“I have no reason to suppose that he, who would take away my Liberty, would not when he had me in his power, take away everything else.”

~ John Locke ~

Canada Canada: Muslim teen forced to wear hijab, marry much older man

A Quebec youth court judge has removed a 16-year-old girl in Victoriaville from her family after she was forced into a marriage with an older man who insisted she wear a hijab, rifled through her cellphone and controlled who she could see. According to Judge Bruno Langelier: “This teenager has the right to emancipate herself, and aspire to more legitimate personal achievements such as marrying someone she loves, wanting to practise a profession and deciding herself what she wears and who she sees. She has the right to freedom of conscience and religion, to be free to decide her future and not to be subjected to a fiancé who controls everything and who obliges her to wear the hijab. She wants to be free, and free from the dictates of the men around her.” https://www.jihadwatch.org/2019/09/canada-muslim-teen-forced-to-wear- hijab-marry-much-older-man After All, We Are A Nation of Immigrants

“Yes, but we’re a nation of Immigrants.” As the argument implies, since we pursued mass immigration in the juvenile stages of our history, it would be hypocritical for us to stop it now. In no other area of policy, however, do we tolerate such thinking. No one, for instance, argues that energy policy should be dictated by centuries-old practices. What our historical standards once were with regards to immigration should be seen as irrelevant to public policy decisions made now. https://canadafreepress.com/article/After-All-We-Are-A-Nation-of- Immigrants

A Nation of Smelt? There are many more scandals, missed opportunities and broken promises that are almost too numerous to list, but let’s just cover the highlights:

• Proportional representation (abandoned after the election was won) • Balancing the budget (never going to happen) • Responsible economic stewardship (Under the Liberals foreign investment in Canada is rapidly disappearing) • Brain drain to the US (where taxes are a fraction of what they are in Canada) https://canadafreepress.com/article/a-nation-of-smelt Complaint to Police Filed Against Rebel Media, Conservative Campaign Chair Hamish Marshall

Human rights lawyer Richard Warman filed a complaint with Ottawa police last week, asking them to investigate his allegations that the media organization has made Islamophobic material. Richard Warman, a human rights lawyer who specializes in online hate speech, filed a 53- page complaint with the Ottawa Police Service’s Criminal investigations Unit last week. https://www.vice.com/en_ca/article/9kea7y/complaint-to-police-filed- against-rebel-media-conservative-campaign-chair-hamish-marshall Court hearing over Ottawa Public Library’s censorship of documentary film

The Justice Centre appeared before the Ontario Superior Court (Divisional Court) to argue a court application against the Ottawa Public Library on behalf of Madeline Weld and Valerie Thomas (Price). Ms. Weld and Ms. Thomas are challenging the Library’s last-minute decision to cancel a private viewing of a documentary film that was initially approved by Library staff. https://www.jccf.ca/court-hearing-today-over-ottawa-public-librarys- censorship-of-documentary-film Halifax man says he helped CSIS track ISIS supporters in Canada. Now he’s being deported

A Halifax man says he worked for CSIS and provided information on terrorism and ISIS supporters in Canada. Instead of being rewarded he faces deportation. Priorities, priorities. Trudeau plans to “reintegrate” Islamic State jihadis into Canada. So, to allow a foe of the Islamic State to remain in the country, well! That would just be “Islamophobic.” https://globalnews.ca/news/5864247/halifax-csis-terrorism-deportation/ Gad Saad talks with Maxime Bernier

We discuss immigration, multiculturalism, climate change, the ethos of diversity, inclusion, and equity (DIE), freedom of speech, political correctness, and other topics leading up to the 2019 Canadian federal elections.


Transgender Files Fourteen Human Rights Complaints in Canada

Ben Shapiro speaks with the founder and president of the Canada-based Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedom John Carpay about Jessica Yaniv filing fourteen human rights complaints against individuals who refused to perform bikini waxes. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1115398488654113

Trudeau Decides Election Campaign Should Begin On…..9/11 There is absolutely no doubt this date was chosen deliberately. How could it not have been? Trudeau’s narcissism is such that he has to be the center of attention and cannot let the day when “some people did something,” as his ilk now view the attacks, get in the way. If he hasn’t already, Justin and his loyal Liberal Party followers would like to forget all about Islamic terrorism and 9/11. But as far as ordinary caring regular Canadians are concerned, WE WILL NEVER FORGET! https://canadafreepress.com/article/trudeau-decides-election-campaign- should-begin-on..9-11 Iran properties in Canada sold, proceeds handed to terror victims

