
Metamorphic Rocks

Pictures of Foliated and Non-Foliated Types

Amphibolite is a non-foliated that forms through Phyllite is a foliate metamorphic rock that is made up mainly of very recrystallization under conditions of high viscosity and directed pressure. fine-grained . The surface of phyllite is typically lustrous and It is composed primarily of and , usually with very sometimes wrinkled. It is intermediate in grade between and . little . The specimen shown above is about two inches (five The specimen shown above is about two inches (five centimeters) centimeters) across. across.

Gneiss is foliated metamorphic rock that has a banded appearance and is made up of granular grains. It typically contains abundant is a non-foliated metamorphic rock that is produced by the quartz or . The specimen shown above is about two of . It is composed primarily of quartz. The inches (five centimeters) across. specimen above is about two inches (five centimeters) across.

Hornfels is a fine-grained nonfoliated metamorphic rock with no specific Schist is metamorphic rock with well developed . It often composition. It is produced by metamorphism. is a rock contains significant amounts of mica which allow the rock to split into that was "baked" while near a heat source such as a magma chamber, thin pieces. It is a rock of intermediate metamorphic grade between or . The specimen shown above is about two inches (five phyllite and . The specimen shown above is a "chlorite schist" centimeters) across. because it contains a significant amount of chlorite. It is about two inches (five centimeters) across.

Marble is a non-foliated metamorphic rock that is produced from the metamorphism of . It is composed primarily of calcium Slate is a foliated metamorphic rock that is formed through the carbonate. The specimen shown above is about two inches (five metamorphism of . It is a low grade metamorphic rock that splits centimeters) across. into thin pieces. The specimen shown above is about two inches (five centimeters) across.

Novaculite Novaculite is a dense, hard, fine-grained, siliceous rock that Soapstone is a metamorphic rock that consists primarily of with breaks with a conchoidal fracture. It forms from deposited in varying amounts of other minerals such as , chlorite, , marine environments where organisms such as diatoms (single-celled and carbonates. It is a soft, dense, heat-resistant rock that algae that secrete a hard shell composed of silicon dioxide) are has a high specific heat capacity. These properties make it useful for a abundant in the water. The specimen shown above is about three wide variety of architectural, practical and artistic uses. inches across.


Amphibolite Gneiss Hornfels

Novaculite Phyllite Quartzite Schist

Slate Soapstone