and is quite as liable to dash against riumber of dwellings in ten years is a ^i'iiiUlua Tatkle, ItaMtrn.tkA. Mat O. 0> i>.tur exituiluailuu. JS Mr. Bleeker was offended and intimated the eastern pier as to make the entrance. little under 10,000, and the Increase of that Matsou bore a close resemblance Before the latter was built thoy had a population a little more than 250,000. to that useful quadruped which history chance to come round where it now II ajipears, therefore, that, whereas the couples with the name of Bal.aam. stands; but now only those who have dwellings of ten year-i. ago contained "You lire not a gentlemau," said Mr. mitde the trial know what it is to make on the average less than 15 persons Matson; "I will see you later." "See the attempt in any kind of a blow. each, those which have since been me right heie," was the bellicose invi• Oswego has a trade that Kingston can _added contain nearly twonty-llva per- tation of the overfed Bleeker, as he never get.smd it is in no spirit of jealousy 'sons each (supposing the old ones to be no more crowded now thiin then), rais- vharged over the table and bore Matson DrMEHAUR'S the obstacle she is placing in her own Dr. MBXTAVII'S HEASAOHB POXS cure moit wandeiMljr in • rmtj , iutf the average for all the dwellings, to the floor, amid the 8cr«>lams of Miss way is pointed out. It is because the •hort Una both UGK Mid MXBVOOB HKASAOHBt rad wUls BOUBC on old and new to the figure givyi above. DeBoon and the other hulies. The wit• interests of Canadian .shipping, which, It is undoubtedly true that the ar• nesses of the battle tell rather mixed in a liirge me.isure, has given her the rangements for comfort and cleanli• stories of the gallant way Matson at• position she now h'>ld8, demands it, ness and consequently for health in tempted to defend himself from pun• that Canadiitn papers have taken the the new dwellings are gireatly superior ishment, and how the fiendish Bleeker question up, and it is, no doubt, be• even for the increased number of occu• beat and pounded and dragged his vic• cause they are less sliortsighted than pants, than those of older date. The tim along the ball, and was hauling her own citi/.eus that the American population of New York, regarded as a him down the front steps when Officer HEADACHE A fhU itaa bos of thcM T«liwble mxs. wtOi ftUI dbMtioiu for • eom. press has followed suit. Let them take commercial centre, cannot be properly Rielly arrived and arrested him. pleto eiue.BUrilad to •» addrau on Moolnt of nlna tlwoe-oont v—trnga warning in time, or, like citizens of old. estimated.without including Brooklyn, itMiipt. Ver Mia br MaaomU drnnlrti oaDBmcAZs mt Me. Bol. cowAinre rroprieton. iMUaore, . m. they may awake too late, and find that .Teraey City.Hoboken and Stateu Isluud. their "glory has departed."—2'oroi»to The aggregate population liere col• FOR CHILBLAINS.—Steep white oak Mail. lected, whose focus ia on Manhattan Island, is considerably above 2,000,000, leaves (found on the trees during the and is lecond to point out numbers winter season) and soak the feet sever• al nights in Buccession. PILLS iiOV.EM;BElil. two fiilse notes in the song, and baby think ot niiicli, fur [ felt tho logs was To liiD A HOUSE FiioM BKonuas.— PERRT DAVIS' evidently had an ear for nuisic, for lie cliokin' mo, an' yet 1 knowed soinetbin' Take 10 cents' worth ot quicksilver and Tlio hoar frost cllntenn in tlio innrn; refused to bo quiotod. was keopin' 'em about four inches the white of an egg; beat them well to• Tliii(liyl«iivwll'O.I«rt.o Uie yroniKl; , And then, just as two big telirs woro apart. gether until the quicksilver is like lino Final lioilint; ili'titli nrnl fix' v> fin-lorn ' coming in her blue eyes, the front •^VIlilt 'twas r didn't know till after• ppppur all through the , egg. It nuiy The v.-ihl llllll liiPituns, Siiiilliwar.i Iwunil. giito opened, and..Tuck's ste)! was lieiird. wards. tako one hour to beat. ])o" not use an 0 ; (ilslnnt hills the piifl liliin Imz". In a ruonieiit luore he was in the room, 'My arms w;is fron inider, an' I tried egg-boiiter, for lho, silver is poisimoiia. TlieliiiH'riiiiir liTeiin 'if viile lu.il lawn, hearty and big as ever, but very wot to pull the logs apart, but bless ye, thoy 'I?lieii apply the,mixture with ii feather Unvlvii, iu tlieH.i NovtMiilior •fiiys, was ;i million pound pressiiro, im' A SAFE AND SURE lint iminuiriDS of tho SUIIIIIK r fjoin-: anil pale. to all cracks or places whore there aro ''i:ii(U'ol tbero! Alice, darling, kiss mo i might's well lia' triod to pull up a any bugs. Thia, if persevered in. Is a REMEDY FOR Antani-Mil t.vininiilm, hrlKlitainl lirinf again, but don't put your arms around tree, an' I begin to give up, when I see cortiiiii remedy. AH nil onr joys ilini aiiiiiinnn un; somethin' lly through Ihe air an' light The (lyiiiir linasl nf Ihiwer iiiul lea!, 1110, fur I've hail a duckin". Why, dar• Rheumatism, Chtieruil an lho (niliuK Biiniiot-fflinv, ling, 'tiiiii't iiolhin'. Ver needoii't be on a log nigh me, an' I heard Aleck .tmportfinc to Travelers. SPECIAL TNDUOEMENTS are nlTereii you hy frightonod—now. Hain't yer found call out:'lTolpI Help! Vain .".hnv,- or rnniu'.^'i'.i v.-aulrj; lioall!.,— ilin UoiiLiNoroN llotiTE. It will pay you to Sardonli! drnpsiiif; fur llui i.'i'.ivo,— out by this time Hint ii .logger Is liable 'He might us well lia' hollered to the luad tlunr advortisoniHul to he foiiiid UIRO I'oor r«!onipiinKO loritll lliH weiiUli lergitwof'' There, there; pet. iJon't stars fur help's holler !er tbo fellers on wljHr'j In this iBsnn. or Krmin that hlinwor and Hnuohiue sjuvi). yocry. Thank Goil, I iiin'c hurt.' I lie shore, fur thoy cunliin'c get to us Ami the gieiit brawny follow, wet iis tlKiii, an' I knowed it. Iliititgive ine Drn^dfls say that bviHA E. PINKUAM'S Kow o'er lhi> niene, in weriln of ileath, Vi.:i)E'rAnLE OO.MPO.N.VB IB itn> hml rnm«dy for Cliolera, Sail Niitiir per bottle. Dirvctims accompany each bottlv. My heart is very Urod, my stivtidlli is low. 'Well, xVlice, dear, it was a mighty just fur enough from th' other to save .'imples. The salvo is guaranteed to give My Hands are liid of hlossoiua pluckciii lief.,ro. close lit;. I will tell you: There was me. And Alice, it were an ax. Somo '••rfect Biitisfaction in every case or money SALE BY AU DRUQOISTS Held drad wllhin ili(!iii till niymlf Hlinll die. feller had struck his ax into that log , .'funded. Be snro you get HENRY'S CAU- —ICUzahelli lUirrM lirtiumiiuj. a dozen of us sortin' logs uj) at the bottoms, fur to feed tho mills tomorrow, and left It there. Likely the log had jOLic SA1.V13, as all others are but immita- ions .ind coimtnn'eits. Prico 2.5 cents. TUTT^i an' a good many logs had como down turned over, and he had lost it. Any• thi'oiigli the day, an' a kind o' jammed way, there it was right close to where .VA.i. . DAVIS & CO., AVholesalo Dru-:- .