Rankings Municipality of Patnos

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Rankings Municipality of Patnos 10/2/2021 L'azienda Contatti Login Urbistat on Linkedin Adminstat Maps,logo analysis and statistics about the DEMOGRAPHY ECONOMY RANKINGS SEARCH TURCHIA resident population Demographic balance, population and familiy trends, age classes and average age, civil status and foreigners Skip Navigation Links TURCHIA / Northeast Anatolia / Province of AGRI / Patnos Powered by Page 1 L'azienda Contatti Login Urbistat on Linkedin Adminstat logo DEMOGRAPHY ECONOMY RANKINGS SEARCH TURCHIA Municipalities AGRI Stroll up beside >> Eleskirt Diyadin Hamur Dogubayazit Patnos Tasliçay Tutak Provinces AGRI ERZINCAN ARDAHAN ERZURUM BAYBURT IGDIR KARS Regions Powered by Page 2 Aegean East Marmara L'azienda Contatti Login Urbistat on Linkedin AdminstatCentral Anatolia logo Istanbul DEMOGRAPHY ECONOMY RANKINGS SEARCH Central East TURCHIAMediterranean Anatolia Northeast East Black Sea Anatolia Southeast Anatolia West Anatolia West Black Sea West Marmara Municipality of Patnos Territorial extension of Municipality of PATNOS and related population density, population per gender and number of households, average age and incidence of foreigners TERRITORY DEMOGRAPHIC DATA (YEAR 2017) Northeast Region Anatolia Inhabitants (N.) 120,654 Province AGRI Families (N.) 16,918 Sign Province TR4 Males (%) 51.8 Hamlet of the 0 municipality Females (%) 48.2 Surface (Km2) 1,344.72 Foreigners (%) 0.3 Population density Average age 89.7 23.6 (Inhabitants/Kmq) (years) Average annual variation +0.00 (2012/2017) MALES, FEMALES AND ^ Balance of nature = Births - Deaths FOREIGNERS INCIDENCE ^ Migration balance = Registered - Powered by Page 3 (YEAR 2017) Deleted L'azienda Contatti Login Urbistat on Linkedin Adminstat logo DEMOGRAPHY ECONOMY RANKINGS SEARCH TURCHIA Rankings Municipality of patnos is on 6° place among 58 municipalities in region by demographic size is on 195° place among 972 municipalities in TURKEY by demographic size is on 961° place among 972 municipalities in TURKEY per average age Fractions Address Contacts Turchia AdminStat 41124 Via M. Vellani +39 059 8395229 Demography AdminStat is designed by Marchi, 20 Urbistat. Every data are +39 059 8395230 Economy Modena, Italy constatly updated to give P.IVA 03466110362 [email protected] Rankings the best socio-economic information in territory. Copyright © 2021 - UrbiStat S.r.l. Powered by Page 4.
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