Des Etudes Sud-Est Europeennes Ournal of South-East European Studies
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ACADEMIE ROUMAINE INSTITUT D'ETUDES SUD-EST EUROPEENNES evue des etudes sud-est europeennes ournal of South-East European Studies Tome XL (nOS 1-4), 2002 EDITURA ACADEMIEI ROMANE DIRECTEUR DE LA PUBLICATION PAUL HENRI STAHL COMITE CONSULTATIF SKIL AKGUN (Ankara), MATILDA CARAGIU MARIOTEANU, NADIA DANOVA (Sofia), DENNIS DELETANT (Londres), PASCHALIS M. KITROMILIDES (Athenes), ZOE DUMITRESCU BU$ULENGA, ANNELIE UTE GABANY (Munich), ZORAN KONSTANTINOVIC (Innsbruck-Belgrade), PAUL MICHELSON (Huntington), EMIL NIEDERHAUSER (Budapest), ST. POLLO (Tirana), M.D. PEYFUSS (Vienne), NICOLAE $ERBAN TANA$OCA, RUMEANA STANEVA (Sofia), BIANCA VALOTA-CAVALLOTTI (Milan), ALEXANDRU ZUB COMITE DE REDACTION PETRE ALEXANDRESCU, VIRGIL CANDEA, SABINA ISPAS, ZAMFIRA- EUGENIA MIFIAIL, GHEORGHE MIHAILA, SERBAN PAPACOSTEA, ANDREI PIPPIDI, MARIUS SALA, ELENA SIUPIUR, LIDIA SIMION (secretaire de redaction) Redaction editoriale: RODICA FLORESCU Toute commande sera adressee a: EDITURA ACADEMIEI ROMANE, Ca lea 13 Septembrie nr.13, sector 5, P.O.Box 5-42, Bucuresti 050711, Romania, Fax (4021) 410 39 83; Tel (4021) 410 32 00; (4021) 410 90 08, e-mail: [email protected] RODIPET SA, Plata Presei Libere nr.1, sectorul1, P.O.Box 33-57, Bucuresti, Romania, Fax (4021) 222 64 07, Tel. (4021) 618 51 03; (4021) 222 41 26 ORION PRESS IMPEX 2000 SRL, P.O.Box 77-19, Bucuresti 5, Romania, Fax (4021) 335 02 96; Tel. (4021) 301 87 87 La correspondance, les manuscrits et les publications (livres, revues, etc.) envoyes pour comptes rendus seront adresses a la: REVUE DES ETUDES SUD-EST EUROPEENNES P.O. Box 22.159, Bucuresti 050711, ou Ca lea 13 Septembrie nr.13, sector 5, Bucuresti 050711 e-mail: [email protected] Les auteurs sont pries de presenter leurs articles en double exemplaire, espaces a double interligne. Le contenu des articles sera introduit sur disquette dans un langage connu,. de preference Word 8.0. Caracteres: 11/13 points pour le texte, 12/14 pour le titre de ('article et 9/11 pour les annexes. Les notes seront placees en bas de page. 0, 2003 EDITURA ACADEMIEI ROMANE vvwN% REVUE DES ETUDES SUD-EST EUROPEENNES TOME XL 2002 Nos 1-4, JanvierDecembre SOMMAIRE / CONTENTS Croyances antiques et profondeur du langage VASILICA LUNGU, Hero cult and Greek colonization in the Black Sea area 3 PAUL HENRI STAHL, La naissance, le manage et la mort. Rituels pafens, rituels chretiens 19 NICOLAE SARAMANDU, Torna, toma, fratre et Ia romanite orientale au VI' siecle 41 STELIAN BREZEANU, Schei/Schei. Ethnonymie et toponymie roumaines 61 Byzance et ses provinces, leur tradition FRIEDBERT FICKER (Zwickau), Konstantinopel in alten Darstellungen 81 TUDOR TEOTEOI, Les refugies en tant que temoignage des realites peripheriques de l'Empire byzantin .. 97 VESKO OBRESCHKOV (Sofia), Formacion de la unidad administrativo-militar Silistra (UC, Liva) finales del s. XIVlos aiios 70 del s. XV ... 