
Metamorphism and the Origin of Granitic Rocks Northgate District Colorado

GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 274-M and the Origin of Granitic Rocks Northgate District Colorado




A discussion of the progressive metamorphism, granitixation, and local rheomorphism of a layered sequence of rocks, and of the later emplacement and deuteric alteration of an unrelated granitic stock


FRED A. SEATON, Secretary

GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Thomas B. Nolan, Director

For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office Washington 25, D. C. CONTENTS

Page Page Abstract______335 Pre-Cambrian geology—Continued Introduction-______335 porphyry—____ ——— __ —— ______364 Acknowledgments__ ___--_____-____-_____-______-_ 336 Intrusive monzonite_-____--_-__-_--_-_-_. 365 Geologic setting.______— ______336 Petrography ______—— —— ______365 Pre-Cambrian geology—______337 Main body of the stock______— 366 gneiss___-______-_-_____-______338 Marginal dikes______-____-__-__——— 366 Quartz gneiss______342 Satellitic dikes___-___.______367 - gneiss______345 Wall- alteration______——_ 368 Pegmatite______350 Origin______368 Hornblende-biotite gneiss______-__-______353 Emplacement. ___-----_------_-----_ 368 gneiss___----_--__---___--_-__---_--__- 354 Original rock______—— __ 370 Rheomorphic -______357 Deuteric alteration—______-„ 370 Petrography. ______359 Late magmatic solutions.______—— _ _ _ _ 371 Origin______361 Summary and conclusions———______— — ______.„ 372 Condition of rocks______--__----_-____ 362 Granitic rocks in the gneiss complex———______„ 373 Method of movement.______-_-__-__. 362 Granitic rocks of magmatic origin——______„ 374 Direction of movement-______363 Literature cited______374 Cause of movement---___--__-____--____ 364 Index.______377


[Plates 48-49 in pocket; plates 50-55 following page 378] PLATE 48. Geologic map of the Northgate district, Wyoming and Colorado. 49. Geologic map of the northwest part of the Northgate district. 50. Photomicrographs of hornblende gneiss. 51. View and photomicrographs of quartz monzonite gneiss. 52. Photomicrographs of biotite-garnet gneiss. 53. Photomicrographs of hornblende-biotite gneiss and mylonite gneiss. 54. Photomicrographs of rheomorphic quartz monzonite gneiss and intrusive quartz monzonite. 55. Photomicrographs of intrusive quartz monzonite. FIGURE 67. Index map showing location of Northgate district______——— ______— ______336 68. Lineation in hornblende gneiss___-______-______-__--___--__--_------_--_- 341 69. Lineation in hornblende-biotite gneiss and mylonite gneiss ______— 356 70. Lineation in rheomorphic quartz monzonite gneiss.______— ______— 358


TABLE 1. Approximate specific gravities of pre-Cambrian rocks from the Northgate district. OT




ABSTRACT alkali- and silica-bearing magmatic solutions which converted The pre-Cambrian rocks in the Northgate district on the the main body of the stock into a biotite-quartz monzonite. western flank of the Medicine Bow Mountains, Colorado, Much of the biotite in the peripheral parts of the stock is chlori- consist of a gneiss, complex invaded by a granitic stock. A few tized, and the associated is significantly more sodic than that in the central part of the stock. Wall-rock alteration dacite porphyry dikes cut the gneiss complex and are older than the stock. was minor. Dynamothermal metamorphism converted the parent rocks INTRODUCTION of the gneiss complex into a hornblende-plagioclase gneiss (hornblende gneiss), and was closely followed by widespread This report deals largely with the progressive dynamo- metasomatic transformations. Alkali and silica thermal, metasomatic, and dynamic metamorDhism, converted relatively large masses of hornblende gneiss to quartz monzonite gneiss in the northern and southeastern parts of the culminating in local rheomorphism, of a layered series district; smaller bodies of quartz monzonite gneiss were formed of rocks, and with the later, unrelated emplacement through the central part of the district where they are associated of a dioritic stock and the deuteric alteration of this with abundant of related metasomatic origin. Bio- rock to quartz monzonite. All of these metamorphic tite-garnet-quartz-plagioclase gneiss (biotite-garnet gneiss) is a and igneous rocks are of pre-Cambrian age; they common associate of the pegmatite and was formed by local "basic" transformation of hornblende gneiss in a zone peripheral comprise about two-thirds of the rocks exposed in the to the main zone of alkali metaspmatism. Hydrothermal Northgate district, Colorado. metamorphism of small ultramafic bodies developed a number of The Northgate district is in Jackson County, Colo., zoned deposits of serpentine, chlorite, -, and near the north end of North Park, a broad inter- . montane basin between the Medicine Bow Mountains Shearing during and after granitization reduced much of the rock in the gneiss complex to mylonite along an eastward- and the Park Range of the southern Rocky Mountains trending zone through the south-central part of the district. (fig. 67). The district is largely on the western flank Farther north, where shearing was less intense, only hornblende of the Medicine Bow Mountains, but also includes the gneiss was much affected, and irregular bodies of hornblende- northeast corner of North Park. The area covered biotite-quartz-plagioclase gneiss (hornblende-biotite gneiss) were by this report—about 65 square miles—is bounded formed. Some quartz monzonite gneiss in the large bodies in the north­ roughly on the north by the Colorado State line, on western and southeastern parts of the district became mobile the west by the North Platte River, on the south by after transformation and invaded the surrounding rocks. Rela­ the township line between Tps. 10 and 11 N., and on tions are clearest near the northwest corner of the district the east by the range line between Rs. 78 and 79 W., where a funnel-shaped mass more than a mile in diameter forcibly sixth principal meridian. injected and greatly deformed the adjacent rocks. Several fine-grained dacite porphyry dikes, definitely older This report presents part of the results of an in­ than the granitic stock, cut the gneiss complex in the vicinity of vestigation by the U. S. Geological Survey centering lower Camp Creek. The dikes follow tension fissures that do not on the fluorspar deposits of the district. The work conform to the structural pattern shown by the gneiss complex, began in 1943 as a strategic investigation, and the dacite porphyry is believed to be unrelated to the other when D. C. Cox, assisted by J. O. Fisher and J. W. pre-Cambrian rocks in the district. An intrusive granitic rock forms a stock and associated dikes Odell, made a preliminary study of the larger fluorspar in the central part of the Northgate district and several related deposits of the area. The vein zones were studied dikes near the east edge of the district. Similar rocks are com­ in more detail during 1944 and 1945 by D. O. Cox mon in the Rocky Mountains of southern Wyoming and northern and W. E. Benson, assisted by D. M. Henderson, Colorado; and the stock is believed to be a cupola on a much when the Geological Survey was working in coopera­ larger underlying body. The original , which apparently was dioritic or quartz dioritic in composition, made way for tion with an exploratory program conducted by the itself by magmatic stoping. After solidification, the dioritic U. S. Bureau of Mines. The writer visited tie area rock was pervasively deformed on a minor scale and invaded by briefly during the winter of 1945-46, and spent about 335 336 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY

p. 28-31; 1927, p. 116-119), Burchard (1933, p. 12-14), Cox (1945, p. 277), Cox, Benson, Steven, and Van Alstine,2 and Steven (1953, 1954). A note on the of one of the fluorspar deposits was pub­ lished by Goldring (1942). At the time of field work there was no adequate base map covering the Northgate district. Therefore the writer did most of the regional mapping on en­ largements of U. S. Forest Service aerial photographs taken in 1937; some mapping in 1948 was done on aerial photographs taken for the Geological Survey in 1947. Section corners set during the General Land Office resurvey made in 1938-39 were located in the field, and a planimetric map was contracted using the General Land Office township plates for control. The resurvey did not cover the northern part of the Northgate district, and here the radial line method was • used for map compilation. Control along the north edge of the map area is based upon the Colorado State line which was located in the field.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The investigations leading to this report were car­ FIGURE 67.—Index map showing the location of the Northgate district, Colorado. ried on as part of the cooperative program of the U. S. Geological Survey and the Colorado Geological Survey 11 months during the field seasons of 1946, 1947, and Board and the Colorado Metal Mining Fund Board. 1948 studying the regional geology and fluorspar On behalf of the U. S. Geological Survey who deposits. R. B. Johnson, A. L. Bush, and G. W. Weir have taken part in this investigation, the writer ex­ assisted in this work. The results of the Bureau of presses appreciation for the help and cooperation given Mines exploratory program have been published by by the staffs of Kramer Mines, Inc., Western Fluorspar Warne (1947). An unpublished report and geologic Corp., and later by Colorado Fluorspar Corp. The map of the fluorspar deposits was made by the Geo­ writer is especially appreciative of the m^ny courtesies logical Survey.1 More extended, but still preliminary, shown by M. P. Cloonan, resident manager, and C. E. discussions of the geology of the district have been Mitchell, of Colorado Fluorspar Corp. published by Steven (1953, 1954). The University of California at Los Angeles and the Prior to the present investigation, almost no detailed Department of Geology kindly furnished office space geologic work had been done on the pre-Cambrian rocks and laboratory facilities during the initial preparation in the vicinity. The broader features of North Park of this report. The help and stimulation received from and the surrounding mountains were described briefly many discussions with graduate students and members by Hague (in Hague and Emmons, 1877, p. 94-141) of the faculty at the University are gratefully ac­ as part of the general reconnaissance done between knowledged. 1867 and 1873 by the U. S. geological exploration of the 40th parallel. The resources and general GEOLOGIC SETTING geology of North Park were described by Beekly (1915), and although the report was based on only The metamorphic and igneous rocks of pre-Cambrian one season of field work done without an adequate age that are exposed in the part of the western flank base map, it is still the most complete account of the of the Medicine Bow Mountains covered by the North- geology of North Park. Miller (1934) published the gate district comprise a small part of the crystalline results of a more detailed study of the McCallum anti­ that underlies the whole sonthern Rocky clines in east-central North Park. The fluorspar Mountain region. This basement is widely exposed deposits have been described briefly by Ladoo (1923, in the cores of the broadly anticlinal mountain ranges i Cox, D. C., Benson, W. E. B., Steven, T. A., and Van Alstine, R. E., 1948, Fln- in central and northern Colorado and southern Wyo- orspar deposits of the Northgate district, Jackson County, Colo.: TJ. S. Qeol. Survey Strategic Minerals Inv. Prelim. Map 3-220 [in files of U. S. Qeol. Survey]. 2 Cox, D. C., Benson, W. E. B,, Steven, T. A., and Van Alpine, R. E., op. cit. METAMOBPHISM AND THE ORIGIN OP GRANITIC ROCKS, NORTHGATE DISTRICT, COLORADO 337 ming, and it is generally buried by younger sedi­ Cretaceous period and through early Tertiary time mentary rocks in the intervening basins. can be recognized in the Northgate district. The Most of the metamorphic rocks in the basement are oldest stage of deformation outlined the general highly deformed and have relatively high metamorphic mountain and basin areas and compressed the sedi­ grades, and locally they have been pervasively trans­ mentary rocks into a series of northward- to northwest­ formed to . Granitic bodies of several ages, ward-trending folds that lie almost parallel to the long ranging in size from small dikes to great batholithic axis of the North Park basin. Reverse faults cut and masses, cut the older metamorphic rocks. Although displace many of these folds. The second stage of some of the migmatitic rocks occur in crude aureoles deformation recognized was manifested by the Inde­ around granitic bodies and probably are genetically pendence Mountain , a northward-dipping reverse related to them, other migmatitic rocks show no apparent fault that cuts almost at right angles across the trend relation, either in space or origin, to granitic massifs. of the earlier Laramide structures. , Many of the granitic bodies cut sharply across all the Tertiary formations of two ages fill old valleys cut metamorphic rocks, including the , and ap­ in the pre-Cambrian rocks of the Northgate district. pear distinctly younger and unrelated. Light-gray to white tuffaceous clay and silt belonging The pre-Cambrian rocks in the Northgate district to the White River formation of Oligocene age covered were formed during at least two different periods in the a maturely dissected area that marked the headwaters long sequence of plutonic events that formed the ­ of a generally southward-flowing drainage system. line basement of regional extent. These periods, one Geomorphic changes subsequent to the deposition of covering the complex metamorphism of the rocks in the White River formation caused a reversal hi the the gneiss complex, and the other the later emplacement direction of drainage in middle Tertiary time, so that and deuteric alteration of an intrusive quartz mon- the valleys filled by clay, , and gravel of the North zonite, however, comprise relatively complete genetic Park formation of Pliocene (?) age were cut by north­ units in themselves, and the relations have considerable ward-flowing streams. significance with respect to some of the basic problems The region around the Northgate district was widely of metamorphism and the origin of granitic rocks, as deformed on a minor scale in Pliocene time, following well as to the pre-Cambrian geology of the southern deposition of the North Park formation. The rocks Rocky Mountains. were broadly warped and were offset along small, The pre-Cambrian rocks in the vicinity of the North- widely scattered faults. Fluorspar was deposited along gate district were covered by a blanket of sedimentary at least two of these faults in the Northgate district, rocks that was deposited during late Paleozoic, Meso- and locally it is abundant enough to comprise ex­ zoic, and early Cenozoic time. These strata and the cellent commercial deposits. underlying crystalline rocks were strongly deformed Late Tertiary cut a surface of low relief hi during the Laramide in late Cretaceous and the vicinity of the Northgate district, and many .rem­ early Tertiary, when the essential structures of the nants are still preserved along the crest of the Medicine Rocky Mountains were formed. The subsequent geo­ Bow Mountains. This surface evidently reachec1 its logic history has been characterized by alternating ero­ most advanced geomorphic state in late Pliocen?- or sion, valleyfill sedimentation, and minor deformation. early Pleistocene time, as it truncates structures that The geologic relations of these younger features will be formed subsequent to the deposition of the North Park discussed fully in a more general paper by the writer formation. on the Northgate district and will be summarized only briefly here to explain the different features shown on PRE-CAMBRIAN GEOLOGY the geologic map (pi. 48). Sedimentary rocks of Permian, Mesozoic, and early The pre-Cambrian rocks in the Northgate district Tertiary age underlie the basin of North Park, and they consist of a gneiss complex cut by younger intrusive are largely covered by a veneer of Quaternary terrace igneous bodies. The gneiss complex is exposed most gravel, alluvium, and dune sand. These strata were widely in the northern half and along the eastern margin first described in detail by Beekly (1915, p. 19-75). In of the district, but scattered exposures in the cores of the investigations leading to this report, some of the anticlines within North Park suggest that it also ur der- earlier subdivisions were revised to conform more closely lies large areas of sedimentary rocks hi the district. to the stratigraphic units now differentiated in neigh­ The intrusive bodies are largest and most abundant boring areas. in the central part of the district, but several moderately Two distinct stages of the Laramide orogeny that sized bodies and small dikes also occur in the north­ affected the Rocky Mountain area at the close of the eastern part of the district. 338 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY

The rocks in the gneiss complex formed under pro­ quartz monzonite gneiss, pegmatite, and other trans­ gressively changing conditions of metamorphism during formation products, and the hornblende gneiss forms a single erogenic period, and all appear to have been irregular, relict masses of various sizes. The larger derived from closely related parent rocks. Dynamo- bodies commonly are interconnected, but many of the thermal metamorphism converted an originally layered smaller bodies are isolated inclusions in pegmatite or sequence of rocks to a hornblende-plagioclase gneiss quartz monzonite gneiss. (hornblende gneiss), which later was transformed by Small pods of massive chlorite, or chloritie and serpen­ shearing and metasomatic replacement into biotite- tine occur sporadically in hornblende gneiss. These and quartz-bearing gneiss and and into quartz bodies range from small clots a few feet $ cross to pods monzonite gneiss and pegmatite. The chief agents of 100 feet or more in diameter. The ultrr- masses metasomatic transformation were alkali- and silica- were susceptible to hydro thermal metamorphism, and bearing solutions which permeated the hornblende the margins of many pods have been altered to complex­ gneiss during a period of shearing that closely followed ly zoned chlorite-tremolite-vermiculite bodies, and to dynamo thermal metamorphism. Some of the rock in talc- rocks. the larger bodies of quartz monzonite gneiss became LTTHOLOGY mobile late in the period of metasomatic transformation and invaded the neighboring rocks. The hornblende gneiss is a dark medium-grained rock Several dikes of fine-grained dacite porphyry cut that crops out in blocky layers or "beds" ranging in the gneiss complex near the lower part of Camp Creek. thickness from several inches to several feet. The grains The dikes are older than the granitic rocks that com­ generally are less than 2 millimeters long, but some prise the largest and most abundant igneous bodies in hornblende grains are 3 millimeters or mc^e long. The the Northgate district, and apparently they are unre­ layering is due to minor variations in bulk composition lated to the other pre-Cambrian rocks in the district. of the different layers rather than to banding on A stock and associated dikes of quartz monzonite the scale of individual grains. In most of the rock, cut the gneiss complex in the central part of the dis­ hornblende and plagioclase are present ir nearly equal trict, and several related dikes occur near the east edge amounts, and fresh surfaces have a distir^tive pepper- of the district. The rock in these bodies is distinct in and-salt appearance. Some layers a few inches to several appearance and occurrence, and apparently formed in feet thick, however, differ greatly. Whe^e hornblende an environment different from that in which the predominates, the rock has a dark greenish-black cast rocks in the gneiss complex formed. The rock was and the scattered plagioclase are glassy and in emplaced as a dioritic magma which made way for places almost colorless; in lighter colored varieties, the itself by magmatic stoping. After the dioritic rock more abundant plagioclase tends to be wMte, although solidified, it was brecciated and then invaded by alkali- still quite glassy, and hornblende is in scattered crystals and silica-bearing late magmatic solutions. The main or clots of crystals. The long axes of hornblende prisms body of the stock was converted to a biotite-- lie nearly parallel to the plane of larger scale layering, -quartz monzonite; biotite commonly is chlori- but the minerals generally are not segregated into bands tized and most of the plagioclase is in the and the is poor. Hornblende pHsms are well peripheral zones. Wall-rock alteration was minor. alined in some gneiss, but mineral lineation is weak or absent in much of the rock. Most plagioclase grains HORNBLENDE GNEISS tend to be equidimensional, but some are elongate in the plane of layering. GENERAL FEATURES AND DISTRIBUTION The layering of the gneiss appears to have been an The hornblende gneiss consists essentially of horn­ original feature of the rocks and is not due to meta­ blende and intermediate plagioclase; minor amounts of morphic differentiation. Not only do the layers show quartz, biotite, and augite occur locally. Hornblende minor and drag folds, but individual gneiss grades into almost all other rocks in the gneiss "beds" can be traced around the crests e,nd troughs of complex, and field and petrographic relations indicate larger folds. Some layers of light-colored plagioclase- that most of the other metamorphic rocks were derived and quartz-rich hornblende gneiss as much as \% feet from it, either by metasomatic transformation or by thick are interbedded with the common, more mafic shearing. varieties. These rocks show no evidence of a secondary Hornblende gneiss is most abundant in the northern origin, and in all probability they origirally had con­ and northeastern parts of the district, where relatively trasting compositions. unmodified masses a mile or more in diameter occur Small chloritie pods, from a few fee* to nearly a (pi. 48). Elsewhere, it has been extensively replaced by hundred feet in length and as much as 20 feet thick, are METAMORPHISM AND THE ORIGIN OF GRANITIC ROCKS, NORTHGATE DISTRICT, COLORADO 339 widely scattered and range from relatively pure, massive chroic colors are yellow to yellow green, light grass chlorite to variable mixtures of chlorite and hornblende. green, and dark grass green to bluish green. The Grain size ranges from medium to very coarse with some intermediate index of refraction (j8) was measured for chlorite crystals as much as an inch in diameter. Ke- 14 specimens, and showed a range from about 1.64 to lated small bodies of serpentine of about the same di­ about 1.685. The two lowest measurements, near 1.64, mensions in the northwestern part of the district com­ however, were from coarse-grained hornblendic rocks prise a dense greenish-black rock that encloses abundant that had recrystallized along the margins of pegmatite small aggregates of tremolite and ; much of the bodies; the range for the other 12 specimens was serpentine in these bodies is also altered to chlorite. between 1.656 and 1.680, 3 measurements were between Thin runs made up almost entirely of hornblende com­ 1.660 and 1.670 and 6 measurements were between monly separate the chlorite and serpentine bodies from 1.670 and 1.680. normal hornblende gneiss, and these rims grade irreg­ Precise correlation of optical properties and chemical ularly into both the hornblende gneiss and the chlorite composition of has not been achieved, but or serpentine bodies. the properties listed above are characteristic of many

PETROGRAPHY "normal" . Tweto,3 using all of the infor­ mation from the literature, plotted composition agai ist In , the hornblende and plagioclase grains /a_[_ jg_]-..y\ mean index of refraction ( ——-^— j for the major oxides in hornblende gneiss form crystalloblastic aggregates with little mineral banding. Although most inequidi- of the hornblende group. Although the point? are mensional grains are elongated in the plane of foliation, somewhat scattered, median lines could be drawn that good foliation is rarely apparent. Hornblende has a permit approximating the quantity of the major oxides strong parallel orientation in some rocks, but more present within a few percent by determining the mean commonly the orientation is imperfect and in some index of refraction. The accuracy of these curve? was rocks the texture is almost granoblastic. tested during the present investigation using new Proportions of the component minerals vary so chemical and optical data recorded by Buddingtor and widely that an average composition has little meaning. Leonard (1953) for seven amphiboles from the Ad:ron- Some of the rock is made up entirely of hornblende, dack Mountains. The new data from the Adirondack whereas plagioclase forms 70 percent or more of other Mountains plotted well within the spread of data of the rock; in most specimens, however, plagio­ originally compiled by Tweto, and the average per­ clase is somewhat more abundant than hornblende. centage deviations appeared to be of the same order Augite is rare, and where it occurs it generally makes of magnitude. up less than 5 percent of the rock, although about 15 Using the curves compiled by Tweto and assuming percent of augite was seen in one specimen. Minor that the intermediate indices (j8) determined are close amounts of quartz and biotite are widely distributed, to the mean indices, the compositions of the 1 orn- but in most rocks these minerals appear to have formed blendes from the Northgate district appear to be near after dynamothermal metamorphism. Accessory min­ the middle of the hornblende compositional rr.nge. erals make up less than 1 percent of the hornblende The indicated ranges in quantity of the major oxides gneiss. Of these, apatite is most abundant; sphene and in the hornblendes from the Northgate district are magnetite are rare. tabulated as follows: Most of the hornblende occurs in irregular and elon­ Percent Percent gated grains and prisms (pi. 50, A-G). Acicular Si02_. 43-48 MgO ._.__.._.. 8-15 crystals are rare, and few prisms are more than three Al2 0s 8-11 ------_- 10-12 Fe2 03 4-6 Na20 + K20. ------2.5-3.5 or four times longer than they are thick. Most grains 9-16 are anhedral and interlock irregularly with adjacent FeO, grains of hornblende and plagioclase. In hornblende- The plagioclase in most of the hornblende gneiss is rich varieties some crystals are as much as 2 centimeters calcic (An^-w), but the composition ranges long, but generally the prisms are less than 3 milli­ between sodic andesine (An30) and sodic labradorite meters. Some very fine grained varieties have few (Anss). The more calcic plagioclase is generally in crystals more than 0.5 millimeter in diameter. The hornblende-rich gneiss, but some rocks with about hornblende is optically negative with a moderately large equal proportions of hornblende and plagioclase also 2V, estimated to be about 70°. Normally the angle of contain labradorite. Most plagioclase is in clear, extinction ZAc is between 15° and 20°. The horn­ irregular to almost equidimensional crystals that range blende is strongly pleochroic, with the absorption 3 Tweto, O. L., 1947, Pre-Oambrian and Laramide geology of the Vasctuez Moun generally X

are parallel to lineation in the regionally metamorphosed hornblende gneiss; apparently the same field persisted after the close folding and dynamothermal metamorphism ceased.

