Supplement to the London Gazette, Znd June 1962 4311

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Supplement to the London Gazette, Znd June 1962 4311 SUPPLEMENT TO THE LONDON GAZETTE, ZND JUNE 1962 4311 [Joseph Walter SYKES, Esq., C.V.O., Colonial Lieutenant-Colonel the Honourable Martin Secretary, Bermuda. Michael Charles CHARTERIS, C.B., M.V.O, Ian Graham TURBOTT, Esq., Administrator, O.B.E. Antigua. Air Vice-Marshal Sir John Walter CORDINGLEY, K.C.B., C.B.E. Major-General Ivor Thomas Percival HUGHES, C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O., M.C. CHANCERY OF THE ORDER OF Patrick Graham Toler KINGSLEY, Esq., C.V.O. SAINT MICHAEL AND SAINT GEORGE Captain Humphrey Clifford LLoYD, C.V.O., The QUEEN has been graciously pleased, on the M.C. occasion of the Celebration of Her Majesty's To be Commanders : Birthday, to give directions for the following Francis Peter BECK, Esq. promotions in, and appointments to, the Most Arthur George LINFIELD, Esq., C.B.E., J.P. Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Frank SYKES, Esq. Saint George: Colonel Arthur Edwin YOUNG, C.M.G. To be Members of the Second Class, or Knights To be Members of the Fourth Class : Commanders, of the said most Distinguished Order : Lieutenant-Colonel Percy Lester BINNS. Commander Robert Anthony CLARKSON, Royal The Honourable Con Douglas Walter O'NEILL, Navy. C.M.G., Her Majesty's Ambassador Extra- John Gilbert COOK, Esq., C.B.E. ordinary and Plenipotentiary in Helsinki. Surgeon Commander David Geoffrey Sk Horace Aratihony Claude RUMBOLD, Bt, C.B., DALGLIESH, O.B.E., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., C.M.G., Minister, Her 'Majesty's Embassy, Royal Navy. Paris. Basil Montagu PHILLIPS, Esq., M.R.C.S., Francis Aime VALLAT, Esq., C.M,G, Q.C., Legal L.R.C.P. Adviiser, Foreign Office. Philip Louis Karl SCHWABE. Esq. To be Members of the Third Class, or Com- Emanuel SNOWMAN, Esq., O.B.E. panions, of the said Most Distinguished Order • Charles Love STRONG, Esq., M.C.S.P. Thomas WEIR, Esq., M.B.E., J.P. Geoffrey Hunter BAKER, Esq., Counsellor, United Captain Andrew Vavasour Scott YATES, Royal Kingdom Delegation to the European Free Navy. Trade Association and -to the General Agree- ment on Tariffs >ahd Trade, Geneva. To be Members of the Fifth Class : Lieutenant-Colonefl 'Charles Nell Molesworth Herbert Charles Thomas BATTCOCK, Esq. BLAIR, O.BJE., Foreign Office, Margaret Geraldine, Mrs. COUSLAND. John Fenwick BREWIS, Esq., C.V.O., Foreign George Edward HILL, Esq. Office. Miss Norah Dillon MULHOLLAND. Willis Ide COMBS, Esq., Counsellor (Commercial), Adrian Vincent PELLY, Esq. Her Majesty's Embassy, Baghdad. David STEVENSON, Esq. John Mortimer FISHER, Esq., Foreign Office. George Francois HILLER, Esq., D.S.O., Foreign Office. Leonard James HOOPER, Esq., C.B.E., Deputy CENTRAL CHANCERY OF •Director, Government Communications 'Head- THE ORDERS OF KNIGHTHOOD quarters. St. James's Palace, London S.W.I. Gordon Nod JACKSON, Esq., M.B.E., Counsellor iand Consul-General, Her Majesty's Embassy The QUEEN has been graciously pleased, on the in Libya, Benghazi. occasion of the Celebration of Her Majesty's Richaird Thomas Davenport LEDWARD, Esq., Birthday, to give orders for the following promo- Counsellor, Her Majesty's Embassy, tion in, and appointments to, the Most Excellent Washington. Order of the British Empire: