

Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) and Parkinson’s disease

Suja Sadasivan1 & Joseph H Friedman*2

(cobalamin) deficiency has long been associated with neurological impairments, particularly neuropathy, subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord and mental complications...”

Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) deficiency has long The association between vitamin B12 and been associated with neurological impairments, Parkinson’s disease (PD) had been of minor con- particularly neuropathy, subacute combined cern until recently. l-DOPA, the most impor- degeneration of the spinal cord and mental tant treatment for PD motor dysfunction, has complications (‘megaloblastic madness’). These an effect on vitamin B12 serum levels, which were initially associated with glossy tongue, pre- appeared to be minor [3], but reports in the last mature gray hair and yellow , all due to few years have suggested that peripheral neu- pernicious [1], but have later been asso- ropathies are far more common in PD patients ciated with vitamin B12 deficiency itself. Until than previously thought and that these are often 1988, neurological impairments due to vita- associated with markers of systemic vitamin B12 min B12 deficiency were thought to be preceded deficiency. Furthermore, several PD patients by macrocytosis or anemia [2]. This dogma was treated with continuous duodenal l-DOPA dispelled when a series of patients with neuro- infusion (DLI) have developed n­europathies logical impairments and vitamin B12 deficiency related to vitamin B12 deficiency [4]. (but without anemia or macrocytosis) were suc- The normal functioning of the nervous sys- cessfully treated with vitamin B12 replacement, tem and hematopoietic system requires the - so now vitamin B12 levels are often checked in soluble vitamin B12, which must be ingested, the assessment of peripheral neuropathies and usually in animal . All cells in the body other possible vitamin B12-related disorders use vitamin B12 for DNA synthesis and regula- even when anemia is not present. tion, and energy production.

1Rhode Island Hospital, Department of Neurology, Alpert Medical School, Brown University, Providence, RI, USA 2Movement Disorders Program, Butler Hospital, Department of Neurology, Alpert Medical School, Brown University, Providence, RI, USA *Author for correspondence: [email protected] part of

10.2217/CPR.12.31 © 2012 Future Medicine Ltd Clin. Pract. (2012) 9(4), 353–356 ISSN 2044-9038 353 Editorial | Sadasivan & Friedman

Normally, vitamin B12 is released from Over a 17-year period in two large New York protein via peptic digestion at a low pH. It then City (NY, USA) hospitals only 143 patients binds to R protein, a glycoprotein found in gastric were identified. The syndromes identified were: juice and saliva. In the duodenum, this complex a combined myelopathy and neuropathy (41%), is digested by pancreatic proteases. Vitamin B12 neuropathy (25%), myelopathy (subacute com- is then released and forms a complex with IF, a bined degeneration of the spinal cord; 12%), protein produced by gastric parietal cells. The cognitive impairment (8%) and paresthesias vitamin B12–IF complex gets absorbed in the with a normal neurological examination occur- ileum, where vitamin B12 is ultimately released. ring in 14% [10]. A random sample of 1000-com- Intestinal absorption of vitamin B12 requires munity-dwelling individuals aged 75 years or the presence of IF. Vitamin B12 is then used in older in the UK revealed that low vitamin B12 “...reports in the last few the conversion of methylmalonyl coenzyme-A levels were associated with a two- to four-fold years have suggested that to succinyl coenzyme-A, and in the production increased risk for cognitive impairment [7]. No peripheral neuropathies of tetrahydrofolate and methionine, which are causal implication was suggested and no associa- are far more common in important for methylation reactions in the ner- tion between alcohol c­onsumption and vitamin PD patients than previously vous system [5]. Large amounts of vitamin B12 B12 status was found [7]. thought and that these are ingestion are usually well tolerated, as excess A large, prospective, population-based cohort often associated with amounts are excreted via the kidneys. As opposed study of 5289 people aged 55 years and older markers of systemic to the deficiency states, no adverse effects from (the Rotterdam study) found that there was no vitamin B12 deficiency.” vitamin B12 excess have been reported. In defi- association between dietary vitamin B12 and ciency states, serum levels of homocysteine (Hcy) an increased risk of PD [11]. This study did not and methylmalonic acid (MMA) rise and are check serum vitamin B12 levels. Another study thought to be more reliable indicators of intracel- of 82 patients with PD found that there was lular vitamin B12 status [6]. It is therefore possible no significant difference in the level of serum for serum vitamin B12 levels to be normal despite vitamin B12 between the PD patients and con- a systemic vitamin B12 deficiency indicated by trols, but Hcy and MMA were not measured elevated levels of Hcy and MMA. [12]. Since vitamin B12 levels can be altered by Vitamin B12 deficiency occurs frequently numerous medical conditions, and , among elderly patients (10–15% prevalence), which are difficult to control for, as the degree but it is often unrecognized due to subtle clini- of confounding factors muddles interpretation. cal manifestations. They usually present with However, there has been speculation that Hcy is cognitive impairment and , which gets neurotoxic to dopaminergic cells and may con- attributed to ‘old age’ [7]. Wang et al. inves- tribute to disease progression [13] and it has been tigated vitamin B12 status in 827 Chinese shown that MMA causes striatal degeneration patients aged 60 years and older who were inpa- when injected directly into the brain [14]. tients at Shanghai Punan Hospital and showed l-DOPA is our most effective treatment that vitamin B12 deficiency was found in 163 for the motor aspects of PD. It is converted patients (19.71%), especially in older patients to in the brain, which is broken [8]. However, all the patients had renal or hepatic down by monoamine oxidase and catechol- failure, making this prevalence nongeneraliz- O-methyltransferase (COMT). This requires able. A study in Australian nursing homes found methylation via S-adenosylmethionine, which that 14% of previously untested subjects were produces Hcy, utilizing vitamin B12. Hence, vitamin B12 deficient [9]. Elderly patients are increased dopamine secretion leads to vitamin more prone to vitamin B12 deficiency either B12 consumption [4,13]. Patients with PD may from dietary deficiency, or from be predisposed to having a vitamin B12 defi- due to gastric atrophy, other malabsorption syn- ciency for several reasons, including the fact dromes, interactions or a combination of that the majority of PD patients are elderly, these [1]. Vitamin B12 a­bsorption is decreased many are on gastric acid antagonists and may by acid suppression, so the drugs commonly have atrophic gastritis or malabsorption syn- used in the western countries to prevent gastric dromes. PD also alters diet, and l-DOPA may reflux must be considered. reduce vitamin B12 levels while increasing Vitamin B12 deficiency causing significant Hcy [15]. One study reported similarly elevated neurological problems is uncommon in the west. levels of Hcy and MMA in 68 patients with