ORIGIN Similar hornblende-rich rocks from many other places in the pre-Cambrian of Colorado and southern Wyoming have been described by many geologists. According to Blackwelder (in Barton and others, 1910), the most abundant metamorphic rocks in the Laramie and Sherman quadrangles are dark greenish hornblende schist; they are abundant on Jelm Mountain along the west edge of the Laramie quadrangle and 12 to 15 miles northeast of the Northgate district. From Blackwelder's description, these rocks appear identical with the hornblende gneiss in the NortI ^ate district. By analogy with similar rocks in other dis­ tricts, Blackwelder suggested that they are r^eta- morphosed basic dikes and lava flows. Ball (1906, p. 376; and in Spurr and others, 1908, p. 45-46) first described hornblende gneiss in the Lineation shown by 18 random measure­ ments of oriented hornblende crystals central part of the Front Kange, Colorado. He noted that the rock occurred as sheets and dikes and believed it to be metamorphosed mafic igneous rocks. Lovering (1935, p. 10-11) described a similar hornblende gneiss in the Montezuma quadrangle, Colorado, where the hornblende gneiss is essentially conformable witl the underlying Idaho Springs formation. Lovering sug­ gested that it originated through the metamorphism of andesitic flows. Tweto * made a detailed study of the hornblende gneiss in the Vasquez Mountains, north of the Montezuma area. Here bands of hornWende gneiss alternate with gneiss and schist of the meta- sedimentary Idaho Springs formation. After carefully considering the field relations, the variations and l :mits of composition, and the common association with lime- silicate rocks, Tweto concluded that the horntfende gneiss resulted from the metamorphism of impure dolomite. Hornblende-plagioclase rocks in other metamorphic have been derived from both igneous and sedimentary rocks. The well-known in the Grenville series in New York, Ontario, and Quebec have been attributed (Adams and Barlow, 1910; Buddington, 1939, p. 11-12; Osborne, 1936, p. 197-227) to the metamorphism of impure calcareous sedur^nts, and , and volcanic flows and tuffs - Hornblende gneiss in the Northgate district is so Lineation shown by 31 random highly metamorphosed and was so greatly changed by measurements of minor fold axes later transformations that any discussion of origin FIGURE 68.—Lineation in hornblende gneiss. Contours on 5, 10, and 20 percent concentrations per 1 percent of the area. Plotted on the lower hemisphere of a largely would be conjecture. The present structure Schmidt equiarea net. * Tweto, O. L., op. cit. 342 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY and mineralogy are due to intense deformation and Large tabular bodies of quartz monzonite gneiss metamorphism of what appears to have been originally occur in the northern part of the district, and part of a layered rock. The composition shows wide variation an irregular body occurs in the southeast corner. similar to that observed by Tweto, but no unequivocal Reconnaissance in adjacent areas showed that these metasedimentary rocks were found associated with it. bodies are parts of much larger masses of quartz Some dense clinozoisite-epidote-quartz rocks that may monzonite gneiss. There are numerous ^mall bodies have been lime-silicate rocks of sedimentary origin of quartz monzonite gneiss in the central part of the occur in the belt of recrystallized along Northgate district, between the larger masses, but they Pinkham Creek Canyon, but the relations now are are subordinate to the abundant pegmatite. greatly obscured by cataclasis and granitzation. The The quartz monzonite gneiss was formed without residual tremolite-olivine-spinel aggregates in the ser­ deformation of the surrounding rocks except near pentine bodies have been completely recrystallized, masses that became mobile after transformation. and no relict texture survives. On the basis of composi­ Remnants of hornblende gneiss abound in the trans­ tion, however, these bodies could well represent meta­ formed rocks, and relict textures can bo recognized morphosed ultramafic igneous rocks. even in the interiors of some of the larger bodies. The Although the composition of the different layers in transitions between quartz monzonite gneiss and the the hornblende gneiss shows more variation than other metamorphic rocks on one hand and pegmatite might be expected in a series of lava flows, it is perhaps on the other are commonly so gradational that many of even more difficult to envisage a sequence of impure the mapped contacts are arbitrary. This gradation is calcareous rocks as thick as required in the Northgate common along the strike of folitation of the quartz district without some interbedded clastic sediments of monzonite gneiss bodies; across the strike many of the distinctive character. The occurrence of serpentine contacts are fairly sharp. Most of the larger bodies bodies of possible ultramafic igneous origin suggests of quartz monzonite gneiss are relatively massive and that the associated hornblende-plagioclase rocks also "granitic" appearing, whereas many of the smaller may have been of igneous origin. A mixed accumula­ bodies mapped are incompletely transformed rocks tion of pyroclastic deposits and lava flows might that in the field resembled quartz monzonite gneiss approximate fairly closely the varied yet related more than the original . The compositions now displayed by the different layers of pervasive solutions responsible for the transformation hornblende gneiss. altered the original minerals and introduced new minerals along the margins of the older grrins; little or QUARTZ MONZONITE GNEISS no lit-par-lit gneiss or veined gneiss is associated with the large bodies of quartz monzonite gneiss. After GENERAJL FEATURES AND DISTRIBUTION transformation from hornblende gneiss to quartz Much of the hornblende gneiss in the Northgate monzonite gneiss, the rock in the large m ass near the district was converted by metasomatism to a granitoid northwest corner of the district became mobile and gneiss of quartz monzonitic composition, and many invaded the surrounding rocks (see "Pheomorphic bodies have a distinctly pegmatitic facies. Abundant quartz monzonite gneiss"). Similar mobilization took pegmatite, also believed to be metasomatic in origin, place near the southeastern part of the district, but is closely associated with the quartz monzonite gneiss. apparently on a much smaller scale. The intricate shapes of the quartz monzonite gneiss bodies shown on the geologic map (pi. 48) actually are UTHCHLOGY generalizations, as it was impossible during field work Quartz monzonite gneiss includes a diversified group to show all the details on aerial photographs with the of medium-grained pink rocks composed dominantly of approximate scale of 1 inch equals 1,000 feet. and quartz with minor amounts of biotite or According to interpretations outlined later hi this chlorite. The incompletely transformed roeks differ report, some of the quartz monzonite gneiss near the most in appearance, but even thoroughly granitized northwestern and southeastern corners of the North- rocks range widely in texture, grain size, and mineral gate district became mobile (or rheomorphic) late in composition. Most of the rock is layered or gneissose, the period of metasonlatism and invaded the surround­ and three general textural varieties were recognized in ing rocks. The rheomorphism was irregular, and the the field. The most distinctive variety shows a faint areas of once-mobile rocks are very poorly defined. relict texture that resembles that of the original horn­ These rocks, therefore, have not been differentiated blende gneiss, but this generally is subordinate to on the geologic map (pi. 48) but are included within the gneissose and alaskitic varieties which have entirely areas shown as quartz monzonite gneiss. new textures. METAMORPHISM AND THE ORIGIN OF GRANITIC ROCKS, NORTHGATE DISTRICT, COLORADO 343

All stages of transition between quartz monzonite adjacent layers, even in the interior of large ma^es of gneiss and hornblende gneiss were traced in the field. quartz monzonite gneiss. Plate 51A shows typical The relationship is most apparent in those rocks that quartz monzonite gneiss exposed in a fresh road cut. retained a relict texture through the transformations; In addition to the somewhat coarser bands of quartz the original hornblende was progressively altered to monzonite gneiss, many bodies contain abundant biotite or chlorite and the total content of mafic minerals irregular masses of pegmatite, and some smaller bodies diminished sharply, some quartz and microcline were pass laterally into pegmatite. In field mapping the introduced, but the rocks as a whole retained a marked different bodies were arbitrarily assigned to either textural resemblance to the original hornblende gneiss. quartz monzonite gneiss or pegmatite, depending on The similarity seems dependent largely upon the plagio- the dominant rock type. clase grains which became more albitic during trans­ formation but retained their crystal form and served PETROGRAPHY as a relict skeleton upon which the newly formed The textural varieties of quartz monzonite gneiss minerals were formed. differ considerably in mineral content. The gneiss The rock with relict texture is made up of an ag­ with relict textures has significantly less microcline gregate of nearly equidimensional grains of quartz than plagioclase, and biotite or chlorite generally are and feldspar (chiefly plagioclase), as much as 2 milli­ subordinate. Albite or oligoclase is largely ii cor­ meters in diameter and small quantities of biotite or roded pseudomorphs after the plagioclase of the chlorite. The gneissic texture is due chiefly to a original hornblende gneiss; locally such plagioclase faint layering owing to variations in grain size and grains still make up 30 to 35 percent of the rock. mineral composition, and to the elongation of some Gneiss with new textures, on the other hand, generally quartz grains and aggregates in the direction of folia­ has microcline-plagioclase ratios of 1:1 or greater tion. Biotite and chlorite generally are too sparse to and the gneissose and alaskitic varieties differ chiefly in affect the foliation, but the few grains present tend biotite content. Plagioclase occurs as corroded relicts to be oriented parallel to the layering shown by the in these rocks too, but more complete replacement has other minerals. Pegmatite layers as much as 2 inches destroyed the original textures of the rock. Quartz thick are common and generally follow the foliation. varies widely in abundance but makes up 30 to 45 percent Kelict textures are absent in the other two closely of most quartz monzonite gneiss. related textural varieties, which are distinguished by Other differences in composition of quartz mor zonite their degree of foliation which in turn is controlled gneiss apparently are related to variations k soda largely by the relative abundance of biotite. Where and potash concentration in the alkali- and silica- biotite makes up more than 5 percent of the rock, most bearing solutions which caused its transforrration. of the flakes are oriented nearly parallel to the original Where potash was predominant, the resulting rock layering of the metamorphic rocks and the foliation is characteristically consists of microcline, sodic oligo­ fair to good; where biotite is minor or absent, the rock clase, quartz, and biotite; where soda was relatively is distinctly alaskitic. The biotite present generally is more abundant the rock is made up of micncline, rather evenly distributed through the rock, but in a sodic albite, quartz, and chlorite. Most quartz mon­ few rocks it tends to be aggregated into biotite-rich zonite gneiss formed under potash-rich conditions layers. Quartz and feldspar grains in both the shows new textures but some has retained relict gneissose and alaskitic rocks are in even-grained ag­ textures; most gneiss altered by soda-rich solutions gregates and show little directional orientation. Some has retained relict textures and only some sho^ new quartz grains are elongate in the direction of foliation, textures. The mineralogic transformations transitional but most tend to be equidimensional. As in the rock between hornblende gneiss and quartz mor zonite which shows relict textures, thin layers of coarser gneiss differed greatly between potassic and sodic gneiss and pegmatite are abundant and generally conditions of origin. follow foliation. These rocks appear fairly uniform Spatial relations of the different textural anc1 com­ in hand specimens, but most outcrops show slight positional types and the succession of mine^alogic textural variations that give the rock a layered transformations, discussed in the following paragraphs, appearance. indicate that sodic conditions may have been peripheral The several textural varieties are closely associated, to potassic conditions and that the inner and pre­ and gradations are common. The variety characterized sumably higher temperature zones tended to encroach by faint relict textures is absent near quartz monzonite on the outer zones as the transformations progressed. gneiss that became mobile; but where the rocks were Potash was the predominant alkali in the formation relatively undisturbed, different varieties occur in of most quartz monzonite gneiss. In early stages of 344 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY the transformation, hornblende was converted to bio- hi the more sodic plagioclase, but some relatively calcic tite, plagioclase was altered to a somewhat more sodic oligoclase is clear also. Myrmekitp is widespread feldspar crowded with saussuritic and sericitic inclu­ through quartz monzonite gneiss and generally is along sions, and considerable quartz was introduced. With the margins of plagioclase grains adjacent to microcline continued alteration, microcline was introduced along (pi. 51(7). It is therefore most abundant where micro­ the margins of the older grains, and biotite was progres­ cline is most abundant, and is relatively rare in albite- sively destroyed. Plagioclase was progressively replaced bearing rocks. All plagioclase crystals s,re highly cor­ by microcline and some additional quartz,and was con­ roded, and evidence from transitional rocks indicates verted to sodic oligoclase or calcic albite having relatively that most grains are sodic pseudomorph^ of the niter- abundant (pi. 515, C). Typical thoroughly mediate plagioclase in the original hornblende gneiss. transformed gneiss of this origin consists of 25 to 50 Irregular grains of microcline range from minor percent microcline, 10 to 35 percent sodic oligoclase, intergranular wisps to relatively large pegmatitic 30 to 45 percent quartz, and as much as 15 percent bio­ poikiloblasts an inch or more in diameter that commonly tite. Muscovite and garnet locally make up several contain abundant residual inclusions of unreplaced percent of some quartz monzonite gneiss but generally plagioclase and biotite. Many contacts indicate re­ are very subordinate or absent. placement relations toward plagioclase and biotite (pi. Soda-bearing solutions were most effective early in 515, C) and gradations in the progressive replacement the period of transformation and were followed by pro­ have been observed. Most of the textural banding gressively more potash-rich solutions. In early stages noted in outcrops and in hand specimens of quartz of alteration (pi. 50D), hornblende was converted monzonite gneiss is due to greater concentration of largely to chlorite, in places through intermediate actin- microcline by metasomatic replacement of primary olite, plagioclase was altered to sodic albite crowded minerals along certain layers parallel to foliation. Injec­ with saussuritic and sericitic inclusions, some quartz tion apparently had little influence on the formation of generally was introduced, and in places minor quantities these layered rocks. of microcline were introduced. Some albite recrystal- The relative abundance of the different minerals in lized during this state and albite-rich stringers with incompletely transformed rocks indicates that most pegmatitic texture are relatively common, but most of quartz was introduced early in the transformation, the intermediate rock shows excellent relict hornblende before significant quantities of microcline were intro­ gneiss texture. duced. The later stages of metasomf.tic alteration Scattered granules and veinlets of epidote are abun­ generally show only a slight increase in quartz, but dant. With continued alteration, microcline and more considerable recrystallization apparently took place as quartz were introduced, and the quantity of chlorite it is difficult to determine any consistent age relationship diminished markedly with an increase hi microcline for quartz and microcline in thoroughly transformed content. Saussuritic inclusions in plagioclase in the rocks. Quartz typically is hi lobate to rounded blebs more altered rocks are very irregularly distributed, and and grains and as elongated crystals and aggregates clear to partly clear plagioclase grains are common. strung out along the foliation. It definitely corrodes Microcline generally makes up only 20 to 30 percent of and replaces plagioclase and biotite, and some crystal­ the quartz monzonite gneiss of this origin, and relict lized late hi the transformation and c^its microcline textures are common. The rest of the rock typically is as well. made up of 25 to 35 percent sodic albite, 35 to 45 Small ragged flakes and grains of biotite are scattered percent quartz, and as much as 5 percent chlorite and through the quartz monzonite gneiss. The biotite is epidote. corroded by microcline and quartz and commonly is Plagioclase in all varieties of quartz monzonite gneiss associated with abundant dusty to granular magnetite forms irregular grams that characteristically are em­ and hematite. In places muscovite is interleaved with bayed by microcline and quartz (pi. 515, 0). Some biotite or forms discrete flakes. Many of the rocks crystals are 2 millimeters in diameter, but most axe contain secondary chlorite and magnetite associated between 0.5 and 1.5 millimeters in diameter. The with biotite. plagioclase in rocks that formed under predominantly Chlorite is most common in the rocks in which early potassic conditions ranges in composition from An8 to albitization was intense. It is especially abundaat in An15 ; the plagioclase grains in rocks where early soda partly transformed rocks, where it forms pseudomorphs metasomatism was widespread generally are more sodic after hornblende; but where transformation was more than Ans. Saussuritic and sericitic inclusions in plagio­ complete, chlorite rarely makes up more than a few clase generally decrease in abundance with an increase percent of the rock and generally is in ragged shreds in the degree of albitization. This is particularly true with abundant dusty to granular magnetite and METAMORPHISM AND THE ORIGIN OF GRANITIC ROCKS, NORTHGATE DISTRICT, COLORADO 345 hematite. Sphene and epidote are associated with Petrographic study of intermediate stages ir the some of the chlorite and are most abundant in incom­ formation of quartz monzonite gneiss indicates that pletely transformed rocks (pi. 50 D). most plagioclase is pseudomorphous after the plagio- Irregular small grains and aggregates of magnetite clase in the original hornblende gneiss, and that replace­ and hematite are distributed through most quartz ment by quartz and microcline began along grain monzonite gneiss. They are commonly associated with boundaries and gradually engulfed the adjacent crys­ corroded biotite and chlorite grains and appear to be tals. Hornblende was converted to biotite or chlorite, most abundant where replacement was most complete; and the ferromagnesian content decreased as the it is likely that most of the scattered grains are residual transformation progressed. Even though most horn­ from the replacement of original ferromagnesian blende gneiss is poorly foliated, the foliation apparently minerals in the rock. exercised considerable control on the flow of the hydro- Pink garnet is relatively abundant hi some of the thermal solutions and thus in turn controlled the layered smaller bodies of quartz monzonite gneiss. It has the character of quartz monzonite gneiss. Contacts of same appearance and index of refraction as garnet quartz monzonite gneiss bodies are commonly sharp found in partly altered metamorphic rock and pegma­ across the trend of foliation. tite; in all probability it is a residual mineral that Thus field and petrographic evidence indicates that survived transformation. and apatite occur as transformation was accomplished by tenuous solutions very minor accessory minerals. that were capable of penetrating large masses of rock without disturbing the structural continuity of that ORIGIN rock. Lime, magnesia, and were largely replaced Quartz monzonite gneiss in the Northgate district by potash, soda, and silica. Early conversion of horn­ formed through reaction between hornblende gneiss and blende to biotite and the introduction of quartz, silica- and alkali-bearing solutions which permeated followed by the formation of microcline and more quartz the rock after dynamothermal metamorphism. Quartz in most of the quartz monzonite gneiss, indicate that monzonite gneiss is in extremely irregular bodies that potash and silica were important constituents of the do not conform to the highly folded structure of the solutions. - Albitization was not intense in mo^t of hornblende gneiss. Although some local control on these rocks, and the plagioclase most commonly is sodic replacement was exerted by folds in the host rock, oligoclase. This fact suggests that the soda concentra­ almost all medium- to large-sized masses transgress the tion of most of the solutions was relatively low. older structures. In spite .of the occurrence of the Local transformation of hornblende gneiss to albite- quartz monzonite gneiss in crosscutting bodies the chlorite-quartz rocks without a significant decrease in adjacent rocks show no deformation, and the orientation plagioclase content followed by later formation of of foliation in numerous inclusions of hornblende gneiss microcline and more quartz, indicates that locally the within quartz monzonite gneiss is parallel to that of the early solutions were soda rich but that they became enclosing rock and of the adjacent hornblende gneiss. more potassic as transformation progressed. These Even in local areas where bodies of quartz monzonite albitic rocks occur throughout the gneiss complex, gneiss conform in part to folds in the hornblende gneiss, even in the interiors of large bodies of quartz monronite the quartz monzonite gneiss shows the same textural gneiss. No control for this type of alteration was evidence for a replacement origin as was noted else­ discerned in the field; such alteration, however, IF par­ where, and the relations are those of incompletely ticularly abundant in many relatively small bodies of replaced folded rocks rather than of folded granitoid quartz monzonite gneiss. It is suggested that the rocks or phacolithic intrusion. sodic alteration may have been a local marginal effect Intermediate stages in the transformation of horn­ of solutions enriched in soda by potash metasomatism of blende gneiss to quartz monzonite gneiss are found plagioclase at depth. As granitization pro­ throughout the district. Gradational contacts are gressed, sodic alteration was followed by potash common along their strike of foliation, and many small metasomatism. bodies of quartz monzonite gneiss show all stages of the BIOTITE-GARNET GNEISS transformation. Although marginal transition zones are not conclusive evidence as to the origin of the in­ GENERAL FEATURES AND DISTRIBUTION teriors of such bodies, the presence of relict textures and Irregular bodies of biotite-garnet gneiss (biotite- masses of incompletely replaced rock within large garnet-quartz-plagioclase gneiss) occur in the central bodies of quartz monzonite gneiss indicates that all of part of the Northgate district, where they are associated the quartz monzonite gneiss is of replacement origin. with abundant pegmatite, and in the southeastern part, 346 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY associated with quartz monzonite gneiss and minor a few inches in from the margins, hornblende becomes amounts of pegmatite. The largest bodies of biotite- rare, and biotite, quartz, and plagioc^se crystals garnet gneiss are near the lower reaches of Camp Creek generally are coarser than the grains in the original and the North Platte River, where several connected rock. In local facies some even-grained aggregates of masses 1,000 to 6,000 feet long and 500 to 1,500 feet plagioclase, quartz, and biotite with minor amounts wide crop out (pi. 48). Many smaller bodies are found of garnet and scattered relicts of hornblende make up here and elsewhere throughout the area where pegma­ fairly large bodies, but more commonly such aggregates tite is abundant; many are too small to be shown on the form only small bodies near the margins of more typical geologic map (pi. 48). biotite-garnet gneiss. The scattered masses of biotite-garnet gneiss are Near the large pegmatite bodies, the gneiss is ex­ closely associated with pegmatite, and show all grada­ tremely variable and the quartz-feldspar layers pass tions from hornblende gneiss to pegmatite. The grada­ into small pods and stringers of relatively fine-grained tion into pegmatite is through transitional zones either quartz-plagioclase-garnet pegmatite. Feldspar of lit-par-lit gneiss or by a general coarsening of grain or small pegmatitic knots of quartz, plagioclase, and and decrease in biotite content. The bodies of biotite- garnet occur singly or in beadlike strings along the garnet gneiss are so discontinuous and haphazardly foliation; hi places these knots coalesce into fairly distributed, and the contacts are so indistinct and persistent bands several inches thick, or into irregular irregular, that it seems very probable that the rock masses a few inches to a few feet in diameter. With originated through transformation of hornblende gneiss. increasing numbers of pegmatitic pods r,nd stringers, This interpretation is supported by the many un- the gneiss attains a typical lit-par-lit structure; many transformed or partly transformed relicts of hornblende have a distinctly knotted appearance hi outcrop. As gneiss commonly found within bodies of biotite-garnet the quantity of associated pegmatite increases, the gneiss. biotite-rich bands become thinner and more discon­ UTTHOLOGY tinuous; and microcline, hitherto a minor constituent, Biotite-garnet gneiss ranges from slightly garnetized becomes progressively more abundant. l\l gradations hornblende gneiss to coarsely porphyroblastic augen- exist between the lit-par-lit variety of biotite-garnet gneiss, banded lit-par-lit gneiss, and even pegmatite. gneiss and many of the larger, microclino-rich pegma­ Variable grain size and uneven texture characterize the tite bodies. interior of most bodies of biotite-garnet gneiss. In PETROGRAPHY most biotite-garnet gneiss the different minerals tend The texture of the biotite-garnet gneiss along its to be distributed unevenly, and the degree of mineral margins greatly resembles that in the surrounding horn­ segregation increases with increase hi garnet, quartz, blende gneiss (pi. 52 A). Hornblende acd plagioclase and biotite. Layering is conspicuous in some rocks, grains closely resemble in size, shape, and composition and quartz and feldspar form discontinuous thin layers such grains in hornblende gneiss and apparently are and lenses interleaved with layers rich hi biotite. Red relict. Biotite occurs along the cleavage and grain garnet is irregularly distributed through most of the margins of hornblende and as separate flakes. Where rock. It is most abundant in or near quartz-feldspar not strung out along later zones, biotite tends to layers; elsewhere the garnet aggregates are commonly be distributed evenly through the gneiss and is oriented surrounded by light-colored halos that are poor hi nearly parallel to the layering; the rock is distinctly biotite. Where layering is not conspicuous, quartz and better foliated than the original hornFende gneiss. plagioclase with minor amounts of biotite form ir­ Irregular to lobate quartz grains have replacement regular or lenticular aggregates hi biotite-rich gneiss. relations toward the other minerals. A representative Such biotite-rich and biotite-poor masses of rock specimen of this rock is made up of abont 40 percent intergrade completely and commonly form masses a plagioclase (An2s_35), 30 percent quart?, 15 percent few inches to a few feet in diameter. hornblende, and 15 percent biotite. As much as 5 The transition zones between hornblende gneiss and percent microcline is found in some recks near the biotite-garnet gneiss are commonly narrow and are margin. Hornblende is absent or is ver;T subordinate marked by the appearance and progressive increase in to biotite a short distance from the , and the abundance of biotite and quartz. Red garnet may quartz here is somewhat coarser and more abundant occur hi some of the transition zones, but generally than along the margins. it is more abundant in the more altered rock. With The minerals in most of the biotite-garnet gneiss are increasing quantities of biotite, the foliation becomes unevenly distributed, and the texture shows wide more marked, but in general the rock in the transitional variation. In banded varieties the quartz-plagioclase zones strongly resembles hornblende gneiss. Within layers are discontinuous and have very indistinct METAMORPHISM AND THE ORIGIN OF GRANITIC ROCKS, NORTHGATE DISTRICT, COLORADO 347 margins. Commonly they coalesce into irregular composition was noted in a specimen of slightly altered masses with pegmatitic texture. The darker biotite- hornblende gneiss from the margin of a relatively small rich layers generally are somewhat finer grained than body of biotite-garnet gneiss. Most of the specimen is the light-colored layers and are thickest and most made up of about 45 percent hornblende, 40 percent abundant where associated pegmatite is sparse. Gar­ plagioclase, 10 percent quartz, and 5 percent tx;otite. net, with associated quartz, biotite, and blue amphibole, Plagioclase and hornblende have the same textural forms irregular to rounded aggregates many of which relationship of these minerals in normal hornblende are as much as half an inch, and more rarely several gneiss, quartz corrodes the plagioclase and hornt ^nde, inches, in diameter. Most garnet aggregates are in and biotite occurs along cleavage planes and margins of the quartz-feldspar layers or are surrounded by light- hornblende. An irregular stringer of about one-eighth colored halos poor in biotite, but locally garnet occurs inch thick of biotite-garnet-plagioclase rock follows in nests of coarse biotite. The mineral composition of along the foliation of this slightly altered hornblende these different "typical" biotite-garnet rocks varies gneiss. This stringer of typical biotite-garnet gneiss, greatly, but most of these rocks consist of about 40 to which contains a few ragged hornblende relict^1 only 45 percent plagioclase, 25 to 35 percent quartz, 15 to 20 partly altered to biotite, grades into the adjacent horn­ percent biotite, and as much as 15 percent garnet. blende gneiss. The composition of 15 plagioclase grains Relict hornblende in minor amounts is widespread, and was determined by measuring extinction angles on grains several percent of microcline occurs in some specimens. of known orientation; five grains from the relatively Some quartz-plagioclase-garnet stringers have a unaltered hornblende gneiss have an average compo­ typical pegmatitic texture in which some quartz and sition of An30, five grains from the margins of the feldspar crystals are an inch or more in diameter and biotite-garnet gneiss stringer range from An35 tc An^, associated biotite and garnet are only a little less and five grains from the central part of the stringer range coarse. The texture of the rock adjoining the pegma­ from Anno to Aii45. The alteration here produced a titic stringers is locally very similar to the more normal distinctly more calcic plagioclase than that in the biotite-garnet gneiss, but commonly it is even more original rock. irregular. Plagioclase grains have the same general sir^t and Much of the biotite-garnet gneiss and related rocks shape in the marginal transition zones and in the even- underwent minor granulation during the period of grained varieties of biotite-garnet gneiss as in tl *> sur­ shearing that elsewhere formed hornblende-biotite rounding hornblende gneiss. In more uneven-textured gneiss and mylonite gneiss. Quartz stringers and rela­ biotite-garnet gneiss, however, the plagioclase ranges tively coarse, undeformed biotite follow some granu­ widely in grain size and was largely recrystallized. The lated zones through these rocks, and both quartz and large recrystallized grains in the quartz-plagioclase- biotite, as well as plagioclase, are ground up and spread garnet pegmatite stringers generally embay smaller out along others. Thus the shearing appears to have plagioclase grams. As most of the crystals are clear, taken place at about the same time as the trans­ the change in composition was not due to a saussuritic formation. breakdown of the original plagioclase. The composition of plagioclase in biotite-garnet Plagioclase makes, up 40 to 50 percent of most gneiss is remarkably uniform and is generally between biotite-garnet gneiss, regardless of grain size or texture. An2x and An35. A striking feature is that within any This is only slightly less than the average amount in given body, the plagioclase has the same composition hornblende gneiss. Only in pegmatitic varieties of whether it occurs as relict crystals in the narrow, horn­ biotite-garnet gneiss does the quantity of plagioclase blende-bearing marginal zones, as relict or recrystallized vary significantly; plagioclase commonly makes up 50 grains in the main part of the body, or as coarse and to 70 percent of the quartz-plagioclase-garnet stringers completely recrystallized grains in the quartz-plagi­ and pods, and it is relatively minor where abundant oclase-garnet pegmatite stringers. In several suites of microcline is present. specimens from different biotite-garnet gneiss bodies the Hornblende is most abundant in the transitior zones range in composition of plagioclase was only 3 or 4 per­ between hornblende gneiss and biotite-garnet gneiss, cent of anorthite (close to the limit of accuracy of de­ where it occurs in irregular grains that commonly are termination), and the range in individual specimens was partly altered to biotite (pi. 52 A). Where biotite is nearly as great. The only general variation noted in subordinate, the hornblende is similar to that in ad­ plagioclase composition is in those pegmatitic rocks jacent, unaltered hornblende gneiss; as the quantity of containing 10 percent or more of mivrocline; in these biotite increases, the hornblende relicts become smaller, the plagioclase composition generally is near An2s. less abundant, and much more irregular. Hornblende One local and significant deviation in plagioclase in the typical biotite-garnet gneiss is in scattered, ragged 402890—57———8 348 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY grains, which are generally associated with abundant and locally it also occurs in the adjacent hornblende biotite. Hornblende generally is absent in the biotite- gneiss near a contact with pegmatite or biotite-garnet garnet gneiss near pegmatite and quartz monzonite gneiss. Garnet is coarsest and most al\mdant near gneiss. Some of the pegmatitic pods, however, contain pegmatite bodies and in many places is found only in hornblende crystals one-half inch or more long, and ap­ thin peripheral zones around pegmatite. In other parently the adjacent rock was considerably enriched in places, are distributed throughout relatively hornblende. large masses of biotite-garnet gneiss. Rock with Biotite is closely associated with abundant horn­ abundant garnet generally has less biotite- than similar blende in the marginal transition zones and in partly rock with less garnet. The garnets are completely transformed hornblende-rich inclusions within biotite- isotropic and probably belong to the almandine- garnet gneiss bodies. Biotite is regularly distributed group. The index of refraction of garnets in through the relatively even grained biotite-garnet 26 specimens from all occurrences was determined. gneiss. The relationship with scattered hornblende In 24 specimens the index was between 1.79 and 1.80, relicts indicates that the biotite here is in part at least and in 2 specimens the index was significantly above an alteration product of hornblende. Where trans­ 1.80. Thus the composition of most garnets hi biotite- formation was more complete, most biotite is in separate garnet gneiss and related rocks probably is near grains that show no trace of their origin, but all relict Al70-Py3o. The garnet typically occurs as granular, hornblende crystals have some closely associated poikiloblastic aggregates with abundant rounded quartz biotite. In the uneven-textured, thoroughly recrystal- inclusions and variable amounts of closely associated lized rocks, biotite forms irregular concentrations and blue amphibole and biotite. stringers that vary widely in grain size. Biotite is All stages in the formation of garnet were seen, and coarsest where it is most abundant, and in some rocks it apparently formed from materials derived from the it forms local concentrations with grains one-half inch breakdown of both hornblende and biotite. In the or more in diameter. More commonly it is mixed with earliest stages, garnet formed in scattered, irregular variable amounts of plagioclase and quartz or is closely to rounded spots as much as one-half inch in diameter associated with garnet aggregates. Coarse-grained consisting of small grains of blue amphibole and biotite biotite is a minor constituent of many pegmatite pods with a few small garnet granules set in a fine mosaic of and stringers. quartz and sericitized plagioclase (pi. 52 B). Adjacent The biotite in all these occurrences has essentially hornblende and biotite generally are somewhat cor­ the same optical properties, and presumably has roded. As the quantity of garnet increases, the quan­ essentially the same chemical composition. The pleo- tity of blue amphibole, biotite, and plagioclase de­ chroic colors are yellow and dark brown, and the 2V creases, and the quartz aggregates into rounded blebs is small, in many thin sections being sensibly zero. surrounded by or closely associated with granular The higher index of refraction (ft essentially equals garnet (pi. 52 (7). The larger garnets are in rounded 7) was measured for 6 specimens representative of all to very irregular aggregates with abundant lobate to degrees of transformation; 4 of these measurements rounded quartz inclusions and variable quantities of were between 1.65 and 1.66, 1 was between 1.64 and closely associated biotite (pi. 52 (7). The biotite occurs 1.65, and another was slightly above 1.66. These in peripheral concentrations, scattered inclusions, and properties are characteristic of ordinary biotite, and fillings; some relatively large crystals project no evidence was seen for either markedly magnesian or haphazardly into or through the garnet. Small grains markedly ferriferous biotite. of blue amphibole are associated with many garnet The total hornblende and biotite content generally aggregates but generally are absent where biotite is decreases from the marginal transition gneiss to the abundant. The garnets within biotite concentrations lit-par-lit gneiss and pegmatitic gneiss. Hornblende are surrounded by thin rims of fine quartz, sericitized comprises 35 percent or more of most hornblende plagioclase, and biotite, and the larger acfiacent biotite gneiss, and in the marginal parts of biotite-garnet crystals are strongly corroded (pi. 52 D, E). gneiss bodies combined hornblende and biotite make The blue amphibole associated with many garnet up 25 to 35 percent of the rock. Biotite generally aggregates is most abundant where the surrounding makes up only 15 to 25 percent of those rocks where rock is rich in hornblende, but it is relatively common hornblende is minor or absent, and as little as 5 percent even where the hornblende hi the adjacent gneiss is of much lit-par-lit gneiss and rock cut by abundant insignificant hi amount (pi. 52 B, E, F). pegmatite. Most of the blue amphibole is in small, irregular to Red garnet is widely but irregularly distributed idioblastic grains that formed as an inte^nnediate step through biotite-garnet gneiss and associated pegmatite, in the development of garnet, but hi some hornblende- METAMOPPHISM AND THE ORIGIN OP GRANITIC ROCKS, NORTHGATE DISTRICT, COLORADO 349

