"highway Pullman." The car i eo 1, arranged that It can be converted 70, TRAVELS into an invitingly comfortable bed by STREAMLINE CUTS lowering the back of the front seat and stretching a light mattress over the seat cushions. 30 JO-MIL- E TOUR On the running boards are metal RESISTANCE boxes containing provisions, cooking WIN. utensils, clothing, a small gas stove, and, in fact, everything that is re- quired for an extended camping ex- pedition. 20-Ye- ar Journey to The trip of the Kleins has taken Started them through Arkansas, Tennessee, Entering Wedge Necessary Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Flor- Regain Health. ida, North and South Carolina, Vir- as Speed Grows Greater. ginia, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsyl- vania, New York, Connecticut, Massa- chusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont and part of Canada. They BIKE PEDALED ALL TIMES the United States at Port Huron, AIR IS HIGH Mich., traveled to Detroit and Toledo, PRESSURE and before returning to Oklahoma will travel through Illinois, Wiscon- sin, Minnesota, Iowa and Missouri. The way San Diego Physician Roams They have traveled 9000 miles In the General Tire's reputation has grown into at their new Overland and have aver- Statistics Show Power That Must Will Over Face of Entire aged more than 20 miles to the gal- to Move Car a National demand amazes nobody. lon .of gasoline. Be Exerted Just On the "inside" in American Continent. N. M. McDonald and family also at Considerable Speed. camped on the Overland lawn re- y Akron, where there are no secrets, the General is cently. Mr. McDonald, formerly In unde the taxi business at Marion, O.. home niably great. Dr. John Warner, 73 years of Warren O. Harding, purchased his old. of new Overland in Redlands, Cal., So much has been said about the 106 West B street, San Diego, Cal., last body, and the way in Neb., March. They left Redlands on June streamline rode into Blair. last week on 7. and 12 days later were in front which automobile designers endeavor his bicycle, upon which he has trav- of the home of an old friend in to cut down wind resistance that it eled 30.000. miles in the last 20 years, Marion, O. The mileage In the 12 may be of interest to shed, a little One of the chief features of the General's success is the says a writer in the Los Angeles days registered 2820. The car aver- - light on the subject and to tell what Times. mouth-to-mout- After visiting a niece there for way its reputation spread outside of Akron by h three days the old man, who looks PORTLAND WOMAN CHOOSES PEERLESS FOUR-PASSENGE- R CAR. about 50 years, tuned up his bicycle and put out for Medaryville, Pulaski from user to user. county. Indiana, to visit his mother, Mrs. John Warner, who is 94 years old and the oldest woman in that county. Warner was born in Medary- ville, served throughout the civil war Akronyandjthe tire world saw an ideal built into the in an Indiana regiment and went to California 30 or 40 years ago. This is Dr. Warner's third bicycle General Tire with men, with materials, with methods trip from San Diego to Blair. It took him six weeks to make the trip. The cost was something like $19, which that could mean nothing less than ultimate National rec- Included his food and lodging en route. ognition Kit on Handle Bars. .which it has won on its superior Quality. Repairs to his bicycle during the trip was 15 cents for a patch on his front tire. Gasoline and oil cost nothing. Room rent cost him just Results made known" by users themselves are $1. 50 for the six weeks. He slept the General outdoors every night but one. And he cooked every meal for himself ail Tire's greatest advertisement the proof of its Quality. the way from California to Nebraska. Warner's "kit" is certainly some kit. His cooking utensils consist of two little tin pans which fit into each other, a little skillet with a de- Try a General CorcTTire alongside of tachable handle and a canteen for water. His bedding consists of two A recent purchaser of a Peerless Is Mrs. J. J. 755 East Fifteenth pieces of canvas, two blankets and street North, shown In her new car. The car is a two-pow- er ran ere any other in the .world. a sm.ill air pillow. All rolled to- eight, selected by BIr. Rosten because of its flexibility, power and ease gether his kit fits on his handle bars. of control He sleeps out of doors in rain, snow or moonshine just the same. We Carry a Full Line of Accessories "And I'm riding straight towards acred 25. 