Statement of Persons Nominated
STATEMENT OF PERSONS NOMINATED Election of Parish Councillors Arrington Parish Council The following is a statement of the persons nominated for election as a Parish Councillor for Arrington Reason why no longer Name of Candidate Home Address Description (if any) nominated* 10 Hillside Lane, DESMOND Arrington, Royston, Andrew SG8 0BZ Rose Cottage, 88 KASZAK Ermine Way, Arrington, Martin Cambs, SG8 0AH 9A Church Lane, O`KEEFE Arrington, South Cambs, Independent Darren Anthony SG8 0BD 4 Newell Close, PEARCE Arrington, Cambs, Debbie SG8 0AZ 51 Ermine Way, SIUDAK Arrington, Nr Royston, Yvonne Leonie Hertfordshire, SG8 0AG *Decision of the Returning Officer that the nomination is invalid or other reason why a person nominated no longer stands nominated. The persons above against whose name no entry is made in the last column have been and stand validly nominated. Date: Friday 8 April 2016 Jean Hunter Returning Officer Printed and published by the Returning Officer, South Cambridgeshire Hall, Cambourne Business Park, Cambourne, Cambridge, CB23 6EA STATEMENT OF PERSONS NOMINATED Election of Parish Councillors Cambourne Parish Council The following is a statement of the persons nominated for election as a Parish Councillor for Cambourne Reason why no longer Name of Candidate Home Address Description (if any) nominated* 24 Foxhollow, Great CROCKER Cambourne, Cambridge, Simon Nicholas CB23 5HW 20 Brookfield Way, GAVIGAN Lower Cambourne, Patrick James Cambridgeshire, CB23 5ED 108 Greenhaze Lane, HUDSON Great Cambourne, Tom CB23 5BH 38, Lancaster Gate, MEHBOOB Upper Cambourne, Ghazala CB23 6AT 3 Langate Green, Great O`DWYER Cambourne, Cambridge, Joseph CB23 5AE 1 Whitley Road, Upper PATEL Cambourne, Jey Cambridgeshire, CB23 6AS 5, Chervil Way, Great POULTON Cambourne, Ruth Cambridgeshire, CB23 6BA SAWFORD 139 Jeavons Lane, Jeni Cambourne, CB23 5FA 14 Spar Close, Lower THOMPSON Cambourne, Greg Robert Cambridgeshire, CB23 6FG *Decision of the Returning Officer that the nomination is invalid or other reason why a person nominated no longer stands nominated.
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