A List Ofjapanese Insect Collection by P. F. Von Siebold and H
Bull. Kitakyushu Mus. Nat. Hist., 19: 43-75, pis. 5. March 31, 2000 A list ofJapanese Insect Collection by P. F. von Siebold and H. Burger preserved in Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum, Leiden, the Netherlands* Kyoichiro Ueda', Yoshihisa Sawada2, Yutaka Yoshiyasu3 and Toshiya Hirowatari4 'Kitakyushu Museum and Instituteof Natural History, 3-6-1 Nishihonmachi, Yahatahigashi-ku, Kitakyushu 805-0061 Japan 2Museum of Nature and Human Activities, Yayoigaoka, Sanda, Hyogo 669-13, Japan. sLaboratory of Applied Entomology, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto Prefectural University, Shimogamo, Kyoto, 606-8522Japan 4Entomological Laboratory, College of Agriculture, Osaka Prefecture University, Sakai, Osaka, 599-8531 Japan (Received November 25, 1999) Abstract Insect specimens collected by P. F. von Siebold and H. Burger with Japanese collaborators during their stay inJapan (1823-1829, 1825-1835) are reported on the basis of the collection preserved in Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum, Leiden, the Netherlands. A total 439 species (1,047 specimens) of the insects are listed and some of them are Figured. It is a scientifically important insect collection that reflects the old but rich Japanese insect fauna of circa the First half of the 19th century and includes many type-specimens. This is the First comprehensive report of the collection. Introduction Philipp Franz von Siebold (1796-1866) (Figs. 1-2) made an extensive re search on the natural history ofJapan with Heinrich Burger (1806-1858) (Fig. 3) during his first stay in Japan (1823-1829). Many Japanese naturalists, i.e., Mizutani Hobun, Okochi Sonshin, Ishii Soken and others contributed to their natural history collections (Ueno, 1987). These enormous collections were sent to Holland separately and almost arrived safely.
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