14 May 2018 will be a day of celebration for some, but one of grief for others. On this date 70 years ago, the declaration of the establishment of the State of Israel was proclaimed. So, whilst realising Zionist aspirations and offering a refuge for European, and indeed global, Jewry in the aftermath of World War II and the Holocaust, it also triggered a violent conflict, which has claimed many lives and to this day remains unresolved. The struggle for a Palestinian homeland has also been a key part of aviation security history, but have the atrocities perpetrated by the likes of al Qaeda, Daesh and other radical Islamists now made it less likely that groups with purportedly political agendas will target aviation in the future? Iris Chatzidaki-Pefani takes a timely look at the threat posed to aviation by those fighting for the Palestinian cause.

hilst the Middle East has long the Partition Plan was approved by the between the Arab governments, along with been an arena for war, the United Nations General Assembly. It was the higher morale and better organisation WIsraeli-Palestinian conflict agreed that Palestine would comprise of the fledgling Israeli army, led to the began in earnest after World War 43.33% of Mandatory Palestine, Arabs’ defeat. The war ended with Israel I when the United Kingdom assumed which included Western Galilee, the controlling about 40% more land than had control of Palestine. In 1917, the hills of Judea and Samaria (excluding even been proposed by the UN Partition British Government issued the Balfour Jerusalem), and the Coastal Plain from Plan. Egypt and respectively Declaration, announcing its intention Isdud (Ashdod) to the Sinai frontier. Israel administered the remaining portions of to establish a national home for the would receive 56.67% of Mandatory Gaza and the of the Jordan Jewish people in Palestine. Immediately Palestine, which covered Eastern Galilee, River, and in 1950 Jordan brought the West afterwards, Arab nationalism awakened the Jezreel Valley, most of the Coastal Bank under its jurisdiction. These hostilities and demonstrations against a Jewish Plain, and the Negev. The Jerusalem created a major humanitarian crisis, with national home turned into riots. The enclave was to be under UN trusteeship. almost 750,000 being uprooted violence rapidly spread throughout the Following the departure of the British from their land. They were forced to live country and continued during World War Army, the Arab world resolved to destroy in refugee camps in the Arab-occupied II. As the Arabs rejected all proposals, the new Jewish state. On the day following parts of Israel and in neighbouring Arab including power sharing with the Jews the establishment of Israel, the armies of countries. In the following years, Egypt, and delimitation of national borders, the Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Iraq Jordan and Syria supported attacks from British Government decided to turn the joined together and invaded. However, the , the West Bank and the Golan issue over to the United Nations. In 1947, the lack of coordination and internal strife Heights on Israel, and in 1967 an armed

18 April/May 2018 Aviation Security International struggle often referred to as ‘the Six-Day during the 1972 Summer Olympics in “…Hamas and War’ broke out between Israel and these Munich, Palestinian terrorists from remain key players in the three countries. Again, Israel prevailed, the group Black September infiltrated claiming the West Bank, Gaza Strip, the the Olympic Village in an action that region; whilst most of the Sinai desert and the Golan Heights, where culminated in the deaths of eleven Israeli world views them as terrorist refugee camps had been established by athletes. Terrorist groups also launched a Palestinians in 1948. Consequently, civilians series of attacks against countries that were organisations, they have that had fled from their homeland due to responsible for the partition of Palestine. the partition of Palestine, were obligated to In 1983, for instance, suicide terrorists gained some legitimacy live under Israeli authority. drove two trucks carrying explosives in the region through their into the US marine and French military “…Palestinians were barracks in Beirut, killing 241 marines and participation in elections…” convinced that the 56 French military personnel. Hezbollah claimed responsibility for the attack. An ‘complete liberation of Palestine and liberation of their homeland example of a direct attack on the Israeli eradication of Zionist economic, political, could only be achieved Government was the 1992 bombing of military and cultural existence’. the Israeli embassy in Argentina, for which The Popular Front for the Liberation of through armed uprisings…” the Islamic Jihad Organisation - a front for Palestine (PFLP) aimed to create an image of Hezbollah - claimed responsibility. the Palestinian struggle as part of the world- The resentment of the