

Publisher’s Note ...... xiii Contributors ...... xix Editor's Introduction ...... xv Maps & Mythological Figures ...... xxi VOLUME 1

GREECE SACRED PLACES, FIGURES, PRACTICES & TEXTS , Lucius ...... 71 OVERVIEWS Aristides of ...... 72 Religion & Mythology ...... 3 Delos ...... 72 Literature & Theatre ...... 7 Delphi ...... 73 Dodona ...... 74 GODS & Eleusinian mysteries ...... 75 ...... 13 Great Altar of at Pergamum ...... 75 Apollo ...... 15 , Classical ...... 76 Ares ...... 17 Greece, Hellenistic and Roman ...... 81 Artemis ...... 19 Greece, Mycenaean ...... 85 Asclepius ...... 22 Helen of Troy ...... 88 Athena ...... 24 Hesiod ...... 89 Circe ...... 27 ...... 89 Cronus ...... 29 Longus ...... 90 Demeter ...... 31 Midas ...... 90 ...... 33 Mithrism ...... 91 Eros ...... 35 Orphism ...... 91 Hades ...... 37 Parthenon...... 92 Hebe ...... 39 Temple of Artemis at Ephesus ...... 93 Hekate ...... 41 Thera ...... 93 Helios ...... 42 Troy ...... 95 ...... 44 Hera ...... 45 SELECTED STORIES Hermes ...... 47 Athena and the Birth of Erichthonius ...... 99 Hestia ...... 49 Athena and the Contest of Arachne ...... 100 Hypnos ...... 50 Birth of Athena and the War with the ...... 105 Nemesis ...... 52 Bellerophon and the Battle with Chimera ...... 109 Nike ...... 54 The Birth of Zeus ...... 111 ...... 56 Cronus and the Birth of the Cosmos ...... 112 Persephone ...... 58 The Death of Ajax ...... 113 Poseidon ...... 60 The Divine Loves of Zeus ...... 115 Prometheus ...... 63 Gaia and the Castration of Uranus ...... 116 Proteus ...... 66 Hera and the Seduction of Zeus ...... 118 Theseus ...... 67 Heracles’s Twelve Labors...... 119 Uranus ...... 68 Jason and the Theft of the Golden Fleece ...... 123 The Love of Aphrodite and Anchises ...... 128 Pandora and the Great Jar ...... 129


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Perseus and Medusa ...... 131 ...... 200 Prometheus and the Theft of Fire ...... 136 and Herculaneum ...... 201 Tales of Odysseus (Lotus-Eaters, Cyclops) ...... 137 ...... 202 Theseus and the Minotaur ...... 142 Quintus Smyrnaeus ...... 202 Wrath of Artemis ...... 147 and Remus ...... 203 Zeus and the Titan War ...... 151 Saint Helena ...... 203 Saint ...... 204 ...... 204 Sibylline Books ...... 205 Simon Magus ...... 206 OVERVIEWS ...... 207 Literature in ...... 157 Valerius Flaccus, Gaius ...... 207 Religion and Mythology ...... 161 Vergil ...... 208 Life as a Priest in Ancient Rome ...... 164 Verginia ...... 209 Roman ...... 167 Roman Military and Personal ...... 168 SELECTED STORIES Roman Imperial Cults ...... 169 Apollo Establishes His Temple at Delphi ...... 211 Cadmus Sowing the ’s Teeth ...... 212 GODS & GODDESSES Jove’s Great Deluge...... 214 Diana ...... 171 Jupiter ...... 173 Lares and Penates ...... 176 NORSE, CELTIC & EUROPEAN Libertas ...... 176 Mars ...... 178 OVERVIEWS Mater Matuta ...... 180 Norse Mythology ...... 219 Minerva ...... 182 ...... 223 Narcissus ...... 184 Basque & Iberian Mythology ...... 226 Frankish Mythology ...... 229 SACRED PLACES, FIGURES, PRACTICES & TEXTS Aeneas ...... 189 GODS & GODDESSES ...... 190 ...... 233 Ara Pacis ...... 190 Áine ...... 235 Arianism ...... 191 Arawn ...... 236 Arria the Elder ...... 191 Baldr ...... 238 Bible: New Testament ...... 192 ...... 241 Coriolanus, Gnaeus Marcius ...... 193 ...... 243 Denis, Saint ...... 193 ...... 245 Gnosticism ...... 194 ...... 247 ...... 194 Forseti ...... 249 ...... 195 Freya ...... 251 ...... 195 Freyr ...... 254 ...... 196 Frigg ...... 257 Lucilius, Gaius (poet) ...... 196 God the Father ...... 258 Lucilius, Gaius (satirist) ...... 197 Hod ...... 260 Lucretia ...... 198 Loki ...... 262 Lucretius ...... 198 ...... 264 ...... 199 Manannán mac ...... 266 , Marcus ...... 199 Mimir ...... 268 Pantheon ...... 200 Mokosh ...... 271

