
Isr J Psychiatry Relat Sci Vol 45 No. 1 (2008) 3–10

Vitamin Therapy in

Leonard John Hoffer, MD, PhD, Professor of Medicine

McGill University, Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research, Jewish General Hospital, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Abstract: Schizophrenia is a devastating and poorly understood disease for which the only accepted therapy is non- specific and anti-seizure . This article summarizes the evidence that certain vitamin deficien- cies likely worsen the symptoms of schizophrenia, and the evidence that large doses of certain vitamins could improve the core metabolic abnormalities that predispose some people to develop it; it recounts the history of a controversial vitamin-based therapy for schizophrenia called orthomolecular psychiatry; and it concludes by advocating a process for discovering promising new schizophrenia therapies that involves small, carefully conducted clinical trials of nutri- ent combinations in appropriately selected patients.

It is dismaying that well into the 21st century schizo- it has been reported that patients with a history of phrenia remains a highly prevalent, devastating and poor pre-morbid psychological adjustment and poorly understood disease for which the only ac- more neuropsychological and neurological abnor- cepted therapy is non-specific antipsychotic and malities have a worse prognosis (1). anti-seizure medication. Fresh approaches, even un- People in the early stage of schizophrenia gener- conventional ones, should be welcomed for study by ally respond better to antipsychotic therapy the psychiatric community if they are biologically than those who have had the disease for many years, plausible and non-toxic. This article summarizes the and early intervention is currently believed to pre- evidence that certain vitamin deficiencies can vent the disease from progressing to a treatment-re- worsen the symptoms of schizophrenia, and the evi- sistant stage (2). These control with dence that large doses of certain vitamins could im- varying degrees of success, but their toxicity and prove the core metabolic abnormalities that often disabling side effects reduce medication adher- predispose some people to develop it; it recounts the ence and contribute to the high relapse rate typical of history of a controversial vitamin-based therapy for schizophrenia (3). Some people with well-diagnosed schizophrenia called orthomolecular psychiatry; schizophrenia have spontaneous remissions and no and it concludes by advocating a process for discov- longer require antipsychotic drugs; the explanation ering promising new schizophrenia therapies that for these favorable outcomes is unknown (4). involves small, carefully conducted clinical trials of combinations in appropriately selected pa- Psychiatrists attempting to discover an etiology- tients. based therapy for schizophrenia may take two gen- eral approaches. The first is subgroup analysis of Schizophrenia is a chronic disorder of brain func- large randomized clinical trials. Unfortunately, sub- tion that affects perception, cognition, motivation and behavior. Its predisposition, precipitating causes group analysis is difficult and notoriously unreliable, and pathophysiology are very poorly understood, andthevalidityofeventheoverallanalysisoflarge but, as in all chronic diseases, likely to be strongly in- randomized clinical trials is questionable when their fluenced by psychological factors. Lacking biological eligibility criteria exclude much of the patient popu- insight, psychiatrists diagnose schizophrenia purely lation, only a small fraction of eligible patients par- from its clinical presentation, a practice that is ticipate, and a large fraction of participants withdraw known be highly unsatisfactory but may be of some from the study prematurely (3). The second ap- value in identifying patients whose symptoms are proach is for the interested and open-minded psy- predominantly “positive” or “negative.” For example, chiatrist to gather clinical and biological information

Address for Correspondence: L. J. Hoffer, MD, PhD, Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research, 3755 Cote Ste Catherine, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3T 1E2. E-mail: [email protected] 4 VITAMIN THERAPY IN SCHIZOPHRENIA on the lookout for promising leads, as described later which variations in the concentration of a vitamin or in this article. other naturally-occurring molecule that serves a metabolic regulatory role could improve brain func- tion,suchasbychanginganenzyme’scatalyticactiv- Vitamin Deficiencies and Vitamin ity through a shift in the equilibrium between co- Therapy in Schizophrenia and apo-enzyme. It is currently popular to regard schizophrenia as a Anexamplepertinenttomyownresearchmaybe “multiple-hit” neurodevelopmental disorder; cited. For unknown reasons, plasma homocysteine equally plausible is the older hypothesis of a toxic concentrations are markedly increased in most peo- psychosis triggered by an abnormal endogenous me- ple with end-stage renal disease. We and others re- tabolite. Organic brain disorders indistinguishable cently showed that parenteral therapy from schizophrenia may be induced by certain drugs greatly increases the serum cobalamin concentra- and by neurological, metabolic, inflammatory and tions of hemodialysis patients and can virtually elim- infectious diseases (1). Such disorders account for inate their hyperhomocysteinemia. It is known from approximately 5% of cases initially diagnosed as cell-culture studies that in very high