The Climats Terroirs of Burgundy Official candidate for for UNESCO World Heritage List Inscription presS Kit

july 2015 Official candidate of France World Heritage UNESCO

What exactly is a "Climat" in Burgundy?

The Burgundian "Climats" – celebrated names like Montrachet, Romanée-Conti, Chambertin, Les Cailles… and there are 1 247 of them in the area – are parcels of vines, often rather small tracts of land, with precisely determined boundaries. They were created by natural conditions – soils, sun and wind exposure – combined with the work of the men who shaped them, revea- led their value and organized them into a qua- lity hierarchy, throughout their long history, which began in Roman times.

PRESS CONTACT Association for the inscription of the Climats of Burgundy on the UNESCO World Heritage List Krystel LEPRESLE, Director [email protected] | port. +33 (0)6 08 11 34 95 Delphine MARTINEZ, Public and Press Relations [email protected] | Port. + 33 (0)6 31 42 13 50 12 Boulevard Bretonnière - 21200 – France Tél. + 33 (0)3 80 20 10 40 / Fax + 33 (0)3 80 25 04 90


FACEBOOK Association des Climats du Vignoble de Bourgogne press kit

EDITORIAL p.4 UNESCO APPLICATION p.5 UNESCO and World Heritage p.6 The stages of the application p.6 Post-Bonn ? Preservation and passing on p.7

THE FUNDAMENTAL ELEMENTS OF THE DOSSIER The CLIMATS of BURGUNDY, A CLASSIC MODEL OF TERROIR-based VITICULTURE p.8 An Outstanding Universal Value unique in the world p.8 The progressive construction of the Climats site : 2,000 years of history p.10 A very model of terroir-based viticulture p.13 An exceptional architectural heritage p.15 A vibrant repository of expertise and traditions p.16 Understanding the perimeter of the site nominated for inscription p.18 unprecedented MOBILIZATION An entire territory supporting the application p.20 A unifying project right from the very start p.20 Over 63 000 people have pledged support for the project p.21 A ongoing « territorial undertaking » p.23 An influential model in touch with the world p.25 What prompted this adventure? World famous wines, an outstanding heritage and exceptionnal know-how, recognition of two thousand years of a unique culture.

4 editorial On our way to World Heritage with pride

There are many sites and monuments which the international community consi- ders so valuable for its collective heritage that their disappearance or deterioration would constitute a loss to civilisation. In World Heritage language, these sites have « Outstanding Universal Value » (OUV). We strongly believe that the territory which comprises the Côte de Beaune, the Côte de Nuits and the towns of Beaune and , rightfully deserves a place on the distinguished World Heritage List, because it too possesses and embodies Outstanding Universal Value.

This value is expressed through the Burgundian concept of terroir, the Climat. A Climat is a plot of vines, each with its own unique identity and a name often dating back centuries. An identity which is partly cultural, developed over some 2,000 years, and partly natural, on account of its soil and subsoil types, as well as its specific wea- ther conditions, especially its micro-climate.

The Climat is an excellent example of man and nature working hand in hand, of natu- ral and human excellence finding expression in a centuries-old setting ; an example which has proved so successful that the Burgundy vineyards are regarded all over the world as the very model of terroir-based viticulture, its cradle and its archetype.

The Climats and their viticulture, specific to Burgundy, have given rise to a local culture and an economy, both of which have shaped the environment in which we live – an environment that is more vibrant today than ever before. Not only do the Climats continue to produce wines acclaimed the world over, they also form a remarkable natural landscape. The mosaic created by the Climats, along with the architectural heritage found within the surrounding vineyards and villages, and in the towns of Beaune and Dijon, are united by their common use of local limestone.

Ensuring that our unique territory establishes its place on the World Heritage List nowseems essential, for two main reasons :firstly, to demonstrate to the world the exceptional mission that has befallen the Burgundy region, and secondly, to create an awareness, within Burgundy and abroad, of the value and unique quality of this marvelous heritage ; one that must be guarded and protected, if it is to survive.

We are proud to say that what we produce here is far more that just wine and that our region has so much more to offer besides its landscape. Our long and rich history and our distinctive culture combine in this small territory to create an excep- tional and unique cultural site.

François Sauvadet Alain Suguenot Pierre-Henry Gagey Former Minister Mayor of Beaune Co-Chairman of the Territorial Conference, MP for Côte-d’Or MP for Côte-d’Or Representative of the region’s wine professionals Chairman of the Côte-d’Or Chairman of the Conurbation General Council Committee for Beaune Côte et Sud Aubert de Villaine Co-Chairman of the Territorial President, Association for the inscription of the François Patriat Conference Climats of Burgundy on the World heritage List Former Minister President of the Regional Alain Millot Guillaume d’Angerville Council of Bourgogne Mayor of Dijon Deputy President, Associtation for the Senator of Côte-d’Or President of the Conurbation inscription of the Climats of Burgundy Committee for Greater Dijon Co-Chairman of the Territorial Conference 5 UNESCO APPLICATION

UNESCO and World Heritage

Created in 1945, at the end of the Second World War, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is a specialized agency of the United Na- tions whose extensive and ambitious objective is to contribute to peace and security by promoting international cooperation through education, science, culture and communi- cation. UNESCO is made up of 193 member states. Through its World Heritage program, the organization encourages the protection and conservation of the world’s natural and cultural heritage.

World Heritage properties fall into three distinct categories : • Cultural heritage: monuments, complexes, sites, landscapes. > Category of the Climats of Burgundy application • Natural heritage: natural features, geological and physiographic formations. • Mixed heritage : cultural and natural.

How are the applications reviewed ? Each inscription request is usually examined according to the countries’ alphabetical order (which may vary at any time). Each country can present a maximum of two properties/sites. An ICOMOS or IUCN representative presents a 5-minutes summary for each dossier, followed by his or her recommendation. The request is then submitted to the Committee members for decision. Questions are allowed. However, for the French application dossiers, the only person authorized to reply is Philippe Lalliot, France’s Ambassador to UNESCO.

Four possible decisionary outcomes of the 21 members of the committee: • Inscription of the property: the Committee recognises the OUV of the property and consi- ders that all the conditions, and especially those of the site management, have been met. • Referall: the Committee recognises the OUV of the property but requests additional infor- mation. The site’s dossier must be revised for re-examination by the World Heritage Com- mittee within a maximum period of 3 years. • Deferral for redrafting: the Committee recognises the OUV of the property but requests a review of the dossier’s positionning. This requires a redrafting of the dossier, which must then go through the international expert evaluation process again. There is no guaranteed set deadline for re-presenting the dossier before the Committee. • Non-inscription of the property: the Committee considers that the site does not possess an OUV and therefore cannot be included on the List.

the stages of the application

November 2006 April 2007 April 2009 2008 > 2012 Offical launch of the application The Association is duly formed The Climats are included in Preparing and writing sponsored by the Mayors the Tentative List of proposed the application dossier of Beaune and Dijon, the French properties The dossier demonstrate the President of the BIVB This is a shortlist of properties Outstanding Universal Value of (Bourgogne Wine Board) and that France intends to nominate the candidate site in accordan- Aubert de Villaine, future for World Heritage status, ce with the UNESCO criteria, President of the Association. A favorable opinion is required and propose appropriate ma- from the National Committee nagement tools to ensure its for of French heritage and protection. A 600 page dossier 6 the Ministries of Culture and was submitted to the Minis- Ecology / Environment tries of Culture and Ecology/ Environment. post Bonn ?

Above all else, the focus will be on preserving and passing on the Climats’ heritage The fundamental objectives of the candidature have always been protecting, preser- ving and enhancing the Climats. Thanks to the coordinated efforts of the government departments, the region’s local authorities and the Association, by 2018, 92% of the nominated site’s central zone will be protected by appropriate tools. The Association will be pursuing its on-going projects in the following sectors; town planning, economic development, environmental issues, architecture, mediation and tourism, while taking care to maintain a constant balance between conservation and development.

Benefiting from the positive effects while respecting the authenticity of the site Usually, an inscription of the World Heritage List gives rise to many positive knock-on effects including an increase in tourist traffic (of between 15 and 20%). In order to ma- nage the site based on the principles of sustainable development, a survey of traffic flow across the Climats territory has been carried out. To encourage people to disco- ver and understand the Climats and their history, two mediation centres are expected to be up and running by 2017 : the Cité de la Gastronomie (City of Gastronomy) in Dijon and the Cité des Vins de Bourgogne (Burgundy Wines Centre) in Beaune. Meanwhile, themed itineraries with a historical focus are currently being designed.

What may or may not be changed by UNESCO… Let’s be clear that World Heritage inclusion will not freeze the on-going productivity of the region and turn this economically and agriculturally active site into a "museum". UNESCO will not impose any additional constraints to those already implemented by current legislation. However, world heritage inclusion would require all those invol- ved to assume their share of responsibility, and would call for the implementation of a management plan, which would be reflected in municipal and inter-municipal regulations.