8 miles to the grailon of fuel wind resistance really means. One Is 100-ye- trip. a cent was to hearing expressions as the ar mark." Warner says. for the entire Not used such Twenty years ago Warner had tu- spent for repairs. Before Mr. Mc- "cutting through the air," and other berculosis and was fast nearing the Donald started on his long1 cross- phrases of a similar nature, but many grave. country trip he had traveled 5000 interested in the subject from the walking one foot miles with the car. automobile standpoint would like to "You are with know just how much pressure really Everything for the In the grave," a doctor assured him. - cease REXEWAIi exists and just how- much power is "All right: henceforth I shall method chaxged absorbed in overcoming the resist- to walk and I shall ride," he an- ance of the air, says a writer in swered. Marmon Concern Works Out Plan Motor. Motorist" No Goal In View. The average man. walking briskly, Warner was a physician himself. That Creates Interest. travels at about 4 miles an hour. His He had practiced medicine for years body presents to the air a surface of and was pretty well off. So he gave Nordyke & Marmon company, build- 6 1 up bought bicycle ers of the Marmon car, recently an- about feet in height to foot in his practice, a and handling1 width, or about 6 square feet. . Mov- started out for health. nounced a new method of ing at 4 miles an hour, he is travel- simply wandered. Ho had no renewed Marmons under a nation re- He policy ing at 5.8 feet a second, and the Bet place in view, but went wherever wide that has aroused keen in sistance opposed to his forward mo- notion struck him to go. For 20 terest everywhere in the motor trade. the of mo- tion by the air, assuming it to be years he has followed the same rule. "Hitherto the manufacturer still, is just about one-ha- lf pound. Three times in that period he has tor cars has left the matter of han- In words, he is. continually ridden up to gate of his dling- used cars strictly up to the in- other the front says W, pushing a half pound resistance niece, Mrs. Minnie Triplett, in Blair, dividual dealer' Fred Vogler, ahead of him as he walks. dismounted and called, "Hello!" The president of the Northwest Auto com- first word they have ever had of his pany. -- distributor of the Marmon, "but Car Presents Flat Surface. coming was when his cheery "Hello" the Marmon factory under its new If the same man walking 4 miles an rang out policy recognizes the importance of hour were facing a gale blowing 26 There is scarcely a city in the Unit- making every owner of a motorcar a miles an hour, the relative velocity ed States in which Dr. Warner has satisfied owner, regardless of whether of the wind would be 30 miles an not appeared in the last 20 years. he purchases his car first-han- d or not. hour, and the man would be. walking But he never sleeps in one when he "Under the new policy, when we against a pressure of more than 26 can get out of it. He will spend the send a Marmon car through our shops pounds. This would be enough to day in the city, but at nightfall, win- for a thorough renewal prior to re- make an appreciable difference in the ter or summer, he takes his old "bike" selling it. our men check every me- ease of walking and he would readily and rides out Into the country, maybe chanical feature of the car, according notice It. a mile, maybe ten miles, rolls up to a chart prepared by the factory. The resistance that the air Inter- under a tree and goes to sleep. The When they are through the chart poses to the progress of the car is of next morning he rides back into the shows an exact record of the condi- two kinds. There is first the resist- city, perhaps. Perhaps he goes on tion of every feature of the car. ance by, "This chart is mailed to the Mar- that is caused striking the and sees the city again in four or ex- bank of air that is always in front of years. mon "factory and their mechanical car, re- five perts there check it over carefully. the in other words, the wind 45 Mile A Day. report job of sistance, and there is also the re- Diego If the shows that the sistance that is caused by the fric- . On his present trip from San renewing has been done thoroughly along he averaged 45 miles a day. But I in accordance with Marmon mechan- tion of the air the car. This didn't ride during the heat of the af- the factory issues a second resistance is what is known ical standards, as skin resistance. It is so --small in ternoon," he