
Geology Rocky Mountain National Park is, in many respects, a huge outdoor geology museum. Spectacular vistas of nature's handiwork are readily accessible from your automobile and along more than 346 miles of trail. The park offers classic examples of geologic uplifts, erosion, and glaciation. formations in the park are among the oldest in the United States. Mountain tops flattened by the relentless forces of erosion dominate a landscape of steep slopes, U- shaped valleys, crystal clear lakes, and moraine deposits left by glaciation.

Ancient Rocks

The park’s oldest rocks were formed when crustal plate movements subjected deeply buried sea sediments to intense pressure and heat. The resulting metamorphic rocks— and

Gneiss gneiss—are approximately 1.7 billion years old. Schist and gneiss were later intruded by magma which cooled some 1.4 billion years ago to form crystalline — mostly silver plume .

Schist Schist and gneiss were later intruded by magma which cooled some 1.4 billion years ago to form crystalline igneous rock— mostly silver plume granite.


Uplift and Erosion About 70 million years ago there was an era The igneous rocks can be seen in the park's of uplift. Giant blocks of ancient crystalline Never Summer Mountains and on Specimen rock, overlain by younger sedimentary Mountain. Metamorphic volcanic ash rock, were fractured and thrust upward. forms can be at Lava Cliffs along Trail During the uplift, wind and water erosion Ridge Road. continued, moving loosened particles of rock to lower areas. After the sedimentary Faulting and upwarping continued to lift rocks were mostly gone, erosion continued the Rocky Mountain Front Range as much to remove some of the ancient Precambrian as 5,000 feet. By about two million years rocks until only a few isolated remnants ago, current elevations were in place. projected above the gently rolling Erosion continued to carve the landscape. landscape. The gentle slopes seen along Sedimentary layers on the eastern Trail Ridge Road and Flattop Mountain are plains had tilted with the uplift of the examples of this pre-glaciated landscape. mountains. Stream erosion of these tilted rock formations produced hogback ridges Some 25 million years ago volcanic near the towns of Lyons and Loveland. deposits of igneous rocks and windblown Differential movement along geologic faults ash settled on the older Precambrian caused mountain height variations and formations. creating waterfalls and large valley areas such as in Estes Park and the Kawuneeche Valley.

Park information is available at 970-586-1206 or on-line at www.nps.gov/romo EXPERIENCE YOUR AMERICA™




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The Ice Age (at least (at Age Ice The

glacial erosion. glacial

interesting shapes by millions of years of non- of years of millions by shapes interesting

areas had coarse-grained granite rounded into into rounded granite coarse-grained had areas

glaciated. The Twin Owls and Gem Lake Trail Trail Lake Gem and Owls Twin The glaciated.

mountaintops and at lower altitudes were not not were altitudes lower at and mountaintops

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of ancient erosion, while many of its valleys valleys its of many while erosion, ancient of

mountaintops show the spectacular effects effects spectacular the show mountaintops

Range of the Rocky Mountains, but the park's park's the but Mountains, Rocky the of Range

only a small part of the 200 mile-long Front Front mile-long 200 the of part small a only

Rocky Mountain National Park occupies occupies Park National Mountain Rocky

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Uplift of mountains of Uplift


Volcanic Activity Volcanic




Rocky Mountain Uplift Mountain Rocky

park are advancing or retreating. or advancing are park

been done to verify whether glaciers in the the in glaciers whether verify to done been

and snowfields. No definitive research has has research definitive No snowfields. and

could have a significant impact on the glaciers glaciers the on impact significant a have could

melts back during dry years. Global warming warming Global years. dry during back melts

evidence of down-valley movement, but it it but movement, down-valley of evidence

Ice Age landscapes. Andrews Glacier shows shows Glacier Andrews landscapes. Age Ice

occupy the tops of glacial valleys only hint at at hint only valleys glacial of tops the occupy

and stationary snowfields in the park that that park the in snowfields stationary and

some bedrocks. Now, the few small glaciers glaciers small few the Now, bedrocks. some

striations, grooves, and polished surfaces on on surfaces polished and grooves, striations,

Road. Glacial erosion also left scratches or or scratches left also erosion Glacial Road.

