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Papilionidae Supplementary figure 1. Phylogenetic relationships of 408 swallowtail butterfly species (Papilionidae). Left phylogeny is inferred with the maximum-likelihood approach implemented with IQ-TREE, and right phylogeny is inferred with the Bayesian approach implemented with MrBayes. Both phylogenies show similar relationships except for the placement of the genus Teinopalpus, found as sister to Papilionini + Troidini with IQ-TREE and sister to Meandrusa (Papilionini) with MrBayes. Node support is indicated by ultrafast bootstrap and posterior probabilities on the maximum-likelihood and Bayesian phylogenies, respectively, with values of 95% and 0.95 considered as indicative of strong node support. Choaspes benjaminii Hyblaea puera 37 Hyblaea puera 0.76 88 0.95 Macrosoma macrosoma 100 Macrosoma macrosoma Macrosoma tipulata Macrosoma tipulata Choaspes benjaminii Colias eurytheme 100 1 1 Hylephila phyleus 100 100 Pieris napi 1 Pyrgus communis 64 Pieris rapae 1 Erynnis montanus Hylephila phyleus 1 100 0.63 Erynnis tristis 100 Pyrgus communis Colias eurytheme 100 Erynnis montanus 1 Pieris napi 36 Erynnis tristis 1 Pieris rapae Coenonympha tullia 92 0.53 Coenonympha tullia 98 Libythea celtis 1 Libythea celtis Vanessa cardui 0.76 Vanessa cardui 99 Hamearis lucina 100 1 Hamearis lucina 100 Apodemia mormo 1 Apodemia mormo 92 Riodina lysippus 1 Riodina lysippus Lycaena helloides 1 100 Lycaena helloides 100 Favonius cognatus 1 Favonius cognatus Plebejus pylaon 1 Plebejus pylaon Baronia brevicornis Baronia Baronia brevicornis Archon apollinaris 100 0.93 Archon apollinaris 100 Archon bostanchii Archon bostanchii Archon apollinus1 Archon 1 100 1 Archon apollinus1 100 Archon apollinus2 1 Archon apollinus2 Luehdorfia japonica Luehdorfia japonica 100 Luehdorfia puziloi 1 Luehdorfia puziloi 100 Luehdorfia 0.98 100Luehdorfia chinensis Luehdorfia chinensis 99 100Luehdorfia longicaudata 1 1 Luehdorfia longicaudata Luehdorfia taibai 1 Luehdorfia taibai Sericinus montela Sericinus Sericinus montela Bhutanitis thaidina 100 Bhutanitis Bhutanitis thaidina 100 100 Bhutanitis lidderdalii 1 1 Bhutanitis lidderdalii Bhutanitis mansfieldi 1 Bhutanitis mansfieldi 100 100Zerynthia polyxena1 1 1 Zerynthia polyxena1 100 Zerynthia polyxena2 Zerynthia 1 Zerynthia polyxena2 100 Zerynthia rumina1 1 Zerynthia rumina1 100 Zerynthia rumina2 1 Zerynthia rumina2 Allancastria louristana Allancastria louristana 100 Allancastria deyrollei 1 Allancastria deyrollei 100 Allancastria 1 95 100 Allancastria cretica Allancastria cretica 100 Allancastria caucasica 1 1 Allancastria caucasica Allancastria cerisyi 1 Allancastria cerisyi 100 Hypermnestra helios1 Hypermnestra Hypermnestra helios1 Hypermnestra helios2 1 Hypermnestra helios2 100 Parnassius apollonius Parnassius apollonius Parnassius honrathi 1 Parnassius honrathi Parnassius dongalaicus Parnassius tianschanicus 100 100 Parnassius mercurius 0.83 100 0.98 Parnassius actius 100Parnassius epaphus Parnassius jacquemontii Parnassius nomion 1 0.75 Parnassius dongalaicus 100 54 Parnassius tianschanicus 1 Parnassius nomion 97 Parnassius actius 1 Parnassius epaphus 100 Parnassius jacquemontii 1 0.82 Parnassius mercurius Parnassius