
Supplement 1. Search strategy

PubMed (1 query): ("cushing disease"[All Fields] OR "cushing's disease"[All Fields] OR "cushings disease"[All Fields] OR "Cushing Syndrome"[Mesh] OR "Cushing's Syndrome"[all fields] OR "Cushing Syndrome"[all fields] OR "Cushings Syndrome"[all fields] OR "cushing"[tiab] OR "cushings"[tiab] OR "cushing's"[tiab] OR "ACTH-Secreting Pituitary Adenoma"[Mesh] OR "ACTH-Producing Pituitary Adenoma"[all fields] OR "ACTH Producing Pituitary Adenoma" OR "ACTH-Producing Pituitary Adenomas"[all fields] OR "ACTH Producing Pituitary Adenomas"[all fields] OR "ACTH Secreting Pituitary Adenoma"[all fields] OR "ACTH-Secreting Pituitary Adenomas"[all fields] OR "ACTH-Secreting Pituitary Adenoma"[all fields] OR "ACTH Secreting Pituitary Adenomas"[all fields]) AND ("functional mri"[All Fields] OR "fMRI"[all fields] OR "fmr"[all fields] OR "f mr"[all fields] OR "functional magnetic"[all fields] OR "functional mr"[all fields] OR (("Magnetic Resonance Imaging"[Mesh] OR "mri"[All Fields] OR "MRIs"[All Fields] OR "magnetic resonance imaging"[all fields]) AND ("functional"[all fields] OR "Mental Processes"[Mesh] OR "cognition"[all fields] OR "cognitive"[all fields] OR "task"[all fields] OR "tasks"[all fields] OR "learning"[all fields] OR "memory"[all fields]))) AND (""[all fields] OR "Brain"[Mesh] OR ""[all fields] OR "hippocampal"[all fields] OR "hippocampi"[all fields] OR hippocamp*[all fields] OR ""[all fields] OR "amygdalae"[all fields] OR "lymbic system"[all fields] OR "cerebellar"[all fields] OR ""[all fields] OR cerebel*[all fields] OR cerebr*[all fields] OR ""[all fields] OR "gray matter"[all fields] OR "Mesencephalon"[all fields] OR ""[all fields] OR ""[all fields] OR "Tectum Mesencephali"[all fields] OR "Inferior Colliculi"[all fields] OR "Superior Colliculi"[all fields] OR " Mesencephali"[all fields] OR ""[all fields] OR "Pedunculopontine Tegmental "[all fields] OR ""[all fields] OR ""[all fields] OR ""[all fields] OR ""[all fields] OR ""[all fields] OR "Rhombencephalon"[all fields] OR ""[all fields] OR ""[all fields] OR "Olivary Nucleus"[all fields] OR ""[all fields] OR ""[all fields] OR "Cerebellum"[all fields] OR "Cerebellar Cortex"[all fields] OR "Purkinje Cells"[all fields] OR "Cerebellar Nuclei"[all fields] OR ""[all fields] OR ""[all fields] OR ""[all fields] OR "Locus Coeruleus"[all fields] OR ""[all fields] OR "Raphe Nuclei"[all fields] OR "Trigeminal Nuclei"[all fields] OR "Trigeminal Nucleus"[all fields] OR "Trigeminal Caudal Nucleus"[all fields] OR "Cerebral"[all fields] OR "Choroid Plexus"[all fields] OR ""[all fields] OR ""[all fields] OR ""[all fields] OR ""[all fields] OR ""[all fields] OR ""[all fields] OR "Amygdala"[all fields] OR "Epithalamus"[all fields] OR ""[all fields] OR ""[all fields] OR "Gyrus Cinguli"[all fields] OR ""[all fields] OR "Pyramidal Cells"[all fields] OR ""[all fields] OR "Olfactory Pathways"[all fields] OR ""[all fields] OR ""[all fields] OR ""[all fields] OR ""[all fields] OR "Perforant Pathway"[all fields] OR ""[all fields] OR "Mesencephalon"[all fields] OR "Locus Coeruleus"[all fields] OR "Raphe Nuclei"[all