Jason Chapman | 32 pages | 01 Jan 2011 | Templar Publishing | 9781848774513 | English | Surrey, United Kingdom SCO Family Concert; Stan and Mabel

And finally, as they pass a farm, they meet a herd of cows. Telling the cows of their plans they ask if they know anyone who would like to join them. And so off they all go by taxi, bus, train and aeroplane to Italy clever these animals. And once in Milan they go to La Scala opera house where the competition to find the Greatest Orchestra in the World takes place. When it is their turn they walk onto the stage, raise their instruments and a hush falls over the whole audience. As they begin to play, an awful racket comes out because, of course, animals can't play instruments not so clever these animals and several judges cover their ears and one even boos! Sad and dejected the animals leave the stage only to be called back by the music lady who lived below Stan and Mabel. She explains to the judges that they have overlooked some unusual talent and she adds, 'I give you The whole crowd stands on their feet and applauds and within a week the Animal Orchestra begin a world tour And it was. Jason Chapman has presented us with a beautifully illustrated, fun-filled story which everyone, old or young, can read and enjoy. Sperando che la chiave di questo "colpo di scena Mah. Sperando che la chiave di questo "colpo di scena" non stia nell'uso dispregiativo del termine "animali". Illustrazioni carine. Nov 26, Katie Aff rated it really liked it. Chris Quinn rated it really liked it Aug 21, Sachie rated it really liked it Jun 01, Sigita rated it liked it Jan 20, Taurean Watkins marked it as to-read May 03, Gary Vassallo added it Mar 03, Bianca added it Jun 01, Templar Publishing added it Jun 16, Laure Dorsemaine added it Dec 14, Stefano added it May 03, Beckham David added it Jun 02, Zahra Zahra marked it as to-read Oct 03, Marina added it Sep 20, Laura added it Jul 30, There are no discussion topics on this book yet. About Jason Chapman. Jason Chapman. Jason has always been fascinated by science and the unexplained. In he embarked on a road trip to the state of Nevada to learn the truth about Area Jason started to write in the early nineties. Articles for various UFO and paranormal themed magazines. During his time as a UFO researcher Jason has always been fascinated by science and the unexplained. During his time as a UFO researcher Jason met some very interesting people, including a man who claimed he was part of a top secret group which Churchill ran during the s. It was this encounter that inspired Jason to work on a book series which will span over fifty years and delves into the murky world of government conspiracies and classified projects. Jason recently published his seventh book, Signals in September He is currently working on his next book Mark of the Shadow, due out in early Books by Jason Chapman. Need another excuse to treat yourself to a new book this week? We've got you covered with the buzziest new releases of the day. To create our Read more Trivia About Stan and Mabel: A It's not like they're standing around listening or anything. A relationship is exposed. Other secrets are revealed. The young twins see no reason not to run with it. Oops I made a pinecest story. A broken Bill Cipher pulls another Mabel from the multiverse to help his ultimate goals, and the first step is her getting Stanley Pines to him. The second goal is to trap both of the monsters he's created as henchmaniacs to do his bidding and take down every Ford. Based on Ahkaraii's Evil! Stan AU and the Portal! Mabel AU. Part of my brain's Trashpile I decided to put out there. In which Mabel experiences a wardrobe malfunction. Stan comes to her rescue, in more ways than one. Te gusta ? Quieres leer de parejas cracks de ella? Te gusta el Pincest? Pues ven, lee y pide tu One Shot de nuestra querida estrella fugaz! Stanley 'Piranha' Pines is on forced leave as a "reward" from Bill Cipher to his suggested universe of F Casual fucking around aside, a particular girl catches his intrigue. Someone he can remember? Stan used to do porn and made the fool mistake of keeping the videos around where snooping, sexually curious nieces can find them. Stan and Mabel and the Race for Space on Behance

After heading out, Stan lands a spot competing on the game show Cash Wheel by being dramatic and shameless. This, coupled with the twins making a little money compared to his zero, prompts him to hold up his end of the deal. While Mabel turns down the job, she still makes him perform the apology dance he promised to do if he lost the bet. In " Bottomless Pit! A storm breaks out, but an eager Stan stays to throw all the Mystery Shack's suggestion slips down the pit, until a gust of wind knocks him, along with Soon and the twins, down into the abyss. Inside the pit, they begin to tell stories to pass the time. In Dipper's tale, Stan makes fun of Dipper's frequently cracking voice, and develops an obnoxious, female voice after his nephew dumps a voice-altering formula in his coffee. In his own tale, Stan wins a major football game with the help of his robotic sidekick , thereby teaching a group of football players a lesson