Santa Fe New Mexican, 04-23-1912 New Mexican Printing Company
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Santa Fe New Mexican, 1883-1913 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 4-23-1912 Santa Fe New Mexican, 04-23-1912 New Mexican Printing Company Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation New Mexican Printing Company. "Santa Fe New Mexican, 04-23-1912." (1912). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Santa Fe New Mexican, 1883-1913 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. r of FE ' NEW VOL. 49 SANTA FE. NEW MEXICO, TUESDAY. APRIL 23. HU2. NO. (H STRUGGLES WITH MOORS 8 G nra choice WILL Hill AMERICANS ARE ONE HUNDRED GEII QBE HER DEATH IE NO PILL E OF SENATORS WAGE QUEST FLEEING MEXICO BODIES FOUND War- Des- Fez Mackay-Bennet- Every Indication That Third Officer of Titanic Rebels' Plan to Wipe Senate Conference Reports Government Offers Media- Refugees From Vera Cruz Cable Ship t ring Factions and Lead cribed Scenes Re- Out French Mission Disagreement on Popular tion and Engineers Ac- Tell of Butchery of United Hovers Near Scene of ers Will Unite luctantly Narrowly Failed Measure cept Willingly States Citizens litanic Disaster BILLS ARE INTRODUCED COULD NOT SAVE i FEROCITY OF NATiVE JUOGE ARCHB'ALD LINGER FIDE FGRIY-TW- O I DRQWNEN6 WOMEN MS EXPECIEO TO ABBEE USELESS T0J1ESIST BANDITS JEM IDENTIFIED There Will Be No Railroading Lookout Testified That There Telegraphers Held Mob at Bay Upper House Insists on Federal Definate Announcement Is Not One Man Tells of Unbelievable Supposed Remains of Astor of Measures Through Were no Night Glasses in While Messages Were Sent Control in Election of Expected Until Late Outrages Practiced on Proves to Be Another House Crow's Nest. to Tangiers. Solons. This Afternoon. Woman. A Foreign Passanger- I (By Special Leased Wire to New Mexlcnn) By Special Leased Wire to New Mexican) (By Special Leased Wire to Now Mexican) (By Special Leaseil Wire to New Mexican) my reeial Leased Wire to Nw Mexlcnn) j (By Wire to New Mexican There is every indication late M Washington, D. C, April 23. The Pari.s, April 23. The massacre New York, April 23. The; offer of Galveston, Texas, April 23. Forty j New York, April 23. An additional - this afternoon that the Repub- and death of the victims j Fez, in which a number of D. C. 23. mediation I'nit-e- d seven j Vlife struggle large at!Xl'S)i)iiV'iiiWashington, April from Charles P. Neill, passengers, all but one citizens Hst of fifteen names of persons who licans of the legislature are N of the Titanic disaster were pictured j French officers, soldiers and citizens SENATE. States labor commissioner, and o' the I'nited who arrived to- States, lierished in the Titanic disaster and getting together; that personal to the Senate investigating commit-- ! were Killed and wounded, have given V In session at 2. p. m. Judge .Martin A. Knapp, of the United day from Vera Cruz on the steamer - whose bodies have been differences will be dropped, and tee today by Third Officer Herbert 'se to considerable criticism of the V Committee investigating Ti- States Commerce Court which was ac- Texas told of alleged torture and as recovered was all fore-- 1 that will unite for the jJohn Pittman of the sunken liner. government authorities for not tanic disaster continued its cepted by the Brotherhood of Locomo- sassination of Americans in Mexico, I1la(ip PWic today by the White Star of the it and it. It is point-- ! good people and the No Cries Until Sank. seeing preventing with Third Officer Pitt- - tive Engineers last night just after All the left their lands. Line. The list was received in a wire- - N Ship hearing refugees party. The Republicans feel ed out that the French occupied Fez man testifying. tney tiad declared ior a strike as the! furniture and V Chairman Smith of the committee, homes, everything they less message from the cable ship that the time has come to jus-- more than a year ago. Premier 111 m-- af-- , HOUSE. campaign ior ' pressed Pittman regarding scenes possessed except enough money for:'i Mackay-Bennet- w hich also announc-- in the of the Poincaire ortl(,rpd i .,-,,- tify eyes people ter the of today Eugene Reg. Met at 10:30 a. m. irciRu ai;es. came iirnia iv ueioie; .inntrQ X the election of a sinking the ship nault, the French minister to investi 'od l,ult a t0,al ot b'"u' Republican "I heard no cries of distress until Continued consideration of the conference committee of railway b,oks. Amon the ,.. mim " legislature, and that the respon- - ' gate the outbreak. managers