January 2014 Autumn 2014 > Spring 2015 15th May 2015 July 2015 Nominated by France Evaluation by the international The international Presentation of the Climats The dossier is officially experts of ICOMOS panel of experts presents its application tothe World submitted to the World ICOMOS (International Commit- recommendation to the French Heritage Committee (39th Heritage Centre for appraisal. tee for monuments and sites) is State party. session) in Bonn, Germany. one of the advisory bodies for UNESCO. A panel of experts examines the application dossier. One of these experts visits the site to conduct an on-site investigation. 7 THE FUNDAMENTAL ELEMENTS OF THE DOSSIER The Climats of Burgundy, a CLASSic model of terroir-based viticulture

Unique Outstanding Universal Value

Proposed inscription in the « cultural property » category The Climats of Burgundy are candidates for World Heritage inclusion as a « site » defi- ned as the « combined works of man and nature » […], with outstanding universal value in terms of history, aestetics, ethnology and anthropology ». [Article 1, paragraph 3 of the World Heritage convention]

Criterion (III) it has been further accompanied by interaction with a particular natural An exceptional testimony to a living the progressive implementation of environment, that of the Côte wine cultural tradition a body of regulation which resulted region of Burgundy, which develo- The fragmented geo-system that ma- in the creation in France, in the first ped under the sustained impetus of kes up the Climats of the Burgundy half of the 20th century, of the Appel- the cities of Dijon and Beaune. The winegrowing region, in conjunction lations d’origine contrôlée (AOC) – gradual recognition and establish- with the villages of the Côte-d’Or and controlled designation of origin. ment of the Climats came about in the cities of Dijon and Beaune, is a re- various ways with different physical markable example of a historic wine- Criterion (V) separations which are still in place producing site whose authenticity has An outstanding example of traditio- (enclosed plots, hedges, stone walls) remained undisputed throughout the nal human settlement and traditio- or ancient paths which still mark out centuries, and whose activity is more nal land use which is representative on the ground the specific limits of vibrant today than ever before. The of a culture or man’s interaction with given Climats. The heritage buildings vitality of this activity is still based the environment. of the cities of Dijon and Beaune are on the transmission to successive ge- The Climats of Burgundy wine region tangible examples of this cultural nerations of proven practices and the represent the historic construction construction. Some of these buildings creation of more than ten centuries of a wine region made up of many are genuine statements; they are sur- of scientific and technical reference clearly-delimited individual plots viving demonstrations of the powers sources on vine-growing and wine- which perfectly express how a com- and institutions which have ruled making know-how. The vineyards and munity has chosen to use the referen- over the wine territory and intima- wines were organized into a hierarchy ces of place (a Climat) and time (the tely linked to wine production areas under the impetus of the cities of Di- vintage) as markers of quality and and to the lives of those invested in jon and Beaune, which today remain of the diversity of a highly esteemed local viticulture. For 2,000 years, hu- the administrative and merchant product that is the result of the com- man perseverance coupled with uni- trade centers and vital repositories of bination of natural potential and the que natural conditions has made this knowledge at the forefront of scienti- work of man. In that respect, they are site the exemplary crucible of terroir fic and technical training. In addition particularly representative of human winemaking, so singularly captured by the Climats.

8 The Outstanding Universal Value is the cornerstone of all Unesco heritage applications

In order to obtain inscription on the World Heritage list, a candidate site must provide proof of its « Outstanding Universal Value » (OUV) ; in other words, a cultural heritage of such importance that it extends beyond na- tional borders, spans generations and deser- ves recognition on a worldwide scale. Hospices civils de Beaune

The Outstanding Universal Value of the Climats of Burgundy Burgundy’s wine region was shaped over « cabottes » (stone huts), cellars, churches, 2,000 years, founded on the concept of villages, towns and monuments, which expressing the identity of geographical make this territory a unique cultural origin. This notion is best expressed along site, where terroir-based viticulture has the 60-kilometre wine-growing Côte found its most accomplished example in which links Dijon to Santenay. Around the world. 1,247 individual yet inter-connected Cli- mats extend over the area like pieces of The distinctive qualities of each Cli- a giant jigsaw puzzle. Each one posses- mat were recognised and defined over ses its own history, distinctive flavour centuries of experience and exper- and place in the wine hierarchy. Each has tise. Little by little, the wines were or- been gradually crafted by man’s creative ganised into a hierarchy, which was genius combined with an exceptional na- officially established through imple- tural setting. metation of the AOC system in 1936. The crafting of the Climats is a unique The obstinate willpower of men, encoura- example of man’s historic creativity, pro- ged by the civil and religious authorities ducing a diversity which has left its inde- and always driven by the quest for excel- lible mark on the land. lence, founded an economy which conti- nues to flourish to this day. This economic The Climats of Burgundy constitute an environment has shaped the landscapes exceptional and dynamic repository and created buildings like the traditional of ancestoral expertise and traditions. As a unique and fragile environment, the Climats require constant care and atten- tion. Inscription on the World Heritage list would mean recognition of their ex- ceptional quality and would be in keeping with the pursuit of excellence which has remained a constant throughout their history.

THe O.U.V. of the Climats outlined in 3 points • A cultural site shaped by man over 20 centuries Municpal Archives, • A model of terroir-based viticul- city of Dijon ture of worldwide acclaim • An exceptional built heritage linked to vine cultivation

9 Illuminated manuscript from the Abbey The gradual development of of Cîteaux the Climats SITE: 2,000 years of history

This carefully constructed and unique vineyard parcel system, which we would like to have inscribed as World Heritage, is the result of ongoing labour and dedication. Throughout the centuries, religious and political institutions, winegrowers and merchants have forged the identity of the Climats and their wines, whose respective characteristics were in turn set in stone by the Appellations d’Origine Contrôlée (AOC) system in 1936.

The "stubborn commitment of a civilization"

Vine cultivation began in Burgundy 2,000 years ago, as evidenced by traces of Gal- Historical interaction lo-Roman vines dating from the 1st cen- between the towns and tury, which were recently discovered in the vineyard Gevrey-Chambertin. However inseparable the geo-eco- Climats The ’ longevity is closely linked to nomic system of the Climats is from the considerable influence throughout its vineyards, the region would not Europe of the Burgundian abbeys of Clu- have followed the same historical ny (founded in 910) and Cîteaux (founded path without the influence of the in 1098), which played a fundamental role urban political powerhouses of Di- in understanding, farming and managing jon and Beaune. Political and cultu- the vineyards. Then came the era of the ral momentum was provided by the powerful Valois Dukes of Burgundy, who town of Dijon from the 5th century. were based in Dijon and whose political Beaune developed a "viticultural influence extended all the way to the personality" in that it became a Netherlands. Under the Dukes’ impetus, centre for production, fermenting the Burgundy wine region was able to de- and marketing wines. velop an economy and a culture of signi- ficant influence across Europe. Appellations d’Origine Contrôlée (AOC) in The identity of the Climats and their wines 1936. has always been protected and promoted by the religious orders, ducal power, the All of the above have contributed to the middle class, merchants and independent exemplary construction of this unique winegrowers and was set in stone by the territory.

10 2,000 years of history The origins of the Côte wine region began with a geological fault which appeared over 30 million years ago. This breach forced ancient layers of clay and limestone (dating from around 160 million years ago) up towards the surface, thus creating the unusual contours and mosaic of diverse soils of the Côte.

Medieval wine-growing: the first vineyard parcel boun- daries defined (6th century-14th century) At the instigation of the monks (mainly the Benedictines and Cistercians), the first Clos appeared, cultivation and vinifi- cation techniques improved and the vines gained ground, as the creation of vast es- tates encouraged planting on new tracts of land.

Eumenes’ Wine, which was primarily used in a litur- Mosaic of gical context (for Catholic mass), gradually Authors, 1st text describing became a marketable commodity and a the Burgundian wine grower source of power. Dijon and Beaune are im- (312) portant examples of this development.

Philip the Bold, the Valois Duke of Bur- gundy, laid down the first rules ensuring the quality of the wines. Growers were encouraged to seek out the "bonnes costes" (worthy slopes) rather than the "chetifs lieux" (meagre lands).

The quest for quality and tribute to diversity (14th century-17th century) In the late Middle Ages, the hierarchy of wines was defined in relation to the "wi- Philippe the nes of Beaune" and the "wines of Dijon". It Bold, Valois Duke of was not until the very end of the Middle Burgundy (1342-1404) Ages that the wines began to take on the names of clearly defined places of origin.

The earliest mention of the word "Climats" appeared in texts dating from 1584. The term became widely used during the 17th century. The first accounts refering to the Climats appeared around this time, namely in legal documents like the Tibé- riades de Dijon (1550).

Petite Tibériade de Dijon (1550)

11 The Climats take shape and assert of the parcels and contributed to impro- their individual identities with ving the quality of the wines. the dawning of the modern world The early 19th century heralded the be- (16th century-19th century) ginning of scientific research on Bur- At the close of the 17th century and par- gundy wines. The result was a deepened ticularly in the early 18th century, the knowledge of the "crus" and the early sta- notion of "cru" (meaning a specific, geo- ges of a hierarchy of the best terroirs. The graphically traceable production) became first written classifications of the Climats established, firstly on the scale of parish appeared (the Morelot classification in lands (it was customary to talk about the 1831, followed by Lavalle in 1855). Climats "of Volnay", "of Beaune" and "of Gevrey", etc.). Then, identifiable place na- mes were used (Chambertin and Clos de Bèze in 1676, followed by Montrachet and Romanée).

Vatfuls or batches of wines which ex- pressed a sense of place began to be dif- ferenciated and ranked.

The wine market developed thanks to the liberalization of the economy. In contrast to the wines of Dijon and Beaune, more and more Climats wines were recognised and given a distinct identification, like Chambertin, Clos de Bèze, Corton… etc. and they became more and more expensive.

The French revolutionaries confiscated the vineyards belonging to the nobles and the clergy, thus finalizing the redis- The Universal Exhibition in London (1862) tribution of lands which had begun se- saw the publication of the first map of the veral years previously. Wealthy traders, wine region to feature the classification st merchants and winegrowers entered the of the Climats, divided into "3 cuvées" (1 , nd rd market. This did not affect the dividing up 2 and 3 cuvées).