fields] OR "Tectum Mesencephali"[all fields] OR "Inferior Colliculi"[all fields] OR "Superior Colliculi"[all fields] OR "Tegmentum Mesencephali"[all fields] OR "Cerebral Aqueduct"[all fields] OR "Pedunculopontine Tegmental Nucleus"[all fields] OR "Periaqueductal Gray"[all fields] OR "Red Nucleus"[all fields] OR "Substantia Nigra"[all fields] OR "Ventral Tegmental Area"[all fields] OR "Prosencephalon"[all fields] OR "Diencephalon"[all fields] OR "Epithalamus"[all fields] OR "Habenula"[all fields] OR "Pineal Gland"[all fields] OR "Hypothalamus"[all fields] OR "Hypothalamic"[all fields] OR ""[all fields] OR "Entopeduncular Nucleus"[all fields] OR ""[all fields] OR ""[all fields] OR "Thalamic Nuclei"[all fields] OR "Septal Nuclei"[all fields] OR "Septum Pellucidum"[all fields] OR "Telencephalon"[all fields] OR ""[all fields] OR ""[all fields] OR ""[all fields] OR ""[all fields] OR ""[all fields] OR ""[all fields] OR "Olfactory Pathways"[all fields] OR "Islands of Calleja"[all fields] OR "Olfactory Bulb"[all fields] OR "Septum of Brain"[all fields] OR "Septal Nuclei"[all fields] OR "Septum Pellucidum"[all fields] OR "Rhombencephalon"[all fields] OR "Amygdala"[all fields] OR "Corpus "[all fields] OR ""[all fields] OR "Neostriatum"[all fields] OR ""[all fields] OR "Substantia Innominata"[all fields] OR "Basal Nucleus of Meynert"[all fields] OR ""[all fields] OR "High Vocal Center"[all fields] OR ""[all fields] OR ""[all fields] OR "Motor Cortex"[all fields] OR ""[all fields] OR "Hippocampus"[all fields] OR "Dentate Gyrus"[all fields] OR "Pyramidal Cells"[all fields] OR ""[all fields] OR ""[all fields] OR "Visual Cortex"[all fields] OR "Parietal Lobe"[all fields] OR "Somatosensory Cortex"[all fields] OR "Pyramidal Cells"[all fields] OR ""[all fields] OR ""[all fields] OR "Parahippocampal Gyrus"[all fields] OR "Entorhinal Cortex"[all fields] OR "Metencephalon"[all fields] OR ""[all fields] OR "Raphe Nuclei"[all fields] OR "Medulla Oblongata"[all fields] OR "Area Postrema"[all fields] OR "Olivary Nucleus"[all fields] OR "Solitary Nucleus"[all fields] OR ""[all fields])

EMBASE (2 queries): 1: (cushing disease/ OR cushing syndrome/ OR "cushing disease".mp OR "cushing's disease".mp OR "cushings disease".mp OR "Cushing's Syndrome".mp OR "Cushing Syndrome".mp OR "Cushings Syndrome".mp OR "cushing".mp OR "cushings".mp OR "cushing's".mp OR ACTH secreting adenoma/ OR "ACTH-Producing Pituitary Adenoma".mp OR "ACTH Producing Pituitary Adenoma".mp OR "ACTH-Producing Pituitary Adenomas".mp OR "ACTH Producing Pituitary Adenomas".mp OR "ACTH Secreting Pituitary Adenoma".mp OR "ACTH-Secreting Pituitary Adenomas".mp OR "ACTH-Secreting Pituitary Adenoma".mp OR "ACTH Secreting Pituitary Adenomas".mp) AND (functional magnetic resonance imaging/ OR "functional mri".mp OR "fMRI".mp OR "fmr".mp OR "f mr".mp OR "functional magnetic".mp OR "functional mr".mp OR ((exp nuclear magnetic resonance imaging/ OR "mri".mp OR "MRIs".mp OR "magnetic resonance imaging".mp) AND ("functional".mp OR exp mental function/ OR "cognition".mp OR "cognitive".mp OR "task".mp OR "tasks".mp OR "learning".mp OR "memory".mp))) AND ("brain".mp OR exp Brain/ OR "hippocampus".mp OR "hippocampal".mp OR "hippocampi".mp OR hippocamp*.mp OR "amygdala".mp OR "amygdalae".mp OR "lymbic system".mp OR "cerebellar".mp OR "cerebellum".mp OR cerebel*.mp OR cerebr*.mp OR "grey matter".mp OR "gray matter".mp OR "Mesencephalon".mp OR "Locus Coeruleus".mp OR "Raphe Nuclei".mp OR "Tectum Mesencephali".mp OR "Inferior Colliculi".mp OR "Superior Colliculi".mp OR "Tegmentum Mesencephali".mp OR "Cerebral Aqueduct".mp OR "Pedunculopontine Tegmental Nucleus".mp OR "Periaqueductal Gray".mp OR "Red Nucleus".mp OR "Substantia Nigra".mp OR "Ventral Tegmental Area".mp OR "Reticular Formation".mp OR "Rhombencephalon".mp OR "Medulla Oblongata".mp OR "Area Postrema".mp OR "Olivary Nucleus".mp OR "Solitary Nucleus".mp OR "Metencephalon".mp OR "Cerebellum".mp OR "Cerebellar Cortex".mp OR "Purkinje Cells".mp OR "Cerebellar Nuclei".mp OR "Cerebellopontine Angle".mp OR "Pons".mp OR "Cochlear Nucleus".mp OR "Locus Coeruleus".mp OR "Vestibular Nuclei".mp OR "Raphe Nuclei".mp OR "Trigeminal Nuclei".mp OR "Trigeminal Nucleus".mp OR "Trigeminal Caudal Nucleus".mp OR "Cerebral".mp OR "Choroid Plexus".mp OR "Ependyma".mp OR "Fourth Ventricle".mp OR "Lateral Ventricles".mp OR "Septum Pellucidum".mp OR "Third Ventricle".mp OR "Limbic System".mp OR "Amygdala".mp OR "Epithalamus".mp OR "Habenula".mp OR "Pineal Gland".mp OR "Gyrus Cinguli".mp OR "Dentate Gyrus".mp OR "Pyramidal Cells".mp OR "Hypothalamus".mp OR "Olfactory Pathways".mp OR "Islands of Calleja".mp OR "Olfactory Bulb".mp OR "Parahippocampal Gyrus".mp OR "Entorhinal Cortex".mp OR "Perforant Pathway".mp OR "Substantia Innominata".mp OR "Mesencephalon".mp OR "Locus Coeruleus".mp OR "Raphe Nuclei".mp OR "Tectum Mesencephali".mp OR "Inferior Colliculi".mp OR "Superior Colliculi".mp OR "Tegmentum Mesencephali".mp OR "Cerebral Aqueduct".mp OR "Pedunculopontine Tegmental Nucleus".mp OR "Periaqueductal Gray".mp OR "Red Nucleus".mp OR "Substantia Nigra".mp OR "Ventral Tegmental Area".mp OR "Prosencephalon".mp OR "Diencephalon".mp OR "Epithalamus".mp OR "Habenula".mp OR "Pineal Gland".mp OR "Hypothalamus".mp OR "Hypothalamic".mp OR "Subthalamus".mp OR "Entopeduncular Nucleus".mp OR "Subthalamic Nucleus".mp OR "Thalamus".mp OR "Thalamic Nuclei".mp OR "Septal Nuclei".mp OR "Septum Pellucidum".mp OR "Telencephalon".mp OR "Cerebrum".mp OR "Basal Ganglia".mp OR "Cerebral Cortex".mp OR "Corpus Callosum".mp OR "Diagonal Band of Broca".mp OR "Internal Capsule".mp OR "Olfactory Pathways".mp OR "Islands of Calleja".mp OR "Olfactory Bulb".mp OR "Septum of Brain".mp OR "Septal Nuclei".mp OR "Septum Pellucidum".mp OR "Rhombencephalon".mp OR "Amygdala".mp OR "Corpus Striatum".mp OR "Globus Pallidus".mp OR "Neostriatum".mp OR "Nucleus Accumbens".mp OR "Substantia Innominata".mp OR "Basal Nucleus of Meynert".mp OR "Caudate Nucleus".mp OR "High Vocal Center".mp OR "Putamen".mp OR "Frontal Lobe".mp OR "Motor Cortex".mp OR "Prefrontal Cortex".mp OR "Hippocampus".mp OR "Dentate Gyrus".mp OR "Pyramidal Cells".mp OR "Neocortex".mp OR "Occipital Lobe".mp OR "Visual Cortex".mp OR "Parietal Lobe".mp OR "Somatosensory Cortex".mp OR "Pyramidal Cells".mp OR "Temporal Lobe".mp OR "Auditory Cortex".mp OR "Parahippocampal Gyrus".mp OR "Entorhinal Cortex".mp OR "Metencephalon".mp OR "Myelencephalon".mp OR "Raphe Nuclei".mp OR "Medulla Oblongata".mp OR "Area Postrema".mp OR "Olivary Nucleus".mp OR "Solitary Nucleus".mp OR "white matter".mp)

