THE FUTURE OF AVIATION BY CHARLES BOMBARDIER BY CHARLES BOMBARDIER NGAP 2018 AVIATION HAS ALWAYS BEEN A DRIVER FOR INNOVATION Today we build on the work of those who came and went before us. Tinkerers, designers, engineers are constantly creating new ideas and concepts that will shape the world of tomorrow. This book represents a few of those dreams. We hope that it will be a source of inspiration for innovators and also encouragement for the next generation of aviation professionals! To learn more about the Future of Flight, and to consider entering your ideas into the THE FUTURE OF AVIATION national aviation innovation competitions which ICAO is helping countries to conduct around the world during 2019, please visit: THE FUTURE OF AVIATION ICAO - NGAP 2019 START-UPS & COMPANIES Aerofex, Aeromobil, Arca, Aurora, Cartivator, DeLorean Aerospace, EHANG, FlytCycle, Hirobo, Hoversurf, Hybrid Air Vehicles, Kitty Hawk, Leonardo, Lilium, Omniboard, Opener, Pale V, Parsifal, UBER, UDES, Volocopter, XTI Aircraft, Zapata INDUSTRIAL DESIGNERS Jorge Ciprian, Adolfo Esquivel, Ray Mattison, Brian R. Miller, Martin Rico, Robin Ritter, Martin Rojtenberg, Abhishek Roy Ashish Thulkar ARTWORK AND LAYOUT Marie-Claude Meilleur DRAFTING AND EDITING Charles Bombardier, Danielle Ellis PHOTOGRAPHER Christine Muschi, Henrickson PUBLISHER ICAO 999 Robert-Bourassa Boulevard, Montréal, Québec H3C 5H7, Canada E-MAIL
[email protected] R ICAO 2018 All rights reserved. Any partial or complete, direct or indirect, reproduction, representation, broadcasting, translation, distribution, use, sharing or transferof this content by any means whatsoever is forbidden unless prior formal authorisation from the publisher. LEGAL DEPOSIT: DECEMBER 2018 TABLE OF CONTENTS ABOUT THE AUTHOR p.