- '- . \ ",11 H 0'IIUl of the NeWI All The News i Of All The Pointe, !I Every Thursday Morning ,I ' I rosse i ews \ All the Complete, NeWsCov~rage. of Pointes • , .' '.. , .~- . \'. 1;~- . 1 ,.:.: • ..' ~ 1,' .', • \ Entered 8S Second CIas. Mat1t~r I VOLUME 17-NO. 35 .at the Post Office at Detroit;. Mlch, 5c PeL" Copy • G~OSSEPOINTE, .MICHI$A~; AUGUST 30, 195.6' $3.50, Per Year' '24 PAGES Fully Paid Circulation' .. ,. --~ . ... •t. I " .r ' .. DEADLINES Election. fraught ,with 'Interest .' .Must :Serve.' Residents O~ject 9500to9600~ oj the Se-ntence .for WEEK As Compilea by the -Beating. Boy To Proposed. Plan ~~~dO~~~~. Gr!l~e Pointe News_ State' Supreme- Cour.t1Jp- p' p' 'k. A b n holds Conviction of Chas. .or.. a., rIng .rea Thursday, -Septem er 6. wi ' Thursday, August 23 .Morley' for Vicious be First Full Day of New - A NA:VY PATROL PLANE, j' • • ' Term; Barnes to Ope~ with 16 men aboard, is missing . Assault, . Petition . Far~s. Council, Not to Cons~uc~ Alley in Reel' __ after an attack by unidentified . -- of Muir Road -for Development of .Enlarged .Space Public school officials hav., '. air craft off the Red Chin~ coast, 'The Micpigap. Su'p.r e in e ---____ indicated .that .they expect :a and is presumed to have been Court: uphel<;J the. c9nVi~tibn r The. :E,"arms'council on Monday, August 20, was pre- record enrollment on the first shot down, it was dsc10sed by and sentencing' of ,C~arles R. sented' a. petition- bearing. the signatures of 17 residents school day for s t u den ts~ the Navy Department, Naval :Morley, ,; 19, of _123' L~e living.
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