rich rocks the original hornblende crystals adjacent ORIGIN to the garnet aggregates were partly or entirely con­ Abundant evidence indicates that biotite-garnet verted to blue amphibole. The pleochroic colors oi gneiss originated by transformation of hornblende the blue amphibole are yellow, blue green, and green gneiss. Contacts between these two rock types are blue in contrast with the yellow, grass green, and dark gradational and irregular; many untransfomed or green of unaltered hornblende in hornblende gneiss. incompletely transformed remnants of hornblende Although biotite is a common associate of garnet, gneiss occur throughout the biotite-garnet gneiss; the rock around the larger garnet aggregates commonly and many details of the transformation can be ob­ is relatively poor in biotite and hornblende, and in served under the microscope. The close association places the minerals in these light-colored halos are with pegmatite and minor amounts of related quartz distinctly coarser grained than those in the rest of the monzonite gneiss and the evidence for recurrent rock. The biotite-poor halos that surround garnet shearing during transformation indicate that the trans­ aggregates and the relatively low percentage of biotite formation was a phase of the general dynamic and and hornblende in those rocks where garnet is abundant metasomatic metamorphism that affected the gneiss indicate that most of the garnet-forming material was complex during the later stages of regional meta­ locally derived from the biotite and hornblende. Total morphism. biotite and garnet, however, rarely exceeds 25 percent Except for the relatively late introduction of micro­ of typical biotite-garnet gneiss and generally is less cline (changes more closely related to the origin of than 20 percent; consequently these totals represent microcline-rich pegmatite discussed in the following a significant decrease in the iron and magnesia held in section), the transformations produced chiefly minerals the original hornblende gneiss. containing considerable lime, magnesia, and iron, and The quantity of quartz in biotite-garnet gneiss varies introduced abundant silica. Normal hornblende gneiss, widely, but generally it makes up 20 to 40 percent of having roughly equal proportions of intermediate the rock. Even in marginal zones it comprises as plagioclase (An30-55) and hornblende, was converted much as 30 percent of some biotite-garnet gneiss. to a rock composed of biotite, garnet, quarts, and It forms small lobate grains in slightly altered rocks; plagioclase (An2s-35). Total ferromagnesian content with increasing alteration the quartz became coarser, shows a slight but progressive decrease with increased more irregular, and somewhat more abundant. alteration. Microcline in wisps and small grains constitutes as To accomplish these changes, silica for the quartz much as 5 percent of some typical biotite-garnet gneiss was needed in excess of the few percent which may (pi. 52 (7), but in much of the rock it is absent. Some have been derived from the breakdown of hornblende biotite-garnet gneiss, particularly near large microcline- to biotite and garnet, as the quantity of quartz in most bearing pegmatite bodies, contains 30 percent or more biotite-garnet gneiss exceeds that of the combined of microcline in grains that range from very small biotite and garnet and is about the same as that of wisps to almost rectangular augen an inch or more in hornblende in the original rock. Some potf.sh, in length. Myrmekite is widespread in these rocks, and addition to that already present in the amphibole, may many microcline cyrstals are crowded with unre- have been required to permit the formation of biotite placed inclusions of plagioclase, biotite, and quartz. from hornblende. Potash concentration in the early Some of these inclusions are aggregates that show the stages was apparently low, however, for little microcline normal relationship of biotite-garnet gneiss; micro­ was formed then. The other alterations required cline, therefore, was evidently the last mineral formed removal of small amounts of lime, magnesia, and iron. in the biotite-garnet gneiss. These changes contrast notably with those in the Accessory minerals in original hornblende gneiss adjacent zones where quartz monzonite gnehs was make up only a fraction of a percent of the rock; formed. Large quantities of lime, magnesia, and iron apatite is the most abundant of these, but sphene is were replaced by alkalies and silica as the intermediate also widespread. Both apatite and sphene, as well plagioclase of the hornblende gneiss was converted to as variable amounts of secondary epidote, are much odic oligoclase or albite and the ferromagnesian min­ more abundant in the biotite-garnet gneiss, and appear erals were largely destroyed. to become more abundant with an increase of garnet Although under classical theories of metamorphism and microcline. Zircon and magnetite also are fairly bhe minerals of the biotite-garnet gneiss are generally common in biotite-garnet gneiss, but they are greatly considered to originate at higher temperature? than subordinate to apatite, sphene, and epidote. those in quartz monzonite gneiss, geologic evidence here 350 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY indicates that this was not the case. Biotite-garnet between the large masses of quartz monronite gneiss gneiss occurs with abundant pegmatite in a zone ap­ in the northern and southeastern parts of the district. proximately peripheral to the large quartz monzonite Associated with the abundant pegmatite are small gneiss bodies, a zone where the temperature should bodies of quartz monzonite gneiss, but they are largest have been somewhat lower. and most abundant to the north, where tl ?- pegmatite More probably the differences in reaction were related and quartz monzonite gneiss zones overlap. The to differences in concentration of the materials in largest pegmatite bodies are in the west-central part solution. Yoder (1952, p. 615-617) has shown that of the district where some very irregular masses are the same mineral assemblages can form under widely more than 2 miles long and 2,000 feet wide. Biotite- different temperature and pressure conditions, de­ garnet gneiss is associated with the abundant pegmatite pending on the bulk composition of a system. Evi­ through the central part of the pegmatite zone, where dently most alkalies in the solutions were precipitated quartz monzonite gneiss is subordinate. In the south­ in the formation of quartz monzonite gneiss, a precipita­ ern part of the pegmatite zone where relations have been tion Wegmann (1935, p. 326) postulates as taking greatly obscured by later , Laramide place within a narrow zone or "front." As the solu­ faulting, and Tertiary alluviation, pegmatite appears tions migrated outward and were impoverished in to be much less abundant than farther north. It alkalies they undoubtedly were enriched in displaced forms many small bodies on Pinkham Mountain and lime, magnesia, and iron. Thus the alteration of the eastward where shearing appears to have been active rock above the granitization "front" would take during the period of metasomatism that followed place in an environment relatively low in alkalies and dynamo thermal metamorphism (see "" fol­ rich in lime, magnesia, and iron. There was no lowing). The southern margin of the pegmatite zone precipitation of these materials in the biotite-garnet coincides with an irregular belt of mylonite gneiss gneiss to form a "basic front" (Reynolds, 1944, p. near Pinkham Creek. Some pegmatite is associated 235-238; Read, 1948, p. 11-12); rather there is evidence with the large masses of quartz monzonite gneiss both for slight removal. However, the uniformity of north and south of the pegmatite zone, but is less composition of plagioclase and garnet indicates that abundant here than in the central part of the district. these minerals formed by reaction with solutions Although some of the smaller pegmatite lenses bulge considerably richer in lime, magnesia, and iron than the foliation and layering in their wall rocks and those in deeper zones. apparently represent injected material, most of the Although progressive mineralogic and textural larger bodies show replacement relations toward the changes clearly indicate the replacement origin of most host rock. Rocks surrounding the ramifying pegmatite biotite-garnet gneiss, the origin of quartz-plagioclase- masses are not displaced or deformed, and the foliation garnet pegmatite is not so obvious. Bodies of this in the wall rock and in numerous undigested inclusions rock range from small knots a few inches in diameter of in pegmatite shows the snxne orienta­ through thin discontinuous stringers in lit-par-lit tion. In some places contacts of pegmatite bodies are gneiss to relatively persistent, veinlike bodies a few sharp, but elsewhere pegmatite grades into such diverse inches thick and as much as several tens of feet long rocks as hornblende gneiss, hornblende-biotite gneiss, and irregular masses up to several feet or more in biotite-garnet gneiss, and quartz monzonite gneiss. diameter. Because of their coarse grain and low Locally many smaller bodies range from quartz mon­ biotite content these rocks are distinctive; but the zonite gneiss in one part to pegmatite in another. bodies do not displace their walls, and the contacts Pegmatite and quartz monzonite gneiss generally characteristically are gradational. Although present appear contemporaneous, but where an fxe sequence in different proportions, the minerals are the same can be determined pegmatite is always the younger. as those in the wall rocks; and neither plagioclase nor garnet shows any change in composition across the UTHOLOGY contacts of the pegmatitic bodies. Evidently the quartz-plagioclase-garnet pegmatite resulted from the With few exceptions, pegmatite in the Northgate same alteration that produced the adjacent biotite- district shows little mineralogic zoning, but is a simple garnet gneiss. aggregate of quartz and feldspar with subordinate muscovite, biotite, garnet, and magnetite or hematite. PEGMATITE The texture characteristically is uneven, and some GENERAL FEATURES AND DISTRIBUTION grains are as much as several inches in diameter. Quartz-microcline-plagioclase pegmatite is abundant Very coarse pegmatite is rare. Many pegmatite bodies in a zone in the central part of the Northgate district, have a distinct megascopic foliation shown by abundant METAMORPHISM AND THE ORIGIN OF GRANITIC ROCKS, NORTHGATE DISTRICT, COLORADO 351 elongate quartz aggregates, or, more rarely, by musco- bodies. The leaching was erratically distributed, and vite-covered folia. except for a slight tendency toward localization near The pegmatite ranges widely in composition from the bulbous ends of pegmatite bodies, no structural plagioclase rich, microcline poor through all gradations control was discerned. In some places numerous partly to those in which nearly all the feldspar is microcline. leached relicts occur through the more cellular rock. Where plagioclase is abundant the rock generally is white to gray and is relatively fine grained for pegmatite. PETROGRAPHY Microcline occurs in scattered pink crystals, and garnet The relative abundance of the different minerals in and biotite are most abundant in these rocks. Where the pegmatite varies widely from quartz-plagioclase- microcline is more abundant, the rock is distinctly garnet pegmatite with subordinate microcline to ouartz- pink and generally coarser grained. In microcline- microcline pegmatite with little or no plagioclase or rich pegmatite, plagioclase is in scattered grains and garnet. Quartz makes up 20 to 30 percent of almost in irregular granular aggregates. In places quartz all the pegmatite, and in most of the rock microcline is and the associated feldspar show the same range in significantly more abundant than plagioclase. Garnet, grain size, but more commonly the quartz is in irregular generally witji some associated biotite, is relatively aggregates between larger feldspar grams. Muscovite abundant in those rocks where plagioclase is abundant, is abundant in a few bodies, but is very scarce or absent but it is rare and irregularly distributed in microcline- in most. Magnetite, or hematitic and limonitic pseu- quartz pegmatite. Muscovite is abundant in a few domorphs after magnetite, is widespread in the peg­ places but generally is rare. Minor quantises of matite, and in places makes up several percent of the magnetite are widespread. rock. Plagioclase generally occurs in irregularly shaped Most contacts of pegmatite with quartz monzonite aggregates with quartz, and rocks where plagioclase gneiss and biotite-garnet gneiss are completely grada- is the most abundant feldspar are finer grainec1 than tional. In quartz monzonite gneiss the pegmatite the more common, microcline-rich pegmatite. occurs either as narrow bands parallel to foliation or as Plagioclase was one of the earliest minerals in the irregular masses of various shapes and sizes. Biotite- pegmatite to crystallize, and most of it is corroded garnet gneiss grades into microcline-rich pegmatite and partly replaced by microcline and quarts. In through an abrupt increase in microcline, a decrease in those bodies where plagioclase makes up more than a biotite, and a general increase in grain size. The few percent of the rock its composition generally change is most abrupt hi the medium-grained even- ranges from An2o to An30. Where plagioclase is a textured biotite-garnet gneiss, whereas in the lit-par-lit minor constituent of the pegmatite, it tends to be variety, where much of the adjacent rock has a pegma- distinctly more sodic and ranges from An10 to Anl5. titic or near pegmatitic texture, the transition more Some grains are clear but most are somewhat saussur- commonly is gradational. itized; a few grains are heavily crowded with saus^uritic The relations between pegmatite and hornblende and sericitic inclusions. Little correlation exists be­ gneiss are considerably more varied. Some contacts tween composition and degree of alteration. Myrme- are sharp but more commonly a narrow, epidote-rich kitic borders are common on plagioclase grains where con­ transition zone exists between the two rocks. Chlorite, siderable replacement by microcline has taken pb.ce. pink plagioclase (albite), garnet, and specularite are Microcline ranges from small crystals between the common associates of epidote in the transition zone; plagioclase grains to large, irregular to almost rectangu­ microcline is progressively more abundant toward the lar crystals, many of which contain abundant corroded center of the pegmatite. The transition zone is inclusions of plagioclase. Commonly several adjacent highly variable in texture and ranges from pseudo- inclusions have the same optical orientation. In morphic hornblende gneiss through structureless ag­ plagioclase-rich pegmatite, the microcline apparently gregates to distinctly pegmatitic textures. formed in a previously existing rock, and all degrees of Quartz was widely leached from some pegmatite replacement can be seen from these early rocks to rocks bodies and locally some quartz monzonite gneiss in which the feldspar is largely microcline. bodies as well. The leached rock comprises a cellular Quartz occurs in irregular to lobate grains and aggre­ feldspar skeleton of the original rock. Many of the gates that are unevenly distributed through the rock. cavities contain scattered to numerous flakes of specular Where plagioclase is abundant the associated auartz hematite and a few of the holes are lined with small, appears to be about contemporaneous, but where micro­ euhedral quartz crystals. Most of the masses of cline is the predominant feldspar much of the auartz leached rock are only a few feet or tens of feet hi is corrosive toward the plagioclase and appears to be diameter and make up only a small part of the affected of about the same age as the microcline. As qur.rtz in. 352 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY the plagioclase-rich pegmatite and in the microcline- inclusions of metamorphic rocks. With few exceptions rich pegmatite is about equally abundant, the apparent the wall rocks and inclusions show no evidence of de­ difference in relative age may be due in large part to formation, and the foliation in the inclusions and the recrystallization of quartz already present. This re- wall rocks generally has the same orientation. Many crystallization is further indicated by a general increase of the contacts are gradational. Some of the smaller in grain size of quartz with an increase in microcline pegmatite bodies clearly displace their walls, but most content. of the pegmatite in the larger masses evidently replaced In those pegmatite bodies that show a megascopic rather than intruded the metamorphic rocks. This foliation, the elongated quartz aggregates appear under conclusion is further suggested by the progressive re­ the microscope as stringers and veinlets along recrys- placement of plagioclase by microcline as well as the tallized cataclastic zones. Granulated feldspar and occurrence of apparently relict plagioclase with rela­ quartz along these zones have recrystallized to a fine tively calcic composition (An20-3o) and garnet even where interlocking aggregate of irregular grains, and are cut microcline is relatively abundant. by the larger quartz stringers which definitely occur Microcline in all the pegmatite, even in the central later than the shearing. Where present, muscovite part of large pegmatite bodies is corrosive toward forms small grains in the recrystallized cataclastic plagioclase, and in marginal zones between pegmatite aggregate and larger flakes and layers associated with and biotite-garnet gneiss, microcline clearly formed the late quartz stringers. Both varieties crystallized after the biotite-garnet gneiss was formed. These same after shearing. relations are found in the gradational contacts of bio­ Garnet has about the same index of refraction in tite-garnet gneiss inclusions within pegmatite as well. pegmatite as it has in the adjacent biotite-garnet gneiss. The composition of most plagioclase in the pegmatite The irregular to rounded grains and aggregates have a in the Northgate district is more calcic (An^-so) than typical sieve texture, with abundant blebby quartz is common in quartz-feldspar pegmatite, and garnet in inclusions and variable quantities of closely associated the pegmatite has about the same composition as garnet biotite. Garnet is most abundant and the associated in adjacent biotite-garnet gneiss. Apparently both the biotite is most common in pegmatite that is rich in plagioclase and garnet are relict. plagioclase; garnet is relatively minor and biotite is Although a distinct sequence in time between biotite- absent in pegmatite where replacement by microcline garnet gneiss and pegmatite is implied by the late intro­ was more complete. The garnet grains appear to have duction of microcline, it seems likely that the two rocks been inherited in large part from an earlier stage in the were formed about contemporaneously, but that the transformation and replacement of hornblende gneiss. biotite-garnet gneiss formed ahead of f,n advancing The contacts between pegmatite and hornblende pegmatite "front." This hypothesis is consistent with gneiss are marked in many places by abundant epidote the common close association of pegmatite with the and lesser quantities of chlorite and albite. Some of more thoroughly transformed biotite-garnet gneiss and these rocks show good relict texture of the original the apparently continuous local sequence in time be­ hornblende gneiss, with chlorite pseudomorphs of horn­ tween the two rocks. Although commonly closely blende set in a dense of epidote. More com­ associated, biotite-garnet gneiss and pegir atite bear no monly the alteration product is a dense green rock constant relation to each other in space. Piotite-gamet composed of predominant granular to prismatic epidote gneiss generally is most completely tran^fdrmed near with variable quantities of pink albite (An2-5). Sphene, large pegmatite bodies, but many thoroughly trans­ chlorite, and hematite are common accessory minerals. formed masses of biotite-garnet gneiss hi\ve relatively In places the epidote-albite rock is coarse grained and little closely associated pegmatite, and many pegmatite has a pegmatitic texture. Garnet is fairly common in bodies have no associated biotite-garnet gneiss. No hornblende gneiss near pegmatite and in the transition unequivocal example of concentric zoning of biotite- zones, and in one place a dense garnet-clinozoisite- garnet gneiss around a large mass of pegmatite was -albite-sphene rock occurs along a pegmatite- observed, and in many places a pegmatite body hornblende gneiss contact. grades into highly altered biotite-garnet gneiss on one side and into hornblende gneiss on the other. Trans­ ORIGIN forming solutions at a given locality apparently changed Pegmatite and quartz monzonite gneiss are commonly with the advance of the pegmatite "front" from those closely associated in the Northgate district and field that caused the formation of biotite-garnef gneiss (rela­ and petrographic data suggest that they both origi­ tively rich in lime, magnesia, and iron) to those that nated through metasomatism. The large pegmatite caused the formation of pegmatite (ricl in potash). bodies are extremely irregular and contain numerous Where the later solutions followed the same general METAMORPHISM AND THE ORIGIN OF GRANITIC ROCKS, NORTHGATE DISTRICT, COLORADO 353 channels as the earlier solutions, biotite-garnet gneiss mineral orientation. As the grain size becomes smaller, and pegmatite are closely associated; where new chan­ the gneiss grades into dense, uniform to banded, gray nels formed or old channels shifted during transforma­ rock characteristic of mylonite gneiss. tion, the alteration products occur either alone or with Feldspar augen and irregular quartz-feldspar str'ngers minor intermixing. are abundant in mmy places, particularly near bodies of quartz monzonite gneiss or pegmatite. The ouartz HOBNBLENDE-BIOTITE GNEISS and feldspar stringers and augen are generally parallel GENERAL FEATURES AND DISTRIBUTION to the foliation, although in places they form irregular, Hornbleride-biotite gneiss includes a group of well- cloudy masses. The contacts of these masses are foliated rocks made up of varying proportions of horn­ characteristically indistinct, and the stringer? and blende, biotite, quartz, and plagioclase. Small amounts masses apparently result from replacement or trans- of microcline are widespread, but erratically distributed. formatioi rather than injection.