The Climats vineyards of Burgundy in the 20th century : reconstructing a benchmark model of winegrowing expertise Following the phylloxera crisis (from 1885) and the upheaval it caused, the producers undertook a reorganization programme to guarantee the production origin of the wines. This mobilization resulted in the creation of the appella- tions d’origine contrôlée system which was established through a series of decrees in 1936.

12 Burgundy’s Côte is the only vineyard in the world to have constantly privileged and protec- ted the identity of its Climats. Climats only exist in Burgundy !

A model of terroir-based viticulture, embodied by an exceptionally precise vineyard parcel system

Nowhere in the world has man shown such determination to so precisely link a wine production to its place of origin. Throughout the centuries, winegrowers have sought to reveal and identify the potential of these diverse Côte terroirs. This explains how two Climats located a few metres apart, within the same appellation may produce two entirely different wines, despite using the same grape variety (Pinot Noir for the reds, Chardonnay for whites). This wide variety of wines has given rise to a meticulous vineyard parcel system. Each and every one of the 1 247 Climats has its own story to tell, its own flavour and place in the hierarchy of appellations.

As the very model of terroir-based viticulture, the Climats are exceptional ; they stand out among the vineyards of the world as a benchmark for other wine-growing regions (for example, Central Otago in New Zealand and Oregon in the USA).

"In defining Central Otago’s own viti- cultural identity and its path forward, it has been, and will continue to be essen- tial to look towards the classic model of Burgundy and its Climats for inspira- tion and guidance."

Nick Mills, Chairman of the Central Otago Map of the Climats of Winegrowers Association (inc.) and Vosne-Romanée, 1948

13 A mosaic of 1247 vineyard parcels

The Côte wine region comprises 1247 Climats, which extend over 8,000 hectares, The average surface area of each parcel of vines varies from between 1 to 20 hectares, Clos de Vougeot being the exception, with almost 50 hectares. The extent of land dedi- cated to vines varies considerably from one village to another: vine plantations are sometimes very concentrated to the north of villages like , Chateau du Clos de Vougeot ,Vougeot and Ladoix-Serrigny and Cellier de often vines surround the urban areas of villages. Clairvaux (Dijon)

A unique feature : to each Climat its name ! The names of the Climats, many of which For example, the name "Romanée" recalls date back to the Middle Ages, are real in- the presence of a former Roman road dicators of cultural identity. They tell nearby ; "Perrières" refers to ancient quar- the story of each parcel, recalling its his- ries and stony soils ; "Montrachet" means torical origins, the surrounding relief, "bald mountain", evoking the absence of soil-type, orientation and sun exposure, vegetation on the hilltop… configuration of the vine plots, but also land clearance, vegetation and traces of previous human habitation, etc.

14 Chateau du Clos de Vougeot Cellier de An exceptional architectural heritage Clairvaux (Dijon)

Within this cultural setting created by the Climats, the ever-present alchemy which exists between the vines and the built heritage shaped not only the landscape, but also the towns and villages. The underlying limestone of the region provides the material for marking the boundaries and protecting the parcels in the form of meugers (rock piles), clos (enclosures) and dry-stone walls, which punctuate the landscape and trace the contours of this fabulous vineyard mosaic.

Limestone was, and still is, used to build vat houses, storerooms, cellars, growers’ houses and historical monuments like the Hospices de Beaune and the Palais des Etats de Bourgogne in Dijon… These elements are etched in the soil and the landscape, and mark the history of men and their expertise in maintaining and perpetuating a care- fully constructed diversity for generations to come.

Clos The origins of the word Clos (or "cloux") date back to the Mid- dle Ages. This describes a plot of vineyard surrounded by stone walls, which were built to protect the vines. These Clos developed under the impetus of the Cistercian abbeys (10th century) and the Clunisian abbeys (11th century).

Dry-stone walls These low walls form an intricate framework which cha- raterizes and underlines the relief and topography of the slopes. They play an essential protective role in preven- ting soil erosion.

CABOTTES (stone-huts) Built in the heart of the vineyard, these traditional stone huts were constructed from piles of rocks and stones col- lected on site. They are used to store tools or as shelters for winegrowers in bad weather.

Meurgers These are piles of rocks collected from the plots. Meurgers are used to reduce the impact of water runoff and to pro- tect the land from erosion.

15 Saint-Vincent Tournante A vibrant repository of expertise Festival and traditions

The Climats have not only left their imprint on the region’s landscape and architecture. They have significantly marked the lives of an entire community. Today’s wine-ma- king techniques are influenced by ancestoral expertise, even if modern technology has been developed to adapt to this exceptional terroir. Furthermore, traditional festive and economic activities, inherited from past centu- ries, give a sense of rhythm to local life throughout the seasons.

Hospices de Beaune public wine auction This traditional annual auction, which was first held in 1859, takes place on the third Sunday of November. This charitable institution possesses nearly 60 hectares of vines and has been selling its wines for over 150 years in aid of the charities it supports. The event became public in the late 19th century. The Hospices de Beaune wine auction is the oldest and most celebrated charity wine sale in the world and attracts thousands of visitors from across the globe every year.

Wine auction in the courtyard of the Hospices de Beaune

16 the Confrérie des Chevaliers du Tastevin This brotherhood or guild was founded in 1934 in Nuits- Saint-Georges by a group of producers led by Georges Fai- veley and Camille Rodier. The Confrérie’s mission is to pro- mote Burgundian products, especially its great wines but also regional gastronomy, customs and traditions as part of Burgundy’s folklore. After World War II, the Confrérie bought Château du Clos de Vougeot. This Cistercian landmark became the guild’s head- quarters and host to its famous "chapters". The Confrérie The guild currently has 12,000 "knights" across the world des Chevaliers du Tastevin and is a key initiator and organizer of popular regional events like the Saint-Vincent Tournante festival.

The Saint-Vincent Tournante festival The Saint-Vincent Tournante was launched in 1938. It is a festival organized by winegrowers and mutual aid societies based in Burgundy to celebrate the patron saint of vintners, Saint Vincent and the start of the new wine year. Each year, in late January, the "revolving" festival is held in a different Sculptures of village of the Côte wine region. Saint-Vincent carried by the wine guild Paulée de members during the the Saint-Vin- cent Tournante "La paulée" is a traditional celebratory banquet marking the festival end of the grape harvest. This festive dinner was offered by vineyard owners to their laborers. In 1923, the tradition was revived by two well-known lan- downers in Meursault, Jules Lafon and Jacques Prieur, who were supported by the town’s tourist information bureau. Since then, la paulée has become an annual event, held on the Monday following the Hospices de Beaune wine auction. Burgundian wine and gastronomy have always been at the heart of this harvest feast. Custom has it that each paulée guest brings one or several bottles of his or her best wine to share with other table companions. La Paulée de Meursault brings together local vintners and their best customers from all over the world. La paulée has now become a popu- lar event duplicated beyond Burgundy’s borders, in many countries including Canada and the USA… The Oenology Research Centre in An ever-expanding culture of scientific and technical research Beaune Burgundy is at the forefront of scientific and technical research focused on wine production and oe- nology, which continues to increase our knowledge of the Climats and Burgundian vine cultivation. In the wake of the phylloxera crisis, oenology institutes and research centres were opened in Beaune and Dijon. Their common objectives were to find ways to prevent other pandemic outbreaks and to apply a more scientific approach to the study of vine cultivation. During this period, in 1884, the first Lycée Viticole (high school specializing in viticulture) was inau- gurated in Beaune. The school is still operational today and has 19 hectares of vineyard for practical assignments in the field. Currently, Burgundy’s research initiatives and leading institutions include the UNESCO Chair « Wine Culture and Traditions », the Jules Guyot Institute of the Vine and Wine (an experimental centre for viticulture and oenology) and the recently established Pôle Bourgogne Vigne et Vin (Burgundy Vine and Wine Centre), located at the University of Burgundy. . 17 Understanding the perimeter of the site nominated for inscription

All World Heritage application dossiers must provide a precisely defined perimeter and boundaries for the nominated site, which is determined by the scientific advisory committee and the Ministries of Culture and the Environment. This exercise requires a number of important choices to be made, in accordance with stringent criteria in order to meet the OUV standards. The central zone incorpora- tes the main attributes, features and characteristic landmarks of the site. The buffer zone provides a protective landscape setting.

