1 1 THE TEESDALE MERCURY. Wednesday, December llth, Wednesday, Dece elastic to draw up the fullness of the garment Sally and I am gwain to town HOME DRESSMAKING to the figure. FOR THE CHILDREN Just to have a look arena' ; WORK IN Now turn to the knickers. First run up Sally ah got a bran new - (AWFUL KNICKERS AND the inner leg seams and treat them exactly Doan you like de kullah ? By AUNT EDITH. FOR THE SCIIOOLGIRL. • as you have treated the seams on the cami- Sambo he a lubly bey, Nowadays nearly every girls' school of sole, making similar fells. Now hem up the twain to town he do enjoy ALLO geed standing insists upon and bottom of each leg and then machine the PREPARING FOR THE PARTY, In his oh cord-u-rov- hem twice. once at the and once at the I want to be a .nigger, How do yen like de kullah% Many a Mickle .warm knickers as an essential part of each bottom. , toils outfit. There can be no doubt that Then thread this hem with elastic A little Blackamoor, and cut the elastic to fit the leg above the And frighten all de chillens TWO GAMES YOU CAN PLA V or, velal:se business knee. Next. cut :tome bias strips1'zin, wide When I step out on de floor. DOORS. from the remainder of the knickers material, HAWK AND DOVES. On the war join them together into one long piece, want to play a banjo, charge stretch that piece or it will pucker when it To wear a nigger'e hat, 'nag is a splendid game for the figure must be added is sewn on. then -face up the top of the And get my hair all frizzly. ground in cold weather. Thele 1,14s ;. war pensions are a divide into two groups, one going r, , knickers with this erossway strip. Thread Like a crinkly woolly mat ; e%G.einttbeigngrm lleg eoougney strong elastic through the slot thus made song, end of the playground and the- other • 1 want to sing a coon end, produ i and cut it to fit the waist firmly. other and in the centre is Gs acyyoction at: bgt • And make my coat-tails fly, a single player, whose duty it is ts eyes all goggly goggly Mit my any of the doves that run past and Until de babies cry ! tr.; on it HOW TO OBTAIN get to the other side. Once a dove is saving step dance of t Paper Patterne of the above I want to dance a nest the hawk cannot touch it, but if ' ;,y the wise men .111 up and down de floor ; caught outside its " home," then that 1,4 f000dod atb tr ioolande. CAMISOLE AND KNICKERS. Go shuttly, shuffiy, shuffle becomes a hawk, and joins in trym, All Mus' dis little Blackamoor. Fill In this form and send it, With remittance in catch the others who run between the ,s; directly and indirect stamps, to MISS LISLE 32, FLEET LANE, 1 want to telt the chillens " homes " until all arc caught. LONDON, E.C.4. necessary. Wages c That Scipio is my name, - A GOOD BALL GAME. Write clearly. , Hands off dis little Blackamoor. Any number of players can play • I'se not so very tame. game, and all but one must stand 1:1 nl odt mbby Pt emovemententff e I want to be a nigger, • circle with their arms folded. One -nationally and hoc 1 want to act de coon, stands in the centre of the ring with I want to warble moonshine ball. He throws it across to a player...; The Birds a Aldrotll.s..r..•••am•soe..oaorl••*s•me.a.as•M ■Iw 'To de big roun' moon. must immediately unfold his arms catch the ball. If a player fails to tea.: Feeding the forme I want to twangle pink-a-pong` catch he falls out, and if a player may be considered t All gurgly in my throat, um his arms by mistake he loses a point. , Pattern No. SU. Then finish with a flourish r prevent cabbages fr player has four points, so that if lie PAPER PATTERNS price Id. each, post free On a high top note. folds his arms four times by mistake. having suffered a sh Patterns cut to special measure, 1/6 each " Oh, Theodore," exclaimed mother with lie, too, must fall out of the game. soil should have bee MISS LSLE willbe pleased to receive suggestions a laugh, " your verses are very wheedling, to illustrate designs of player left in till the last wins the gam, the autumn and the and general use to the but how am I to turn you into a nigger, HOME DRESSMAKER CoUld have fetched o you rogue, with your . golden hair, blue A GARDEN KNEELER. (Refer to IL D. 834.1 holding the white h eyewst,anilfair skin? You must think me SOMETHING BOYS CAN MAKE. they are right., for knickers, with elastic wizard l,, If you are searching around in thou, best preventive of in as, knees and waist, are certainly she most OUR CROSS WORD PUZZLE " Oh, Mumsy, it is quite easy if you for something to make for a preeen: the hoe going all t prictical, as they are the warmest, form of only think it out. - You are so clever at here is an idea. You know, , -father, know the value of d' underwear. As for the camisole, there is no thinking things out; I heard Daddy say so. you, that the rubber rings on bottled is birds follow the pl doubt that it serves admirably to keep the You will, won't you, darling ?" jars and meat jars cannot be used ts :target, or Liberty worn beneath per- " Yes, on one condition, Theo, there