explains. "I usually lay certificate of renewal to be signed relation to off or four hours and ride in by dealer, a 90-d- the wind resistance that three " the local carrying it can be passed by unnoticed. the cool of the evening guarantee on the renewed car, which The ordinary type of passenger car Along the last of June, while cross- is virtually the same as that carried or truck presents a flat, surface to ing the desert in Nevada, Warner by a new car." the wind. In other words, there are came upon two young fellows who no "entrance lines" such as there are had started walking across the waste in a boat for the purpose of opening of sand without knowing what they an easy path into the fluid. Thus were doing. They had no water and 32,338 GARS IN STATE the wind resistance can be calculated were 60 miles from any. They were directly from the total area of the both about three parts dead and plane surface which forms the front would never have lived to reach surfaces of the car. water. $2,057,211 IS PAID FOR BY This entering area is composed of From his canteen Warner gave the the radiator, lamps, projected surface two young fellows a few swallows OWXEBS FOR LICENSES. of the fenders, windshield, front axle, earn. Their lips and tongues were front edges of the wheels and what- swollen and parched. To have given ever else may be on the entrance side them as much water as they wanted In Lake and Malheur Counties of the car. On the ordinary type of would have meant death to them. He touring car this area is about 16 had to fight them to make them re- Drivers Have More Than One square feet. linquish the canteen. Auto, Figures Indicate. For instance, at 10- miles an hour, After remaininng with them half assuming that the 16 square feet is a day and seeing them strong again, correct, the resistance is .492 pounds he- gave them his canteen of water, a square foot, or approximately one-ha- lf knowing on his bicycle SALEM. Or, Oct. 23. (Special.) that he could Approximately $2,057,211 was received pound, and the resistance to the make a stream long before they car would be 8 pounds. St goes a long way could hope to do so. So, when he by the secretary of state for licenses reached Blair last week, he had a Issued to owners and drivers of motor Racing Car Cirts Wind. new canteen. Oregon during period, At 20 miles an hour, the resistance vehicles in the a pound is 1.968, or close to 2 pounds to make While at Blair. Warner received 1 ac- friends January September 30, 1920, word that his mother at Medaryville to a square foot, and the resistance for was not well. So "hitched up cording to a report prepared here by the car would be 32 pounds, so that he his Sam A. speed bicycle," as he said and started for Kozer. Automobile regiatra at double the the resistance ' Indiana. tions during the period covered by th has become four times as great. At Built in Akron, Ohio, by report totaled 99,998, motorcycles 3439, 30 miles an hour, the resistance is ""rhe automobile Is a wonderful In- 3030, 750 oper- per square dention, but for longevity and health chauffeurs dealers and about 44 pounds foot, & and downright pleasure give me the ators 127.987. and the resistance to the car has American Tire Rubber Co. The General Tire pedal-propell- In Lake and Malheur risen to 72 pounds. ed old bike." eays Dr. counties the Warner. "I can go anywhere an number of automobile registrations At 60 miles an hour, or a mile a Corner" Broadway and Rubber Go. go exceeded the number of operators' minute, which is the highest speed "On the General at Oak automobile can and can go lots licenses Issued. Indicating: that man the average touring .ear is capable Broadway 180 of places an auto can't touch. And residents- of those counties own more of reaching, the resistance Is 17.17 Two Phones Broadway 2300 except on the very best roads I be- than one car. In the former county pounds a square foot, or for the ear lieve I can really make better time there were registered 621 automobiles, with 16 square feet front area, the than an auto can make. But I'm not while the drivers' licenses aggregat- resistance has risen to 283 pounds riding to save time, I'm riding for ed 545. In the latter county the auto- continuous pressure. At the end of health and pleasure. I'm riding for mobile registrations aggregated 1553. a mile, or 5280 feet, the car has done the century mark." while the operators' licenses totaled 283x5280, or 1,494.240 foot pounds of 1466. work in one minute. As a horse- Following is a complete summary power is only 33.000 foot pounds of power engine to overcome the wind would not only increase the gasoline addition to the Lexington Motor com- MANY TOURING BY showing the number of automobiles work in a minute, the horsepower resistance alone at 60 miles an hour. 