The Climats of Burgundy site is characterized by and built on several fundamental elements, which remain the tangible legacy of its historic construction. They can be defined according to three major themes: • elements linked to wine production • elements linked to wine distribution and markets • elements symbolizing political, cultural and economic impetus

Discover some examples of emblematic elements below:

Production elements

Ahuy Plombières-lès-Dijon GEOGRAPHICAL AREA Velars-sur-Ouche of the site to be included on Fontaine-lès-Dijon Ruffey-lès-Echirey the World Heritage list Corcelles-lès-Monts Dijon

Saint-Apollinaire 7


74 Côte de Nuits Clémencey D9 Côte de Beaune Marsannay-La-Côte Chenôve CÔTE DE NUITS Chamboeuf Paris Perrigny-lès-Dijon Vineyard Parcels and meurger Plot by plot vinification Cellars Wine presses (Featured here, Paris A 39 the Clos de Vougeot press) SNCF Gevrey-Chambertin Dôle Bévy Curley N Collonges-lès-Bévy O Lyon Reulle-Vergy L'Étang-Vergy Chevannes Morey-Saint-Denis E Curtil-Vergy Bouilland S Messanges Chambolle- Saint-Philibert Vougeot Villars-Fontaine Vosne-Romanée Gilly-lès-Citeaux Bessey-en-Chaume Marey-lès-Fussey Échevronne Flagey-Echézeaux Chaux Villers-la-Faye Nuits-Saint-Georges Legend CÔTE DE BEAUNE Mavilly-Manavdilelylo-tMandelot Pernand Magny-lès-Villers Boncourt-le-Bois BBoouuzzee--lèls-èsB-eBauneauene Vergelesses Premeaux-Prissey Savigny-lès-Beaune Villages (Featured here, 1st ban de vendange (procla- Dry-stone walls, cabottes, Storehouses (Featured here, Savigny-lès-Beaune Comblanchien Central zone: Quincey 40 towns and villages Corgoloin Pernand-Vergelesses) mation of the harvest), Beaune rock piles and gates (Climat of Clairvaux in Dijon) Aloxe Saint-Saint-RRomainomain Buffer zone: Chevalier-Montrachet) Vauchignognon Corton Ladoix-Serrigny 31 64 towns and villages A Volnay Chorey-lès-Beaune Cormot-le-Grand Cormot-le-Grand Baubigny Volnay La commercialisation du vin Nolay Vignoles Saint-Gervais-s-suur-Couches Épertully Nolay Auxey-Duresses Villages and cities limits Pommard Beaune Auxey-Duresses Change Beaune Côte de Nuits / Créot Côte de Beaune borders MeursBaulignlt y-lèBs-liBgneauney-lès-Beaune Motorway Paris-l''Hôpital Saint-Saint-AuAbuinbin Meursault Montagny-lès-Beaune Chassagne-Montrachet Dezizize-lès-Maranangges Chassagne-Montrachet Tailly Railway line Puligny-Montrachet Sampipigny-lès-Maranges Puligny-Montrachet Cities and market towns SainSt-aSeint-Srnien-rnindu-Pdu-laiPnlain Corcelles-les-Arts 74 Cheieilllly-lès-Maranges Santenay D9 Santenay Chagny SNCF Ébaatty RemRemignyigny APPELLATIONS: Saint-Gilles Chaudenay Saint-Gilles Chaudenay -le-Camp Chassey-le-Camp Demigny Grand Cru BBouzerroonn CChhamamiillllyy Premier Cru Village

6 A

5 km The town of Beaune Merchant Houses Vat house (Featured here, Bou- chard Père et Fils , in Beaune) Lyon

18 Political, cultural and economic impetus

Palais des Ducs et des États Municipal Archives (Dijon) Dijon Municipal Library Former palace of the Dukes of de Bourgogne (Dijon) collection : Tibériade map Burgundy (Beaune)

Former abbey-church of Hospices civils de Beaune Château du Clos de Vougeot Tomb of the Dukes of Sainte Bénigne (Dijon) Burgundy (Dijon) Plombières-lès-Dijon GEOGRAPHICAL AREA Velars-sur-Ouche of the site to be included on Fontaine-lès-Dijon Ruffey-lès-Echirey Talant the World Heritage list Ahuy Corcelles-lès-Monts Plombières-lès-Dijon GEOGRAPHICAL AREA Velars-sur-Ouche Ahuy GEOGRAPHICAL1247 AREAClimats Plombières-Dlès-iDjijon Fontaine-lès-Dijon

of the site to be included on Velars-sur-Ouche Saint-Apollinaire 7 Flavignerot Fontaine-lès-Dijon N2

BURGUNDY Ruffey-lès-Echirey 4 of the site to be included on 4 7 Talant Côte de Nuits the WorldSurface Heritage area list of the nominated site Clémencey D9 Ruffey-lès-Echirey Corcelles-lès-MToanlantts Côte de Beaune the World Heritage list Marsannay-La-Côte Chenôve (central zone): 13,219 ha Corcelles-lès-Monts Dijon

ÔTE DE NUITS Saint-Apollinaire 7 C N2 BURGUNDY Couchey Flavignerot Longvic Dijon 4

Chamboeuf 74 Saint-Apollinaire 7

Paris N2 BURGUNDY Côte de Nuits FlaCvFliémegnixinernotcey D9

Perrigny-lès-Dijon 4 Paris Surface area of the buffer zone: 4 A 7 39 Côte de Nuit sC ôte de Beaune Clémencey Brochon Marsannay-LaD9-Côte Chenôve SNCF Côte de Beaune 50,011 ha CÔTE DE NUITS Marsannay-La-CôtCeouchey Chenôve Gevrey-Chambertin Longvic Dôle Chamboeuf BévyCÔTE DE NUITS Couchey Fixin Paris Curley Longvic Perrigny-lès-Dijon N Paris A Chamboeuf 39 Collonges-lès-Bévy Fixin Brochon Paris O Lyon Total surface area: 63,230 ha Reulle-Vergy Perrigny-lès-Dijon SNCF Paris A L'Étang-Vergy Brochon 39 Dôle Chevannes Gevrey-Chambertin SNCF Morey-Saint-Denis E Bévy Curley N Bouilland Curtil-Vergy Gevrey-Chambertin Dôle Collonges-lès-Bévy S O Lyon Messanges CBhamévy bolle-Musigny Curley Reulle-Vergy N L'Étang-Vergy Saint-Philibert CollongesSeg-lès-Broéivsy Chevannes O Lyon Reulle-Vergy Morey-Saint-Denis Arcenant L'Étang-Vergy Vougeot E BouillandChevannMeesuilley Curtil-Vergy Morey-Saint-Denis S Fussey Vosne-RomanéeMessanges Chambolle-Musigny E Bouilland Villars-Fontaine Curtil-Vergy Saint-Philibert Bouilland SegGroililsy-lès-Citeaux S Bessey-en-Chaume Messanges CAhamrcenbaolntle-Musigny Marey-lès-Fussey Meuilley SaintV-oPughileiboetrt Échevronne Segrois ArcFenusasnety Villars-FontaiFnleagVeoysne--EcRhomanézVoeugauxéeeot Chaux Meuilley Gilly-lès-Citeaux Bessey-en-Chaume Fussey Villars-Fontaine Vosne-Romanée MaNurey-lèis-tFs-Saint-Gussey eGoillryg-lèes-Csiteaux Bessey-en-Chaume Villers-la-ÉFchevayeronne Flagey-Echézeaux Legend CÔTE DE BEAUNE Mavilly-Manavdilelylo-tMandelot Marey-lès-Fussey Chaux Pernand ÉchevronnMagne y-lès-Villers BoncFoluagrt-eyle--EcBhoéziseaux BBoouuzzee--lèls-èsB-eBauneauene Vergelesses PCrehmauexauxV-iPllerirss-sela-y Faye Nuits-Saint-Georges Legend CÔTE DE BEAUNE Savigny-lèsM-Baveialluny-Meanavdilelylo-tMandelot PerComnVailnledrbs-lanla-cFhaiyene Magny-lès-NuVilleirsts-Saint-Georges LegendCentral zone: Savigny-lèsM-Baveailunly-eMandelot Vergelesses Boncourt-le-Bois CÔTE DE BEAUNE Mavilly-Mandelot BBoouuzzee--lèls-èsB-eBauneauene Quincey Premeaux-Prissey Meloisey PSeavrniagnndy-lès-Beaune Magny-lès-Villers 40 towns and villages Vergelesses Corgoloin ComblancBhoniencourt-le-Bois Central zone: Nantoux BBoouuzzee--lèls-èsB-eBauneauene Savigny-lès-Beaune Premeaux-Prissey MeloiseSyavigny-Alèlso-xBeeaune Quincey 40 towns and villages Saint-Saint-RRomainomain Savigny-lès-BeaunCoe rton Ladoix-Serrigny ComblanchienCorgoloin CentralBuffer zone: zone: Vauchignognon Nantoux Meloisey Aloxe Quincey 4064 towns towns and and villages villages Saint-Romain 31 Saint-Romain A CortonCorgoLloaindoix-Serrigny Buffer zone: Vauchignognon Volnay Nantoux Chorey-lès-Beaune Aloxe 31 64 towns and villages Saint-Saint-RRomainomain A Buffer zone: Vauchignognon Monthelie Corton Ladoix-Serrigny Cormot-le-Grand Baubigny Volnay Chorey-lès-Beaune Cormot-le-Grand Volnay 31 64 towns and villages Cormot-le-Grand Monthelie A Nolay ormot-le-Grand Baubigny Volnay VolnayVignoles Saint-Gervais-s-suur-Couches Épertully Nolay Auxey-DurCesses ard Chorey-lès-Beaune Villages and cities limits Épertully Nolay MontPhommelie Beaune Vignoles Cormot-le-Grand APuommaxey-Duredsses Villages and cities limits Saint-Gervais-s-suurC-CoormucohteA-sluex-GeyÉra-pDneudrtruelslyseBsaNuobliagyny Volnay Pommard Beaune La Rochepot Pommard Côte de Nuits / Change Nolay La Rochepot Auxey-Duresses Vignoles Ahuy Saint-Gervais-s-suur-Couches Épertully Nolay Change Auxey-Duresses BPeommauneard Beaune Villages and citiesCôte limits de Nuits / Créot Change Pommard Beaune GEOGRAPHICAL AREA Côte de Beaune borders Plombières-lès-Dijon Créot La Rochepot AuxeyM-DeuurersBsauleisgnlt y-lèBs-liBgneauney-lès-Beaune Côte de Beaune borders Velars-sur-Ouche Change MeursBauliBgnltey-launeèBs-liBgneauney-lès-Beaune Côte de Nuits / Fontaine-lès-Dijon Paris-l''Hôpital Saint-Aubin CôteMotorway de Beaune bordersMotorway CréotSaint-Aubin Paris-l''Hôpital MeursauSaint-Saint-lt AuAbuinbin Meursault MeuonrsBtauagnlignlt y--llèèBs-sli-BgnBeauneey-alèuns-Beeaune Montagny-lès-Beaune of the site to be included on Chassagne-Montrachet Chassagne-Montrachet MotorwayRailway line Railway line Ruffey-lès-Echirey Dezizize-lès-Maranangges ChassagnPe-arMis-ontl''HôrapDicteahzizleizte-lès-MaranaSaint-ngSaint-ges AuAbuinbCinhassagne-MontracThaeitMllyeursault Tailly Puligny-Montrachet Puligny-MLeontverraMncoonhiesttagny-lès-Beaune Levernois Talant Sampipigny-lès-Maranges Sampipigny-lèsC-hMaasrsaanggnee-s MontPulraicgnheyt-Montrachet Puligny-Montrachet Dezizize-lès-Maranangges Chassagne-Montrachet Tailly the World Heritage list RailwayCities line and marketCities towns and market towns Puligny-Montrachet Levernois Corcelles-lès-Monts SainSt-aSeint-Srnien-rnindu-Pdu-laiPnlain Sampipigny-lès-MarangSaienSst-aSeint-Srnien-rnindu-Pdu-laiPnlain Corcelles-les-ArtsPuligny-Montrachet Corcelles-les-Arts Cities and market towns 4 4 7 Corpeau Cheilly-lès-Ma7 rangCoesrpeau D9 Cheieilllly-lès-Maranges SainSt-aSeint-SrniSanen-rnindut-enayPdu-laiPnlain Cheilly-lès-MD9aranges Santenay Corcelles-les-Arts Dijon

