
Maidenhead Neighbourhood Area and Neighbourhood Forum Designation consultation Representation Form

An application has been received by the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead for a Maidenhead Neighbourhood Area and the designation of a Maidenhead Neighbourhood Forum. This application is now the subject of a public consultation which will run from Monday 25 November 2019 until midday on Monday 6 January 2020.

The application will be considered by Cabinet.

Please return this form to Planning Policy by email to: [email protected] or by post to Planning Policy, RBWM, Town Hall, St Ives Road, Maidenhead, SL6 1RF.

Personal details will be processed in accordance with the principles of the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation. The information you have provided is used to establish that there are no repeat responses; it may be shared with an independent examiner and the Ministry for Housing, Communities & Local Government who may appoint an independent examiner. Your name and comment/representation may also be published by the Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead. Full details of how we use your personal data are published on our privacy page. https://www3.rbwm.gov.uk/download/downloads/id/3962/planning_policy_consultations_and_call_for_sites.pdf

Your details If you are responding as an agent, please also provide your details and the details of who you represent in the appropriate columns. Agent detail Respondent details (where applicable) Title Mr

First Name Ian

Last Name Rose Job title

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Your Representation Please provide separate sheets for each representation.

Is your representation (please select one answer only): Supporting Supporting Objecting Commenting

Please give details of your representation below.

The Borough Local Plan (BLP), with latest proposed amendments, is a good document but the majority of the policies cover the whole Borough, and are not tailored to the specific settlements within the Borough, such as Maidenhead.

The BLP acknowledges the existence of Neighbourhood Plans, which are at various stages of maturity for different parts of the Borough. As the largest settlement in the Borough and the one selected for the most development, Maidenhead is worthy of a Neighbourhood Plan with policies specific to the town. Specifically, the BLP update proposes to abandon all the polices previously contained in the Area Action Plan for Maidenhead Town centre, which were developed with significant community and stakeholder involvement.

The seven unparished wards of Maidenhead form a coherent whole, and for the town centre and suburbs to work together as a place, policies should consider the whole settlement. For this reason I consider the designation of the area (the seven wards) to be a rational and reasonable area for a Neighbourhood Plan. Although quite large, it would not make sense in planning policy terms for different groups to develop different policies for different parts of the town in isolation.

Although I understand that other placemaking initiatives are ongoing for specific parts of the town, these are often led by specific interests for specific sites, and in my understanding do not directly make formal planning policies against which a planning application can be determined. A Neighbourhood Forum would obviously participate in such initiatives, but they do not take the place of a Neighbourhood Plan.

I believe the proposed Maidenhead Neighbourhood Forum is an appropriate body to produce a Neighbourhood Plan for the seven unparished Wards of Maidenhead, and I support the designation of a Neighbourhood plan area and Forum.

Date: 05-Jan-2020