and winning a gigantic trophy. In Mabel's story, Stan attempts to teach a bear how to drive and easily cons the cops into believing that it is his doctor-mandated seeing eye bear. Mabel observes his excessive lying habit and grows more and more annoyed by it to the point of forcing him to be honest, via a set of Truth Telling Teeth. Stan's truthfulness is unfiltered, however, going from annoying to disturbing, until he almost admits to all of his crimes in front of the police. Mabel finally decides to remove the teeth from her uncle's mouth after he almost gets himself arrested. When the Bottomless Pit ends, depositing them all back outside the shack, Stan leans on its signboard, which breaks and tips him back into the pit. When Stan tries to sit in the ideal lawn chair, he is horrified to find that Gideon has taken it from him at the last minute. As he tries to forcibly remove Gideon, he is caught and put into pool jail for roughhousing, and Gideon foils his other attempts. Stan resolves to break into the pool after hours and spend the night on the chair, therefore beating Gideon to it; while the plan seems to work, Gideon reveals that he'd coated the chair in glue. In " Carpet Diem ," when Dipper and Mabel are fighting over a new room they found in the shack, Stan takes the key and tells them that whoever sucks up to him the most will get the room. He makes them run around and do chores and make things for him, all the while rewarding them with 'suck-up points'. After Dipper and Mabel switch bodies, he catches Dipper Mabel spying on the sleepover and thinks that Dipper is at 'that creepy age where you spy on girls', which prompts him to drag "Dipper" into his office to explain puberty and where babies come from with the help of an illustrated book, much to Mabel's horror. When she tries to sabotage Dipper by calling Stan a stupid old jerk, Stan is instead proud of "Dipper" for standing up to him, earning him the key. In " Boyz Crazy ," Stan can be seen storing canned meat in preparation for the apocalypse. He listens to Dipper about how Robbie got Wendy to go on the date with him mind control, which prompts him to share the story of Carla McCorkle leaving him for Thistle Downe. He accompanies Dipper in uncovering a hidden message in the song, and drives Dipper to Lookout Point to help him tell Wendy about it. When Wendy breaks up with Robbie, he calls it "a victory for every man whose hands are either too weak or fat to play a musical instrument. He leaves Waddles tethered outside the Shack despite Mabel's warnings, and later has to witness the pig being taken by a pterodactyl. He invents a story about the dinosaur breaking into the Shack and forcibly taking Waddles from him after a fight to avoid the blame. When the group, en route to save Waddles, finds dinosaurs encased in tree sap, Stan eagerly plans to turn them into another tourist attraction. He also unwittingly confesses to leaving Waddles outside, leading to Mabel not speaking to him. Later, when he and Waddles split from the group, being circled by the hungry pterodactyl, Stan has a change of heart and fights to protect the pig, even punching the dinosaur in the face like he'd said he'd done in the story. He returns Waddles to Mabel, earning her forgiveness. In " Dreamscaperers ," Gideon sends Bill Cipher into Stan's mind to find the combination to the safe containing the deed to the Mystery Shack. Cipher is prevented from doing so by the efforts of Dipper, Mabel, and Soos, so Gideon uses dynamite to blow open the safe. With the deed in hand, he then forces Stan and the others out of the Shack and has it demolished via a wrecking ball. Stan and the rest of the family are forced to move in with Soos and his grandmother in following the events of "Dreamscaperers. He is also strapped for cash without the Mystery Shack's tours for income, despite telling Dipper and Mabel's parents that they're actually set up at a four star hotel. He is forced to send the twins back to California; as he muses over his losses, a resounding bleep of interference from his hearing aid leads him to discover that Gideon was spying on everyone through his Gideon pins. He drives to the site of the Gideonbot's crash in time to reveal Gideon's secret camera feeds, irrefutable evidence that gets him the deed to the Mystery Shack back. It also leads to Lil Gideon's arrest. Back at the Shack, when Dipper finally tells him about Journal 3 , Stan laughs and seemingly dismisses the journal, asking to borrow it to collect ideas for the Mystery shack. However, it is revealed that Stan is in fact very interested in it: he takes the Journal to the underground laboratory , where it is revealed that he had Journal 1 all along, and that he likely took Journal 2, along with the deed to the Mystery Shack, from the pile of things he shook out of Lil Gideon prior to his arrest. Stan expresses joy at finally having the three [24] and puts together the unmarked pages, which are revealed to be the blueprints to the portal. With the full image finally at his disposal, Stan sets about activating it. In " Scary-oke ," Stan is still in the lab late that night, using the three journals to make the portal