Arab world caused Apart from Hezbollah, several other wide Marxist-Leninist revolution, establish a by the forced division of Palestine, the terrorist organisations were founded Marxist-Leninist government in Palestine migration of the country’s population, the with Israel as a common enemy. The and opposed all efforts to negotiate a adverse living conditions in the refugee aforementioned PLO was founded with resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian issue. camps, the several failed attempts to destroy the purpose of liberating Palestine The goals of the Popular Front for the Israel through direct armed conflict and the through armed struggle, and to represent Liberation of Palestine-General Command loss of additional territory resulted in the the Palestinian people. It was an (PFLP-GC) also included the destruction founding of a number of terrorist groups. umbrella organisation comprising most of Israel and the establishment of an Many Palestinians were convinced that the of the Palestinian terrorist organisations independent Palestinian state. Additionally, liberation of their homeland could only be but dominated by Fatah. Fatah was a it rejected any move towards moderation in achieved through armed uprisings. Although Palestinian nationalist political party and the Palestinian movement. such terrorist attacks did not manage to its main goal, as stated in Article 12 of The Abu Nidal Organisation was a destroy Israel, they managed to accomplish the official Fatah constitution was the breakaway faction of Fatah that became a short-term goals, something mercenary group for various that the wars were unable to Arab governments. It sought do - including attracting global to destroy Israel, undermine attention to the Palestinian efforts to negotiate Israeli- cause, harassing the Israeli Palestinian peace and Government via direct attacks intimidate those nations either against its army or at its holding members of the group overseas embassies, attacking as prisoners into releasing Jewish communities outside them. Meanwhile, the political of Israel and punishing those objectives of the Democratic states who were supportive of Front for the Liberation of Israel. A notable outcome of Palestine (DFLP) advocated these events was the granting an international stance that of a non-state observer status placed the Palestinian struggle to the Palestine Liberation within a general world context Organisation (PLO) at the of liberation in Africa, Asia and United Nations in 1974 and its Latin America. The DFLP also recognition of the PLO as the supported the Non-Aligned sole legitimate representative Movement and fought against of the Palestinian people. imperialism and racism. The Palestinian groups Palestinian Front’s political perfected the propaganda of objectives included the the deed through dramatic dismantling of the state of violent acts, such as the Israel and the establishment hijacking and subsequent of an independent Palestinian simultaneous destruction of state; it also opposed Yasser three airliners (TWA, Swissair Arafat’s leadership of the PLO. and BOAC) at Dawson’s Field Hezbollah, despite not by members of the PFLP in being a Palestinian group 1970. Civilians were attacked Commemorative tickets issued by the PFLP in the aftermath of the Dawson's Field itself, was initially established on numerous occasions: hijackings of 1970 as a response to Israel’s

April/May 2018 Aviation Security International EUR +44 (0)20 3892 3050 USA +1 920 214 0140 19 Aviv, in an attempt to assassinate the Palestinians’ ability to use individuals of Israeli ambassador Yitzhak Rabin who was different nationalities to launch attacks on scheduled to be on board the aircraft but their behalf without raising suspicion; in did not fly that day (Rabin later become exchange, the Palestinian groups offered Israel’s Prime Minister and was eventually training and weaponry. Collaborative assassinated, albeit by an Israeli). In 1972, attacks were conducted alongside the PFLP members commandeered Lufthansa likes of the , such as flight 649 from Tokyo to Frankfurt, where the Lod Airport massacre in 1972, and the they received USD $5 million ransom in Revolutionäre Zellen (Revolutionary Cells), exchange for the passengers and crew. with whom they hijacked Air France flight Another example was the 1985 hijacking of 139 to Entebbe in 1976. However, while EgyptAir flight 648 from Athens to Cairo by Palestinian terrorist organisations and members of the Abu Nidal Organisation. their causes remained active, as Germany Daniel Brühl & Rosamund Pike in 7 Days in Entebbe, The last recorded hijacking executed reunified and as the Soviet Union was the latest (2018) film to recreate the hijacking of an Air France flight to Uganda in 1977 (Credit: Liam Daniel) by Palestinian terrorist organisations was dismantled, most of their leftist foreign in 1986, when the Abu Nidal Organisation partners disintegrated, leading to a loss control