
Genres 6 ad dialog lab report op-ed piece review adventure diary entry law out-takes • book advice column dictate lease outline • directions legal document paper dolls • article alternate ending documentary lesson plan /allegory rhetorical analysis anagram/acronym donor card lessons learned parody riddle analysis double entry journal entry letter: pastiche (Onion article) anecdote double entry bookkeeping • business pattern screed architectural drawings drawing • “Dear Abby” photograph (Hunter Thompson) art review electronic • “Dear John” photo album script artwork email • recommendation picture scroll autobiography encomium • rejection play (short) self-help book bibliography poem • of complaint play sentencing report bibliography (annotated) epitaph • to editor 3 sermon billboard essay • friendly police radio call shopping list blog • academic • to public official police report blurb • personal limerick political speech skit book jacket/cover • critical lists political ad software documentation book review eulogy review postcard songs 4 brief executive order loan application poster sonnet brochure love letter presidential order speech bumper sticker family tree lyric poem press release status report caption for photo or magazine article print news article statute illustration fast write map proclamation cartoon • geographical, with project initiation document street/traffic sign CD liner notes field notes project plan story analysis film • or argument project proposal summary chart/graph flyer magazine article prophesy/prediction summons check folk tale manual proposal for research transcript checkbook register found poetry matrix proposal tattoo collage games medical records technical report comic strip Gantt chart medical report proverb telegram commentary gossip column memo psalm telephone conversation commercial graffiti menu public records television broadcast 5 complaint grant movie 1 public service text computer program graph/chart movie review announcement text book Congressional report greeting card music video script puppet show script thank you note contract grocery list mystery puzzle timeline costume haiku question & answer toast cover letter “how-to” guide questionnaire twitter/tweet cowboy poem instant message news report quiz video game criticism instructions newsletter radio show vignette crossword puzzle interview article ransom note wanted poster customer/client survey invitation notes rap webpage CV jeremiad • in general receipt website death threat job application • for class recipe white paper debate joke • “cliff” notes reflection word cloud deed journal 2 research report word search definition journal article (scholarly) obituary (death notice) response yarn diagram judicial opinion ode resume

1 movie: , western, sci-fi, , romantic comedy 2 literary, Harlequin, sci-fi, western, romance, mystery, action/adventure, biography, realist, surrealist, aurrealist (B. Knott), pastiche 3 haiku, sonnet, “workshop poem,” mock epic, greater romantic lyric, cowboy poetry, limerick, villanelle, clerihew, ghazal, psalm, ode, pastiche 4 country, metal, punk, rock, showtune, song 5 game show, , news, reality tv show, crime procedural, drama 6 last revision May 24, 2013