“The Iranian regime unwaveringly and unabashedly provides tens of billions of dollars for terrorist organizations that have destroyed innocent lives across the globe, including those of Canadians. The redistribution of Iran’s assets marks the likely end of a process that started seven years ago when the former Conservative government designated the Islamic Republic a state sponsor of terrorism. https://globalnews.ca/news/5893768/irans-properties-in-canada-sold/ Journalist Stands up for Anglophone Canada, Gets SLAMMED as Racist by Liberal-Globalist Media

This is how communist-panderer Pierre Trudeau ran our nation. Son Justin is the very same. Ask yourself–to what extent did PM Trudeau run for office based upon the promotion and intrenchment of Islam into the fabric of our society? M103. Re-instatement of citizenship for convicted ISIS terrorists. Tours of Canadian mosques without an equivalent for Canadian churches. Appointing a Somalian refugee as immigration minister. Branding all whites racists and bigots when they push-back against any aspect of the agenda. Sikh Pride= Multiculturalism. Anglophone Pride = . This is the true state-of-society under the iron-clad rule of pseudo-dictator, Justin Trudeau. https://capforcanada.com/journalist-stands-up-for-anglophone-canada- gets-slammed-as-racist-by-liberal-globalist-media-army/

Quebec to Get $250 million for Costs of Illegal Border Crossers Since 2016, Justin Trudeau’s first full year in office, 156,155 people have arrived in Canada under false pretenses — walking in illegally, using fake documents or pretending to be tourists — only to make asylum claims in the hopes of becoming refugees in Canada. Since Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s virtue-signalling tweet in 2017 welcoming the world’s migrants to Canada, the Canadian taxpayer has had to pay dearly. https://tnc.news/2019/09/06/quebec-to-get-250-million-for-costs-of-illegal- border-crossers/ An Election Defining Bombshell Just when you think Trudeau's Liberals have reached a new low -- they say "just watch me." Hours before the election, The Globe learned that the Trudeau government has BLOCKED the RCMP probe on SNC. The federal government has outright refused to lift cabinet confidentiality on witnesses. It's an election-defining moment, right at the word go. http://www.nationalcitizens.ca/an_election_defining_bombshell Still no trial for “Windsor Man” Habibullah Ahmadi

“In my 12 years in Windsor, this is the most severe beating I’ve seen,” neurosurgeon Dr. Balraj Jhawar told the Windsor Star. Dr. Jhawar detailed multiple brain hemorrhages, fractured vertebrae and “the worst skull fractures” he had seen in more than a decade. This is among the most brutal things I’ve seen in my career. Ann Widholm passed away December 15, 2018 from this brutal attack. Last year, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau championed an 11-year-old Toronto girl who claimed a man twice cut her hijab, which turned out to be a hoax. Trudeau had nothing to say about the attack on Anne Widholm, which was not a hoax. https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/274871/still-no-trial-windsor-man- habibullah-ahmadi-lloyd-billingsley

Canada: 74-year-old Muslim screams “Hitler, please come back and kill all the Jews” at Toronto Walk with Israel

Many Jewish participants were shocked to hear Ali Amirsalam allegedly yelling “Heil Hitler” at the Toronto Walk with Israel in North York last spring. But Toronto Police have now also determined it was not just shocking but criminal. https://www.jihadwatch.org/2019/09/canada-74-year-old-muslim-screams- hitler-please-come-back-and-kill-all-the-jews-at-toronto-walk-with-israel Clown World: Canadian Cancer Society Claims Men Without Cervixes Can Get Cervical Cancer

There is no explanation for the following story but mass hysteria, which is a phenomenon where a large group of people can hallucinate the same delusion all at once. That’s exactly what is happening with the trans- hysterical movement in Western countries. Take Canada, for example. These people north of our border have lost their minds, and I don’t mean just random folks, but major institutions like the Canadian Cancer Society.

A new ad campaign to fight cervical cancer is dominated by a person who is a biological male and has no cervix. Look at the absurdity of the ad under the caption "Transwomen and Cervical Cancer Screening." https://pjmedia.com/trending/clown-world-canadian-cancer-society-claims- men-without-cervixes-can-get-cervical-cancer/ C3RF Update – 13 September 2019

This week's update traces the further erosion of "responsible government" in Canada. In doing so it cites the resurgent SNC-Lavalin case as proof positive that "equality before the law" is a waning prospect being replaced by the Orwellian notion that "all animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others". Question is, with the national police force unable to scale the walls of "cabinet confidentiality", is it up to individual Canadians, "Johnny Canucks" if you please, to restore personal freedoms and the "rule of law"? https://www.canadiancitizens.org/single-post/2019/09/13/C3RF-Member- Update---13-Sep-2019