operational. He stays there until early next morning, when he gets up to head the Mystery Shack's grand reopening. He gives Dipper back his journal, claiming it was too boring to read but having secretly made copies of its pages. When two government agents show up to investigate a strange phenomenon they picked up on the radar, Stan insists that nothing is out of the ordinary, even attempting to bribe them. He discredits Dipper when he tries to interest the agents with the journal and confiscates the business card they gave him, hiding it in his room. Later, at the Mystery Shack reopening after party, Stan is at the admissions table counting the money he's made, happy at the amount of people that showed up. He ends up catching Dipper in his room talking to the agents and angrily tells him to go enjoy the after party, as he'll be grounded immediately after. Stan himself leaves the party early to work on the portal, so he is underground when Dipper raises the dead. He becomes aware in time to run upstairs and save Dipper and Mabel from the zombies. Stan then reveals to the twins that he was never skeptical and only lied to avoid making them curious about the supernatural. He is shown in awe of discovering invisible ink in the journal. Once the zombies' weakness is revealed, he, Dipper and Mabel climb onto the roof to use the sound frequencies from singing karaoke to kill them. After the zombies are dealt with, he asks Dipper to promise that he won't use the book to go looking for trouble, only for self-defense. In return, he had to promise Dipper that he didn't have any other 'bombshell secrets': with the portal, his real identity and Ford in mind, Stan crosses his fingers behind his back as he promises. In " Into the Bunker ," he is seen giving orders to the construction workers as they fix the damage from the zombie attack. When one of the workers asked what caused this, he lied and said that "a big woodpecker" did it, before slipping the curious worker some money in exchange for not asking questions. While there, they see Pacifica with her pare nts. She insults each of them and Stan whispers to Soos, "Is it wrong to punch a child? Mabel calls her out and asks her for a rematch after dark. Stan is thrilled to help Mabel and Dipper break in while he and Soos stand look out. Before they go in, Stan gives Mabel a gold trophy sticker for encouragement. In " Sock Opera ," Mabel enacted her impression of him with her Stan sock puppet while he sipped his coffee, trying to ignore her. He also makes a joke towards Dipper after seeing him with bags under his eyes. He is later seen at the puppet show alongside Soos and Wendy. In " Soos and the Real Girl ," he is seen trying to show off with his novelty coin dispenser, Goldie , to a kid. Because it was old and worn out, it leaked oil and made a loud screeching sound that made the kid run away in tears. Wendy suggests he throw Goldie away, which he declines until he slips and his arm gets caught in its mouth. Later, he tosses Goldie in the garbage by Gravity Malls after having a heartfelt moment. He follows some children into Hoo-Ha Owl's Pizzamatronic Jamboree , where he finds the arcade to be a nightmare. He spots an animatronic badger and thinks it'd be a great way to con others out of their money, to which he asks the manager to sell it to him. The manager, however, declines and insults him. Stan then vows to get the badger at all cost. The next day, Mabel and Dipper ask him if he's seen Soos, to which he comments he missed work for the first time ever. Later on, he steals the animatronic badger, but after. GIFfany takes control of the electronics, it attacks him and he is forced to face it. Despite being outmatched, he is able to dodge one of its attacks with it mistakenly hitting the garbage, turning on Goldie, which munches on the animatronics' arm. Not long after, the badger shuts down due to Soos stopping. While they are there, they get married at a Wed and Breakfast joint. Stan tells three stories in " Little Gift Shop of Horrors. He steals a golden watch from the Hand Witch. Despite the Dipper and Mabel's warnings to return it, he ignores them. The next morning he wakes up with no hands. Though he tries to hide this fact from Dipper and Mabel by putting mittens where his hands would be, the mittens off and the twins find out anyways. Stan tries to get along without his hands but eventually decides to go and return the watch. After reaching the Hand Witch's cave with the twins, they all scream in the surprise of the many living hands in the cave. They fight off the hands but are subdued. Stan is willing to give her the watch back in exchange for his hands back, which she accepts. However, she tells him he has to kiss her to seal the deal, much to his dismay. Refusing, Stan decides to leave, and the Hand Witch confesses that she's "desperate" to get a date. After Mabel redecorates her cave, the Hand Witch gives Stan his hands back. She then asks him to be her boyfriend. Stan refuses and admits that he learned nothing from the whole escapade. In " Society of the Blind Eye ," Stan continues to work in secret on the enigmatic machine beneath the Mystery Shack, accidentally