

Report by: Head of Planning Services

Date: 17 April 2013

Application 11/1114/OUT and S/1886/11 Agenda Number Item

Date Received 25 February 2013 Officer Mike Osbourn Target Date

Parishes/Wards Castle and Girton Parish

Site Land between Road, Road and the M11, North West Cambridge.

Proposal Discharge of Condition 5 for Site Wide Phasing, pursuant to the outline permissions above.

Applicant University of Cambridge Recommendation Approve

Application Type Discharge of Condition Departure: No

The above application(s) have been reported to the Committee for determination by Members in accordance with the Scheme of Delegation for the Joint Development Control Committee for the Cambridge Fringes


1.1 The Joint Development Control Committee resolved on 8 August 2012 to approve development for up to 3,000 dwellings; Up to 2,000 student bedspaces; 100,000 sq.m. employment floorspace as well as other associated amenities and infrastructure subject to completion of the S106 agreement. That agreement was completed and outline permission issued on 22 February 2013. The permission contains a number of strategic conditions that require approval before any reserved matters can be determined. A list of these conditions are set out in Appendix 1.

1.2 This report relates to Condition 5 relating to Site Wide Phasing. The reason for the imposition of this condition on the outline consent is ‘to clarify how the site is to be phased to assist with the determination of subsequent reserved matters applications and in order to ensure that major infrastructure provision and environmental mitigation is provided in time to cater for the needs and impacts arising out of the development in accordance with North West Cambridge Area Action Plan policies NW1, NW2 and NW30’.

1.3 The applicants submitted details to discharge this condition on 25 February 2013, following which officers have carried out public consultation in the manner identified in Paragraph 4 below. Prior to this submission, pre-application meetings have been held with the developers, and comments made on emerging draft documentation to ensure consistency with the S106 agreement for the development and the other suite of documents that make up the approved outline submission.


2.1 Committee are asked to:

Discharge planning condition 5 in respect of both permissions 11/1114/OUT and S/1886/11


Reference Description Decision 11/1114/OUT Proposed development comprising up to 3,000 Approved and S/1886/11 dwellings; Up to 2,000 student bedspaces; subject to 100,000 sq.m. employment floorspace, of conditions which: up to 40,000 sq.m. commercial and S106 floorspace (Class B1(b) and sui generis Agreement research uses) and at least 60,000 sq.m. academic floorspace (Class D1); up to 5,300 sq.m. gross retail floorspace (Use Classes A1 to A5) (of which the supermarket is 2,000 sq.m. net floorspace); Senior Living, up to 6,500sq.m. (Class C2); Community Centre; Indoor Sports Provision; Police; Primary Health Care; ; Nurseries (Class D1); Hotel (130 rooms); Energy Centre; and associated infrastructure including roads (including adaptations to Madingley Rd and Huntingdon Rd), pedestrian, cycle and vehicle routes, parking, drainage, open spaces and earthworks.


4.1 Advertisement No

There is no statutory requirement to advertise the discharge of condition.

Adjoining Owners No

There is no statutory requirement to consult adjoining owners with regard to the discharge of condition, however consultation has taken place with all the residents’ associations that wrote in, in respect of the original application and with Girton, Histon and Impington, Madingley and Coton Parish Councils.

Site Notice Displayed No

There is no statutory requirement to for a site notice to be displayed for the discharge of condition.

Public Meeting/Exhibition Yes

At the North West Community Forum (NWCF) on 6 March the public were presented with information boards with regard to this strategic condition and forms were available for them to comment.


National Planning Policy Framework 2012

Northwest Cambridge Area Action Plan (2009)

NW1 Vision NW2 Development Principles NW30 Phasing and Need


6.1 External Consultees

Cambridgeshire County Council

New Communities

No comments received.


No comments received.


Request that the phasing of employment uses is checked for consistency against the Transport Assessment and Travel Plan for the site. Also highlight that undeveloped frontages, or the continued use of roads intended for adoption by construction traffic will prevent adoption, which will require the Construction Environment Management Plan to reflect this.

Environment Agency

Consider the details to be acceptable. Will expect to see further surface water drainage details in line with the phasing plan prior to the commencement of development.

Highways Agency

No comments received.

Anglian Water

Confirmed that they have no comments to make.

6.2 Internal Consultees


Content to recommend discharge of the condition, but make the following comments: • given that the western edge will be constructed in phases, will be interested to see more detail related to how each phase is to be finished temporarily, and how this will be finished once later stages are commenced, to ensure seamless transition. This comment also applies to drainage measures. • Particular regard needs to be had to transport of earthworks arisings and locations of haul roads to avoid damage to land and soils during construction phases • Would prefer Green Finger to be substituted with the words Green Corridor throughout document.