of the southern part of Lebanon took control of Pan Am flight 73 from of tactical and operational capabilities. (from 1982 until 2000), and sought to Bombay to Frankfurt. The group was Due in part to this, by the late 1980s, establish a revolutionary Shi’a Islamic planning to use the hijacked aircraft to hijackings were gradually abandoned state in Lebanon, eliminate non-Islamic release Palestinian prisoners in both by terrorist organisations. They realised influences and force Western interests out Cyprus and Israel. that they could threaten, intimidate and of the region. Meanwhile, Hamas aimed to damage their enemy without resorting to liberate Palestine from Israeli occupation “…the Palestinian National a difficult and risky tactic that could end and restore the rights of the Palestinian Charter remains unchanged, in failure and operate without the need people under the sacred Islamic teachings for co-conspirators. Aircraft bombing, as of the Qur’an. Hamas and Hezbollah remain thereby still denying Israel’s a tactic, actually began in the ‘70s when key players in the region; whilst most of the the PFLP-GC bombed Swissair flight 330 world views them as terrorist organisations, right to exist…” using an IED initiated by a barometric they have gained some legitimacy in pressure trigger. Between 1987 and the region through their participation in Hijackings at the time were frequently 1988 the focal point of the Abu Nidal elections, which have shown the broad employed to pressure governments Organisation was the execution of all scope of their supporters and their being into meeting the political demands of traitors – those suspected of being elected into office – Hamas in Gaza and terrorist groups. In the majority of cases, double agents – within the movement, Hezbollah in Lebanon. this involved the release of members or which limited its international attacks. As can be observed, these terrorist supporters of the groups from prison and Additionally, between 1987 and 1993, organisations share some similarities was used to bring their political cause to and 2000 and 2005, the First and Second in their ideologies, as well as in their the world’s attention. However, alongside Intifadas occurred – Palestinian uprisings operational tactics. They have executed hijackings other methods of attack were against the Israeli occupation of the West both domestic and international terrorist employed. In 1972, for instance, there was Bank and Gaza. Most of the Palestinian attacks. Their targets have included an armed assault at Lod airport, killing 26 terrorist organisations were involved in the embassies, synagogues, transportation and injuring 80. Other examples include uprisings, which also contributed to the hubs, marketplaces and military the missile attack against an aircraft reduction in the number of international checkpoints. However, one of their primary at Rome airport in 1974, the assassination attacks. Those bombings that did occur, targets has been civil aviation. Initially, attempt on Khaddam, the foreign minister such as Pan Am in 1988 and UTA in the preventative security measures in situ of Syria at Abu Dhabi International Airport 1989, were not carried out by Palestinian were limited, thereby facilitating attacks. in 1977, and the bombing of Gulf Air groups, and Israel was not the target. Attacks on airports and aircraft gave the flight 771 in 1983. Simultaneous attacks Other important events that heralded opportunity to target large numbers of on passengers in the check-in zones at the decline in mainstream Palestinian people, both nationals and foreigners, who Rome and Vienna airports in December attacks against civil aviation included the were gathered in enclosed spaces from 1985 were carried out by the Abu Nidal letter exchange between PLO Chairman which they could not easily escape. Aviation Organisation. And, in 1986, in an action and Israeli Prime Minister terrorism was also favoured as it created fear deemed to be state-sponsored (by Syria), Yitzhak Rabin in 1993, in which Arafat and had a negative impact in the economic an El Al aircraft operating from London recognised the right of the State of Israel development of the country, for it affected to was targeted by tricking an to exist in peace and security and stated tourism and destroyed infrastructure. unsuspecting pregnant Irish woman into that the PLO committed itself to a peaceful The first terrorist attack against civil carrying an IED onto the flight; she was resolution of the conflict between Palestine aviation executed for the Palestinian identified by El Al security and the bomber, and Israel. However, the remaining PLO cause was conducted on 23 July 1968 and Nezar Hindawi, was arrested. members opposed Arafat’s views and involved members of the PFLP hijacking Many of the Palestinian terrorist groups the wording of the Palestinian National El Al flight 426 from Rome to Tel Aviv. had, in the 70s and 80s, also collaborated Charter remains unchanged, thereby still After this incident, many others followed. with foreign terrorist organisations to denying Israel’s right to exist. In 1969, for instance, the PFLP-GC hijacked execute their attacks. The benefits of The attacks of 11 September 2001 - TWA flight 840, again from Rome to Tel these collaborations rested in the neither perpetrated by Palestinian groups

