RESEARCH REPORTS Biological P. DeVilliers1, C. Suggs2, D. Simmons2, V. Murrah3, and J.T. Wright2* Microgenomics of 1Department of Pathology, University of Alabama at Ameloblastoma Birmingham; 2Department of Pediatric Dentistry, CB #7450, and 3Department of Oral Pathology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC 27599, USA; *corresponding author,
[email protected] J Dent Res 90(4):463-469, 2011 ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION Gene expression profiles of human ameloblastoma microdissected cells were characterized with the meloblastoma is an aggressive tumor of odontogenic epithelial origin, purpose of identifying genes and their protein Awith devastating morbidity if left untreated, due to its unlimited growth products that could be targeted as diagnostic and potential. It is characterized by a high rate of recurrence (up to 70%, depend- prognostic markers as well as for potential thera- ing on the treatment modality) and potential to undergo malignant transfor- peutic interventions. Five formalin-fixed, decalci- mation and to metastasize (up to 2% of cases). Malignant ameloblastoma is fied, paraffin-embedded samples of ameloblastoma defined as a histologically benign-appearing ameloblastoma with metastasis were subjected to laser capture microdissection, (Goldenberg et al., 2004; Cardoso et al., 2009). Surgical resection is the treat- linear mRNA amplification, and hybridization to ment of choice, which can cause further morbidity to the craniofacial com- oligonucleotide human 41,000 RNA arrays and plex, with loss of function and esthetics (Olasoji and Enwere, 2003). compared with universal human reference RNA, Gene expression profiling of tumor cell populations has advanced our to determine the gene expression signature. understanding of the pathogenesis of human tumors (Naderi et al., 2004).