Urban Design

No comments received.


Confirmed that they have no comments to make.

Cycling and Walking

Note that the route illustrated in the document for the Ridgeway pedestrian/cycle route does not accurately reflect the route shown in the Design Code and approved parameter plans. It also does not show a link between the Ridgeway and the toucan crossing to JJ Thompson Avenue.

The timing of the toucan crossing to link across Madingley Road to J Thompson Avenue is in the last phase of development, which is disappointing. Consider this to be an important linkage for cyclists and would prefer this was brought forward, even if only in an initial temporary state.


Satisfied with the ecological considerations and information provided.

Environmental Health

Consider that the phasing plan is comprehensive and acceptable in principle, and should assist in the future timely determination of subsequent reserved matters applications, and should ensure that major infrastructure provision, community facilities and environmental mitigation measures are provided as required to address the needs of the development.

However, they recommend that the tables within the document include references to the related environmental mitigation conditions set out in the outline planning permissions, and that reference should also be made to mitigating M11 and Huntingdon Road traffic noise when implementing phased noise mitigation measures, where presently the document only references internal vehicular noise.

6.3 Parish Councils

Girton Parish Council

Does not seek amendments to the document, or object to the discharge of the condition. The Council agreed to the discharge of conditions regarding the Site-Wide Phasing Plan as it stands.

Coton Parish Council

No comments received.

Madingley Parish Council

No comments received.

Histon and Impington Parish Council

No comments received.

6.4 Residents Associations

No comments have been received from residents associations.

6.5 Other Representations

There are no other representations to report.


7.1 This discharge of condition is being reported to this Committee in line with working protocol agreed with Chair, Vice- Chair and Spokes (see Appendix 1).

5. Prior to or concurrently with the submission of the first of the reserved matters application(s), a Site Wide Phasing Plan which accords with the section 106 triggers shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for approval. The Phasing Plan shall include the sequence of providing the following elements:

(a) development parcels (b) major distributor roads/routes within the site, including timing of provision and opening of access points into the site (c) the local centre (d) strategic foul surface water features and SUDS (e) open space and allotments (f) strategic electricity and telecommunications networks (g) environmental mitigation measures

No development shall commence apart from enabling works agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority until such time as the phasing plan has been approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved phasing contained within the phasing plan.

REASON: To clarify how the site is to be phased to assist with the determination of subsequent reserved matters applications and in order to ensure that major infrastructure provision and environmental mitigation is provided in time to cater for the needs and impacts arising out of the development. North West Cambridge Area Action Plan Policies NW1, NW2 and NW30.

7.2 The reason for the imposition of this condition on the outline planning permission is to assist with the determination of the detailed applications that will come forward on the site over a number of years and to ensure that the major infrastructure provision and environmental mitigation is provided in time.

7.3 Following the member resolution to grant outline planning permission for the site at the August 2012 JDCC the applicant has been in discussions with officers with a view to formulating the Site Wide Phasing Plan.

7.4 The Plan before members for consideration, submitted by the applicants on 25 th February 2013, addresses the aspects required through condition 5. Extracts from this document are included at Appendix 2, whilst the entire document can be viewed via either the City Council’s website at http://idox.cambridge.gov.uk/online- applications/ , by entering 11/1114/OUT in the search box, or via South District Council’s website at http://plan.scambs.gov.uk , by entering S/0404/13/DC in the search box.

7.5 The Plan comprises of a series of sequenced drawings which represent each phase of the development, totalling eight in all, accompanied by an overview statement and a table which sets out elements and details to comprise each phase. The overview statement provides a brief summary of the component elements in that phase, and how this establishes the structured approach to delivering the development in a cohesive pattern. The detailed table then adds the next layer of detail, setting out which development parcels comprise the phase, the quantum of residential units, student bedspaces, faith worker units, community infrastructure and academic/employment floorspace is expected to be delivered and how this will be linked with the delivery of the primary infrastructure, strategic utilities, landscape and open space. A final drawing within the strategy provides a summarised overview of the final development.

7.6 It is intended that the development will be built out in the sequence set out on the illustrated phased plans, however there is an acknowledgement that there is some overlap between phases for the delivery of some elements, for example the timing of the police station, as the developer will need to meet their S106 obligations in terms of the timing and quantum of provision of some facilities relative to housing occupations, which will be dictated, in part, by the housing market and success of house builders/developers in achieving sales, outside of the University’s control.