••islii, J^elroit, Alich., Agents. THE l{!U^]A.i'/rii OF up things so tlioy was some danger o' my neck wiw, and the edge was 'gin a tho boom hroakiii,' cause the wiiter's , that was hard enough ter keep't AN AX. Pitts! bigher'n tisiut,! jiistiiow. Aleck Urown from crushing right in.' Piles ! Piles!! Plies!!! A qHiirl;i;r of ii mile buck from the an' me was bjgeUter, an' .E see Aleck '.Jack, 1 want that ax,' said Alice, Sui'o Curo Fount! at Laat. No AS AN ANTI-BILIQliS UCINE, look&'l sorto' serious, so I asked him looking up suddenly, and smiling Ono TJaort Suffer. river on Urn street tlmt \M\ down to aro inoorapnrablo. Thoy stimuluto tlia •bout it. Ito didn't say iiotliiii' fur a through her tears. A S ..re euro for tho Hllnii, BI«ediD;.f, Itohin? Martin's snw mill, un tlio .St. Anthony mil OiOemtod Piles has iieoit discovered hy TdnPijiLIVJ!)il,inviKQnitoli,oJSl"j^ ininiito, but preity soon he says:'.Tim Fiills, stood tilt: little wliile cotipifo that 'I knowed you would darling, an'I Or. Williams Inn Indian iv'iedy), eiillad f)r. OU,S SYS'i'BM, Kivo'tono to tho riQES; .Tiiok i^oniit'lly had boiiffht for his bride. Gitgo'il oughter know, and he siiys the brought it home for you,' and. tho big Wllll.iins' Indlaii Ointmen Asini^leliox has TIVEOKGAW.9, creatVperloctd;.,;0Ntion boom is strong; but L reckon if thoy is "oggor went to the door, and brought cured tbe WOIB chronic cr.^aa nt 25 and 80 Iind regular movemont ol" tbo bowela. It wiis not iill piiid tor yet, but tho years ntandini(. No one need suitor five niiu- mortg.'igo liiid Ijoeu gro\viiig smiillor much of a, jam up above, it'll tear things in a rust-covered ax, wliich Alice took uteo after applying this woudorful sonthinu AS AN ANTI-MALAE^IAL when it Vlues bust. An' judgin' by medicine. Lotions, lustrumentu, anil Elec- eacli spring I'or tliroo ypiirs, ;ind ;i possession of. And to this diiy tluit Thoy have no eq\ml ;jiGtinp; an a provont- the locks uf the river, I reckon they is tuarios do inorB harm than Rood, Williams : couple of siMsoiis moro would see the rusty ax hangs on the wall, just over ivo and euro Ibr Bilious, llomittODt, Intor- il biul jam soLuewhere.' Ointtiieut ahsorhs th« tumors, allays the lu entire iiiiiDiint piiid, :ind then Alice Alice's sewi11g machino.—Exchaii'je. tense itoliinf,' (partiiiiilarly at iii'^'ht after tfot mittont,'lyphoid iTovora, aiul jf'ovrer and would bo the proud owner of wliiit she 'i looked up the river, an' see't they line; warm in boil), aotii as a pnultice, (jivos in ARUQ. Upoiitho hoalthyaoLiju of t.a^ siiMit nnd painless relief, and is preptirad only and ,!ack thought w;is the iirotliost was mighty few logs coiiiiii' down, and Cuius I'OR EAUAOUK—Put about Stomach qnd_ Invor clopniuln, _ahnu» four drops of liiudaiiimi and four drops fur Piles, itctiing ot tho private piu'ta, and uotti wholly, tho health ol' tho humau Viic67 place in Aliniii'iiiiulis. 1 knowed they must be. Just tlien Ing elsi>. of best kerosene oil_ into it teaspoon; And almost any one who might liiive Dill Itovy come down an' says: ''Thoy DYSPfPSJAa Hit ill a little bit of cotton-batting— Head what the Hon. J. iVI. CoIIInlK'.t:ry, of liiippeiied to oiitch ii glimpse, from the is a jam iip to Wilson's lleiid.' . Olevelanil, says abont Dr. Williams' .Indian Xt ia for the curo of tliia diaonno and ita m about enough to .absorb the mixture; ; cross streol, of U-ie tidy lillle kitchen •'TwDrii't only two o'clock, an' I Pilo Ointmrait: "I have used scores ot pile , tODdanta, SlEK-HllAi)A.CHB. MiiKV-^ hold the spoon and contents over a euros, hut it alforiifl mo ploasura to say that I ouaivKsa. nmsvoNDSNcy, jcoiv- where Alice was busy one May evening knowed I was likely to git back at the lighted candle or gas-light till it begins have naver I'ounil anything wliich gavo such STIPA'.i:'lOlNr. Fll-iJlS. &c.,Jhu.t_ JheilQ ; ut sunset, would havo been inclined to usual time, sol didii'tsend ye no word, Imineilinto aud permanont relief as Dr.Wii- to hiss with the lieiit, turn the colton 1*1113 havo Kuinod aucii a vvicio reputation, but Aleck an' rao, an' Iiiilf a' dozen o' llain' Indian Ointtnent." ' agree with the verdict. Mo remedy wna ovor discovcrod that nct^e tho fellows jumped into a wagou iin' over, apply spoon iuid contents once For sale by all drusgioliS, nr mailed ou re• The lloor was bare, but it was so so spocdiiy and piontly on thn diseativo or- more to the heat, then pinch out the oeipt of price $1.00. spotlessly clean that no one woultl have drove iip's fiist's we could go. cotton; put it hot into the ear, tie a TP, S. HSN-il'^r &:CO., -opriGCora, ^nn.s, giving tbom tqnp_aiul vigor to aa- dared to suggest the idea lhat it looked 'When we got there we see 'twere a iiirnUato food, 'riiia nooompijsliod. tha band.igo over the ear to keep tbe heat Cluvulaiid Ohio . bare. Tlia stove ivjis not very I.'irge, bud jam, fur anotlier one further up MEitV.IJi3 ara BJ:{AC,i3D' " _Z, the iBKAItV in, and relief is immediate. If you are AHKAVn lVn.l.I.\ll,.4 * Oo,. A(/enIH Oor.roh ,Mlo but it seemed to bo trying to give out the i'ivor had busted an' piled up the NOaiilSHliO,_tindond _ tli'j BOD V RO - subject to ear-aclie keep a little box BlJST. Try"tliia Hemody i'nirli-_a\id you the heat of ii furnace,"and the red glow logs mighty thick. When one busts i^acneliiy's lli:...... with il small vial of each of the articles Eiinlaihl.'.htreel.' will giiin a Vigoroua Body, ]?i.ire Biuodi "•hat came from its opon door was like onto iinOthcr that way, ye know, it named, and you cau get relief iit all *.eN..cl(vrs. Itim could wait till tho mortgage was paid says: To wash il while silk haiidkoruhiot so li.inaadr.iuly buitml In rlntb, partfl )i Niitiinil Color, and nnis IiiHtiintiinoouHlji lilaiMC tvud ^eUI,ei)ly,M.euias, .Sold hy UruKKiRtnorHDiitbyexpniSsoii r«uuiptof$L off. ]5iit wbat there was was scrubbed • 'Twoii't do to let this go on. We've that it will not be stiff, make a suds of Vulito's Iikaory el Kiiirlisi. (.Iter, goc to work ill the middle. Who'll go te))id wiiteriind plain white soap, add• niiiro I t-.iui(ls(iten isiii) ~'iliiuie,' OfTice, 35 Murray St., Now Yvrk. till it shone, nud tho tea-kettle was tilolh, oniy .'.11 eiint . pnding out stetini like mad. Jt was with mo'!