Sticks and Tissue No 158 If you can contribute any articles, wish to make your point of view known etc please send to or phone 01202 625825
[email protected] The content does not follow any logical order or set out, it’s “as I put it in and receive”. Thanks to Mark Venter back issues are available for download from Writings and opinions expressed are the opinion of the writer but not necessarily the compiler/publisher of Sticks and Tissue. Peter Renggli sent this photo taken at the 2017 MG Bern Antik Flugtag 1 From John Salmon I enjoyed reading John Ralph’s item on “JETEX” in the last Sticks and Tissue. In 1948 I had passed the entrance exam for Redhill Junior Technical School and my parents rewarded me with a Jetex 100 outfit and a kit from “Veron”. The balsa/tissue aeroplane (was it called Aerojet?) was much like a “pod and boom” glider of some 30 plus inches span with a cut away area at the rear of the “pod” into which the motor fitted. I had no problems with the construction and painted the fuselage with light blue dope and the tissue covered wing bright yellow. Quite smart! My early efforts at getting the motor to fire up were not successful until I realised that the gauge disc had to be pushed down quite hard to ensure that the fuse was in firm contact with the fuel change. Lighting the fuse with a match was always a fraught business with the danger of setting the whole thing on fire until somebody explained that life would be safer it we held the plane “upside down” to start the motor! You live and learn! There followed quite a number of flights – some of several minutes duration.