The rocks form a complexly interlayered series that PETROGRAPHY range from unaltered hornblende gneiss to fine-grained mylonite gneiss, and petrographic evidence indicates Hornblende-biotite are somewhat granulated that the present textures and mineral composition are rocks intermediate in texture between hornl^ende related to the degree of shearing and recrystallization gneiss and mylonite gneiss. Fine-grained quartz and the different rocks were subjected to subsequent to biotite and abundant accessory minerals occur along dynamo thermal metamorphism. Foliation in the horn- shear zones and in recrystallized, cataclastic aggregates blende-biotite gneiss is parallel to the layering in that surround the larger, relict grains of plagioclare and adjacent hornblende gneiss, and the different rocks hornblende (pi. 53 A); the quantity of quartz and appear to be interbedded. The mixed rocks do not biotite is directly related to the degree of granulation persist along the strike; the layers feather out and grade of the rock. Biotite tends to be oriented along several into hornblende gneiss. The hornblende-biotite gneiss sets of shear planes, and the foliation is more distinct is erratically distributed, and it is not separated from than that in typical hornblende gneiss. In pieces a hornblende gneiss on the geologic map (pi. 48). single set of shear planes is dominant and in such rocks These rocks are most abundant on the southern part even relatively biotite-poor gneiss has good megascopic of Pinkham Mountain and along Pinkham Creek, where foliation. Most of the hornblende-biotite gneiss, how­ they are associated with mylonite gneiss. Some horn­ ever, shows several sets of shear planes in the direction blende-biotite gneiss occurs south of the belt of mylonite of megascopic foliation that intersect at low angles. gneiss, but relations are obscured by large masses of Minerals are also considerably granulated between the quartz monzonite gneiss and by Laramide faulting. larger crystals. In these rocks the degree of foliation Farther north, hornblende-biotite gneiss alternates with depends on the quantity of oriented biotite and on the larger and larger masses of normal hornblende gneiss. angles of intersection of the shear planes. In some No hornblende-biotite gneiss was seen in the northern rocks cataclasis took place only between the grains; and northwestern parts of the district. these rocks have almost no foliation. No generaliza­ tion can be made concerning the relationship of degree LITHOLOGY of foliation with degree of comminution. Hornblende-biotite gneiss varies widely in mineral Hornblende and plagioclase occur as ragged relict composition and texture from place to place as it is grains set in finer, granulated rock. Broken grains of made up of a completely gradational series of rocks. plagioclase are also abundant in the surrounding granu­ The foliation generally is more distinct than in horn­ lated rock, but fine-grained hornblende is uncommon. blende gneiss. Where hornblende is abundant the rock The grain size of the larger crystals is comparable with has a grain size about comparable with that in the that in normal hornblende gneiss. Hornblende relicts associated hornblende gneiss. With increasing biotite generally are not as abundant as plagioclase relicts, and and quartz, the rock becomes finer grained and more they are commonly altered in part to biotite. Where closely foliated. Although some hornblende and plagi­ there was significant ^granulation, the plagioclase is oclase grains are commonly slightly larger than the distinctly more sodic than that in the associated horn­ other mineral grains, the rock loses the distinctive blende gneiss, and generally is either sodic andesme or salt-and-pepper aspect of hornblende gneiss and ac­ calcic oligoclase. Most grains are considerably seri- quires a more even, dark-gray color. Although closely citized and saussuritized, but relatively clear grairs also foliated, the rock does not split evenly along a single are abundant. Plagioclase generally is about as abun­ plane; the fracture is hackly, and foliation appears to dant in the resulting rock as it was in the original be a compromise direction between several planes of hornblende gneiss. 354 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY Although a small quantity of biotite is commonly crystals; the groundmass consists essentially of a fine associated with the relict hornblende grains, most of it aggregate of crystalloblastic biotite, quart,1?, and feld­ occurs with quartz and plagioclase in fine-grained spar. The transformation involved granulation of the crystalloblastic aggregates along the shear zones and original hornblende gneiss by penetrative movement between the larger plagioclase and hornblende crystals. and shearing. Plagioclase was broken and altered to Biotite forms irregular to well-formed platy crystals a somewhat more sodic feldspar, but the quantity of that range in size from very small grains to grains plagioclase in the rock did not change appreciably. nearly as coarse as some of the hornblende crystals. Hornblende, on the other hand, was broken down and Many of the biotite plates are oriented along the shear the constituent materials recrystallized as p, mixture of planes, but many also show random orientation in the biotite, quartz, and the lime-bearing accessory minerals granulated rocklaetween the relict crystals. Depending apatite, sphene, and epidote. These new minerals did largely on the degree of shearing, biotite ranges in not form pseudomorphs after hornblende but occur abundance from a trace to about 20 percent of the rock. scattered through the granulated part of the rock. Quartz forms small, about equidimensional grains As indicated by the relations of microcline along associated with the recrystallized biotite and plagioclase granulated zones in the rock, the shearing was accom­ and somewhat larger grains in elongated aggregates panied by local feldspathization. The cataclasis, there­ along shear zones. Quartz makes up as much as 30 fore, appears to have taken place during the same percent of some rocks; it is generally most abundant general period of time in which regional metasomatism where biotite is most abundant. produced the quartz monzonite gneiss and pegmatite Small quantities of microcline are widespread, but elsewhere in the district. it is most abundant in the vicinity of quartz monzonite Some of the potash required by biotite could have gneiss and pegmatite bodies where aggregates make up been derived from external sources, and perhaps some the augen and granitic-appearing stringers. Microcline quartz also may have been introduced, but the increase occurs in small wisps and irregular grains in the recrys­ in abundance of biotite and quartz with increase in tallized cataclastic zones of the gneiss. Microcline degree of granulation and decrease in abundance of replaces relict hornblende and plagioclase grains, as well hornblende makes a local source more probable. How­ as biotite and plagioclase in the cataclastic mortar. ever, most biotite in the granulated zones shows no Several poikiloblastic microcline grains were observed relation to broken hornblende remnants and quartz is that cut across granulated zones and contained biotite unevenly distributed so the recrystallization of mate­ inclusions oriented in the direction of the shear plane; rials derived from sheared hornblende involved some these microcline grains obviously crystallized after movement in solution. Possibly this accounts for the shearing. The transition from hornblende-biotite gneiss variable quartz-biotite ratio and the erratic distribution to the associated quartz monzonite gneiss takes place of the lime-bearing accessory minerals. chiefly by an abrupt increase in the quantity of intro­ duced microcline. Although microcline definitely was MYLONITE GNEISS introduced along some granulated zones, in many places GENERAL. FEATURES AND DISTRIBUTION it was broken by later shearing. Apatite, sphene, and magnetite are much more abun­ The mylonite gneiss is made up of very fine grained dant in hornblende-biotite gneiss than in unsheared crystalloblastic rocks that originated through intense hornblende gneiss. They commonly make up several shearing and granulation, followed by moderate re- percent of the biotite- and quartz-rich gneiss, and in crystallization, of the different rocks in the gneiss some specimens they constitute about 5 percent of the complex. These rocks vary widely in mineral composi­ rock. tion, depending on the composition of the original Irregular grains of epidote are scattered through most gneiss, on the intensity of shearing, and on the degree of of the rock. They are erratically distributed, generally recrystallization. Many of the rocks are streaked in minor amounts, although in places epidote forms as with discontinuous layers of contrasting- color and much as 15 percent of the gneiss. composition, and rounded to lozenge-shaped augen are common. Following the nomenclature compiled by ORIGIN Waters and Campbell (1935, p. 478, 481), these rocks The transition from hornblende gneiss through inter­ are called mylonite gneiss; locally, rocks have been mediate hornblende-biotite gneiss and schist to mylonite so intensely sheared that all original textures were gneiss is marked by progressively more intense shearing destroyed and these are classed as ultramvlonites. and granulation. In all these rocks, only hornblende Mylonite gneiss is most abundant along the walls of and plagioclase occur in the relatively large relict Kings and Pinkham Creek Canyons; smaller areas of METAMORPHISM AND THE ORIGIN OF GRANITIC ROCKS, NORTHGATE DISTRICT, COLORADO 355 this rock are exposed in the core of Sentinal Mountain colors of the pink to gray "flow bands" that branch and along the front of the Medicine Bow Mountains and bend around the pegmatite relicts and augen are northeast of Sentinal Mountain (pi. 48). Mylonite due largely to the tendency of quartz and feldspar gneiss is most abundant where the original rock was to segregate into separate layers. Minor amounts of dominantly hornblende gneiss; it dies out to the east biotite and muscovite occur along some of tte folia and south in large masses of quartz monzonite gneiss. and accentuate the banding. Where the original rock The margins of some large quartz monzonite gneiss was completely ground it is difficult to determine if bodies were reduced to mylonite, but short distances in the light-gray to pink ultramylonite was derived from from the contacts only a minor amount of intergranular quartz monzonite gneiss or from pegmatite. cataclasis took place. PETROGRAPHY LITHOIjOGY The common dark-gray mylonite gneiss derived Most mylonite gneiss derived from hornblende from hornblende gneiss shows an excellent recrystallized gneiss is a very fine grained medium- to dark-gray cataclastic texture under the microscope. Rounded micaceous rock that is closely foliated and in part and broken plagioclase augen, generally calcic oligo- streaked. The streaks are due to alternating biotite- clase, are set in a fine, crystalloblastic groundmass rich and feldspar-rich layers that are commonly folded of feldspar, quartz, and biotite (pi. 53 B}. Horr blende and crenulated on a small scale. Hornblende crystals crystals are few or absent in most specimers, but occur in bands along the folia of some of these rocks. locally they are abundant and are concentrated along The foliation is uneven, and fractures commonly sparkle relatively hornblende-rich layers. Some horrblende with reflections from abundant fine biotite. Rounded occurs in recrystallized, poikiloblastic grains (pi. 53 G) . feldspar augen are relatively common, and in places Curving streaks, or "flow bands" marked by abundant they are strung out along layers like series of beads. biotite flakes, branch and bend around the rounded A dense, white to greenish-gray, slightly greasy- feldspar augen. Those rocks that were reduced to a appearing rock that may have been either a lime- fine-grained cataclastic aggregate with very few larger silicate rock or a normal hornblende gneiss occurs grains, later recrystallized to fairly even textured, along the walls of Pinkham Creek Canyon. This rock is dense rocks composed of biotite, feldspar, and quartz made up of a very fine aggregate of epidote and clino- grains that are generally 0.2 millimeter or less in di­ and minor amounts of quartz. Much of it is ameter. The megascopic banding is commonly in­ megascopically structureless, but quartz-rich varieties distinct under the microscope. Much quartz occurs show faint streaks parallel to the foliation of the in the recrystallized , but some ag­ adjacent gneiss. gregates and microscopic veinlets string out along the Quartz monzonite gneiss was more resistant to curving bands. Epidote, apatite, and sphene are com­ shearing than hornblende gneiss, hence only the mon accessory minerals. This rock is the end member marginal parts of larger bodies even in the zones of of the transitional series called hornblende-biotite greatest movement were reduced to mylonite. Many gneiss that grades from slightly sheared hornblende of the smaller bodies, however, were ground up to a gneiss to mylonite gneiss. very fine-grained pinkish-gray rock with a distinct The fine-grained, white to greenish-gray rock of quartzitic appearance. These siliceous-appearing rocks uncertain origin that occurs along Pinkham Creek commonly show color banding parallel to the foliation Canyon is composed largely of clinozoisite and epidote of adjacent rocks. Where granulation was not so with lesser quantities of quartz. Some epidote and complete, remnants of abundant rounded to ovoid clinozoisite crystals are 1 millimeter long; most grains pink feldspar grains are set in a thin-layered, vitreous- are less than 0.5 millimeter in diameter. Quartz appearing groundmass. The crinkled layers bend makes up only 10 to 20 percent of most of the rock, around the augen much as flow bands in lava bend but locally it is much more abundant and tends to around . Moderately sheared quartz mon­ occur in bands or streaks. Sphene is a common minor zonite gneiss is distinctly finer grained and better accessory mineral. foliated than normal quartz monzonite gneiss, but the All gradations exist between slightly sheared quartz cataclastic texture is not generally obvious. monzonite gneiss and ultramylonite. Some rochs that Most mylonite gneiss derived from pegmatite has a appear in hand specimen to be relatively fine grained distinctive appearance. Abundant rounded to lozenge- quartz monzonite gneiss show marked intergranular shaped augen of pink feldspar as much as several cataclastic texture in thin section. Where shearing inches in diameter are surrounded by a fine groundmass was not intense, granulation was confined to relatively with a streaked, pseudofluidal texture. The contrasting thin zones along grain margins. With an increase in 402890—57———t 356 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY degree of shearing, the zones of intergranular brec- ciation became wider, and integrated shear zones cut through the rock (pi. 53 D). These shear zones generally intersect at relatively low angles in the direction of megascopic foliation. Where the ultra- mylonite stage was reached, most of the original grains are milled out to a fine cataclastic aggregate, and one of the several intersecting shear planes generally is dominant. The relict feldspar augen that survived are rounded and fractured, in places giving the ap­ pearance of having been rolled. Some of the larger grains show the external form of augen, but under crossed nicols they appear almost as thoroughly brec- ciated as the groundmass (pi. 53 E, F). With extreme granulation almost all the original grains were pulver­ ized, and shearing separated the different minerals in the groundmass into quartz-rich and feldspar-rich bands that bend around the ovoid feldspar augen. Most of the recrystallized grains in these rocks are less than 0.3 millimeter in diameter. The composition of plagioclase apparently was not greatly altered during the granulation of quartz Lineation shown by 23 random measure monzonite gneiss. Although plagioclase in the ground- ments of oriented elongate minerals mass is too fine grained to determine its composition and minor fold axes accurately, it appears to have about the same index of FIGUBE 69.—Lineation in hornblende-biotite gneiss and mylonite gneiss. Contours refraction as the associated augen, which are either on 5,10, 20, and 30 percent concentrations per 1 percent of the area. Plotted on the lower hemisphere of a Schmidt equiarea net. calcic albite or sodic oligoclase. Biotite was broken down into chlorite and sericite, which occur as scattered confusing. The northern margin of mylcnite gneiss wisps and shreds through the rock. Although the is irregular but fairly sharp, and generally is about cataclastic origin of the rocks is obvious, the present parallel to the regional trend of foliation. A small texture is crystalloblastic. Quartz apparently re- copper prospect adit along Pinkham Creev near the crystallized most easily and is distinctly coarser than eastern edge of the district crosses part of the zone of the feldspar. All grains have irregular, interlocking mylonite gneiss in a mass of relatively unsb eared rock. contacts. Surface exposures indicate that the rock if unaltered, Pegmatite underwent the same general changes as but careful inspection of the walls of the ac?it disclosed quartz monzonite gneiss. The augen tend to be much that many narrow bands of granulated rock cut the larger than those in comparably sheared quartz mon­ otherwise unsheared hornblende gneiss. Presumably zonite gneiss, but the streaked groundmass in both the irregularities on the northern margin of the mylonite rocks has the same aspect. gneiss were due to local concentration of the movement into narrow zones. The hornblende-biotite gneiss to STRUCTURE the north of the zone of most intent shearing Foliation in hornblende-biotite gneiss and mylonite resulted from relatively minor, irregularly distributed gneiss is parallel to that in the associated unsheared movement. rocks, and lineation shown by minor fold axes and Mylonite gneiss merges to the east into large masses mineral elongation conforms closely to that in horn­ of quartz monzonite gneiss. The margins of these blende gneiss (fig. 69). Apparently the same general large bodies generally show intense granulation, but stress field persisted through regional metamorphism this feature is lost a short distance from the edge of the and dynamic metamorphism, but the type of deforma­ bodies where the rocks appear similar to the quartz tion changed from isoclinal folding to more localized monzonite gneiss in the rest of the district. Evidently shearing and granulation. the large bodies of quartz monzonite gneiss were massive Only the northern margin of the belt of sheared rocks enough to resist penetrative shearing that reduced the is well exposed in the Northgate district; the rest of the smaller bodies and weaker rocks to mylonite. belt is overlain by younger sedimentary rocks, and The apparent offset of the northern margin of the Laramide reverse faults make the relationship more belt of mylonite gneiss across the Independence METAMOBPHISM AND THE ORIGIN OF GRANITIC BOCKS, NOBTHGATE DISTRICT, COLOBADO 357 Mountain fault zone near Kings Canyon (pi. 48) believed to be of intrusive origin (see "Intrusive probably is misleading, as this offset is the reverse of quartz monzonite"). that to be expected along a northward-dipping reverse Evidence for rheomorphism is clearest in the north­ fault. More probably the broad zone of mylonite west corner of the district, where a funnel-shapei mass gneiss contains relatively large masses of ungranulated of quartz monzonite gneiss about \% miles long by % rock, or is made up of several distinct bands of mylon- mile wide intruded and deformed the rocks in the ites, and the actual northern margin may not be exposed adjacent gneiss complex (pi. 49). Kelict features and south of the Independence Mountain fault. the unhomogeneous character of adjacent layers of rheomorphic quartz monzonite gneiss indicate that the ORIGIN movement was not as a true melt. Similarly deformed Mylonite gneiss resulted from the intense granulation quartz monzonite gneiss occurs along the southeast of all rocks in the gneiss complex during the same period edge of the mapped area and may be marginal to a of shearing that produced hornblende-biotite gneiss. larger mass of formerly mobile rocks. Kelationships As pegmatite and quartz monzonite gneiss bodies in that area are so poorly understood that the foHowing (formed at an earlier stage in the shearing) were reduced discussion will deal largely with the area in the north­ to mylonite, the belts of intense granulation apparently west part of the district. formed late in the period of shearing. The relative movement between the rocks in the northern and south­ STRUCTURAL SETTING ern parts of the district apparently has become more The funnel-shaped mass of once mobile quartz and more localized along certain zones as the shearing monzonite gneiss near the northwest corner of the dis­ progressed. trict consists of discontinuous layers of quarts mon­ zonite gneiss and minor amounts of hornblende gneiss RHEOMORPHIC QUARTZ MONZONITE GNEISS which close completely around it and give it a distinct GENERAL FEATURES AND DISTRIBUTION annular appearance. Layers dip 60° to 70° N. on the Some quartz monzonite gneiss in the northwestern south flank, 80° to 85° W. on the east nose, 80° N. and southeastern parts of the Northgate district shows through vertical to 85° S. on the north flank, and the evidence that it became mobile, or rheomorphic, after northwest nose plunges 50° to 60° SE. (pi. 49). Where it was transformed, and intruded the surrounding annular layers are parallel or nearly parallel to the rocks as diapirlike injections. The banded structure foliation or banding in the surrounding gneiss complex^ of normal quartz monzonite gneiss was largely de­ margins of the funnel-shaped mass are completely stroyed, and a more uniform, aplitic texture was formed. gradational. They grade into normal rocks of the Where movement was not great, highly contorted gneiss complex to the south and into highly deformed original banding still can be recognized, and this rocks to the west and southwest; the northern margin banding is commonly cut by a new, less distinct folia­ is outside the area mapped and was not observed. tion. The foliation of unreplaced hornblende gneiss The highly deformed layering in the rocks to tiH west inclusions shows great departures from the regional and southwest splits and bends around the north­ east and northeast trend of foliation and layering, western nose of the "funnel," and rocks in the vicinity and reflects major features of deformation resulting of the nose are massive, nearly structureless quartz from movement of mobile quartz monzonite gneiss. monzonite. The eastern nose of the funnel-shaped The name quartz monzonite gneiss as applied to the structure is sharply transgressive against adjacent rheomorphic rock in the Northgate district is not hornblende gneiss and pegmatite, and the r.nnular strictly accurate in all places. Much of the rock is layers cut almost at right angles across the more normal alaskitic in composition and has an aplitic rather than trend of the country rocks. Massive rock marks the gneissic texture. Microcline is commonly more abun­ transition between the funnel-shaped mass of quartz dant than plagioclase, and many rocks are granitic monzonite gneiss and the surrounding rocks hi the areas rather than quartz monzonitic in composition. Foli­ where the annular layers swing from nearly normal to ated and quartz monzonitic rocks are relatively com­ parallel to the adjacent banding and foliation. New mon, however, and the different compositional and structures are most prominent along the flanks of the textural types are complexly intermixed throughout funnel-shaped mass where most movement apparently the areas of rheomorphism. As these variations were was concentrated; some relict structures can be recog­ not mapped separately during field work (pi. 48), the nized in the core and toward the outside edges of the unsatisfactory genetic name rheomorphic quartz mon­ "funnel." zonite gneiss has been used for convenience and to The area of highly deformed rocks to the west and avoid confusion with a younger quartz monzonite southwest of the funnel-shaped mass contains" horn- 358 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY blende gneiss and quartz monzonite gneiss that range particularly of the quartz monzonite gneiss. The larger from nearly normal rocks of the gneiss complex to folds show thickening on limbs and crests, and new massive, recrystallized rocks having no relict textures. structures are best displayed in areas of greatest appar­ In the absence of distinctive horizon markers, it is ent thickening. ' The southern margin of the large mass difficult to determine the details of structure in this of quartz monzonite gneiss that encloses the rock area, but the relationship of the deformed hornblende believed to have been mobile follows the normal regional gneiss inclusions indicates the general course of de­ trend of the gneiss complex. Noting the part of the formation. The axial plane of a northward-plunging large, northward-trending cross fold within the outer­ fold adjacent to the funnel-shaped mass trends almost most discontinuous arc of hornblende gneiss inclusions at right angles to the axial planes of folds in regionally (pi. 49), it can be seen that the fold starts on the west metamorphosed rocks away from the area of rheomor- from an interlayered series of quartz monzonite gneiss phism. Original small-scale layering in the quartz and hornblende gneiss about 1,500 feet thick. The monzonite gneiss was highly crumpled during this hornblende gneiss inclusions in the fold show a pro­ gressively wider spacing outward from th°, core, and the interlayered series of rocks where the fold loses its identity to the east is nearly twice as thick as at the western end. Much of the apparently thickened quartz monzonite gneiss in the core and eastern limb of the fold is massive, and only minor relict texture survived deformation. If the outer, discontinuous band of horn­ blende gneiss inclusions were straightened o^t, it would extend nearly to the east end of the mass showing annular flow structure. Thus the intrusion of the funnel-shaped diapir of mobile quartz monzonite gneiss apparently forced the displaced rocks to flow relatively westward, and the movement is recorded by the folding. Quartz monzonite gneiss shows the greatest thickening, but local bulging of hornblende gneiss inclusions indi­ cates that this rock also underwent flowage. No sur­ faces of discontinuity other than the layerir^ were dis­ covered in this area, and apparently the c'eformation was wholly by flow and without faulting. The area between the northward-trending fold and the North Platte River underwent deformation as intense as that in the area to the east. The hornblende Lineation shown by spindle-shaped bodies gneiss inclusions are highly contorted and irregular, and and minor fold axes; 3 measurements the larger bodies of quartz monzonite gneiss are massive, plotted on the lower hemisphere of a Schmidt equiarea net as though they too were thickened. The relationship is believed to record the movement of relatively mobile FIGTJEE 70.—Lineation in rheomorphic Quartz monzonite gneiss. quartz monzonite gneiss, but geologic data on adjacent deformation, indicating that rheomorphic deformation areas are insufficient to permit an evaluation of the followed metasomatic transformation. Some thin structures. layers in the original quartz monzonite gneiss were The markedly different behavior of the rocks east milled out into spindle-shaped masses 1-2 inches in and west of the funnel-shaped mass is probably due to diameter and 1-2 feet long. Lineation shown by these differences in the mobility of the surrounding rocks. spindles and by the contorted layers conforms to the The large mass of quartz monzonite gneiss feathers out same pattern of lineation in regionally metamorphosed into hornblende gneiss a short distance east of the hornblende gneiss and in the later, dynamically meta­ "funnel"; the rocks here probably were somewhat morphosed mylonite gneiss (see fig. 70). Apparently cooler and more brittle, and the flow stricture cuts the same stress field persisted through regional meta- sharply across them. Quartz monzonite gneiss is morphism, metasomatic and dynamic metamorphism, abundant west of the funnel-shaped mass, and recon- and mobilization. naisance west of the North Platte River disclosed that Deformation of the rock west of the funnel-shaped it is the dominant rock there also. Apparently toward structure apparently was accompanied by rock flowage, the interior of this large mass of quartz monzonite METAMORPHISM AND THE ORIGIN OF GRANITIC ROCKS, NORTHGATE DISTRICT, COLORADO 359 gneiss the rock was so soft that it deformed readily have gradational margins and apparently formed by during local movement of more mobile rock. local recrystallization that obliterated all previous The crumpling, steeply inclined fold axes, and evi­ structures, including the crumpled original layer ng and dence for lateral displacement within rocks to the west the later, indistinct foliation and layering related to and southwest of the funnel-shaped intrusion closely rheomorphic movements. correspond to the general description given by Weg- Though generally sparse, biotite is the most common mann (1930, p. 70) for examples of diapir injection in ferromagnesian mineral in the rheomorphic quartz southern Finland. monzonite gneiss. Hornblende, or hornblende and bio­ tite, occurs in some layers, and the rock, although still UTHOLOGY leucocratic, commonly has a slightly different aspect than Rocks in the area where the quartz monzonite gneiss biotite-bearing quartz monzonite gneiss. In outcrop, is believed to have been widely mobilized show all hornblende-bearing rocks appear somewhat more closely gradations in the destruction of the preexisting layered knit and blocky, the color generally is lighter, and where structure of quartz monzonite gneiss and the formation hornblende makes up more than a few percent of the of a variable, but generally aplitic texture. Although rock it gives the rock a distinctive foliation. 1 lost of still medium grained, most of the rocks are somewhat these differences are so minor that they are diff °-ult to coarser than the nonrheomorphic quartz monzonite describe, but the rocks can be recognized readily in the gneiss and many of the grains are 3 millimeters or more field. in diameter. Typically, the rock consists of quartz and Hornblende gneiss inclusions appear much the same feldspar and a little biotite which form an even-grained as normal hornblende gneiss in the rest of the gneiss pink aggregate. The biotite is oriented nearly parallel complex, although locally the plagioclase and hornblende to the larger scale layering, but in most rocks it is occur in light- and dark-colored clusters. sparse and widely scattered and the foliation is weak. Locally biotite is more abundant and forms thin, dis­ PETROGRAPHY continuous bands, rendering the rock distinctly gneissose. The rheomorphic quartz monzonite gneiss conmonly Although most rocks show little banding or foliation is an aggregate of plagioclase, microcline, and quartz in a hand specimen, they are distinctly layered on a ranging in texture from typically crystalloblastic with larger scale. The layers recognized in outcrops range mutually interfering grain boundaries to mixtures of from a few feet to a few tens of feet in thickness. Many crystalloblastic and replacement textures. Accessory adjacent layers differ only slightly or not at all in tex­ minerals are biotite, hornblende, magnetite, and garnet. ture and composition; elsewhere the rocks of the several Except for the minor biotite, minerals in thes? rocks layers differ markedly. Hornblende gneiss is abundant show little or no dimensional orientation but occur in in the area of deformed rocks west and southwest of aggregates of equidimensional, xenoblastic grains. the funnel-shaped mass and, although subordinate, is Although most rocks appear equigranular in hand speci­ widespread within the funnel-shaped mass showing men, they show a wide range of grain size in thin annular layers. Inclusions of hornblende gneiss are section. oriented parallel to the layering in rheomorphic quartz Plagioclase in the rheomorphic quartz monzonite monzonite gneiss, and the contacts of the inclusions gneiss for the most part is clear or only slightly saus- are sharp. suritized. In the more common, biotite-bearing and Quartz monzonite gneiss with highly contorted but alaskitic facies, most plagioclase is between An5 and still recognizable original layering is the most abundant An15 in composition; in hornblende-bearing quartz country rock throughout the area of apparently folded monzonite gneiss, most of it is somewhat more calcic. rocks west and southwest of the funnel-shaped mass. Plagioclase forms nearly equidimensional grains as In most places a new foliation cuts the deformed layers, much as 2.5 millimeters in diameter in rocks with dis­ and all stages in the disruption of the original texture tinct crystalloblastic texture, but most of it is corroded can be seen. The original layering is still readily by microcline and quartz and shows all stages of re­ recognizable where it is parallel to the new foliation, placement. Many plagioclase grains show the effects but it is hazy and indistinct where it is cut by the new of minor deformation that was not shared by the ad­ foliation. Relict textures are best displayed in the jacent microcline and quartz (pi. 54 A, B). Twin smaller bodies or near the margins of the larger masses lamellae are distorted, grains show wavy extinction, of quartz monzonite gneiss; they were largely destroyed and some crystals were broken into mosaics of smaller in areas where significant thickening took place. grains with slightly differing orientations. Only a small Irregular pegmatitic masses occur throughout the percentage of the plagioclase grains are distorted or rheomorphic quartz monzonite gneiss. These masses broken, but the minor cataclasis took place throughout 360 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY the area where rocks were mobile. The grains evi­ contain as much as 10 percent of biotite, and it either dently were bent and broken while the rocks were being forms a crystalloblastic aggregate with plagioclase, deformed, and these plagioclase grains, evidently, sur­ microcline, and quartz or has mutually interfering con­ vived movement without significant recrystallization. tacts with plagioclase and is embayed irregularly by Myrmekite is widespread in the rheomorphic quartz microcline and quartz. Where biotite is most abun­ monzonite gneiss and occurs most commonly along the dant, the flakes are as much as 1% millimeter's long, but margins of plagioclase adjacent to microcline (pi. 54 C] . most of the corroded shreds are less than 1. The myrmekite formed subsequent to the brecciation Magnetite is more abundant in rheomonhic quartz and deformation shown by some of the plagioclase monzonite gneiss than in • normal quartz monzonite grains. gneiss, and in places constitutes as much a^ 2 percent Microcline crystals range from mere intergranular of the rock. It occurs as small, equant crystals 1 wisps to relatively large, poikiloblastic grains 3 milli­ millimeter or more in diameter scattered through the meters or more in diameter that enclose relict inclusions rock and as dusty grains associated with the^resorbed of plagioclase. Locally some grains have mutually biotite. Many of the larger grains tend to be idio- interfering, crystalloblastic relationships with the adja­ morphic. The relative increase in magnetite and a cent minerals, but in many places, microcline is inter­ decrease in biotite content and the close association of stitial to plagioclase and tongues project into broken magnetite with corroded biotite crystals indicate that plagioclase grains along fractures or strained zones much of the disseminated magnetite was produced by clearly showing replacement relations toward plagioclase recrystallization of material left from the destruction (pi. 54 A-O). Twinning is slightly distorted in a few of biotite. grains of microcline, but adjacent grains show no related Small, rounded to idiomorphic, red garnet crystals cataclastic texture. Although microcline varies greatly as much as 2 millimeters in diameter occur through the in grain size, most crystals are medium grained and are rheomorphic quartz monzonite gneiss. They show no either of about the same size'as the associated plagio­ evidence of their origin, but it is likely that they are clase crystals or a little coarser. recrystallized relicts that survived mobinVation and Quartz evidently recrystallized during a relatively deformation. long period. It occurs with plagioclase and microcline Hornblende occurs in some of the discontiruous layers in the crystalloblastic aggregates, and as lobate to of quartz monzonite gneiss in the funnel-si aped mass irregular grains that cut microcline as well as plagioclase and in the deformed rocks to the west and southwest. and biotite. When observed under low magnification It ranges from mere traces to 10 percent of some rocks and with crossed nicols, quartz in many rocks appears and generally is most abundant where micro dine makes as an overprint of lobate to irregular grains impressed up 25 percent or less of the rock. Irregular grains of on the microcline and plagioclase aggregate. Grain hornblende generally have mutually interfering con­ size of the quartz is highly uneven; the grains in the tacts with plagioclase grains, and, in those rocks that crystalloblastic aggregates are nearly as large as the have minor replacement relationships, with microcline associated feldspar grains and are coarser and more and quartz grains as well. Where microcline is abun­ irregular than the lobate to rounded grains that cut dant, the hornblende occurs in small ragged grains microcline. Quartz also did not share the deformation irregularly embayed by microcline. shown by some plagioclase and in many places pref­ , and associated muscovite, was found in erentially replaced the strained parts of plagioclase two specimens from the rheomorphic quartz mon­ crystals (pi. 54 B). zonite gneiss; it makes up nearly 15 percent of a re­ The irregular masses of pegmatitic rock that cut the sistant, spindle-shaped body about 2 irches thick crumpled layers of rheomorphic quartz monzonite and \% feet long from the area of deformed rocks, gneiss formed through the more complete recrystalliza­ and a little was seen in a specimen from the north tion of microcline and quartz following rheomorphic flank of the funnel-shaped mass. In this1 specimen, deformation. The relationship is somewhat similar to the sillimanite and muscovite occur alcng several those observed in most thin sections where microcline closely spaced fractures that cut the cryrtalloblastic and quartz are corrosive toward plagioclase and biotite. texture of the rheomorphic rock. The minor shear Biotite rarely makes up more than a few percent of zones were largely healed by later recrystallization, the rheomorphic quartz monzonite gneiss, and much of and the muscovite and sillimanite are both younger the rock carries only a trace as small, corroded shreds than the shearing. Sillimanite forms single needles and grains with abundant associated magnetite. Mag­ and sheaves, and also bundles enclosed in muscovite, netite is generally most abundant where biotite is most microcline, or quartz. Much of the muscovite has a highly corroded. A few layers of the rock, however, peculiar, myrmekitic texture with irregular, wormy METAMORPHISM AND THE ORIGIN OF GRANITIC ROCKS, NORTHGATE DISTRICT, COLORADO 361