* All' lie starts out on the ing a tablespooikf ul of Magical Mixture, Other Knolcs uqii uy low. J-'uJt iliKfrtatift CU, tCitHC Fl jam fur tho middle b' the river. and lay the handkerchief to soak twen• fiiirly woiidorfnl how that little kettle jiAvnAiTA-'f UO i: CO puffed iind sang, and how the lid diinced 'Well, I see the boys all look at me. ty minutes, covering it up so that it o. iiej 'usi, la •VmtiitbSt.. .S'ew Yi.i CANCER "'"^^ lightly up and ilown. They knowed well enough, that I was will steam; then wiisli with the hiinds CURED Jiiit the bviglitcst, tidiest object in the be.st ivian to go, 1 knowed it too, and riiiso, putting a little blueing in E. C. FITZPATRICK, It. X. n. MCMICHAEh, No but 1 tlioughto'you an' I waited a min• the water, which should be a little 36 Vebutuble Mnrkofc nnd Store 107 Grand RlTer 113 Nlaitara SI. llnlTalo, N. Y, tho room Wiis Alice, with lier broivii Av.i,, DETROIT. MICH.. (Iral.T HlHl shipnor hnn n ponitiva anil wonitcrfiit euro for Cancor. with• hair tied securely back with ii blue rib• ute. Jiut the Other fellers s. JM. /VX^X^t>.tt^ Jtc CO keep hot but not wait. It wouldn't be PMkera ot the long; .Tack never loitered on his way •We hadn't gone a quarter of a mile to despise it; attempt to overtake and eelebntetl Du- lieND BkUID Lome. There was too much happiness afore the log I was on turned, an' in refute it, and it will outruii you. waiting I'or him. No stopping at tlie steppin' round, one o' the spikes on my AnElkton, Md., paper mentions the corner tor a glass of something hot and hoots snapped off aa I slipped in. I case of Mr. T. Beenen, of that place, Btrong. hung on to my pole, an' it made a V.'ILLIAM REID, Wholesale and Retail dealn who suffered severely with rheumatic in French and American WIIIISV? 0I.AS3, PLATS bridge 'tween the logs, au' I was just But the little clock kept on ticking pains until he tried a bottle of St. Jacobs OLAOS, Ribbed and KOUKU Plate for Sky I.iRhts, climbin' up when another log struck Cut iind Enameled Class, Silver Pl.lted Saih Ban. just aa tliough Jack was there. And Oil, which complaetely cured him.—In• French and German Looking Glass Plates. Lead the end of it an' splintered it into bits. the ticking grew louder and louder, and dianapolis (Ind.) Journal. and Oil,Colors. Potty, Points, cic, la Si 14 Csa. more and more disagreeable, aa it re• I fell back, and thought I was gone cress St. East. DRTKQIT. 3fich. morselessly checked off roljiuto after clean under, but the two , logs just Publish your joys, but conceal your S.OOO Airend* Wnntml for Mile of minute of the time that Jack was over• clamped me by tbe neck.. sorrows. due. 'You may know how quick they come Warnefa Bate gtdnay and Iitrtt Cura. GARFIEIaD Ten minutes, twenty, tliirty, and the together by knowin' they didn't graze ^^Ueonumsthetullhlatoi»nil d«at*rM|I7^'- and the eaeciiiing of busineia papers Jack would be at home before baby •HutthI please don'tl' and Alice's tluoe 1839. Senil.for their detcriptive prlw fThoae wiihing a ilioroiish.buaineu hand wason his lips. ediicatlon ahould empilre of the buai- was quieted. And she began singing currant ot family and ot Vat«irlnary Medloiaa , n«H men nf.Deiroll wli,ire It can beat to the little one. But there were one or 'Well, well, I didn't have Ume to oaita and booka to WOlarkSt, Ubioago, III. be liad. Cellogrj iwyet mailed ftea.-. Miisoii ittarkots. Iugliaiu County ^i^motrat niiAiN, GREAT REDUCTION WHKAT—lied >'o. 2 Per linsliel ®1 2S TO EVERYONB WIlKAT—White, No. 1, per hnshel,.,,,,,,...! 2(1 —o.s'- THURSDAY. DECEMBER S, 1881. WHEAT—White, N'l). 2, Per Bushel I 2.| OATS-Per Biishiil IWlfa Ml CORN'—In the •t.'ir, per bushel 2H(J5 SO VVisliing- soiiielliing useful and not expensive for Christmas and The Giiileaii I'nrcL' is still drawin;; iin- IIARLEV—Per imMioniulj TOtral 0(1 OLO VER SKEP—I'er bnslleh. 6H 1^, New Years we would extend a cordial invitation to examine our line of inonso luiilieiiccs ill Wusliiiii,'ioti, nntwitii- TIMOTIIVSEED—Perlmshnl @S 20 suiiflin;.' uv'LM'vliody ai)pL'ara to he thofough- OUOCKan'.s AMI I'llOVISIoNs. ly (ii.s;;ii.4tii(!, SAL'f—SaKlnaw, per lianul ®l BEA Nil—While,tier liiisliel I fie(Sl2 2i1 Tlic forly-scventh eoiif,'ro.ss waa fnnncrly PO'PA'rOES—New I'er bushel W(i> Of) HANDKERCHIEFS, FLOUR—l'ur lOd poiinilii (a).l «0 convonorl on Monday last. .Iiiincs W. BUOICWIIEAT |.'I,01JR-I'er KlOpolllids.. S fiU Keil'iir was chosen .speaker allur a hard EGOS—Eri'sh, ner iln'/.ei (51 '.211 BU'r'PER—Creek ami Loose ® 2(1 LINEN OR SILK. light. It is considered ii decided victory LARD—Per iioiuul 10C"1 II for tlui "stalwarts." APPLES—Prled . per poiiiitl (o) 0 PEACIlliS—iJlleil, tier iiouml SOU 10 Ladies' Collars, I.tVK HTOI.'K A.NI) fiil-.ATS. WASIIIXCfJ'OX LETl'Ell. OA'n'LE—PerlODimiiMds S mm* 00 ItEEE—Presold,per Kill pounds ....ll (IUM7 (10 T ho Toclioua Trial.—A Hunit jury will lions—I'or 111(1 jionnd •! 00&1 m Hoods, Nubias, Not Hang About tho Hopo.—Tho Now POUK—Presst.d. iier 1(10 pounds .....11 00(111(1 .1(1 OIIIOKKMS—llrnssi.d,iierpoiluil. ® S Ctibinot, OIIICKI'.N'S—Live, per pound -1 Jackets, Mitts, rruni our rexiilar correspondent. TIIRKEVS—l.lva, per pounil 7 \VASIIIN-(ITON, D. C, Dec. ;!d, 1S8I. TURIvKVS—IJresse.l, per pound @ 'J Pithlic attention is Just now divided ho- iiuii.iii.-Jn *i.\Tr.lil.\l.. Wristlets, Hand Satchels, twocii the tedious trial of Guiteaii in the WATER LTMK—Per barrel (?!)2 2r> CAt.CIN'EP PLASTER—Per Imirel (ff.2 .10 City Hall, aiidtlio oanvas.s for tho spcaker- PL\STEUI.N'n II AIR—per bil.^lK.I @ "HI Sewing* Machines slui), which is wiinrod at half a dozen largo Sni.SGLKS—I'er thousand I 80@S fiO Silks, Plushes, hotol.s, A. ninnth ago there was but ono LIME—Kimd Perbarrol ©li'i iror thu Next aOlliiyN. LATIl-Per Jl.reol 00 opinion rc.liitivo lo tho issue of tho trail. Como and H«I» iny Mtnck am! n,v.l. a KirJiI.'Ola.-^s ,Misfi:i.i..\.v:.ous. r.liiitit, fiillv wjwrunlt-il for r» yuacs. Kuno i')I]u'r sold Velvets, Cloakings, Everybody thou;,'IH Giiitcau would ho luin;; LAND l'l.AliTER—l'er'rou .'i UO®.-; .10 at Ihis ollUio. I will miil.-u n ItKniJCTfO.V uF ?I0 and looked upon tho trial only us a COAI.-l'er 'I'on " II" lioni i.'utili I'litM'.s M'hi'n iw.i iiiai;!iiinM aro ImuKht al ono tiniohy tln' »i»iiii' inuiy, diicniU preliminary to llio iiinvitahlo rope. (lAl'TION.— Iliiy unly ol JI ri'^'nlar.^'t'wiitj; Mnohiuo TRIMMINGS, ETC./ETC. Now, Olio out of every ihroo yon meet, ami "PILEST PILES!! PILES III Di'iih-r. who ;ilvt'i a waimiiiy,-lU'tli ilin rtiMil of tlio perhaps half tho lawyor.s, iiro ol' the opin• ci)ni]i;n y, iiinl ;;'.o.l fur y.\-\< yvni->. lii-wnro nf 'JriK.M', A Burt Cure Found at Last. Ho Ooe IT«ed lunohiiu-n, aud ho isuni thoy :iro now uud not focuiul' ion thiu the jury will not asroft. It is Suifor. tiaml, MUi'ii,ofr.:ri'«l so VIM-.V clici'p. aaid that the jury coiiliiiiis more than one A sure cure for the Jiliiul, Bleeding, Itch• Ulacliiiic Ui-'pairM, 0\\, Neinlh's anil AliiicliuioiitH iilway.