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Mórrígan ...... 272 ...... 351 Njord ...... 273 Itzamná ...... 353 Odin ...... 275 Kinich Ahau ...... 356 Rod ...... 277 Kokopelli ...... 357 Thor ...... 279 ...... 359 Týr ...... 282 ...... 361 Quetzalcóatl ...... 363 SACRED PLACES, FIGURES, PRACTICES & TEXTS ...... 363 Anglo-Saxons ...... 287 Tlaloc ...... 366 ...... 292 ...... 369 ...... 295 Tlazoltéotl ...... 372 Dallán Forgaill ...... 298 Tonatiuh ...... 374 Edda ...... 299 Viracocha ...... 376 Etruscans ...... 300 ...... 377 Fatima cult ...... 303 Franks ...... 303 SACRED PLACES, FIGURES, PRACTICES & TEXTS Gauls ...... 304 Adena culture ...... 381 Goths ...... 305 Akapana pyramid ...... 382 Picts ...... 306 Anasazi ...... 382 Slavs ...... 307 Arawak ...... 383 Snorri Sturluson ...... 309 California peoples ...... 385 Stonehenge ...... 310 Caribbean ...... 386 Chavín de Huántar ...... 387 SELECTED STORIES Chichén Itzá ...... 388 The Aesir-Vanir War ...... 313 Cholula ...... 388 Brynhildr, the Norse Valkyrie ...... 314 Christianity in the New World ...... 389 Freya’s Necklace ...... 316 Copán ...... 391 How Thor Fought the Giant Hrungnir ...... 317 Coyote ...... 392 Loki and the Dwarfs ...... 318 Four Worlds ...... 392 Loki Bound ...... 320 Ghost Dance ...... 393 The Morrígu ...... 321 Hohokam culture ...... 393 The Nine Worlds of the Norse ...... 322 Kachinas ...... 394 The Norse Creation of the Cosmos ...... 323 Later Religious Movements ...... 395 The Otter’s Ransom ...... 325 Loa ...... 397 The Theft of Mjölnir ...... 326 Mixtecs ...... 397 Moche culture ...... 400 Monte Albán ...... 401 THE AMERICAS Nasca culture ...... 403 Olmecs ...... 404 OVERVIEWS Palenque ...... 406 Religion & Mythology in Medieval Mayan Empire 331 Popol Vuh ...... 407 Religion & Mythology in Medieval Aztec Empire . 335 Pyramid of the Moon ...... 407 Raven ...... 408 GODS & GODDESSES Teotihuacán ...... 408 ...... 341 Tikal ...... 409 Chaac ...... 344 Zapotecs...... 410 ...... 346 ...... 348 SELECTED STORIES Great Spirit ...... 350 The Aztec Creation Myth ...... 415

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The Birth of the War God ...... 416 Uitoto Creation Story ...... 433 Cihuacóatl as Warrior ...... 418 The Fight with the Water Monster ...... 434 The Creation of Music ...... 419 Iroquois Creation Story ...... 436 Hunahpú and Xbalanqué ...... 421 Legend of the Buff alo Dance ...... 437 Legend of the Fifth Sun ...... 423 Ottawa Creation Story ...... 438 The Lords of Xibalba ...... 425 Paíyatuma and the Maidens of the Corn ...... 440 The Maya Creation Myth ...... 426 Raven Steals Daylight from the Sky ...... 441 Amalivaca ...... 428 Sedna, of the Sea ...... 442 Origin of Living Creatures ...... 430 Sioux Creation Story ...... 444 The Rod of Gold ...... 431 Talk Concerning the First Beginning ...... 445 VOLUME 2

