Prominent Events for Ukrainian Culture"

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Prominent Events for Ukrainian Culture REGISTRY of received applications for the programme "Prominent Events for Ukrainian Culture" Ukrainian Cultural Foundation Application Contests type. Project type Sector of Culture and Arts Name of the Project Total budget in UAH Requested grant Name of the applicant organization number in UCF sum from UCF in system UAH N cultural and creative industries (festivals ХІІІth All-Ukrainian Festival-Competition Prominent Events in Ukraine. Department of Culture of the Black 260383 and events, cultural and creative spaces, of Vocal and Choral Arts named after. Y. 70 000,00 50 000,00 Individual projects Sea City Council of the Odessa region creative entrepreneurship, innovations) Shtelmakh "The August Funeral - 2019" 1 visual art (painting, graphics, mosaic, Prominent Events in Ukraine. printmaking, installation, posters, Directorate of exhibition of the artists 262268 All-Ukrainian triennial “Painting 2019” 120 000,00 80 000,00 Individual projects lithography, muralism, street art, land art, union of the Ukraine 2 sculpture, photography, public art) cultural heritage (library, museum, Prominent Events in Ukraine. 262402 archives, crafts, tangible and intangible Festival «Smidyn Cabbage» 952 367,50 952 367,50 Рublic organization «SMIDYN» Individual projects cultural heritage) 3 cultural and creative industries (festivals Prominent Events in Ukraine. The festival of humor named after Pavel 260683 and events, cultural and creative spaces, 1 009 870,00 929 070,00 Kazanka Township Council Individual projects Glazovy «Vesela Levada» creative entrepreneurship, innovations) 4 cultural heritage (library, museum, Prominent Events in Ukraine. Kobliv village council of Berezan 262400 archives, crafts, tangible and intangible «ЕСO-FEST KOBLEVO» 576 689,00 503 489,00 Individual projects district of Mykolaiv region cultural heritage) 5 Prominent Events in Ukraine. audial art (live/recorded music, sound art, IX All-Ukrainian festival-competition of 260194 1 162 457,00 1 162 457,00 National All-Ukrainian Music Union Individual projects radio) folk choirs named after Porfiry Demutsky 6 Prominent Events in Ukraine. audial art (live/recorded music, sound art, «Competition for young talents of Charitable Foundation "Chesna 262484 829 467,14 829 467,14 Individual projects radio) Ukraine by them. I. Shamo» Sprava" 7 design and fashion (interior, applied, Prominent Events in Ukraine. LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY FILM UA 262496 graphic, landscape, sound design, fashion, Fashion Film Festival Kyiv 1 605 721,58 1 605 721,58 Individual projects MANAGEMENT AND INVESTMENTS architecture) 8 cultural and creative industries (festivals Prominent Events in Ukraine. Individual entrepreneur Mykhalska 260555 and events, cultural and creative spaces, SKOVORODRAMA 1 286 741,10 1 236 741,10 Individual projects Valeriia Vladyslavivna creative entrepreneurship, innovations) 9 Back to Basics: promotion of traditional cultural heritage (library, museum, Prominent Events in Ukraine. Ukrainian female garment from the late 262528 archives, crafts, tangible and intangible 2 210 039,05 1 999 773,26 Limited Liability Company Signal Red Individual projects 19th - early 20th centuries, on both cultural heritage) 10 national and international levels Prominent Events in Ukraine. audial art (live/recorded music, sound art, Two Days and Two Nights of New Music - International Public Organization 260558 903 420,00 903 420,00 Individual projects radio) 25th Festival of Modern Art "Association" New Music " 11 Creating a positive cultural image of cultural and creative industries (festivals Prominent Events in Ukraine. Ukraine through the development and Vyzhnytsya District Council of 261772 and events, cultural and creative spaces, 2 000 000,00 2 000 000,00 Individual projects promotion of the International Hutsul Chernivtsi region creative entrepreneurship, innovations) 12 Festival performative art (theatre, ballet, dance, Prominent Events in Ukraine. circus, carnival, musical performance International Theatre Festival “Golden Lviv Academic Spiritual Theatre 260037 1 805 000,00 1 671 300,00 Individual projects (musical, opera), performance, Lion-2019” “Voskresinnia” 13 happening) cultural and creative industries (festivals Prominent Events in Ukraine. XVII All-Ukrainian charitable kids festival 262725 and events, cultural and creative spaces, 3 615 169,00 1 994 779,00 COMPANY “TAVRIA GAMES” Individual projects “Chornomorski Igry” creative entrepreneurship, innovations) 14 cultural and creative industries (festivals Prominent Events in Ukraine. Chuguev City Council of the Kharkiv 262278 and events, cultural and creative spaces, «Art music fest in Repine home» 828 660,00 718 660,00 Individual projects region creative entrepreneurship, innovations) 