Santenay4 SNCF Saint-Apollinaire 7 Santenay 7 Corpeau Chagny Ébaatty Merceuil Flavignerot N2 SNCF ÉbaattyRemD9igny BURGUNDY Cheieilllly-lès-Maranges ChagnSany tenay Remigny Merceuil APPELLATIONS: 4 Remigny Saint-Gilles 4 Santenay APPELLATIONS: 7 Remigny SNCF Ébaatty Chaudenanay Saint-Gilles SaRiemnt-GCihagnyilleusdenayChagny Merceuil Côte de Nuits Clémencey D9 Saint-Gilles RCemhaignyuCdhaesnaseyy-le-Camp APPELLATIONS: Grand Cru Saint-Gilles Chassey-le-Camp Chaudenanay Demigny Chashassey-le-Ce-CaammpSaint-Gilles BBouzerroonn Côte de Beaune Grand Cru Marsannay-La-Côte Chenôve BouzeronChassey-le-Camp Demigny BouzeronChassey-le-CamCChhpamamiillllyy Demigny Grand Cru Premier Cru BBouzerroonn Premier Cru CÔTE DE NUITS CChhamamiillllyy Village Couchey Longvic CChhamamiillllyy Premier Cru 6 Chamboeuf A Fixin Paris VillageVillage Perrigny-lès-Dijon 6 Paris A 6 39 A 6 Brochon A 5 km SNCF 5 km5 km Gevrey-Chambertin Dôle Bévy Curley N Lyon Collonges-lès-Bévy O Lyon Reulle-Vergy Lyon L'Étang-Vergy Lyon Chevannes Morey-Saint-Denis E Bouilland Curtil-Vergy Bouilland S Messanges Chambolle-Musigny Saint-Philibert Segrois Arcenant Meuilley Vougeot Fussey Villars-Fontaine Vosne-Romanée Gilly-lès-Citeaux Bessey-en-Chaume Marey-lès-Fussey Échevronne Flagey-Echézeaux Chaux Villers-la-Faye Nuits-Saint-Georges Legend CÔTE DE BEAUNE Mavilly-Manavdilelylo-tMandelot Pernand Magny-lès-Villers Boncourt-le-Bois BBoouuzzee--lèls-èsB-eBauneauene Vergelesses Premeaux-Prissey Savigny-lès-Beaune Savigny-lès-Beaune Comblanchien Central zone: Meloisey Quincey 40 towns and villages Corgoloin Nantoux Aloxe Saint-Saint-RRomainomain Buffer zone: Vauchignognon Corton Ladoix-Serrigny 31 64 towns and villages A Volnay Chorey-lès-Beaune Cormot-le-Grand Monthelie Cormot-le-Grand Baubigny Volnay Nolay Vignoles Saint-Gervais-s-suur-Couches Épertully Nolay Auxey-Duresses Pommard Villages and cities limits Pommard Beaune La Rochepot Auxey-Duresses Change Beaune Côte de Nuits / Créot Côte de Beaune borders MeursBaulignlt y-lèBs-liBgneauney-lès-Beaune Motorway Paris-l''Hôpital Saint-Saint-AuAbuinbin Meursault Montagny-lès-Beaune Chassagne-Montrachet Dezizize-lès-Maranangges Chassagne-Montrachet Tailly Railway line Puligny-Montrachet Levernois Sampipigny-lès-Maranges Puligny-Montrachet Cities and market towns SainSt-aSeint-Srnien-rnindu-Pdu-laiPnlain Corcelles-les-Arts 74 Corpeau Cheieilllly-lès-Maranges Santenay D9 Santenay Chagny SNCF Ébaatty Merceuil RemRemignyigny APPELLATIONS: Saint-Gilles Chaudenay Saint-Gilles Chaudenay Chassey-le-Camp Chassey-le-Camp Demigny Grand Cru BBouzerroonn CChhamamiillllyy Premier Cru Village

6 A

5 km

Lyon UNPRECEDENTED MOBILIZATION La Marche des Climats An entire territory (The Walk of supporting the application the Climats, 2011)

The candidature was a revelation in that the idea alone triggered tremendous enthusiasm among our supporters. All of those concerned developed an awareness of the unique quality of the Climats and the necessity to protect and preserve them for future generations.

A unifying project from the very start

The candidature was officially launched in November 2006 by the respective Mayors of Beaune and Dijon, the President of the BIVB (Burgundy Wine Board) and Aubert de Villaine, producer and co-director of Domaine de la Romanée-Conti and President of the current Association. The idea emmanated from a "collective consciousness" which remained a constant throughout the preparation of a project of widespread regional significance.

The Association has been pooling ressources and support from all the major players across the territory since 2007. In 2013, the Association, together with an advisory scientific committee, became part of "Mission Climats", a management body designed to protect, share and pass on the heritage of the Climats site.

All the territory’s stakeholders and deci- sion-makers adhere to this organization. After careful concertation, the "Mission" puts into operation the territorial Mana- gement Plan relative to the candidature. The Mission comprises the Territorial Conference (decision-making body) and its operational arm, the Technical Standing Committee, and finally, the Association des 53 elected re- presentatives Climats which coordinates awareness-rai- signed the sing, public support and information-sha- Territorial Charter, ring about the Climats’ project. 8th April 2011

20 > Les Climats et moi (The Climats and I, 2014)

Climats on the roc (2013)

La Marche des Climats (The Walk of the Climats, 2011)

Over 63,000 people have pledged support for the project

Broad popular commitment behind the application The Support Committee was created in 2011, and is presided over by the author, Bernard Pivot. Since then the number of members has been steadily increasing over the years, revealing the tremendous enthusiasm and popular involvement of an entire region.

Some of the highlights of community commitment include fundamental events like "La Marche des Climats" (The Walk of the Climats) in 2011, when 3,000 people took part in a candelit procession through the vineyards. Followed by: "La Saint-Vincent tournante des Climats" in 2012, "Climats on the roc", which took place in the heart of Comblanchien quarries in 2013, "Climats et moi" (the Climats and I project) in 2014... And of course, "La Semaine des Climats" (Climats Week) which was launched in 2013; a programme of 50 events and interactive activities entirely dedicated to discovering the Climats!

Active involvement of the scientific community Since 2008, 36 scientists have been analysing and demonstrating the Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) of the Climats of Burgundy. Their collective work has given rise to many publications and has led to major advances and discoveries, such as: • the earliest written mention of the term "Climat" in Côte- d’Or dates back to 1584 • the first traces of Gallo-Roman grape farming were un- covered and identified (during archaeological digs car- ried out in Gevrey-Chambertin between 2008 and 2012). Traces of ancient vines were also found in 2014 (digs in Savigny-lès-Beaune). These were arranged in an as yet unknown and unstudied planting scheme, and possibly as far back as Antiquity or Medieval times.

21 Children are the Climats’ ambassadors of tomorrow Since 2011, a considerable amount of work has been dedicated to sharing information during curricular and extra-curricular activities in schools and leisure centres: so far, we have raised awareness among over 5,000 young people, trained 80 project leaders and work with 1,300 partner educational institutions.

Several educational tools have been specially designed, including: • a booklet for young children, • 5 booklets for teachers and group leaders for primary and secondary school levels, • a classroom kit for primary and secondary levels. These have all been specially adapted to the na- tional education curriculum and approved by the DSDEN (Directorate of Departmental Servi- ces for National Education) and by the Scientific Committee.

Meanwhile, over 50 educational programmes have been launched across the region: workshops in museums, artists’ studios, games at wine pro- perties… etc., All the details about these activities can be found in the booklet "Les Climats de Bourgo- gne expliqués aux enfants" (The Climats explained for Children).

Active involvement of businesses, wine estates and merchants The Climats site is a vibrant community which enjoys an ongoing economic activity. Expertise is developed here, jobs are created and the many tourists attracted to the area are welcomed. The Climats are a source of identity and pride for an entire region. Indeed, their candidature entails recognition of a "living and breathing economy". It was therefore natural to involve the business community in the project from the very begin- ning. tional and community partners. These include A number of schemes have been launched by our training courses, support campaigns, etc. This in- many ambassadors, thanks to active cooperation centive also prompted the creation of patronage between the local Chamber of Commerce and In- scheme in 2011, which currently finances half of dustry, the wine board representatives, institu- the initiatives piloted by the Association.

