
Minutes of Llanbadarn Fynydd Council General Meeting held via Zoom Video Call at 7.30pm on Thursday 19th November 2020

1) Apologies Cllr W Lewis

Members Present Cllr E Lewis (Chair) Cllr J Powell Cllr M G Price Cllr W G Price Cllr M Watson Cllr A Watson County Cllr R Powell

2) Declarations Nothing declared

3) Approve minutes of meeting held on the 12th August 2020 Minutes approved and signed

4) Matters Arising No matters arising.

5) Update from County Councillor Rachel Powell Cllr Powell confirmed that her report would be sent to all councillors following the meeting and due to time restrictions; she would only cover the main points of the report, mainly Covid-19 which they still see as a major concern but following the recent firebreak it is looking like cases are decreasing in the county.

6) Standing Items a) Finance Cllr E Lewis confirmed the current balance in the account is £11266.50 as of 5th November statement. 1. Precept It was agreed by all councillors to keep the precept the same. b) Roads County Cllr R Powell confirmed that she has requested for Llaithddu roads to be swept following a request from a constituent and reiterated the concern of the road passing the cemetery in the Llanbadarn village. Cllr E Lewis confirmed that the water board had been out and confirmed there is no water leak so it is now down to the council to look at where drainage. Cllr J Powell to contact Phil Harris once again.

7) Land at Criggin, Llanbadarn Fynydd, , LD1 6UB

All councillors agreed to support the application.

Llananno Barn, Llanbadarn Fynydd, Llandrindod Wells, Powys LD1 6

All councillors agreed to support the application

8) Correspondance None.

9) C P School – Governorship Cllr A Watson and County Cllr R Powell confirmed that everything is working well at the school. They have been adhering to Covid-19 regulations and are moving forward in a positive way.

10) Community Benefit Scheme Application deadline is 12th December 2020.

11) Llaithddu Notice Board and Telephone Box Cllr R Powell highlighted that the notice board in Llaithddu requires attention as it is broken. Cllr M Price will ask Alec Powell for a quote to refurbish the notice board. Cllr J Powell raised the issue regarding the telephone boxes; he agreed to source a handle for the door so the box could be used in some way by the community. Cllr J Powell, Cllr W G Price and Cllr M Price agreed to meet at the telephone box in Davids Well to decide how to move forward with it.

12) One Voice Representative Cllr A Watson volunteered to be a representative.

13) Any Other Business a) Cllr W G Price has looked at possible gifts for the retired clerk, David Jones. A decanter with two tumblers and engraving is £160 which all councillors agreed was a suitable gift and would be paid for by the council. It was agreed that Cllr W G Price would purchase the item on behalf of the council and arrange presentation at the next meeting. b) Cllr M Price advised that a group of community members will be erecting the village Christmas tree on Saturday 21st November 2020 at 2pm, All welcome to join to help and watch the lights being switched on but Covid-19 rules must be adhered to. c) Cllr A Watson would like to suggest that when it is legally allowed, that meeting in the community hall at the earliest convenience would be more suitable. Cllr E Lewis agreed but suggested that it would be decided closer to the date of the next meeting, according to government guidelines. 14) Date of next meeting TBC

Meeting closed at 8.10pm

Signed …………………………………….. Date …………………….