quartz inclusions, and in part is closely associated with sodic oligoclase (An12) makes up nearly 60 percent of biotite and apparently formed from it. Petrographic the rock, while in another, calcic oligoclase (An26) makes relationship suggests that biotite along the up only 20 percent and is subordinate to microcline. altered to muscovite and minor magnetite, and that Deformed plagioclase grains occur in four of the eight muscovite in turn altered into sillimanite and perhaps specimens studied. The hornblende content also microcline. The materials migrated considerably varies greatly; two of the eight specimens studied con­ during recrystallization, and details of the alteration tain only traces, four contain 1 to 5 percent, and the are obscure. Sillimanite and muscovite, however, are other two 5 to 10 percent. Where it is most abundant confined to the shear zones; muscovite is associated the hornblende occurs in a crystalloblastic aggregate with either biotite or sillimanite. This distribution with plagioclase, and locally with microcline and indicates a progressive alteration. A similar sequence quartz. Generally it is somewhat corroded, and where is indicated by relationships to the spindle-shaped it is only a minor constituent, it forms small ragged body, but greater migration of recrystallizing materials wisps and grains. Magnetite constitutes as much as 2 makes interpretation difficult. percent of these rocks and is even more abundart here The biotite-bearing and alaskitic varieties of rheo- than in the biotite-bearing varieties. Traces of biotite morphic quartz monzonite gneiss carry significantly occur in all these rocks. more microcline than the average quartz monzonite The inclusions of hornblende gneiss in rheomorphic gneiss elsewhere in the district. Seventeen specimens quartz monzonite gneiss resemble normal hornblende from the funnel-shaped mass and the deformed rocks gneiss in hand specimen, but in thin section they dis­ to the west ranged from 30 to 50 percent, and averaged play a completely recrystallized texture (pi. f4 E). 41 percent microcline. The average microcline content The hornblende and plagioclase grains are more equant of 22 specimens of typical quartz monzonite gneiss and much less irregular than in regionally metamor­ from all parts of the district was only 32 percent, phosed hornblende gneiss. In all specimens studied ranging from 10 to 50 percent and with the great the plagioclase is highly saussuritized and sericitized majority between 20 to 40 percent. The plagioclase and ranges in composition from An3o to An35. 1 little content (Ans_i5) averages only 25 percent in the 17 quartz is widespread, generally in small, rounded blebs. specimens of rheomorphic gneiss; of these only 7 can Some specimens show a tendency toward mineral segre­ be classed as quartz monzonitic or granodioritic, where­ gation and have irregular clusters of somewhat coarser as the remaining 10 are truly granitic in composition. hornblende and plagioclase set in the more typical Only traces of biotite are present in 9 of the 17 hornblende-plagioclase aggregate. specimens of rheomorphic rock; 5 specimens have 1 ORIGIN to 5 percent, and 3 have 5 to 10 percent biotite. Mag­ The quartz monzonite gneiss in the larger bodies netite is an abundant accessory mineral in all the speci­ near the northwest and southeast corners of the 1 Torth- mens and makes up 1 to 2 percent of 10 or more of them. gate district show many features that seem be-^t ex­ The quartz content ranges from 25 to 50 percent and plained by local mobilization of the gneiss following averages 35 percent in the 17 specimens. metasomatic transformation. The foliation and layer­ Hornblende-bearing rheomorphic quartz monzonite ing characteristic of the quartz monzonite gneis^ else­ gneiss varies much more in composition than the more where in the district are highly deformed, ard are common varieties of rheomorphic quartz monzonite progressively destroyed with an increase in the degree gneiss. The quartz content is uniform and ranges of deformation. Near the northwest corner of the from 30 to 35 percent in all specimens studied. Micro­ district, a funnel-shaped mass consisting largely of cline ranges from mere traces to 50 percent of the rock concentric layers of quartz monzonite gneiss appears and generally is irregularly distributed. Of eight to have intruded the adjacent rocks. The mass is specimens studied it averages almost 30 percent. sharply transgressive at its east end, and grades into Mutual crystalloblastic relationship is more common highly deformed rocks along its western and south­ in these rocks than in the biotite-bearing rocks, but western margins. The contorted structures in the even here most microcline tends to embay the plagio­ marginal rocks are most easily explained by plastic clase and hornblende (pi. 54 D). Plagioclase ranges deformation of relatively mobile rocks shouldered aside from 20 to 60 percent of the eight specimens studied by the invading funnel-shaped mass. and averages about 35 percent. The composition, The widespread occurrence of relict texture? and ranges from An™ to An2e and averages An2o. Plagio- structures throughout the area of rheomorphism, the case is generally most calcic where it is most abundant, marked contrast in composition between many adjacent but in one specimen with only traces of microcline, layers, and the petrographic evidence for intergranular 362 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY shear suggest plastic rather than fluid movements. Had the funnel-shaped structure originated by The rheomorphic intrusion and deformation apparently rotation of a relatively resistant mass of rocks, the resulted from penetrative intergranular movements annular layers would have originated through differ­ combined with shear between layers. ential rotation of the different layers. It i-* significant Crumpled layering and the gradual destruction of that these layers are neither most prominent nor most normal quartz monzonite gneiss textures and the closely spaced near the periphery, as might be expected formation of new textures with an increase in degree if the rocks composing the "funnel" were resistant; of deformation indicate that the mobilization followed instead the layers, though well formed throughout the the metasomatic transformation. As the lineation structure, are somewhat more prominent near the shown by spindle-shaped bodies and axes of small middle of the limbs, indicating that the differential crenulations in contorted gneiss is parallel to that in movement was evenly distributed. The amount of the regionally and dynamically metamorphosed rocks, differential movement between the layers appears to the mobilization presumably took place under the same have been great. For example, inclusions of hornblende stress field. Corrosive relationship of microcline and gneiss near the northwest and southeast ends of the quartz grains and the irregular pegmatitic masses that mass were so dragged that their foliation strikes at obliterate earlier structures indicates that silica- and right angles to the regional trend. The amount of alkali-bearing solutions similar to those active in meta­ rotation indicated by the map pattern, however, is somatic transformation persisted through rheomorph- so small that the distributive movement between any ism. Thus it seems probable that the change from two layers would be almost unmeasurable and certainly regional metamorphism to dynamic and metasomatic inadequate to account for so great a drag. metamorphism and to rheomorphism reflected a pro­ gressive change in conditions during a single erogenic METHOD OF MOVEMENT episode. The method by which the rheomorphic rock moved CONDITION OF ROCKS was such as to yield relatively homogeneous layers with The funnel-shaped mass of quartz monzonite gneiss similar or contrasting composition, separated by sharp is the only structure within the area of rheomorphic discontinuities. The hornblende gneiss inclusions and rocks near the northwest corner of the district that the quartz monzonite gneiss that still shows such cannot be explained by plastic deformation of rocks relict features as crumpled original layering, apparently that previously occupied nearly the same position they retained structural continuity during deformation and now fill. Although from geometric considerations acted as plastic . To what extent the rocks with alone the funnel-shaped structure conceivably could entirely new textures behaved as plastic solids and to have resulted from rotation of a relatively resistant what extent as viscous fluids are questions considerably mass of rocks, several lines of evidence indicate that more difficult to answer. Many of the alr.skitic rocks the "funnel" originated through plastic intrusion of a are structureless or only slightly gneisso^e in hand relatively soft mass of rocks. specimen, but they occur in discontinuous layers that If the deformed rocks west and southwest of the close around the funnel-shaped mass. T^ithin each funnel-shaped mass were straightened out and cor­ layer the rocks are relatively uniform and may be rected for thickening, they would occupy much of the either very similar to or markedly different from rocks area now filled by the rocks in the funnel-shaped mass. in adjacent layers. Layering is fully as distinct where Thus the funnel-shaped mass appears to be a foreign rocks in adjacent layers are almost indistinguishable body that intruded the surrounding rocks, deforming from each other as where they contrast sharply; and displacing them relatively westward. evidently the layering is an essential structure of the The rocks in the funnel-shaped mass are indistin­ rocks. guishable from many of the more deformed and thick­ Leucocratic hornblende-bearing quartz monzonite ened rocks in the adjacent areas. These grade into gneiss is a minor but widespread rock in the funnel- normal rocks of the gneiss complex with a decrease in shaped mass and in the more deformed parts of the the intensity of deformation and recrystallization. adjacent rocks. This rock shows the ricrystallized The destruction of old textures and formation of new texture of rheomorphic rocks, but is extremely variable thus provides a crude measure of the extent of defor­ in composition. The plagioclase is generally more mation. As relict textures are almost completely calcic, and the microcline is less abundart and more absent on the flanks of the "funnel," it appears that irregularly distributed than in the more common the rocks here were more mobile than the most plastic varieties of rheomorphic quartz monzonite gneiss. rocks in the adjacent, highly deformed masses where Hence the hornblende-bearing rheomorphic rock is relict textures are still widespread. more closely related mineralogically to hornblende METAMOEPHISM AND THE ORIGIN OP GRANITIC ROCKS, NORTHGATE DISTRICT, COLORADO 363 gneiss than to quartz monzonite gneiss and probably That large-scale tilting, folding, or inversion took originated from hornblende gneiss by penetrative place seems unlikely from a consideration of the zonal shearing while the rocks were mobile. distribution of the different rock types. Large masses Rocks that show contorted original layers have the of quartz monzonite gneiss occur in the northern and same microtextures as the layered rocks without southern parts of the district, and each of these masses relict textures, and are cut by similar irregular peg- shows evidence that some of the rock became mobile matitic masses. Deformed plagioclase grains are found subsequent to transformation. These two masses in all facies of the rocks. Apparently complete fluidity reached about the same stage in formation at the time was not attained by any large segment of rocks. The of origin, and presumably might have been at compara­ significantly larger percentage of microcline in rheo- ble depths. Pegmatite and biotite-garnet gneiss bodies morphic quartz monzonite gneiss and the postdeforma- are abundant through the central part of the district in tion crystallization of microcline and quartz, however, a zone peripheral to the large bodies of quartz mon­ indicate that the mobile rocks were at least lubricated zonite gneiss, and this zone may have been down- by alkalic solutions, and the material surrounding the warped. This suggestion, however, is not borne out plagioclase grains may have closely approached a melt. by any systematic variation in attitude of foliation Penetrative intergranular movement in the presence through the district. Although pegmatite and biotite- of alkalic solutions, followed by recrystallization, con­ garnet gneiss are not uniformly distributed, they both verted the originally banded quartz monzonite gneiss occur throughout the zone, so presumably there has into a more uniform, alaskitic rock with more abundant been no strong east-west tilting. Although not con­ microcline and minor amounts of biotite. Where clusive, these considerations suggest that the present hornblende gneiss was subjected to penetrative move­ vertical coordinate through the rheomorphic ro°