'MILLIONS MAY BE SAVED supply materially, but also increase pany, the Ansted Engineering com- AUTO registered, permits issued for motor- required to overcome the resistance There is no wonder that when we the general- - standard of the gasoline. pany, the Connersville Foundry cor- cycles, chauffeurs, dealers and opera- of the car alone amounts to 1.494,240 have racing cars traveling at 100 "The bureau will issue shortly care- poration and the Teetor-Hartle- y Mo- tors, and the total fees received seg-regat- ed divided by 33.000, or more than 44. miles an hour, care is taken not to ful Instructions to the oil producers tor corporation. by counties: In other words, it takes a enter the wind with a flat surface. GOVERNMENT HAS TO as to how this deplorable situation LEXINGTON MOTOR COMPANY Frank B. Ansted is the president ox INCREASES OF RAILROADS AND Instead of banking the air with a SCHEME may be remedied." the United States Automotive corpo- No. of No. of No. of flat surface, which can readily be CONSERVE GASOLINE. ORGANIZED. ration. George W. Ansted. also presi- HOTELS - Motor-Coun- ty TJXIT SIDESTEPPED. Auto-- No. of N'o, of Total Fees done at 25 or 30 miles an hour, the SHIR. UMAX TO HANDLE TRUCKS dent of Ansted &. Bush Milling com- mobiles, cycles. eurti. Dealers. Operators. air is cut by a wedge in the racing pany at Springfield, O., Is a Baker 1.838 52 65 21 2.197 38.853 25 car. were not, the flat surface I. Barorws, pres- 1.783 59 62 If it IiOss of Best Fuel in Transporta- United States Automotive Associa- Fred also "Seeing America First" With Car Benton 2.358 33,558.00 would have to overcome a resistance Former Salesman Is Head of Mack ident of the Teetor-Hartle- y Motor Clackamas... 4.178 143 53 E.642 83.502.50 of 60 pounds a square foot. tion From Wells to May Is corporation at Hagerstown, Ind.. is a and Camping Outfit Gains Clatsop 2.151 63 206 17 2.439 47.264.75 Plants Second-Han- d Department. tion Incorporated Under Columbia 1.122 66 83 11 1.4S1 21.376.75 It is in the racing car that the and Emery Huston, Wide Favor. Coos 1.933 4 8 149 18 2,346 38.066.00 value of the streamline enters. Air Be Prevented, Is Belief. BT. C. Shireman, one of those- to Laws of Delaware. also nt of Lexington Mo- 622 3 16 o 793 is split apart must close to- "s company, Crook -i 11,777.25 which grow up game tor is a Curry 263 .... 2'- 278 4.896.00 gether again, in the same way that with the auto In the LeRoy A. Hanson, also secretary and 1.678 14 53 "io 1.710 up, WASHIN-GTO-r, 23. bu- northwest, has touring car The heavy increase in both rail- Deschutes 29.498.00 water does. As it closes for it Oct. The left the To keep pace with the rapid devel- treasurer of the Lexington Motor com- Douglas 2.393 95 139 20 3,178 47,920.50 presses upon properly shaped and field motor pany, secretary treas- road passenger rates and Pullman Oilliam...... 635 3 18 9 713 13.759.25 the reau of mines is preparing to divulge roadster for trucks opment of the automotive Industry, is and assistant tares holds no terrors for many long- Grant 612 6 26 3 661 11,393.26 body, as an inverted wedge. It tends to oil men of. the country a secret and recently accepted a position as Frank B. Ansted, president of the urer. James M. Heron, also secretary body e, distance who are "seeing Harney 608 .7 41 4 631 12.121.25 to force that ahead, hence the process by en- manager of the second-han- d depart- Lexington Motor company of Conners-vill- and treasurer of the Rex Manufac- tourists 21 17- - 11 on racing cars. The which they will be company. America first" In the new Overland Hood River 1.341 1.774 28.438.50 long tails tail abled to save each year 300,000 gal- ment of the International-Mac- k com- Ind., and his associates have turing Is the treasurer, economy Jackson 3,588 63 106 24 4.738 66.887.00 is thus just as important as the pany, for Mack holding company, car and other cars. Neither Jefferson 395 3 16 4 544 6,976.00 end. lons of gasoline which is lost through distributors here organized a incor- Is the increase in the cost of hotel Josephine 1.135 27 24 12 1.315 front trucks. porated under the laws of Delaware . Cycle Show in Chicago. 