About Nuclear Tests There Must Be Full Consultation with Milford, Conn., Were Fatally Ly Defended Workmen Ripping Other NATO Nations

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About Nuclear Tests There Must Be Full Consultation with Milford, Conn., Were Fatally Ly Defended Workmen Ripping Other NATO Nations jl. ■ • ■' 1 ‘ r ./♦ , A ren«« D»Uy Net Presa Ron For the Week Ended Tlif W M t h d r Octnber 2S, U d l FWoenet o f v . & Weather Bnrenn OottBldemble eloudlnoM, ohow- 13,420 ere*endmr darinr tho nlKht. Pew . Member of the Audit in 40e. ' Tnenday eloudy in mom* Borena o f‘drcolntlon Inf, portly cloody In oftemobn. Manch99ter-^A City of V illage Charm HIrh III BOs^ * VOL. LXXXI, NO. 31 (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1961 ).(01aaellled Advertteing on Pago IS) PRICE FIVE CENTS Senator Says Beflin State News Thai Bids Roundup War Danger Eased U .S . Aid 9-L 2 State Youths But Not Eliminated Killed in Crash Viet Nam Washington, Nov. 6 (/P)— Berlin, Nov. 6 Weettto common agreement with West Jefferson Valley, N. Y., Nov. 6 (A*)— Two youths from Thailand Ambassador Visutr Berlin police succeasfal- Germany, Britain and France, Arthayukti said today the sit­ About Nuclear Tests there must be full consultation with Milford, Conn., were fatally ly defended workmen ripping other NATO nations. injured when their car went uation in Communist-troubled down 300 yards of wire fence '7*- P-; Humphrey eipphasized that what­ out of control and hit a utility Southeast Asia "couldn’t be in a tear gas battle today with ever strategy the West adopts for worse’’ and that he was “ wor­ i its negotiations with, Khrushchev pole yesterday. ' border guards of Oimmundst over Berlin must be completely ac­ Another is in critical condition ried” about the findings of May Erase East Germany. ceptable to the new government at Peekskill Hospital, and a fourth Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor there. About 150 tear gas gre> of West German Chucellor Kon­ suffered minor injuries. After a 40-minute call on dep­ nades were thrown, but no­ rad Adenauer. James Sopero, 19, died shortly uty under Secretary of State U. He said this aeceptsuice should Split Over body was reported hurt. The after he was taken to the hospital. Alexis Johnson, the nial diplomat be made clear both publicly and Paul Bruce, also 19, died later in told newsmen he had not discussed West Berliners succeeded in privately in advance. He said he the day. He was a student at any of Taylor’s recommendations removing most of the fence, told Adenauer that the West Ger­ Southern Connecticut State Uni­ to President Kennedy. Taylor, the which was about a yard inside man government has a special versity. president’s special military ad'vis- U.S. Plans In critical condition is Gregory the French sector of West responsibility in Berlin and that er, has Just completed a first hand a tacit agreement would not be- Freitas, also 19, a student at New sm-vey of the area. United Nation.s, N. Y., Nov. Berlin. Haven College and the driver of enough. Asked if he thought sending of 6 (/P)— The main U.N. ^ i t i - "If things go wrong," the Sena­ the car. American troops to South Viet i-i Washington, Nov, 6 (/P)— tor said, "we don’t want people to Richard Lomberg, also a student Nam would improve the outlook, cal committee today approved Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey, D- at Southern Connecticut, received the ambassador said: U.S.-British r^olution call­ (Contbined On Page Seven) minor injuries. "Personally. • I Would receive ing for immediate resumption 6 Mlnn., said today he believes The youths were returning from very favorable any action by the the possibility of war over a dance in Carmel, N. Y. ” of East-West negotiations on •1 —___ U.S. government to show its de­ Berlin has been reduced, but termination to help Southeast treaty to ban nuclear bomb not eliminated. Ship Explodes 227 to 223 Asia in this troubled situation.” testing. But the Senator, Just back from Hartford, Nov. 6 {A>)—The State Arthayukti said all Thais are The vote in the 103-nation a European tour, said It Is Impera­ Motor Vehicle department’s daily worried about the deterioration in committee was 66-11 with 17 tive that free-world Allies find a Off Tunisia; 61 record of automobile fatalities as Laos and South Viet Nam and in unified policy for negotiation with abstaining. The ^ v ie t bloc, of last midnight and the totals on the, lack of progress at the 14- Mongolia and Cuba cast the the Soviets and that West Germany the same date last year: nation conference on Laos now step up Its own defense efforts. Of 68 Missing under way in Geneva, / negative votes. Asked at a news conference 1960 1961 KUled ......................... 