CAUSE OF MOVEMENT in the mobile rock, they would have lowered the specific It seems plausible that the movement was governed gravity of that rock significantly. A comparison of the largely by gravity. Quartz monzonite gneiss is much specific gravity of adjacent blocks of rocks now exposed less dense than hornblende gneiss, and if large enough considers only part of the environment at the time of masses of the lighter rock became mobile under the rheomorphism; the buoyant force of the mobile rocks influence of high temperature and abundant solutions depended as well on the specific gravity of tl °. overlying in the pores, the buoyant force would exceed the rocks. Metasomatism was zonal, and transformation strength of the surrounding rocks and the mobile rock probably decreased upward. The hydrostatic pressure would rise. Movement in the direction of the axis of of the cooler and presumably more dens?- overlying the annular structure would be subparallel to the tec­ rocks would provide a powerful mechanism to force tonic axis as shown by the lineation of fold axes in the lighter, mobile rocks upward. regionally and dynamically metamorphosed rock and DACITE PORPHYRY thus about at right angles to the direction commonly inferred for regional tectonic transport. The regional GENERAL FEATURES AND DISTRIBUTION stress field that persisted through the complex sequence A very fine grained, medium- to dark-gray por- of metamorphism in the district could hardly account phyritic rock occurs in several northward-trending for movement of this type. dikes near the lower end of Camp Creek (p1 . 48). The rock is extremely hard and resistant to and TABLE 1.—Approximate specific gravities of pre-Cambrian rocks crops out in many places. The dikes are nearly vertical from the Northgate district, Colorado and as much as 5 feet thick and 3,200 feet long. Most dikes end in hornblende gneiss. No offset of the walls Rock Specific Specimens gravity measured was detected across any of the dikes, and no fractures or groups of fractures were discerned along the strike. Apparently they were injected into tension fissures. Hornblende gneiss______--___- 2. 95- 3. 00 3 2. 61-2. 63 3 The dikes trend nearly at right angles to the strike of Biotite-garnet gneiss ______2. 80-2. 85 2 foliation of the gneiss complex and in the s^me general 2. 58-2. 59 2 direction as the plunge of fold axes in the metamorphic 2. 80-2. 82 2 rocks. Evidently the tension fissures along which the 2. 68-2. 78 2 dikes were injected were not related to the original Rheomorphic quartz monzonite gneiss- 2. 64 2 2. 61-2. 63 3 deformation plan of the gneiss complex. S;milar small dikes are found in in the intrusive quartz monzonite stock south of the lower part of Camp Creek; The specific gravity of typical specimens of most pre- these are definitely older than the enclosing granitic Cambrian rock types in the district was determined rock. The dikes are thus intermediate in age between (table 1), and the average of the rocks in several parts the rocks in the earlier pre-Cambrian gneiss complex of the district was approximated. The specific gravity and the later intrusive quartz monzonite and may be of biotite-bearing rheomorphic quartz monzonite is unrelated to either. about 2.64, the average for the rocks cropping out in a PETROGRAPHY strip of gneiss complex a mile wide along the south margin of the large mass of quartz monzonite gneiss The dacite porphyry typically is composed of 40 that includes the once mobile rocks is about 2.76, and to 50 percent sodic aadesine, 15 to 20 percent green the average for rocks in a large block of gneiss complex biotite, 20 to 25 percent quartz, 10 to 15 percent south of this strip is about 2.80. The average specific , and 5 percent epidote. Apatite and mag­ gravity of rocks in that part of the gneiss complex lying netite are relatively abundant minor accessory min­ between the large mass of quartz monzonite gneiss erals. Andesine occurs as idiomorphic phenocrysts in the northwest part of the district and the stock of as much as 1.5 millimeters long and as sriall, lathlike intrusive quartz monzonite (pi. 48) is near 2.78. crystals in the fine groundmass. Biotite occurs in These comparative figures represent only the order irregular plates and generally is evenly distributed of magnitude of the differences during mobilization. throughout the rock. A few ragged poikilitic horn­ Variations due to elevated temperature and pressure blende phenocrysts as much as 1 millimeter in diameter are not considered, and more importantly the effect are found in some dikes. Quartz and ortl oclase form of solutions in the pores is not shown. If, as seems a fine mosaic interstitial to the other major con­ likely, intergranular alkalic solutions were abundant stituents. Epidote is secondary. The crystals in the METAMORPHISM AND THE ORIGIN OF GRANITIC ROCKS, NORTHGATE DISTRICT, COLORADO 365 groundmass generally are 0.3 millimeter or less in his contention that the Sherman there originated diameter. through metasomatism. Thus the earlier correlation of the intrusive quartz monzonite in the Northgate INTRUSIVE QUARTZ MONZONITE district with the Sherman granite may not have been

GENERAL FEATURES AND DISTRIBUTION correct, and it now seems more appropriate not to apply a proper name to the rock until more regional Quartz monzonite forms a stock and associated work is done to establish the proper correlatiors. dikes in the central part of the Northgate district and several related dikes near the northeastern part of the UTHOLiOGY mapped area. Although the relief is not great, the The main body of the stock is made up large]y of a area of the stock is extremely rough. Weathering and medium- to coarse-grained, somewhat porphyritio rock. erosion of the relatively coarse grained and jointed rock Rectangular pink microcline phenocrysts half an inch have reduced the surface to a rugged area of rounded or more long are set in a variable groundmass d pink pinnacles and boulders, cliffs, and benchlike flat areas. microcline, white plagioclase, and glassy quartz. Bio- Very little soil or talus is present. The main body of tite varies widely in abundance; in places it makes up the stock passes eastward into a complex of dikes that nearly 10 percent of the rock and elsewhere is entirely cuts the older gneisses on Pinkham Mountain. Al­ absent. The texture and grain size of the quartz though the broad summit of Pinkham Mountain is monzonite vary widely, not only between the stock relatively flat and is covered by a heavy pine forest and the associated dikes but also within each body, and a thick mantle of weathered rock, the quartz and significant quantities of relatively fine grained, monzonite is more resistant to weathering than the distinctly porphyritic quartz monzonite also occur. surrounding gneiss, so the dikes tend to stand up as On weathered surfaces the rock appears dull gray to low outcrops. brown, but the fresh exposures are mottled pirk and Reconnaissance off the area mapped, near the gray. Colorado-Wyoming State line, showed that a large The rock in some of the larger dikes and irregular mass of similar granitic rock extends from a point masses on Pinkham Mountain resembles that in the about a mile east of the Northgate district for about 6 central part of the stock, but most of the rock in the miles eastward to near the Laramie River, where it is dikes, and some near the margin of the main body is covered by younger sedimentary rocks. The western fine to medium grained and appears distinctly aplitic. margin of this body is crosscutting and sharp and shows Biotite is a minor constituent in most of the rock in little evidence of contact metamorphism. A similar the peripheral zones, and the quartz and feldspar form large granitic mass occurs in the central part of the an aggregate of anhedral grains containing scattered Park Range, 20 to 25 miles southwest of the Northgate larger crystals of microcline and quartz. Th°i rock district. Thin sections of specimens collected along contains a few well-formed microcline pheno"jysts; Boswell Creek, about 2 miles east of the Northgate most of the larger grains are irregular in shape. Small district, and near Rainbow Lake in the Park Range masses of fine-grained pegmatite are common in some were studied for comparison. Both of these specimens dikes, and all gradations exist between these and the strongly resemble that in the Northgate district, and surrounding alplitic rock. the stock in the Northgate district appears to be but Fine-grained porphyritic quartz monzonite occurs one of many similar granitic masses that occur in the in several dikes and small masses northeast of the pre-Cambrian of northern Colorado and southern stock and near the east edge of the district. The Wyoming. dikes range from less than a foot thick and several This rock closely fits the descriptions given by tens of feet long to nearly 75 feet thick and more than Blackwelder (1908, p. 787-788; and in Darton and 3,000 feet long. Larger bodies are slightly coarser others, 1910, p. 5) for the Sherman granite in the grained than the small bodies. Many of these dikes Laramie and Sherman quadrangles 15-30 miles to are too small to be shown on the geologic map (pi. 48). the northeast, and therefore in the two preliminary The phenocrysts in these dikes are plagioclase, whereas reports published on the Northgate district (Steven, those in the stock are microcline, and are set in a very 1953; 1954) it was called Sherman granite. However, fine grained pinkish-gray groundmass of quarts, feld­ Harrison,5 working in the type locality of the Sherman spar, and biotite. granite, described field relations that strongly support PETROGRAPHY Two generations of minerals are generally present ' Harrison, J. E., 1951, Relationship between structure and mineralogy of the Sherman granite, southern part of the Laramie Range, Wyoming-Colorado: Unpub­ in the intrusive quartz monzonite. Ragged biotite lished thesis, Univ. Illinois. and lath-shaped plagioclase crystals comprise the 366 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY older generation, and these grains are widely broken Myrmekite is widespread along the contacts between and deformed on a minor scale. The younger genera­ plagioclase and microcline grains. It occurs as rounded tion of minerals consists of irregular plagioclase grains, growths embaying microcline, as border zones on both irregular to rectangular microcline-perthite grains, relict and recrystallized plagioclase crystals, and as and irregular to rounded quartz grains and aggregates. irregular growths within some deformed plagioclase The younger mineral grains are not deformed, and they crystals. The plagioclase in myrmekite commonly is complexly embay the older crystals. slightly more sodic than the associated oligoclase or albite. MAIN BODY OF THE STOCK Irregular grains and aggregates of quartz embay the Typical rock in the main body of the stock is medium relict plagioclase and biotite crystals and appear to have to coarse grained and is composed of about 5 percent been introduced both contemporaneously with and biotite, 30 to 35 percent plagioclase, 30 to 35 percent slightly later than the microcline. Some cf the quartz microcline-perthite, and 30 percent quartz. Zircon, aggregates are comparable in size to th^ microcline apatite, and fluorite comprise the minor accessory phenocrysts, but generally they are smaller. In places minerals. Depending on the quantity of microcline, abundant irregular to rounded grains of quartz embay the stock ranges in composition from the more common all other constituents of the rock. This relatively late quartz monzonite to or to granite. Locally quartz is common near the margin of the stock or in the rocks vary greatly in composition, and in these rocks adjacent dikes but is not restricted to these occurrences. either quartz, microcline, or plagioclase may greatly All the quartz shows wavy extinction, but this could predominate. have been produced much later than the time of The plagioclase composition ranges from AnB to An17, introduction. but in most of the rock it is sodic oligoclase. It occurs Small, ragged crystals of green biotite scattered in corroded laths as much as 4 millimeters long, and in throughout the rock in places form as much as 10 per­ irregular, untwinned grains that in part replace the cent of the rock, but locally they are entirely absent. lath-shaped plagioclase crystals. Many of the lath- Many of the grains are deformed and broken and most shaped plagioclase crystals are deformed, and much of are embayed and corroded by undeformed microcline the polysynthetic twinning was partly or completely and quartz. Biotite commonly contains inclusions of destroyed during the deformation and later alteration. magnetite, and in many places has been altered in part A hazy or "ghost" twinning still can be recognized in to a mixture of sericite, chlorite, and magnetite. Sec­ many of these crystals. The cores of some of the laths ondary epidote also is common. are crowded with fine sericite and very fine grained One small area near the center of the stock is par­ saussuritic inclusions; the arrangement of these in­ ticularly significant as it contains no microcline. The clusions in some crystals indicates that the plagioclase plagioclase here is sodic albite (An3_5), and is associated originally was appreciably more calcic in composition with considerable quartz, and some idiomorphic epidote. and may have been zoned. The irregular and untwinned Albite makes up nearly 70 percent of tl *> rock, and plagioclase grains are not deformed; they evidently more than half of this quantity has recrystallized as formed by recrystallization after cataclasis. These undeformed grains that range from small, irregular grains generally have about the same composition as crystals to rectangular phenocrysts more than half an the earlier, deformed crystals adjoining them, and the inch in length. The remainder of the all He occurs in sericite and saussuritic inclusions in the recrystallized pseudomorphic laths, most of which show marked effects plagioclase are in patches rather than zones. Clear of deformation. These latter grains are abundant and borders are common in all plagioclase crystals, and the preserve some of the texture of the rock (p1 . 55 C) that cores of many grains have in part been cleared of the existed before recrystallization. The rest of the rock inclusions. consists of 20 to 25 percent quartz with replacement Microcline-perthite forms irregular to nearly rec­ relations, and 5 to 10 percent irregular to idiomorphic tangular phenocrysts and smaller, irregular grains in the epidote. The relict texture shows that plagioclase was groundmass. Much of it embays the deformed plagi­ one of the major constituents of the original rock and oclase (pis. 54 F, 55 A, B) and biotite and commonly that quartz and microcline either were lacking or were contains abundant inclusions of them. Microcline is present in subordinate amounts. The original ferro- not deformed and it definitely crystallized after the magnesian minerals were completely destroyed. brecciation of the early plagioclase and biotite. The MARGIN AI DIKES age relationship between microcline and recrystallized plagioclase is not so definite, and the two minerals The composition of the rocks in the com plex of dikes commonly appear about contemporaneous. on Pinkham Mountain differs significant!^ from that METAMORPHISM AND THE ORIGIN OF GRANITIC ROCKS, NORTHGATE DISTRICT, COLORADO 367

in the interior of the stock. Quartz, microcline, and about contemporaneously with the microcline, but plagioclase are generally present in nearly the same other grains definitely embay the microcline. Some proportions as in the main body of the stock. How­ quartz occurs as irregular masses and rounded blebs ever, biotite is much less abundant here, and the and rods that apparently replace all the other minerals. average plagioclase is calcic albite in contrast to the In places a pseudographic texture formed, and one common sodic oligoclase found in the main body of the specimen from the core of Sentinal Mountain (pi. 55 D) stock. shows that the quartz rods in adjacent microcline and Biotite generally forms only minor wisps and shreds albite grains have a common optical orientation. generally associated with different amounts of chlorite, In places where replacement by microcline v^as less sericite, and magnetite. In places these secondary complete, some relict texture of the original rock can minerals form crude pseudomorphs after biotite, but be seen. Bent and broken plagioclase laths of random elsewhere they are disseminated through the rock. orientation, now pseudomorphed by albite, show A trace of muscovite occurs in some dikes, but gen­ mutually interfering relations characteristic of a normal erally it is rare. Here and there several percent of granitic texture. Commonly recrystallized aJbite is biotite has survived the alteration, and in one specimen present, but not enough to mask the original texture. studied biotite made up about 8 percent of the rock. SATELIITIC DIKES In 10 specimens the composition of the plagioclase ranged from An3 to Anu. Generally the composition The composition of the rock in the satellite dikes ranges from Ang to An10. Plagioclase forms corroded near the east edge of the district is variable. As in the and deformed pseudomorphic laths, as well as unde- stock and associated marginal dikes, plagioclase and formed irregular grains that embay the earlier crystals. biotite appear to have been the original minerals of the The broken grains originally had abundant polysyn- rock. These were replaced in varying amounts by thetic twinning, but much of this was destroyed during potash feldspar, more sodic plagioclase, and quartz. deformation and subsequent recrystallization. The Generally plagioclase, potash feldspar, and quarfz each surviving twinning commonly is patchy or in hazy make up about 25 to 35 percent and biotite 5 to 10 "ghosts" like that in the interior of the stock. The percent of the rock. The groundmass of these rocks is recrystallized plagioclase is untwinned and definitely very fine grained; the phenocrysts are as much as 2 replaces the earlier plagioclase; in a given area the millimeters long. In contrast to the rock in the stock, composition of the plagioclase in both habits is essen­ the phenocrysts were original constituents of tH rock tially the same. The saussuritic and sericitic inclusions and are plagioclase rather than microcline. in the relict and recrystallized grains of plagioclase in Plagioclase, both phenocrysts and in groundmass, is the marginal dikes cluster into irregular patches sepa­ highly corroded, and much of the original twinning was rated by abundant relatively clear plagioclase. Clear destroyed. Commonly the crystals are crowded with rims are common, and some crystals are almost free of saussuritic and sericitic inclusions, and the composition inclusions. In general the more sodic the plagioclase, is difficult to determine. The original plagioclase the fewer the inclusions; some almost clear crystals of crystals were irregularly albitized, and in thin actions albite contain only sparse evenly distributed, saussuritic compositions range from near mid-oligoclase (AniS) to inclusions. calcic albite (An7). Irregular, recrystallized plagio­ As in the central part of the stock, microcline- clase crystals which replace the early plagiocla?e laths perthite does not have a cataclastic texture, and it are common, but they are generally not as abundant as corrodes and replaces the deformed plagioclase laths. in the stock or marginal dikes. The larger microcline grains contain abundant relicts Plagioclase and biotite are corroded and repla ced by of the earlier minerals, many of which show common a very fine grained aggregate of potash feldspar and optical orientation. The phenocrysts in the marginal quartz. Some quartz clearly embays microcline, but dikes are more irregular than those in the main body of in much of the rock no age sequence could be deter­ the stock, though still nearly rectangular. The smaller mined for these two minerals. Many corroded plagio­ grains are very irregular. The texture in the pegmatitic clase laths are surrounded by micrographic intergrowths parts of the dikes results largely from coarse microcline of potash feldspar and quartz (pi. 55 £"), in places with crystals, which show the same replacement relations as the quartz rods arranged almost radially around the those in the finer grained parts of the rock; the pegma­ plagioclase cores. The thickness of the micrographic tite texture thus was formed at the time when micro­ rims is related to the degree of replacement of the cline was introduced. plagioclase. Where plagioclase laths still retain their Quartz apparently was the last important constit­ form, the rims are thin; where the laths are highly uent to be introduced. Some appears to have formed corroded, the rims are thicker and much more irregular. 368 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY In some places plagioclase is almost completely replaced ORIGIN by irregular, radial masses of micrographic quartz and The sharp, essentially unaltered contacts, the mark­ potash feldspar. edly rectilinear pattern of the dikes which can be related The relatively large in the eastern part of sec. 36, in large part to directions of physical weakness in the in undivided T. 12 N., R. 79 W., is unusual in contain­ wall rocks, and the finer grained rock in the, peripheral ing no potash feldspar. Relatively clear albite (An3_5) zones of the stock and in outlying dikes all indicate a makes up about 60 percent of the rock. Sericite in­ magmatic origin for the quartz monzonite in the clusions are fairly abundant, but zoisite or clinozoisite Northgate district. The occurrence of plagioclase inclusions are very minor. The albite is in laths with phenocrysts in the very fine grained, chilled satellitic relict granitic texture and in irregular replacement dikes near the east margin of the mapped area, grains of the same composition (pi. 55 F). Some which contrast with the late microcline phenocrysts in irregular to nearly rectangular albite crystals 2 to 3 the main body of the stock, and the remnants of normal millimeters long replace both the early laths and the granitic texture that can be clearly dated as older than smaller replacement grams of albite and enclose many the metasomatic introduction of microcline and quartz residual inclusions. Biotite apparently once made up are convincing evidence. about 10 percent of the rock, but almost all of it has The variation in texture and composition of the been altered to ragged aggregates of chlorite and mag­ quartz monzonite apparently is related in lerge part to netite. Irregular quartz grains comprise as much as deuteric alteration. Plagioclase, biotite, and perhaps 30 percent of the rock; they embay all the minerals some quartz were the earliest minerals to crystallize except some late epidote. Epidote is very abundant from the magma, and they probably formed a dioritic in places but generally comprises only about 5 percent or quartz dioritic rock. The rock was pervasively of the rock; it occurs in veinlets, random crystals, and deformed after it was consolidated or nearly consoli­ granular aggregates. Although the plagioclase has dated, and many biotite and plagioclase crystals were been thoroughly albitized and in part recrystallized, bent and broken. Silica- and alkali-bearing solutions much of the original texture of the rock can be seen. permeated the broken rock, and the earTy minerals Apparently the original rock was a biotite or were corroded and in part replaced by abundant quartz diorite. microcline, quartz, and more sodic plagioclase. The WAIJ>ROCK: AI/TERATION intensity of the alteration varied throughout the stock Contact alteration along the walls of the stock and the and associated dikes, and the mineral transformations dikes has been slight, and rarely affected more than a show a crude zoning. Generally, the plagioclase is few feet of the country rock. Hornblende gneiss was more sodic, and the biotite is largely altered to chlorite most readily altered, and it commonly is somewhat and sericite in the peripheral zones. silicified and epidotized adjacent to the granite. Along many contacts, particularly where the wall rock is EMPLACEMENT quartz monzonite gneiss or quartz- and biotite-bearing The magma from which the rock in the stock origi­ gneisses, no evidence of alteration was recognized in the nally formed apparently was emplaced chief y by means field. of magmatic stoping. The northern contact of the Thin sections from a suite of specimens collected stock, for example, has many angular, steplike irregu­ across a contact of intrusive quartz monzonite and horn­ larities (pi. 48); and in one place a narrow cfike projects blende gneiss were studied. Essentially unaltered horn­ from the main body of the stock parallel to a nearby blende gneiss 10 feet or more from the contact consists section of the angular contact. In this place the dike of about equal amounts of andesine and hornblende, was frozen while prying off a block from the wall of the with as much as 5 percent biotite. Minor amounts of stock. The extremely complex pattern of dikes on epidote occur as scattered granules. Adjacent to the Pinkham Mountain displays all stages in th^ disruption contact, the rock has a cataclastic texture, and the of the roof over a stock. These dikes have sharp original minerals have been somewhat altered. Horn­ contacts against essentially unaltered wall rocks and blende was transformed in part to chlorite and epidote, show no evidence of a replacement origin. biotite was altered to chlorite, and plagioclase was The magma apparently penetrated fairly wide-spaced saussuritized and changed in composition to near An20. fractures in advance of most active stoping. These Minor amounts of quartz and potash feldspar were fissures, perhaps opened by the pressure of the rising introduced along fractures and cataclastic zones, and column of magma, were irregularly enlarged by local abundant epidote occurs in veinlets and scattered grains stoping, permitting irregular masses of magma to pro­ as well as with chlorite in pseudomorphs after horn­ ject into the fractured and veined roof. Continued blende. stoping gradually engulfed the pendants and septa METAMORPHISM AND THE ORIGIN OF GRANITIC ROCKS, NORTHGATE DISTRICT, COLORADO 369