22 City of Dijon An ongoing "territorial undertaking" since 2007

Although the World Heritage inscription has not yet been attained, the application in itself has already given rise to positive knock on effects.

Indeed, the local population and the winegrowing community have never been so "proud to be Burgundian" and have already wholeheartedly reclaimed the notion of "Climats".

Protecting and managing the site The Climats of Burgundy site is part of a much broader administrative area, which extends over 5 inter-municipalities and two départements (counties). The application has given rise to an effective coordination, based on sharing expertise and efficient methods. It has also enabled us to put in place a set of suitable regulatory tools. The candidature has prompted a collective awareness of the need to protect and preserve the tangible assets of "a shared heritage", which is reflected in both the landscape and the architecture. World Heritage inclusion would provide new momentum to our mo- tivation to manage the site.

A project set to "generate added value" to the territory The World Heritage candidature has already created considerable dynamic commit- ment among those involved in the project, namely in the areas of scientific research, mediation and tourism. For example, significant advances have been made in terms of research and discovery in the field of vine cultivation and wine-making since preparation of the dossier began in 2008. Numerous themed exhibitions have been organized in the following centres: the Natural History Museum of Dijon, MSH, the Museum of Burgundy Wine in Beaune, the Museum of Nuits-Saint-Georges… etc.

Concerning tourism, several cross-cutting projects have been put in place, like the Greeters network (enthusiastic volunteers offering personalized guided tours), the development of interconnected modes of transport, and the launch of mobile applica- tions for self-guided vineyard walks and heritage discovery tours. This collective incentive has increased the territory’s appeal. This was illustrated by Burgundy’s inclusion in the New York Times’s ranking of the top 20 must-see world destinations in late 2014.

23 Meanwhile, the inventories which have been carried out have improved our knowledge of the local rural heritage buildings. Thanks to the launch of Fonds Climats (Climats Fund), a support fund has been set up to finance renovation work on dry-stone walls, cabottes (huts) and churches… etc.

Finally, the project has enjoyed unprecedented support from the business sector, in terms of both financial backing and representation, through a network of ambassa- dors, designed to spread awareness of the notion of Climats and inform the public about the application.

"Culture has an important socio-economic dimension" explains Jean-Pascal Vendeville, Director of Kurt Salmon, the strategy and development consul- tancy firm specialized in Culture and Tourism. "Cultural projects provide a rich source of enhancements to improve the image of a region. They have an increasingly significant impact on the economy in terms of creating job oppor- tunities, reinforcing social ties and links between the private and public sec- tors. Culture enhances the quality of life; this undoubtedly adds to the appeal of a region from the point of view of a company’s employees and their clients". "an investment of 0.70 euro of public money actually generates 9 euros of eco- nomic spinoff per inhabitant."

Benoit de Charette, President of CCIR points out that "there is a great deal at stake for the region, and the effects will go well beyond the winegrowing sector and tourist industry."

24 Meeting up to sign a memoran- dum during our discovery of Tie An influential model in touch with Guan Yin d'Anxi teas in China and the world the Jasmin teas of Fuzhou (July 2014) Many lovers of Burgundy from other countries pledged their support for the Climats of Burgundy candidature from the very start. They represent over 8% of the support committee members!

Meanwhile, there has been ongoing consultation and cooperation with other players who are also aware of the benefits of discussing ideas and sharing information – a concept encouraged by Unesco - and of the universality of the notion of terroir.

Ambitious exchanges and cooperationS From one end of the planet to the other, whatever the product, language or terminology involved, the same concept of “ter- roir” exists, as does the resolve to preserve the diversity that is being expressed. This common culture brings together, beyond borders, the people who keep these economies alive. The intercultural exchange programmes we have launched with Fujian in China (tea), the Cape vineyards of South Africa The vi- neyards of (landscape identity) and the Central Otago wine region of New Stellenbosch (South Africa) Zealand, are all based on the « terroir » principle. They provide opportunities to share experiences and expertise.

The international conference in February 2015 has given rise to invested discussions and debates In keeping with this same approach, an international conference was organized in Fe- bruary 2015 on the subject of « the heritage value of terroir-based economies as mo- dels of human development ». 23 speakers from 17 different countries contributed to global considerations and perspectives, by examining the synergies between preserving terroir and the finan- cial benefits stemming from production, but also the social, cultural, environmental and non-economic benefits, which are too often overlooked and not evaluated. Wha- tever the production, be it wine, coffee, tea, rice, pepper, ylang-ylang, common lines of action were drawn from the discussions which we will pursue together in the future.

This certainly provided an incentive to continue along these lines over the next few years.