Help keep Christian family from being deported back to the persecution of Nigeria Canada deporting Christian family to Nigeria for assured persecution. Why does Canada have such a big heart for some religions while being so dismissive of the plights of others? Bias? Bigotry? Please sign this petition. https://www.citizengo.org/en-ca/169689-christian-family-able-remain- canada Petition: Cut Student Fees! Make Student Union Membership Voluntary, not Mandatory

Canadian university students are compelled to take a membership with the campus student union in order to register at a university. These students are thus also forced to contribute thousands of dollars in fees and membership dues to these organizations, regardless of whether they agree or disagree with the student union’s mission, values and activities. https://www.jccf.ca/petition-cut-student-fees-make-student-union- membership-voluntary-not-mandatory

Freedom of Speech

UK: Tony Blair Think-Tank Proposes End to Free Speech

Democratic values, however, appear to be the think-tank's least concern. The proposed law would make the British government the arbiter of accepted speech, especially political speech. Such an extraordinary and radically authoritarian move would render freedom of speech an illusion in the UK. The Home Office would be able to accuse any group it found politically inconvenient of "spreading intolerance" or "aligning with extremist ideologies" -- and designate it a "hate group". It would make the old Soviets proud. https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/14850/uk-tony-blair-free-speech

The Environment

The Humanitarian Hoax of Climate Change II - Debunking the Bunk - hoax 46

Former Soviet Union President Mikhail Gorbachev emphasized the importance of using climate alarmism to advance Marxist objectives saying, "The threat of environmental crisis will be the international key to unlock the New World Order." Gorbachev was referring, of course, to the new world order of an internationalized world community administered under the auspices of the United Nations. Oh my!

The climate change hoax is being perpetrated worldwide by globalists in charge of global education and the United Nations Agenda 2030. The hucksters do not care about Climategate and that their "science" is demonstrably false. They continue to perpetrate the lie with confidence that if you tell a lie big enough and often enough it will be believed. So it is with climate "science." http://goudsmit.pundicity.com/23198/the-humanitarian-hoax-of-climate- change-ii Multiculturalism

Around the World Iran Iran: is the game over?

The regime’s reaction to the people's uprising has been to crack down further on dissent. Civil liberties are being suppressed even further. However, the strong people of Iran will not be silenced by this torturous and suppressive regime. In fact, protesters in major cities are denouncing both factions of the regime. They called for the downfall of the regime in its entirety chanting “reformers, hardliners, the game is over." The world has realized that Iranians do not want the ruling clerics. https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2019/09/iran.html#ixzz5zPWg4k7f


Geert Wilders Speaking Truth to Power

Geert has long campaigned against the authoritarian political union of Europe and its disastrous policies of free movement and immigration. Geert understands how the importation of millions of people from Islamic countries produces more terrorism, more cultural divides and a massive increase in Anti-Semitism throughout Europe. https://www.tr.news/geert-wilders-speaking-truth-to-power/

Netherlands: Islamic Primary School Distributes Anti-Gay Literature “An important aspect of citizenship education is that children learn to think critically and to make their own choices. This textbook very clearly describes how you should live and whatnot. That does not relate to the Western way of living together, in which people have a great deal of freedom to choose how they want to live,” Winter added. Imagine if we handed out educational brochures in Madrassas saying that clitorectomies, child marriage, cousin marriage and burkas were not allowed in Western society! https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2019/09/14/netherlands-islamic- primary-school-distributes-anti-gay-literature

Switzerland Switzerland: Citizenship revoked of Muslim convicted of recruiting jihad fighters for Islamic State

Switzerland has revoked the citizenship of a man convicted of helping recruit jihadist fighters, invoking a law allowing dual nationals to be stripped of their Swiss passports for conduct detrimental to national interests or reputation. This move should be applauded and replicated in other Western countries. Unfortunately in Canada, the Liberal government scrapped a law instituted by the former Conservative government to strip citizenship from convicted terrorists who have dual citizenship. https://www.jihadwatch.org/2019/09/switzerland-citizenship-revoked-of- muslim-convicted-of-recruiting-jihad-fighters-for-islamic-state United Kingdom

Dame Victoria Sharp Protects a Muslim Terrorist Remember Dame Victoria Sharp? She was one of the two Judges who decided to put Tommy Robinson, who’s not a terrorist, in prison for causing ANXIETY to convicted Muslim paedophiles? She can now add to her CV – protecting Muslim terrorists. https://www.tr.news/dame-victoria-sharp-protects-a-muslim-terrorist/