cutting his hand on a flying pipe in the process. Bandaging his wound, he proclaims that he's come too far and that nothing will stop him. He exclaims that it used to be a mattress store. He is then seen in the end credits, in the past, where he fires a younger Deputy Durland for being the worst handyman ever and eventually hires a younger Soos. In " The Love God ," Stan is working on a new exhibit when he notices the Woodstick festival's balloons, bikes, and folk singers. Panicked, he instructs Soos to lock up and attempts to shoot down the balloons with a crossbow. Soos then stops him, pointing out that there is a potential for profit, and Stan deduces that he can appeal to the youth by advertising to them via a Mystery Shack-themed balloon. Later, when Stan and Soos send off their poorly-made balloon , it terrifies the crowds, ultimately crashing on Love God. When the people see Stan, they panic, and he welcomes their fearful reactions. In " Not What He Seems ," Stan struggles with the idea of telling Dipper and Mabel the truth about what he is doing, but is suddenly arrested and brought in by the government agents for interrogation. Later on, it is revealed that Stan has used fake identities and may be an entirely unknown person, and it is shown that the actual Stan Pines had died in a car crash. At the end of the episode, Stan convinces Mabel not to turn off the Universe portal. Afterwards, a man walks out of the portal, and is revealed to be the long- lost twin of Stan; Ford, the author of the journals. After Stan's tale they hear the government agents about to break in the basement until Dipper grabs out the Memory Eraser from the Blind Eye Society and gives it to Ford, who connects the gun's power to the outside and erases the agents' memory and makes them leave. The Stan brothers later have a talk. Ford says that Stanley can have the Mystery Shack for the rest of the summer and Stanley tells Ford to stay away from Dipper and Mabel saying that they're his only family left. Later in the episode, Stan and Mabel who are joined by Grenda afterwards prepare for the season finale of Duck-tective , but without warning, they find Dipper and Ford playing Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons board game in the TV room. To their dislike, the two new bounding friends take up the entire room with their game, Stan then argues with Ford for the right of the room, then which out of anger, Stan throws the bag containing the infinity sided die on the floor, by doing this he unwillingly sends the main characters from the board game into ' dimension. As soon as unleashed Probabilitor the Annoying and his servants kidnap Dipper and Ford and bring them to the forest so that Probabilitor can eat their brains to gain their intelligence. Stan then decides to help Grenda and Mabel save Dipper and Ford from getting their brains eaten, but to do so the group must travel to Probabilitor's base camp and defeat him in a game of Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons "real life" edition, in which Dipper and Ford must face Probabilitor's characters, two ogres. Stan and Mabel win the game, Probabilitor and the others are forced back into their own realm, and Dipper and Ford are broth out of the game. Stan then tells Dipper that if he wants to hang out with Ford he won't get in his way. After a day's work Stan, Mabel, Dipper, and Grenda go watch the Duck-tective season finale's second showing. In " The Stanchurian Candidate ," Stan wants to make a name out of himself since everyone sees him as some dumb old man or less than his brother, so he decides to run for mayor against Bud Gleeful. Since his first speech was a total failure, Dipper turns to Ford to help him. Ford gives him a tie to control Stan's mind. Dipper and Mabel use this tie to make Stan the perfect candidate. Stan later realizes that it has been controlling him the entire time so he decides to never wear it. But his decision only makes things worse. He goes back to being the worst candidate and with Gideon controlling Bud. Bud starts to win the election. Later, Stan sees Dipper and Mabel falling out of the statue of Mayor Befufftlefumpter's nose and goes to save them, by saving the twins' lives he successfully wins the election. Later that day Stan hears that he hasn't won the election because of his criminal record, so Tyler wins instead. When Ford gives Mabel a crossbow, Mabel accidentally shoots the crossbow outside the shack and Stan mistakes it for the police. Later, when the girls put a treasure chest overflowing with gold on the table, Stan runs towards it, shouting "money! When he notices Dipper having a hard time forgetting about his crush on Wendy, he gives him advise on how to be confident with girls, which works out extremely well for Dipper at first. When Dipper approaches Stan with feelings of uneasiness due to Candy's sudden attraction to him, Stan decides to make an example of how confidence can get girls with a woman named Darlene. As Stan flirts with Darlene, she reveals herself to be a " spider-person ," and she captures Stan in order to eat him. Stan calls for Dipper to help over his walkie-talkie, and Dipper along with the