Voice of Angels V4 N13 Jul 1 1879
V. C D E K 8 UO&E. J I S lxa PEA AN XU IX j VOL. IT. PUD LISHER. 1 270. WEYMOUTH, MASS., JULY 1, 1879. I of ADTUfCr ’ t NO. 13. VOICE OE ANGELS. And half-opened budietp, for tendereet sighs wonld call aa earthly paradise, where his next Of sympathy breathed, for all hearts touched with woe. Enlarged from 8 to 12 pagos, formerly iteacd from No. 5 lesson must be mastered before a fur+her advance Dwiglit Street, Boston, Maas., will after thli date be publish Dearest sister, we miss thee, and weep for thy loss-- can take place. ed at Fair View House, North Weymouth, ifaii., tbc Yet know thou wilt think of us In thy new homo; let end 18th of each month. Prom tbo sweet trelllsed bowers thou'll gather and toss This lesson embraces a knowledge of his du SnntT L. JUDD PARDEE, Editor-In-Chief. Rich gems of soul-worth, for earth's pilgrims that roam. ties to his fellows, and may he summed up ia D. K. MINER, Business Manager, D. C. DENSMORE, Amanaonsls and Pablishcr. While tlio drunken old world Is still sipping blood-wine, the heaven-inspired axiom, “Do unto others as Handwritings of thine on humanity's walls yon would that they should do unto you.” This Price yearly, $1.83 in advance. Shall be road and re-read, till fond Life's lifted shrine Six months, .63 Impearlcd with great price, truest worshippers calls. great principle must be livingly realized before Three months .12 Sloglc copies .08 " From the depths of tby Spirit’s Intensified lore the Spirit caa enter societies where self consti The above rates Includo postage.
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