354 Clin. Pract. (2012) 9(4) future science group Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) & Parkinson’s disease | Editorial

three neurodegenerative disorders (PD, pro- to equal the results from deep brain stimulation gressive supranuclear palsy or amyotrophic although the two have not been compared head lateral sclerosis) regardless of l-DOPA status to head. DLI has been available in Europe for [6], suggesting that disparate neurodegenerative many years and is being tested for approval in disorders may cause this change, perhaps via the USA. There are at least 13 cases described diet, or low vitamin B12 may be associated with in the literature of neuropathy associated with neurodegenerative diseases. In a study compar- DLI [4]. These include one case of Guillain– ing Hcy levels in 26 PD patients on l-DOPA, Barré syndrome, two of small-fiber neuropa- 20 PD patients on l-DOPA plus COMT inhib- thy and ten of axonal neuropathies. Vitamin itors (COMT-I) and 32 controls, elevated Hcy B12 was not measured in the Guillain–Barré levels were found in subjects on l-DOPA only, syndrome case, whereas vitamin B12 was low while subjects on COMT-I plus l-DOPA had or borderline in the other 12 cases and Hcy, significantly reduced plasma Hcy levels [16]. although not measured in all cases, was high As noted above, COMT-I should reduce the [19,20]. Vitamin B12 supplementation was breakdown of dopamine, thereby reducing the helpful in some cases, but in other cases the production of Hcy and the decrease in vitamin neuropathy stopped progressing despite con- B12, as was found in this study. tinuing DLI without vitamin B12 supplemen- In a 2001 study, 37 randomly chosen PD tation and another improved simply with stop- patients (without neuropathic complaints), ping the DLI. Any connection between DLI were compared with age-matched controls and neuropathy and vitamin B12 thus remains for the presence of neuropathies [17]. Of those speculative. 37, 14 PD patients had a neuropathy – a sig- We conclude that, while vitamin B12 is cru- nificantly increased number compared with cial for normal function of the nervous sys- controls. These affected PD patients were tem, its specific relationship to PD has yet to be then compared with non-PD patients with determined. The hypothesis that vitamin B12 neuropathies for markers of vitamin B12 deficiency promotes degeneration in PD has deficiency and the PD patients were found to only a small amount of data to support it. The have significantly reduced vitamin B12 lev- observation that l-DOPA reduces vitamin B12 els. Finally, the serum vitamin B12 correlated has moderate support but there is only sugges- with the cumulative exposure to l-DOPA [17]. tive evidence that this has clinical relevance. “...while vitamin B12 is A similar study chose 58 subjects randomly Two reports of a marked increase in neuropathy crucial for normal function from a PD database and compared them to in PD patients require further investigation of the nervous system, its age- and gender-matched controls. This study as these studies indicate that 40–50% of PD specific relationship to PD also found a marked increase of neuropathy in patients have unsuspected neuropathies, which has yet to be determined.” the PD patients compared with the controls may be related to vitamin B12 deficiency and (55 vs 9%), and the PD patients with neu- therefore reversible and probably preventable. ropathy had lower vitamin B12, and higher And finally, there are reports that DLI may MMA and Hcy serum levels, as well as a be associated with a further increased risk for higher cumulative exposure to l-DOPA [18]. neuropathy in PD patients. Santos-Garcia These results suggest that PD patients have a et al. raise the possibility that “l-DOPA gel considerably higher incidence of neuropathy infusion may induce a decrease in vitamin B12 than an age- and sex-matched cohort, and that levels, leading to ” [4]. this neuropathy may be related to diminished This issue is currently under investigation in systemic vitamin B12, which itself may be the US trials of DLI [Fernandez H, Pers. Comm.] related to l-DOPA intake. so that an answer, obtained prospectively, Continuous DLI is a technique for treat- should be available. Until these questions are ing PD patients with refractory clinical fluc- answered, all PD patients should be assessed for tuations in response to their PD neuropathies and, if present, should be evalu- (‘on–off’). l-DOPA solution is infused at a ated with respect to vitamin B12, Hcy and constant rate directly into the duodenum via MMA levels. Alternatively, all PD patients may an extra-corporeal pump carried by the patient. be treated with vitamin B12 supplementation DLI markedly reduces the fluctuations and the as no adverse effects of vitamin B12 excess have dyskinesias. Published results with DLI appear been reported.

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