girls go to rescue Stan. After being rescued, Stan confides in Dipper that he really isn't that smooth with women. The gang return to the Mystery Shack, only to see it vandalized by the vengeful owners of the tourist traps they destroyed. In " Dipper and Mabel vs. When the twins and Soos prepare for their birthday party, Stan forbids them from throwing a party due to their previous party incident, with Stan finding zombie pieces around the Shack. After Mabel becomes saddened over the summer ending, Stan comes to comfort her, telling Mabel that while summer is ending, Mabel still has Dipper around to be with her, telling his niece that not everyone can say their siblings are there for them. In " Weirdmageddon Part 1 ," Stan makes a brief appearance as he's in the forest putting up signs until Gompers eats the tassel of his hat. As he gets angry at Gompers, a weirdness wave hits Gompers and turns him gigantic, causing Stan to run away screaming from the gigantic goat. Inside, Dipper hears noises and the group proceed inside and find Stan as well as a number of people and creatures taking refuge within the Shack due to its protection from Bill. When the Eye-Bat leaves, Stan explains that after realizing the Mystery Shack is immune to Bill's powers, McGucket took all the remaining refugees into the Shack to escape Bill, Stan then appointed himself Chief and decided that the best course of action was to wait until they run out of supplies and eat the gnomes as backup. Dipper attempts to get Stan to help rescue Ford from Bill but Stan shrugs it off commenting that Ford should get himself out of the mess. He then persuades Dipper and Mabel to simply stay inside the Shack as it is the safest place to be in. Stan watches with the other refugees as Shandra reports about what happened to the citizen of Gravity Falls. Dipper and Mabel encourage everyone to fight against Bill but Stan objects as the Mystery Shack is the only safe place and there was no way to bring it to Bill. McGucket suddenly has an idea as to how they could fight Bill but Stan remained pessimistic. When everyone takes a break from building McGucket's plan, Stan rants to Shmebulock about the resistance's plan. Dipper and Mabel ask Stan why he's upset, and he admits to being angry that Ford never thanked him for his efforts to bring him back to their dimension as well as Ford's folly causing Weirdmageddon in the first place. He laments that he's always seen as "the screw-up" while Ford's always "the . Stan is next seen inside the Shack-tron, stating it was a bad idea as the Shack is surrounded by Bill's henchmen. He is then sent inside the Fearamid to help rescue Ford. When all of the citizens of Gravity Falls are returned to normal after toppling Bill's throne, Dipper asks Ford about Bill's weakness, which he tried to tell Dipper about before being initially frozen. Ford then draws the Zodiac and tells everyone who matches a sign to stand on their sign and hold hands. However, Stan refuses to join the circle, as it would require him to hold Ford's hand- and he won't until until Ford thanks him. Ford grudgingly does so, and the ritual seems to work- however Stan and Ford bicker over Stanley's grammar, and break the circle. Bill approaches the group and turns everyone on the Wheel but the Pines into tapestries. Bill attempts to persuade Ford to help him but Dipper and Mabel distract Bill. Stan and Ford are imprisoned while Bill chases the younger twins. Stan grieves over the kid's possible deaths, believing it his fault because he "couldn't shake [Ford's] stupid hand. A saddened Ford tells him it wasn't his fault- he himself was the one who originally made a deal with Bill and fell for his easy flattery, and claims Stan would've instantly "seen him for the scam artist he is. Ford, believing all hope is lost, tells Stan that he'll let Bill inside his mind and get the equation needed to completely take over the universe if means the children will be safe. Stan disagrees with the plan, asking if there's any other solution. Ford brings up the fact that, while he could simply erase Bill with the memory erasing gun once he steps into his mind, the metal plate in his head prevents Ford's mind from being erased. Stan gives an alternative solution- what if Bill went into his mind instead? When Bill returns, Ford appears to surrender, agreeing to let Bill inside his mind on the condition that he lets Stan and the kids go. However, when Bill enters the mindscape and opens the single door there, he's shocked to find Stan waiting there instead. Stan reveals that he and Ford switched clothes and faked each other's voices, tricking Bill into making a deal with the wrong person- and leaving him vulnerable to the memory erasing gun's effects. In the physical world, Ford begins erasing Stan's memories to erase Bill along with them, while Stan defeats Bill with a single punch from within his mind. Stan, looking at a photo of himself with the twins, comments that he was "good for something after all" before becoming engulfed by the blue flames consuming his mindscape. With Bill's defeat, everything in Gravity Falls returns to normal- but it's a bittersweet victory. Ford, Dipper and