apollo3 1 54 Parnassius apollo3 99 99 Parnassius apollo1 1 Parnassius apollo2 88 Parnassius apollo5 0.57Parnassius apollo4 100Parnassius apollo4 Parnassius apollo1 100 Parnassius apollo2 1 1 Parnassius apollo5 100Parnassius bremeri 0.94Parnassius bremeri 100 Parnassius sacerdos Parnassius sacerdos 100Parnassius phoebus 1 100 Parnassius phoebus 100 100Parnassius behrii 1 Parnassius behrii Parnassius smintheus 1 1 Parnassius smintheus Parnassius boedromius Parnassius boedromius 100 Parnassius andreji 1 1 100 1 Parnassius andreji 100 Parnassius simo Parnassius 1 Parnassius simo 100 Parnassius simonius 1 Parnassius simonius Parnassius orleans Parnassius orleans 100 Parnassius nordmanni 1 Parnassius nordmanni 100 Parnassius clodius 1 Parnassius clodius 100 Parnassius eversmanni 0.99 Parnassius eversmanni Parnassius glacialis 100100 1 1 Parnassius glacialis 100 Parnassius hoenei 0.98 Parnassius hoenei 100 Parnassius stubbendorfii 1 Parnassius stubbendorfii Parnassius ariadne Parnassius ariadne 100 Parnassius mnemosyne3 1 80 100 0.77 Parnassius mnemosyne3 100 Parnassius mnemosyne1 0.94 Parnassius mnemosyne1 Parnassius mnemosyne2 0.98 Parnassius mnemosyne2 Parnassius hardwickii Parnassius hardwickii 100 Parnassius schultei 1 Parnassius schultei Parnassius acco Parnassius acco 100 100 1 100 Parnassius hannyngtoni 1 Parnassius hannyngtoni 98 Parnassius huberi 1 0.79 Parnassius huberi 99 Parnassius maharaja Parnassius maharaja 100 Parnassius cephalus 1 Parnassius cephalus 75 Parnassius szechenyii 0.63 1 Parnassius szechenyii 100Parnassius arctica Parnassius arctica Parnassius tenedius 1 Parnassius tenedius 100 Parnassius augustus Parnassius augustus Parnassius imperator 1 Parnassius imperator 100 Parnassius acdestis 1 Parnassius acdestis 73 100 Papilio inopinatus 0.6 Papilio inopinatus 89 Parnassius charltonius 0.72 1 Parnassius charltonius 98 Parnassius autocrator 0.97 100 1 Parnassius autocrator 100 Parnassius loxias 0.98 Parnassius davydovi 100 Parnassius davydovi 1 Parnassius loxias Parnassius staudingeri1 Parnassius staudingeri1 100 Parnassius staudingeri2 0.52 99 0.93 Parnassius staudingeri2 99 Parnassius patricius Parnassius patricius 94 Parnassius delphius 0.92 Parnassius delphius 93 Parnassius maximinus 0.8 Parnassius maximinus 100 Parnassius jacobsoni 1 100 0.99 Parnassius jacobsoni 100 Parnassius cardinal 1 Parnassius cardinal 100 Parnassius staudingeri3 1 Parnassius staudingeri3 Parnassius hide 70 0.92 Parnassius hide 100 Parnassius stenosemus Parnassius stenosemus Parnassius stoliczkanus 1 Parnassius stoliczkanus 100 Lamproptera meges Lamproptera Lamproptera curius Lamproptera curius 1 1 Lamproptera meges 100Iphiclides podalirius Iphiclides Iphiclides feisthamelii Iphiclides feisthamelii 1 Iphiclides podalirius Protographium philolaus Protographium philolaus 100 93 Protographium epidaus Protographium 0.94 0.83 Protographium epidaus 53 Protographium marcellus 1 Protographium marcellus 100 Protographium asius 95 0.91 Protographium asius 100 Mimoides euryleon 0.8 Mimoides euryleon 97 Mimoides pausanias Mimoides 0.83 Mimoides pausanias 100 100 Mimoides ilus 1 Mimoides ilus Mimoides lysithous 0.62 Mimoides lysithous 100 Eurytides serville “Eurytides” 0.99 1 Eurytides orabilis 99 