20 April/May 2018 Aviation Security International nor for the Palestinian cause - also played a significant role. After 9/11, the attention of the international community was fixed upon terrorist organisations such as al Qaeda and, later on, ISIS. These terrorists were no longer fighting for a nationalist cause but as radical Islamists, even if their rhetoric embraced the Palestinian cause as means to garner support. Even when terrorist attacks were based on a political cause, they were not driven by the fight for Palestinian statehood but rather for other causes such as a greater Syria and the spread of the Iranian Islamic Revolution. They utilise extreme forms of violence, which are denounced by Palestinian terrorist groups, 9/11 being a significant example of this with aircraft being controlled by suicidal pilots. These hijackings were not perpetrated as leverage The Abu Nidal Organisation effected coordinated attacks on Rome and Vienna airports in 1985 for negotiations or as a platform for putting forward demands; the airliners were used thousands of fighters to fight against it and “…the political leader of Hamas as weapons of mass destruction. Moreover, called upon the countries of the Middle whilst the Palestinian organisations’ short- East to join the battle against it in Syria and rejected any comparison term objectives are ostensibly feasible and Iraq. The PFLP wished to distance itself to ISIS and condemned the clear, such as the release of prisoners, the from ISIS, as it contended that ISIS’s entry radical Islamist organisations have broader in Syria had been facilitated and supported latter’s actions regarding the and not so easily achievable medium- by imperialist powers, which conflicted beheadings of civilians and term objectives, such as the increase of with PFLP’s ideology. More specifically, influence and economic power of the the PFLP supported the removal of any journalists…” group as well as the control of territory. imperialistic influence in Palestine and the Radical Islamist terrorist groups like al Middle East and has openly promoted a security controls and, as a result, there Qaeda and ISIS, have been widely and conspiracy theory about ISIS. has been no successful attack against openly criticised by those fighting against an Israeli carrier since 1968. Indeed, Israel. In an interview with Yahoo News, CONCLUSION this was one reason why groups elected the political leader of Hamas rejected any to target more vulnerable elements of comparison to ISIS and condemned the During the 70 years since the establishment the civil aviation community. Globally, latter’s actions regarding the beheadings of the State of Israel, the country has the advances in aviation security since of civilians and journalists. Hezbollah not experienced numerous wars and terrorist 9/11 cannot be understated. Airports only opposed ISIS but also deployed attacks. Terrorist organisations fighting have implemented multiple layers of against Israel have conducted operations security and passengers must undergo against civil aviation in Israel, as well as more thorough baggage, body and overseas, due to the industry’s symbolism documentation checks. However, it and importance. is important to note, that while some Civil aviation remains at risk – but the countries may have developed and threat is no longer directly posed as a implemented tight security measures in result of the conflict between Israel and their airports, others have fallen behind, Palestine. The terrorist groups fighting making them more vulnerable to terrorist for Palestinian independence have attacks. Also, while Palestinian terrorist realised that violence, especially since organisations may refrain from attacking 9/11, has been counter-productive and civil aviation, there are still those that they can achieve equal or greater individual supporters of the Palestinian benefits by attacking targets that present cause, who may, as lone actors, decide fewer obstacles. The 9/11 attacks to exploit our vulnerabilities. We cannot also had an impact on the Palestinian be complacent. terrorist organisations’ selection of tactics and targets as they have sought Iris Chatzidaki-Pefani is to differentiate themselves from radical a researcher and analyst Islamist groups and therefore denounce with Green Light Ltd. and distance themselves from extreme She is contactable at forms of violence. [email protected]. Israel itself has long been regarded PFLP poster with an aviation theme as offering the gold standard in aviation

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