Richard Mercer Keene SLATER, Esq., lately To be Ordinary Knights Commanders of the Counsellor, Her Majesty's Embassy, Rangoon. Military Division of the said Most Excellent John Richard WRAIGHT, Esq., Counsellor (Com- Order : mercial), Her Majesty's Embassy, Cairo. Vice-Admiral Hector Charles Donald MACLEAN, C.B., D.S.C. Surgeon Vice-Admiral William Robert Silvester CENTRAL CHANCERY OF PANCKRIDGE, C.B., Q.H.P., M.R.C.S., THE ORDERS OF KNIGHTHOOD L.R.C.P. St. James's Palace, London S.W.I. To be Ordinary Commanders of the Military Division of the said Most Excellent Order : 2nd June 1962. Captain Leslie BOMFORD, Royal Navy. The QUEEN has been graciously pleased, on the Captain Thomas William Erskine DOMMETT, occasion of the Celebration of Her Majesty's A.D.C., Royal Navy. Birthday, to make the following promotions in, Captain Archibald George FORMAN, D.S.C., and appointments to, the Royal Victorian Order: Royal Navy (Retired) (formerly serving with the Ghana Navy). To be a Dame Commander : Surgeon Captain William John Forbes GUILD, Dorothy May, Mrs. VAISEY, O.B.E. Q.H.S., M.D., F.R.C.S., Royal Navy. Captain David Walter KIRKE, O.B.E., . Royal To be Knights Commanders: Navy (formerly on loan to the Indian Navy). Major-General Walter Arthur George BURNS, Commodore Richard Lovatt Haslam MARSH, C.B., D.S.O., O.B.E., M.C. D.S.O., Royal Navy. No. 42683 4307 SUPPLEMENT TO The London Gazette of Friday, 25th May 1962 $ub(t?i)ft Registered as a Newspaper SATURDAY, 2ND JUNE 1962 CENTRAL CHANCERY OF Brigadier Sir John George SMYTH, Bt., V.C., THE ORDERS OF KNIGHTHOOD M.C., M.P., Member of Parliament for Nor- wood since -1950. Parliamentary Secretary, St. James's Palace, London S.W.I. Ministry of Pensions, 1951-1953. Joint 2nd June 1962. Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Pensions and National Insurance, 1953-1955. The QUEEN has been graciously pleased, on the occasion of the Celebration of Her Majesty's Birthday, to signify her intention of conferring The QUEEN has been graciously pleased, on the Peerages of the United Kingdom on the occasion of the Celebration of Her Majesty's undermentioned: Birthday, to signify her intention of conferring To be a Viscount : Baronetcies of the United Kingdom on the The Right Honourable Cyril John, Baron following: RADCLIFFE, G.B.E., Lord of Appeal in Sir Frederic Collins HOOPER, Managing Ordinary since 1949. Chairman, Committee Director, Schweppes Group of Companies. of Inquiry into the Monetary and Credit Adviser on Recruiting to Minister of Defence. System, 1957-1959 ; Chairman, Committee of The Right Honourable Sir Gordon Cosmo Inquiiy into Security Procedures and TOUCHE, M.P., Member of Parliament for Practices, 1961. Reigate, 1931-1950, and for Dorking since To be a Baron : 1950. Deputy Chairman of Ways and Means, 1956-1959 ; Chairman of Ways and Means, The Right Honourable Sir William MABANE, 1959-January, 1962. For political and public K.B.E., Chairman, British Travel and Holi- services. days Association. CENTRAL CHANCERY OF The QUEEN has been graciously pleased, on the THE ORDERS OF KNIGHTHOOD occasion of the Celebration of Her Majesty's Birthday, to declare that the undermentioned St. James's Palace, London S.W.I. shall be sworn of Her Majesty's Most The QUEEN has been graciously pleased, on the Honourable Privy Council: occasion of the Celebration of Her Majesty's Birthday, to signify her intention of conferring the Major Sir William John St. Clair ANSTRUTHER- Honour of Knighthood upon the following: GRAY, Bt., M.C., D.L., M.P., Member of Parliament for North Lanarkshire, 1931-1945, Frederick William Mallandaine ASHTON, Esq., and for Berwick and East Lothian since 1951. C.B.E., Principal Choreographer and Assistant Postmaster-General, May-July, associate Director, Royal Ballet, Covent 1945. Deputy Chairman of Ways and Means, Garden. 