21.899.75 evaporation. .This saving, it Is esti- expe- cor- accommodations bothering these mod- Klamath 1.762 32 93 13 . 1.791 34.915.75 Briscoe Enlarges Plant. mated, would be sufficient to keep Shireman dates his gasoline the United States Automotive November has been set as the ern wanderers upon the face of the Lake 621 4 39 3 545 11.023.75 1,200,000 rience back to the rdays when he was poration. Twi-- e Lane 4,408 234 138 33 6.321 82.645.75 to- - provide adequately for automobiles in commission traveling out of Spokane with a new corporation an date for the annual national cycle earth. within the last few 4 3 In order sav- horse The has author- Willyj-Overlan- Lincoln.. 254 45 281 4.226.25 increasing for a year and would represent a show and dealers' convention to weeks the d company 3.563 84 6 26 the rapidly demand for Its and buggy disposing of farm machin- ized capital of $10,000,000 of preferred be first-han- Linn 5.117 66,405.25 coupe models, ing of at least $75,000,000. of Toledo has received d Malheur 1.553 8 37 12 1.466 sedan and the Briscoe ery to the wheat ranchers of the stock, and 300.000 shares of held in the coliseum in Chicago. The 28.738.60 corporation has enlarged the According to the bureau of mines, 'Walla section. With ad- common stock. show year will be the largest Information of how Overland tourists Marion 6.5u5 219 217 60 9.312 131.025.30 Motor loss each year from evapo- Walla the this of are beating both the railroad rate Morrow... 849 8 31 14 898 17.364.00 facilities of its subsidiary, the Bon- the total vent of the automobile he changed The new alliance will place under a its kind ever held. It is under the and hotel rate boosts. Multnomah 32.926 1,760 685 192 41.203 736.223.25 net Body company at Lansing. Mich., ration of gasoline from crude petro- his mode of transportation and han- single control and management sev- auspices of the Motorcycle and Allied Recently George H. Klein of Okla- Polk 2.058 38 45 13 2. $65 38.554.75 so as to provide for a greatly in- leum from the time it leaves the wells dled gas engines, pumps and the like eral of the parts-makin- g plants which Trades association, which body is City, Sherman 933 5 14 15 1.090 20.724.00 creased schedule of enclosed bodies. until It arrives at the refineries Is for the benefit of the farmers. were in the past individual representative of the entire cycle homa Okla.. who is seeing Tillamook 1.3S2 27 87 16 1.704 28,007.00 600,000.000 gallons, at of units country. America in an Overland touring car. Umatilla 4.652 44 121 47 6.781 F. W. Hanneman, formerly in charge least half More recently in this city he was allied with Lexington. trade in this There is good 96,917.75 closed-bod- y which, may be saved. parts-makin- g repre- pulled up to the administration Union 2,466 92 39 15 3.381 48.659.75 of construction for the associated with the Covey Motor Car Under the new plan, these ground for confidence that a Willys-Overlan- 1.120 17 on "Trie worst feature of this," says a goods man- building of the d at Wallowa 46 9 1.479 21.451.25 Oakland and later the manager's company in charge of the second- plants are working with Lex- sentative list of sporting Toledo, O., and asked permission to Wasco 1.953 30 40 18 2.507 39,299.25 staff, having charge of similar work bureau of mines statement, "is the hand car department for a consid- ington as a unit, plans ufacturers will take space in the pitch his tent on Washington 3.423 96 70 32 4,704 68,974.50 for the General Motors body plants, fact that the gasoline w,asted is the erable time, and later was with the and materials. The new alliance coliseum and Join forces with the the lawn about Wheeler 342 3 16 3 282 6.832.60 has been appointed general superin- most volatile and consequently company, cycle in exhibiting the building. The permission was Yamhill 3.053 61 S3 26 4.462 the Twin States Motor Car makes possible, it is asserted, a closer folks their wares. granted. The Kleins left Oklahoma 57.135.50 tendent of the Bohnet company. Pro- best quality of gasoline obtainable. It which organization he left to take and more effective organization and 3 new prevention second-han- d depart- City on February 2 in Totals.... 99,998 439 3,030 760 . 127,987 12,057,211.25 duction under the schedule is follows that the of this charge of the places behind the Lexington a giant Motor tractors for removing their Overland already under way loss, which is economically possible. ment for the' Mack distributors. Indus trial family, which includes, in have been perfected