-i on huiid at my ollioo in Iho diolt hlock, next crank wlio.se synipalhy I'or the K'lih}' will ing and Ulcerated Piles has been discovered to Wubll'n .HIIOII HtulV, JliOiOll, .shield Giiituaii. li.vpert iMtimniiy for the by Dr. Williams (n:i Indian rcinodyX called We have a Pew Sats of IJ. ^V. AYl.ANJ). ])i'oscoutioii iiiiiy coiiviiieo every jiirymaii Dr. Williams' Indian Ointment. A single of I.in rosponsiliility I'or the crime, and box has cured the worst chronic cases of 25 JIK1;;O l.'orier'.s orosso.'cainiiin.tion ol the and 30 years standing, Noone need Biill'er SUEE RBWASD. niiirdnrcr, olioitinj,' his sliMr|)Miul eoiini-eled five mmutcs after applying this woiulorful replies, ouifliL to per.iuade tlieiii ol' the in. soothing medicine, XiOtions, Instrunienta, Ladies' and Children' Furs, consistency of his dereiise. Gnitpiin mis• and Elcctnnrios do more luirm than good. CHEAP HOMES takes liis infiunv for liuiie, is happy in tho Williams' Ointment absorbs the tumors, allays tbo inteiiMc jte!iing_ (ijnrticidarly at Very Cheap, Just the thing for a Christmas coiispiciioii.siiii.s.s that lins lieoii tho lil'c-lon;,' night after getting irarm in lied), .icta as • craving ol' his ubnormal egotism, and, 1 poultice, gives iuslani and painless relief, or New Year's Gift.. think, is wholly iiiunmhloil hy visions of and is prepared only for Piles, itching of HALF MILLION ACRES the .Sl. I.oins rope. It is |iorhn|)S not gcii- the private parts, anil nothing else, oriilly kiinivn tlmt Mr. Rohcrt lliiiiipliroy.s -OP- Ecad what tho Hon. J. M. Colliiiberry, o( of .Sl. Louis, Inis the grim pnvolegc nl'sup Cleveland, says ahont Dr. 'Williams' Indian SPLENDID plying nil the slierill's ol' lliu United .Slates Pile Ointment: "I have used scores of pile UNTIL CHRISTMAS, We will Sell Ladies' with :ui article nhsolutely inilispouHihlu in cures, but it affords me ple.iaure to say that tlio uiirorceiiieiit ol' tin; liiw'.s e.vlrome pen• I have never fonnd anything which gave Gents' and Children's HOSE, Cotton, Wool and ally, Kor SOIIIO years piisl ihis singular inch immediate and periiiancut relief as Dr. FARMING monopolist has oxelnsively maiiul'acUireil Williams' Indian Ointment," Merino for 10 per cent less than the marked Uio ropes used I'or llio e.'ccculion of mur• For sale by .all druggists, or mailed on re- derers tliroiiglionl tin; length and breadth' csipt of price $1,00. price. Now will be a good time to buy a full of the Union. Jlade ol'tho choicest hemp, JAS, E. DAVIS A CO,, Wholeialo Dru«. Eoi: SALE 11Y supply. lulmiriihlo spun, and of oxtniordiiiary gku, Datroit, Midi., AfEcnti. slrengili, .Mr, Ihimpliruy's ropes fullil iheir mm RAPIDS & MAM R. R, CO. dread mission wiili ;i com|ilelene.ss that edwamTfrazel le;lV<^s notliiii',' lu be desired. 'I'liey aro InvituH you lo cull iit tlio soinewhiit costly, his charge I'or them is si.'c Railrocid Comiihlcd Tknnujh Center of 'Jollars a|)iece; bill, in consideration of Lands, Palace Restaurant COME AND SEE OUR BARGAINS their inl'allible eireeliveiic.s.s, iho executive aulliorilic^s consider them cheap-at that AND BAKERY. l>i> not K'"* West or Snuth until you loarn wliiit iUlchlKun ott'onH iiit(illi);;ont farnuuH, Yon can do lirico. Down to the iireseiil lime no niale- IN SPECIAL PRICES. hotter Willi lo.ss umnoy uoiiriM- hoino. inclor to whose neck 11. Ifniiiphrey's rope 9;i.'i M'a!«lilii$;(«>!it Avcimic, Lands rich, dry, and K"iitly roIHiiK. Tlmhorod has been adjusted suciiinlnin ar(tVH,'lias suc• Vt'JjiMi you go lo mainly ^^i'l' SiiKar Maplo, Kook l-ltiii, IJuHhWootl, AHII, 1-loech, lliunlock, otc.iind aru woll watorod by Respectfully, ceeded ill surviving the irealmeiit Ibr moro hittcs, rlvors lunl «|irint,' hniolcs. thiiii a niiuule or two, LANSING. Strong Hoils, lino oriip?i, hoalthy clininto, Hchools WL» liuvo iivni'.vUiiii;4 to IIO fouml in u llrrft'CliiHH and chiiroliois, iiitollit SITVD U Imicli or sqrnini TUOMEY BROS., iiifiatrt III itll hoiiin. Wa maUo ourowu ciimlloH. \YQ l-'or llookH, MapH, olc, aildroHH There has lieoii so iiiuch talk over iho W. O. IIUflAKT, Opposite Court Houso, 91AS01V, MICH s]ieid!ership that thu new cabinet has been Ornniiiciiliil t'likcti AIKI Cnnl'octloiinrj Land Comniissioner, little thought of. Ft is said that the prcsi. for parties and wediliiiKs. Call aad see us. Krery- Griiiul Itiipids, AIlclu doiit «ill be reiidy wilh a list of names tlilni; new, neat and clean. «9-.TlTLE PEREEOT. which will probably he confirmed at the first exoculivc session ol the scnato. The latest inUiUigenco is ihut Air, Brewster ol' ONE DOLLAR A Season of Slaughter Philadelphia will bo iittorney general; e.v- A Y K A K. .senalor iioutwoll of .Mii.ss., .secretary of the Tlio WQUI Story Viiiu>r In tho Woai. 4HcoIuuuib navy; e.x-seualor Chall'ee ol Colorado, sec- SPLENDID of oriKinuI ami choiculy«aoloctod roudiiis nnittor. rotary of ihu interior; ox-soiiator IIowo of inlutL'd upon lart;o, vhiiu tviio. Tssuoil WcoUty, anil HAS BEEN INAUGURATED AT THE Wisconsin, posiinastcr general; ex-senator miiilod to any addro.Hrt in llio Unitod States, porttaf,'u paid, for OiH) J>(ilhir II Your, Kvory UOM' mib- Frelinghnvseii of New .Jersey, secretary nf HcrihorK*"'' proniiiun. Send for samplo copy. Ad- stiiln. Secretaries l.iiicolti and Polger will FARMS! •ULVSH CUlCAOd T.KMOia;, Chicago, III. retain the iiorllblios of war and of linauce. All liul three of the proposed oahinol have Important Notice ! been in tho U. S.seiiiile, and three of thein, MODEL CLOTHING HOUSE cx-scnator lloniwell, Freliiighuysen, and HUDSON & REED, Howe, have liad long experience in public life, Tho appointiiioiil of Mr, Brewster as In Coiiscquciicc of (lie tartllncsN of Jack Froitit In iiutlinur Real Estate Agents iittoriicy general would seem lo indicate a In biN annual appcaiaucc. Wc 9in«l lilled uui- Mtore with an vigorous policy in tho star route cases. fiHto of TIaton Unpi'l.s. hiiM roccntly located In Mason Now offor soino of for pornmntmt rctiidoncc. IIo has Hpnrod no uxpoiiso iuiuientiio stock of in lltliuK "p rooim* in tho most ulofjant and Cuinnioii Council I'l'uueuiiiiiss. oliihorato .stylo, lian ilir«i> of iho \\\Mt niodorii THE MOST DESIRABLE FARMS! stylo chair.i and all tho corriTfipondliig I'teuHoru, to whic'li hn intoml.'j to add Jtittli roontii (a nuci.-.iK]ly loii^ COMMON COUNCII. IlooaiR, 1 folt hy thu citizens), ^Jltn aim is to oxaul in all tliu M.i.sos, Decemher fitli, ISSl. I IN I.SGUAM COUSTV,3 varioil branclu'H of liiJi prof^s.-shm, nnd thuivliy jjaln Winter Clothing, Council mot In roKUlar session aud was called to tho ROod will and coiilld.'noo of all who may favor order hy Mayor Clark. Present,Aid. Keed, Itayner, liim witli a call. Tliootllcit will Im Uoiu npon i*arly JIny, Willliims, Brown, Meloiu. For Sale Cheap. and laic, Willi Kooil cxporiouct'il Indp to o.