Numerous cirques are visible from Trail Ridge Ridge Trail from visible are cirques Numerous

east face of Longs Peak, rests in such a cirque. cirque. a such in rests Peak, Longs of face east

glaciated valleys. Chasm Lake, below the the below Lake, Chasm valleys. glaciated

often snow-filled, form the tops of U-shaped, U-shaped, of tops the form snow-filled, often Steep-sided, semicircular scars (cirques), (cirques), scars semicircular Steep-sided,



Seas invade and and invade Seas




Uplift of Ancestral of Uplift

retreat repeatedly retreat

Seas invade and and invade Seas



Mountains along the park's northwest northwest park's the along Mountains

volcanic formations of the Never Summer Summer Never the of formations volcanic

are found among the the among found are rock sedimentary

sections of the park. A few remnants of of remnants few A park. the of sections

rocks dominate in the central and eastern eastern and central the in dominate rocks

Today, Precambrian and metamorphic metamorphic and granites Precambrian Today,

Present Landscape Present

Lake were formed by terminal moraines. terminal by formed were Lake

Kawuneeche Valley. Bear Lake and Grand Grand and Lake Bear Valley. Kawuneeche

called Glacier Basin, Horseshoe Park, and the the and Park, Horseshoe Basin, Glacier called

glaciers melted and left moraines in areas now now areas in moraines left and melted glaciers

Eagle Cliff Mountain to the east. Similar Similar east. the to Mountain Cliff Eagle

Moraine Park and a terminal moraine against against moraine terminal a and Park Moraine

that define the south and north sides of of sides north and south the define that

massive glacier left distinct lateral moraines moraines lateral distinct left glacier massive

in the area now called Moraine Park. This This Park. Moraine called now area the in

together to form a large glacier which melted melted which glacier large a form to together Gorge, and other tributary valleys all flowed flowed all valleys tributary other and Gorge,

Intrusion of Granite of Intrusion


Schist and Gneiss and Schist

Long Sedimentation Long Era Precambrian

years ago years


glaciers are terminal moraines. moraines. terminal are glaciers

Material left at the farthest extension of the the of extension farthest the at left Material

along valley sides are called lateral moraines. moraines. lateral called are sides valley along

the mountainsides above. Debris deposits deposits Debris above. mountainsides the

the ice melted and dropped debris scraped from from scraped debris dropped and melted ice the

rivers of ice flowed into lower elevations where where elevations lower into flowed ice of rivers

V-shaped cuts and widening streams. These These streams. widening and cuts V-shaped

formed, flowing downward, forming deep deep forming downward, flowing formed,

elevations. As snow compacted glaciers glaciers compacted snow As elevations.

snow accumulated on the lee side of the highest highest the of side lee the on accumulated snow

"ice age," began and the climate cooled. Deep Deep cooled. climate the and began age," "ice

About two million years ago, the Pleistocene Pleistocene the ago, years million two About

glaciers from Forest Canyon, Odessa Odessa Canyon, Forest from glaciers

glaciation, starting about 28,000 years ago, ago, years 28,000 about starting glaciation,

During the most recent time of major major of time recent most the During

sculpted today's marvelous landscapes. marvelous today's sculpted

geological building blocks of the park, glaciers glaciers park, the of blocks building geological

While uplifts and volcanoes provided the major major the provided volcanoes and uplifts While


Geologic Timeline for Rocky Mountain National Park National Mountain Rocky for Timeline Geologic

Rocks Don't Like to Travel to Like Don't Rocks


provide insights to our future. Leave the rocks for others to to others for rocks the Leave future. our to insights provide

Don't take samples or chips. These clues to the earth's past past earth's the to clues These chips. or samples take Don't

protected under United States law from theft and vandalism. vandalism. and theft from law States United under protected Rocky's geological resources, like the flora and fauna, are are fauna, and flora the like resources, geological Rocky's