227 223 But the proposed talks ap­ whether hls visit to West Berlin By JOHN ORlFiriN convinced him the danger of war Tunis, Nov. 6 (JFl—The 7,129-ton peared doomed in advance. Scottish tanker Clan Keith explod­ Saigon, South Viet Nam, Nov. Soviet Delegate Semyon K. over that city has diminished, Body Found 6 — South Viet Nam’s pro- Humphrey replied: ed and sank ip heavy seas last Tsarapkin said: night off the North Tunisian coast, Canton, Nov. 6 (/P>—The body of western government is slowly loa- "I believe that since the adjourn­ a 47-year-old research engineer ing its war against Communist “ There will never be such ment of the 22nd Communist party and 61 of her 68 European officers and Pakistan crewmen were re­ was found near his motorcycle yes­ rebels. The next few weeks may negotiations.” Cpngress, - in which Premier terday in heavy brush near the in­ Khrushchev established hls leader­ ported missing. V decide whether this trend speeds Seven survvlors were ipcked up, tersection of Route 79 and Case Rd. up or reverses. Newport, R. I., Nov. 6 (>!») ship role, the possibilities of war Police said Samuel J. Loring ap­ over Berlin have been reduced. I including the ship's captain, said Even if U.S. troops are not sent, parently failed to make a curve in there are expected to be large —Prime Minister Nehru of don't think they have been elim­ a radio message from the scene. India flew here today to open inated.” The ship owngrs said one of the the road on hls cycle and skidded new outlays of American aid, into the brush. He was reported A great danger, he said repeated­ rescued crewmen, a Pakistani, died Which has already totaled more a series of talks with Presi­ later. missing by his wife Saturday than 82 binion. dent Kennedy on world pro^ ly, is the lack of common-front co­ night. Loring was a senior eng^ineer operation among the Western Al- The seven were picked up by the Officials here don’t always lems and on the divergent for the Hamilton Standard Division want to be quoted on such dark lles British freighter Durham Trader. As President Kennedy stands by. Prime Minister Nehru of India receives a bouquet of flowers at views ()f the United States "We must have a common pur­ Three or four other ships were of United Aircraft Corp. in Wind­ views, but that is the general pic­ sor Locks. Quonset Point Naval Air Force Station today on his arrival for talks ■with the President at Ne'wport, pose, a common policy, and speak searching the area. ture. R.I. Flowers were presented by students from India dressed In native saris. (AP Photofax.) and India toward nuclear test­ with one voice,” Humphrey de­ Radio messages Intercepted In There are three major forces ing. clared. Extended Forecant involved: The guerrilla enemy di­ Nehru landed at Quonset Point The Senator said that, in addition (Oontinaed on Pago Throe) •Windsor Locks, Nov. 6 (Ah—The rected and reinforced from Com­ Naval Air Station at 11:46 a.m. U.S. Weather Bureau extended munist North Viet Nam, the Unit­ 20 Hold Peace after a flight from New York on a Connecticut forecast: ed States, and the 7-year-old gov­ presidential plane. Temperatures Tuesday through ernment of .President Ngo Dlnh Russia Warns West President Kennedy was on hand ► 2 Brothers Asphyxiated Saturday will average two to five Diem. Vigil as Nehru to greet him. along with John degrees above normal. The normal The Communists, called the Viet Kenneth Galbraith, U.S. ambas­ high and low temperatures for Cong, Have stepped up the war to sador to India. Nehru and Pres­ Hartford are 54 and 34, for Bridge­ a dangerous degree in recent Sees Kennedy Tests May Contitfi^e ident Kennedy shook hands warm­ Bridgeport Girl, 6, port 55 and .38, and for New Haven weeks. ly as the Indian leader came down, 56 and*^ 87, Not quite sot, warm With local recruiting and mass Newimrt, RJ., Nov. 6 (4>)—Seven­ the ramp, froni the .plane. Tuesday through Thursday, mpd infiltration over the Jungle border teen women and three men, mem­ London, Nov. « UP) — Britain ^said. "To the underground tests T h ere w as-a short ceremonial on Friday, And seasonably cbbl on from neighboring Laos, the Viet greeting, a Marine guard stood at bers of the New England Commit­ denied today the Soviet Union of nuclear weapons which are al­ Saturday. had any moral Justtfloatton to ready being staged in the United attention and a Na'vy band played. Fighting for Life Preclpitabion may total 0:1 to 0.4 (Continued On Page Seven) tee for Non-Violent Action, stood resume testlhg o f nuclear Weap­ 'States, nuclear tests In the atmos­ .‘‘Hill to the Chief’ and the nation­ Inches, falling mainly as rain wr outside Hammeiemith Farm this ons. phere are to be added . ; as al anthemr of the two countries.
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