Mabel Fairbanks
An Oral History MABEL FAIRBANKS - Figure Skating - © 2018 LA84 Foundation All rights reserved. This oral history may not, in whole or in part, be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or converted to any electronic or machine-readable form without prior written consent of the LA84 Foundation MABEL FAIRBANKS (November 14, 1915 – September 29, 2001) January 7, 1999 Today is January 7, 1999, and I am in Burbank, California. I am Sharon Donnan and I have the pleasure of interviewing Mabel Fairbanks, a figure skating legend in her own time. Q: Mabel, I thought today we would start off with some of the very basic details in the beginning of your life, and if you could just tell me about your place of birth and your childhood, and we could spend a few minutes there. A: Well, I only know what I was told. I was there but I wasn't there (Laughter) because I do not remember any of those things like some kids are smart in the womb and they can remember, but I was never that smart. (Laughter) But I was born in the Florida Everglades, and Seminole Indian grandmother and English grandfather. My father was an African. I was in the Everglades until I was about maybe 3 years old, and naturally, I don't remember anything about it. So I only know that I was born there because an older sister told me that I was. I came out and I lived with my mother and father and all of my sisters and brothers, and then I'm like Topsy, I wasn't born; I just grew.
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