7.7 There are also a number of overarching principles within the document that will apply to all phases of development. These apply to a range of provisions that will be delivered within each land parcel, regardless of sequence, for example connections to utilities, drainage, waste systems, on-plot landscaping, car and cycle parking and noise mitigation; alongside works that will be happening off-site and delivered in line with the various S106 obligations, such as connections to the countryside, highways works, utilities and drainage.

7.8 As outlined above, the indicative build out put forward by the applicants is based on the best information available to them at this moment in time. The Plan may be subject to change due to the dependency on market conditions for the build out rates and the marketing and release of future residential phases. Any significant changes to the proposals in the future would require resubmission of the information in respect of Condition 5 for approval by the Councils.

Phase 1 – Including Local Centre, Open Space and Two Primary Accesses

7.9 The document sets out that the first phase of the development to come forward (set out on pages 10 to 13 of the document) will be located on the central area of the site, which sits broadly on the shared boundary between the and City administrative areas. It comprises the Local Centre area, including market square, local retail provision, the 2,000sqm foodstore, the hotel, senior care facility, health premises, the energy centre, the permanent community building, and a nursery.

7.10 It also comprises approximately 1,000 to 1,300 dwellings (of which there will be a maximum ratio 60% market dwellings to 40% key worker units), approximately 800-1,000 student bedspaces, three of the four faith worker dwellings to be located on the site, the entire length of the Ridgeway pedestrian and cycle route, (although this will be completed partly in a temporary form to enable connections across the site whilst not prejudicing the design delivery of later stages of development). Also provided will be the entirety of the north/south strategic cycle route that will connect Huntingdon Road to Madingley Road, 3.3 hectares of informal open land, to include the strategic gap and part the western edge, 4.2 hectares of formal sport pitches (to be located on land within the strategic gap), and 0.78 hectares of youth and play space, to be provided adjacent to the local centre area, in the western edge and also in close proximity to an area of housing.

7.11 This first phase of development is to be serviced by the creation of two of the main vehicular access points into the site, the Madingley Road west junction, to enter the site to the east of the Park and Ride, and the Huntingdon Road East junction, to enter the site to the west of the Travellers Rest public house and the existing Darwin Green junction. Utilities and service corridors will be provided adjacent or underneath the roadways, in accordance with details set out in the Design Code and other site wide strategies.

7.12 The first stage (1 form entry) of the school will also be provided in the first phase of development, to meet the needs of the residents of the proposed new dwellings.

7.13 Officers have reviewed the first phase proposals against the various S106 obligations that the University is required to meet, and can confirm that the proposals are in line with those obligations.

7.14 Of particular note, officers are pleased to observe that the proposed first phase of development comprises the central area of the site, and includes the vast majority of the community and social infrastructure that will be required to support the needs of the emerging population. By providing such facilities in a group location, this serves to provide a community focal point for the development, alongside presenting the opportunity to combine trips to serve a range of purposes.

7.15 The establishment of two of the main access points into the development from an early stage, in combination with the restricted access route through the local centre, the strategic north/south cycle route and the Ridgeway, in its entire length, although in a temporary form in some areas, enable early permeability of the site and connections with adjoining areas, including through the establishment of early public transport routes. This approach is compatible with the Authorities’ ambition to deliver community facilities at an early stage of development and reflects discussions throughout the formulation of the masterplan and vision presented in preceding application documents, including the Design, Access and Landscape Statement that accompanied the outline submission.

7.16 Noting the comments of the Cycling and Walking officer, it is unfortunate that the route of the proposed Ridgeway is drawn incorrectly on the plans at the point at which it meets the local centre. The phasing strategy would not override the requirements set out in the parameter plans, however for consistency purposes the applicants have amended this error in a revised version, and as such the strategy is now consistent with the parameter plans.

7.17 In respect of the Landscape officers comments relating to the phased completion of the western edge, its is agreed that further detail will be required to ensure that satisfactory completion of the earthworks to ensure that interim stages of completion are satisfactory from a landscape and drainage function. Such information would be expected to accompany the reserved matters application for that landform, alongside detailed calculations of final arisings and drainage layouts. As a principle, it is accepted that, given that it is to be formed by utilising arisings from development across the whole site, it would not be possible to complete this feature in a single phase of the overall scheme.

Phases 2, 3 and 4 – Land to the East of Phase 1 and Completion of Formal Sport

7.18 Following on from the establishment of the central area of the site in Phase 1, the Plan proposes that Phases 2, 3 and 4 of the scheme (pages 14 to 19 of the document) will see the development area grow towards the eastern boundary of the site, bordering Storey’s Way, and the south eastern edge of the site with Madingley Rise.