Mabel are saddened by Stan's sacrifice, with Ford lamenting the fact that Stan has no idea that he saved the world as well as Ford , calling Stan "our hero" as he hugs him. Stan doesn't remember the place, but slides easily back into his favorite chair. Seeing everyone's distraught faces, he asks why everyone seemed downed, claiming that it's "like [they're] at someone's funeral. After the children's failed attempt to jog his memories using it, Waddles licks Stan and Stan subconsciously calls him by name. When Soos tells the twins to skip to his page to make Stan remember him, Stan also calls Soos by name, telling him not to try giving himself a raise just because he has amnesia, making everyone happy that Stan is slowly recovering his memories as Mabel reads from the book. When the town of Gravity Falls return to their normal lives, Shandra reports that Stan has fully recovered his memories and is celebrating Dipper and Mabel's 13th birthday and final day in Gravity Falls. At the party, Ford takes Stan aside and tells him about a new anomaly near the Arctic Ocean. Ford wants to investigate, but feels he's too old to go it alone. Stan asks if Ford wants someone to go with him on an adventure of a lifetime, but Ford doesn't want just someone to go with him, but Stan himself, showing Stan a old picture of them together on the Stan o' War as children. While Stan and Ford seem happy about their new adventure, Ford questions what to do with the Mystery Shack in their absence. After a hushed conversation between himself and Ford, Stan announces to the town that the Mystery Shack will shut down for good, as Stan and Ford have catching up to do and will be away for quite some time. Soos quickly objects, stating that his own dreams will be shut down should the Mystery Shack close. Stan states that no one would be around around to run it, but then quickly takes it back, telling Soos he found someone perfect to run it, and gives Soos his fez as he announces that the Mystery Shack is "under new management. The next day, Stan joins with Soos, Ford, Wendy, and Mabel's friends in saying farewell to his niece and nephew. Stan makes an excuse about wearing Mabel's Goodbye sweater and, along with Ford, silences Soos when he brings up how hot it is to be wearing a sweater. When the bus arrives, Waddles appears and wants to go with Mabel,but can't because her parents won't let her bring him back with her as well as the bus not allowing pets Stan gets upset and tells Mabel that he lived with Waddles all summer, and now Dipper and Mabel's parents will have to. When the bus driver attempts to remove Waddles from the bus, Stan and Ford threaten the bus driver into letting him stay. Stan says goodbye to the twins one more time, attempting to hide his emotions from them. Mabel says they'll miss him too. Stan joins everyone in shouting their final goodbyes to Dipper and Mabel, he is then approached by his twin brother and the two look as their niece and nephew depart. After the two defeat the squid, they huddle and laugh. is at first sight a wise and cunning salesman, running a tourist trap in a town with enough unsuspecting customers to sell worthless knickknacks to and take on tours of so-called "mysteries. His preferred shows include Cash Wheel , Duck-tective and period dramas. He also enjoys fishing. Stan is also manifestly greedy and selfish, even stating once that his greatest desire in life is to "possess riches" [8]. He sees tourists as easy cash and nothing more. While his trickery might appear unremarkable to some, Stan's cunning transcends his Mr. Mystery persona: he's been able to figure out Lil' Gideon's plots on numerous occasions [25] and even manages to outwit Bill Cipher in the end. Even though he was written off as unintelligent by his teachers and even his father, he was capable of restoring his brother's universe portal, and can be seen operating its computer in the days leading up to Ford's return.. Stan has a deep sense of family loyalty. He responded to Ford's request for help after an entire decade of being estranged, and was deeply hurt when he realized his brother didn't intend to make amends, even calling him out on how bad a brother Ford turned out to be. He dedicated thirty years of his life to bringing Ford back to their dimension in spite of how strained their relationship had become in the years leading up to the fight. Stan is also shown to be very protective of Mabel and Dipper, despite the morally ambiguous situations he puts them in on occasion: he stood up to hoards of reanimated corpses to protect them, telling the zombies nobody but him harassed his family, and ditched the elections for mayor at a crucial moment to rescue the twins as they dangled from Mayor Befufftlefumpter's monument. When he believes Ford might put Dipper and Mabel at risk, Stan has no qualms about warning his brother away from them. Stan's dedication to his family is outright expressed during Weirdmageddon, when he offers to obliterate his own mind to ensure the twin's survival. Once he and Bill are trapped in his mindscape, Stan points out to the increasingly frantic demon that, while he's a wise guy, he made a fatal mistake: he messed