25 Les Nazoires Ez Crottes Dent deClos Bernot ChienChassagne Dessous Champ DerrièreClos les Chareau MuesCailleret Clos Charmes Pitois BlanchotLes Clos LesLanguettes Saint-Jean DessousNoirots Abbaye de Morgeot Aux Cases En CharlemagneBois de Chassagne Les GémeauxLes VéroillesLes PorlottesLes Lavrottes En la Basses Chapelle Les SentiersLes Mourottes Pas Les de Mombies Les Chat PlantesLes Sordes Aux FauquesAux BoulardesAux Cheminots Aux Aux Clous Au Courottes Leurey Virey Boulmeau La Berchère Creux de BorgeyLes Seurey Les Sizies Pertuisots Fontaine Sot Francemont Aux Montagnes Clos des Aux Quartiers La Jonchère Les Rôles Les Prévoles Chassagne du Clos Saint-Jean La Têtière Les Mariages Les Pougets Champs de Vosger Aux Herbues Maréchaudes Les Tuvilains Champs de Morjot En la Botte La Ruchotte Les Montrevenots Les TeuronsLongbois Les Combards En Beauregard En Chantemerle Les Echalais La Toppe Marteneau Creux deLulunne Tillet Siserpe Plantes des Plantes Le Pain Haut Le Plain de Lugny Bouchon de Corvée La Roquemaure Ez PolleusesLes Criots La Cocarde La CombeBelle-Vue Assole Bois de Laranche Créole La BoulotteLes Brunettes et Planchots La MacabréeLes Paules Les RenardesLe Corton Aux Guillandes La Croix Violette La Prétière La Coutière La Maréchaude Les Perrières Les VignesSur les Grèves Franches Les Chenevottes Le Grand Le Grand Bâtard-MontrachetLes Reversés En Cailleret Champs JendreauBlanchot Dessus La Platerre Champs PennebautAux Crétevent Langres Les Houillères Les Lombardes Le Bas du Mont de Boncourt La Toppe au Vert Les Closeaux Le Larrey des Hoz LeMontagne Moulin Moine Saint Désiré Sur la Garenne En Virondot Ez Crets Pièce du Chapitre Les Pointes de Tuvilains En Pimont Aux Petits Crais Sous le Dos d’Ane Le Creux de Sobron Le Creux Sobron En Fontenelle Le Meix au Maire Les Boutières Les Fosses La Montagne du BourdonDerrière le FourLes Toussaints Hameau de Blagny Guerchère La BergerieEn Journoblot Les Vérottes Les Chênes Pot Bois Merdreaux Sur Matronge Les Germets Les Combes Les Hoz Le Porolley Montée Rouge Sous le Puits Le Vaucrain Les Genevrières et le Suchot Les Cloux Sous Blagny La Damoda Les Rondières Les Les Vireux Grands Champs Les Hautés Clos-de-BèzeLes Jacquines Les Petites Fairendes Les Petits Clos Les Pierres En Vireville Les Bruyères LesLa Chateille Caillettes Les Chaillots Le Bois de Blagny Clos de la Roche Les Chazots Les ChenevièresLa Sorgentière En Chenailla En Coton Sous la Velle Les Grands Clos Les Boudières Le Clos de Magny Cros Parantoux Les Guérippes Les Chaumes La Combe de la Damoda Les Morais Les Paulands Les Boutonniers Aux Echanges Les Perclos Les Crais de Chêne Aux Coucherias Les Borniques Bienvenues-Bâtard-MontrachetLa Maladérotte La Julbigne Es Bonnemaines Les Crais Les Ecussaux Les Bonnes Mares Les Babillères Les Citernes Champs PimontSous le Marsain Chaume Gauffriot Clos de Les l’Ecu Bréterins Les Chardannes Les Fondements Les Petites Folières Les Drazey Les BenoitesLes Chaumées Les RatossesTue-Bœuf Petits Champs Longs La Toppe Citeau Les Vercots Sur les Grèves - Clos Sainte-Anne Confrelin Le Clos du Roi Les PoulaillèresLa Mazière Les Crapousuets Les FournièresClos de la Feguine Clos de la Mousse Les Clos Lavières des Avaux Les Combottes Les Mogottes Nampoillon Les GrandesLes PasquellesPetingeret Terres Plante du Gaie Plante Saint Aubin Le Clos des Langres Les GuéretsLes Petits VercotsClos du roi Les Heptures ChambertinLes Amoureuses Les Groseilles Les Portes-FeuillesLes Champs des Charmes Champs Piétant Les Petits Crais En l’Orme Faubourg deBelissand Bouze La Blanchisserie La Creusotte Aux Beaux Bruns Aux CroixLes Athets Les Baudines Calouère Clos Saint-Denis La VionneLa Mouille Largillas Sur MelinPain Perdu Clos de Vougeot Clos des Lambrays Les RuisseauxFixey Les Basses Chenevières Auxey-Duresses Les Clos de l’Orme Les Pertuisotes La Mignotte Clos Saint-Landry Derrière la Grange Les Bas DoixLa Combe d’Orveau Les Baudes Les Riames Meix-Rentier Les Valozières Blanches Fleurs Les Moutottes Les Treuilles Les Monts de Boncourt Les Beaux Fougets Les Bons Feuvres Les Cents Vignes La Taupe Le Village Le Meix Fringuet Les Sceaux À l’Ecu Les Meix Préau Les Loges Les Carrés Les Chardonnereux Les Chilènes Les Chouacheux Les EpenotesReugne Les Argillières Les Chambres Les Champs gain Les Petites Rêpes Clos-St-DenisLes Plantes du Bois Le Bas des Teurons Les Fairendes Les Les Grandes Murées Ruchottes Clos de Tart Bas des Duresses La CanéeLes Epenottes Au Renard Les BeauxQueue de hareng Monts Bas Saint Seine Dessus des Marconnets Les Mondes RondesAu ClouEchézeaux du DessusLes Vignottes Les Fourches En Saussois Clos du Val Les Barottes Les Essards Climat du ValLe Pré de la Folie Aux Raviolles Les Fuées Les GamairesLes Battaudes Poirier Malchaussé Saussy Trot Garnier Les Quartiers de Nuits Les Ormeaux Aux Lavières Les Entre Deux Velles Les Bussières Les Carrières Les Chabiots Les Chabiots Les Fremières Les Froichots Les MochampsClémenfert Les Retraits Les Fèves Les Jutruots Les Mal CarréesLes Champs Essarts Goudins Meix TrouhantMonts Luisants Au Closeau Les Maréchaudes Au Clos BardotLes Champs Traversins Pommier Rougeot VigneLes Mamées AdaimLes GrêchonsLes Chagnots Les Ranches et Foutrières Les Toppes Coiffées Le Foulot Aux Corvées Aux Boutoillottes Les Tellières Clos de la Boutière Clos de la Fussière Clos des Ursules Les Charmes Les Chatelots Les Bondues Les Brussonnes Les Vergers Les VoillenotsCarougeot Dessous Champ Morgeot Champ Les Bouchots FrancLes Chaffots Maison Brûlée La Vigne-au-SaintLes Cruots Les Loächausses Le Trézin Le Parterre Les Rouges du Bas Le Bas des Loyères Le Clos des Mouches Les Condemennes Les Creux Baissants Les Danguerrins Champerrier du Dessus Le Meix Lallemand Les Pierres Blanches Les Topes Bizot Aux Vignois Les Crâs Les Levées et les Piroles Les Aigrots La Canotte La Cardeuse La Chapelle La Goujonne ChazièreLa Grande Cherbaudes Borne La Grande Chéseaux Montagne Clos des La Varoilles Maltroie En Genêt Corton La Voierosse Les FiètresAux Les Grandes Prés Lolières Le Clos des Rois Les Feusselottes Les Fouchères Les Morichots Les MouchottesClos Prieur-Bas Clos Saint-Jacques Les Grèves Combe au Moine Vignois Les Champs Rammés Combes du Bas Aux Echezeaux Les Vergennes Le CharlemagneEn En Combel’Olivier La Grande Châtelaine Roy Croix des Champs En Orveaux Les Clos Roussots Latricières Les Avaux Les Hauts Doix Les LeHerbues Concis du ChampsLes Encégnières Les Monsnières Le Meix Bas Le Poirier Gaillard Aux Brûlées Les Combettes Le Bas du Clos Les Rebichets Estournelles-Saint-Jacques Les FoussottesMontbatois Le Réchaux Au Chapeau Les ChalandinsEn LeCréchelinLes Rozier Treux La Truffière Le Cailleret Les Referts La Brunelle La Burie Les Champs Tions Voitte Sous les RoseauxLe Sur Croix la Rigole Moines Le Goty Le Plain Le Carré Rougeaud En Tabeillion Les Longes La Boudriotte La CanièreLes Beuttes Les Embazées Les Boirettes Les Champs Longs Les Grandes Rêpes Les Issards Les Croisettes Les EpointuresEn Champs Les Evocelles En Dérée En Ergot En Pallud Sur le Bois Nord Le Clos Reland Vide Bourse Vigne Derrière Voillenot Dessous Chevalier-Montrachet Les Gibassier Les Vignes aux Grands Arvelets Les Masures Les Meix Goudard ChampeauxAux Etelois En Clomée Les Charmes MévelleLes Journaux Combes du DessusChamponnet Craipillot Craite-PailleAu Prunier Creux Brouillard Les Houlières LesRue Levrons Rousseau Les Nosroyes Au Champ Salomon Les Meurées En BulietÀ la Croix de Bois Les Forêts Les Maladières Hervelets Le Bourg Les Joyeuses Les Madonnes Le Poirier du Clos Roncevie Le Créot Le Fourneau La Place La Rue aux Vaches Les BonsLa Tâche Ores Les Marconnets Les Plantes Momières Petite Chapelle Petits CazetiersLa Justice Les Barreaux Champ Tirant Au Ronsoy Aux Genelières En Crevèche LaLes Fussière Vris La Tête de Fer Buisson Champ Pussuet Clos des Chagnots Clos Royer En Naget Hautes Mourottes Sur le Bois SudLes Regains NordLe Chamery Les Regains Le Clos Sud LeLes Varennes Clos des Loyères Les Commes Champs-ChenysBaraquesAu Vellé Bel Air Aux Journaux Sur la Rue des Pierres La Combe Les Gaudichots Fonteny Les Petits Vougeots La Rousselle Au Champ St-Etienne Au ChêneSur Aux les Forêts ArtauxLes Lièvrières Les MacherellesTonton MarcelLe Bois d’Herbues Sylvie Ruchottes du Dessus Au Bas de Jorcul Clos de l’Argillère Grandes Rayes Aux Combottes En la Ranché Le Saugeot Les Places Les Damaudes Clos du Chapitre Les CrasLes Boudrières Les Chalumaux Tamisot Vignes Belles Village LesLes Grands Cazetiers LaEchezeaux Marie En Batayart La Corvée Aux Nagelottes Bas des Longeroies Tête du Clos Les Murgers des dents de chien Sur le Chêne Sur les Vris Bas de Naget Champerrier du Bas La Garenne En Créot En Goulin En Jorcul En Charrière Les Aubuzes Le Clou Billard Les Frionnes Genevrières Les CercueilsLa Nouroy LesGrands Champs Champs Perriers Les Enseignères LesRuchottes Folatières du Bas Le Bas de Gamay à l’Est Au Potey Au Quartier Les BeaumontsLe Limozin La Corvée Basse Les MarchaisLes Goulots En Grand Bois Clos du Roy Borgy Pince-Vin En Songe Aux AthéesAux Grands Bandeaux Le Clou d’Orge Le Rognet Le Seuriat Charreux Les Aubues Sur la Verpillère En Vesveau En Vollon à l’Est Es Champs En la MontagneEn Clémongeot En Combereau La Perrière Lavaut Saint-JacquesClos Prieur Les Tremblots Meix Pelletier Noyer Bret Les Bouchères Poissenot Pressonnier Puits de la Baraque ReniardCombe de Lavaux Les Demoiselles Le Cromin Bois de Gréchon Les SeuvréesLes Gueulepines Issarts Les