concentrations first-episode schizophrenia by expert psychiatrists cobalamin greatly increases the activity of the (5). Wilson’s disease, unrecognized adult cobalamin-dependent, homocysteine-metabolizing phenylketonuria (6), and celiac disease (7) enzyme, methionine synthase. Accordingly, we have can induce brain disorders indistinguishable from suggested that the hyperhomocysteinemia of renal schizophrenia. A patient with celiac disease and clas- failure is largely due to uremic inhibition of sic schizophrenia with typical SPECT scan abnor- methionine synthase which can be overcome in vivo malities had complete resolution of both diseases by therapeutically increasing the tissue concentra- after being placed on a gluten-free (8). Although tion of its coenzyme (10). known metabolic disorders and neurologic injury Vitamin therapy could benefit people with only rarely cause clinical schizophrenia, their very schizophrenia by preventing or reversing the symp- existence is good reason to search for the abnormal toms of disease, or by normaliz- molecules, enzyme activities, and markers of brain ing disordered brain when administered injury that may eventually reveal its cause or causes. in doses greater than required to prevent deficiency. In 1968 the renowned chemist Linus Pauling Since the diet of people with mental illness is often published an article in Science entitled Ortho- extremely poor, it is quite likely some of them suffer molecular Psychiatry in which he described a bio- from vitamin deficiencies which could worsen their chemical model for investigating nutritional already disturbed brain function. Simple correction therapies for mental diseases (9). Pauling defined of unrecognized nutrient deficiencies could explain orthomolecular psychiatric therapy as the treatment the improvements reported in mentally ill patients of mental diseases by providing the optimum molec- and prison inmates administered standard vitamin ular environment for the brain, especially the opti- supplements (11, 12). mum concentration of substances normally present Modern advances in molecular generally in the body. Examples of orthomolecular therapy in- support the concept of orthomolecular psychiatry as clude dietary restriction in proposed 40 years ago (9). As many as one-third of phenylketonuria, high-dose therapy in pathologic gene mutations are now considered to pyridoxine-responsive variants of homocystinuria, cause clinical disease by decreasing the affinity of an and the treatment of the psychosis caused by pella- enzyme for its coenzyme or substrate, reducing the gra with . The notion that the brain is affected enzyme’s catalytic activity (13). Many single-nucleo- by its molecular environment is hardly controversial; tide polymorphisms could also reduce catalytic ac- what made Pauling’s article novel was that it laid out tivity by decreasing coenzyme-apoenzyme binding, a conceptual framework for generating hypotheses including the binding of about the pathogenesis and treatment of mental dis- dinucleotide (NAD) and nicotinamide adenine eases. He identified a number of mechanisms by dinucleotide-phosphate (NADP), the cofactors syn- LEONARD JOHN HOFFER 5 thesized from dietary niacin and niacinamide (13). fect in folic acid metabolism has been shown to cause In such situations the impairment could, in princi- a schizophrenic syndrome (27). The addition of 15 ple, be at least partly remedied by raising mg/day of methylfolate to standard psychiatric ther- intracellular concentrations with high-dose apy improved the clinical and social recovery of pa- vitamin therapy. Evidence has steadily accumulated tients with acute schizophrenia (28, 29). that cellular NAD, the concentrations of which can be modified by niacin or niacinamide administra- tion, plays critical roles in metabolic regulation and Ascorbic Acid repair (14). In pharmacologic doses niacinamide is Chronic ascorbic acid deficiency leads to , a neuroprotective (15). Such effects are potentially rel- fatal hemorrhagic disorder due to defective capillary evant to the pathogenesis or mitigation of schizo- collagensynthesisintheabsenceofascorbicacid. phrenia. An autosomal dominant genetic disease Plasma ascorbic acid concentrations fall to scorbutic characterized by psychiatric symptoms, and specifi- levels within four weeks of severely restricted intake, cally cured by niacinamide, has been described (16). but because of ’s slow turnover rate the hem- The clinical literature on vitamin therapy in orrhagic manifestations usually appear only after schizophrenia is reviewed below. several more weeks of deficiency. Clinical scurvy is preceded by , lassitude and personality change (30, 31) which could well exacerbate a neuro- Folic Acid logic disease like schizophrenia. Ascorbic acid plays Subclinical folic acid deficiency increases plasma a critical role in the brain, where it is an homocysteine concentrations, causes congenital and reducing agent essential for the activity of sev- birth defects, depression and other psychiatric eral and is involved in neuronal regulation symptoms, and reduces the effectiveness of antide- (32–36). pressant drugs (17, 18). It is logical to predict that pa- Ascorbic acid deficiency is well known in chronic tients with schizophrenia and subclinical folic acid schizophrenia (37) and regrettably is not a relic of deficiency would benefit from prevention and treat- the past, having been observed in approximately ment of folic acid deficiency. one-third of the patients in a modern British mental The prevalence of folic acid deficiency decreased hospital (38). This high prevalence of ascorbic acid in Canada and the after fortifica- deficiency is not surprising, for people with schizo- tion was introduced in 1998, but important popula- phrenia commonly forego fresh fruit and tion subgroups continue to consume inadequate in favor of cigarette smoking, a practice which in- amounts of this vitamin. Plasma homocysteine con- creases the ascorbic acid requirement (35). centrations are increased in some patients with It is plausible that the pathologic process respon- schizophrenia (19–22). It is uncertain whether, and sible for schizophrenia could increase ascorbic acid in whom, this abnormality is due to inadequate folic utilization (39, 40). The acute-phase metabolic re- acid or vitamin B12 intake, abnormal folic acid or vi- sponse to an inflammatory disease increases meta- tamin B12 metabolism, or both (22–24). One of the bolic clearance of ascorbic acid and reduces its dividends of modern molecular biology is the ability plasma concentration, sometimes to undetectable to capitalize on the “experiment of nature” produced levels (41). One can test for increased metabolism or by Mendelian randomization by testing whether a intracellular depletion of ascorbic acid by adminis- specific genetic abnormality contributes to the tering a standard dose of the vitamin and determin- pathogenesis of a disease (25). Recent meta-analyses ing the resulting plasma concentration or urinary of such trials indicate that homozygosity for a com- excretion profile. Ideally the test should be per- mon polymorphism in folic acid metabolism in- formed before and after a period of known adequate creases the risk of developing schizophrenia and intake. Such tests have yielded mixed results in depression (26). Clinical reports have described ab- chronic schizophrenia, and no general conclusion normal folic acid and vitamin B12 metabolism in can be drawn from them. No studies have been car- some people with schizophrenia (22). A genetic de- ried out in acute schizophrenia. Recent randomized 6 VITAMIN THERAPY IN SCHIZOPHRENIA clinical trials have shown that3gperdayofascorbic that niacin is a potent cholesterol-lowering agent; ni- acid reduces biological and subjective indices of acin is now widely prescribed for this purpose (61). stress in healthy young adults (42, 43), and the bene- Despite its publication in mainstream research ficial effect could be as great or greater in schizo- journals, niacin-ascorbic acid therapy for schizo- phrenia. Two double-blind randomized clinical phrenia was ignored by academic psychiatrists. trials (37, 44), an open trial (45) and a case report Dating from the mid-1960s, many practicing psychi- (46) indicate that the symptoms of chronic schizo- atrists and primary care physicians began to include phrenia can be ameliorated by high-dose ascorbic niacin and ascorbic acid in a multi-faceted, empirical acid therapy. No studies have been carried out in therapy that included other (espe- acute schizophrenia. cially pyridoxine, , and essential fatty acids), and a“junkfoodfree”low-carbohydratediet,aswellas test exclusions of certain such as dairy or Niacin , always in combination with the best administered either as niacin (nicotinic pharmacotherapy available. High rates of sustained acid) or its amide, niacinamide, prevents and cures clinical remission were claimed in case reports and pellagra, a deficiency disease characterized by case series (53, 62, 63). Empiric approaches to clini- photosensitivity , , diarrhea, and cal therapy are in keeping with the principles of evi- an organic brain syndrome that ranges in its presen- dence-based medicine and patient-centered care. tation from stupor to a psychosis indistinguishable Different classes of antipsychotic, from schizophrenia. In the 1950s and 1960s, a psy- and antiepileptic drugs are commonly combined to chiatric research team in Saskatchewan carried out eliminate psychotic symptoms, even when the spe- double-blind randomized clinical trials that demon- cific combinations have not been validated in con- strated an important benefit from the continuous trolled trials. In the case of orthomolecular dailyadministrationof3gofniacinand3gascorbic psychiatry, however, the individual components of acid to patients with acute schizophrenia. The clear- the therapy were not previously validated by ran- est and most important benefits were the elimination domized controlled trials, nor, given their variety, of psychotic symptoms and the prevention of re- wouldtestingbeeasy.Itisdifficulttocompletecon- lapses (47–51). trolled clinical trials of even simple pharmaco- The Saskatchewan researchers reported that, un- therapy in schizophrenia. like acute schizophrenia, chronic schizophrenia was The “megavitamin” treatment for schizophrenia unresponsive to the treatment, at least within the flared into open controversy after Pauling’s article on time frame of formal clinical trials (52), and that orthomolecular psychiatry appeared in the world’s some patients with acute schizophrenia required 6 g leading scientific journal (9). Shortly afterwards a per day or more of niacin to control their symptoms prestigious American publishing house published an (48, 53). They observed that niacin mitigated or cur- academic book, co-edited by Pauling, with the same tailed the temporary psychosis produced by LSD and title (64). In 1968 the Canadian Mental Health Asso- adrenochrome (54, 55), the latter molecule being an ciation funded a series of small clinical trials aimed unstable product of oxidation which at exploring the promise of the vitamin therapy