2: (cushing disease/ OR cushing syndrome/ OR "cushing disease".mp OR "cushing's disease".mp OR "cushings disease".mp OR "Cushing's Syndrome".mp OR "Cushing Syndrome".mp OR "Cushings Syndrome".mp OR "cushing".mp OR "cushings".mp OR "cushing's".mp OR ACTH secreting adenoma/ OR "ACTH-Producing Pituitary Adenoma".mp OR "ACTH Producing Pituitary Adenoma" OR "ACTH- Producing Pituitary Adenomas".mp OR "ACTH Producing Pituitary Adenomas".mp OR "ACTH Secreting Pituitary Adenoma".mp OR "ACTH-Secreting Pituitary Adenomas".mp OR "ACTH-Secreting Pituitary Adenoma".mp OR "ACTH Secreting Pituitary Adenomas".mp) AND (functional magnetic resonance imaging/ OR "functional mri".mp OR "fMRI".mp OR "fmr".mp OR "f mr".mp OR "functional magnetic".mp OR "functional mr".mp)

Web of Science (2 queries): 1: TS=((cushing disease OR cushing syndrome OR "cushing disease" OR "cushing's disease" OR "cushings disease" OR "Cushing's Syndrome" OR "Cushing Syndrome" OR "Cushings Syndrome" OR "cushing" OR "cushings" OR "cushing's" OR ACTH secreting adenoma OR "ACTH-Producing Pituitary Adenoma" OR "ACTH Producing Pituitary Adenoma" OR "ACTH-Producing Pituitary Adenomas" OR "ACTH Producing Pituitary Adenomas" OR "ACTH Secreting Pituitary Adenoma" OR "ACTH-Secreting Pituitary Adenomas" OR "ACTH-Secreting Pituitary Adenoma" OR "ACTH Secreting Pituitary Adenomas") AND (functional magnetic resonance imaging OR "functional mri" OR "fMRI" OR "fmr" OR "f mr" OR "functional magnetic" OR "functional mr" OR ((nuclear magnetic resonance imaging OR "mri" OR "MRIs" OR "magnetic resonance imaging") AND ("functional" OR mental function OR "cognition" OR "cognitive" OR "task" OR "tasks" OR "learning" OR "memory"))) AND ("brain" OR Brain OR "hippocampus" OR "hippocampal" OR "hippocampi" OR hippocamp* OR "amygdala" OR "amygdalae" OR "lymbic system" OR "cerebellar" OR "cerebellum" OR cerebel* OR cerebr* OR "grey matter" OR "gray matter" OR "Mesencephalon" OR "Locus Coeruleus" OR "Raphe Nuclei" OR "Tectum Mesencephali" OR "Inferior Colliculi" OR "Superior Colliculi" OR "Tegmentum Mesencephali" OR "Cerebral Aqueduct" OR "Pedunculopontine Tegmental Nucleus" OR "Periaqueductal Gray" OR "Red Nucleus" OR "Substantia Nigra" OR "Ventral Tegmental Area" OR "Reticular Formation" OR "Rhombencephalon" OR "Medulla Oblongata" OR "Area Postrema" OR "Olivary Nucleus" OR "Solitary Nucleus" OR "Metencephalon" OR "Cerebellum" OR "Cerebellar Cortex" OR "Purkinje Cells" OR "Cerebellar Nuclei" OR "Cerebellopontine Angle" OR "Pons" OR "Cochlear Nucleus" OR "Locus Coeruleus" OR "Vestibular Nuclei" OR "Raphe Nuclei" OR "Trigeminal Nuclei" OR "Trigeminal Nucleus" OR "Trigeminal Caudal Nucleus" OR "Cerebral" OR "Choroid Plexus" OR "Ependyma" OR "Fourth Ventricle" OR "Lateral Ventricles" OR "Septum Pellucidum" OR "Third Ventricle" OR "Limbic System" OR "Amygdala" OR "Epithalamus" OR "Habenula" OR "Pineal Gland" OR "Gyrus Cinguli" OR "Dentate Gyrus" OR "Pyramidal Cells" OR "Hypothalamus" OR "Olfactory Pathways" OR "Islands of Calleja" OR "Olfactory Bulb" OR "Parahippocampal Gyrus" OR "Entorhinal Cortex" OR "Perforant Pathway" OR "Substantia Innominata" OR "Mesencephalon" OR "Locus Coeruleus" OR "Raphe Nuclei" OR "Tectum Mesencephali" OR "Inferior Colliculi" OR "Superior Colliculi" OR "Tegmentum Mesencephali" OR "Cerebral Aqueduct" OR "Pedunculopontine Tegmental Nucleus" OR "Periaqueductal Gray" OR "Red Nucleus" OR "Substantia Nigra" OR "Ventral Tegmental Area" OR "Prosencephalon" OR "Diencephalon" OR "Epithalamus" OR "Habenula" OR "Pineal Gland" OR "Hypothalamus" OR "Hypothalamic" OR "Subthalamus" OR "Entopeduncular Nucleus" OR "Subthalamic Nucleus" OR "Thalamus" OR "Thalamic Nuclei" OR "Septal Nuclei" OR "Septum Pellucidum" OR "Telencephalon" OR "Cerebrum" OR "Basal Ganglia" OR "Cerebral Cortex" OR "Corpus Callosum" OR "Diagonal Band of Broca" OR "Internal Capsule" OR "Olfactory Pathways" OR "Islands of Calleja" OR "Olfactory Bulb" OR "Septum of Brain" OR "Septal Nuclei" OR "Septum Pellucidum" OR "Rhombencephalon" OR "Amygdala" OR "Corpus Striatum" OR "Globus Pallidus" OR "Neostriatum" OR "Nucleus Accumbens" OR "Substantia Innominata" OR "Basal Nucleus of Meynert" OR "Caudate Nucleus" OR "High Vocal Center" OR "Putamen" OR "Frontal Lobe" OR "Motor Cortex" OR "Prefrontal Cortex" OR "Hippocampus" OR "Dentate Gyrus" OR "Pyramidal Cells" OR "Neocortex" OR "Occipital Lobe" OR "Visual Cortex" OR "Parietal Lobe" OR "Somatosensory Cortex" OR "Pyramidal Cells" OR "Temporal Lobe" OR "Auditory Cortex" OR "Parahippocampal Gyrus" OR "Entorhinal Cortex" OR "Metencephalon" OR "Myelencephalon" OR "Raphe Nuclei" OR "Medulla Oblongata" OR "Area Postrema" OR "Olivary Nucleus" OR "Solitary Nucleus" OR "white matter"))

2: TS=(("cushing disease" OR "cushing syndrome" OR chsing OR cushing* OR "cushing disease" OR "cushing's disease" OR "cushings disease" OR "Cushing's Syndrome" OR "Cushing Syndrome" OR "Cushings Syndrome" OR "cushing" OR "cushings" OR "cushing's" OR ACTH secreting adenoma OR "ACTH-Producing Pituitary Adenoma" OR "ACTH Producing Pituitary Adenoma" OR "ACTH- Producing Pituitary Adenomas" OR "ACTH Producing Pituitary Adenomas" OR "ACTH Secreting Pituitary Adenoma" OR "ACTH-Secreting Pituitary Adenomas" OR "ACTH-Secreting Pituitary Adenoma" OR "ACTH Secreting Pituitary Adenomas") AND ("functional magnetic" OR "functional mri" OR "fMRI" OR "fmr" OR "f mr" OR "functional magnetic" OR "functional mr" OR "functional imaging"))