Jeunes Rois En Choilles Aux Malconsorts La Charme aux Prêtres En Monchenevoy Vigne Blanche En Vosne En la Croix St-Germain Dessus des LongeroiesAu Ravry Le Tesson Le Banc de Monin En Gollot Champs Perdrix La Huchotte Les Petites Les Vérroilles et Richebourgs Nosroyes Les Petits Grands Champs LesPitangeret Pucelles En Mormain Les Grands Charrons Jouise Es Murots Vignes Moingeon En Blungey En Champy Bois de Naget Bois des Toppes Bois Roussot En Sampagny En la Poulotte La Varangée Le CharonLe Buisson Les Plantes du Dessus Certaut Le Village Haut Les PetitsLes Santenots du Milieu Charrons La Micaude La Mort Meix des Ouches La Bossière Les Reuchaux Botaveau En Griotte Les Corbeaux Derrière la Tour Echaille Vigneux Es Clos En la Malcuite Les Chevalières Aux Thorey En Pilleul En l’Ormeau En Marcausse En VermarainLe BancMarinot à l’Est En Chevrot La Jeunellotte Les Richebourgs La Bretignère En la Verde Clos Arlot Tope Bataille Bieveaux La MorisotteEn Varangée La Pointure La Terrasse Les Plures Les Barres La Grande Rue Le Village Bas Les Clous Dessus Les Corbins Les Dressoles En RemillyLa Traversaine La Croix Blanche En Verdot En la Barre Clos des Corvées Meix-Bas Bas de Vermarain à l’Est Bas de Vermarain à l’Ouest Bellefon Aux Saints-Juliens La Rangie CombeLe Marsain Bazin En Gatsulard La PlantelleLa Friche Les Santenots Dessous Le Haut Village La Combe du PréLa Chaire à Dieu Les Vellerottes Les Briquottes La Romanée Sur le sentier du Clou Le PréLes Clous de DessousMancheLes Gouttes d’Or Château Gris La Richemone La Blancharde Derrière Chez Edouard Les Castets Les Champlots Les Combes au Sud Les Cortons La Croix de Bois Clos Saint-Marc Les Meix Chavaux Les Millerands AuxLes Narvaux Vignerondes Dessoux Belle Croix La Toppe d’Avignon Le Jarron Clos RousseauEn Foulot Comme Dessus Clos des Réas En Gargouillot La Romanée Conti Romanée-Saint-VivantLe Chainey Aux Murgers Aux Perdrix Aux PertuisClos MaréchauxLes des Chaliots GrandesLa Charmotte Vignes Les Buis La Butte Sur Gamay La Quenicière Les Travers de Marinot Clos Genet Les Pelles-Dessus Les PerchotsAux Saints-Jacques Clos des Argillières En l’Ebaupin Les ArgillersEn Montceau Les Mazis-Hauts Mazoyères Au Moulin Judas Au Moulin Landin Au Murger de Monthélie Les Chaponnières Les Saunières La Pucine Les Gorges de Narvaux Aux Tuyaux Aux Ormes Le Puits Au Bas de Poillange La Plice La Combe Pévenelle LaLa Combe Pièce VaulonLes Casse-Têtessous le Bois Les Santenots Blancs Les Hauts Poirets Les Procès Les Boucherottes L’Argillat Le Dos d’Ane Le Meix Tavaux Le PorusotLes Magny Les Malpoiriers Chaines Carteaux Les Grands Epenots Gamay La Chatenière La Fontenotte Les Mazis-BasClos des Perrières La Taupine Les Pelles-Dessous Clos de la Maréchale Les Chanlins-Bas En Boichot En CharronLes Gravières-Clos de Tavannes Blagny La Petite Charmotte Les Chanlins-Hauts Les TerresPlantes Blanches au Baron Les Topons Roncière La Maladière Les Prarons-Dessus Aux Pointes Les Rougeots Clos des Corvées Pagets Clos des ForêtsLes Saint-Georges Poisets Les Porrets-Saint-Georges Clos Berthet Clos de Bully Les Charmots Les Lambots Le Charmois La Barre Dessus Les Luchets Les Vireuils Dessous Les Vireuils Dessus Les Charbonnières Les Charmois Les Crots Ile des VergelessesLes Jarolières Les Croix Noires Sous Roche DumayBeauregard En Aiguisey BeaurepaireSous la Roche Aux Champs Chardons Le Meix sous le Château Clos Napoléon Les Plantes des Champs et Combottes La Comme Le Clos de Jeu Les ForgesLes Ravelles Clos des Porrets-Saint-GeorgesLes FleurièresLes Pruliers Les FremiersLes Rugiens Les Petits Epenots Bas Les Travers de chez Edouard En Caradeux Les Bertins Le Petits Puits Les Chaumes de Narvaux Le MeixLes Champs de Ressie Fulliots En la Perrière Noblot Les Longecourts Les Vaumuriens-Hauts Aux Fournereaux Clos des Toisières Au Village Les Petits Noizons Ez Connardises Les Durots Les Longères Les Pins Les Cornières LesSous Gravières la Fée Le Désert Le DixmeLe Poiset Les RivauxLe Coteau desLes BoisDidiers Les Argillats Les Brûlées Les CaillesLes Combes Dessous Sous les Foires Les Darnées Tribourg Aux Guettes Aux Petits Liards Les Gruyaches Sous Blagny Les Riottes Les Poulettes Les Rugiens Hauts RedresculPorte-Feuilles et Murailles du Clos Le Grand Poirier Les Chabœufs Es Larret Les Tavannes Les Vaumuriens-Bas Aux Clous Aux Fourches Aux Fourneaux Les Narvaux Dessus Les Pellans Le Meix de Mypont Les BlanchardsLes Damodes Rue au Porc Les FaminesEn Poillange La Croix Neuve La Périère Le Boivin Les Vignes Blanches Les Romagniens Les Vaucrains Derrière les Crais Le Moisereau Les CraysLes Jouènes Clavaillon Les Petits GametsSous le Château Sous Roche Dessus les Vermots Les Peutes Vignes Les Barbières Les Mandènes Les Hauts Pruliers Clos de Tavannes Clos des Mouches Saint-JeanClos Faubard Les Echezeaux La Combe Danay La Goulotte La Petite FitteLes Sous-Roches Les FichotsChamp Les Noirets Canet Les Potets Les Prarons-Dessous Les Clos Les Finottes Les Tillets Les Saints-GeorgesRue de Chaux Frémiets Croix Sorine Porusot Le Clos Blanc Clos de la MouchèreLes Noizons Au Paupillot Les Suchots Les Pézerolles Les Godeaux Les Gollardes Sous le Cellier Les Vallerots Les Poutures Les SaussillesLes Combes Dessus Clos de la Perrière Grand Clos Rousseau La Cassière Les Hauts Marconnets Les Favières Perrières Les Hauts Brins Bas Chenevery Les Beaux Monts Les Beaux Monts Hauts Rougeots Les Champs Claudes Les Charmes Les Ouzeloy Danguy Les Clous Clos Solon Les Sous-CourtsLes Plateaux Maizières Hautes - Clos Ez Echardsde la Rougeotte Frémiets Aux Gravains En la Rue de Vergy Dessous Les Charmes Dessus Les Etalles Le Cas Rougeot Le Château Gaillard Le Clos Gauthey Le Clou Creux de la Net Derrière Frétille Les Angles Les Aussy Ez Blanches Sur la VelleLes Vignes Aux Rondes Charmes Champ Gain Les Vignots Les Hâtes Les Pérolles Dessus les Gollardes Les Planchots du Nord Les Brâs Les Crais-Gillon Corvée des Vignes DerrièreTrois la Velle Follots Basses Vergelesses Bataillère Champ Chevrey Les Creux Banots Les Portes des Chênes Le Meix BatailleLes Chenevery Clos Sorbè Le Devant des Cloux Les Grands Poisots Les Vaux Dessus Passetemps Les Petits Picotins Les Peuillets Les Grasses Têtes Aux Champs des Pruniers Les Grandes VignesLes Vignes Marie Le Meix Garnier Les Larrets Les Petits Poisots Les Vermots Les Millandes Les PertuiséesEn Seuvrey Clos Baulet Clos des OrmesSous les Cloux Clos de Champ la Garenne Croyon Aux Grands Liards Guetottes La Dominode Les Bas Liards Les Bourgeots Les Champs RondsLes Sionnières La Bidaude Brelance Les Serpens Paux Bois Pitures Dessus ClosLes Hauts des Ducs Jarrons Aux Crais Plante Pitois Les Cognées Monthelie La Bouchère MaizièresAux Serpentières Basses Les DuressesTrès Girard Les Gamets Corvée Creunille Côte RotieVergelesses Les Jouères Les Lurets Dessus de Montchenevoy Les Champs de la Vigne Village de Pernand Clos de la Commaraine Les Vaudenelles Vignes Blanches Au Les MusignyBas de Combe Au Chouillet La Bussière Santenots Sur Roches Grands Picotins Les NarbantonsLes Planchots de la Champagne La Plante aux Chèvres Les Brouillards Les Vergelesses Aux Perches Les GruenchersLes Toisières Aux Cheseaux Au-dessus des Malconsorts La Cave Les Charnières Les Récilles Montrachet Les Rouges Aux Croix RougesLes Sorbès Les Pluchots Les Goudelettes Aux Bousselots La Riotte Sous Frétille Sur Frétille En Brescul Clos de l’Audignac Clos de la Barre En Latte Champ Taignerot Aux Champs Perdrix Les Jarrons Clos de la Bousse-d’Or Saint-Jacques En la Caillée Sur Herbeux Clos BeauderDerrière Saint-Jean En Largillière Aux Barrières Pierre Virant Rue de VergyLes Faconnières Clos Blanc La Gigotte Les Pimentiers Aux Allots Aux Genaivrières Les Mitans Clos des 60 Ouvrées Au Corcaron Chaffaud Clos des Epeneaux Les Violettes Aux Saules Bossières Les Prévaux Les Ratausses Les Rouvrettes Clos de la Chapelle Les Saucours Les Porroux Les Ruchots Larrey Froid Le Poisot Les Petits Musigny La Combe d’Orveau Clos de Verger Les Buttes Les Caillerets Aux Chaignots Les Charrières Aux Communes Au-Dessus de la Rivière Les Talmettes Au Larrey Aux Avoines En la Brouade Les Genavrières Les PasquiersLassolle Le RonceretMoutier Amet Carelle sous la Chapelle ChampansRoichottes Les Herbuottes En MoigelotLa Refène La Vache Aux Jachées En Lavaux En Leautier Aux Boudots En Bœuf La ColombièreAux Raignots Les Petits Monts Petits Godeaux Aux Longues Pièces Aux Argillas En Chiveau Aux Cras Taille Pieds Robardelle Beau Regard Aux Platières Bargard En Mareau Clos de la Cave des Ducs En la Corrière Sous leLa Bois Chanière La Croixde Noël LaLa et CombottePlatièrePlanet BellesLe Bas LaFilles Les Levrièredes SaussillesLe Clos Micot Arvelets Aux Réas Clos de Clos des la Rougeottedes Chênes DucsCros Clos ClosMartin dudu EnVerseuil Château Vaut ChampforeyEn Méchalot En AuvonneLa Champagne En En Vigne PévenelleLa Montagne Ribaude HauteEs Barres En Chevret

Official candidate of France World Heritage UNESCO

PRESS CONTACT Association for the inscription of the Climats of Burgundy on the UNESCO World Heritage List Krystel LEPRESLE, Director | [email protected] | tél. +33 (0)6 08 11 34 95 Delphine MARTINEZ, Public and Press Relations | [email protected] | tél. + 33 (0)6 31 42 13 50 12 Boulevard Bretonnière - 21200 BEAUNE – France | Tél. + 33 (0)3 80 20 10 40 / Fax + 33 (0)3 80 25 04 90 TWITTER > @ClimatsUNESCO | FACEBOOK > Association des Climats du Vignoble de Bourgogne

Fédération des Négociants Eleveurs de Grande Bourgogne (FNEB)