103 PETRE GURAN, Definitions de la fonction patriarcale a la fin du XIV' siècle 109 RADU G. PAUN, Fetes et prise en possession de Ia capitale au XVIII' siècle roumain: quelques reflexions sur la centralite du pouvoir 125 TUDOR TEOTEOI, Sur le titre, l'origine et la premiere diffusion des chroniques breves byzantines (Reflexions en mange des deux variantes inedites de Bucarest) 141 ANDREI TIMOTIN, La litterature eschatologique byzantine et post-byzantine dans les manuscrits roumains 151 LIA BRAD CHISACOF, Problemes essentiels de la litterature grecque dans les Principautes Roumaines 167 OVIDIU CRISTEA, Venice: the Balkan Policy of Hungary and the Rise of the Ottoman Empire 179 ANDREI PIPPIDI, De Janina a Venise: fortune et fortune politique 195 Le prix de la modernisation STEVAN K. PAVLOWITCH (Southampton), De Guy a Jonas. Reflexions sur l'histoire de Serbie 203 Rev. Etudes Sud-Est Europ., XL, 1-4, p. 1-290, Bucarest, 2002 2 ZORAN JANJETOVI (Belgrade), The disappearance of the Germans from Yugoslavia: expulsion or emigration? 215 IOANA CARSTOCEA, Inventer un acteur politique: le regime communiste roumain et la <question femme» (1945-1965) 233 Comptes rendus ANDREI AVRAM, Problemedeetimologie;Idem,Noicontribuflietimologice (Catalina VAtA.escu); MARIUS SALA, Introducere in etimologia limbii romane (CatalinaVatasescu); VARVARA BUZILA, Painea,alimentcisimbol. Experienfa sacrului (Zamfira Mihail); SLAVOLJUB GATSOVIC, Petrecatura. Pesma za ispraeaj pokojnika u vlacha ungurfana (Zamfira Mihail); MARINA MARINESCU, Drumuri si calatori in Balcani (Andrei Pippidi); VIOREL PANAITE, The Ottoman Law of War and Peace. The Ottoman Empire and Tribute Payers (Bogdan Murgescu); MARTIN HINTERBERGER, Autobiographische Traditionenin Byzanz (Tudor Teoteoi); STEVAN K. PAVLOWITCH, Serbia. The History Behind the Name (Andrei Pippidi); VICTOR ROUDOMETOF, Nationalism, Globalization, and Orthodoxy. The SocialOrigins of EthnicConflictinthe Balkans (ConstantinIordan); CONSTANTIN IORDAN, Romania si relaflile internalionale din Sud-Estul european: modelul Locarno" (1925-1927) (Gheorghe Zbuchea); PAUL E. MICHELSON, Romanian Politics, 1859-1871. From Prince Cuza to Prince Carol (Andrei Pippidi); DOMINIQUE DECHERF, Bainville. L'intelligence de l'histoire(Andrei Pippidi); LILLY MARCOU, Le roitrahi,Carol11 de Roumanie (Andrei Pippidi); ALEXANDRA LAIGNEL-LAVASTINE, Cioran, Eliade, lonesco. L'oubli du fascisme (Andrei Pippidi); PAUL D. QUINLAN, Regele playboy, Carol al 11-lea de Romania (Andrei Pippidi); WOLFGANG GEIER, Bulgarien zwischen West und Ost vont 7. bis 20. Jahrhundert. Sozial und kulturhistorisch bedeutsame Epochen, Ereignisse und Gestalten (Elena Siupiur); .35 anni direlazioniitalo-romeni,1879-1914. Documenti diploniatici italiani. (A cura di Rudolf Dinu et Ion Bulei) (Constantin Iordan); GEORGIOS PREVELAKIS, Balcanii. Cultura .yi geopolitics (Emil Perhinschi) 257 Croyances antiques et profondeur du langage HERO CULT AND GREEK COLONIZATION IN THE BLACK SEA AREA VASILICA LUNGU New archaeological evidence in the Black Sea area put into evidence a variety of ritual practices and religious beliefs. It acquired a distinctive structure at the moment when the pattern of the Greek polis spread around the Pont with the colonisation process led by Miletus in 7th-6th centuries BC. It is the purpose of this paper to study how funeral cults and rituals were given expression in a Greek