7.19 This approach sees the further completion of community infrastructure in the central area, with the police office being provided in accordance with the S106 triggers, alongside the provision of the remaining part of the strategic gap, the remaining formal sports provision on the western edge (an area of 2.1 hectares), accompanied by the first tranche of allotments (a minimum of 1.75 hectares).

7.20 The majority of the development in Phases 2 and 3 comprises residential dwellings, approximately 820 units in total, at a continuing mix ratio of a maximum of 60% market dwellings to 40% key worker units. These units are accompanied by the addition of the relevant children’s play provision at a ratio to accord with the North West Cambridge AAP standards and the Strategy for Youth and Children’s Play, also the subject of consideration at this Committee, alongside the necessary services and utilities provisions, including the establishment of a second waste bring site. Further areas of informal open space are also included within these phases of development, to complete the network of green corridors than underpin the masterplan, and to also provide the drainage requirements of the accompanying scheme. The Plan also specifies that the section of the Ridgeway that runs through these phases will also now be finished in its permanent state, to facilitate the long-term connection of the site through to Storey’s Way for pedestrians and cyclists.

7.21 If not already provided ahead of time, the remaining stages of the primary school will also be provided at this time to ensure the completion of the facility ahead of maximum demand for the places being achieved.

7.22 Phase 4 of the development provides for the completion of the academic/commercial research space to be located to the north of Madingley Rise and the residential properties in Conduit Head Road. This would provide approximately 35,000 square metres of floorspace and the completion of the associated connection through to Madingley Rise and on to the junction with JJ Thompson Avenue.

7.23 The Cycling and Walking officer has queried whether this connection can be brought forward earlier in the development phasing, considering it to be an important connection for cyclists, in particular, travelling on to other University establishments. However, this phase of development has been provided separately as the research space will be provided as the need arises. The expectation is that the site would come forward around this time, but is served directly and independently from the access from Madingley Rise so that the timing of its delivery can be segregated from the adjoining development without harming or prejudicing adjoining land parcels.

7.24 Whilst the early provision of the cycle connection through this location would be preferable, by virtue of the early provision of the strategic cycle route connection onto Madingley Road, adjacent to the Madingley Road West junction in Phase 1, it would not be critical to the ability of cyclists to establish a connection to JJ Thompson Avenue, and so cannot be reasonably required to be brought forward earlier. Furthermore, there is a risk that by seeking to provide such a linkage through the site, ahead of the need for the research buildings arising, it could create a scenario whereby the connection is travelling through a relatively small development site, with the inherent potential conflict with development activity, or would result in an attempt to provide the buildings ahead of need be established, which would be difficult to reconcile against the outline conditions which require evidential need to be provided alongside such reserved matters applications. Accordingly, officers would not recommend further pursuing a change to the delivery profile in this area of the site.

Phases 5, 6 and 7 – Land to the West of Phase 1

7.25 Phases 5, 6 and 7 of the development (set out pages 20 to 25 of the document) seek to expand the development by commencing activity on the opposite (western) side of Phase 1, sequentially working further away from the Local Centre towards the north-west corner of the site. Each phase includes a cross-section of the development, to include an additional section of the western edge, an area of academic/commercial floorspace and further residential units.

7.26 It is proposed that Phase 5 will see the final transition of the Ridgeway connection, up to and including Bunkers Hill Final, into its completed form, alongside the construction of the Huntingdon Road West junction. This enables the completion of the remaining stretch of primary road, to connect to the Local Centre and enable a broader range of public transport route. Phase 5 also includes the provision of a third Bring site, to accord with the outline conditions, alongside approximately 330 dwellings accompanied by two areas of children’s play provision, 35,000 square metres of academic/commercial research floorspace. The final faith worker unit is proposed to be included in this phase of development.

7.27 Phase 6 of the development, to be located to the west of Phase 5, includes a similar degree of provision to Phase 5, in terms of residential unit numbers, three further children’s play spaces, and also includes the final cluster of student accommodation (approximately 1,100 bedspaces).

7.28 Phase 7, to be located broadly to the north and west of Phase 6 and straddle the edge of the new Huntingdon Road West junction, provides for the balance of residential units (approximately 425 dwellings), the remaining allotment provision (to take the total provision up to final total of 2.59 hectares, as required by the S106) two further areas of youth and play facilities, and a further 15,000 square metres (approximately of academic/commercial research floorspace.

