
Metamorphism and metamorphic rocks

GEOL115 Alexander Lusk Outline: • Metamorphic rocks – Definion and major types of cycle • Metamorphic processes • Deformaon and development of a foliaon/ schistosity/ • Progressive (prograde) metamorphic series • Environments of metamorphism • Metamorphic Metamorphic rocks If pre-exisng rocks (e.g. igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic) are buried within in the Earth, new can grow in the rock through recrystallizaon and the rock can deform in response to tectonic forces.

This rock may have started off as a sediment of mud or clay, which later become a such as mudstone or

What minerals are present? Recall the : Recall where different rock types form: Types of metamorphism Regional metamorphism: as rocks are buried deeper and deeper within the earth they are subject to increasingly higher pressures and temperatures, which result in recrystallization. The directed pressures (stresses) produce planar structures called . metamorphism: rocks within the crust that are intruded by are recrystallized by the magma’s high temperatures. These rocks are commonly not deformed (foliated).

Processes involved: 1. Neomineralizaon – growth of new minerals replacing minerals that become unstable.

2. Grain growth – growth of new or exisng grains.

3. Deformaon – creates a schistosity or foliaon defined by the orientaon of platy or elongate mineral grains. Neomineralizaon : Porphyroclasts: Grain growth: Exisng grow:

Quartz overgrowths

Original grain Rock deformaon: Cleavage and schistosity

Foliaon – repeve layering and parallel alignment of platy (flat) minerals, such as , by shearing and/or differenal pressure

Examples of Foliaon

Slaty rock cleavage – low grade metamorphism Examples of Foliaon

Phyllic texture – intermediate grade metamorphism Examples of Foliaon

Schistosity – intermediate to high grade metamorphism Examples of Foliaon

Gneissic banding – high grade metamorphism Metamorphic Textures Environments of metamorphism:

1.Subducon zones

2.Connental collision zones

3.Magmac environments Tectonic sengs of metamorphism Rock cycle in subducon zone context

contact metamorphism

regional metamorphism Subducon zones: • Sedimentary and volcanic rocks from the ocean floor carried down subducon zones experience substanal increase in pressure, modest increase in temperature. • Rocks are commonly broken and disrupted: tectonic melange • High pressure / low temperature metamorphism: – facies – facies Tectonic melange – California coast ranges Microscopic view of blueschist – Catalina Islands Collisional environments

• Where crust is thickened by connental collision rocks become buried and heated; may start to melt. Regional metamorphism • Rocks become ducle and start to flow • Sedimentary rocks are converted into or ; – abundant well-oriented – porphyroblasts of minerals like • If rocks start to melt, produce . – abundant quartz and , strong foliaon

Magmac environments

• Large intrusions (plutons) rise into the crust, heat surrounding rocks. • Temperature increases, but pressure does not. Contact metamorphism • Lile or no deformaon • Neomineralizaon, but no fabrics – • Magmac environments include: – mid-ocean ridges – plutons related to subducon zone magmasm – plutons related to collision-related melng.

Zone of contact metamorphism

Contact metamorphic rocks in the roof of a pluton, Sierra Nevada batholith Mineral assemblages indicave of a certain range of P-T condions

Using minerals to get a rock’s history Garnet as a tape recorder

Green “island”: 1 Ga garnet growth. White: 450 Ma garnet growth aer earlier garnet cracked up.

Red: 360 Ma garnet growth.

Every me that Africa and North America collided this garnet grew and recorded the P-T condions. replaced by and . Kyanite is the high P form of Andalusite.

Kyanite is being deformed. This rock records burial and deformaon of the rock.