colonial settlement. Greek colonisation history in the Black Sea area is shaped by two defining achievements: the emergence of the Greek polis pattern into barbarian areas and the rise of the heroic pattern in the Greek world. The recent discussions of these questions achieved considerable progress during the last colloquia at Vani.' The abundance of information took into account there made it possible to establish the role of the metropolis Miletus as principal manager of the colonisation process developed in the Pontic area in the 7th and 6th centuries BC (Fig. 1). Among the most valuable aspects discussed is that one could reconstruct the Ionian identity according to the shortage of evidence issued from the study of the colonial communities of the Greek poleis spread around the Black Sea. In most cases, the historiography has regularly noted strong tensions in the literary and archaeological evidence, each colony developing its own experience. Although the various aspects of the colonial history remain forever beyond our knowledge, one can infer that the evolution of each colonial foundation must be treated as a distinct phenomenon. Recent excavations brought new light on the experience of the Greek city and the colonisation in the Black Sea area. One of the most recent discoveries comes from the Greek colony identified at Orgame (Cape Dolojman Promontory, Jurilovca 1 0. Lordkipanidze, P. Leveque (eds.), Le Pont -Euxin vu par les Grecs. Actes du 5' symposium de Vani (Colchide), septembre-octobre 1987, Paris, 1990; 0. Lordkipanidze, P. Leveque (eds.), Sur les traces des argonautes. Actes du 6' symposium de Vani (Colchide), 22-29 septembre 1990, Paris, 1996; 0. Lordkipanidze, P. Leveque (eds.), La mer Noire zone de contacts. Actes du 7' symposium de Vani (Colchide), 26-30 septembre 1994, Paris, 1999. Rev. Etudes Sud-Est Europ., XL, 1-4, p. 3-17, Bucarest, 2002 .O. \ Tanaos Olbia (----- S.. Woman*. Tyras Nukornon 7 'tram Istrianon Omen Chmaios Ka los Lunen Das Kerkirnt is Tint eke ...25eia melieuke I uraton Theodosta Hermonassa 41/ Akrai Gorgippia 0 Chersanesos Nymphalon Torikos Nallalos Eux e Diaskourias 5 t 0 r1 n 0 n2un-i eo mseA oiOlogyso0 P 0 S Ant o Phasis Hesambria POI Pichrnari Tsikhadzirr -----------5;Ope?\, le Byanho Heraklela KerasousTrapezous Ch alkedon Kotyo ra -----, -------s-2----__ ,-----1 75 150 kmc Fig. 1Greek Colonies in the Pontic area t.a 3 Hero Cult in the Black Sea Area 5 village, Tulcea county).2 Like most of the colonies of Miletus in the Pontic area, the colony of Orgame is poorly attested in literary sources. An early account of Hecataeus of Miletus in the 6th century BC, quoted by Stephanus of Byzantium, claimed that 'Ogye_tri Roktg the TO) "la-rgq),3 without a specific mention of its Milesian origin, and says nothing about many other Greek colonies on the western coast of the Black Sea. However, this silence does not imply their absence. According to the information quoted from other ancient writers as pseudo- Scymnus4 or Eusebius,5we know little about the foundation of the neighboring colony at Istros (40 km south from Orgame), and nothing on Orgame, as well as on many other colonies founded along the Mediterranean