Cochrane (1 query): ((cushing disease OR cushing syndrome OR cushing disease OR cushing's disease OR cushings disease OR Cushing's Syndrome OR Cushing Syndrome OR Cushings Syndrome OR cushing OR cushings OR cushing's OR ACTH secreting adenoma OR ACTH-Producing Pituitary Adenoma OR ACTH Producing Pituitary Adenoma OR ACTH-Producing Pituitary Adenomas OR ACTH Producing Pituitary Adenomas OR ACTH Secreting Pituitary Adenoma OR ACTH-Secreting Pituitary Adenomas OR ACTH-Secreting Pituitary Adenoma OR ACTH Secreting Pituitary Adenomas) AND (functional magnetic resonance imaging OR functional mri OR fMRI OR fmr OR f mr OR functional magnetic OR functional mr OR ((nuclear magnetic resonance imaging OR mri OR MRIs OR magnetic resonance imaging) AND (functional OR mental function OR cognition OR cognitive OR task OR tasks OR learning OR memory))) AND (brain OR Brain OR hippocampus OR hippocampal OR hippocampi OR hippocamp* OR amygdala OR amygdalae OR lymbic system OR cerebellar OR cerebellum OR cerebel* OR cerebr* OR grey matter OR gray matter OR Mesencephalon OR Locus Coeruleus OR Raphe Nuclei OR Tectum Mesencephali OR Inferior Colliculi OR Superior Colliculi OR Tegmentum Mesencephali OR Cerebral Aqueduct OR Pedunculopontine Tegmental Nucleus OR Periaqueductal Gray OR Red Nucleus OR Substantia Nigra OR Ventral Tegmental Area OR Reticular Formation OR Rhombencephalon OR Medulla Oblongata OR Area Postrema OR Olivary Nucleus OR Solitary Nucleus OR Metencephalon OR Cerebellum OR Cerebellar Cortex OR Purkinje Cells OR Cerebellar Nuclei OR Cerebellopontine Angle OR Pons OR Cochlear Nucleus OR Locus Coeruleus OR Vestibular Nuclei OR Raphe Nuclei OR Trigeminal Nuclei OR Trigeminal Nucleus OR Trigeminal Caudal Nucleus OR Cerebral OR Choroid Plexus OR Ependyma OR Fourth Ventricle OR Lateral Ventricles OR Septum Pellucidum OR Third Ventricle OR Limbic System OR Amygdala OR Epithalamus OR Habenula OR Pineal Gland OR Gyrus Cinguli OR Dentate Gyrus OR Pyramidal Cells OR Hypothalamus OR Olfactory Pathways OR Islands of Calleja OR Olfactory Bulb OR Parahippocampal Gyrus OR Entorhinal Cortex OR Perforant Pathway OR Substantia Innominata OR Mesencephalon OR Locus Coeruleus OR Raphe Nuclei OR Tectum Mesencephali OR Inferior Colliculi OR Superior Colliculi OR Tegmentum Mesencephali OR Cerebral Aqueduct OR Pedunculopontine Tegmental Nucleus OR Periaqueductal Gray OR Red Nucleus OR Substantia Nigra OR Ventral Tegmental Area OR Prosencephalon OR Diencephalon OR Epithalamus OR Habenula OR Pineal Gland OR Hypothalamus OR Hypothalamic OR Subthalamus OR Entopeduncular Nucleus OR Subthalamic Nucleus OR Thalamus OR Thalamic Nuclei OR Septal Nuclei OR Septum Pellucidum OR Telencephalon OR Cerebrum OR Basal Ganglia OR Cerebral Cortex OR Corpus Callosum OR Diagonal Band of Broca OR Internal Capsule OR Olfactory Pathways OR Islands of Calleja OR Olfactory Bulb OR Septum of Brain OR Septal Nuclei OR Septum Pellucidum OR Rhombencephalon OR Amygdala OR Corpus Striatum OR Globus Pallidus OR Neostriatum OR Nucleus Accumbens OR Substantia Innominata OR Basal Nucleus of Meynert OR Caudate Nucleus OR High Vocal Center OR Putamen OR Frontal Lobe OR Motor Cortex OR Prefrontal Cortex OR Hippocampus OR Dentate Gyrus OR Pyramidal Cells OR Neocortex OR Occipital Lobe OR Visual Cortex OR Parietal Lobe OR Somatosensory Cortex OR Pyramidal Cells OR Temporal Lobe OR Auditory Cortex OR Parahippocampal Gyrus OR Entorhinal Cortex OR Metencephalon OR Myelencephalon OR Raphe Nuclei OR Medulla Oblongata OR Area Postrema OR Olivary Nucleus OR Solitary Nucleus OR white matter))