\pi'dito Minutes of hist meeting read and apiirovod. and avtdd tit,'luy3. Ilowill IIIMO nttouti to lOnihalmlnp, .Sliaviii;; and liiyinj.?'"It Iho Jioiid. .So lhat in i^vory llEl'OttT OP COM.MITTEES. iind oach dopuitnioiit of a piorcsHjoniil ToiirtoriuliHt, But ai* fall ficenitii to linger we rcall/.c the nccesliilty of a The Ihiance coinnilttee reitort hack the followhig ALSO ids huflini'ss will ho fully mot und carrU-d ont. I'ast claims, recomiliendiuB their aliowauce at looting : o.'cpprionco iiddotl to llic to.stimfiiiial.s nilKlit ho added Fall In Flgurc»i in oraler to induce (he groodnt t«i vacate bur A. d.'rallniali.TnlKhts watcli ...J S ir, T am prL')»ari-d to Hay: Conio on, Ijudiosaiid Oontlo- <>. I). Diehl, .'lU^ilays labor .1 0,1 CITY PROPERTY ! men, and you will over lUid nty odit'u oloaii ami in- premlHcs. In consequence West MaKWelt, 1 days lahor..... 1 'J.'i vitinK'i"d niy Iio.st (dlorl,i init forth to j;Tatiry ivud AVm.Woeker, 1 days lahor , 1 2.1 ploiiHC. I am Kcspoctfiilly, G. W. l\lcCave, I days lahor 1 '^ri AT RARE BARGAINS. 11, Chapin, I days lahor self and team i! 60 I.:. IJalclier, I " , 1150 O. L. Biirnatiy, '\y. days self and team. lit lis •• paid T. Nichols 1 tXl Thosu di'sirtUK to purcliaso will lio ta Icon topropi-rty " L. Whitman 1 ir, n tho country hy J. M. Hudson, Froo of Chargo. " C. HodKes. 1 2.1 " .lohn Itlshop 1 2,1 N.H. DOWNS' lleport accepted. HUDSON & REED. 'rile llmince committee refer the claims in the case VEQETABU BALUMiC ^ Has declalcd to clip (lie niarg'lH dotvn to a siinving', and o f Will. O. Lowell vs. the city of Alason back to the Olllce adjolnlllK L. Heed's laM- otlice, JInsoii. eoulicil M'ltliont recommendations. .\ld. Heed moved that the said claims bo allowed ^^^^ ^^^^ Send for oui as follows: a. W. Hammond ^ j ,'i 20 H^^^ ^^^^^ New lUustra- Henry Whitley, J-(J day as juror , fid • W tedPricc-Llst ELIXIR L. n. Rice, \4 day"iiH juror, ., ,10 THE MODEL CLOTfflNG HOUSE • ^^^L^P No. SO, for \V. 11. Huutltjy. M^l'O' Hi* .i'lror It a sure cure for Cought, Coltli, •C, 1). lliuUliii;tou,')>e of thit remedy would IMolioii pruviiiloil itri tbUiuvti: Yuiis, Aid, Uuynur, .lirectly wllii the consumer, nnd sell all Itouil, Muliiuii Jlay, WiUiuiiiH—5; uayH, iioiiu. goods In any quantity at tti;.o(csa(« pricea. have cured them at once.' TA'U'- N'KW lUJSlXKSS.'. , Yon can buy better and cheaper than at Fifltf'One v«ar« of con• Tho Ktroot coiuiniri.'iloiiQr wii.s ortloroil to construct a PUECHASE CLOTHING stant u«e proves the fact that no tilurtuwuriicroHH Miil u HlrDiil, to UHO whivt tlio thoro home. U oil luiiiil uuil i)urclmiiu uioru an nouili'd. cough remedy hat ttood the tetl 11. J, lluliou ruiiuoHttjil tho council to tuko in ooii- MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. f-iilonitioii tlio wiircuiltiiK of u MIIUIWUIU iiflsoHduiant like Itowna* JBIixir* by iIio Huporvirtor upon tli» tux roll of tliitt.city upon 827;and 829 Wal»sl» Avenue,Chi(ago,IlI.; Vtlat uJie, fiOc. andSl.OOpertetUe. " Now, while the doubtful season lasts. It is tlie People's Benefit. We lots now in\'neil ity lilui, Tho wumo wua rufon'oil* to Iw Siilo Isvorywhere. tlio city iviliiruoi'. .accept the-situation; and while sighing for the profits we don't. get, Ahl. iMuy innvdd Ihut tlio city clork ho inHtnictnd Dr. Baxter's Mandrake to notify the city.marshul to Hoo that all tlio liorwcH feel satisfied that what is our loss is - • , ' iind ciiltlu runuiiifj iit lur^o Uo placad. In tho oUy PATENTS pound. Motion provailcd as foUoWrt; Yoad, Aid. aiiiyiun-, WIlllamH, Slay, KCIMI—1; iuvyn,-M(iUan—4,^ •nbtalnod for iiinv tiivetitloiia, or. for Impi-oven'ienlsiii Will cure Jaundice, Dyepepsii, Tho rAly troiHuror pro^otiled Jiin report I'or llio old ones. Ciivuats, InfrlnKenieiilH, Tmdo-Marks, and lutiuth (jf yovouihor. Vho «;uuo.wis roforrod to tho ail pateut-busluosspriiiiiiitly attended to. Liver, Complaints, Indigestion, Jlnuaco connnlttoo. , . I'NV:EJVTIOIirS THAT HAVE BEBJM and all diseases arising from Bil 'J:IIM IbllowtnK nluhna' woro prosontod ,und roforrod K3IUil£;'i'Sl> iiiav still, ill most cases, hepalonl- iousness. Price 35 cts. per bottle. to rlui ftnanco couiuiittoo: ed liy iir, -HeinB6|)p.iMto'it|..rU. Sn'atent Ollico.iind i. :i TerSiklo.XTerjrwhere, A. .1. rnllmun, H uiKhts wutcli , .,$17 f.O eiiKunod iha^iitsiit.BunlTiosa Exojuaively;.' we John lllMliop,Ti ;M0 t|uy« hihor '. 0 cim .lecuici.iialimi.s ln:li!.is.tliiio thaiitiiose ^>v^m;aru •These are dark days, but the-ModelClothing. House keeps a full •C. ll. Hariiiiljy, AVy diiyfi lahor...... • 'ia s:i |.emi)t(' from Washlntctoii..; i'' . . •.•-'ei:',-'.'"••• o.B, ])iohl, 7J^ rnl'..r hy lamulsalon to the olty I'osimiistor, nnd JTer Man and Mteatt, to Ilui .-juiiurlnteiident of llie Post Olllce >loiiey Order The most perfect hnlment ever Pniiv'HUThV IN' -vij. p.'\si;;a,-l?ov* dis- nivisloii in'.WiishlnKi'ia, Hpccial^rel'erencuM,cir• D. Y. BUNNELL. o.ivflos oriho/.rhroat, Luiit^a, Croup,-Whoop- cular, io.'.vl(je, tarins,,tij„ address—. ' ' •ompeunded. Price ace and SOG< iny Cough, CoIt,|i3, etc., IJOWII'H .iilixir, is • a C A bNOW d CO , aalc,ii'6liuWe, and effectual I'oiuedy,',-•'. . ! Oi'foirin l'.vi'i;.vT Orrion, AVASUISUTO.N,:E, t.':. JACKSON, November,: 1881. CmCUIT COURT. FREE TO EVERY ONE.—.\ lOo bottle of Hill'a peerless cough syrup. I also sell Synopsis of tho FroceodinKS Biaco Iiast tho large botllca on itn absolute guarantee. Thursday Morning. If not satisfied after using it return the AimiTIOJVAL bottle nnd I will refund your money. I Tho following buBinoas has been trans• also sell the Peerless worm specific on the acted in the circuit coui-tjsince last Thura- same terms «o ctM-c «oCobb's little Horn. day morning, at wliich time our roport podophyllin pillij will cure headache, bill- POLlCiNODOBN—To Mr. and Mrs.Thom. closed .- iousness, constipation, etc., or no pay. as Pnlkinfrhorn, Alaiodon, Dee. 2, 1881, CRI5IINAI,. Ono pill a dose. D.W. HALSTED, ' a dailnhteij People vs. Ei-ank Aniils—larceny. Nolle pi-oHnf|ul and order i-einilriiiK odlcer lo return goods lo ilefoiid- '1 Mason, Mich. DIciI. ant, eiihu-ed. I'eople vs. .fames Soiiili—larceny. Plea of guilty HARDWARE^ TOTTll:>?.