with Stan's family. His final thoughts before his mind disappears are for Dipper and Mabel, even remarking that his mind was finally 'good for something' if its destruction protected them. Despite his lengthy history as a con artist, he has a compulsion to state his honest opinions on the subject at hand. Some examples include: during "Headhunters" Stan stated to the man who sold him the cursed wax figures that he would just rob him later on for charging twenty dollars per statue, and has blurted out "non-specific excuse" to get out of a bad date. He even admits in "The Stanchurian Candidate" that he has little to no filter between his thoughts and his words. Stan has brown eyes [26] with cataracts, [27] gray eyebrows, and gray hair Both of which were brown in his youth , that is almost always covered by Stan's trademark maroon fez, which bore a yellow crescent shape through episodes 1 to 13 and later a similar figure after the original fez was eaten by Gompers , albeit with straight edges and a dot next to it, resembling an oyster with a pearl in it. He is 6'1" tall, but due to his bad posture, he makes himself only 6'0". He bears a somewhat large, droopy, pear-shaped, bumpy, reddish-pinkish nose, large ears, and fair skin. As a result of his age, Stan has wrinkly skin, a hearing aid, and dentures [1]. He has a faded burn mark of the symbol on the side of Ford's desk on his back. He usually wears a pair of rectangular glasses with a black rim which later had its outline thinned. He's Stan Pines, which means he's able to keep those feelings under lock and key and there's not a single outward sign of them. But sometimes he fantasizes about them. When he's alone in his room and taking matters into his own hand. And if he lets go a little bit and says one of their names? It's not like they're standing around listening or anything. A relationship is exposed. Other secrets are revealed. The young twins see no reason not to run with it. Oops I made a pinecest story. A broken Bill Cipher pulls another Mabel from the multiverse to help his ultimate goals, and the first step is her getting Stanley Pines to him. The second goal is to trap both of the monsters he's created as henchmaniacs to do his bidding and take down every Ford. Based on Ahkaraii's Evil! Stan AU and the Portal! Mabel AU. Part of my brain's Trashpile I decided to put out there. In which Mabel experiences a wardrobe malfunction. Stan comes to her rescue, in more ways than one. Te gusta Mabel Pines? Quieres leer de parejas cracks de ella? Te gusta el Pincest? Pues ven, lee y pide tu One Shot de nuestra querida estrella fugaz! 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Come along, join in the fun and find out how Stan and Mabel help their friends escape from the School for Wild and Dangerous Animals. Will their race for space end in disaster or lead them to paradise? Date Mon 30 Mar Time 4. Workshop attendance is compulsory for at least one teacher per school. Professional Learning certificates and resource materials will be provided for all attending teachers. Please change your reserve preference to A, B or C Reserve to add a subscriber of this type. Do you want additional tickets to any of your subscription concerts? Additional tickets will be in the same seating reserve, and are guaranteed to be seated with your subscription tickets. An invoice for your booking will be created and sent to you via email. No payment will be required on checkout. This performance has an associated professional development session. It is extremely important to the delivery of the project that at least one teacher from your school attends this session. There was a problem confirming your booking. He also pretends to be unaware of Gravity Falls' supernatural oddities and engages in a bitter rivalry with Gideon Gleeful: the malevolent year-old proprietor of another tourist trap dubbed the "Tent of Telepathy" who is bent on claiming the Mystery Shack for himself. Unbeknownst to Dipper and Mabel, Stan has the first of Ford's journals. By the end of the first season, following Gideon's arrest for causing mass destruction and fooling his tourists in the episode "Gideon Rises", Stan obtains all three journals and tries using them to reactivate the portal. He finally succeeds in reactivating the portal and bringing Ford back to his home dimension near the end of the second season episode " Not What He Seems ". The brothers then tell their story to Dipper and Mabel and struggle to reconnect over subsequent episodes because of the different paths their lives have taken. In the last few episodes, the prophesied apocalypse dubbed "Weirdmageddon" begins, Bill Cipher captures Ford, and Stan takes refuge in the Shack, enchanted by Stanford's unicorn spell. McGucket finds him and invites into the Shack an army of the series' supporting characters. Stan is jealous of Dipper, Mabel, and his employees Soos and Wendy wanting to save him even though he feels responsible for the apocalypse. After a battle with Bill's demons using the "Shacktron", a fighting robot built from the Shack itself, the heroes unfreeze the rest of the townsfolk in Bill's fortress, the " Fearamid ". To stop