NEAR EAST Apocalypse ...... 495 Aqhat epic ...... 495 Avesta ...... 496 OVERVIEWS The Bab ...... 496 Literature in Ancient Near East ...... 449 Bathsheba ...... 497 Bible: Jewish ...... 498 GODS & GODDESSES Christianity in the Near East ...... 498 Ahura Mazda ...... 455 David ...... 502 Allah ...... 457 Dead Sea Scrolls ...... 502 ...... 459 Elijah ...... 503 ...... 461 Exodus ...... 504 ...... 463 Ezekiel ...... 505 ...... 465 Ezra ...... 505 ...... 466 Fatimah ...... 506 Ishtar ...... 468 The Flood ...... 506 ...... 470 ...... 507 Moloch ...... 471 Heaven and Hell ...... 507 ...... 474 Hosea ...... 508 Ningal ...... 475 Ḥusayn ...... 508 ...... 477 Isaiah ...... 509 ...... 478 Islam ...... 510 ...... 479 James the Apostle ...... 511 Shamash ...... 481 Jeremiah...... 512 Trinity ...... 483 Temple of Jerusalem ...... 513 ...... 486 Jesus Christ ...... 513 Yahweh ...... 487 John the Baptist ...... 515 John the Evangelist ...... 516 SACRED PLACES, FIGURES, PRACTICES & TEXTS Judaism ...... 517 ՙAbd Allāh ibn al-’Abbās ...... 491 Kaaba ...... 519 Abū Bakr ...... 492 Mahdi ...... 519 Adam and Eve ...... 492 Manichaeanism ...... 520 ‘Ā’ishah bint Abī Bakr ...... 493 Mary ...... 520 ՙAlī ibn Abī Ṭ ālib ...... 493 Moses ...... 521 Amos ...... 494 Al-Mu‘allaqāt ...... 522 ‘Amr ibn al-‘Āṣ Mosque ...... 494 Muḥammad ...... 522

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Paul, Saint ...... 524 Inari ...... 582 Peter, Saint ...... 525 ...... 584 Qur՚ān ...... 525 Lei Gong ...... 586 Samson ...... 527 Nezha ...... 588 Satan ...... 527 Nüwa ...... 590 Saul ...... 528 ...... 593 Shahnameh ...... 528 ...... 595 Solomon ...... 529 Wangmu Niangniang ...... 598 Sufi sm ...... 530 Talmud ...... 530 SACRED PLACES, FIGURES, PRACTICES & TEXTS Temple Mount ...... 531 Angkor ...... 603 ‘Uthmān ibn ‘Aff ān ...... 531 Barong ...... 604 Zoroaster ...... 532 Bodhidharma ...... 604 Zoroastrianism ...... 533 Bodhisattva ...... 605 Zurvanism ...... 533 Buddha ...... 605 Buddhism ...... 606 SELECTED STORIES Buddhist cave temples ...... 608 Before all Befores ...... 535 Confucius ...... 609 The Birth of the Great Gods and Goddesses ...... 536 Dangun Wanggeom ...... 610 Enki and Ninhursaĝa ...... 537 Daoism ...... 610 Enuma elish, the Babylonian Creation Myth ...... 539 Dhammapada ...... 611 Gilgameš and Huwawa ...... 540 ...... 612 Inana and Šu-kale-tuda ...... 545 Huiyuan ...... 612 Inana’s Descent ...... 546 Jātakas ...... 613 The Journey of Nanna to Nippur ...... 548 Jimmu Tennū ...... 613 Marduk the Dragon Slayer ...... 549 Kojiki ...... 614 Nanna and Ningal ...... 550 Laozi ...... 615 Ninurta and the Turtle ...... 551 Liu Bang (Gaozu of Han) ...... 616 The of the God Zu ...... 553 Liu Yiqing ...... 617 The Sumerian Creation of Humankind ...... 554 Mao Shan revelations ...... 618 Ahura Mazda and the Battle between Mulanshi ...... 618 Good and Evil ...... 555 Nat ...... 619 The Baal Myth from Ugarit ...... 556 Nihon Shoki ...... 619 The Creation and Fall ...... 558 Nintoku ...... 620 Shintō ...... 620 Zengzi ...... 622 FAR EAST Zhuge Liang ...... 622 Zhuangzi ...... 623 OVERVIEWS Literature ...... 563 SELECTED STORIES Life as a Priest ...... 567 Yinglong, the Winged Dragon ...... 625 Pangu Creates the World ...... 626 GODS & GODDESSES Water War ...... 628 Amaterasu ...... 571 Garuda ...... 629 Cai ...... 573 Hainuwele ...... 630 Chang'e ...... 574 In the Palace of the Sea God ...... 635 Dian Mu ...... 576 Izanami-no-Mikoto ...... 637 Dragon King ...... 577 The Weaver Maiden and the Herdsman ...... 645 ...... 579 Ch’ŏnjiwangbonp’uri ...... 646

