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ESA Journal 78/ 2 LIBRARIANS/ ARCHIVISTS PLEASE NOTE THAT ESA BULLETIN NO. 17 (FEBRUARY 1979) AND ALL SUBSEQUENT ISSUES WILL BE OF FULL A4 FORMAT. The European Space Agency was formed out of. and took over the rights L'Agence Spatiale Europeenne est issue des deux Organisations and obligations of, the two earlier European Space Organisations: the spatiales europeennes qui {ont precedee - {Organisation europeenne European Space Research Organisation (ESRO) and the European de recherches spatiales (CERS) et {Organisation europeenne pour la Organisation for the Development and Construction of Space Vehicle mise au point et la construction de lanceurs cl engins spatiaux (CECLES) Launchers (ELDO). The Member States are Belgium, Denmark, France, - dont elle a repris les droits et obligations. Les Etats membres en sont: Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the I'Allemagne, la Belgique, le Danemark, {Espagne, la France, fltalie, les United Kingdom. Ireland has signed the ESA Convention and will Pays-Bas, le Royaume- Uni, la Suede et la Suisse. L'lrlande a signe la become a Member State upon its ratification. Austria, Canada and Convention de {ESA et deviendra Etat membre de {Agence lorsque la Norway have been granted Observer status. Convention aura ete ratifiee. L'Autriche, le Canada et la Norvege b{meticient cl un statut d' observateur. In the words of the Convention: The purpose of the Agency shall be to Selon les termes de la Convention: L'Agence a pour mission cl assurer et provide for and to promote, for exclusively peaceful purposes, co­ de developper, a des fins exclusivement pacifiques, la cooperation entre operation among European States in space research and technology and Etats europeens dans les domaines de la recherche et de la technologie their space applications, with a view to their being used for scientific spatiales et de leurs applications spatiales, en vue de leur utilisation cl des purposes and for operational space applications systems, fins scientifiques et pour des systemes spatiaux operationnels d' applications: (a) by elaborating and implementing a long-term European space (a) en elaborant et en mettant en oeuvre une politique spatiale policy, by recommending space objectives to the Member States, europeenne cl long terme, en recommandant aux Etats membres des and by concerting the policies of the Member States with respect to object ifs en matiere spatiale et en concertant les politiques des other national and international organisations and institutions; Etats membres a {egard cl autres organisations et institutions (b) by elaborating and implementing activities and programmes in the nationales et internationales; space field; (b) en elaborant et en mettant en oeuvre des activites et des (c) by co-ordinating the European space programme and national programmes dans le domaine spatial; programmes, and by integrating the latter progressively and as (c) en coordonnant le programme spatial europeen et les programmes completely as possible into the European space programme, in nationaux, et en integrant ces derniers progressivement et aussi particular as regards the development of applications satellites; completement que possible dans le programme spatial europeen, (d) by elaborating and implementing the industrial policy appropriate notamment en ce qui concerne le developpement de satellites to its programme and by recommending a coherent industrial clapplications; policy to the Member States. (d) en elaborant et en mettant en oeuvre la politique industrielle appropriee a son programme et en recommandant aux Etats membres une politique industrielle coherente. The Agency is directed by a Council composed of representatives of L 'Agence est dirigee par un Conseil, compose de representants des Etats Member States. The Director General is the chief executive of the membres. Le Directeur general est le fonctionnaire executif superieur de Agency and its legal representative. I'Agence et la represente dans tous ses actes. The Directorate of the Agency consists of the Director General; the Le Directoire de {Agence est compose du Directeur general, du Director of Planning and Future Programmes; the Director of Directeur des Programmes futurs et des Plans, du Directeur de