7.29 Comparing the level of residential development across each phase against the S106 obligations confirms that the phasing of infrastructure proposed continues to accord with the agreement, although precise timing of housing completions across those phases will determine exactly when the facilities outlined will be finally required.

Phase 8 – Completion of Development

7.30 The final phase of development (set out on pages 26 and 27 of the document) provides for the northern most tip of the site, the most remote area from the Local Centre. It includes the area of academic/commercial floorspace (approximately 15,000 square metres), a final area of informal open land adjoining it to the west and a potential future energy centre site, which would need to be the subject of a future separate planning application if is to come forward, as (although indicated on the outline application) consent was not included for this in the application given that fuel source is undetermined and therefore cannot be assessed for it’s environmental and visual impacts.

General Commentary

7.31 Overall, the submitted Site Wide Phasing Plan represents a coherent document, which expresses a clear intention to develop the site from a central location, spreading out in a co-ordinated manner from that point allowing for the completion of infrastructure components and clustering of residential units and employment floorspace in such a manner as to represent a cohesive form during the development progression of the site. The early provision of community infrastructure, in an accessible central location, alongside the incremental provision of facilities such as youth and play provision spread across the site, is welcomed and conforms to principles of best practice for establishing sustainable communities, both in terms of providing facilities in a timely fashion to meet the needs of the new residents of the development (in accordance with the criteria set out in the S106 agreement), and in terms of physical accessibility by various modes of transport, including dedicated cycling and walking connections alongside public transport routes.

7.32 Regarding the comments of the Highways officer, in respect of the largely deferred timing of the employment floorspace and the compatibility with the Transport Assessment and Travel Plan, this was discussed in detail with the applicants during the early stages of S106 discussions. It was agreed that it would be preferable to see the completion of the West Cambridge site before introducing such uses onto the North West Cambridge development, unless a specific argument could be made to the contrary to meet the needs of a specific occupier, so as to prevent the piecemeal development of two neighbouring sites simultaneously, which could present longer-term implications for the phased completion of those sites. The S106 obligations for the site, alongside the terms set out in the approved outline conditions (most notably conditions 18 and 19, which address employment need, and conditions 45 to 48, which address the timing of the junctions), support the later submission of such employment floorspace. Accordingly, the details set out in the Site Wide Phasing Plan are consistent with those principles, and considered to be acceptable.

7.33 Noting the Highways officer’s comments in respect of road adoption, and the inability to adopt the Primary routes until such time as they are no longer in use for construction traffic, this point has been noted but does not directly affect the validity of the Site Wide Phasing Plan, particularly as no commitment is being proposed to the route of construction traffic at this stage. It will, however, be drawn to the attention of the University, so that they can take it into account when considering how they wish to evolve their plan for establishing construction traffic routes across the site during the various stages of development.

7.34 Throughout the various phases of development, the Plan sets out details of the environmental mitigation measures and nature conservation measures required to support the development, which are considered to be acceptable. With regard to the comments of the Environmental Health officers, in respect of references in the overarching section of the document which refer to noise mitigations within each land parcel and the omission of references to particular noise sources arising from the A14 and Huntingdon Road, the applicants have revised the document for completeness. Each reserved matters application will be required, by the conditions of the outline permission, to include relevant noise mitigation measures, such that the issue of providing appropriate noise mitigation will resolved in any case. Furthermore, whilst officers’ request for references to those conditions in the tables that accompany each phase of development would provide a further cross-check to the outline submission, the need to provide such information would still be in place and enforceable without overt reference in the Site Wide Phasing Plan, which would form part of the overall suite of documents comprising the approved outline consent. Accordingly, in this respect the document is considered to be acceptable in its current form.


8.1 The Site Wide Phasing Plan provides a sound and logical build out of the development site, which follows the set triggers within the S106 agreement and will ensure such requirements in that document can be provided in a timely and acceptable manner. The provision of the first phase around the local centre is welcomed and will ensure that the site establishes a sense of place and community early on. Following some minor tweaks to the document as identified above, the submitted Site Wide Phasing Strategy is considered to satisfactorily address the criteria set out in condition 5 of the outline permissions. It is therefore recommended that the relevant planning condition be discharged.


8th August 2012 Joint Development Control Committee Report

10.0 Appendices

Appendix 1: Conditions for approval by JDCC Appendix 2: Extracts from the Site Wide Phasing Plan February 2013

11.0 Inspection of papers

To inspect the background papers or if your have a query on the report please contact:

Author’s Name: Mike Osbourn, Senior Planning Officer, Major Developments, South Cambridgeshire District Council Author’s Phone Number 01954 713379 Author’s Email: [email protected]