Anti-Child Rape Gang Activist and Street Organiser Tommy Robinson Released from Prison

Sparring with journalists from the British Daily Mirror newspaper which had turned up to photograph him on release, Mr Robinson said: “You’re a part of the propaganda being pushed out. My only message to them is you’re a disgrace and an embarrassment; if this happened in Hong Kong, Russia, China, you’d be up in arms but because I talk about Islam you’re silent. You are all complicit in the attack on free speech that we are witnessing. You’re all complicit in what’s happening to our country, all the media are.” https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2019/09/13/anti-child-rape-gang- activist-and-street-organiser-tommy-robinson-released-from-prison

Tommy Robinson has been Released from Prison! standing outside Belmarsh Prison where Tommy has been imprisoned for the past 66 days reports. https://www.bitchute.com/video/HLIFPP78TZc/ Welcome home Tommy!

First Stop: McDonalds; Second Stop: Barber Shop (Thank goodness!!)

How beautiful is this? Tommy’s kids were expecting him back on Monday so seeing him today was the best surprise ever!

Watch this heartwarming reunion as Tommy meets his kids after coming home from Belmarsh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxkhqqvB-wE&feature

Welcome home signs and chocolates from the kids and bringing home 14 bags of cards and letters and books from all his supporters around the world!

United States On Destroying America Our country is being dismantled, systematically, methodically. It has been going on for a long time, with patience and stealth, since at least the sixties and it is happening from within. Almost everything the Left needs to finish is now in place. Read about the 12 different ways. Again, be strong in your beliefs. There are forces out to destroy this nation, our culture and society. It is like a cancer that is metastasizing. They will succeed, if we let them. They have accomplished much because too many of us have fallen asleep. Liberals taught us to question authority. It is now time to question theirs. https://canadafreepress.com/article/on-destroying-america Robert Mueller helped Saudi Arabia cover up its role in 9/11 attacks

In Washington, former FBI Agent John Guandolo, who worked terror cases out of the bureau’s DC office, said then-Saudi Ambassador Prince Bandar “should have been treated as a terrorist suspect” for giving money to a woman who funded two of the 9/11 hijackers. But he was never questioned either. Instead, Mueller obliged what Guandolo called an “outrageous request” from Bandar within days of the attacks to help evacuate from the country dozens of Saudi officials, including at least one Osama bin Laden relative on the terror watch list. Mueller assured their safe passage to planes, using agents as personal escorts, according to FBI documents obtained by Judicial Watch. Agents who should have been interrogating the Saudis instead acted as their bodyguards. https://nypost.com/2019/09/07/robert-mueller-helped-saudi-arabia-cover- up-its-role-in-9-11-attacks-suit/ Other Articles Defeating the Islamic Movement Inside the United States – a Strategic Plan

In this must-read document by Richard Higgins and Stephen Coughlin, the authors describe the failure of the West to identify, define and counter the Islamic Movement and the threat it poses to our freedoms and way of life. Fifteen years after the 9/11 attacks, the US is losing the war in the information battle-space, where the enemy diverts national security efforts away from the objective of a global Islamic State subordinated to Sharia law. Higgins and Coughlin present a strategic plan on “Defeating the Islamic Movement inside the United States.” Read the Key Points and Executive Summary at the link below, where you can also download the PDF. https://unconstrainedanalytics.org/defeating-the-islamic-movement-inside- the-united-states-a-strategic-plan/

Israel and India targeted by phony 'human rights' critics

It's hard not to become disheartened when the very concept of human rights has been hijacked by the world's worst human rights violators. Palestinians, Kashmiris, and stateless people everywhere will taste the sweet nectar of freedom only once they demand, protest, and fight for a transparent, accountable, democratic form of government that respects and guarantees their inalienable human rights. https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2019/09/israel_and_india_targeted _by_phony_human_rights_critics.html#ixzz5zPZchK00

The Forever War by Robert Spencer

The jihad threat can emanate from anywhere the Qur’an and Sunnah are preached and believed. But saying that in America eighteen years after 9/11 won’t result in any public consternation or calls for the monitoring of mosques; it will only get you defamed as a “racist” and an “Islamophobe,” to be dismissed and shunned by all decent people. Meanwhile, one imam in Georgia recently stated: “There has not been another 9/11-such attack in America because Islam is winning.” https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2019/09/forever-war-robert-spencer/