Bill, Ford draws on the floor a prophetic diagram bearing ten symbols around a wheel. Each symbol represents something related to one of the major characters of the series. Each individual stands on their symbol except Stan, who demands that Ford thank him. Ford gives him his request, but Ford corrects his grammar shortly after. The brothers fight until Bill finds them, captures the Pines family, and turns everyone else into tapestries. Dipper and Mabel distract Bill and escape their cell while Stan and Ford are locked in another cell, where they finally reconcile. Ford reveals that Bill needs a secret equation stored in his mind to spread the Weirdmageddon effect all over the world and that luring Bill into his mind, then erasing it with McGucket's memory gun, would erase the demon from existence. However, this is seemingly impossible, as Ford has a metal plate in his skull to stop Bill from accessing his thoughts. Stan volunteers to have his mind erased, and the brothers switch clothes. When Bill returns, the disguised Stan agrees to his plan, tricking Bill into entering the wrong mindscape. After Gravity Falls returns to normal, Stan awakens without any memories until his family and friends revive them. On the last day of the summer, Stan and Ford make plans to live out their dream of sailing around the world, this time to find more anomalies. Stan promotes an enthusiastic Soos to manager of the Shack and is last seen in a flash-forward at sea with Ford as they deal with an anomaly aboard a ship dubbed the "Stan-O-War II". Stan is based on 's own grandfather, also named Stan. Both share the characteristics of being big, barrel-chested guys whose clothes have popped-undone buttons; both also wear a gold chain and gold rings. Stan originally looked considerably different than he does in the show. In conceptual art, Stan was shorter, did not have his shoulder pads, and had a pointy pink nose instead of a big orange one. His face also more resembled a puppet than a grizzled old conman. Along with Dipper and Mabel, Stan has appeared in almost every episode of the series. He was featured in the Gravity Falls series of shorts entitled "Dipper's Guide to the Unexplained", as well as a short "Stan's Tattoo" in which the twins investigate the mysterious tattoo on Stan's shoulder. In "A Tale of Two Stans", it's revealed that it was not a tattoo but a burn scar. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. Learn how and when to remove these template messages. TV: To the time machine! New BBC series will journey back to the noughties. Read more. Scottish Politics. US Election Other Political News. Business HQ. Future of Education. Winter in the City. Restaurant Reviews. Death Notices. Public Notices.

Mabel Pines/Stan Pines - Works | Archive of Our Own

Acara orisinal Disney XD. Skyrunners Pants on Fire Kategori : Pages using infobox television with nonstandard dates Pages using infobox television with unknown parameters Pages using infobox television with unknown empty parameters Serial televisi Amerika Serikat tahun Acara televisi Disney Channel Acara televisi Disney XD Program televisi berbahasa Inggris. Kategori tersembunyi: Halaman dengan galat skrip Halaman dengan kesalahan referensi Halaman yang menggunakan sintaks gambar usang. Ruang nama Halaman Pembicaraan. Warung Kopi Portal komunitas Bantuan. Wikimedia Commons. Mystery Comedy Fantasy [1]. Alex Hirsch. Miller Jackie Buscarino Stephen Root. Disney Television Animation. Lua error in mw. Situs web. Situs web produksi. Portal Disney. Date Mon 30 Mar Time 4. Workshop attendance is compulsory for at least one teacher per school. Professional Learning certificates and resource materials will be provided for all attending teachers. Please change your reserve preference to A, B or C Reserve to add a subscriber of this type. Do you want additional tickets to any of your subscription concerts? Additional tickets will be in the same seating reserve, and are guaranteed to be seated with your subscription tickets. An invoice for your booking will be created and sent to you via email. No payment will be required on checkout. This performance has an associated professional development session. It is extremely important to the delivery of the project that at least one teacher from your school attends this session. There was a problem confirming your booking. Tickets for this event are no longer available. You might also like See all concerts. It's not like they're standing around listening or anything. A relationship is exposed. Other secrets are revealed. The young twins see no reason not to run with it. Oops I made a pinecest story. A broken Bill Cipher pulls another Mabel from the multiverse to help his ultimate goals, and the first step is her getting Stanley Pines to him. The second goal is to trap both of the monsters he's created as henchmaniacs to do his bidding and take down every Ford. Based on Ahkaraii's Evil! Stan AU and the Portal! Mabel AU. Part of my brain's Trashpile I decided to put out there. In which Mabel experiences a wardrobe malfunction. Stan comes to her rescue, in more ways than one. Te gusta Mabel Pines? constantin-dem-grossen-vol-2-classic-re-367.pdf