—in Ihia oily, Deo. 1, ISSl, of entered and prisoner i-eteased on recoKlii/.ancc lo ap• ennBiini|ition, Mrs, Peter Tutteii. pear at ne.xt lonn fur seiileiico. WISCONSIN Tl . ^ ^ ^ -|Q- Deeeaaed had been a residelit of this I'eoitle vs. .lames Cilri-an—violation of tlio liipior law. Nolle prnseipii eiitereil. cily for many years and was an catecmod People vs. .fohii Oonlineer—larceny. Verdict of .500,000 ACI'CN LANDS chrlslinn wolnan. Funeral services on Kililty entered, '11111 defendant senteiicod to slate prison for llii-ee years. ON THE LINE OF TliK Salurday last^ S AYERS & PHELPS People vs. Sainiiet aenmmon—assault and battery. WMCONStN CENTUAI. Jt. K. Trial with veriticlof guilty. Defendant sentenced to Tho champion liar of North America, counly Jail for 1(1 days. For foil parliciilars, wliich will lio sent froo, address tho Lion, Geo, M. Dewey, has purchased a I'eople vs. lliiel Biakosley—violation of Ilipior law. OllAIlLES D. COLBY, Land Coniniissloner, Are offering the Largest Stock of paper al Owosso. 'i'he IfaslinKS JUinncr Trial ivltii verdict of nut guilty. ^liiwailkee, Wis. I'eople vs. Ira Winslow—assault wilti intoiit torav- very nppropriatoly nnd toilehingly says: irtli. 'J'rial wiUi verdict of notKuilty. "the Lord have niorey on Owosso," Amen ! IHSUKS OF EACT. — CharloUe Ji'gmblkan. llolllii C. Dai-I vs. Amasa Pliillliis—rjeclment. Non• suit of plaiiiliir entered Willi JiidKineiit for costs Cooking @ Heating Stoves! against piaiiilirf and sureties for cosls. NEW YOHK, 1882. A new way to nialio money at sociables Krank .facksoli vs. Alirani W. yaiidoo-/.or—assiinip- is ns follows ; ''Tho ladies write their sil ; appeal. Order entered reforniiug coiithuiance TUB Su.s lor 1882 will muko iu nftmnilU luimiiil names and weights oti slips of paper and and allowlni; cosls to he ta.ved agaiiut defendant for Ever Brought into this Market, at term, after 1!^ honrs notice. ruvoIiiKon iimior lIio proHoiit iiuwiuKoinotit, Hhfniii(f, the genllclnen draw the slips, each taking Geo. Jll. Dayton vs. Alinuu \\. Vandoo-/.iir—trespass; UH ulwityH, for nil, bif? iiiid Itttlo, iniiiin uiul ^nicioiirt, tlio lady lo supper whose naino ho has appeal. Trial with verdict for defendant. coiitnmoii unil iinlmppy, Koimlillciin nml Duinocnitii:, Amelia Crandall et al. vs, M. Q. II. It.—caso, Non• (Idpruviul fuiil virliiouH, iiitnlllKimt ami olttiiHo. TIIK RE1IDXJ"CE3D :E=RI0E3S- drawn, niiid paying one cent per pound ao-^ suit of plaintiir entered wilh jnduiiieiit iihsoliile, SUN'A ll^lit IH for muiiicini) and woiiiuiikiiid of ovory cording to the weight of hia partner. If unrt; Init itn contiil M'lirnitli in for tho K"C"1. whiln ft Arnold Walker el al, vs. Chas. A. iluiit—assumpsit. pourx hot dlHcjnmt'm-l on tliu bllHttrhiK Itiiokn of tlio the fair ono should over-estimate the Continiind Iiy consent. perHbtiuitly wirliiMl. These stovc-s are itiLsufpassed for beauty of design and elegance of finish. .lane Billion vs. Ira Winslow—caso, Orilor for wolghl it helps the treasury so much more. security I'or cosls enlered, TIIK SUN of ISOH WIIH U noM'Himpor of u now kind. Sanili Eiiiley vs. .lames McDaniels et at.—IrospasH TtdlBcarrtod niun.v of tho fornin, und a miiltitndo nf Praclleal arillimelio: ''Yon can't add on caso. lllscoiillnlled hy sllpillalloii willioilt cost. ttin ijiiiiDrlliioiiti wiirdH und idiru^im nf uncioiit Jotirnitl- IHIU. It iiixUM'took lo rn]ini-l In n froHh, Hucchiut, uii> Will. liarris vs. Schuyler I''. Seiigcr—asHUnipstl. Our Siocli of diflerenl iliing.i togellier," said a scliool Motion for conliniiance denied. convonlioniU wity 'iH iho now.s uf iho winld, ondttiny no cvont of hnnuui InKiroHt, and coniincntlni; tipon teacher, "if you add a sheep and a cow (JtlANUERV. ulliilrrt with tho tVurh.'sriiit'rtM otuhHolutniiidoiionduncu. C together il does nol mako two alieep or two Mary A. I raiiltiin vs. Garrott .1. Eriuiklin—ttlvofco. Tlio HUccL'KH tif lhi.4 o.\poriiiu!nL wuH tliii liiicci-'firf of TIIK cows." A litlle hoy, thu son ofa milkman, Order enlered ilissolvini: injunction so hvr as reliilus Su.N'. It olToctcii (lu! )iormunonl, ohiiiii^o in llio ntylo lo thai part of llie sonlh.w-est ipmrter >-.f soetion no, of Ainuriciui nuWHintiJi.TH. iJvpry iiiipMrtant joiinml held up his hand and said ; "That may do tinvii lliree nortli of raiiKo tw-o west, and gniutiiiK iwtidilishod In ihlrf oiHiiitry in Iho ii(i7.iin ycurn piist with .sheep and cows, hut if you add a quart iililiioiiy to compliuiiiilit as follows; Solicitors' fees 6ll(l, hurt lii'pii iiiiidolcd iill'ir llio tiu.v, ICvi'iy iiiiiiurliint is Comiilctc in of milk and a quart of water il makes two wilnes.i' rec-s i--J(l, and Sn per week for support of coiii- Joiirii.il luiu'iixiHiinK hiii IMUJII iiioiUtlud iinil huHerud plalniitit mill two clilldren. liy till' forci' of Tin; riiiN'.s oxuniplo. o quarl.s of milk. I've seen il iried. p Maggie Siminoiis vs. Harvey Simmons—ilivorco. Tiri;Si;NlUj;oncui coinplotu Tni: Wr.i:Ki,v tiux, iinil ci m .sniallesl possible spaeu and at the least w y,, sec. 'J'.l. Onoieiiiga, !i,''i.l)0O. iimko it tlio hi'rtt novvispuporrorthorinmor'ri lion.stdiold p Si antl I'jvcrythinp; is A. 51. Preston lo .Ilio. F. Piper, lot 2(1 of Towsend's, that, wiis iiviT iiihili'd. a po.ssiblu cost lo the subscriber. 2'/ii; .ICulin siih. of sees. .1, fi, S, iiiiii U. Lansing, iJl.riOO. Who dons know and n'uil und liko TiiK SUNDAY tlone with Aniiinttti N'. Ilowurd lo liavid Jane, w y, of lots fl gives more news and choice miscellany Ibr Hu.s, I'lvtdi niinibi'i- of wlilcli u Clolcointa of itituritdt* '2 g ami tl, lilk. 102, Lansing, S700. in^ liliiratiiiv, und with tho lu'.st potitry of tho day, less money llian any other weekly circulat• ll. II. llurreli lo Allen. Sliiddoii ,t Co., n e Y, of s proKO, e^vry lifn! worth rfudinf;, ninv.s, hiinior—nialtor Neatness ami Dispatcli! ed ill Micliigan. This is nol a boiiRl, but e 1/.; aud s e of n e Y^, Bee. .1, Ilnnkerhili, til.OOO. liiuni^h to lill H Kood-Ht'/.o(l lioidv, iiml iiilinittdy inoro a fact, l.el any olio iiiaku ilio coinpiiri.son. Cordelia .\. l'nst to A. 11. Coy, illld. % of s e \i, soc. viiiiud unil untuiiuiiiiiiK Ihun any hook, bij; or littlo ? 1, liigluim, ^l,I2l!. If our iduii uf wbut a nuwapupor .sboulil hu ploiiaun Andrew ilaliii lo Amelia llaliii, lo 11, htk. Ill, and yon, siMul for TIIK SUN. Tho Sdcntijic American recomnionda to o'-^-iuS lot hi. l.lk. in, Leslie, SSOil. Our toriiiM aro UH follovr.'f: farmers the following iiiaiiuer of gelling Will. ll. Allen lo fJluis..I. Chaniliors, s w J

The editor of iioino (N. Y.) Sentinel liiia beon shown "a design fnr an uphol• =M. W.; stered Ironl gale which seems destined to bocoinc very popular. The foot board is ensliioiied, nnd there is a warm sonpslone on each side, the inside stop being adjust• able, so that a short girl can bring her lips on a lino wilh any given nuistaehe with- out ti-onlile. if tho gale is occupied nt iOiHO p. m. an iron hand extends from one JACKSON, MICH. gate-post, talvos the young man by the loft ear, turns hiin round, and ho is at once started homo by a steel foot."