The Equation That Explains Evil

They routinely label the beacon of freedom on Earth racist, misogynistic, homophobic, imperialistic, genocidal; cheapen the label "Nazi"; promote all-black dorms and graduations; promote preteen boys' performing drag shows; tell young women career is more important to happiness than marriage; believe a country can remain a distinct nation with open borders; condemn parents who try to reassure their 3-year-old son that he is a boy; and ruin the university, the arts, late-night comedy, pro football and religion. But they mean well. https://townhall.com/columnists/dennisprager/2019/09/10/the-equation- that-explains-evil-n2552823 The Language of Losing

When it comes to mentioning the I-word, discretion is the better part of valor. "False religious garb" means we're back to the standard Euro-squish line that all this Allahu Akbar I'm-ready-for-my-virgins stuff is a "perversion" of the real Islam, which is a peaceful faith practiced by millions of people for whom self-detonation is an unwelcome distraction from traditional activities such as clitoridectomies, honor killings and throwing sodomites off tall buildings. Stop me if you've heard this before, but these "maniacs" are hijacking this "religious garb" in order to peddle a "false" vision of Islam. https://www.steynonline.com/9730/the-language-of-losing YouTubes Stephen Coughlin and Richard Higgins: Trapped in the Scheme of Fires in the Long March

We all know of Karl Marx's cry "Workers of the World, Unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains!" But the fact is, his exhortation was essentially ignored by those workers who were, frankly, pretty OK with the unprecedented prosperity and opportunity that came with free market capitalism. So, Marxists turned to something new to bring about the revolution they so desperately wanted. Instead of seeking to topple governments through economic means, turn to the cultural. And that's exactly what's happened. Those institutions and pillars of Western Civilization that contribute to its unprecedented successes have been and continue to be under attack. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7O1iFELq1Y&feature=youtu.be

China's Trillion Dollar Plan to Dominate Global Trade

China’s Belt and Road Initiative is the most ambitious infrastructure project in modern history. It spans over 60 countries and will cost over a trillion dollar. The plan is to make it easier for the world to trade with China, by funding roads, railways, pipelines and other infrastructure projects in Asia and Africa. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EvXROXiIpvQ&feature=youtu.be Gad Saad on Fetishizing the Hijab, Jew Hatred, and the Personal Cost of Being Public

Gad Saad (author and professor) joins Dave Rubin to discuss the hijab debate, hatred towards Jews, and the personal cost of being a public figure. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rw6LHTHc2eY Sharia Anti-Art with Dr. Bill Warner Sharia has a lot to say about art. What would our civilization look like if it followed the rule of Sharia over art? https://www.politicalislam.com/sharia-anti-art The Vortex—The Luciferian Left

Evil is evil whether it wears a swastika or a hammer and sickle or hides behind a hypocritical do-good social agenda or dresses up in church robes and destroys that church from within by teaming up with the evil agents in the name of good. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gPFp1pCyJU&feature=youtu.be

Congratulations! Bianca Andreescu – “She the North”

Last Saturday afternoon, a Canadian woman made history. 19- year-old Bianca Andreescu became the first Canadian singles player to win a Grand Slam title. She beat Serena Williams in two sets (6-3; 7-5).

Her ranking in the world at the start of 2019 was 152. Her world ranking today: 5.

Bianca – you made all of Canada proud. “She the North” is here to stay!

Rest in Peace Sahar Khodayari

Sahar Khodayari was arrested in 2018 for entering a sports stadium. Under the outdated laws of Iran's mullahs, women are banned from entering sports stadiums. She was arrested; sentenced to 6 months in prison and then transferred to the notorious Qarchak Prison. Upon release, Khodayari set herself on fire in front of the court in protest to the unjust treatment and verdict. On September 9, Khodayari died in the Motahari hospital with 90 percent burns on her body.

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The news items, blogs, educational materials and other information in our emails and on our website are only intended to provide information, news and commentary on events and issues related to the threat of radical Islam. Much of this information is based upon media sources, such as the AP wire services, newspapers, magazines, books, online news blog and news services, and radio and television, which we deem to be reliable. However, we have undertaken no independent investigation to verify the accuracy of the information reported by these media sources. We therefore disclaim all liability for false or inaccurate information from these media sources. We also disclaim all liability for the third-party information that may be accessed through the material referenced in our emails or posted on our website.

This newsletter is not the official newsletter or communication of ACT! for America, Inc. This newsletter is independently operated by ACT! for Canada named on this communication. The statements, positions, opinions and views expressed in this website, whether written, audible, or video, are those of the individuals and organizations making them and do not necessarily represent the positions, views, and opinions of ACT! For America, Inc. or ACT! For Canada, its directors, officers, or agents. If you no longer wish to receive this Newsletter, please write to [email protected]