ap- they proposed as a neurotoxin capable of causing proach. The American Psychiatric Association schizophrenia, and which remains a viable candidate (APA) commissioned a task force to investigate, and for this role (33, 36, 55–59). Although normal people in 1973 published the report of its findings (65). In experience flushing upon first exposure to nia- my opinion, the main purpose of the report was to cin in doses of 250 mg or more, they found that pa- discourage psychiatrists from taking seriously what tients with schizophrenia tend not to flush (47, 48). its authors clearly regarded as an unproven and im- D. F. Horrobin later capitalized on this observation plausible approach to schizophrenia therapy. Using to suggest that the presence or absence of the niacin dismissive language, they represented the biological flush can identify biochemical subtypes of schizo- and clinical evidence with a negative bias, and selec- phrenia (60). In a side-discovery, they discovered tively quoted statements by orthomolecular psychia- LEONARD JOHN HOFFER 7 tryresearchersinawaythatportrayedthemina conventional antipsychotic drugs. Modern investi- negative light. gators, using a quantitative skin patch technique, Apart from its well-intentioned but negative have confirmed that patients with schizophrenia slant, the APA report may be criticized for failing to tend not to flush when exposed to niacin (72–74). A address the possibility that negative clinical trials in recent report suggested that patients with first-epi- chronic schizophrenia may have little or no bearing sode schizophrenia tend not to flush, whereas those on a treatment’s effectiveness in acute schizophrenia. with the established disease flush normally, suggest- One trial cited as negative in the task force report is ing a measurable metabolic difference between dif- of interest because it enrolled ambulatory patients ferent stages or types of schizophrenia (74). The rather than chronically hospitalized ones, included possibility remains to be tested that resistance to the more participants than previous trials, and followed niacin flush indicates patients more or less likely to them for at least 18 months. Although beyond the respond favorably to niacin therapy. early stage of schizophrenia, the participants were Thereisrecentinterestinthepossibilitythat considerably less chronic than in any previous inde- large doses of the long-chain fatty acid, eicosapen- pendent trials: patients in the control group had taenoic acid, can ameliorate the abnormal biochem- been sick an average of 3 years, whereas those who istry responsible for schizophrenia. The background receivedtheactivetreatment—niacin3gperday, and biological rationale for this therapy have been without ascorbic acid — had been sick for 4.8 years. described (75, 76). A recent review dealing with its Overall there was no statistically or clinically signifi- specific application in acute schizophrenia is avail- cant difference in outcome between the treatment able (77), and an article on this topic appears in this groups (66), but in a subsequent subgroup analysis it issue of the Israel Journal of Psychiatry.Anewdrug, was found that niacin-treated patients with a pre- laropiprant, has been developed that selectively an- morbid history of good psychological adjustment tagonizes the receptor for prostaglandin D2,along- improved whereas corresponding patients in the chain fatty acid metabolite, and partly prevents the control group did not. Clinical trials were advocated niacin flush (78). It is yet to be determined precisely to explore the possibility that patients with a history how niacin triggers prostaglandin D2 release and of strong interpersonal commitments improve with how activation of the prostaglandin D2 receptor in- niacin therapy (67). These clinical findings and the duces skin flushing. In view of the relationship be- recommendation for further research were not men- tween the niacin flush and schizophrenia, it could be tioned in the APA report, nor in a later review of vi- of considerable clinical and theoretical interest to de- tamin treatment in schizophrenia published in the termine whether laropiprant exacerbates the symp- Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal (68–70); it toms of schizophrenia. remains ignored in the literature. The editor of the Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal published a commentary critical both of the proponents of New Ideas in Schizophrenia Research orthomolecular psychiatry, for taking their treat- New ideas are needed in schizophrenia research and ment to the public before it had been accepted by the therapy, and vitamin therapy for acute schizophrenia psychiatric establishment, and its attackers for not should be one of them. Clinical trials of vitamin conceding that the vitamin therapy remained un- therapy will have to compete for funding from public tested in acute schizophrenia. He regretted the polit- grant agencies, and for patient enrollment with large ical turn in what might have been a useful scientific pharmaceutical industry-sponsored trials that pro- exchange (71). vide much-needed money to psychiatric research in- Current views about schizophrenia are in keeping stitutions. In addition to these financial barriers are with the notion that patients in the early stage of the the well-known practical difficulties of conducting disease may respond to a therapy that is ineffective meaningful randomized clinical trials in acute after it has progressed to a fixed chronic state. 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