must over. Well, collect all you can get, tarians ? Not wholl .fectly clean. I am giving you, therefore, a be no blacking of your skin, it will be them all together into chains. You The cycle of exist pattern of each of these practical garments, such a nuisance to get it off again after how to loop two rings together, I am - • so that busy mothers may get next term's the ' niggering ' is over " -just like a stitch in knitting. ,They in four stages, T outfit well in hand before theholidays bring " Will it cost much, Mumsy ?" your long chains with string into do nothing but lay e the youngsters home and there is no more " Oh, no, it must not. There is no fun till a little straw fish-bag with them. come caterpillars, a leisure or quiet. These patterns are cut in in expensive dressing up, and you can help up the bag with string-coloured • me quite well." eat. The caterpillar sizes for girls of from 8 to 12 year. * * * looks gay, and you could contin seaming stitches all around the bag • stage, and chrysalid Tien IllaTRRIAL.-First as to the material. Now, children, let us peep in on the ornament. Leave the handles to has From the chrysalis c It would be wise to carry out both garments party night and find out what they did. on a peg in the tool shed and, if p. -the butterfly, and in some • warm material which at the same Here is the banjo first. What a simple work the word " Garden " on t again. time is neither too thick nor too heavy. I thing, just a strip of thin wood from the before filling. This mat will be s would suggest, therefore, that you choose back of a broken picture-frame twenty tion for the knees and damp-resisl, Insects begin their Viyella for both knickers and camisole, for four inches long and two wide. The mill- sure not to pull the loops tightly. 'I times. One may b it is a material which is both light and board circle which had been the base of loosely they are knotted the bets, warm, and which wears and washes beauti- Theo's birthday cake is tacked on to • the will crumple up for the filling. It spring, and another fully. You might choose white Viyella for strip of wood at one end to form the drum. in the tool-shed is just a common ence then. The w the camisole, an navy blue or some similar Coarse black wool wound four times an empty cotton-reel on it, and y-. lays the eggs of the CLUES CLUES around handle and drum form the strings. dark shade for the knickers. In any case ACROSS. DOWN. find that the handles of your bag s the summer. These the ends tied at the back. A. little strip of wear through as quickly as they e you will need one yard of material 31in. wide 1. Joy. 1. Pulse vegetables. eat six thousand ti for the camisole and one and a-quarter yards 6. Makes docile. 2. Sprite. cardboard on the drum and under ,the just a nail. Then, too, the reel of similar width for the knickers. or their 9. Worn on the 3. Native of Siam. strings form the bridge. The music, of much safer peg-no fear of teafinJ during their lives. equivalents in wider or narrower stuff. hands. 4. Remove clothes. course, comes from the musician's throat ! hands in searching for things. pass into the chrysal 11. Mother and 5. Canvas dwelling Theo's is a gay pyjama suit in Father. places. of the year, and a THE PATTERN. - There are only three 12. Negative. 6. Insect. broad red and white stripes on to which pieces in this pattern (front and back cami- 14. Where money is 7. Manuscripts. his mother has sewn a. pair of swallow through the winter made. 8. In lieu of. tails of the same material; a wide-winged sole, and knickers pattern), so you could not 15. Mother. 10. Number. moth lays her ,eggs well have anything easier to cut out. Before 16. Slumber. 18. Science. white collar cut from stout white paper of infant apples ever beginning to cut out, however, pin the 17. Agreed. 15. Food at certain and a large bright blue bow made from a Artists' Materia 19. Monsters. times. piece of sateen; white shoes and black pillars drop to the g patterns together as well as you can, try 21. Upset. 18. Get better. them against your daughteg, and make any 23. Climbing plant 19. Openly done. socks., black cotton gloves, a little black autumn, and remain such small alterations as may be necessary. (beheaded). 20. Flog with birch. mask made from a piece of an old silk 24. Be dressed in. 21. Cloth. and tied at the babk of the head, Applying this kn You will find that it is both easier and more 26. Thus. 22. Lunatic. satisfactory to make these in the paper 27. Airman. 25. Consume. two large holes for the eyes and another end will result in a pattern than in the cut-out garment, besides 80. Jibbing. 27. Exist. large one for the month. Father's old and cleaner vegeta 31. In the mouth. 28. Animal's doctor. top hat that fits well down is worn on. the OIL COLOURS *.' WATER C( which by so doing you have your pattern 22. In poverty. 