At the annual election nf Ingham chapter GETS A PRIZE! H. A. iM., held al their hall Friday evening mil ense Bargains last, the following oflicors wore elected for tho ensuing voiu-: FOR EVERY TWO DOLLARS 11. P.—11. P.'Henderson. -IN- K.-L. C. Wolih. Worth of goods purchased of lae, I will givo Scrihe—C. G. Huntington. O. II,—O. 1). Ilunliniiion. A HANDSOME PRIZE, r. S.—G. W. Urislol. It. A. C—0. 11. Darrow. Cousialingin Profit, whicli pooplochargo-\vho FINE Secrelary—.\. 11. Hose. givo uwav 80 nmiiy j;oodH. Jl. ll v.—S. A. I'aildnck. M. a v.—Chas. M. Marshall. M. I v.—A. A. Ilomil-d. I havo tho STOCK of goods ovoi brought Son.—Kdw-iii TerwIltiKei-. lo MuKon, cQiiHltitinji of Installation, Friday evening, December IGlh. CLOCKS, WATCHES AND .JEWELRY! According lo the Vormontville Hamk n nioinher of the Bismark school board Alil. GOODSl WAnUARITGU I Dry Goods proposed that thoy have a graded school. ENGRAVINO DONE EREE. Tlio qncstioii was put to a vote and cni-riod Our Fall Stock is now Very Complete, and we and the member offering the suggestion ED. H. WILLIAMS. are offering at Lower Prices than ever. was made chairman of a committee to grade the school. Early next morning the enlei-prising chairman, with loam "and scraper, was seen at the school house hard at work, grading tho lot about tho building and (i.xiiig it up in real nice shape. Pro• SILKS. bably that was the way the school he at• tended w»s graded, and ho know from ox- We invite SPEOIAL ATTENTION to our Amer- perieuco that the graded school was a good NEW CLOTHING HOUSE! ican and Bennett Black Silks at $1.25, $1.35, $1.50, thing. IN McROBERT BLOCK, $1.75, $2.00 $2.25, $2.50 $3.00, $3.50. It was decidedly the finest alidienco of (1st door east of DcMOQii.vT ollico ) tho season, that witnessed the i-eprcsentn- tion of "The Banker's Daughter" at tho Rayner opera house last Friday evening. BLACK AND COLORED CASHMERES! The Collier Combination is composed oi the host cast of ohai-actors that havo ever Geo. M. HOYT, appeared before a Mason aHdienco. The At Very Low Prices. play is ono of tho best society dramas of tho day, and its vendition by this, powerful cast i.s superior.to anything wo havo before Th6 New Clothier, has a witnessed in this city. M.anager C, .1. Rayner is to bo oongratulatod upon having Large and Complete Line of given the people so worthy an entortninnient Fancy Dress Goods • .and the audience in having .the good for• tune to bo tliero. . In this Department we show as good an

A, daily newspaper .should, above all Assortment as there is in the state. things, furnish correct information on the subjects uppermost in tho popular mind, as concisely as possible,and withont,regard .to political, soctarian or personal,relations. White Ooods, Hosiery, Domestics, It should be isitoUigiblo as well as iiileHi-" Of Every Description. gent, and oven its original comments Every Article and Garment slionld be more in the way of explaining its nows than in enforcing favovito • doctrines. Thi.-s is the aim. of the Detroit Emiiiifj MEN'S FINE SUITINGS. JVciui-, and itseoma to hit the buU's-eyo most of the lime.. / . ,; GIVE ME A TRIAL! A Very - Lai-ge Assortment of Medium and Pine Goods. •HOUSEMEN'. Ask your inerchahta ,fot INSPECTION INVITED. v-:-vl'"^Yours Rospeotfiilly,""' ' -z'^': He.ii-y itiiohnson's Arnica nnd OiL Ijini- -anont, altid keopiit always,in the . stable, to GEO. M. HOYT. Bcspoctfuiiy. M. W. ROBINSON. ^use iu case of aebidonts.; ; burner, lylnir Iiy llsflir In another part of tbo Jutiint generare nfllce, stopped on one side by protect theui from the mob of creditors, who Admiral Moiitero^ who w|ll sign n pence treaty NEWS OF THE WEEK. rnnin, and the spot of oil on the carpet covered a iiloe ce'linc, was taken for an nponiug into say that'lie mnst "BSttio or swiug." aud lie recngnlzd by Minister Hulhert. with brokun cl.isa at the fuetnf Mrn. IliirDnrd, a chilmney and a stove ant np nccordingly. George Laws's will gives his wife i(i25,00O Tho groatnat deuioiistrntion ever held iu MICHIGAN. load lo tho iiiferenca that some oneniiiat have Louis Liirillard's ifSOO dog Flora has t for the dispatch auce.fS.fiOO. let this explanation; "A gentleman of this city our butter trade at home and abroad. It was u few days aiiice, ciiretully e.i just roturuoii from the east with a Presideut Garfield, who wiu a good mau a a Iniif; and minute stnteuiunt by Mra. liarnunl. good deal of petulance under Judge Porter's which is liable to lend tn grave iuternnllunal car-load ot Jersey cattle, iocludiug two very kind inai), but weak politiciau. Garfield uat Expert leHlimony was iutrodueed by Dr, Ked- crosa-exuiuiDatinn, nnd the impressloa galna complicatloos. vnluablo cows recButly Impiortod, which now sold hiuiautf, body aud soul, to Blaine. That zle and Dr. F. M. Pratt to show that the lamp at Washington that Scoville made a mistake iu gives him the finest herd in the stats ot Michi• wae what Geu. Graut bimaeit said iu hia letter P^of. Goldwin Smith writes at Loudon, Nov. found in Mrs. Curtis' room on the night o( her putting blin on tbe st^ud. Hia manner baa gan. Hu also bongllt a tull-blooded Hnlatein denouucing Garfield for selling bimaeit out to 80: The governmeut'a action In Ireland has death exploded from some force vitbin. done much to ahake the belief ot thoae who bull and cow tor Jasper Adams ot Battle Blaiue." Porter—"Did you aay yeaterdaj you borne good frnit ns the phase of agrarian crime Uany witneHEea werit sworu to show that Mrs. thought biin ina.ane. He baa told bia atory iu Greek townalilp. did not desire the removal ot SecretoryBlt, nt-?' Is lees dangerous than the dominion of tbe Barniird'a character had been that ot a good too straight n manner for a crazy man. Judge Fred. 8. DeDtn.tn, a former wealthy resident The priaonor—"I did, and you cannot find it lu land league, but it Irish juries ara afraid to christiftu woman. She delivered ber testimony Porter waa uot so tender on Guiteau's hilarity ot Battle Creek, is one ot the bankers now un• the record, I ineiat now upoa your finding it convict offenders it will lie necessary to pre• luid dustniued the cross-exainioatioD with aa the court bad been. He told the assassin to der arrest in Kans.is charged with conapimcy in tbe record. I want to taaten something on serve society from savagery by adopting tem• much calmness. The j-ebuttlnif testimony was "abut up," when be objected to bavlag hia to defraud the denosltflfH. porarily some kind ot trial without jury tor crime called murder. "Murder it is and mur• tuyou. I am MS good a mau as you are," Por• considered finuie wbntdamneinK to the accus• agrarian oflendera. der it wUI remain," said Porter, About fifty ter—"I know you think so." The prisoner ed, alihnue'h her litateweut had been f-AVorably „„ MISCELLANEOUa Boyton was released from Jail on tbeSOtb oa experts are yet on hand to prove insanity. The (angrilyWYes, aud tbe public will think so, received. Idr. Taylor, otcoausul for the peo• Edison has bought «fi2,uuo worth ot land at too." Mr. Porter—"Was your motive for de-' condition that he will leave tbe country. All ple, opened Wednesday atternuon, and it to be Eaat Newark, on which he will erect a mam• following colloquy afforda a specimen of bla manding Blaine's resignBtlon because he had the suspects in Kllmonbam jail commenced followed by Measrs. Lothrop aud &Io be I'lllCVAI.KNOK, purlud around on the lloor, wliilo Cleoiiatra pootry, there are striingerH to tlioso Now Ntiiiiher. PKrccnl. covered, it is done by revolving the wood thelesl.ivo niule-puncher. 3. Tho respectiiblo dead-beat lectur• Enghmcl lii-xurios, corn broad unci pud• I: Jnt 2 on she thoughtlessly dropped -the tureen found one day engaged in his favorite ury. It contains, in addition to tho bread is famous everywhere iu the DEANS—ijooil nti'sortiid, "{I hu 2 25 (ii 2 50 and soup in my linsband's lap. Jly occupation of gardening, .His skin had HEESWAX—lb 20 (ffl -22 husband is a shy .and ratiior reticent cusfoinary datailod statements of tho country. The reason wliycorn meal is BirrrER—bust era lea ... 