between these areas of more rapid stoping. Effects meal stoping by the magma appear to have been con­ of this process are most clearly shown along the southern trolled largely by directions of weakness inherent in the flank of Pinkham Mountain, where the rocks are well wall rocks. exposed. Narrow dikes with regular walls, perhaps Another group of fractures trends eastward to south­ representing fissures formed by local spreading, connect eastward about parallel to the elongation of the stock. angular masses of granite which are fringed in part by a These fractures control parts of the northern wsll of the lacework of small dikes. Many of these small dikes stock and are followed by most of the larger dikes that completely surround blocks of country rock, and were extend eastward from the main body of the stock to­ actively intruding the shattered wall rocks and engulfing ward the Baker Pit and the Camp Creek mine (pi. 48). some blocks when cooling of the stock stopped the They trend obliquely to the foliation in the gneiss process. complex, and most have relatively smooth and regular It is difficult to determine which of the dikes or walls. The fissures followed by these dikes are not re­ irregular masses of granite were emplaced along frac­ lated to known directions of weakness in the wall rocks, tures opened by actual spreading of the roof of the and are much more regular and persistent than those magma chamber. Once stoping enlarged a single following the foliation or related fractures. Tl °y may fracture or zone of fractures to any extent above the well have originated in the initial fracturing and spread­ general top of the magma body, other fissures could ing of the roof of the magma chamber by the hydro­ open by the movement of blocks of country rock static pressure of the rising column of magma. The toward the already active zone of stoping, and no more abundant but smaller scale fissuring along foli­ further dilation of the roof or walls of the magma ation thus may have resulted from the detailed brec- chamber would be required. ciation of a roof already stretched and broken along The maximum spreading of a fracture that can eastward- to southeastward-trending master fissures. reasonably be credited to the hydrostatic pressure of Despite the highly broken condition of the roof and the magma is limited to the narrowest width across the walls of the stock, and the evidence of magmatic fissure, and in most places this appears to have been stoping, the main body of the stock is almost free of relatively small. This is well illustrated by the irregu­ xenoliths. As wall-rock alteration is . slight and the lar, generally northward-trending dike in sees. 9 and 16, xenoliths that are found are very little altered, this T. 11 N., R. 79 W., about a half mile east of the Fluor­ lack of xenoliths cannot be due to assimilation. Rather spar mine (pi. 48). This dike ranges from about 400 to it must have resulted from the sinking of the blocks to 1,000 feet in thickness. Although the walls of the dike levels below those now exposed. To accomplish this differ in detail, they appear to correspond and super­ removal of xenoliths below a zone of very active stoping, ficially the block of metamorphic rock to the west ap­ the sinking must have been rapid as there is no concen­ pears to have broken from the wall and roof of the tration of xenoliths near the periphery of the stock. magma chamber and to have drifted several hundred Along the northern margin of the stock, the quartz feet out into the magma. Near the northern margin monzonite is relatively free of xenoliths as far as the of sec. 16, however, a projection of metamorphic rock contact, and even the irregular, larger bodies of quartz comes within about 50 feet of bridging across the dike, monzonite in the stoping area enclose few blocks of so any drifting or forceful separation must have been country rock. Many blocks of country rock do occur small, and the broad dike more probably resulted from in the quartz monzonite, however, in the vicinity of the piecemeal stoping along an originally irregular fracture. breccialike aggregate of metamorphic blocks and The block of metamorphic rocks west of this dike dis­ granitic dikes near the Fluorspar mine where stoping plays the most extreme wall-rock fragmentation found was most active, and the mine workings show abundant near the stock, and has the aspect of a large-scale xenoliths in quartz monzonite. cemented by dikes of quartz monzonite. Rapid sinking of the blocks implies a large average The magmatic stoping apparently was controlled by size of the blocks, a significant difference in density two general groups of fractures. Many of the smaller between the xenoliths and the melt, or a relatively blocks pried from the roof and walls of the magma low viscosity for the magma. Abundant evidence for chamber broke along fractures, either nearly parallel to piecemeal stoping indicates that the average stope the foliation or at right angles to it. Small blocks in blocks were relatively small so the fragment size particular show this control, although several large probably was not an important factor in clearing the masses also are bounded by these fractures. Most of exposed quartz monzonite of inclusions. The rocks the fissures formed along these directions of weakness in the gneiss complex include such varied types as are irregular and generally do not persist far. Thus the quartz monzonite gneiss, pegmatite, hornblende gneiss, small-scale fracturing of the country rock and the piece­ hornblende-biotite gneiss, and mylonite gneiss. Of 370 SHOETEE CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY these, the hornblende-bearing metamorphic rocks have the progressive disruption and decrease in abundance relatively high specific gravity, but other rocks, such of saussuritic inclusions with an increase in albite as quartz monzonite gneiss and pegmatite, are not content of plagioclase. Thus the original plagioclase significantly different from the quartz monzonite now probably was significantly more calcic than the sodic found in the stock (table 1). The specific gravity of oligoclase or calcic albite now found. the original melt probably was lower than that of the Relict granitic texture still persists in some of the rock now found in the stock, but the difference may marginal and satellitic dikes and in local areas in the not have been as great as might be expected, as petro- stock where less microcline was introduced. Although graphic evidence indicates that rock that first crystal­ considerable albitization and recrystallization of plagio­ lized may have been dioritic in composition. Even clase and alteration of biotite took place during altera­ so, the few xenoliths that are found show no selective tion, enough relict texture is preserved to irdicate that accumulation of the lighter rocks. Thus, by elimina­ biotite probably made up 10 percent or more of the tion, the magma appears to have had a relatively original rock and that plagioclase constituted much of low viscosity. Positive evidence for the low viscosity the remainder. is the ease with which stoping was accomplished along DEUTERIC ALTERATION' relatively narrow fissures. It is difficult to imagine a viscous melt penetrating the wall rocks in as intricate Alteration of the original produced a a manner and in as small dikes as it did on Pinkham crude zoning of transformation products, which is Mountain and permitting the blocks so loosened to shown best by the degree of albitization of plagioclase sink easily to great depths. and alteration of biotite. In the main body of the stock, most of the plagioclase is sodic oligo°lase which ORIGINAL BOCK generally contains abundant saussuritic inclusions. Deformation and cataclasis of the early minerals Biotite, although considerably corroded, if still fairly could have taken place only after complete or nearly well preserved and has only a minor amount of asso­ complete consolidation of the magma. No unaltered ciated chlorite, sericite, and magnetite. Large rec­ remnant of the original rock has been found, but several tangular phenocrysts of microcline are common. In lines of evidence indicate that it probably was dioritic the marginal dikes the plagioclase generally is more or quartz dioritic. thoroughly albitized and in places is highly sodic albite; Biotite and lath-shaped plagioclase crystals are the the abundance of saussuritic inclusions decreases with only minerals that clearly show brecciation. Micro- an increase in degree of albitization. Very little biotite cline, where not broken by later, unrelated movements persists, as most of it was replaced by microcline and is not deformed and everywhere is corrosive toward quartz or was converted to mixtures of sericite (and deformed biotite and plagioclase. Irregular, recrystal- muscovite), chlorite, and magnetite. Microeline pheno­ lized plagioclase grains of about the same age as the crysts are not nearly as abundant here as in the main microcline also are not deformed and clearly replace body of the stock. Although more variable, the rocks the earlier crystals. Most of the quartz was introduced in the satellitic dikes to the east generally belong to at about the same time or even a little later than micro­ the same zone as the rocks in the marginal dikes. cline. Under the microscope, almost all quartz shows The zoning does not appear to be due to incomplete the wavy extinction generally attributed to strain; reaction. The plagioclase in the pseudomorphic laths so evidence of deformation cannot be used to establish and in the recrystallized grains has essentially the same the presence or absence of an earlier generation of composition in any given specimen, so at lea«t the plagi­ quartz. A former interstitial habit of early quartz oclase apparently approached equilibrium with the could easily have been masked by quartz introduced altering solutions. Biotite in the main l:ody of the later. stock and the mixture of sericite, chlorite, and magne­ In the central part of the stock where albitization tite in the peripheral zones also probably approached was least intense, many of the relict plagioclase laths equilibrium, as assemblages of biotite-oligo^lase-quartz contain zonally arranged saussuritic inclusions of and chlorite-sericite-albite-quartz are common associa­ zoisite or clinozoisite and sericite. These probably tions hi regionally metamorphosed rocks wl °j*e approx­ were inherited from an original zoned and more calcic imate equilibrium commonly is postulated. feldspar. As the inclusions commonly are somewhat More probably the zoning resulted from differences disrupted and clear rims of plagioclase grains are in temperature or concentration of the altering solu­ common, it is probable that even here albitization tions in the different parts of the stock and associated involved some introduced material and was not merely dikes. Experimental data indicate that the con­ saussuritic alteration. This is further suggested by trasting mineral assemblages formed during regional METAMORPHISM AND THE ORIGIN OP GRANITIC ROCKS, NORTHGATE DISTRICT, COLORADO 371 metamorphism can result either from changes in bulk averages 30 percent. The zonal arrangement of the composition or from changes in temperature-pressure alteration products is consistent with the thesis that conditions (Yoder, 1952). Under otherwise similar solutions of late magmatic origin moved upward and conditions, oligoclase and biotite are formed at higher outward through the brecciated rock of the stock. temperatures than are albite, chlorite, and sericite, so Some of the constituents in the solutions can be the zonal arrangement of these minerals, with the determined from the minerals introduced or trans­ lower temperature assemblages in the peripheral zone, formed by them. Judging from the quantity of is what might be expected. On the other hand, the microcline and quartz that corrodes and replaces the concentrations of the materials dissolved in the through- deformed plagioclase and biotite, potash anc1 silica traveling late magmatic solutions undoubtedly changed were important constituents of the solutions. Some from place to place, so bulk compositional factors may quartz may have been original, but much of it was have been important. introduced during alteration. Little is known of what happened to the lime, mag­ The progressive albitization of plagioclase proves that nesia, and iron removed from the replaced minerals. soda was present in the solutions. Some albitization Some of the lime could have been fixed in the minor was undoubtedly merely saussuritic, but zoisite and amounts of epidote which are relatively common in sericite inclusions are most abundant in the mari body the dikes and near the walls of the stock, but most was of the stock, where the plagioclase is most calc;c, and removed in solution. Little could be held in saussuritic they are almost entirely absent in some sodic albite. inclusions in plagioclase, as these inclusions decrease In any individual specimen, however, the composition in abundance with an increase in degree of albitization. of plagioclase generally is independent of its content The chlorite and secondary magnetite occur chiefly in of saussuritic inclusions, and both relatively clear and minor aggregates left from the dissociation of biotite, heavily clouded grains have about the same composi­ and represent only a small percentage of the magnesia tion. The general decrease in saussurite with increasing and iron in the original rock. No concentrations of albite content is accompanied by a progressive dis­ calcic or ferromagnesian secondary minerals were noted ruption of the original zonal arrangement of the in the vicinity of the stock, but as the wall rocks carry inclusions within individual crystals. Plagioclase crys­ abundant hornblende and intermediate plagioclase, it is tals with zonally arranged inclusions are restricted impossible to trace the origin of the widely distributed to the main part of the stock, and even here tl ey are secondary chlorite and epidote. not abundant. It is difficult to explain the relatively minor alteration Potash apparently was more abundant than soda of the wall rock around a body as intensely endomor- in the late magmatic solutions that invaded the stock phosed as the quartz monzonite stock in the North- and related dikes. O'Neill (1948, p. 167-180), in a gate district. Perhaps the drop in temperature of the series of experiments on the hydrothermal alteration deuteric solutions as they passed from the relatively of feldspars, showed that the substitution of potash for hot mass of the stock into the cooler wall rock in­ soda in albite is a revisible reaction controlled by the hibited further reactions, but this hypothesis encounters law of mass action. Thus about a third of tie rock difficulties when it is applied to the complex of dikes could have been replaced by microcline only if the on Pinkham Mountain, where the dikes could hardly concentration of ions in the solution was have been at significantly higher temperatures than the significantly higher than that of ions. Replace­ surrounding rocks. ment of plagioclase by microcline would impoverish the solution in potassium ions; at the same time the LATE MAGMATIC SOLUTIONS sodium ion concentration would increase res:dually The solutions that caused alteration of the original and from the replaced plagioclase. This may account rock probably originated at depth within the igneous in part for the increased albitization toward the pe­ body. An external source is unlikely as the wall rocks ripheral parts of the stock. The presence of abundant show only minor alteration adjacent to the intrusive microcline in the dikes and near the margins of the contact, and in the stock the endomorphic alteration stock, however, indicates that even here the potassium products are arranged in crude zones, with the higher ion concentration was high relative to sodium ion temperature minerals nearer the center. Residual concentration. It has long been recognized that the magmatic solutions of local origin conceivably might residual liquid from the crystallization of a normal account for some of the alteration, but the volume of subalkaline magma is rich in alkalies, silica, and water; residual magma remaining after crystallization of the and Bowen (1928, p. 100) has shown that potash com­ plagioclase could hardly account for the microcline monly increases relative to soda in the late differer tiates. which averages 35 percent of the rock and quartz which Experiments by Gruner (1944, p. 578-58S) and 372 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY

O'Neill (1948, p. 167-180) indicate that the trans­ contrasting types represent an early stage and a late formation of albite to potash feldspar and the albitiza- stage in the general process through which granitic tion of plagioclase take place most readily in basic rocks form. The progressive dynamothermal meta­ solutions and that alkali leaching takes place in acid morphism, granitization, and rheomorphism described solutions. for the rocks in the gneiss complex may ^vell mark the successive steps in the formation of a granitic magma— SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS a series of events which locally proceeded just beyond Rocks buried deep in geosynclinal belts undergoing the stage of incipient melting. The intrusive quartz orogeny are deformed and profoundly metamorphosed, monzonite, on the contrary, originated through the and not uncommonly are transformed to an assemblage consolidation of a liquid, a magma, which had risen of rocks with a general granitic composition. The high enough in the earth's crust so that much evidence relative importance of metamorphic processes versus of its origin was lost. At the levels now exposed it igneous processes in the formation of these granitic moved upward chiefly by means of magmatic stoping. bodies is currently one of the most warmly debated Although the intrusive quartz monzonite shows ample subjects in geology. evidence of alkali and silica metasomatism, this altera­ Read (1943, 1944) has summarized the evolution of tion can reasonably be ascribed to the deuteric action many of the ideas on the formation of these granite of late alkalic and silicic solutions residual from normal masses, particularly the ideas concerned with meta­ magmatic differentiation. morphic origin. His comments on the views evolved Not only are the rocks in the roots of an orogenic belt during the early part of this century by many European subjected to the extra heat from the work expended workers, notably the French geologists Michel-Levy, during deformation, but also to the elevated temper­ Lacroix, and Termier, and the Fennoscandians Seder- ature and pressure of the deeper levels c* the earth's holm and Holmquist, are of interest as it is chiefly on crust to which they are depressed. High-grade meta­ the foundations laid by these men that many of the morphic and migmatitic rocks attest to the increased present-clay theories of granitization are built. These chemical activity of the rocks under these conditions, geologists all believed that regional metamorphism, and it seems a natural conclusion that either partial or granitization, and remelting (anatexis and palingenesis) complete melting of sialic rocks can take place should are integral parts of the same general process. Al­ temperatures become high enough for long enough though they held widely different opinions as to the periods. Daly (1933, p. 292-293) cites several ex­ role of granitic magma in this process—chiefly whether amples of melting related to shallow intrusive rocks it was the cause or the result of the transformations— which had only limited quantities of heat available; such a magma capable of movement and intrusion was a conditions are less favorable for melting than are reality to them. To this degree at least they were in present in the roots of an orogen where the sialic rocks agreement with the more confirmed believers in the are already hot and apparently there is an ample source efficacy of magmatic differentiation and crystallization of additional heat. Eskola (1932, p. 473-474; 1933) to explain the features displayed by granitic rocks. has proposed that the rocks under these conditions are Modern workers on granitic rocks have a bewildering subject to differential anatexis, with the low-melting diversity of ideas regarding their origin, and there is a constituents being melted before the rest of the rock and tendency on the part of some toward restrictive "schools squeezed out to form either a granitic magma or a of thought." The chief cleavage concerns the role, or granitic "ichor" which is capable of widespread even the necessity, of magma in the origin of . metasomatism. The present writer strongly agrees with Read (1948, p. Granitization without the loss of coherence of the 2; 1951, p. 1) that the answer to this question is to be affected rocks must take place at temperatures lower found in field work, and the descriptions and interpreta­ than those required for liquification, and it appears tions in this report are intended to record some basic logical that if the heating process is sufficiently slow, data that may contribute toward the eventual solution migmatizing reactions within the heated body of rock of some of the problems of granitic rocks. No extensive should precede the formation of any significant quantity review of the literature is made here, and only reports of molten rock. Following Eskola (1932, 1933), of particular application are cited. the low-melting constituents, the alkalies1 , silica, and The two groups of granitic rocks in the Northgate volatiles, of the rocks in the roots of the o^ogen should district—the intrusive quartz monzonite and the quartz become chemically active and mobile before the rest monzonite gneiss—differ so widely that they probably of the rock. As long as the quantity of such mobile are completely unrelated and their association in space material at any one place remains small, the rock is fortuitous. It is possible, however, that the two should retain its physical continuity, and the chemical METAMORPHISM AND THE ORIGIN OF GRANITIC ROCKS, NOBTHGATB DISTRICT, COLORADO 373 reactions involving the permeating mobile fraction writer believes, from the differential anatexis of sialic should be of the "granitizing" variety. As the pro­ rocks, or they may have originated through crystal­ portion of mobile material increases, however, the lization of a granitic mass at depth, a mass vdiich is rock should at some time lose its coherence and become nowhere exposed in or near the Northgate district. rheomorphic. These changes should be expected not No direct evidence is known that would favor a only in the zone of differential anatexis, but also in magmatic source for the granitizing solutions. Recon­ the overlying rocks into which the mobile material has naissance in parts of the Medicine Bow Mountains migrated—or been squeezed, to use Eskola's phrase­ adjacent to the Northgate district showed that mig- ology—where relatively high concentrations can be matitic rocks are widespread, but all of the granitic built up by a continuing supply from below. masses that appeared to be of magmatic origin were Wegmann (1930, p. 58-75) has postulated that when clearly younger. rocks reach a rheomorphic condition, they move by Blackwelder (in Darton and others, 1910), in his diapir injection, and includes within this process both discussion of the pre-Cambrian rocks in the Laramie magmatic and nonmagmatic movements. Most ex­ and Sherman quadrangles to the northeast, describes ponents of granitization apparently agree that a stage a granite gneiss with field relations apparent!^ quite of plastic flow can be reached, but some of them seem similar to those of the quartz monzonite gneis^ in the hesitant to make what seems like the next logical as­ Northgate district. Blackwelder considered the granite sumption—a slightly higher temperature acting for a gneiss to be a mildly metamorphosed granite of mag­ somewhat longer time should result in significant matic origin. But whether this granitic gneiss is remelting so that the entire mass can act essentially magmatic or migmatitic in origin, it occurs in relatively as a liquid. Depending on the local stress conditions, small, irregular bodies rather than in large subjacent a mass of rock conceivably can move while the quantity masses, and thus seems a relatively unlikely source for of intergranular liquid is still quite small (Sosman, 1948, widespread granitizing solutions. p. 116); conversely, a relatively large percentage of the Similar pre-Cambrian rocks were described by mass might have to become liquid before sufficient Spencer (1904, p. 37-41) from the Encampment district, driving force or pressure is attained for it to breach the Wyoming. Spencer reported two groups of granitic surrounding rocks. rocks—an older, somewhat gneissose quartz diorite The mechanisms outlined above are not original; they which he described as being "metamorphosed," and are essentially the same as those summarized by a younger, variable but generally coarse-grained Waters (1948, p. 107-108) who stated, 'The picture I red granite which is essentially unaltered. Both of have tried to present ... is a prejudice that is by these rock types are reported as "intrusive" into a no means new. It is essentially the same process hornblende schist formation, and are older than a advocated by Michel-Levy, Eskola, Barrell, Seder- considerably deformed metasedimentary formation. holm, Lawson, and many others." Turner and Ver- Correlations involving these kinds of rocks are hazard­ hoogen (1951, p. 305) in summarizing their chapter on ous at best, and it would be difficult without additional the granite-granodiorite plutonic association find, detailed field work to say whether or not one or the If the extreme hypothesis of granitization by solid diffusion . . . other of these granitic rocks might have been the source is excluded, we find a suprising unanimity of opinion in recent of granitizing solutions of great regional extent. It writings on the general course of origin and evolution of granitic is significant, however, that Spencer descrbed no . . . By all of these writers [Raguin, Eskola, Backlund, migmatitic rocks in the Encampment area, and if Wegmann, Reinhard, Niggli, MacGregor and Wilson, Read, Holmes, Bowen, and others] genesis of granitic magma ... is any are present they must have been included with attributed to differential fusion of mixed rocks in the continental one or the other of his granitic types. basements. The behavior of the masses of quartz monzonite It is my impression that this "unanimity of opinion" gneiss in the Northgate district which became mobile is one of degree only, but nonetheless there appears suggests that the causal forces were local and self- to be a considerable field of common thought. contained and the movement was in the of a diapir injection. Movement took place only in the GRANITIC BOCKS IN THE GNEISS COMPLEX larger masses of quartz monzonite gneiss, where the greatest softening might be expected under either Before any conclusions can be reached on the general hypothesis, but the annular flow structure in the significance of the various transformations described northwest corner of the area is funnel-shaped down­ for the rocks in the gneiss complex in the Northgate ward, and seems rootless. Were the granitization district, the origin of the transforming solutions must related to a magmatic source below, such an apparently be considered. They may have been derived, as the isolated mass of mobile rock would not be expected, 374 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY but rather the rocks should have softened generally LITERATURE CITED downward toward the source of energy. Adams, F. D., and Barlow, A. E., 1910, Geology of the Haliburton The dynamothermally metamorphosed hornblende and Bancroft areas, Province of Ontario: Geol. Survey gneiss, which before metasomatism was the predom­ Canada Mem. 6, 419 p. inant rock type in the district, is relatively deficient Ball, S. H., 1906, Pre-Cambrian rocks of the Georgetown quad­ rangle, Colorado: Am. Jour. Sei., 4th ser., v. 21, p. 371-389. alkalies and silica, and even under the differential Beekly, A. L., 1915, Geology and coal resources of North Park, anatexis hypothesis it is necessary to seek an outside Colo.: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 596. source for the granitizing material. The hornblende Blackwelder, Eliot, 1908, Pre-Cambrian rocks in southeastern gneiss was derived from a layered rock, however, and Wyoming: Science, v. 27, p. 787-788. originally it must have been laid down under surface Bowen, N. L., 1928, The evolution of the igneous rocks: 332 p., Princeton, N. J., Princeton Univ. Press. or near-surface conditions, whether as an accumulation Buddington, A. F., 1939, Adirondack igneous ro-sks and their of volcanic material or as impure sedimentary metamorphism: Geol. Soc. America Mem. 7., ?">4 p. strata. Being geographically well within continental Buddington, A. F., and Leonard, B. F., 1953, Chemical limits, such surficial rocks quite likely would have been and mineralogy of hornblendes in northwest Adirondack underlain at some depth by a basement of more granitic rocks: Am. Mineralogist, v. 38, nos. 11 and 12, p. 891-902. typically sialic rocks, which would be considerably Burchard, E. F., 1933, Fluorspar deposits in western United more susceptible to partial melting under the conditions States: Am. Inst. Min. Met. Eng. Tech. Pub. 500, 26 p. present in the roots of an orogen. Cox, D. C., 1945, General features of Colorado fluorspar deposits: Colo. Sci. Soc. Proc., v. 14, no. 6, p. 263-285. GRANITIC BOCKS OF MAGMATIC ORIGIN Daly, R. A., 1933, Igneous rocks and the depths of the earth: 598 p., New York, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Im. The contrast in physical behavior of the rocks in the Darton, N. H., Blackwelder, Eliot, and Siebenthal. C. E., 1910, gneiss complex at the time of the progressive regional Description of the Laramie and Sherman quadrangles, metamorphism, metasomatism, and mobilization as Wyoming: U. S. Geol. Survey Geol. Atlas, foPo 173. Eskola, P., 1932, On the origin of granitic magmas: Mineral- compared to their behavior at the times of the intrusion ogische and Petrographische Mitteilungen 42, p. 455-481. of the dacite porphyry dikes and the quartz monzonite ———— 1933, On the differential anatexis of rocks: Bulletin de la stock and associated dikes, indicates that considerably Commission Geologique de Finlande no. 103, VII, p. 12-25. different depths in the earth's crust were involved. Goldring, E. D., 1942, An occurrence of ilsemanite: Am. Mineral­ The earlier sequence of events clearly took place deep ogist, v. 27, no. 10, p. 717-719. Gruner, J. W., 1944, The hydrothermal alteratior of feldspars in the zone where rocks behave plastically in response in acid solutions between 300° and 400° C.: Econ. Geology, to deforming forces. The same rocks, however, v. 39, no. 8, p. 578-589. responded to the stresses attendant to the later igneous Hague, Arnold, 1877, North Park, Park Range, in Hague, Arnold, intrusion by fracturing, and behaved strictly as brittle and Emmons, S. F., Descriptive geology, U. S. geological solids. In addition, the rocks were cool enough during exploration of the fortieth parallel (King): Prof. Papers Eng. Dept. U. S. Army, nq. 18, v. 2, p. 94-141. these later periods to chill the relatively narrow dacite Ladoo, R. B., 1923, Fluorspar mining in the western states: dikes so that they are made up of a typically dense, U. S. Bur. Mines Rept. Inv. 2480. fine-grained rock. Although the quartz monzonite in ———— 1927, Fluorspar; its mining, milling, and utilization: the stock owes much of its present texture to deuteric U. S. Bur. Mines Bull. 244, 185 p. reaction, it locally shows a significant decrease in grain Levering, T. S., 1935, Geology and deposits cf the Monte- zuma quadrangle, Colorado: U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. size toward the margins, and many of the small satel- Paper 178. litic dikes near the east edge of the mapped area are Miller, J. C., 1934, Geology of the north and sou*.h McCallum typically fine grained and were originally porphyritic, anticlines, Jackson County, Colo., with special reference to again pointing toward relatively rapid cooling. petroleum and dioxide: U. S. Geol. Survey Circ. 5. Thus the intrusive magma rose high above the levels O'Neill, T. F., 1948, The hydrothermal alteration of feldspars at 250° to 400° C.: Econ. Geology, v. 43, no. 3, p. 167-180. at which it originated, and invaded a relatively cool Osborne, F. F., 1936, Petrology of the Shawinigan Falls district: environment where the rocks were brittle and easily Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 47, no. 2, p. 197-227. fractured. Chilling of the magma at these levels Read, H. H., 1943, 1944, Meditations on granite: Pt. 1, Geol. apparently was too rapid to permit soaking and migma- Assoc. London Proceedings, v. 54, pt. 2, p. P4-85. Pt. 2. tization of the adjacent country rocks by magma tic ibid., v. 55, pt. 2, p. 45-93. ———— 1948, Granites and granites, in Origin of granite: Geol. fluids, which so profoundly endomorphosed the in­ Soc. America Mem. 28, p. 1-19. trusive mass. Thus the contacts are sharp and the ———— 1951, Metamorphism and granitization: Geol. Soc. of intrusive character of the stock is clear cut. South Africa, Alex. L. du Toit Memorial Lectures no. 2, 27 p. METAMORPHISM AND THE OBIGIN OP GRANITIC ROCKS, NORTHGATE DISTRICT, COLORADO 375

Reynolds, D. L., 1944, The southwestern end of the Newry Warne, J. D., 1947, Northgate fluorspar, Jackson County Colo.: igneous complex: Geol. Soc. London, Quart. Jour., v. 99 TJ. S. Bur. Mines Rept. Inv. 4106. pt. 3-4, p. 205-246. Waters, A. C., 1948, Discussion, in Origin of granite: G«ol. Soc. Bosnian, R. B., 1948, Discussion, in Origin of granite: Geol. America Mem. 28, p. 106-108. Soc. America Mem. 28, p. 116. Spencer, A. C., 1904, The copper deposits of the Encampment Waters, A. C., and Campbell, C. D., 1935, Mylonites from the district, Wyoming: TJ. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 25. San Andreas fault zone: Am. Jour. Sci., 5th ser., v. 29, Spurr, J. E., Garrey, G. EL, and Ball, S. H., 1908, Economic no. 174, p. 473-503. geology of the Georgetown quadrangle, Colorado: TJ. S. Wegmann, C. E., 1930, liber Diapirismus (Besonders im Grundge- Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 63. birge): Bull, de la Comm. Geologique de Finland3 no. 92, Steven, T. A., 1953, Geology of the Northgate fluorspar district, III, p. 58-76. Colorado: Wyo. Geol. Assoc. Guidebook, 8th Annual Field Conference, 1953. ———— 1935, Zur deutung der Migmatite: Geologische Rund­ ———— 1954, Geology of the Northgate fluorspar district, Colo­ schau, Band 26, p. 305-350. rado: TJ. S. Geol. Survey Mineral Inv. Map MF 13. Yoder, H. S., Jr., 1952, The MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O system and Turner, F. J., and Verhoogen, Jean, 1951, Igneous and meta- the related : Am. Jour. Sci., Bowen morphic petrology; 602 p., New York, McGraw-Hill Book volume, p. 569-627. Co., Inc.


Page Page Page Adirondack Mountains.______._____ 339 Lithology, biotite-garnet gneiss____.__.. 346 Montezuma quadrangle- , 341 Anatexis______-______.____ 372,373 hornblende-biotite gneiss______353 Annular layers-.——.———___..——— 357,363 hornblende gneiss...______338 Northgate district, location______.__ 3d5 intrusive quartz monzonite_ __. ___ 365 North Park_._____.______335 Baker pit_____....______.___ 369 mylonite gneiss______..__.___ 355 North Park Basin__._-______...._ 337 "Basic front".—...______._.-___ 350 pegmatite.-...——————____———— 350 North Platte River-___.__.——_.-.— 335,358 Bureau of Mines exploratory program. _._ 336 quartz monzonite gneiss______342 Camp Creek...... ——————..—...... 338,364 rheomorphic quartz monzonite gneiss__ 359 Origin, biotite-garnet gneiss._.-____.__ 349 Camp Creek mine..__..——____-..-_ 369 Lit-par-lit gneiss—______-___ 346 hornblende-biotite gneiss.._____.__ 354 Colorado Geological Survey Board....____ 336 hornblende gneiss.....______.. 341 McCallum anticlines______.____ 336 Colorado Metal Mining Fund Board...___ 336 intrusive quartz monzonite- ______368 Magmatic stoping--__.__.____-___ 368 mylonite gneiss______.______... 357 Deuteric alteration.__.______368,374 Medicine Bow Mountains..____ 335,336,337,355 pegmatite.______.______... 352 Diapirinjection.-.—.———————.... 357,359,373 Metasomatism _____ 342,344,345,349,352,364,372 quartz monzonite gneiss..______345 Distribution, biotite-garnet gneiss..————— 345 Minerals, albite._._..-___...._.— 344,351 dacite porphyry.—————_._..———. 364 andesine.______..- 339,364,368 Park Range.__.______.______335,364 hornblende-biotite gneiss____———... 353 apatite.. __ - - - 339,340,345,349,354,355,364,366 Petrography, biotite-garnet gneiss..-____ 346 hornblende gneiss _.——_____. ___ 338 augite.______.___ 339,340 dacite porphyry._____.______... 364 intrusive quartz monzonite———————. 365 biotite-_.—.-___._-_____..—-— 340, hornblende-biotite gneiss.______353 mylonite gneiss..——— ———————...-- 354 344,349,351,353,354,355,360,361,364,366,367 hornblende gneiss.. ______339 pegmatite.-_—————--_——————— 350 blue amphibole.—-- ———..—..——.-.--. 348 Intrusive quartz monzonite.-______3t>5 quartz monzonite gneiss.._____.__.. 342 chlorite-.—————. 340,344,3fil, 352,366,368 mylonite gneiss______._ ___ 355 rheomorphic quartz monzonite gneiss__ 357 chrysotile___-__..._____-__-- 340 pegmatite.._—————___....___ 351 Dynamic metamorphism—...—————... 340,349 clinozoisite.. ____.______._ 340,355 quartz monzonite gneiss______. ___ 343 Dynamothermal metamorphism._ 338,340,345,372 epidote. 340,344,345,349,351,354,355,364,366,368 rheomorphic quartz monzonite gneips__ 359 fluorite_—-—————_.——.—— 366 Pinkham Creek. _____-______.__ 350,353 Fluorspar...... —————— —————————.. 337 garnet.—.—————.. 345,348,351,352,360 Pinkham Creek canyon______342,354,355 Fluorspar mine__——————-.——————.. 369 hematite..-_-_-——_____- 340,345,352 Pinkham Mountain___.__._ 350,353,365,368 Foliation, hornblende-biotite gneiss_—-.-.. 353 hornblende.——— 339,344,353,355,360,361,368 Pliocene deformation.___.______337 hornblende gneiss..--——_____...—. 340 labradorite..-——..—..______——. 339 mylonite gneiss__-_—.____--..... 356 magnetite-_—————.—————————— 340, Rheomorphism.._____...... 340,342,357,361,372 rheomorphic quartz monzonite gneiss—— 344,345, 349,351,354,360,361,364,366 Rockflowage——————.———————„ 358 357,359,363 microcline.-______- 344,349,351,354,360,361 Front Range, Colorado.———.——————— 341 Sedimentary rocks, early Tertiary__ - ___ 337 microcline-perthite-.______366,367 Mesozoic__-__——._____.__. 337 Gneiss complex__——————.._————.. 337 muscovite.______351,360 North Park formation——_—————.—— 337 Grenville series-1.———————————————— 341 myrmekite______351,360,366 Permian—.—.—————...———-—— 337 oligoclase___.__ ——— ——————— 344,355 Quaternary_——-———__-—-—— 337 Idaho Springs formation..——————————— 341 olivine..._____———.__————— 340 Independence Mountain fault.____.__ 337,357 White River formation.---.___.„—- 337 orthoclase-...—___...____..-...-- 364 Sentinal Mountain_____ -_____.__ 355,367 plagioclase- 339,344,351,353,359,361,366,367,368 Jelm Mountain....——————————————— 341 Sherman granite—.—————————————— 365 quartz______._____.- —— - 340, Specific gravity, pre-Cambrian rocks-- ——— 364 Kings Canyon....—.-.„.———————..:. 354,357 344,349,351,353,354,355,360,361,364,366,367 Structural setting, rheomorphic quartz mon­ sericitel__.______.___-__ 366 zonite gneiss..————————————————— 357 Laramide orogeny.——————..———•—. 337 serpentine______._ <*40 Structure, hornblende gneiss_.___——— 340 Laramie and Sherman quadrangles————. 341 sillimanite.—_____...______— 360 mylonite gneiss_———————————— 356 Laramie Elver_——————————————— 365 specularite-.______.____.___ 351 Lineation, hornblende-biotite gneiss.....---.. 356 sphene—— - ——————„ 345,349,352,354,355 Ultramaflc masses--_———-----——-—— 338,342 hornblende gneiss———.__———_„ 340,341 spinel..__ —— ___ ———_____------340 Ultramylonite..—..__——__—....—— 355 mylonite gneiss...————__————... 356 tremolite..._-___. —__.._-__- S40 rheomorphic quartz monzonite gneiss—— 358 .--...._.--__.-.____ 345,349,366 Vasquez Mountains..—————————————— 341 377 PLATE 50

A. Typical hornblende gneiss, with hornblende, h, and plagio- clase, p. B. Typical quartz-bearing hornblende gneiss, with hornblende, h, plagioclase, p, and quartz, q. C. Typical -bearing hornblende gneiss, with hornblende, h, augite, py, and plagioclase, p. D. Slightly altered hornblende gneiss. Plagioclase, p, is crowded with saussuritic inclusions; hornblende, A, is somewhat altered to chlorite, c, and epidote, e; small amounts of microcline, m, and quartz, q, have been introduced. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 274 PLATE 50



A. Typical quartz monzonite gneiss exposed in a fresh road cut along Lawrence Creek. B. Typical thoroughly transformed quartz monzonite gneiss. Relict plagioclase grains, p, are corroded and replaced by microcline, m, and quartz, q. C. Typical thoroughly transformed quartz monzonite gneiss. Relict plagioclase, p, enclosing secondary myrmekite is corroded and replaced by microcline, m, and quartz, q. PLATE 52

A. Marginal facies of biotite-garnet gneiss. Hornblende, h, is in part altered to biotite, b, quartz, q, and accessory apatite, a, and sphene (dark granules). Microcline, m, is a very minor constituent. Plagioclase, p, is essentially unaltered. B. An early stage in the formation of a garnet from biotite. Scattered granules of garnet, g, and blue amphibole, h, are set in a fine-grained aggregate of quartz, plagioclase, and . The original biotite, b, is corroded, and the plagioclase, p, is eliminated from the area around the garnet granules. Epidote, e, is a common accessory. C. Typical thoroughly transformed biotite-garnet gneiss. Ir­ regular garnet grains, g, commonly poikilitic with abundant rounded blebs of quartz, q, and blades of biotite, b, are set in an aggregate of quartz, q, plagioclase, p, biotite, b, and generally minor microcline, m. D. Garnet, g, formed at the expense of biotite, b, with the de­ velopment of accessory apatite, a, and epidote, e. The dark granules of magnetite in the biotite apparently formed as a result of the transformation. Plagioclase, p, is eliminated from the garnet; quartz, q, commonly forms rounded blebs within the garnet, although not in this field. The reaction zone between the garnet and biotite generally is a fine aggregate of quartz, sericitized plagioclase, and pale mica. E. Garnet, g, and secondary blue amphibole, h, formed at the expense of biotite, b. Quartz, q, is a common associated mineral. F. Garnets developed directly from hornblende gneiss. Original hornblende, H, and plagioclase, p, are in part replaced by quartz, q, and an aggregate of garnet crystals, g, and secondary blue amphibole, h. Apatite, a, is a common accessory. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 274 PLATE 52




A. Typical hornblende-biotite gneiss, with broken original horn­ blende, h, and plagioclase, p, crystals and recrystallized biotite, b, quartz, g, and apatite, a, along shear zones. B. Mylonite gneiss derived from hornblende gneiss. Relict plagioclase, p, and hornblende, h, grains are set in a fine­ grained groundmass of biotite, b, quartz, g, and plagioclase, p. Apatite, a, and magnetite, m, are common accessory minerals. C. Recrystallized hornblende in mylonite gneiss derived from hornblende gneiss. The groundmass is largely a fine-grained aggregate of plagioclase, quartz, and biotite, with a few ragged fragments of the original horn­ blende, h. D. Intermediate stages in the formation of mylonite gneiss from quartz monzonite gneiss. Relict microcline-perthite, m, plagioclase, p, and quartz, Q, crystals are set in a fine­ grained groundmass of quartz and feldspar. Recrystal­ lized quartz, g, stringers mark some of the more noticeable shear planes. E. Mylonite gneiss derived from quartz monzonite gneiss. In plane-polarized light the apparent augen is surrounded by a fine-grained foliated aggregate of quartz, feldspar, and hematite. F. Same as E, under crossed nicols. The augen is shown to be a rounded aggregate of quartz, g, and plagioclase, p, frag­ ments which has not been comminuted as finely as the groundmass. PLATE 54

A. Deformed plagioclase, p, corroded and replaced by unde- formed microcline, m. B. Deformed plagioclase, p, corroded and replaced by unde- formed microcline, m, and quartz, q. C. Deformed plagioclase, p, with myrmekitic rims, corroded and replaced by microcline, m, and quartz, q. Note the relict myrmekitic quartz bleb now surrounded by micro­ cline, cline. D. Hornblende-bearing rheomorphic quartz monzonite gneiss. Hornblende, h, plagioclase, p, and quartz, q, form a crys­ tal loblastic aggregate which is in part replaced by micro­ cline, m. E. Hornblende gneiss from an inclusion in rheomorphic quartz monzonite gneiss. Note the almost equant grains of horn­ blende, h, and plagioclase, p, and the irregular grains of quartz, q. Apatite, a, is a common accessory. F. Deformed early plagioclase, p, corroded and replaced by microcline-perthite, m, and quartz, q. Note the preferen­ tial replacement of deformed zones. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 274 PLATE 54



A. Early plagioclase, p, corroded and replaced by microcline- perthite, m. Note the residual inclusions of plagioclase. B. Highly corroded plagioclase, p, relict enclosed in microcline- perthite, m. C. Specimen from an area within the stock where no microcline was introduced. Deformed early plagioclase, p, showing relict texture is corroded and replaced by recrystallized plagioclase, rp, and epidote, e. D. Pseudographic quartz, q, enclosed in both plagioclase, p, and microcline-perthite, m, hosts. E. Specimen of a fine-grained porphyritic dike. Original plagio­ clase phenocrysts, p, enclosed in a micrographic ground- mass. F. Specimen from a dike which had no microcline introduced. Early plagioclase, p, showing relict texture is corroded and replaced by recrystallized plagioclase, rp, quartz, q, epidote, e, and chlorite, c.

Shorter Contributions to General Geology 1955-57


This Professional Paper was published as separate chapters, A—M



[The letters in parentheses preceding the titles are those used to designate the separate chapters] Page (A) Volcanic-rich middle and upper Eocene sedimentary rocks northwest of Rattlesnake Hills, central Wyoming, by Franklyn B. Van Houten______— ____ ———— —— __- 1 (B) Dakota group in northern Front Range foothills, Colorado, by Karl M. Waage" ______— ——— ______——— ___ 15 (C) Basal Eagle Ford fauna (Cenomanian) in Johnson and Tarrant Counties, Tex., by Lloyd William Stephenson—______53 (D) Characteristic Jurassic mollusks from northern Alaska, by Ralph W. Imlay______———______— 69 (E) Owl Creek (Upper Cretaceous) fossils from Crowleys Ridge, southeastern Missouri, by Lloyd William Stephenson—— 97 (F) Middle Ordovician rocks of the Tellico-Sevier belt, eastern Tennessee, by Robert B. Neuman______141 (G) Ecology of Foraminifera in northeastern Gulf of Mexico, by Orvilie L. Bandy.______— 179 (H) Palmlike plants from the Dolores formation (Triassic), southwestern Colorado, by Roland W. Brown——__ ——— ____ 205 (I) Additions to the flora of the Spotted Ridge formation in central Oregon, by Sergius H. Mamay and Charles B. Read-- 211 (J) Fossils from the Eutaw formation, Chattahoochee River regiop, Alabama-Georgia, by Lloyd William Stephenson_____ 227 (K) of Middle Ordovician rocks in the zinc-lead district of Wisconsin, Illinois, and Iowa, by Alien F. Agnew, Alien V. Heyl, Jr., C. H. Behre, Jr., and E. J. Lyons..______-__ 251 (L) Volcanic rocks of the El Modeno area, Orange County, Calif., by Robert F. Yerkes______——— ______313 (M) Metamorphism and the origin of granitic rocks, Northgate district, Colorado, by T. A. Steven______— — ______335 V