29. Portuguese Birds love insects, al exactly right before you begin to cut out, measure. head over a little scull-cap made from the eggs, and they pick and so run no risk of wasting your stuff. top of a black silk stocking on to which is BRUSHES Remember that no turnings are allowed for SOLUTION NEXT WEEK. sewn a rim of ravelled black wool for hair if it is kept loosened. in the pattern, therefore you should leave -quite niggery looking hair, too. The oft the .leaves as th the following : camisole, front and back, Solution to last week's puzzle. wool was ravelled from an old pair of or down the r hand-knit black socks' which Daddy had SKETCH ;BOOKS *.* SKETCH B fork sin. on the underarm and shoulder seams and Planks. Birds prefer on the bottom, kin. round the neck and arm- ACROSS.-1-Canon. 4-Sales. 7-Meant. discarded. or the'ground ra 8-Sea. 9-Ate. 11-Event. 13-Kafir. He has a partner, too. a little black- PAINT BOXES of row rose 14-Sins. 15-Serf. 16-Me. 18-0n. 21-Caul. haired, black-eyed girl with a mask like 23-Trot. 25--Amass. 26-Petty. 27-Nit. Theo's, and they have both put rouge around their lips to make them look large ,..1 28-Ass. 29-Debit. 30-Loved. 31-Lakes. DRAWING PENS '.• DRAM'• 4 . 2 •.--‘,....-...L. ,r, and nigger-like. The little girl's head is, 2....- g DOWN.-1-Cares. 2 - Omens. 3 - Neat. enveloped in is gay silk scarf tied turban SCM/E061611 1 31 44A-rfaw, r..?..'1 4-Snakes. 5-Attar. 6-Stars. S-Senecan. , with the big knot in front. Etc., Etc. HELPF 10-Efforts. 12-Vim. 17-Ousted. 19-Not. A gay striped in broad gold and 20-Canal. 22-Aside. 23-Testa. 24-Tyres. white stripes, with a large pink bow at the cur EDGES 26-Pail. neck. is her costume, and she carries n Lawns and Leaves. bunch of gay paper roses, with their stems holes; knickers, in. on the curved i-eaves are dragge sinner leg thrust through a lace paper doyley to leok FREE CATALOGUE WITH PLE .• seams and on the .front and back seams, Lady : "I'm going to enter Fido in the -rms and leaves like an old-fashioned posy. '•.- feet. Harm is lin. on the bottom, kin. on the top. dog show next month." Friend : "Do you Here is the song they sing together. Yoe think he'll win?" "No,. but he'll meet tic: surface is made will notice Theo has changed his name patch es of grasser; it THE CUTTING Our.---Begin with the cami- sonic nice dogs." from Scipio to Sambo he said it sounded sole. Open the material out to its full width. better-for he composed the verses himself. Remembering Ilia • Driving Instructor : and then fold it in such a way that both "Well. do rou They sing it to a very old nigger melody Teesdale Mercury Bookshop , `cod has is its own selvedges come together down" one side and m, ,-r.1 awl the car now ?" Beginner: that his grandpapa taught him called Iisly forests flour the fold is opposite. Pin these selvedges "Perfect! There's only one thing I " Sally come up and Dinah down." I am 24, MARKET PLACE, '-ayes need not he securely together so that the material cannot should like to ask : 1)o you Put the water any child's grandpa will know that 'I', allotment to he or get into folds as you are cutting out, and the i s-trol in the same hole P'' tune. BARNARD CASTLE. then lay the two pattern pieces upon the Cleaning Jobs. folded staff, placing the straight edge c! lie spade may each to the fold. Pin each piece securely lid-paper. It silo into place. From the remaining material cut ll oily rag for ea some crossway• strips lin. wide for facing the ` , 4e wr linseed oil- P neck and armholes. Now take your knickers rile frame shoal material. open it out to its full width, and 0Q ",'lip and but was then fold it so that the selvedges come A Ne4we Bock Food together down both sides and the fold is at arttity of disinfe the top. Pin selvedges and fold securely, -. "ter to snake it w and then lay the knickers pattern upon the Oxo with Hot milk is a perfect food for everyone. Scrubbed pots no folded stuff. Pin it carefully into place, `It the routs and taking care to go through both .thicknesses Taken habitually it better equips the body to resist cold ' h en doing the pl of stuff. . 1 lean glass enc and illness and builds up the whole constitution. lilts love as strut Tens MAKING.-Begin with the camisole. this titne of the Run together the underarm and shoulder Add a teaspoonful of Oxo, or an Oxo Cube , Wooden labels, v, seams. Trim the turnings, and then fell (sliced), to a large glass of hot milk (not boiled). them down very neatly by hand. All seams '''''ared with whit on underwear should be treated in this way. , The sticks shoal French seams and machined fells are not spring. Break permissible in good . The In into four siz finished fells should be well under lin. in• to preserve t width. Now face in the edges of neck and Aral/104.6 with the narrow crossway strips The v-otato Patch. you have cut. first joining up the strips to When potatoes form one long band and then stretching that elot,korous soil and bled to take the " spring " out of it. Whip White and t narrow, strong lace on to the edges of neck ,laded ground is arid armholes. Hem up the bottom by hand, likely to dark and then thread the slot thus made with Deep cult' afts aerating