25 (ffl 27 bticome of tho consistency and tough• operations ol'tho mints and assayoirices, not more largely used at the present CHEESE—(lhin.fei\lich„T(im.. II @ 15 man, bllt he rose with a graceful move• ness of parchment, and liis hair "as much valuLilo information in regard to time is that it is ipiito dilllcult to ob• COAi,—Stovo and chesUini... ti 75 ment to his full bight, and killed her white as suow and as thick and Inisliy the • production of the precious metals tain it of dealers or grocers in a per- -ETO 7 00 with tho carving-knife, and kicked hor CORN—K) hn I.i2 (a (15 as a turban. Ho freely discusses tlie gory remains niitler tlio table. ill the United •States aud in tlio world, fcclly pure and sweet state. Millers DRIED t'Rurr—.\pp!p.n 1!? lb.. 7 subject of his great age, and attributes tlieir use in the coinage of tliis and for• grind the corn as it comes from the — •' nvapnt'lil 12 12K it to very careful and («rrect habits, After the inquest 1 got a hollow-eyed eign countries, consumption in the arls West, mixed with portions of the cob —Ir'ntiChSB 23 25 He eats but imco a day, and then takes Eons—f lio-,-. 20 girl from Fort Collins. Sho was an or- and manufacttires, specie circulation, and saturated witli dust tuid dirt, :uid ® 23 a half hour for it, asserting that a man FLOUH—Whitu wheat hrauil.H. H 75 Ca 700 piiaii, with p:do hair that she used to iuiil an examination of the course of this is sold for kitchen as well as stable —BecoDdH 5 W) (ii) 5 25 ought to cat enough in that time toltist work i.p in the hash. Sho was proud prices, comparing tho paper and iiieial- use. liluch of tlie Western corn is —fiuckwhoat 0 50 (ffiin (10 liim twenty-four hours. Ho Casts on and impulsive in her nature and aio Ilc circulation I'or a. series of fifty-six damaged in transpiM'tation, and this is (Jhnicutimcil'y newcrnplli 00 (JB17 00 the first and (irteentli of oacli montb, —Clover, uhwcrop 10 00 (ffil2 00 everything in the bouse, We used to years wilh i.be pei^centiigo i.if yearly grnuiid up with tluit which is sound. devoting tlitiso days to drinking water —HalHil, ehoico titiif)thy.,ltl Cn (ralS 00 hear liorin the middle of tbe night for• prices to the niKiit pricc:i of staple ar• If good, sweet Xorthern corn is jiroper- RIDES—Gretm li (» OK very ' freely. He chooses tho most aging around after cold pie ;uid frag. ticles, indicating the annual variations ly ground in au old-fashioned stone —(Jiu^oil uourisliing food, and always eats it ment;s of rich and expensive grub. Slie in the purchasing price of money. mill, after being winnowed to free it 1T0P.S— " new 2,'!' (3 21) cold, Jt is well known that the Span• OA'rs-V/liitrt 45 (ni 415 had asingularyeariiing for jam and an fron: dust, it meal will result of ;i rich Tl.'e gold and silver receiveil and op• iards ctiii boast of the lar^je number of ONIONS—i) hhl 3 00 or S 26 impassioned longing for preserves that golden color, and no dish can be pre- PoTA'rOES—ill bn 80 @ ill)' erated upon b}- all the mints tiiid a.ssay unusual longevity, wliic i thoy attri• we never succeeded in quenching. When p.'ired from it which will not bo piUatti- SALT—OiKimia.z.i I 85 ofliccs, exoeediiigby more than iJSCOOO,- bute lo a large consumption of onions, tho jelly and fruit cake gtivo out, she blo and most nutritions. Farmers who —Saginaw I SO 000 tho receipts of any previous year, of which they claim to raise tho finest TALLOW—IS lb. « @ 7 would sadly turn her attention to cold aro SO foolish as to go into tho market amounted to ii!226,-225.522.4(i, of wliich in the worId.r-//f"'/)e)'V: Weekly. WUK,V1'—No, 1 white.. I 31 (u) 1 35 ham and mu.stard, with the smoldering to ])urchasocorn and meal for their an• —No, 2 white I .SI .$193,871,101.01 was golil, and ,*32,854,- ruins of baked beans, and cold tiabbage imals should understand the great dif• —No, 2 red I at; 421.413 silver. This large increaso was and vinegar. AVe stood it till grocer• ference in nutritive vidue between The Law of Insanity. Wooj)—D coril, hickory 0 00 (it ti 50 due to a continued influx Of gold from ies came up so, and apples got to be what thoy can raise and what they abroad, over i!;95,000,000 deposited be• Rr.coipts of wheat iluring the wnck iituount- seven dollars and a half a barrel, and pnrcliase.—Journal of Chauiisirij. Several years ago, when an iiLSiine ing from that source alono. ed ouly to 30,800 Imshels.nnd the shipinents to then we asked her to send in her resig• man lired tit Qiieoii Victoria, the Brit• 21,700 dp; ono year since for the corr.'sponiJiuK nation. Shortly after that my husband The coinage facilii ei of the mints ish Houso of Lords, sitting as a court, period thoy amounted to 4()5,500 bustieln for re made an assignment. hiivo been tested to thtir fullest extent Tbo Gastroscope. tlolinod the grounds of insanity in re• coiptn, and 311,328 do for stiipinnnta. in converting tho bullion into coin. lation to tho crime of murder as fol• "AVhat I would like now is a good Tho gold coinage amounted to i3!78,- Physicians have long been possp,ssion lows ; girl, not so much as a companion and 733,8(i4, of which !?15,345,520 was in of instruments—commonly caller; inir- ''.Tewin? Down." AVo are of tho opinion that notwith• conildential promoter of liniuicial ruin, double eagles, and the balanco in coins rora—designed to assist them in getting standing the pariy did the act com• but moro to wrestle with manual labor of lesser denominations. a look at the interior parts of the hn- "Tis naught, 'tis naught, saith the plained of with a view, under tho inllii- iu the kitchen at so mnnh por wrestle inaii body, such as the buck part of tlie buyer; but when he goetli his way, then The coinage of silver was ci^ifmed encQ of insiine delusion, of redressing and board. I'm not dilllcult to please, mouth, the tliroat, inner ear, etc, Tho ho boastetli." to the rnininiim vidue ot silver bullion or revenging some supposed grievance but I don't want to piiy the same sala• dentist's mirror, perihelion, a (lexiblo required to bo coinetl by the 'aw author• or injury, or of producing some public Perhaps the supposed inhumanity of ry that the cashier of a bank gets, just izing the coinage of tho sttindard silver joint, is Camiliar to all. But it has long women to women never comes nearer bonelit, he is nevertheless punishable for the sake of having a pampered raer- been desirable to penetrate to tho stom• dollar,!i!27,637,955 of which were siruck, according to the nature of the crime being a fact, than when they havo ial in the house who doesn't do enough or an average of about I|i2,300.000 a ach of a patient alllicted with gastric money dealings with each other.' Most committed, if he knew at the time he work to drive away her ennui." troubles, and see by actual inspoction month. Of subsidiary coins only $12,- w,is committing such crime that he housewives have a talent for making what is its condition. Thus may often 011.75 were coined, and of base uotal was acting contrary to law. bargains, and there are few gifts more or minor coins, $405,109.05. be gained during the life time of a nnui subject to abuse. Ladies, have a care This has a direct bearing upon the the valuable information obtained at in your economies of this sort, lest you Special reports have been received of Ouiteaii case, as do also the principles present by post-mortem examination be found to "grind the faces of the small-pox .at ,81. Joseph, Berrien Co,, Tho last report received by tha laid down by the Supreme Court of the ior the mortuary report, and what has poor." We have known a wealthy and in Bingham and Leelenaw navy department from Capt. L, T. Ber• •State of New York, as follows : hitherto serve

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