Administration; the Director of Scientific Programmes; the Director of {Administration, du Directeur des Programmes scientifiques, du Applications Programmes; the Director of the Spacelab Programme; the Directeur des Programmes clApplications , du Directeur du Programme Technical Director and the Director of ESOC. Spacelab, du Directeur technique, et du Directeur de {ESOC. The ESA HEADQUARTERS are in Paris. Le SIEGE de {ESA est a Paris. The major establishments of ESA are: Les principaux Etablissements de {ESA sont: THE EUROPEAN SPACE RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY CENTRE LE CENTRE EUROPEEN DE RECHERCHE ET DE TECHNOLOGIE (ESTEC), Noordwijk, Netherlands. SPATlALES (ESTEC), Noordwijk, Pays-Bas. THE EUROPEAN SPACE OPERATIONS CENTRE (ESOC), Darmstadt, LE CENTRE EUROPEEN D'OPERATlONS SPATlALES (ESOC) , Germany. Darmstadt, Allemagne. ES RI N, Frascati, Italy. ESRIN, Frascati, Italie. Chairman of the Council: Mr. J . Stiernstedt (Sweden) . President du Conseil: M . J Stiernstedt (Suede). Director General: Mr. R. Gibson. Directeur general: M . R. Gibson. No. 16 November/ Novembre 1978 CONTENTS/SOMMAIRE Editorial Office Early ResuHs of OTS's Performance in Orbit 10 ESA Scientific and Technical Publications Branch Europe's Programme of Maritime Satellites cl o ESTEC , Noordwijk - A Contribution to a Worldwide System 16 The Netherlands Circulation Office Preliminary Results from ISEE-1 and ISEE-2 23 ESA Information Retrieval Service 8 -10 rue Mario N ikis 75738 Paris 15, France Promotion du Systeme Meteosat 28 Publication Manager Promotion of the Meteosat System Bruce Battrick Editors Le Programme de Systemes et de Technologies de Bruce Battrick Pointe (ASTP) 32 Duc Guyenne The Advanced Systems and Technology Programme Assistant Editor & Layout (ASTP) Simon Vermeer Editorial Assistants Ion Field-Emission Electric Propulsion - A Promising Catherine Rowley Technology for the Spacecraft of the Late 1980s 40 Sylvaine Adamy Advertising Manager The EURAB Terminal 46 Simon Vermeer (c / o Editorial Office) Printer Projects Under Development 51 ESTEC Reproduction Services Projets en cours de realisation 782485 Problems of Inflation and Exchange-Rate Fluctuations in an Intemational Organisation 61 The ESA Bulletin is published by the European Space Agency. Individual articles may be Insurance of Satellites 65 reprinted provided that the credit line reads 'Reprinted from the ESA Bulletin ' plus date of The Geostationary Satellite as an Aid to Very-Long- issue. Signed articles reprinted must bear the Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) 68 author 's name. Advertisements are accepted in good faith. The Agency accepts no responsibility for their content or claims. In Brief 73 Copyright © 1978 by European Space Agency, ESA Publications 76 printed in The Netherlands. COVER Satellite data display: information on magnetospheric waves observed ~\ on Geos- 1 displayed on a colour television screen addressed by a ......,.·esa european space agency computer. The result is a frequency Itime plot in which intensity is colour G agence spatiale europeenne coded: strong signals appear red, weaker signals blue. PHOTOGRAPHS- Space Science Department. ESTEC (cover). NASA 8-10, rue Mario-Nikis (page 23. 73r.) Officine Galileo (page 38). ESA HQ (page 73). MBB 75738 PARIS 15, France (page 74) and ESTEC Photographic Services. 2 ESA Bulletin No. 16 aerospatiale DIVISION SYSTEMES SALlSTIOUES ET SPATlAUX S.P. 96 78130 . Les Mureaux IFRANCE) ESA Bulletin No. 16 3 Take the ~@l[f©GlJ If your research project involves delving into any of the important information The on-line information sources listed opposite, IRS can help you NOW! retrieval service of IRS is available throughout Searching on-line to our computer is simple and fast - answers are europe now, via the forthcoming quite literally in minutes; ideas too, as the computer ordinary telephone service. shows you related items. You can save valuable time, surprise colleagues round the conference table, save on your budget; all this from your own desk, from anywhere in europe. Take the search out of research! Contact your National Centre for more details, or contact IRS directly. NATIONAL CENTRES ALREADY IN FULL OPERATION: Belgium Spain Mr E. Lapeysen, C.N.D.S.T. Mr T. 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