15 cultural heritage (library, museum, Non-Government Organization Prominent Events in Ukraine. New Images/Brands of the City: Cultural 262758 archives, crafts, tangible and intangible 739 142,48 739 142,48 Zaporizhzhya Scholarly Society of Y. Individual projects Map of Berdyansk cultural heritage) Novytskyi 16 visual art (painting, graphics, mosaic, Prominent Events in Ukraine. printmaking, installation, posters, Conscience of Ukraine. Dedication to 262766 551 060,00 551 060,00 FOP Marchuk Oleg Vytalievich Individual projects lithography, muralism, street art, land art, Lina Kostenko 17 sculpture, photography, public art) cultural and creative industries (festivals Prominent Events in Ukraine. Starobilska District Centralized Library 262775 and events, cultural and creative spaces, "Language and Book Unites" 1 200 000,00 1 200 000,00 Individual projects System creative entrepreneurship, innovations) 18 cultural and creative industries (festivals Prominent Events in Ukraine. 262431 and events, cultural and creative spaces, Traditions without borders 1 250 000,00 1 100 000,00 Nevytsky village council Individual projects creative entrepreneurship, innovations) 19 cultural and creative industries (festivals The international festival of young Prominent Events in Ukraine. 262790 and events, cultural and creative spaces, performers of the modern Ukrainian 2 719 180,00 1 849 180,00 NGO "Festival of Moloda Halychyna" Individual projects creative entrepreneurship, innovations) songs «Moloda Halychyna» 20 cultural and creative industries (festivals Prominent Events in Ukraine. PRIVATE JOINT-STOCK COMPANY 262806 and events, cultural and creative spaces, Centenary of the Odesa Film Studio 1 973 340,00 1 973 340,00 Individual projects ODESA FILM STUDIO creative entrepreneurship, innovations) 21 cultural and creative industries (festivals Prominent Events in Ukraine. 262259 and events, cultural and creative spaces, Medieval festival «FORPOST» 2 400 000,00 2 000 000,00 “Triton” Limited Company Individual projects creative entrepreneurship, innovations) 22 design and fashion (interior, applied, Prominent Events in Ukraine. Private Entrepreneur Terenchuk 262763 graphic, landscape, sound design, fashion, Read, Ukraine! 909 955,00 909 955,00 Individual projects Svitlana architecture) 23 cultural and creative industries (festivals Prominent Events in Ukraine. Individual entrepreneur Yakusha 262827 and events, cultural and creative spaces, Design Expedition "Earth inspires" 1 814 774,00 1 814 774,00 Individual projects Viktoriia Valeriivna creative entrepreneurship, innovations) 24 visual art (painting, graphics, mosaic, Prominent Events in Ukraine. printmaking, installation, posters, 261326 "The man who was a splendid Kozak" 1 999 310,00 1 999 310,00 "Shaining smiles" Individual projects lithography, muralism, street art, land art, 25 sculpture, photography, public art) “The Antique Worldly Fashion in design and fashion (interior, applied, Ukraine” – publication of a catalogue Prominent Events in Ukraine. Individual entrepreneur Sachek Pavlo 262844 graphic, landscape, sound design, fashion, and calendar concerning the collection 730 000,00 700 000,00 Individual projects Volodymyrovych architecture) of European clothes dating from 1800 26 through 1930 from the "Fashion History Ukrainian folk wedding: from folk cultural heritage (library, museum, Prominent Events in Ukraine. records of Pavlo Chubynsky till present Yaroslav Mudry International 262345 archives, crafts, tangible and intangible 1 999 956,00 1 999 956,00 Individual projects time. To the 180-year from the birthday Foundation of Education cultural heritage) 27 of Pavlo Chubynsky performative art (theatre, ballet, dance, Prominent Events in Ukraine. circus, carnival, musical performance XXI International theater festival Limited Liability Company "Festival 262855 3 049 790,00 618 190,00 Individual projects (musical, opera), performance, «Melpomena Tavrii» Center" 28 happening) Album-calendar «Children from National literature and publishing (books, Prominent Events in Ukraine. Communities Draw Ukraine» Based on Congress of National Communities of 261603 periodicals, journals/magazines, press, 181 234,00 181 234,00 Individual projects experience of the camp "Sources of Ukraine literature festivals) 29 Tolerance" cultural and creative industries (festivals All-Ukrainian the Festival of folk art Prominent Events in Ukraine. Limited Liability Company 262864 and events, cultural and creative spaces, “YARMARYNKA” at the National 1 220 100,00 1 000 000,00 Individual projects «Sorochynsky yarmarok» creative entrepreneurship, innovations) Sorochynsky Fair 30 literature and publishing (books, Prominent Events in Ukraine. "Folklore unites Ukraine. Ukrainian folk Private entrepreneur Martynenko 262773 periodicals, journals/magazines,
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