That eleventh recovered Of bill. today. the j were - today. the fifteen names for after the ship went down,-- he said. postofllce appropriation tfc)re only four or flw trunk8- sibility legislation must Intended to Wipe Out French. hour proffer of mediation by officials twelve are of be j "How far away were, the cries from Americans Murdered, tnose passengers. accepted in earnest.' It is The correspondence of French news- of the United States government will! your life boat?'' M' H- Ish' one ot told Officials of the White Star Line not proposed that any organi-- papers at Fez indicate that the of aho be accepted by the railroads was the ref"Sws "Several hundred feet, probably, plot Disagree on Election of Senators. were able today to announce that zation, or any set of leaders, the rebels included the massacre of iti moral hiiof thtc .,, muruer oi an American they some of them. I told my men to get 23. wnn am ot shall rule with but Washington, D. C, April A I zen named wait. cmcKeu on, tne their high hand, oars out and toward the whole of the French mission head- "Judge Knapp and are only acting that the rule of reason shall 'the pulled the conference report, was made to the ".Mr. Wait was a of mine," Passenger lists, some of the names of we ed by M. Regnault, which recently ar- as mediators," said Commissioner neighbor - wreck, that might be able to save the identified dead which have been V prevail and that the Republi- rived at to Senate today announcing the failure Neill, "and if as such we obtain an said Sir. Ish. "He had sold several o fan:v. Thf nnfM.lrt 111 Tin, Kfiof the capital establish the i mnfo i UVIQl - j recovered Mackay-Bennet- t cans on a - mviiv. uc psrvijJic nij ot on iook- , by the must unite sane leg- This plan failed owing agreement tne resolution acceptance of the proposition of arbi-in- g head of cattle, and hidden the money. V demurred. They said it would be a protectorate. cable ship. islative program. It is very to the of the Arabian wom- to a Constitutional amendment to t ration, then it would be for the e Failing to get it, they be- idea." impatience deliberately Bodies Recovered. likely that a joint caucus of jmad en to begin the carnage. These worn-- for popular election of Sen-- ! roads and (he engineers to select one headed him with their machetes, herd- Mad Idea to The list follows: Senate and House Republicans Help Drowning. en are described by the correspond-- i ators- declared that the House arbitrator each, those two to select ed his cattle together and drove them j "Did one in boat or - will be held tonight. any your urge ents as creatures of appear- proposed to take away from Congress the third off. There are many instances First class passengers: W. D. Doug- terrifying just - to to back toward the j las, Ramon Fred Sut- appeal you go ance, who passed their time in rush- all supervisory power over senatorial like this. Artagaveytia, Engineers Are Delighted, A. - wreck?" e elections. ton, II. Holverson, (sent by wire- ing about the streets and torturing-th- , The to be de- - "We lived in a little settlement Two immense rolls not one." ' engineers appeared less to A. ,T. of petitions "No, wounded and some times the "To Congress of the right where a colony of. eleven American Holverson). aiding deprive lighted with the offer of mediation, j tied with red, wi,;te and blue ribbon "Did any woman urge you to go mutila- Second class passengers: Louis M. Moorish rebels in their final to say wnetner a memper ot another declaring that their position wiih re- - families had founded the town of and thousands of back?" 1..-- ,1.. unn ,1.. Hoffman, John H. Chapman, (sent by carrying names, tion and desecration of the victims. i "us ukku vuiiuiiii; eiecieu,j spect to increased wages was per Sunburn. All departed because we reposed upon the desk "No." wireless as John A. Chapman), W. Cor- - reading clerk's Indescribable Senator Clark of Wyoming, Chairman fectly sound and if the question was were afraid to remain longer knowing in the House this "Who demurred, the men with the Outrages. ))jnes (sent by wireless as W. Car afternoon. They Scenes ot awful horror occurred in ui tne judiciary i;o.nmmee said, is put up ior arbitration they were we would be killed of tortured. were in or a oars?'' bines), Y. H. Harlieck, Jehn Gill (sent favor constitutional the Jewish at the root of our legis-- 1 bound to some "I went to Mexico one quarter of the city, where striking very obtain concessions year ego, Nas-so- r, state-wid- e "Oh, no, they my orders, and by wireless as J.