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INDIA Menander...... 710 Mongolia ...... 711 OVERVIEWS Nārāyaṇa ...... 712 Religion in Ancient India ...... 651 Pārvatī Devī temple ...... 713 Literature in Ancient India ...... 654 Purāṇ as ...... 713 Rāmāyaṇa ...... 714 GODS & GODDESSES Scythia ...... 715 Brahmā ...... 657 Sikhism ...... 717 Ganesha ...... 659 Sūtras ...... 717 Indra ...... 662 Suttanipāta ...... 718 Kali ...... 663 Tantras ...... 719 Kamadeva ...... 665 Tara ...... 719 Kartikeya ...... 668 Tipiṭaka ...... 720 Krishna ...... 670 Upaniṣads ...... 721 Lakshmi ...... 673 Vedas ...... 722 Pārvatī ...... 675 Vedism ...... 723 Rāma ...... 677 Rāvaṇa ...... 678 SELECTED STORIES Saraswati ...... 680 Brahmā the Creator ...... 725 Śiva ...... 682 The Creation of the Ganges ...... 726 Tengri ...... 684 Durgā ...... 728 Viṣṇu ...... 685 The Heavenly Nymph and Her Mortal Husband . . . 729 Yama ...... 688 The Incarnations of Viṣṇu ...... 731 Matsya and the ...... 732 SACRED PLACES, FIGURES, PRACTICES & TEXTS Ānanda ...... 691 Anatolia ...... 692 EGYPT Appar ...... 693 Āraṇ yakas ...... 694 OVERVIEWS Ashvaghosa ...... 694 Literature ...... 737 Bactria ...... 695 Religion and Mythology ...... 741 Bhagavadgītā ...... 696 Bharata Muni ...... 697 GODS & GODDESSES Bhāravi ...... 698 Amun ...... 749 Bhāsa ...... 698 Anubis ...... 752 Bhavabhūti ...... 699 Bastet ...... 754 Brāhmaṇas ...... 699 Geb ...... 756 Guṇāḍhya ...... 700 Hathor ...... 758 Guru Nanak ...... 700 ...... 760 Harivaṃśa ...... 701 Isis ...... 762 Hinduism ...... 701 Maat ...... 764 Hittites ...... 703 Nut ...... 766 Huns ...... 705 Osiris ...... 768 Jainism ...... 705 Ra ...... 770 Kālidāsa ...... 706 Sekhmet ...... 772 Kushān Dynasty ...... 707 Seth ...... 773 Mahābhārata ...... 707 Thoth ...... 775 Mahābodhi temple ...... 709 Mahavira ...... 710

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SACRED PLACES, FIGURES, PRACTICES & TEXTS SELECTED STORIES Akhenaton ...... 779 The Daughter of Sun and Moon ...... 841 Alexandrian library ...... 780 The Gods Descend from Heaven ...... 842 Book of the Dead ...... 780 The Sacrifi ce of Mórimi ...... 843 Cult of Isis ...... 781 The Thunder Bride ...... 845 Monophysitism ...... 782 Pharaonic Egypt ...... 782 Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt ...... 787 THE PACIFIC Pyramids and the Sphinx ...... 790 Ramses II ...... 791 OVERVIEWS Rosetta stone ...... 792 Religion & Mythology on Ancient Pacifi c Islands . 849 Septuagint ...... 792 Religion & Mythology in Ancient Australia & Tale of Two Brothers ...... 793 New Zealand ...... 852

SELECTED STORIES GODS & GODDESSES Amen-Ra, the God of Empire ...... 795 Lono ...... 857 The Battle of Horus and Set ...... 797 The Bentresh Stela ...... 798 SACRED PLACES, FIGURES, PRACTICES & TEXTS The Boat of Ra ...... 800 Djanggawul cycle ...... 859 The Book of Thoth ...... 801 Dreaming ...... 860 Horus and the City of Pe ...... 803 Mana ...... 860 Isis and the Seven Scorpions ...... 804 Uluru ...... 860 The Name of Ra ...... 805 The Rise of Amen ...... 807 SELECTED STORIES Birth of Sea and Land Life ...... 863 Bram-Bram-Bult ...... 864 AFRICA The Children of Heaven and Earth ...... 866 Kahalaopuna, Princess of Manoa ...... 867 OVERVIEWS Mataora’s Visit to Hawaiki ...... 869 Literature ...... 811 Myth of Māui ...... 870 Religion and Mythology ...... 816 The Polynesian Creation Myth ...... 876 Folklore ...... 820 The Samoan Story of Creation ...... 878

GODS & GODDESSES Apedemak ...... 823 INDEXES Divinity ...... 824 Orisha ...... 824 Index of Civilizations, Cultures & Sacred Places . . 883 Index of Creation Stories ...... 885 SACRED PLACES, FIGURES, PRACTICES & TEXTS Index of Gods & Goddesses ...... 887 African rock art, southern and eastern ...... 825 Index of Practices & Cults ...... 889 Axum ...... 826 Index of Sacred & Important Figures ...... 891 Cushites ...... 828 Chronological Index of Stories & Sacred Texts . . . .893 Ethiopia ...... 829 Bibliography by Region ...... 897 Henotheism ...... 831 Sample Lesson Plan ...... 939 Kerma ...... 831 Mythology in the Classroom ...... 941 Napata and Meroe ...... 833 Subject Index ...... 945 Nubia ...... 836 Queen of Sheba ...... 838

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