1959-1962 ; Chairman of Ways and Means Alderman George Frederick CHAPLIN, C.B.E. since January, 1962. For political and public services in Essex. 4308 Honour of Knighthood (contd.) STATE OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA Edward Foyle COLLINGWOOD, Esq., C.B.E., Chairman, Newcastle Regional Hospital Henry Graham ALDERMAN, Esq., a member of Board. the legal profession in the State of South Frederick William DELVE, Esq., C.B.E., Chief Australia.. For public services. Officer, London Fire Brigade. Arthur John DRIVER, Esq., President of the COMMONWEALTH RELATIONS Law.Society, 1961-1962. James Douglas HARDY, Esq., C.B.E., formerly Theodore Fortescue Fox, Esq., M.D., Editor, Secretary to the Government of Pakistan, The Lancet. President's Secretariat at Establishment Alderman James Mantle GREENWOOD, C.B.E., Division. J.P. For political and public services in Nicol STENHOUSE, Esq., formerly President of the London. Bengal Chamber of Commerce and Industry Charles Stuart HALLINAN, Esq., C.B.E. For and of the Associated Chambers of Commerce political and public services in Wales and of India. Monmouthshire. OVERSEAS TERRITORIES George Ernest HAYNES, Esq., C.B.E., Director, Clyde Vernon Harcourt ARCHER, Esq., formerly National Council of Social Service. Federal Justice, The West Indies. John Francis HEDGES, Esq., C.B.E. For Bernard DE BUNSEN, Esq., C.M.G., Principal of political and public services in Wessex. M,aikerere College, The University College of Bernard KENYON, Esq., Clerk of the Peace and East Africa. Clerk of the County Council, West Riding Charles Godfrey GASYONGA II, Omugabe (here- of Yorkshire. ditary ruler) cxf Ankole, Uganda. William Errington KEVILLE, Esq., C.B.E. For Gerald MacMahon MAHON, Esq., Chief Justice, services to the shipping industry. Deputy Zanzibar. Chairman, Furness, Withy and Company, Ltd. Rarnparsad NEERUNJUN, Esq., O.B.E., Qhief Anthony Highmore KING, Esq., C.B.E., Senior Justice, Mauritius. Master, Queen's Bench DiVisilon and Queen's George D'avid Kamuriasi RUKIDI HI, Ornukama Remembrancer, Supreme Count of Judicature. ('hereditary ruler) of the Toro Kingdom, William Haiford LAWSON, Esq., C.B.E., Senior Uganda. •Partner in Binder, Hamlyn and Company, Arthur Frederick THELWELL, Esq., C.B.E., Chiairtered Accountants. Chairman, Christiana Area Land Authority, Edwin Hartley Cameron LEATHER, Esq., M.P., Jamaica. Member of Parliament for North Somerset since 1950. For political and public services. John Franors LOCKWOOD, Esq., Master of Birk- CENTRAL CHANCERY OF beck College, University of London. For ser- THE ORDERS OF KNIGHTHOOD vices to 'higher education in the Colonies. St. James's Palace, London S.W.I. David Alexander Cecil Low, Esq., Cartoonist. David LOWE, Esq., C.B.E., Deputy Chairman, The QUEEN has been graciously pleased, on the Agricultural Research Council.
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