Everything for the Motorist"
TffE STTXDAY OKEGONIAX, PORTXAND. OCTOBER 24. 1920 "highway Pullman." The car i eo 1, arranged that It can be converted 70, TRAVELS into an invitingly comfortable bed by STREAMLINE CUTS lowering the back of the front seat and stretching a light mattress over the seat cushions. 30 JO-MIL- E TOUR On the running boards are metal RESISTANCE boxes containing provisions, cooking WIN. utensils, clothing, a small gas stove, and, in fact, everything that is re- quired for an extended camping ex- pedition. 20-Ye- ar Journey to The trip of the Kleins has taken Started them through Arkansas, Tennessee, Entering Wedge Necessary Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Flor- Regain Health. ida, North and South Carolina, Vir- as Speed Grows Greater. ginia, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsyl- vania, New York, Connecticut, Massa- chusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont and part of Canada. They BIKE PEDALED ALL TIMES the United States at Port Huron, AIR IS HIGH Mich., traveled to Detroit and Toledo, PRESSURE and before returning to Oklahoma will travel through Illinois, Wiscon- sin, Minnesota, Iowa and Missouri. The way San Diego Physician Roams They have traveled 9000 miles In the General Tire's reputation has grown into at their new Overland and have aver- Statistics Show Power That Must Will Over Face of Entire aged more than 20 miles to the gal- to Move Car a National demand amazes nobody. lon .of gasoline. Be Exerted Just On the "inside" in American Continent. N. M. McDonald and family also at Considerable Speed. camped on the Overland lawn re- y Akron, where there are no secrets, the General is cently.
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