Eurytides orabilis Eurytides serville 100 Protographium leucaspis 1 0.92 Protographium leucaspis 97 Protographium dioxippus Protographium dioxippus 99 Protographium thyastes 0.7 98 0.54 Protographium thyastes 97 Eurytides helioss “Eurytides” Eurytides helioss Protesilaus telesilaus 0.57 Protesilaus telesilaus 59 Protesilaus molops 1 99 Protesilaus 0.77Protesilaus molops 100 Protesilaus glaucolaus Protesilaus glaucolaus Protesilaus protesilaus 0.89Protesilaus protesilaus Graphium tynderaeus 1 Graphium macleayanus 100 Graphium latreillianus Graphium phidias 98 Graphium leonidas 99 98 Graphium leechi 100 Graphium adamastor 0.87 1 Graphium arycles 100 Graphium schubotzi Graphium evemon 100 Graphium angolanus 1 Graphium bathycles 56 Graphium ridleyanus 1 Graphium chironides Graphium nomius 1 Graphium doson Graphium macareus 0.52 Graphium eurypylus 100 Graphium ramaceus 98 92 Graphium meyeri 100 Graphium delessertii Graphium eurous Graphium xenocles 1 0.93 Graphium tamerlanus 99 0.98 98 Graphium decolor Graphium incertus 100 Graphium antiphates 0.81 0.78 Graphium glycerion 85 Graphium dorcus 0.52 Graphium sichuanica 100 Graphium androcles 0.81Graphium mandarinus 89 Graphium aristeus 0.53 Graphium timur 99 Graphium thule Graphium weiskei 100 Graphium agetes 0.6 Protographium leosthenes 100 Graphium stratiotes 0.61 Graphium wallacei Graphium phidias Graphium 0.71 Graphium agamemnon 42 Graphium leechi 0.8 Graphium macfarlanei 63 Graphium macleayanus Graphium codrus Graphium arycles 0.91 Graphium empedovana 63 100 Graphium evemon 0.6 1 Graphium cloanthus 100 100 Graphium bathycles 1 Graphium milon 100 Graphium chironides Graphium sarpedon 95 Graphium eurypylus Graphium nomius 95 Graphium doson Graphium adamastor 16 Graphium meyeri 0.85 Graphium schubotzi Graphium incertus 0.7 Graphium angolanus 98 94 Graphium glycerion 0.97 Graphium ridleyanus 100 Graphium sichuanica 99 0.58 Graphium tynderaeus 89 Graphium eurous 0.58 Graphium latreillianus 74 Graphium tamerlanus 0.63 Graphium leonidas 100Graphium mandarinus Graphium macareus Graphium timur 1 Graphium ramaceus 66 Graphium weiskei 0.99 Graphium delessertii 78 Protographium leosthenes 0.81 Graphium xenocles 79 Graphium wallacei 1 Graphium decolor 99 Graphium agamemnon 0.99 Graphium antiphates 79 98 Graphium macfarlanei 0.99 Graphium dorcus Graphium codrus 0.88 Graphium androcles 100 Graphium empedovana 1 Graphium aristeus 98 Graphium cloanthus 0.98 Graphium thule 100 0.93 Graphium agetes 100 Graphium sarpedon 1 Graphium milon 1 Graphium stratiotes 100Teinopalpus imperialis Teinopalpus Battus philenor Teinopalpus aureus 1 Battus polydamas Battus philenor 1 Battus polystictus 100 Battus polydamas 1 Battus belus 100 Battus polystictus Battus 0.93 Battus crassus 100 Battus belus 0.99 Battus ingenuus 100 Battus crassus Pharmacophagus antenor 100 Battus ingenuus Cressida cressida Pharmacophagus antenor Pharmacophagus 1 Losaria coon 100 Cressida cressida Cressida 0.92 Losaria neptunus Losaria neptunus 1 Pachliopta aristolochiae 99 Losaria coon Losaria 0.92 Pachliopta kotzebuea 100 Pachliopta aristolochiae 1 100 0.89 Pachliopta hector 100 Pachliopta kotzebuea 0.75 Pachliopta liris 100 Pachliopta hector
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